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Zinnia's Multiverse Madness! (Roleplay, March 4-13)


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
"How about you, Floatzel? Stuff like this isn't around in your world?" he asked. "And do you have a more proper name than that to work with? It'd definitely be a lot less stuffy than going with something like Herr Bojelin. Makes me sound too much like my dad."

"Fairs exist in my world, but they certainly don't have metal contraptions such as these," Rodion answered as gestured at one of the attractions. "Metal is not that common in my world anyway, so it would be rare to see this much stuff made of it in one place."

The Floatzel shook his head. "As for my full name... it's 'Rodion, Rover of the Iron Fleet'. Though pretty much nobody actually calls me that unless they're writing me a letter."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"Sure have! Wallace, this is Robin. We've been talking about carnival games, and maybe—"
"That would be great! And, nice to meet you Wallace; my name is Robin." She took a bow once more. Her head turned to the conversation happening to the side. It seemed a lot of people knew this Odette person; it'd be in her best to interest to get to know her. She looked back towards the ones near her and said, "I'm going to see if anyone else might be interested in checking out the stands. Maybe we could all try one together?"

She walked towards Odette and waved to her and the man with her, awkwardly trying to make an introduction. Hey, that one dude is going up to them. Wonder if he's--
"Red, actually", he said instead, then spent a little longer eyeing up the boyfriend. "Nice bod, dude."
...Why do all the good-looking ones have to be gay?


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Dave's here?" Koa exclaimed. He turned, eyes wide, to see not a Mightyena, but a scruffy human man. Of course. Dave had told him he'd come from a human world, of course he wouldn't be here as a Mightyena. It felt oddly jarring to see the mon he'd known for almost a year, now a human.

But somehow, the shape didn't matter. It was Dave. A grin broke out across his face. "Dave!" he called. He started towards him, unable to retrain his excitement.

Kora grinned, happy that he got to see his friend so excited, and a bit jealous no one was so excited to see him other than Gen. Instead of crashing their reunion, though, Kora opted to stay in his place, bopping his head from side to side. If there were gonna be games like Truth or Dare later today, then he'd better start thinking what he would ask other people now.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Trembling, Gen retreated back towards the one person he actually knew well here: Kora. He waddled over to the Zoroark, and tried to give him a hug.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Trembling, Gen retreated back towards the one person he actually knew well here: Kora. He waddled over to the Zoroark, and tried to give him a hug.

Kora didn't waste a second pulling Gen into a comforting hug. "You alright lil dude?" he asked, tilting his head. "I know you shake a lot but I feel like you're shaking a lot more..."

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
"Something like that, I guess," he said amicably. "Name's Koa, by the way." No reason not to just go by that, here. No one would remember him later.
Tiana gave a gracious bow to the human. "I'm Tiana, good to meet you Koa. I'm quite surprised to be in a world where humans can understand me without issues."


Winona immediately glided over to the two birds. Wallace couldn't help but smile.

Goodness, she's wonderful... but when are we going to do stuff together?
Kalas shrieked as he was surprised by the human sudden and eager arrival, and it took a moment for him to re-grab his composure. Tiana was much more used to this, and as soon as she understood the human coming in seemed to like them for being birds, she sang a happy trill.

"Yes, I'm a bird~" she chirped. She quickly extra checked that she was extra preened. "Uhmm I'm Tiana, I hope you can understand me too."

Kalas looked quite content himself seeing that Tiana was having fun, but he returned his attention to his other interlocutors.

"I mean, I guess this is a fair. It's just that the ones I've seen usually don't have all these machines in them," Lyle said. "I think I've seen something like the wheel before, but it was much smaller and made of wood."

Lyle hesitated a moment after Tiana asked about him being known as a 'Fleetfoot'. He... didn't know how wise it was to be getting too open about his past. But this was a whole different world, assuming that he wasn't just asleep and dreaming in his burrow. So what was the harm?

