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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Vegeta dove into her mud pile, soothing her unbearable pain, and letting out a pained scream under the soil, then sat back up and looked to Violet. Her eyes were red and she looked on the verge of tears, but somehow kept her usual level of bravado. "Alright, I dare you create the biggest chunk of ice you possibly can, and shatter it!"
"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Violet snickered at her own quip. "I suppose if you insist, I'll oblige in 'cooling things down'."

Violet held out her arms wide, flapping her cape to begin her performance. Her claws clutched the air as she slowly brought her two arms together, creating a brisk breeze that surged into a glacial wind around her. Her cape's light fluttering became a billowing torrent as her eyes narrowed the vapor in the air began to freeze in front of her, crystalline flakes slowly coalescing into an ever-growing hunk of ice. The ice wasn't anywhere near as impressively large as the boulder that had been cleaved by Antares earlier, but it was still larger than herself. Violet smirked, proud of her own work.


She leapt in the air with a heave and a flip, gathering an eerie, black streak around her claws her expression became one of ferocious glee. With a full dive and swipe of Night Slash, Violet landed on her foot, crouching down and eyes closed as the pillar of ice was shattered into glistening shards that scattered all into a sprinkling dust in the air.

Violet began to stand up, eyes and smirk filled with pride, but found her stance to be unsteady as the energy left her and the impact of the move that should would normally only be available as a Weavile taking its toll on her. Landing on her foot didn't exactly help either. She stealthily attempted to shake the off pain - especially on her foot - as her smile occasionally twitched, but her voice remained unfaltering as she said, "How'd you like that?"
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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Violet snickered at her own quip. "I suppose if you insist, I'll oblige in 'cooling things down'."

"Har dee har, smartass," Vegeta scoffed, rubbing her eyes. She immediately regretted that and let out a hiss. "Mother... Dammit this still stings."

The start of Violet's display, even through Vegeta's hindered vision, was impressive. Vegeta would literally never admit to it, but she paid attention as best she could. Yeah, the ice was kinda small, but still impressive, maybe. Then the jump in the air happened, and that was kinda neat, although Violet was hardly any more than a blur at that point. Vegeta tried to squint to see better but that only hurt her eyes even more. "Mother..!"

Violet shattering the ice, though? Flashy. But, a bit in the good way. Vegeta could have done the same, but it'd probably send chunks of ice everywhere instead of, like, something this flashy. In the good way. The cooling breeze actually eased Vegeta's eye pain a bit, and she managed to catch a piece of ice that did wonders to her slightly-swollen face. She was lucky enough to actually catch Violet's landing through the eye strain, and once again, Vegeta thought it was flashy, but good. Minus the slightly flubbed landing, but points for shaking it off.

"I'd say it was cool," Vegeta said, chuckling lightly at her own pun. "And by cool I mean any toddler with a hammer coulda done the same, but, you know, not terrible. I'd probably watch it again. Might wanna stay off the foot at least, wouldn't wanna make more of a fool of yourself now, right?"


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"I'd say it was cool," Vegeta said, chuckling lightly at her own pun. "And by cool I mean any toddler with a hammer coulda done the same, but, you know, not terrible. I'd probably watch it again. Might wanna stay off the foot at least, wouldn't wanna make more of a fool of yourself now, right?"
"Oh, don't give me the cold shoulder," Violet smirked, then winced as the unbalanced landing and future-evolution move penalty sent a twinge of pain through her. She kept her grin as wide as she could maintain - a slight grimace still barely visible - as she continued, "But I think thee for the compliment. I simply got off the wrong foot, that is all." She harrumphed as she turned her nose up and looked away, crossing her arms... clutching them as she attempted to bluff away the soreness.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Vegeta winced, putting the ice to eye again. It was either force herself to wince or almost actually smirk at that pun. Even Vegeta had more class than that, she thought. "Hey, ice-y through that facade, granny. You probably thought you had a leg up on me, but I'm not totally blind." Something inside Vegeta was telling her that this was a sin and that she should feel bad about herself. Nothing new, basically.

"Seri-ice-ly, don't expect me, or anyone I guess, to carry your ass when you mess up your foot by pretending to be tough. It's one thing to talk like a fairytale princess, but being a damsel in distress is not cool."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Vegeta winced, putting the ice to eye again. It was either force herself to wince or almost actually smirk at that pun. Even Vegeta had more class than that, she thought. "Hey, ice-y through that facade, granny. You probably thought you had a leg up on me, but I'm not totally blind." Something inside Vegeta was telling her that this was a sin and that she should feel bad about herself. Nothing new, basically.

"Seri-ice-ly, don't expect me, or anyone I guess, to carry your ass when you mess up your foot by pretending to be tough. It's one thing to talk like a fairytale princess, but being a damsel in distress is not cool."
Violet gave a haughty laugh as she hobbled her way over to Vegeta, "Carry me? I suppose even with that scrawny body of yours, any fin is possible." She gave a mock shrug that was interrupted by a brief wince as she not-so-elegantly waltzed up to the Mudkip, "You have quite the mud-slinging tongue, don't you?"

