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Abandoned Laboratory

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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Harsh breathing. Coughs. Vertigo.

Too much. It was too much. It was becoming harder to concentrate as the Radiance sapped away at his mind and made it harder and harder to think.

All those cheery thoughts mixed with dreadful memories made it harder to concentrate. Blurs. Shadows. Hexes. Father.


The dark Ninetales stood in front of him, flashing that arrogant smirk and exuding that aura that Icetales… Keo’Keo… had learned to loathe so much. That aura… he could feel the same vibe from that human-turned-‘mon. That same heartless smile.

How disappointing, son… Just look at thee, floundering in this battlefield and casting those damageless spells…

‘I am aiding my comrades by empowering them. I am doing what thou would never do. So scram.’

Icetales ran out of the way of an attack and hurried toward an emptier side of the laboratory. He needed… just a few seconds to think… to cleanse the Radiance from his body…

It is useless. Thou cannot flee from me…

And then, the daemonic Ninetales appeared in all his shadowy splendor in front of Keo’Keo, his dark red tendrils flailing and a ghostly energy radiating from his body.

…not anymore.

Keo’Keo… no, Icetales! He wasn’t a whimpering pup anymore. He wasn’t… going to…

Submit… to me!

As if on cue, Icetales was struck by a powerful blast. He cried out in pain as he felt himself like shattering and his spirit like slipping into an abyss. A small voice tried to reach out for him… Petram? He couldn’t hear him clearly. A cacophony of memories and noises filled his mind.

And then, something hit him, and chains of red light ensnared around his body. His eyes widened in shock.

‘No! Not again not again not again—!’

He howled. He thrashed. He cried for mercy. But it was useless. His entire body lost his mass and he was turned into a blob of red energy. A chuckle sounded from above him. Was it that human, Giovanni… or his father? He couldn’t tell, they sounded so much alike.

Darkness surrounded him. A prison. Red chains. A Ninetales who reverted to a Vulpix. Prison. Smell of death. His incoming death.

‘Help me… a-anyone… I implore thee, let me out! I… I…’

He sobbed.

‘I don’t want to die… please, Father… p-please… help…’
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Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
"Why did you... do that?" she muttered, not looking at whoever took her out. "I shouldn't... be here. I never should have came here."
Shiron sighed, rubbing his arm and looking away.

"...Why not? You're my friend."

He then slapped himself and forced a smile, this time looking at Vix. Even in the face of adversity, he at least wanted to bring some comfort to her.

"I'm not... leaving you behind. What kinda person would I be if I did that?"


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Everything had gone black.

The world reduced to nothing and everything ceased happening. Then, like a hook, a force dragged Cynthian out of the realm of unconsciousness and his eyes shot open.

Cynthian found himself on the ground in the middle of rubble, staring up at at the ceiling. What happened? Wasn't he...? That's right, they were fighting... then the Mewtwo...

He sat up with a painful groan and coughed. His vision cleared and he could perceive his surroundings once more. That Mewtwo's attack hit hard, but he hadn't killed him. That was his mistake.

With the sunny orb and grassy terrain powering and strengthen him, Cynthian prepared to fight back. Giovannihhurled those 'Pokeballs' just as Cynthian was about to strike. Time slowed to a crawl, and Cynthian watched in horror as they flew across the air at his friends.

Cynthian heard Icetales voice and turned to find him in a corner of the field, alone with... was that his shadow's manifestation? It wasn't the time to think about that. He needed to warn him, but only a wheeze came from Cynthian when he opened his mouth to shout.

All he could do was watch as Icetales fought and screamed for help while the ball pulled him into its confines.

"Icetales, no!"

Cynthian sprung to his feet and ran with all his strength even with pain stabbing into every inch of his body. He tripped over one of the balls. It wasn't Icetales', but he picked it up before he reached the one that captured the Ninetales.

"No good, no good. How do you open these things?!" Cynthian's heart drummed in his chest and his floral vines coiled and squeezed against the pokeballs. Was he supposed to break them? Could he even do that? What if he harmed them in the process? What was he supposed to do?!

He saw Shiron release Vix from one of the pokeballs. Cynthian gasped. "So, that's it!"

Without wasting another moment, Cynthian jammed the tips of his vines against the buttons. The first one released Nip, and Cynthian nodded at him as he returned to the battle. Then, he released Icetales from him.

A wave of relief hit Cynthian when the graceful form of the Ninetales materialized in front of him, and he trudged forward and embraced Icetales from the side. Though it was more he fell against him as Cynthian barely had the strength to keep standing.

