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Zinnia's Multiverse Madness! (Roleplay, March 4-13)


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
The more Robin explained, the more invested Kora became. His eyes sparkled in delight and awe, and in that amazement, black and red sparks danced harmlessly off his body. "That sounds so cool! Are you crazy strong too? Can I get a mask like that? I just turned my giant hair bead into a limiter, but I never even thought about making it look as cool as yours!" he chirped, absolutely giddy.
She raised one with finger as she spoke, "With the right touch, anything can be given that power: a necklace, a bead, a mask, even a song. It is something that must be handmade, filled with love, and given to someone else - for if it not given its grace, it loses its magic." She then shook her head, "I am a humble servant of the stars, that is all."
Odette was a trained enough actress to know when things were rehearsed and weren’t. Then again, the exaggerated voice was enough of a dead giveaway for her. Probably something related to Robin’s unwanted “cult” leader status.

“Hm. So very deep,” she said with a similar sounding “storyteller” voice as she tucked her fist under her chin inquisitively. She offered her best joking smirk. “Can you grant me my ‘wish upon a star’ oh wise one?”
Robin grit her teeth as she glared beneath her mask. You know what's up, and you're not helping! "...Perhaps. What is it that you wish?" Her fists balled up in irritation.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
She raised one with finger as she spoke, "With the right touch, anything can be given that power: a necklace, a bead, a mask, even a song. It is something that must be handmade, filled with love, and given to someone else - for if it not given its grace, it loses its magic." She then shook her head, "I am a humble servant of the stars, that is all."

Kora nodded, listening intently to make sure he remembered everything Robin was saying. It didn't sound too different from how he gave things power, but it also sounded like just... giving someone a gift. If gift giving was so powerful, Kora should be more careful with doing that than he usually is. Then again, he never really gave out handmade gifts filled with love. Not frequently at least.

“Hm. So very deep,” she said with a similar sounding “storyteller” voice as she tucked her fist under her chin inquisitively. She offered her best joking smirk. “Can you grant me my ‘wish upon a star’ oh wise one?”
Robin grit her teeth as she glared beneath her mask. You know what's up, and you're not helping! "...Perhaps. What is it that you wish?" Her fists balled up in irritation.

To Kora, it sounded like Odette was on the right track. He wasn't even paying attention to the wish granting part! Wasn't Jirachi the only one who could do stuff like that? Was Robin half-Jirachi? Kora would ask that later, but if Robin could grant wishes, why the hell shouldn't they try and get a few granted before everyone else did?

"Oh! Can I get a wish too! Please?" Kora raised his paw excitedly, his excitement doubling over as more black sparks fluttered from the fox.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Robin grit her teeth as she glared beneath her mask. You know what's up, and you're not helping! "...Perhaps. What is it that you wish?" Her fists balled up in irritation.
Noticing the way Robin balled her fist, she held up her hands defensively. “Nothing crazy. Just a simple chilled bottle of water would do. One for me and the Zoroarck, maybe?”

She suddenly perked up, as if she’d heard something. Her eyes traveled to the nearby snack booth, and she pointed to it, clearly puzzled. She slowly walked over to it, then hesitantly looked inside. With a loud gasp, she reached inside and pulled out—you guessed it—two chilled water bottles. Her mouth was agape in faux awe.

“Crazy,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief as she walked back over. “I’m stunned. You’re quite amazing, aren’t you?” She handed the second bottle to Kora, before opening hers up and taking a large sip from it.

“Mm, and it’s fresh? Where have you been all my life? Goodness, I’m dumbfounded.”


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"It's easy, I've always been able to speak human languages. I come from a world where Human Language and Pokemon Language are the same. Plus, we're in a world between worlds, and whoever's keeping it up for all of us to meet made it so we can all understand each other,"

<A world between worlds... intriguing.>


Wes raised a brow. "'World between worlds'?" He wanted to object, but as he glanced once more at everything... yeah. This definitely wasn't anywhere near Orre. "Alright."

"And a fair is an event where a bunch of people or pokemon go to have fun and... I think that's it, really. There's games and rides and food, usually."

<'Fun'? Pointless.>


"Huh, never heard of such a thing. Maybe there's some in other regions, but... Orre's a shithole, I wouldn't fucking know what's outside it."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
“Crazy,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief as she walked back over. “I’m stunned. You’re quite amazing, aren’t you?” She handed the second bottle to Kora, before opening hers up and taking a large sip from it.

“Mm, and it’s fresh? Where have you been all my life? Goodness, I’m dumbfounded.”

