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Crimson Crescent [Villains Pub RP Thread]

  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
"You have a god as master as well?" Kohath asked. Must be some powerful spirit. It cannot be a real god - there are only three. "That would explain your... powers."

While the terror could admire that these men bowed to an Akeresa, there was a lot to be said about their mindset. And as the demon emerges from the man, she could not help herself but swelter in disgust. It presented an opportunity, however, to get into the mindset of these individuals.

"Gods are just those with great strength and egos," the white-robed winged woman blasphemed. Her expression remained unchanging as she walked over to the men. "With greater strength, they can fall or be made to kneel." She stared without quarter into the eye of Gulattive. She gave it a light nod that could mean anything, in-part personally addressing it despite saying her words to everyone present. "Remember that well."

But she hadn't forgotten her purpose in coming here. So she took a seat. "You manh seem like you'd be interesting to talk to. I think I'll join you for a drink or two." She reached into her dress and retrieved some currency. Taken from her captive, but it was not as if they could take it with them where they were headed. She slid it towards Lunaris. "Four...no, make it five fermented Starf wines. For myself and them." She gave an idle glance to Gulattive. Perhaps they consumed food in that form, but if not, more for her.
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"I'm sure you were listening, but please meet my company for the evening, Kohath and Athos," he said to the entity. "This is Gulattive, the Legendary Pokemon of Gluttony. He relies on me for the fuel for his power, and I enjoy it in return. It's a...give and take, more than anything."
Kohath's hairs raised on end, but he didn't show his apprehension otherwise. Instead, he chuckled. "What do you know," he said. "Both our friends are tentacled."

"Gods are just those with great strength and egos," the white-robed winged woman blasphemed. Her expression remained unchanging as she walked over to the men. "With greater strength, they can fall or be made to kneel." She stared without quarter into the eye of Gulattive. She gave it a light nod that could mean anything, in-part personally addressing it despite saying her words to everyone present. "Remember that well."
Kohath humphed. "Perhaps your gods. There is only one being more powerful than my master, and he has fled the universe. The Lord of Predators stands unopposed."
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Kohath humphed. "Perhaps your gods. There is only one being more powerful than my master, and he has fled the universe. The Lord of Predators stands unopposed."
The terror's human body's face contorted into an unnatural smirk. It's still very human-looking, but the mouth was too wide, the brow was too crinkled, and the eyes were too solid. "From one monarch to another, never underestimate your foes. You sit with one who toppled such arrogant gods. Even if yours does sit at the apex, rats can still band together to become a threat to your land."

Her face returned to normal as the drinks she paid for were served. One each for Kohath, Athos, Florent, Gulattive (if it can drink it in the first place), and the woman herself. Though she brought the glass to her mouth, a proboscis emerged from it to suck up the wine. "But I can respect your deity," she said as she placed the glass down. "For the sake of my curiosity and own interests, tell me more of this Lord of Predators. How did a helix gain such strength? And what of this stronger being, what reason would it have to flee?"
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Athos only half listened as Florent and Kohath exchanged pleasantries of their gods, a discussion he couldn't find much relatability in. To serve something was to concede control, a fools move in his opinion. Though he did find himself fascinated by the tale of 'Helix', saving Kohath from a life of slavery. Not so dissimilar to himself...

He tapped his fingertip on the bar twice, casually leaning back as he did so. "You can come out now, Gulattive."

The black mist from before began to seep out from under his hair again, growing thicker than it had previously. It wasn't long before one, two, three, four, five tendrils, reminiscent of tentacles but not quite tangible enough to be slithered out as well. They flailed about as if trying to figure out where to go, before draping over Florent's shoulders. Not long after did a single, bloodshot eye raise out of the mist as well, blinking as a hood manifested around it. It glanced at Athos, then fixed itself upon Kohath.

"I'm sure you were listening, but please meet my company for the evening, Kohath and Athos," he said to the entity. "This is Gulattive, the Legendary Pokemon of Gluttony. He relies on me for the fuel for his power, and I enjoy it in return. It's a...give and take, more than anything."

