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Search results

  1. Flyg0n

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    The Mawile and Houndour were still going at it, everything Houdour said only made him more concerned. He wondered for a moment if it was possible any of these people were from his world. Marcel's gaze shifted to the newcomer. "Are you another human as well?" And then all of a sudden, another...
  2. Flyg0n

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Marcel stiffened, his gaze locking onto the Houndour. A killer... unconsciously his hand clenched into a fist. There was no telling why - perhaps it had been justified self defense. Or something more sinister. But he couldn't act yet without knowing more. He'd have to keep a sharp eye on the...
  3. Flyg0n

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Definitely sounded Kalosian, something he made note of just in case. He still didn't trust her but she seemed experienced in all this, if he assumed she was real. He rubbed his chin as he considered her words. "My initial theory was some kind of dreamscape or psychic hallucination. But this...
  4. Flyg0n

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Before Marcel could ask anything else, the Charizard was gone, to his disappointment. His eyes narrowed as another figure emerged from a house, a Servine wearing actual clothes. But if he said they came from a far away place, either it was another piece of the dream, or something much much...
  5. Flyg0n

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Marcel decided he didn't like or trust either of these two. The Houndour sounded outright dangerous and the Mawile girl seemed not all there. Then again, they could either be dream constructs or psychic apparitions. But dreams were supposed to be based on the dreamers subconscious, right...
  6. Flyg0n

    A Day in Obleta (Roleplay, Active)

    Marcel jolted awake, blinking, taking in his surroundings. A rush of information all at once that he rapidly sorted through. He wasn't in Orre anymore. By all rights he appeared to be on some kind... it sounded like a train? Sky rushed past overhead and he sat up, sweeping the area. He was...
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