Kora was absolutely stunned. There was no way that was there before, right? That had to have just appeared! It's not like he was paying attention to all the smaller, not-ride buildings and tents and stuff, but it couldn't just be a coincidence that Odette asked for water and then just randomly noticed a snack booth with two cold bottles of water.

"Y-You can make things appear outta nowhere too? That so cool!" Kora cheered, happily taking the newly wished water and opening it. "I shoulda known better than to think I'd be the only one who could do those kinda things, someone else had to have that power too!" He took a sip of water, then went and downed the whole thing. It might've been water but it was wish water so it probably tasted a lot better than regular water.

"What should my wish be though? Man, I might be stumped, but uh... uhhhhh..." he tapped his water bottle against the side of his head as he thought it over. He had to make a good wish.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
<'Fun'? Pointless.>

So this was one of those stuck up types, huh? Too good and cool for fun? Vix bet he didn't even like the concept of friendship either, and preferred to read in a quiet library or sulk in dark rooms.

...Ok maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, according to Vix.

"Oh please, it's not that pointless. It's important to live a little and unwind, you know?" Vix said, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "It's a good thing you guys showed up here then too, we're pretty much only here to have fun."

"And, I dunno how bad this Orre place is, but it sounds like you could definitely use a break from it," the light fixture hummed, floating up to be eye-level with Wes. She gave him a sympathetic look, then smiled and nodded to him. "I know from experience how great it is to visit someplace entirely new."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"What should my wish be though? Man, I might be stumped, but uh... uhhhhh..." he tapped his water bottle against the side of his head as he thought it over. He had to make a good wish.
Odette rolled her eyes up to the sky as she tongued the inside of her cheek. Her gaze flexed over to Dorien, still in Red’s vicinity. That wouldn’t fucking do.

Quickly, her eyes shot over to a nearby game booth, where she noticed a variety of blow-up and foam toys. Hammers, mallets, fucking pool noodles…

Her eyes widened and she tapped Kora on the shoulder. “Why don’t you wish for something that you can beat up that guy who was mean to the Oshawott with? Like a pool noodle or inflatable mallet?” she suggested in a whisper.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Her eyes widened and she tapped Kora on the shoulder. “Why don’t you wish for something that you can beat up that guy who was mean to the Oshawott? Like a pool noodle or inflatable mallet?” she suggested in a whisper.

Kora's ears twitched as he was whispered probably the funniest idea he could've thought of. "I was just gonna bop him with a stick or something but a pool noodle sounds soooooooo much better! And having them be wished instead of making them myself would be so much cooler too!" he beamed, snickering maliciously. Kora then turned to the wish granting goddess with actual stars in his eyes. "I wish for a pool noodle! Many pool noodles! Like, at least three!"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Kora's ears twitched as he was whispered probably the funniest idea he could've thought of. "I was just gonna bop him with a stick or something but a pool noodle sounds soooooooo much better! And having them be wished instead of making them myself would be so much cooler too!" he beamed, snickering maliciously. Kora then turned to the wish granting goddess with actual stars in his eyes. "I wish for a pool noodle! Many pool noodles! Like, at least three!"
Odette gave Kora a thumbs up. “Fantastic choice. The choice of champions. He’ll hate that.”

She blinked, as if something caught her eye. She inhaled a loud, exaggerated gasp, as she pointed at the booth with the pool noodles and rubber weaponry.

“No. Fricken. Way,” she yelled, clamping her other hand over her mouth. “Look at that booth. That booth has exactly what you asked for. Look all of those pool noodles! That’s crazy.”

She began to applaud. “Bravo. Bravo. Absolutely marvelous. I am positively flabbergasted by your skills, Robin. You must be some sort of demigod, no?” Her clapping picked up speed. “Merveilleux. Fantastique. Tu es fabuleux, Robin.”


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Vix hummed to herself, still eyeing Dave, but politely. "I guess, if you say so. He definitely doesn't look like the grudge-holding type..." Well, Jean at least sounded sure, but whether or not Dave would understand wasn't the total issue here. It was the awkwardness that would have came after. Apologies never, like, ended in a satisfying way it was always just weird. Vix really didn't wanna deal with that. "Maybe I'll apologize... later. Soon, though, but later."
"Hmm. Okay!" Jean smiled at Vix. "Maybe he's forgotten about it anyway, if it was when you first met. He made it sound like he'd been there a really long time."

Wes felt someone staring at him. He tensed and rapidly scanned everyone to see who it was.