Athos' eyes widened as he watched the display. He almost would have pegged it was a ghost-pokemon except... it was wrong. It didn't look like other pokemon did. Not even a ghost. Legendary pokemon? This was no legendary of his world, he was sure of that. He reigned in his shock, composing himself with some difficulty.

"How did you come into possession of such a powerful... ally?" The question came without really thinking. Florent claimed it was a partnership, though Athos failed to see how a legendary could ever be a human's "partner". Then another thought occurred. Could he somehow bring back such power for himself? But how could he control such a creature? If he found a way, he could have so much power...


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
The terror's human body's face contorted into an unnatural smirk. It's still very human-looking, but the mouth was too wide, the brow was too crinkled, and the eyes were too solid. "From one monarch to another, never underestimate your foes. You sit with one who toppled such arrogant gods. Even if yours does sit at the apex, rats can still band together to become a threat to your land."
Kohath rolled his eyes. "My master cannot be destroyed," he said. "The being more powerful attempted it, but could only shatter his spirit and distribute it across millions of creatures in the sea. My master found a way to gather himself and recover. Ergo, any victory against him is only temporary."

Her face returned to normal as the drinks she paid for were served. One each for Kohath, Athos, Florent, Gulattive (if it can drink it in the first place), and the woman herself. Though she brought the glass to her mouth, a proboscis emerged from it to suck up the wine. "But I can respect your deity," she said as she placed the glass down. "For the sake of my curiosity and own interests, tell me more of this Lord of Predators. How did a helix gain such strength? And what of this stronger being, what reason would it have to flee?"
Kohath picked up the drink the woman had so generously offered and took a sip. It was... alright, but naturally, it did not compare to bloodwine.

The sight of the woman's proboscis, however, soured his appetite. Unsightly.

"My master never gained his strength, per se," he explained. "He has always been strong. He was there before the beginning of time, existing as an idea alongside DOME before the Third Being was born and created the world. This was the stronger being I mentioned - he had a better grasp on the world he had created than HELIX did. As for why he fled, it is still unknown. HELIX theorizes that he perhaps left to create other worlds. He did leave his own student behind, though - the one that a people far from my home call Arceus." He paused. "As for why my master has the form he does, it is a remnant of his time in the sea. He liked the body of the omastar, so that is what he inhabits."

"How did you come into possession of such a powerful... ally?" The question came without really thinking. Florent claimed it was a partnership, though Athos failed to see how a legendary could ever be a human's "partner". Then another thought occurred. Could he somehow bring back such power for himself? But how could he control such a creature? If he found a way, he could have so much power...
Kohath turned to the other men again. Yes, this was something he himself was also curious about. Perhaps that partner could be stolen... though he should know exactly what he was getting into before he tried anything like that.
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Kohath rolled his eyes. "My master cannot be destroyed," he said. "The being more powerful attempted it, but could only shatter his spirit and distribute it across millions of creatures in the sea. My master found a way to gather himself and recover. Ergo, any victory against him is only temporary."

"My master never gained his strength, per se," he explained. "He has always been strong. He was there before the beginning of time, existing as an idea alongside DOME before the Third Being was born and created the world. This was the stronger being I mentioned - he had a better grasp on the world he had created than HELIX did. As for why he fled, it is still unknown. HELIX theorizes that he perhaps left to create other worlds. He did leave his own student behind, though - the one that a people far from my home call Arceus." He paused. "As for why my master has the form he does, it is a remnant of his time in the sea. He liked the body of the omastar, so that is what he inhabits."
The woman leaned in as he spoke, more than a little amused by his story. So it was the same kind of helix, she was wondering that. A shame it meant there would be no way of her obtaining such strength herself. "Arceus, yes. The human name for what some consider the progenitor. There are many views on the matter, including it being false or one part of a whole. I don't care for the debate, and would never kneel to a god besides. But your views amuse me, that it is but a student." She cackles with approval. Many manh and Akeresa would find that blasphemous. Fantastic. "Still, my warning stands. You cannot kill an idea as they say, but the rats could shatter your god's spirit once more. Or target your kingdom and her people."