Her grin waned a bit as her brows lowered, "But I shall concede this victory to you." She more gently spoke as she offered a part of her cape to help the Mudkip wipe the repel off of her eyes, "It would be imprudent for either of us to attempt to hide our missteps. I'm sure you can see that," she chuckled as she realized what she said, "Or mayhap not quite yet."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"Don't worry," Lillie said, "We're friends, we're here to have fun, there's nothing to worry about..."
Kaz looked at Lillie skeptically. There had to be something to worry about but Kaz didn't want to pry, they were friends after all. "Okay, I believe you!"

"I'd normally pick dare but I still can't get outta this damn towel wrap thing," Vegeta scoffed. "Just gimme a truth."

[[A whole ass page of this]]
Suddenly there was fighting. Kaz didn't like fighting. She had considered trying to stop the garchomp but was relieved to see that the violence didn't extend beyond verbal. Afterwards, Vegemite was forced to hug everyone, but did so covered in mud, in an obvious attempt to spite those who'd raised their voice at her. She shook her head and with a disappointed sigh, said, "You're a very sore loser, Vegemite. We're only trying to have fun here."

"And remember! If you're tougher than Kaz, you won't flinch!"
Every single pore on Vegeta's body cried out in absolute agony. It was like getting paper cuts all over her body, no, Leaf Blade cuts, then someone else kicked her down a flight of stairs into a barrel full of angry spiders and ants, then chuckled that barrel into a library during one of those boring readings where the library beats you to death for sneezing quietly. After which, Vegeta was brought back here, and had to experience it all again.

But, like Lillie said, she couldn't flinch. And, honestly, it wasn't that bad once you got used to it, and lied to yourself about getting used to it.

"I am... in immense pain," Vegeta said, oddly calm. "Every fiber of my being feels like it is desperately trying to run away from itself, and if I wasn't doing everything I can to hold it in, I would be screaming." She looked at Lillie, "And I'd rather go through of that again, as long as I got to do this," A blast of water, way weaker than a Hydro Pump, shot from Vegeta to Lillie. At best, it would have knocked the girl on her ass. Put her through hell or not, the last thing Vegeta would want to do is mess up someone too badly.

Vegeta dove into her mud pile, soothing her unbearable pain, and letting out a pained scream under the soil, then sat back up and looked to Violet. Her eyes were red and she looked on the verge of tears, but somehow kept her usual level of bravado. "Alright, I dare you create the biggest chunk of ice you possibly can, and shatter it!"

"After all," Kaz sang. "You couldn't even handle Lillie's dare! One of the easiest dares here! I never expected that a silver tube that made you sneeze a bit would hurt you so much to the point of diving into mud to get it off!" Mean-spirited as it was, Kaz couldn't help but laugh at Vegemite's misfortune—after all, she brought it upon herself at this point. Kaz stretched before rotating into a more comfortable position.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Violet gave a haughty laugh as she hobbled her way over to Vegeta, "Carry me? I suppose even with that scrawny body of yours, any fin is possible." She gave a mock shrug that was interrupted by a brief wince as she not-so-elegantly waltzed up to the Mudkip, "You have quite the mud-slinging tongue, don't you?"

"What, you think I'd have trouble lifting you? You look as light as a feather, I'm pretty sure a sneas'll blow you right off your feet," Vegeta scoffed, almost rubbing her eye again, but stopping herself. Honestly, with all of this, she'd deserve a second spraying.

Her grin waned a bit as her brows lowered, "But I shall concede this victory to you," she more gently spoke as she offered a part of her cape to help the Mudkip wipe the repel off of her eyes, "It would be imprudent for either of us to attempt to hide our missteps. I'm sure you can see that,"

Vegeta blinked, holding the ice she caught in one fish paw, and looking Violet up and down for a moment. Her cape, actually, yeah, her cape. And the look on her face, she almost sounded genuine in giving Vegeta the win. Not like she was gonna complain about it. "Well how about that, I guess you can teach an old weasel new--" she began, taking the end of Violet's cape in her free fish paw...

she giggled, "Or mayhap quite not yet."

...and quickly giving it a tug to pull Violet in, and bumped the Sneasel with her hip. Not enough to knock Violet over, surprisingly. "--tricks. Nice cape, by the way."

"After all," Kaz sang. "You couldn't even handle Lillie's dare! One of the easiest dares here! I never expected that a silver tube that made you sneeze a bit would hurt you so much to the point of diving into mud to get it off!" Mean-spirited as it was, Kaz couldn't help but laugh at Vegemite's misfortune—after all, she brought it upon herself at this point. Kaz stretched before rotating into a more comfortable position.

Vegeta didn't take to kindly to that at least. "Looks like I forgot someone in my hug torture, huh?" she said, gritting her teeth. "Wouldn't want to leave anyone out, you know?" Goku did tell her to behave, but Goku was knocked out right now, so Goku could do anything if Vegeta, say... ate a mouthful of mud and shot it in a hydro pump at Kaz.