It was a--


The person staring at him was some kind of human-Pokémon hybrid. A Ninetales, to be exact.

He stared for a few seconds, unsure of what to make of this situation.

The hybrid seemed expectant, probably wanting to know about him.

He sighed, then marched over to her.

At least she's not fully human.
Wes' eyes widened slightly when he heard the Pokémon speaking a language he could understand.

That... had never been the case previously. Just what the hell was going on here?

"...What the hell is a fair? And how did..." He trailed off as he realized he didn't even know how to phrase his question in an inoffensive way.

His pokeball shook in his pocket, before it opened on its own, and his Espeon popped out, materializing on the ground next to him.
<A world between worlds... intriguing.>


Wes raised a brow. "'World between worlds'?" He wanted to object, but as he glanced once more at everything... yeah. This definitely wasn't anywhere near Orre. "Alright."

<'Fun'? Pointless.>


"Huh, never heard of such a thing. Maybe there's some in other regions, but... Orre's a shithole, I wouldn't fucking know what's outside it."
Jean's eyes widened as the mysterious stranger actually noticed and walked towards her. What would he say? Who was he?

...And then he stopped looking at her and turned to Vix instead, ignoring her. But still! He had an Espeon! "Ooh, I love Espeon!" she said. "What's your name? You're from Orre? Like in that show, Pokémon Colosseum?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Forgot everything until now." That was weird how that worked. Did his collective memories just reappear every time he'd go into the multiverse or whatever? He'd probably forget him again, an idea he'd made peace with back on Cibus but... he pushed his thoughts aside and refocused.

"Jean's here too?" he turned to see her, and his eyes widened in surprise and wonder. He'd heard her name mentioned once or twice maybe, but that was the extent of his knowledge. She wasn't at all what he'd expected - neither Pokemon nor human, she somehow looked like both. "Hi Jean!" he waved to her, before turning back to Dave.

He stuck his hands in his pockets, trying to avoid fidgeting. Somewhere deep down, he felt a brief flash of old sadness at the life he'd lived, back on Cibus. At the friends he'd left, friends like Dave. "It's nice to see you again," he said finally.
Jean waved back to Koa and then turned back to the people she was talking to. Koa looked surprised but not shocked or alarmed or disgusted. The usual note of wary tension faded. Of course. Koa was a good kid.

Looked pretty despondent, though.

"How are things going with, uh. The training? You caught a legendary yet?" What an absurd fucking question to be asking.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Noticing the way Robin balled her fist, she held up her hands defensively. “Nothing crazy. Just a simple chilled bottle of water would do. One for me and the Zoroarck, maybe?”

She suddenly perked up, as if she’d heard something. Her eyes traveled to the nearby snack booth, and she pointed to it, clearly puzzled. She slowly walked over to it, then hesitantly looked inside. With a loud gasp, she reached inside and pulled out—you guessed it—two chilled water bottles. Her mouth was agape in faux awe.

“Crazy,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief as she walked back over. “I’m stunned. You’re quite amazing, aren’t you?” She handed the second bottle to Kora, before opening hers up and taking a large sip from it.

“Mm, and it’s fresh? Where have you been all my life? Goodness, I’m dumbfounded.”
Girl, I swear to God. Robin clenched her jaw as harshly as she could beneath her mask, trying to hold her tongue. Her lips twitched as her eyes widened in quieted dismay as she saw Odette pull out the two bottles. Are you trying to make my life harder?! I was going to make up a story about how my 'powers' don't work here, but that's out of the window—
"Y-You can make things appear outta nowhere too? That so cool!" Kora cheered, happily taking the newly wished water and opening it. "I shoulda known better than to think I'd be the only one who could do those kinda things, someone else had to have that power too!" He took a sip of water, then went and downed the whole thing. It might've been water but it was wish water so it probably tasted a lot better than regular water.

"What should my wish be though? Man, I might be stumped, but uh... uhhhhh..." he tapped his water bottle against the side of his head as he thought it over. He had to make a good wish.
—And now I'm stuck trying to fool a conjurer, apparently! "Y-yes, it is... quite an erratic power, isn't it? Sometimes I can't quite the motion right," she said, making an exaggerated twirl of her hand. "But you know, I—"
Kora's ears twitched as he was whispered probably the funniest idea he could've thought of. "I was just gonna bop him with a stick or something but a pool noodle sounds soooooooo much better! And having them be wished instead of making them myself would be so much cooler too!" he beamed, snickering maliciously. Kora then turned to the wish granting goddess with actual stars in his eyes. "I wish for a pool noodle! Many pool noodles! Like, at least three!"
—Could make that work, actually. I hope. "...Very well, I will honor your request." She took a bow once more, and lowered her head as she put herself in a prayer stance. She held for a brief moment before placing her hands on her temples. "Yes... I see it... they shall appear..." She began scanning the area, before noticing the stand Odette was also eyeing. "Where fun and competition meet, where family and friend unite as one..." She opened her arms, gesturing towards the stand, "Behold!"