"As for the 'Fleetfoot' thing, it's my Beiname," the Quilava explained. "The thing that others know me for that helps me stand out in a crowd normally."

The Quilava dropped to all fours, and sprang back and forth in place a few times before giving a small smile back with a hint of pride.

"Always been quick on my feet, so 'Fleetfoot' is what wound up sticking for me," he explained. "I take it that's not common where you're from?"

The Quilava cast an aside glance over at the Floatzel in the golden scarf. He'd also found the mention of a 'theme park' to be strange, so...

"How about you, Floatzel? Stuff like this isn't around in your world?" he asked. "And do you have a more proper name than that to work with? It'd definitely be a lot less stuffy than going with something like Herr Bojelin. Makes me sound too much like my dad."

Kalas hopped in place. "Oh! Now I get it! We're going with our job names." He unfolded his wings just a bit trying to look more casual. "I'm Kalas the Rooftop Detective. For hire. Tracking people and places... for some money and a roof." He nodded as Lyle explained more about his origin. "I've not seen many Pokémon around back home using their job names, but I know you can easily find some of them by their titles alone."

"Fairs exist in my world, but they certainly don't have metal contraptions such as these," Rodion answered as gestured at one of the attractions. "Metal is not that common in my world anyway, so it would be rare to see this much stuff made of it in one place."

The Floatzel shook his head. "As for my full name... it's 'Rodion, Rover of the Iron Fleet'. Though pretty much nobody actually calls me that unless they're writing me a letter."

Kalas pondered what Rodion had just said for a moment. "That sounds less a job name and more a job name. What's that fleet like? I've never worked at any kind of fleet, I think."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
You'll have to forgive my wife, Odette," Wallace chuckled. "I think she's very excited to be meeting so many people. But anyway, how are you doing?"
She blinked a few times, then realized she realized she knew who she was looking at.

“Oh!” she gasped, then pointed a finger at him. “…Wallace, right?” she said tentatively.

Dorien bristled. Another man talking to her? He was going to explode.

Doesn’t that drive you mad? She’s a pretty girl, so surely you expected this. Why would you think she’d only have eyes for you?

You are also quite chronically male, but those of us with good sense would refer to neither you nor anyone else here in that way."
He shot a very dark look at Lusamine. He suddenly wasn’t in the mood for this anymore, not that he was to begin with.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing, honey,” he shot back nonchalantly. “In that same vein, you seem like you’re quite chronically a bitch, which I think is much worse, if I’m being honest.”

Red made a strong effort not to turn the color mentioned.
'I'm the guy who's gonna kill your girlfriend right in front of you' came to mind as a response, but not only was that only wishful thinking, it'd put the guy on high alert, and nicking that blood would become all the more difficult.

"Red, actually", he said instead, then spent a little longer eyeing up the boyfriend. "Nice bod, dude."
Odette stifled a snicker at the face Red made. Hopefully she’d be able to bruise it a few times today, if he tried anything. Odile would probably love that. Get the comeuppance she wasn’t able to last time.

Dorien arched a brow at the response. “Red? Like the color? Interesting.”

He narrowed his eyes at the compliment that followed. He couldn’t tell if the guy was being serious, or this was an attempt on his sexuality like that goddamned Noel Masse often liked to make. He decided to keep his aggravation in check here. Almost.

“I could say the same to you,” he grinned. His tone suddenly became a little more sympathetic. “But, uh…maybe a little more reps on the leg press will do you some good. I’m no expert, but, just to even things out, maybe. Other than that you look great!”


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Kora didn't waste a second pulling Gen into a comforting hug. "You alright lil dude?" he asked, tilting his head. "I know you shake a lot but I feel like you're shaking a lot more..."
"...I d-don't think so," Gen said, huddling against Kora. "I...being c-called an "it" r-really hurt."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"...I d-don't think so," Gen said, huddling against Kora. "I...being c-called an "it" r-really hurt."