Which is exactly what she did, after letting go of Violet's cape of course. She already dirtied it up enough.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"And I'd rather go through of that again, as long as I got to do this," A blast of water, way weaker than a Hydro Pump, shot from Vegeta to Lillie. At best, it would have knocked the girl on her ass. Put her through hell or not, the last thing Vegeta would want to do is mess up someone too badly.
Lillie stumbled and fell back, catching herself with her hands... at least the mud was rinsed off. She looked down at her clothes. Wet, but they were fine.

An observer may notice Lillie was shimmering, and if they played close attention, that the water almost appeared to be sizzling. Lillie herself did not seem at all surprised by that.

She smiled at he attacker. "Thank you for cleaning off the mud. I appreciate it."

Lillie blinked. "How do you know what vegemite, of all things, is?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
She smiled at he attacker. "Thank you for cleaning off the mud. I appreciate it."

Lillie blinked. "How do you know what vegemite, of all things, is?"

"Because it fucking sucks!" Vegeta pouted. "So I dunno why he keeps calling me it! And cut the smug attitude before I actually try something!"

She really didn't know how much she could do to a human without, like, outright killing her, which Vegeta didn't want but OH BOY WAS SHE CLOSE TO RECONSIDERING.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Vegeta didn't take to kindly to that at least. "Looks like I forgot someone in my hug torture, huh?" she said, gritting her teeth. "Wouldn't want to leave anyone out, you know?" Goku did tell her to behave, but Goku was knocked out right now, so Goku could do anything if Vegeta, say... ate a mouthful of mud and shot it in a hydro pump at Kaz.

Which is exactly what she did, after letting go of Violet's cape of course. She already dirtied it up enough.
Kaz was unamused a bit of mud wasn't going to phase her, she deal with a lot worse back at home, but instead of resorting to insults or swears, she decided to take a page out of the riolu's book. Kaz stood up, walked over to Vegemite, and picked her up by her tail before lying back down in her same position, holding the squirming thing firmly between her chest and talons.

"Such big words for a bit of mud," she cooed. "I think that's enough playtime, you must be tired by now."

Lillie blinked. "How do you know what vegemite, of all things, is?"
"Isn't that the mudkip's name?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Kaz was unamused a bit of mud wasn't going to phase her, she deal with a lot worse back at home, but instead of resorting to insults or swears, she decided to take a page out of the riolu's book. Kaz stood up, walked over to Vegemite, and picked her up by her tail before lying back down in her same position, holding the squirming thing firmly between her chest and talons.

It was like facing down, like... well not a horse but something bigger than a horse and could probably actually kill her. Which honestly made Vegeta all the more excited to fight her! "Oh hell yeah, you actually look tough to--"

But it wasn't a fight, it was an embarrassment. "Wha- HEY! HEYYYYY! What the hell! Put me down! LET ME GO!!!" Vegeta cried out, squirming and gnashing and biting. If she had claws, she'd be scratching too. "What, am I a joke to you?! PUT ME DOWN YOU DUMB HORSE!!!"

"Such big words for a bit of mud," she cooed. "I think that's enough playtime, you must be tired by now."

"This. This I hate. I hate with every part of me," Vegeta growled, thrashing to get out again. "I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!"

"Isn't that the mudkip's name?"

"And my name is VEGETA!!!"

With all that noise, Lil Goku blinked awake. Her fur had mostly dried, but the first thing she did was grab another towel and wrap herself up. After than, the source of the pissed off fish. Vegeta, being carried in Kaz's arms, like a baby.

...Goku snorted.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"I have... so much resentment just building up for you," Vegeta said, gritting her teeth. "Go eat a mouthful of cinnamon powder, and wash it down with CHILLY POWDER."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"Unfortunately, I cannot eat. You won't be going anywhere anytime soon if you keep up with this attitude. Tisk, tisk, tisk. How sad."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The Mudkip gritted her teeth, stopping herself from wheezing. "What? With that big mouth you had, I'd think you'd use it if you had a problem. You didn't waste any damn time trying to belittle me, but I say a few words and suddenly you're dead silent?" Vegeta scoffed, chuckling. "Just save us both the trouble and let. Me. Go."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Violet grinned, watching the Mudkip clutched within Kaz's claw. Vegeta absolutely deserved for his antagonistic attitude towards everyone, but even so, Violet had at least... some respect for her. Just a little. Not that she would admit it.

...Well, it was her turn to ask, and who better to ask than the one currently exacting the punishment? "Kaz, while I'm sure you have your hands full," she snickered, "I believe it is once again time to ask the question: Truth, or Dare?"


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Kaz simply placed a talon over the mudkip's mouth to shut her up, she looked at Violet instead. "Well, if it's my turn again, I'll go for a truth, seeing that my talons are indeed a bit full at the moment."
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