Odette gave Kora a thumbs up. “Fantastic choice. The choice of champions. He’ll hate that.”

She blinked, as if something caught her eye. She inhaled a loud, exaggerated gasp, as she pointed at the booth with the pool noodles and rubber weaponry.

“No. Fricken. Way,” she yelled, clamping her other hand over her mouth. “Look at that booth. That booth has exactly what you asked for. Look all of those pool noodles! That’s crazy.”

She began to applaud. “Bravo. Bravo. Absolutely marvelous. I am positively flabbergasted by your skills, Robin. You must be some sort of demigod, no?” Her clapping picked up speed. “Merveilleux. Fantastique. Tu es fabuleux, Robin.”
Are you trying to help or are you just fucking with me?! She placed her hands together, "We are all but children of the stars. That. Is. All," her last three words were puncuated with audible stress. "Now that business been settled, perhaps we ought to continue our outing, then? We can't keep Winona waiting."

...Wait, was that French?


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"...Very well, I will honor your request." She took a bow once more, and lowered her head as she put herself in a prayer stance. She held for a brief moment before placing her hands on her temples. "Yes... I see it... they shall appear..." She began scanning the area, before noticing the stand Odette was also eyeing. "Where fun and competition meet, where family and friend unite as one..." She opened her arms, gesturing towards the stand, "Behold!"

She blinked, as if something caught her eye. She inhaled a loud, exaggerated gasp, as she pointed at the booth with the pool noodles and rubber weaponry.

“No. Fricken. Way,” she yelled, clamping her other hand over her mouth. “Look at that booth. That booth has exactly what you asked for. Look all of those pool noodles! That’s crazy.”

Yeah no, twice is not a coincidence, that was just straight up fact. And the facts were that Robin was magic. She might even be stronger than Kora was! There wasn't any flashy spectacles or noticeable surge of aura, Robin did that with, like, not effort! This human had to be some kinda god! Maybe even with a capital whatever letter that is at the start of god!

"Thank you, Robin!" Kora cheered, and in a cloud of black and red dust, the fox was gone. He reappeared instantly by the game booth Odette pointed out, shoving noodle after noodle in his mane, and each one vanishing entirely within that bush of a hairstyle. By the time he finished shoving far more than three in his hair and popped right back over, one wouldn't have guessed he had an assortment of pool noodle on his body at all.

Kora had a smug, devious grin on his snout, rolling his neck and humming to himself. "Hehehe, these'll come in handy real soon! I can't thank you enough, Robin!" he grinned to the wish god girl, then leaned next to Odette, wanting more of her insight as she was far smarter than Kora was. "Should I hit 'im now? I wanna hit him now!" Kora snickered, eyeing his target and snickering more.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"Oh please, it's not that pointless. It's important to live a little and unwind, you know?" Vix said, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "It's a good thing you guys showed up here then too, we're pretty much only here to have fun."

The Espeon bared his fangs. <Such frivolity achieves nothing. It does not aid us in any way. In Orre, wasting our time with 'fun' would lead to only our deaths.>

"And, I dunno how bad this Orre place is, but it sounds like you could definitely use a break from it," the light fixture hummed, floating up to be eye-level with Wes. She gave him a sympathetic look, then smiled and nodded to him. "I know from experience how great it is to visit someplace entirely new."

Wes stared back at the Chandelure. "Damn right, I needed a break. Snagem and Cipher were on our asses because I stole their fucking Snag Machine--" He gestured to the mechanical augment on his arm. "--and was using it against them."

"Ooh, I love Espeon!" she said. "What's your name? You're from Orre? Like in that show, Pokémon Colosseum?"

He had completely forgotten about the hybrid kid. He turned towards her. "The name's Wes. And this--" He crouched to pat the long-furred Espeon, "--is Nico."