As the men took an interest in it, she gave an idle glance to Gulattive and its...partner once more. She had only heard whispers, and knew that imagination could be made reality. Were they born from manh's scriptures, or did they come from elsewhere? Florent's words confirmed her instinct, that it partnering with him was a necessity. She could not imagine it willingly doing so. Not power she was interested in regardless. Still, their bond was interesting.

The woman sat up straight, wings stretching. Perhaps she should explain the proboscis. "I should formally introduce myself. As you may have surmised, I am one of which you manh call Pokemon. This is an artificial body I crafted to better speak your tongue. Your kind and mine call me many things, such as Terror of Edinburgh - the Crown Temple, race traitor, and utmasbdokrul. For the sake of our conversation, I'll go by Dokrul. Night Queen." Dokrul¹ smiled devilishly before giving a stern warning. "And no, I do not seek a trainer. Across five decades I've killed dozens who've tried." She gives a nod of assurance to the blood-red Lunala. She would abide by the rules of this realm, but there were fates besides death she could inflict...

¹ - DÄK-rull is how she said it.
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
If the deoxys was to gain a better understanding of the rifts, then he would need to investigate one, even if briefly. He wasn't one for taking foolish risks. He'd had an entire team of poipole analysts do every test imaginable on the rift and watched it long enough to conclude it was, indeed, stable. The likelihood it would vanish was very slim. There was still a chance, of course, so Paradox naturally summoned a few Troopers in order to keep a watchful eye on it and send a communication if they thought anything was changing and it was time for him to retreat.

Simple, yet elegant.

He wasn't sure what he would find on the other side of the rift, but given the smattering of doomers and keyboard warriors in Chatter's dark recesses, part of him wondered if there were, indeed, unspeakable horrors awaiting him. Perhaps some monstrous daemon? Or weapons the likes of which he'd never seen?

... None of that awaited him, however. A simple flick of two tentacles and the door flew open, revealing some quaint little eatery. The kind he might have found in some little suburban settlement off the beaten path.

And the patrons were mainly humans. Hardly STEM-oriented ones, if first glances were anything to go by. Which no doubt meant they were uninteresting. He glanced one woman with entirely too much yellow hair. A few microdeletions here and there and she could have a polka-dot mane instead. How festive! Or perhaps Paradox could go for broke and transect male-pattern baldness onto her.

Yes, yes, that would spice things up.

And what of the muscle man? His vestige filled Paradox with memories of the times before mewgenics, when even the burliest of humans' bodies would eat themselves alive once riddled with disease. Oh, to fill an abdomen with cancer like the olden days.

There was one particular eyesore who appeared to be tending bar, though. The color scheme was wrong -- no doubt a result of differences in realms -- but the species was unmistakable. Exactly the same as the traitor. Or who the traitor used to be, at least. Allegedly she'd changed species to hide her identity.

"Even in a small pocket, lunala cannot amount to anything with themselves. Charming." He shook his head and floated left to study a painting on the wall. Perhaps these little pockets had some sort of difference in art he could study?


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"Still, my warning stands. You cannot kill an idea as they say, but the rats could shatter your god's spirit once more. Or target your kingdom and her people."
"Hah!" Kohath scoffed, but he could not deny the fear that reared its ugly head. While his master could not die, the kingdom could. If all the surrounding kingdoms realized they shared a common enemy...

