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[COMPLETE] Humble Vale Mafia


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
[[ah, forgot to add that Inke only claimed to receive one message this entire game, from Yellow, and it was the "good alien" message, and only after Yellow revealed the twist in her message powers.]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
Approx. 45 minutes remaining!


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
An ethereal hiss is heard once more. You feel the presence of a friend.

Fusion has been CURSED.
NIGHT 3 start


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
Panoramic_Vacuum votes Fusion. (#1040)
(#) HelloYellow17 votes Fusion. (#1042)
(#) Sinderella votes HelloYellow17. (#1043)
(#) Inkedust votes Fusion. (#1044)
(#) IFBench votes Fusion. (#1050)
Panoramic_Vacuum unvotes Fusion. (#1064)
(#) Panoramic_Vacuum votes HelloYellow17. (#1064)

Fusion: 3 (HelloYellow17, Inkedust, IFBench)
HelloYellow17: 2 (Sinderella, Panoramic_Vacuum)

"well then," said sans. "let's see if you got the right guy."

The earth cracks and begins splitting apart once more, golden light shining on Kora from below. And again, sans makes sure that Gen doesn't see a thing. It isn't long before another lone paper is fluttering in the heavy air, with the Zoroark nowhere to be seen.

Fusion was executed. They were Mafia.

"...welp. that's two in a row," commented sans, visibly impressed. "keep it up, and you might actually get to enjoy your vacation."

Somehow, this isn't very reassuring. As you return to your hotel/inn room, you try not to think of the explosion when you sleep. You try to forget Amy's horrified expression. Rain starts to fall as the night falls, tapping at your windows like an old ghost.

Any Buddy systems containing Fusion will now be adjusted. Please wait warmly until it is done.

NIGHT 3 has begun. You have 48 hours to submit any night actions you have.

  1. @IFBench (Gen the Oshawott)
  2. @AbraPunk (Palkia the Palkia) (Detonated. Revealed to be Mafia.)
  3. @Sinderella (Guzma, ya boy)
  4. @unrepentantAuthor (Salem the Purrloin morph) (pleas pet her) (Nightkilled. Revealed to be Town.)
  5. @Fusion (Kora the Zoroark) (Executed. Revealed to be Mafia.)
  6. @Flyg0n (Possum the living god) (Nightkilled. Revealed to be Town.)
  7. @Inkedust (Mademoiselle the human who looks like a Yveltal)
  8. @DawningWinds (Executed. Revealed to be Town.)
  9. @HelloYellow17 (Rui the human)
  10. @kyeugh (AZ the king, before he became a tall hobo) (Exe-kyeugh-ted. Revealed to be Mafia.)
  11. @Equitial (Amy the human) (Detonated. Revealed to be Third-party.)
  12. @Panoramic_Vacuum (Steven Stone the human)
  1. @IFBench (Gen the Oshawott)
  2. @Sinderella (Guzma, ya boy)
  3. @Inkedust (Mademoiselle the human who looks like a Yveltal)
  4. @HelloYellow17 (Rui the human)
  5. @Panoramic_Vacuum (Steven Stone the human)
  1. AbraPunk (Palkia the Palkia)
  2. unrepentantAuthor (Salem the Purrloin morph) (pleas pet her)
  3. Flyg0n (Possum the living god)
  4. DawningWinds
  5. kyeugh (AZ the king, before he became a tall hobo)
  6. Equitial (Amy the human)
  7. Fusion (Kora the Zoroark)
Last edited:


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
Buddy systems have now been adjusted.


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
Flavour is incoming. Pls hold.
DAY 4 start


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
It was back-and-forth chaos. As soon as the boys thought they had the upper hand, they lost even more of their own to the villagers. It was getting harder and harder to stay undercover, to stay safe. Not even a fucking bomb could get them out of that place, god knows they tried.

To say they were desperate, was an understatement. They were thinking, how are they meant to get outta this dump if half the town is secretly aliens? Bug-eyed, cow-abducting, little fucking green men? Absolutely crazy shit, I tell you.

The night had been quiet. Too quiet for his liking. The silence left him alone with his thoughts, and that was almost as torturous as being reminded of how things had… changed. He wasn’t actually alone, but the room had never felt so empty.

Without another word, Steven rose from the desk where he’d sat for the entire night. Stiffly, he walked past the bed that sat untouched, and opened the door into the inn’s hallway.

He padded down the hall until he reached the end. A small window overlooked the town square, and even though it was dark, he swore he could see the scorched mark from the explosion… Steven leaned heavily against the wall, his forehead resting on the cool glass. His mind was racing, his heart was doing no better.

Too lost in his own thoughts, Steven didn’t notice the movement of a reflection in the glass.

The first impact felt like nothing more than a punch between his shoulder blades. The second sent fire spreading through his chest. He only had time to let out a gasp before slumping against the wall and crumpling to the floor.