Kora's eye twitched ever so slightly. He shouldn't get absolutely furious, but he couldn't help getting mad. The menacing smile he had didn't really hide his rage either, like the calm sitting above the storm or whatever that metaphor was like. "Who'd say something as mean as that? I should tell 'em to apologize," Kora said, holding Gen to his chest.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Kora's eye twitched ever so slightly. He shouldn't get absolutely furious, but he couldn't help getting mad. The menacing smile he had didn't really hide his rage either, like the calm sitting above the storm or whatever that metaphor was like. "Who'd say something as mean as that? I should tell 'em to apologize," Kora said, holding Gen to his chest.
Gen hesitated, then pointed over at Dorien. "Um...h-he did," the Oshawott said.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
She walked towards Odette and waved to her and the man with her, awkwardly trying to make an introduction. Hey, that one dude is going up to them. Wonder if he's--
Dorien was far too preoccupied with dealing with Red and this blonde chick to notice the newcomer waving. Odette, however, sent her a questioning look, before deciding to return the salute.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Gen hesitated, then pointed over at Dorien. "Um...h-he did," the Oshawott said.

Kora looked to where Gen pointed, spotting the human talking with that other slim human with the knife, then nodded. "Alright, I'll get 'im to say sorry, one way or another." Kora almost jumped to his feet right then and there, but felt Gen probably didn't want to go near the guy again. "I don't wanna set you down, but are you alright coming with me to confront the guy? I could just send a sub to... talk to him, if you want?" he asked the blue otter.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Kora looked to where Gen pointed, spotting the human talking with that other slim human with the knife, then nodded. "Alright, I'll get 'im to say sorry, one way or another." Kora almost jumped to his feet right then and there, but felt Gen probably didn't want to go near the guy again. "I don't wanna set you down, but are you alright coming with me to confront the guy? I could just send a sub to... talk to him, if you want?" he asked the blue otter.
"I...I'll come with y-you," Gen said, gripping onto Kora's fur. A tiny smile appeared on his face. "...th-thanks, Kora."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Wallace eyed Dorien. “And who might this be?”
“Her boyfriend,” Dorien said darkly. “And you are?”

“This is Wallce,” Odette said stiffly. “Don’t be a dick.”

“I’m not being a dick, I’m just really excited to meet all these friends you have, Doll.”

Odette tried her very, very best to not sigh outright. She was momentarily distracted by Odile going off in her head.

W̸a̸i̸t̵,̵ ̷h̴i̴s̶ ̶w̴i̵f̵e̶ ̵i̵s̷ ̶W̸I̵N̵O̵N̴A̸?̵ ̶I̵ ̷e̸l̵i̵m̴i̶n̴a̸t̷e̶d̵ ̵s̸o̸m̴e̸b̴o̸d̷y̸ ̷s̵o̵m̷e̶b̵o̵d̴y̶ ̶i̷n̸ ̴t̶h̵a̵t̵ ̷m̸a̷f̷i̸a̴ ̸g̵a̵m̸e̴ ̵n̶a̴m̴e̸d̵ ̸W̷i̴n̴o̴n̸a̷…̸

Again, she tried not to groan. Odile, please don’t tell me you’re out and about hurting people, I really don’t need another person on me…

W̴e̵l̴l̸,̴ ̶s̴h̸e̷’̴s̵ ̵h̷e̵r̷e̵ ̵n̴o̸w̴ ̸s̶o̵ ̵s̸h̷e̴’̴s̸ ̷C̵L̵E̷A̴R̵L̷Y̶ ̶f̷i̸n̵e̴!̴

Yep. This was going to be a long day, indeed.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
"How are you... How's your knife?"
"Very sharp! Thank you for asking."
“I could say the same to you,” he grinned. His tone suddenly became a little more sympathetic. “But, uh…maybe a little more reps on the leg press will do you some good. I’m no expert, but, just to even things out, maybe. Other than that you look great!”
Oh, so now this guy was gonna be a critic? Red hid his anger with a smirk. "Oh, you need equipment to work out?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Kora gave Gen a warm smile, standing up and keeping his watery companion firmly in his arms. It was probably for the best; it could help Gen be more assertive himself, and now Kora would have to keep himself on his own leash for this. They all came here for fun, not to tear each other apart.