The woman sat up straight, wings stretching. Perhaps she should explain the proboscis. "I should formally introduce myself. As you may have surmised, I am one of which you manh call Pokemon. This is an artificial body I crafted to better speak your tongue. Your kind and mine call me many things, such as Terror of Edinburgh - the Crown Temple, race traitor, and utmasbdokrul. For the sake of our conversation, I'll go by Dokrul. Night Queen." Dokrul¹ smiled devilishly before giving a stern warning. "And no, I do not seek a trainer. Across five decades I've killed dozens who've tried." She gives a nod of assurance to the blood-red Lunala. She would abide by the rules of this realm, but there were fates besides death she could inflict...
"A mon with a human's body," Kohath said, tasting the words. "I have heard legends of foxes in the far east casting illusions to appear human, but I have never heard of a mon physically becoming human. You must be a powerful mon, Dokrul. I admire such power."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Florent raised a brow at the drink he was offered. To saunter over and speak of such nonsense around his gods only to present him a drink felt like a slight he did not appreciate.

Athos' eyes widened as he watched the display. He almost would have pegged it was a ghost-pokemon except... it was wrong. It didn't look like other pokemon did. Not even a ghost. Legendary pokemon? This was no legendary of his world, he was sure of that. He reigned in his shock, composing himself with some difficulty.

"How did you come into possession of such a powerful... ally?" The question came without really thinking. Florent claimed it was a partnership, though Athos failed to see how a legendary could ever be a human's "partner". Then another thought occurred. Could he somehow bring back such power for himself? But how could he control such a creature? If he found a way, he could have so much power...
Kohath turned to the other men again. Yes, this was something he himself was also curious about. Perhaps that partner could be stolen... though he should know exactly what he was getting into before he tried anything like that.
"A long road, I can tell you that much," he answered Athos. Though nothing was said, the hungry glances were not lost on him. Gluttony was a hell of a sin, especially when power was involved.

"Gulattive is a legendary. A blood type legendary," he said. "Their typing separates them from other Pokemon, as they draw their abilities from the blood of other species."

The eyeball looming above Florent's head flicked over to Athos. "It is true. A result of disobeying the first tyrant Arceus," he said. His voice was barely a whisper, yet it filled out the space with an eerie ease. "My kind lived feeding on the sanguinity of various mortals, but soon discovered the power in withholding a vessel as a lone source of sustenance. From there, we sought to forge contracts with those willing to be our beacons, a feat which has proven favorable for us."

Florent was now fiddling with the heavy-looking rings on his left hand. "Gulattive and his counterparts have been contractually a part of my family bloodline for hundreds of years thus far, though it seems none of my ancestors really sought to capitalize on the level of power they had lurking over their shoulders. Well, not in any way that I particularly agree with, at least." He examined his thumb again, having half a mind to demonstrate what had just been disclosed. However, he decided against it for the moment. He wasn't in the mind to deal with whatever cleanup that might need to come out of that.

"He is not the only one I've allied with, either. There are seve--" he paused, bout of sudden anger crossing his features. His eyes slipped shut and he exhaled sharply, yet deeply, "--six in total at my aid. All with their own vessels of course, but under my jurisdiction."
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
"Even in a small pocket, lunala cannot amount to anything with themselves. Charming." He shook his head and floated left to study a painting on the wall. Perhaps these little pockets had some sort of difference in art he could study?
Dokrul paid this only a passing glance. Her mouth twitched, but she refrained from speaking her mind. Not worth her time at the moment.

"A mon with a human's body," Kohath said, tasting the words. "I have heard legends of foxes in the far east casting illusions to appear human, but I have never heard of a mon physically becoming human. You must be a powerful mon, Dokrul. I admire such power."
"Thank you, King Kohath," Dokrul said, returning the respect. "I confess, this body is imperfect. This is a trial run that suits my present needs. But I will master it in time." She flit her wings and sipped her drink again, taking care not to show the proboscis this time. "I was once but an ice worm. I never believed in the limits set in our genetic code, and grew stronger than any 'Frosmoth'." She said her species name with a bit of revulsion. She never liked her human species name. It was unimaginative.

