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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"I could easily step on you, fiend," He growled in a voice that was very unlike his usual pompous tone. "And I mean that both literally and metaphorically."

"What? You mean because I'm small? Because you're bigger than me?" Vegeta scoffed, then let out a hardy laugh. "Thinking that you got the one up on me just because you're big proves it, you're nothing but a chump with a bread phobia! Do you really think you're the first big guy that thought his size mattered to me?"

Her face suddenly fell to a deadly stare. "And to think I almost felt bad about you and whatever pansy ass trauma you were bitching about earlier."


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"Thinking that you got the one up on me just because you're big proves it, you're nothing but a chump with a bread phobia!

Antares grit his teeth. He was not a 'chump', whatever that was.

"You conceited, wretched stain upon the earth! I would be doing the world a favor if I were to vanquish you right now!" He shrieked at the Mudkip. All pretense of trying to remain calm was officially thrown out the window.


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
"You conceited, wretched stain upon the earth! I would be doing the world a favor if I were to vanquish you right now!" He shrieked at the Mudkip. All pretense of trying to remain calm was officially thrown out the window.
Lance's ears perked up.

"Let's calm down now, alright? There's no need to attack a child of all things."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"You conceited, wretched stain upon the earth! I would be doing the world a favor if I were to vanquish you right now!" He shrieked at the Mudkip. All pretense of trying to remain calm was officially thrown out the window.

"Pfft! Ha!" Vegeta smirked, her anger shifting into a smugness too big for her body. "Are you really so far up your own ass that you think a death threat is threatening? From you? I'd sooner be scared of the humans that washed up here than your sorry ass!"

The Mudkip sat herself up, actually feeling comfortable in her towel wrap for once. "Maybe in a million years, when I'm old and decrepit, you can push me over and try to steal my wallet. Emphasis on try, though. Who knows, I might've stopped by the store before hand and picked up a loaf of whole grain anti-bitch bread."

"Let's calm down now, alright? There's no need to attack a child of all things."

Lil Goku felt she had to step in at several points already, but that she knew was going to set Vegeta off. Either in the "try and fight everyone" kind of way, or the "insult anything that breaths" way, both of which would cause trouble fast.

First things first, the Riolu rested a paw on Antares' leg, to try and get his attention. "Don't do something you might regret later, alright?" she said, turning to Vegeta. The Mudkip was already laughing her ass off. Insult Vegeta it was, thank god, the lesser of two annoyances.

"Oh please, like I need your help, I already got a better Riolu backing me up than you could have ever been, and when she does evolve, she'd be a better Lucario than you'd ever be," Vegeta huffed, proud. "Meanwhile, I wouldn't need your help if I was dying and taking my final breath. What, you need to be a knight in shining armor to make up for you never having one before? "Oh wowee, the last thing I'd want is another kid to go through the hardship I did, let alone a fight with a big scawy monster! Boo hooo!" Bleh!"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Oh please, like I need your help, I already got a better Riolu backing me up than you could have ever been, and when she does evolve, she'd be a better Lucario than you'd ever be," Vegeta huffed, proud. "Meanwhile, I wouldn't need your help if I was dying and taking my final breath. What, you need to be a knight in shining armor to make up for you never having one before? "Oh wowee, the last thing I'd want is another kid to go through the hardship I did, let alone a fight with a big scawy monster! Boo hooo!" Bleh!"

Gen clutched onto his reunion cape as he heard the insults spat at his friend. "I-I...you...L-Lance..."

He waddled over to Lance, and gave him as big of a hug as he could.


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
"Oh please, like I need your help, I already got a better Riolu backing me up than you could have ever been, and when she does evolve, she'd be a better Lucario than you'd ever be," Vegeta huffed, proud. "Meanwhile, I wouldn't need your help if I was dying and taking my final breath. What, you need to be a knight in shining armor to make up for you never having one before? "Oh wowee, the last thing I'd want is another kid to go through the hardship I did, let alone a fight with a big scawy monster! Boo hooo!" Bleh!"
"Don't patronize me, kid." Lance snarled. "If you think that someone wanting to help you is something that requires you to put them down in order to bring yourself up, then I'm not the problem here, am I? Besides, you're one to talk if you think throwing a tantrum when something doesn't go your way will make anyone not treat you like a little kid."

He soon took a deep breath in, knowing better than to humor her. "I was just trying to calm you two down. We're here to play a game, not get on each other's throats."


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
First things first, the Riolu rested a paw on Antares' leg, to try and get his attention. "Don't do something you might regret later, alright?"

For some reason, that brought him back to his senses.

Ah. Yes. He had just threatened to murder a child. Any good hero would do the exact same for the sake of others' safety.