Taking a deep breath, Kora approached Dorian with a serious look on his face. There were more humans around, and Kora didn't want to chance startling them, so he decided to be polite. "Hey, sorry to interrupt you guys, but that one kinda upset my friend," he greeted, pointing a claw at Dorien before focusing solely on him. "Soooo, I think it would be nice for you to apologize."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Dorien was far too preoccupied with dealing with Red and this blonde chick to notice the newcomer waving. Odette, however, sent her a questioning look, before deciding to return the salute.
"You guys have uh, made a bit of an entrance," Robin said, before bowing once more. "Robin, nice to meet you. I wanted to ask if you'd be up for some of the carnival games with us," she said pointing a thumb at Wallace and Winona.
Taking a deep breath, Kora approached Dorien with a serious look on his face. There were more humans around, and Kora didn't want to chance startling them, so he decided to be polite. "Hey, sorry to interrupt you guys, but that one kinda upset my friend," he greeted, pointing a claw at Dorien before focusing solely on him. "Soooo, I think it would be nice for you to apologize."
Seeing Dorien distracted, she leaned in and whispered to Odette, "So are you two related, or...? 'Cause not gonna lie, he seems kind of..." She made a 'so-so' motion with her hand in dissatisfaction.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Kalas hopped in place. "Oh! Now I get it! We're going with our job names." He unfolded his wings just a bit trying to look more casual. "I'm Kalas the Rooftop Detective. For hire. Tracking people and places... for some money and a roof." He nodded as Lyle explained more about his origin. "I've not seen many Pokémon around back home using their job names, but I know you can easily find some of them by their titles alone."

Lyle reflexively stiffened up at Kalas' mention of being a 'detective' and briefly felt startled fire dance on his vents. He quickly suppressed his flames, letting out a startled cough as he forced an uneasy smile over his face.

"Er... certainly sounds like a job that would keep you busy, yeah," he remarked. "Though I wouldn't exactly call my Beiname a 'job name', even if I guess it's not fully wrong. Do Pokémon from your world track each other by some other way?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
[[Slightly weird chronology here as usual with having many conversations at once; I'm assuming the conversation between Dave and Pandelume is still all happening a bit earlier.]]

"You have Gastly and Klink? Interesting. If they truly don't have souls, I cannot think what gives them any cognition at all, their species lacking brains as well. Perhaps their anima structure dictates their behavior, which I presume must be extremely simple. Ah - I should explain my terminology. Luminescence is the energy that fuels all moves and abilities, as well as the functions of magic items. The anima structure is the sum total of all a Pokemon's anima organs - consisting of a luminescence collector, luminescence pool, and anima scripts, which are... spiritual machines which have some specific effect whenever luminescence is channeled through them, similar to a windmill grinding grain when wind turns its blades. Soul-affecting abilities consist of telepathy, hypnosis, many ghost-type moves such as confuse ray, many fairy-type moves which alter emotions - generally, anything which has an effect on the cognition of an ensouled being, but which has no effect on animals."

Pandelume swayed slightly as they thought about the stranger things Dave had told them. "It is strange that psychic abilities in your world are - mediated through excrement, if I understand correctly? Perhaps even stranger that they affect the brain - psychics must be extremely powerful in your world, to be able to alter things they cannot see with such great precision to as to have any effect on the brain other than destroying it. I am surprised that your world's community-of-truth-seeking-scholars" (that was what 'science' translated to for Pandelume) " has never found any evidence of souls. If humans in your world had souls, surely it would be easy to notice. Do you never have memories of your previous life? Do you not find it odd that your higher cognition is unaffected by toxins, brain damage, or lack of sleep?"
"Oh, they definitely have brains in my universe. Bit different but still the same sorts of complex structures of neurons. They're just literally brainless in yours? Just, literal floating gas with a soul?" Fucking fascinating. This was what traveling to other universes should involve, not fucking murder party games. At the Abomasnow's questions, a grin slowly crept onto his face. "That's a great fucking question, isn't it? See, no, we don't have memories of 'previous lives', and we're definitely not unaffected by toxins and brain damage. See why we're pretty sure we don't have souls?" He paused as it sank in. "You mean, you just don't have any intoxicants over there? No alcohol, anything? None of it works because all the thinking is seriously happening in the soul? Oh my God."