The eyeball looming above Florent's head flicked over to Athos. "It is true. A result of disobeying the first tyrant Arceus," he said. His voice was barely a whisper, yet it filled out the space with an eerie ease. "My kind lived feeding on the sanguinity of various mortals, but soon discovered the power in withholding a vessel as a lone source of sustenance. From there, we sought to forge contracts with those willing to be our beacons, a feat which has proven favorable for us."
"So you sought to challenge the gods as well, albeit unsuccessfully." She gave a sympathetic nod to the being of gluttony. To think she would find common ground with one who called themselves a god! "I can respect that. And you fought the first tyrant even!" Dokrul chitters with approval at the moniker. Though her strength was built on her own, she could acknowledge those born or granted it as long as they knew how to wield it to the fullest. And the details did not escape her, that the forms they took were punishment. "I wish you well in your cause," she said with complete earnestness.

"He is not the only one I've allied with, either. There are seve--" he paused, bout of sudden anger crossing his features. His eyes slipped shut and he exhaled sharply, yet deeply, "--six in total at my aid. All with their own vessels of course, but under my jurisdiction."
"Seven sins," Dokrul repeated as she turned to Florent. "I take it they're from contemporary scripture of manh? It sounds as if you lost one, if not to destruction, then to betrayal." She was inclined to believe it was betrayal from the severity of the response, but wanted to be sure of it. Her fists clench, thinking of those of her own she'd lost and those who'd betrayed her.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"So you sought to challenge the gods as well, albeit unsuccessfully.”
Gulattive narrowed his eye. “Where was it implied that we lost? You’d be advised to keep your assumptions in check, lest I have reason to feast on your arrogance this evening. Arceus and his pious foot-soldiers were the ones to issue a request for a draw; he was simply too aghast that he’d lost his hand on us. And for that, we celebrate. We live free from his influence to this day.”
  1. suikaibuki
  2. ranyakumo
Gulattive narrowed his eye. “Where was it implied that we lost? You’d be advised to keep your assumptions in check, lest I have reason to feast on your arrogance this evening. Arceus and his pious foot-soldiers were the ones to issue a request for a draw; he was simply too aghast that he’d lost his hand on us. And for that, we celebrate. We live free from his influence to this day.”
"Be careful who you threaten," Dokrul warned. Without so much as a motion, the air around her chilled so much that it started to liquefy, with little droplets of oxygen splashing to the floor. "The last 'god' who attempted such a thing now lies frozen at the foot of my mountain. And that's not arrogance. That is a fact."

No different from any other so-called god. But when she caught sight of the blood-red Lunala out of the corner of her eye, she slowed. The air at least stopped turning into liquid. "Much as I would be willing, I believe we should restrain ourselves from blows in consideration of our host." She smiled the same unnatural smile as before at Lunaris. Dokrul knew unleashing her full strength would result in a lot of property destruction, and she was certain they in a fight would try for lethal intent. In other words, 'or else.' She was many things, but a poor guest was not one of them.

So she elaborated to clear the air. "I assumed that only since you said your natures were a result of disobedience to the first tyrant. For that part, I apologize." Dokrul gave a nod filled with approval. "You did well. It's only a shame you did not finish him entirely and set the world free of his influence."
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
Paradox's tentacles twitched. "Gods? What ridiculous sentiments." He didn't turn his head from the art piece he looked at. "What good is a world formed from the will of one or more living creatures?"


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Paradox's tentacles twitched. "Gods? What ridiculous sentiments." He didn't turn his head from the art piece he looked at. "What good is a world formed from the will of one or more living creatures?"
Kohath turned around slowly to the... strange tentacled creature. "As good as any world can be. There aren't any worlds formed without gods."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
"Ah, such an adorable assumption." Paradox's head swiveled around on his neck without his body turning. Naturally, the god-obsessed types would want to cement their beliefs as absolute. "Incorrect, but adorable nonetheless. There are plenty of worlds formed from nature itself. Cosmological phenomena explained through physics and mathematics, not some silly creature raising its arms skyward and popping a sun or a planet into existence."