He pointedly ignored what the fish said; he mustn't lose his temper again.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Don't patronize me, kid." Lance snarled. "If you think that someone wanting to help you is something that requires you to put them down in order to bring yourself up, then I'm not the problem here, am I? Besides, you're one to talk if you think throwing a tantrum when something doesn't go your way will make anyone not treat you like a little kid."

Vegeta shrugged. "I didn't call you a problem, just that you weren't a solution, especially not for me," she said, puffing out her chest. "Sure hope I didn't put a dent in your ego by not wanting your help." Her level sarcasm was absurd, only matched by that of a bratty teen. Which, like... sounds about right.

For some reason, that brought him back to his senses.

He pointedly ignored what the fish said; he mustn't lose his temper again.

As the Mudkip turned back to her first target, and noticed how not "I am going to kill you" he was, she let out a groan and pouted. "Dammit! Always before I actually get to fight someone!" Her eyes quickly darted to Goku, who, to Vegeta's surprise, glared right back. Like, angry, and stuff. "...What?"

"Behave," Goku said, firmly.

"I'm just having fun!" Vegeta barked. "It's not like I'm actually hurting anyone yet!"

"Behave, Vegeta."

"Bu--" the Mudkip was cut off by Goku sharpening her glare, to which Vegeta shrank and huffed. "F-Fine, whatever! I'll just keep playing this dumb baby game."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Lillie put on her best sweet-and-honest tone of voice. "But... if it's a dumb baby game, than wouldn't you like it?"

Vegeta was at a loss of words. Her mouth was agape, choked breaths hardly escaped her chest, her eyes twitched, and her vision began to blurr. There was so much she wanted to say, but Goku was right there and she was already angry at her once. Suddenly, being wrapped up in a bunch of towels felt UNBEARABLY UNCOMFORTABLE.

"...G-God... Dammit..." Vegeta choked out through gritted teeth. "Goku, please, I gotta get one good hit on her! Just one!"

Lil Goku shook her head, crossing her arms.

"Goku I swear to gods, please."

Another shake of the head. Vegeta coughed and choked, falling on her face. Muddy water started bubbling around her, and the sound of a torrent of water could be heard from her.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen flinched from the sound, nervously glancing over at the Mudkip after she mentioned attacking Lillie.

"Um...l-let's not attack e-each other..." he stammered.
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Steplively frowned slightly as yet another argument flared up. Miss Vegeta was certainly very prickly, wasn't she? This kind of attitude was not remotely conducive to everyone having fun at a game party. Honestly, she kind of reminded him of—

—well. Well, it wouldn't be proper to make that comparison, would it? The Princesses were royalty! Mistlords! They were always right, even if they weren't very— he caught himself again and coughed quietly. That wouldn't do, of course. Not if he didn't want to end up like Gadabout. That was so sad. You could still hear the topiary whimpering, sometimes.

But... but. The Princesses weren't here (hopefully, please? he promised he'd be back soon) to tell him what to do. But. Through the enigmatic magic of the 'dare'... he could tell someone else what to do.

"I dare you, Miss Vegeta," he said, calmly sipping a cup of tea he'd poured for himself, "to apologize to everyone you yelled at today. And give them each a big hug, for good measure! So everyone comes away from the party as friends."

By the Twice Nine, that felt absolutely scandalous! He would have to apologize to Miss Vegeta later.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Vegeta had sank into a puddle of mud, thanks to that Hydro Pump she aggressively blasted into the ground. It was... honestly really relaxing...

"I dare you, Miss Vegeta," he said, calmly sipping a cup of tea he'd poured for himself, "to apologize to everyone you yelled at today. And give them each a big hug, for good measure! So everyone comes away from the party as friends."

It was a shame it was immediately overshadowed by her UNYIELDING RAGE!!!

"WHAT?!" Vegeta exploded, actually breaking out of her towel prison, caked with mud. "Are you actually insane?"

"Are you chickening out of a dare?" Lil Goku asked, raising a brow. "That isn't like you at all."

"Maybe because the dare is to hug, HIM! The Breadophob!" Vegeta exclaimed, pointing a digit at Antares, "the cute mistress of full of herself!" Violet, "Mr. Superhero Wannabe," Lance, "The duo of "scared of their own shadows!"" Gen and Lilly, "A human that I will throw hands with, mark my words," Lillie, "the adorably naive one," Steplively, "and you!"

Goku crossed her arms, shrugging and sitting down. "Then you better get to work, huh?"