"Icetales, Icetales, are you okay?!" Cynthian asked, his eyes glistening with worry.
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
A maelstrom of confusing thoughts were swirling in Icetales’s mind, as he felt like he was suffocating. The chains… tight, too tight. He felt so drained, weak, hopeless.

No windows. Only red chains and darkness. Footsteps from outside. The executioner… was coming. His father was coming for him. A soul blade. His tails… no! No! He wanted to cut off his tails. His life force.

He wiggled and screamed. The chains rattled. Tears fell. Why? Why?! Why?!

Why did Father hate him so much? What had he ever done? Was he… a bad son? Or it’s because… of…

Tenth tail. He was a tenth tail. A cursed child.

…Did cursed children need to die…?

He saw it! Light! No! He was there for him! No! No! No—

"Icetales, Icetales, are you okay?!" Cynthian asked, his eyes glistening with worry.

Icetales took in a deep and shuddering breath as he felt his body regain its weight. He panted and looked frantically around him.

Machine. Pokémon. Their comrades. The inert form of Petram. The dark cat feline. The sirrah! And then, after looking down…

“S-Sir Cynthian…? Did thou…?”

He paused to gather more of his thoughts. His brain felt like splitting, and his body wasn’t much better. He felt wracked, so much wracked. And Father… F-Father…

“Sir Cynthian!” bawled Icetales, wrapping a tail around the Roselia’s back for unconscious comfort and shuddering. “I do not want to go back there! I do not want to go back there! I would die if that happened again!” He sobbed once more. “Do not let him take me away! D-do not…”


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
“Sir Cynthian!” bawled Icetales, wrapping a tail around the Roselia’s back for unconscious comfort and shuddering. “I do not want to go back there! I do not want to go back there! I would die if that happened again!” He sobbed once more. “Do not let him take me away! D-do not…”

Cynthian's heart wrenched just from seeing Icetales sobbing like that. His mind drifted back to just a few minutes early when he was on the verge of panicking and breaking down. Wasn't Icetales the one who gave him back the strength to stand back then?

The tables had turned, and now Icetales was the one who needed him. So, Cynthian hugged Icetales as firmly as he could with his arms. On instinct, his flowers released a soothing fragrant scent, the same kind his mother used to placate him when he was just a budew.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'll always help you, like you've always helped me," Cynthian said, a tear streaming down his cheek. He gave Icetales a gentle and comforting smile, hoping from deep within his heart that it'd reach him.

Cynthian glanced back at Giovanni. That dastardly man. He had hurt Icetales. HE did this. A blazing hatred erupted from Cynthian's heart as he glared at the Mewtwo.

"I won't let him take you again!" Cynthian cried out. He aimed his flower at Giovanni and shot a destructive beam of light right at him.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
So, Cynthian hugged Icetales as firmly as he could with his arms. On instinct, his flowers released a soothing fragrant scent, the same kind his mother used to placate him when he was just a budew.

Icetales kept shuddering, his panicky mind in complete disarray. The mere thought of being locked again in a dark prison shot his adrenaline levels to their peak. But then, he registered the sweet scent in the air with his fine nose. Fresh... he felt the freshness flowing through his body. His breathing steadied and his heart slowed down. He was starting to... relax, feel better.

He rubbed his eyes with a paw and glanced again at Cynthian.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'll always help you, like you've always helped me," Cynthian said, a tear streaming down his cheek. He gave Icetales a gentle and comforting smile, hoping from deep within his heart that it'd reach him.

Icateles stared in silence for a while, before craning his neck toward his friend and rubbing his cheek into the Roselia's face. He regained his composure and showed a grateful smile, while his eyes gleamed like sapphires.

"T-Thank thee..." he croaked, before beaming a brighter smile. "Thou art... a true friend, Sir Cynthian. I... I could not ask for anything more..."

"I won't let him take you again!" Cynthian cried out. He aimed his flower at Giovanni and shot a destructive beam of light right at him.

Pride and relief filled the Ninetales's heart, who started wagging his tails and giving a silent encouragement.

"Much appreciated, dear fellow," he said, slowly trying to stand back up. "Let us... oof!"

Icetales sat back down, feeling somewhat drained. Whatever attack had struck him earlier left him in a sorry state. So, he downed a Sitrus Berry and Max Elixir as quickly as possible, feeling the energy flowing back to him and his wounds closing. With renewed vigor, he managed to stand up and shook his tails, scattering a shower of snowflakes and sparkles. He glared back at Giovanni, his composure dignified and steady — the unwavering spirit of a noble heart.