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"Ah, such an adorable assumption." Paradox's head swiveled around on his neck without his body turning. Naturally, the god-obsessed types would want to cement their beliefs as absolute. "Incorrect, but adorable nonetheless. There are plenty of worlds formed from nature itself. Cosmological phenomena explained through physics and mathematics, not some silly creature raising its arms skyward and popping a sun or a planet into existence."
Kohath laughed. "Are you seriously suggesting that a world can form on its own? That something can spontaneously arise from nothing?" He gestured around himself. "Tell me, then, how come no worlds are forming here right now? What makes this emptiness different from the emptiness before a universe?"


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
"The fact is that there are plenty of tiny, miniscule singularities with unfathomable amounts of energy stored within them. They cannot maintain such massive energy in such small spaces, because energy needs to be freed." His right tentacles curled up into an arm, ending with a hand he clenched into a fist. "The natural drive for energy to release and expand causes a tremendous explosion." He spread his fingers apart. "The energy ripples across what was once empty and that energy twists and turns upon itself, forging stars and planets. Particles of energy mash together until they give rise to basic, primitive cells that will slowly grow and evolve into complex organisms.

"And sometimes bits of unstable energy will not 'settle.'" His arm unfurled into tentacles. "They will gather up again, forming new singularities that will begin the whole process all over again."

He glanced at the others. "Now, I could ask you the very same question," Paradox said, the crystal in his torso flickering. "What makes a so-called god appear from the emptiness before a universe? Are you suggesting a god emerges from nothing whatsoever?"


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"The fact is that there are plenty of tiny, miniscule singularities with unfathomable amounts of energy stored within them. They cannot maintain such massive energy in such small spaces, because energy needs to be freed." His right tentacles curled up into an arm, ending with a hand he clenched into a fist. "The natural drive for energy to release and expand causes a tremendous explosion." He spread his fingers apart. "The energy ripples across what was once empty and that energy twists and turns upon itself, forging stars and planets. Particles of energy mash together until they give rise to basic, primitive cells that will slowly grow and evolve into complex organisms.

"And sometimes bits of unstable energy will not 'settle.'" His arm unfurled into tentacles. "They will gather up again, forming new singularities that will begin the whole process all over again."
Kohath listened to the creature speak, scratching his beard. He hated to admit it, but he had no idea what the creature was talking about.

He glanced at the others. "Now, I could ask you the very same question," Paradox said, the crystal in his torso flickering. "What makes a so-called god appear from the emptiness before a universe? Are you suggesting a god emerges from nothing whatsoever?"
"A god is eternal, infinite," Kohath said. "They have no beginning. They were always there, not that the expression is quite accurate, as time did not exist before the world was created. It was only with their will that time began to flow."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
"A god is eternal, infinite," Kohath said. "They have no beginning. They were always there, not that the expression is quite accurate, as time did not exist before the world was created. It was only with their will that time began to flow."
He said the quiet part out loud. How amusing.

"And there lies the problem." A problem Paradox knew the human would never admit. He wasn't sure the human could admit it. "Some creature willed time to flow. Willed the world to exist."

His body turned to matched his head. "Which means you and your ilk are merely a product of its will. Are you saying this because you want to? Or were you willed to state that as fact?" He folded his tentacles behind his back. "How could someone like me be sure anything you say or do is genuine? After all, if mere will is strong enough to cultivate a universe, that same will is strong enough to make a simple human think its acting of its own accord.

"It makes you no different than a machine following instructions."


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
"It makes you no different than a machine following instructions."
Kohath shrugged. "It is true. We are machines made of lifelets. Anyone with enough knowledge could predict exactly what we are about to say and do." He took a sip of his drink. "But we do not have that knowledge, and we may never have that knowledge unless we become gods. Thus, the illusion of free will is as good as the real thing."

He smirked. "You may be surprised to see a man of my appearance engage so deeply with intellectual debate. But, you see, us Helixians are not just a people of power. We are a people of logic. Science and philosophy blossoms in our kingdom. I, too, am well versed in subjects such as these, taught by my master and the wisest of thinkers."
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