Coming here was a mistake, that's just it. It was supposed to be, like, some chill getaway from home, but noooooooo. Everyone had to have feelings and expect apologies, it was enough to make Vegeta gag! Now she had to be nice to all of them?! What the hell! But, looking down at herself, Vegeta started to grin. At least she'd be able to stay somewhat on brand, she just needed a bit more mud. "You know what, I will. Just give me one second, hehehehe..."

Vegeta blasted the muddy soil with another Hydro Pump, mixing it into thick mud, and rolled around in it. She was more soil than fish at that point, which meant she was ready. With her pearly, jagged grin still visible, Vegeta trotted over to Antares and hopped up to his face to wrap him up in a little, muddy hug. "I'm so sorry I brought to light how much of a bitch you can be," she cooed, patting his snout to leave a bit more mud before she hopped off.

Next, after restocking on mud, Lance. She eyed the lucario up for a moment before jumping up to his shoulder, rubbing her muddy cheek against his. "Do forgive me for not giving a shit enough to ask for your help. I'm sure you're a wonderfully awful hero and all." To maximize her efforts, Vegeta got off by sliding down Lance's back, then shook herself off in case his friend was nearby.

One muddy dip later, and Vegeta was off to Violet. Thanks to their shortness, Vegeta could actually hug her, and hug she did. As tight as possible. Like being strangled by an angry bear after you tried to steal its salmon dinner. "Granny, I hope you can find it in your heart to pass over a light of forgiveness upon me!" Vegeta emphasized each word with a tighter squeeze, which only served to spread the mud further. She did, however, hold on a tiny bit longer than she intended, and gentler too. Vegeta let go, clearing her throat, patted Violet on the shoulder, and was off.

More Mud, then the tiny Oshawott and shaky Dewottle caught her attention. Vegeta actually had to wonder if she'd accidentally squeeze the both of them until they popped, which, uh, while brutal and cool, isn't exactly the thing she wanted to see or do or have bearing on her conscious for all her days. It was... weird giving an actually gentle hug, covered in mud... Vegeta really didn't like it. "Shakes and Tears, I am oh so sorry for how wimpy you both turned out. It's a shame, really, you'd probably be somewhat respectable if you had a backbone or two between the both of you."

Again, Vegeta paused before leaving. She gave Gen a pat on the head, and for a fraction of a fraction of a second, as the mud parted from her face, Vegeta gave a somewhat soft expression.

Just before reaching Steplively, Vegeta took another mud bath. She hopped onto Steplively's back and kinda just... plopped ontop of him. It was a "hug" so it counted. "I'm sorry you never found the branch that said gullible on it, it's still out there, by the way, I saw it over there, past the updog." She nodded in multiple directions before hopping off the goat.

The penultimate victi--, I mean, hug recipient, Lillie. "What a nice outfit you have, I should say," Vegeta mentioned with a devious grin, shining through her muddy, dirty exterior. She quickly jumped directly into Lillie's arms, "slipping" a bit, and climbing up to her shoulders to wrap her arms around Lillie's neck. It took every ounce of strength not to flip this frail human girl over. "I am just sooooo very sorry you and I didn't get to know each other without Goku here to reel me back. I would love to take you out for a swim, but mud is fine to, isn't it?"

Finally, Goku. It took the Riolu a second to realize that she was, indeed, next. But it was a second too late, since Vegeta already tackled her into the pile of mud in a powerfully tight hug. "G-GAHHH! V-Vegeta! My fur!!!"

"I'm sorry for being such a pain, Goku!" Vegeta laughed, malicious. "Could you ever forgive me, my closest friend?"

"I will dry you out if you don't get off me this instant!" Goku cried out, trying and failling to get the Muddy Kip off her.

"Oh, that's right, you hate getting dirty, how could I forget?" Vegeta said, giving an innocent smile and batting her eyes. "Let me help you!"

"Wait NO! NOT WATE--" Goku was blasted by a Hydro Pump, which only got more mud on her. Dazed, the Riolu stared mindless into the sky, a dull, soulless groan rolling out of her chest.

Proud of herself, Vegeta shook off the rest of the mud and grinned. "There! I did your stupid dare! Now who's next, cuz I got a good few dares for a few of you bozos."


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Next, after restocking on mud, Lance. She eyed the lucario up for a moment before jumping up to his shoulder, rubbing her muddy cheek against his. "Do forgive me for not giving a shit enough to ask for your help. I'm sure you're a wonderfully awful hero and all." To maximize her efforts, Vegeta got off by sliding down Lance's back, then shook herself off in case his friend was nearby.
"I'm not the one throwing a tantrum and being a whiny baby because someone asked them to be nice to others. But be off I guess."

Lance shrugged.