He squinted upon hearing the words 'Orre' and 'show' used so closely to one another. "That's right, I'm from Orre. What exactly do you mean about a show, though?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Are you trying to help or are you just fucking with me?! She placed her hands together, "We are all but children of the stars. That. Is. All," her last three words were puncuated with audible stress. "Now that business been settled, perhaps we ought to continue our outing, then? We can't keep Winona waiting."
Odette hummed to herself, once again holding up her hands. “Surely not. That was far too much excitement for me in one day,” she said in an exaggerated voice.

Kora had a smug, devious grin on his snout, rolling his neck and humming to himself. "Hehehe, these'll come in handy real soon! I can't thank you enough, Robin!" he grinned to the wish god girl, then leaned next to Odette, wanting more of her insight as she was far smarter than Kora was. "Should I hit 'im now? I wanna hit him now!" Kora snickered, eyeing his target and snickering more
She proceeded to follow Kora’s gaze over to Dorien, who had taken to sitting in the shade of another booth and was fanning himself with a literal fan. He probably brought that with him, the little priss.

She pursed her lips. He seemed docile now. All the more reason to fuck with him.

“You should definitely sneak up on him. Don’t let him know you’re coming.”


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The Espeon bared his fangs. <Such frivolity achieves nothing. It does not aid us in any way. In Orre, wasting our time with 'fun' would lead to only our deaths.>

'I know he wants to look intimidating but that's actually really adorable I swear to god...'

Vix shook her head, guys like this would probably try to tear her about if she let on that she was thinking like that. Unless he was one of those... tsun-something kinda guys that were secretly all shy and stuff.

...She had to stop herself from considering to try and find out if this Espeon, Nico apparently, was like that or not.

"I mean, yeah, but having to spend your whole life with one eye open and never being able to actually enjoy that life isn't how anyone should live," Vix replied, turning a shade or two more purple as she cleared her throat. "I mean, unless you really like living life on the edge, then throw whatever I'm saying out a window or whatever, right?"

She proceeded to follow Kora’s gaze over to Dorien, who had taken to sitting in the shade of another booth and was fanning himself with a literal fan. He probably brought that with him, the little priss.

She pursed her lips. He seemed docile now. All the more reason to fuck with him.

“You should definitely sneak up on him. Don’t let him know you’re coming.”

"Stealth is probably my middle name," Kora smirked, and with a snap of his claws... made a perfect copy of himself. The two foxes nodded to each other, then the copy pulled out a green pool noodle from his mane and vanished. Hecircled around the booths, heading towards Dorien, and the original watched with a smug grin on his face.

The first Kora reached Dorien without making a sound, even as he was withing thwacking distance of the prissy human. A second passed, then another, and finally, the Zoroark struck. With a speedy WHAP, he slapped the pool noodle on the back of Dorien's head. The copy let out a laugh, before vanishing in a puff of air, leaving only the noodle behind.

Kora himself snorted, but kept his cool and pretended he didn't even notice what had happened.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Odette hummed to herself, once again holding up her hands. “Surely not. That was far too much excitement for me in one day,” she said in an exaggerated voice.
She took a deep breath underneath her mask before she squinted and flinched at her own motion. She quickly realized doing that would only make the air flow up to her eyes and irritate her more. "Oh really now?"

Placing a finger upon the lip of her mask in mock inquisitiveness, she said, "Surely your own followers wouldn't angered by such constant requests?" She opened her arm up and tilted her head, "I'm sure there's quite a bit of pressure on you, my friend," and proceeded to place it on Odette's shoulder, "The stars must've have aligned us as equals to meet!"


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"I mean, yeah, but having to spend your whole life with one eye open and never being able to actually enjoy that life isn't how anyone should live,"

<You do not dictate how one 'should' or 'should not' live.>

"I mean, unless you really like living life on the edge, then throw whatever I'm saying out a window or whatever, right?"

<To live 'on the edge', as you say, is all I have known. There is no respite. Survival is the only objective in my life.>


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
<You do not dictate how one 'should' or 'should not' live.>

Vix shook her head and arms. "I-I know, I'm just... saying what I think. I've lived at least two lives already, and one of them was... not the best. Had to live that life on the run up until I, uh, couldn't live it anymore. I wouldn't want anyone else to live like that, is what I mean."

<To live 'on the edge', as you say, is all I have known. There is no respite. Survival is the only objective in my life.>

For how cool Nico was making himself sound, Vix couldn't fight the empathy she felt hearing that. Only knowing how to survive was... fine, it meant you knew how to not die, but that wasn't living. And like she alluded to earlier, being dead already kinda helped pin down what "living" could have been. She floated down to the ground, her flame dimming to a flicker. "That, in my opinion and from my own experience, is the problem. And... all the more reason to enjoy your time here, you know? If all you know is fighting and surviving, you're missing out on like... half of what living is."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Jean waved back to Koa and then turned back to the people she was talking to. Koa looked surprised but not shocked or alarmed or disgusted. The usual note of wary tension faded. Of course. Koa was a good kid.