"Then... allow me to assist thee in any way I can," he said, nodding to himself. "Let us strike him down!"

With a pure howl, his tails started flaring up with a rainbow energy, and a veil of aurora wrapped itself around Cynthian, offering a small protective barrier. The Aurora Veil cloaked the entire battlefield, making their comrades glow with the power of the winter lights.

That human was just going to receive his just desserts.


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
One minute he was fighting, the next he was some place dark. And warm. And comfortable. And it would be so easy to just stay here in this comfortable void. He had the vague sensation of being nothing, and thought for a moment he might be dead. But he didn't want to be dead. Not yet. He still had so much left to do. He had only just escaped his old life, and he was trying to start fresh. He couldn't just die now. Not like this.

Stay calm, said the rational part of his brain. Focus, you're not dead. remember what happened.


Right, the strange ball. It hit him in the head and then. Then he was here. Had everyone else been captured too? Was it over? Would he, too, become a pawn of the strange pokemon?

His mind reeled at the panicked thought. No, he couldn't let that happen. He refused to submit to someone like him!

Nip is trying to escape


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Diyem was in the Radiant Machine. His way home.

Dave charged towards it, shadows gathering around his feet. Behind him there was a noise, people shouting; in the corner of his eye Mia turned and darted that way. And that was fine, she could handle it. He was already in motion, gathering momentum, crashing bodily into the machine with a burst of shadowy energy.

He shook his head as he recovered from the crash, his body aching with the recoil of the blow. More shouting behind him. He turned, and... Giovanni was there, and the other Mewtwo, Pokéballs flying through the air, chaos, and Mia...

Mia wasn't there.

The Radiance in his head said eh, she's fine, don't worry about it and he frantically struggled to focus and eject it out of his brain. "Mia!" he yelled, pointlessly. He couldn't fucking think like this. Fuck, fuck, fuck.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
As Saltriv returned inside, a lot of things happened in rapid succession.

Giovanni and the other Mew-thing teleported in soon after them, and the starry Mew-thing immediately attacked. As they moved to try and attack it, they heard a strange voice, one they had heard only twice before.

Then they felt an impact, and their world was filled with darkness.

The space they were in was uncomfortably cramped. They couldn't move. They could barely breathe.

They were scared. They wanted out. They wanted help.


They cried out for Gen, but Gen was not in this world. They cried out for Burhalla, but Burhalla was not here, and the familiar that resembled him was back at the guild.


They cried out for their father, but he was not there. They cried out for their mother, but she was not there. They cried out for Acacia, but he was not there. They cried out for Leon, but he was not there.


They cried out for Shiron, but he was outside. They cried out for Vix, but he was outside. They cried out for Brisa.

They cried out for someone, anyone, to help them.
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House of Two Midnights
"All right, there we go," Nate muttered as Giovanni tossed a volley of pokéballs into the air. Rocky whooped and darted off to retrieve them, and Nate yelled after him, "Be careful! You get hit with one of those, you're fucked like everybody else!"

Case in point, the scyther-girl familiar disappeared in a flash, plucked straight out of a dive for Giovanni's face. And this time, not all the pokéballs were popping right back open, hers included.

Nate glanced around, scooping up a spent pokéball whose captive had already been released. There were other people moving around, opening the others, and Rocky grabbing them where he could. The scyther familiar's ball had landed away from the main fight, and Nate hopped over to it, sitting back on his haunches so he could grab it properly.

For a moment he simply held it. It was just the right weight, a little heavier than an empty, but seemed too big now, nearly the size of his head. Nate couldn't resist giving it a little toss, even though catching it again nearly unbalanced him. It had been a long fucking time, hadn't it? Shit.

He could keep this one, even. The familiar inside wouldn't have to go back to her creepy-ass host, who well--who knew if he'd even seen anything? Nate glanced over his shoulder, looking for the poochyena.

Yeah, well, nice fantasy and all, but Nate had a feeling he knew exactly how that would turn out. With a sigh, he pressed the pokéball's front button, then deactivated it from the switch inside. "Go on, already," he said to the familiar. "And don't get caught again, huh?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Heartbeats thundered slowly in Dave's ears as he focused the Radiance away. By the time the brain fog retreated just enough for him to realize she was probably in one of the Pokéballs lying scattered around the floor, the fucking Mudkip was already running around gathering them up, and oh, fuck, he'd probably just run off with her, the fucker--

But no, just as he was about to barrel towards him and get the balls, a white release light formed out of the one he'd been holding for a second, and Mia emerged, fine, unharmed. He ran up towards her.