...And I'm not a hero, so whatever.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
One muddy dip later, and Vegeta was off to Violet. Thanks to their shortness, Vegeta could actually hug her, and hug she did. As tight as possible. Like being strangled by an angry bear after you tried to steal its salmon dinner. "Granny, I hope you can find it in your heart to pass over a light of forgiveness upon me!" Vegeta emphasized each word with a tighter squeeze, which only served to spread the mud further. She did, however, hold on a tiny bit longer than she intended, and gentler too. Vegeta let go, clearing her throat, patted Violet on the shoulder, and was off.
Violet sneered, flashing one of her fangs the entire time Vegeta was trying to squeeze out the life out of her. As much as she wanted to protest, to insult her, break out of the hold, she kept the face of arrogance tinged only by anger at the insult. No matter how vile the Mudkip's words were, no matter how wretched the sinking, slimy mud felt as it slid and stuck onto her fur, there was one thing that kept her grinning - Mudkip still lost. Violet was keenly aware that Vegeta was still forced to be doing something she hated, and there was a cathartic satisfaction in knowing that.

Just when she thought the Mudkip was breaking away, she kept going - more softly than anticipated, and her smile waned. What is she thinking? The air stood still as Violet's eyes darted side-to-side. This had gone from cross to just plain awkward. When she was finally released from her not-so-rough grasp and received a pat on the shoulder, Violet could only stare at the Mudkip in bewilderment. Was this some kind of psychological warfare? All notion of victory had faded as only the sound of the wind and fluttering of her cape passed through her ears.

...Wait, did she call me 'cute'?

Trying to shake off the thought, Violet coughed, literally shook off the mud, and looked away, then placed her signature smile again as she pointed at Vegeta and declared, "I'll take on your challenge!"
Last edited:


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Vegeta trotted over to Antares and hopped up to his face to wrap him up in a little, muddy hug. "I'm so sorry I brought to light how much of a bitch you can be," she cooed, patting his snout to leave a bit more mud

Antares could ignore the barbed insults, and the very uncomfortable feeling of someone actually hugging him.

But the mud? That was appalling.

In an attempt to get the mud off of him, he immediately went and dove into the cold waterfall that everyone had ignored.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Why, thank you for the hug. Now, I know you must be heartbroken you didn't get the chance to prove you're so tough, so how about I make it up to you?"

Lillie pulled the silver can back out of her purse, smirked, and pointed it towards the Mudkip's face and pressed down on the nozzle as hard as she could.

"And remember! If you're tougher than Kaz, you won't flinch!"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen shuddered as he was covered in mud. That felt so uncomfortable against his fur. It was probably the most uncomfortable hug he'd ever received.

And the next moment, he was called wimpy and unrespectable. But that was true, wasn't it? He couldn't even pull off a Water Gun, and he was absolutely terrified of being alone.

...he really should get this mud off.

Trembling, he waddled over towards the waterfall, the mud near his eyes remaining damp.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Trying to shake off the moment, Violet coughed, and looked away, then placed her signature smile again as she pointed at Vegeta and declared, "I'll take on your challenge!"

"And I'll take that as a dare, then!" Vegeta said, proud. "I dare yo--"

Lillie pulled the silver can back out of her purse, smirked, and pointed it towards the Mudkip's face and pressed down on the nozzle as hard as she could.

"And remember! If you're tougher than Kaz, you won't flinch!"

Every single pore on Vegeta's body cried out in absolute agony. It was like getting paper cuts all over her body, no, Leaf Blade cuts, then someone else kicked her down a flight of stairs into a barrel full of angry spiders and ants, then chuckled that barrel into a library during one of those boring readings where the library beats you to death for sneezing quietly. After which, Vegeta was brought back here, and had to experience it all again.

But, like Lillie said, she couldn't flinch. And, honestly, it wasn't that bad once you got used to it, and lied to yourself about getting used to it.

"I am... in immense pain," Vegeta said, oddly calm. "Every fiber of my being feels like it is desperately trying to run away from itself, and if I wasn't doing everything I can to hold it in, I would be screaming." She looked at Lillie, "And I'd rather go through of that again, as long as I got to do this," A blast of water, way weaker than a Hydro Pump, shot from Vegeta to Lillie. At best, it would have knocked the girl on her ass. Put her through hell or not, the last thing Vegeta would want to do is mess up someone too badly.

Vegeta dove into her mud pile, soothing her unbearable pain, and letting out a pained scream under the soil, then sat back up and looked to Violet. Her eyes were red and she looked on the verge of tears, but somehow kept her usual level of bravado. "Alright, I dare you create the biggest chunk of ice you possibly can, and shatter it!"
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