Looked pretty despondent, though.

"How are things going with, uh. The training? You caught a legendary yet?" What an absurd fucking question to be asking.
"Not yet. Still got more training to do with my team before we're strong enough, I think. But we're getting there," he added, smiling slightly. "I have a Tyrunt on my team, and she evolved recently." That had sure been something.

Talking to Dave again felt like old times, even his usual grumpy attitude and disbelief. Ho-oh's feathers, he missed it. Impulsively, he reached out and hugged Dave tightly. "I missed you," he murmured.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
The first Kora reached Dorien without making a sound, even as he was withing thwacking distance of the prissy human. A second passed, then another, and finally, the Zoroark struck. With a speedy WHAP, he slapped the pool noodle on the back of Dorien's head. The copy let out a laugh, before vanishing in a puff of air, leaving only the noodle behind.
Dorien had half a mind to follow Odette over to wherever she was going with those women. Odette was a woman who swung both ways, wasn't she? So surely those other girls could have been wooing her as he sat there with his thoughts. First the men, now the girls? Could he not fucking take her anywhere without people swarming? It was always like that back home, with his stupid friends and his brothers, but he even had to worry about it in the multiverse?

Mum was like that. Mum attracted everyone...she was just like that.

Absurd. Odette was his. She was his girlfriend. His prey. His ticket to Florent's grace. Who the fuck did these other plebeians think they were, trying to inch around him?

Why did Odette get to be like that? Why did she get to be so perfect? Why was she just like her?

You're awfully upset right now, aren't you? Perhaps you should have killed that woman when I fucking told you to. Then you wouldn't have to be wallowing in your envy, huh?

His eyes slipped shut. His fanning sped up.

No. No. No. This is exactly why he needed to sit and calm himself down. Everything was flying out of out of control in his head, and he needed to get a reign on himself before he flew off the handle. He couldn't afford to do that again; Florent would not be happy a second time. Not to mention, he didn't want to scare Odette off--not when he was this close to her already.

He didn't want to kill her; not in the slightest. At least, not right now. But fuck, it was all just--


He flinched violently, having been so caught up in his thoughts that he'd completely forgotten where he was. He certainly wasn't expecting to be hit by whatever it was. He quickly turned around and glared daggers at the pool noodle that had been left behind, before cutting his gaze all around him.

"Now who the fuck--?!" he growled, thumbing the spot he'd been hit. It had to have been that 'Wott. Or the Zoroarck. More likely that stupid dark type than anything. "Fucking low lives."

Truly, he did not bring enough toxins for today.

Placing a finger upon the lip of her mask in mock inquisitiveness, she said, "Surely your own followers wouldn't angered by such constant requests?" She opened her arm up and tilted her head, "I'm sure there's quite a bit of pressure on you, my friend," and proceeded to place it on Odette's shoulder, "The stars must've have aligned us as equals to meet!"
Odette had her mouth covered as she snickered through the display, also trying to play off the fact that she was watching the exchange intently. She was brought back to attention when Robin began to extend her storytelling voice out to her. The half-smile began to waver.

"Well," she scoffed, "my father's followers are quite manic. They're of a more dark toned disposition, if you catch my drift. The only pressure I'm feeling is over warding them off."

W̶e̴l̴l̶ ̸w̶e̵ ̷b̷o̷t̷h̵ ̷k̷n̶o̶w̶ ̴t̵h̸a̶t̸'̵s̵ ̵n̸o̵t̶ ̷h̵a̵p̷p̵e̵n̶i̴n̸g̷ ̷a̵s̷ ̵l̶o̷n̸g̵ ̴a̷s̴ ̵I̶'̴m̵ ̸w̴i̴t̴h̴ ̵y̴o̶u̸!̶

She kept her expression steady. "Perhaps in some sense we're equal. But I can't grant wishes. I just have bugs that follow me around."

I̶t̶'̵s̶ ̸m̵e̴,̶ ̵i̸t̴'̸s̷ ̴m̶e̵,̴ ̵I̸'̴m̸ ̸t̵h̵e̸ ̷b̸u̶g̵ ̴a̴r̴e̶n̷'̷t̶ ̷I̴?̷ ̶
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