"Thanks," Mia was saying to the Mudkip, in the same tone as ever, because of course she was.

"You all right?" Dave asked. She looked fine.

"I'm okay," she said. "I went into a Pokéball. That's interesting. I didn't know I could."

Dave exhaled in relief, nodding at her. He glared back at Nate, wary. "Give me that ball."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Pain wracked Starr's body as she picked herself up from the dirt. Everything hurt, but her inner fire still blazed hotter than ever. She wasn't done. Hell no. She saw Giovanni blink out of view, no doubt reappearing inside the lab.

Oh, no you don't.

That last attack had blasted her so far away that the swarm wasn't even focused on her, too busy swarming around Vix and Shiron the instant they busted out of their Pokeballs. Starr closed her eyes and mentally reached out toward the space where she'd broken the Escape Orb--where its residual aura still lingered--and found herself snapping back to that exact spot.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave narrowed his eyes at Nate. "Well, asshole, somehow I don't fucking trust you on that." Could you tell if a ball was deactivated? He had no idea. Goddamn it. "Prove it. Or, I don't know, fucking destroy it."


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Pokéballs. They weren't a technology Brisa had ever known, but she still had to contend with them... She saw Saltriv go down in a flash of red light and drew back her lip in a hiss of frustration. She would sooner go down in a bloody, charred heap than let her teammates be captured by that heartless fuck.

She dived for the sphere and seized it. How did you open these things? Fuck, she didn't have time to experiment–

Her claws bloomed with shadow as she pressed them into the metal and ripped the two halves apart.

she called, as white energy burst out. "You with us?"


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot stared in amazement as Diyem emerged from the machine and pummeled Giovanni into the ground. Diyem had actually done it! He'd broken free! Had his and Brisa's calls gotten through to him and given him the strength to do it?

Either way, he was more than eager to join Diyem in taking down Giovanni.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" the Cranidos replied.

Cabot got ready to charge ahead towards Giovanni, more than willing to show him what an Assurance from a Cranidos felt like, when he heard Pleo call out behind him.

"Cabot! The machine!"

Cabot stopped and looked at the Radiant Machine, which seemed to be glowing brighter and brighter.

"Right, we can't let Giovanni distract us from destroying it," the Cranidos said, before pausing for a moment. With the amount of Radiance coming from that machine there was of course one thing that could easily break it apart...

"I... think I know what to do."

Cabot concentrated and thought back to what happened at the Isle of Light earlier today, focusing on the same darkness and unpleasant thoughts he'd felt then. Dark, shadowy wisps began to come from his scales, as they slowly turned dark gray. To destroy that machine, the same thing that had done nothing but bring one of his friends constant pain, he would need all of his strength... His dark strength.

Cabot's shadows grew! Cabot gained 70 shadow corruption!


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Starr! She'd come back, looking like she was on her last legs, but still ready to put the pain to Giovanni. Good. Brisa sure could fucking help with that.

The problem was his speed... That fucking mewtwo kept dodging everything they threw at him. Well, not this time. Brisa's eyes erupted with cold light, as she summoned chains of light to hold the wretched fucker in place.

Brisa used her Chilly Seeds to freeze Giovanni!

"Starr!" she called. "Get ready, we're gonna take him out, together!"

For every instant that Giovanni resisted, Brisa hounded him with radiance, with shadow, with every move she knew. She would get Starr's fucking attack to land where it hurt if it took all she had–!

Brisa used Helping Hand! Brisa used Shadow Maul!

"Starr! This is it! Hit him, hit him now!"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Suddenly, Saltriv's world filled with light. In front of them was Brisa.

They were saved.

They didn't hesitate to wrap two vines around the Luxio in an approximation of a hug, before letting go after a few seconds.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr reappeared inside the lab, and--holy shit there he was. She'd heard his voice in her head, just like all the others, but it was different seeing him in person for the first time in months. That huge, pitch-black, shadowy Charizard, piercing red core sparking as he swung an oversized hammer into their opponents.


She didn't have much time to appreciate that, though. Giovanni was still hurling more Pokeballs around, still trying to capture everyone. That last attack had only slowed him down. Time to put him in the dirt.

She could hear Brisa calling out to her. Felt a surge of energy running through her. Her body felt like it was ready to collapse, but her inner fire still blazed.

With a single, forceful stomp, a column of fire erupted beneath Giovanni.

Starr used Fire Pledge!
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