Vix's look of pride seemed to double, or perhaps even triple? If one looked at her carefully, they could probably see her head actually inflating from all this praise. She totally forgot how great it felt to be looked up to, and obviously if she bragged about being the leader, she'd be looked up to even more. It's not like anyone here could fact check her... Other than Dave, and if Kora was to be taken seriously, also Koa.

...Maybe if Vix tried to sound humble about it, they wouldn't get on her case? "Well yeah, but I didn't wanna put myself above anyone else so I decided to take a more supportive role. Let everyone else get their chance in the spotlight from time to time." That was pretty much the truth too, therefore, it wasn't a total lie and Vix could continue to be praised with a clear conscious. Everybody wins!
Jean grinned and nodded. Sarah Hooter sometimes did that too as the leader! All of her friends were an important part of the team.

Kalas craned his neck as he turned to take a look at Jean. "A-ha, sure... so Pokémon in your universe are not like us?"

Tiana's feathers bristled at the idea of being considered a potential pet, and she idly preened herself as she eyed Jean. "I'm fine on my own, but thanks for the... high regard? I guess."

Kalas worked up some courage and walked up to Jean to ask. "So, you don't look exactly like the Pokémon I know. Are the others in your world like you, too?"
Linden began edging away from Lusamine. This really wasn't a fight he wanted to pick. By engineered coincidence, this brought him closer to Dave and Jean, the latter of whom he was really trying not to stare at... with a limited degree of success. He couldn't help his curiosity.
Jean turned toward the birds and giggled. "I'm not a Pokémon! I'm a Pokémorph. Half human, half Vul-- Ninetales." She'd begun a little twirl on her feet but stopped awkwardly. "There are eight of us. My dad made us!" She grabbed vaguely behind her where he was supposed to be, only to grab thin air. She looked around and -- oh, he'd just stepped away, still keeping a wary eye on her. She pointed at him with a smile. "He's a really cool scientist."

"Dave's here?" Koa exclaimed. He turned, eyes wide, to see not a Mightyena, but a scruffy human man. Of course. Dave had told him he'd come from a human world, of course he wouldn't be here as a Mightyena. It felt oddly jarring to see the mon he'd known for almost a year, now a human.

But somehow, the shape didn't matter. It was Dave. A grin broke out across his face. "Dave!" he called. He started towards him, unable to retrain his excitement.
It was him. Weird to shake off the mental image he'd had, but something about it just made sense, the exact same energy as the Manectric he'd met in Cibus. He couldn't help but picture a wagging tail as Koa ran in a beeline towards him. "I'm -- whoa. Hey, kid. What's been going on?"
Last edited:


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Jean turned toward the birds and giggled. "I'm not a Pokémon! I'm a Pokémorph. Half human, half Vul-- Ninetales." She'd begun a little twirl on her feet but stopped awkwardly. "There are eight of us. My dad made us!" She grabbed vaguely behind her where he was supposed to be, only to grab thin air. She looked around and -- oh, he'd just stepped away, still keeping a wary eye on her. She pointed at him with a smile. "He's a really cool scientist."

It looked like it was Vix's turn to be amazed, both that Jean was made and that Dave made her. "Dave? Really? I don't think he told me anything about that. What about the rest of your siblings? Are they all half-Ninetales too? Or are you the only one?" she asked, then turned a lighter shade of purple as she doubled back. "I-I mean, if you're alright answering, I don't wanna just pry, you know?"
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