The rain has stopped when the guests at Humble Vale wake up for the day, but an uncomfortable fog has taken its place. The sky is grey and cloudy, and even if it isn't raining here, you get the feeling that it's probably raining somewhere else.

In the fog, you only see the silhouette of sans at first, as you carefully step towards the town square meeting spot.

"...i'm afraid there's more bad news," he says, as everyone approaches. Everyone except one.

So many faces got crossed off the collage yesterday, but now...

Panoramic_Vacuum has died. They were Town.

The world feels more shrouded, more distant today. It feels like the deep fog could be hiding anything in its midst. You only hope you can see far enough in front of you to make the right choice.

As you begin to discuss things, sans quietly walks off to the side, eyes dark.


"...never got to give him papyrus' letter."

DAY 4 has begun. You have 48 hours for discussion and voting.

Any Buddy systems containing Panoramic_Vacuum will be adjusted. Please wait warmly if you are in this category.

Also: would like to remind you all, that you can end the day early if every living player votes to end the day. ^^ Just in case you get bored, or something!

  1. @IFBench (Gen the Oshawott)
  2. @AbraPunk (Palkia the Palkia) (Detonated. Revealed to be Mafia.)
  3. @Sinderella (Guzma, ya boy)
  4. @unrepentantAuthor (Salem the Purrloin morph) (pleas pet her) (Nightkilled. Revealed to be Town.)
  5. @Fusion (Kora the Zoroark) (Executed. Revealed to be Mafia.)
  6. @Flyg0n (Possum the living god) (Nightkilled. Revealed to be Town.)
  7. @Inkedust (Mademoiselle the human who looks like a Yveltal)
  8. @DawningWinds (Executed. Revealed to be Town.)
  9. @HelloYellow17 (Rui the human)
  10. @kyeugh (AZ the king, before he became a tall hobo) (Exe-kyeugh-ted. Revealed to be Mafia.)
  11. @Equitial (Amy the human) (Detonated. Revealed to be Third-party.)
  12. @Panoramic_Vacuum (Steven Stone the human) (Nightkilled. Revealed to be Town.)
  1. @IFBench (Gen the Oshawott)
  2. @Sinderella (Guzma, ya boy)
  3. @Inkedust (Mademoiselle the human who looks like a Yveltal)
  4. @HelloYellow17 (Rui the human)
  1. AbraPunk (Palkia the Palkia)
  2. unrepentantAuthor (Salem the Purrloin morph) (pleas pet her)
  3. Flyg0n (Possum the living god)
  4. DawningWinds
  5. kyeugh (AZ the king, before he became a tall hobo)
  6. Equitial (Amy the human)
  7. Fusion (Kora the Zoroark)
  8. Panoramic_Vacuum (Steven Stone the human)


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Mademoiselle wasted no time. With a simple gesture of her wing she pointed at Rui and said, "There never was a hostile Third-party to begin with. Just a Mafia tactic to sew doubt within all of us. Let us be done with this game."



Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen's expression fell as he saw that another person had died.

Wasn't it supposed to have ended yesterday? Wasn't Kora supposed to be the final mafia?

But...it was still going. And now Steven was dead.

He felt so utterly alone.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"...I v-vote Rui," Gen said, looking down.

(@Bluwiikoon )


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Mademoiselle tapped her claw impatiently within the fog to break the deathly silence that permeated throughout the fog.

"Is there any way to speed this up?" she demanded.

[[Oop. Forgot to do this in my first post, @Bluwiikoon
End Day]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Mademoiselle wasted no time. With a simple gesture of her wing she pointed at Rui and said, "There never was a hostile Third-party to begin with. Just a Mafia tactic to sew doubt within all of us. Let us be done with this game."

[[Can’t say I wasn’t expecting this. The fact that I was suspect #1 (after Fuse) meant that of course I wouldn’t get shot in the night because I’m the perfect mislynch target. And now it all comes down to me defending myself.

However, I also have to say that it’s mighty convenient for Steven to have died right after he started theorizing about SK!Inke. No matter what you all think of me, I hope you don’t overlook that tidbit because that seems rather condemning.

But anyways, let’s break this down and get into the nitty gritty. First, let’s humor you. Let’s take a look at things as if I were mafia, and then deconstruct it all.

(gonna be copy/pasting some of this from my chat with Sind and Pano last night because I don’t have the energy to type it all out again. So, Sind, if any of this looks familiar, this is why, lol.)

I was among the first, if not the first (idr the exact specifics and I’m too tired to comb through the thread to verify) to vote both Abra and Q and I’ve been side-eying Fuse hard since pretty early in the game. In all honesty, I would have side-eyed Fuse even harder, but in our very brief interactions with each other, he did sound truly, genuinely upset that he was too busy to play much. And he also made it sound like he might have a chance to participate more later in the game, so I was willing to hold off on throwing sus at him to give him a chance to play later. Obviously he never really did jump in, and tbh I wish we could have had someone sub in for him because it has kiiiinda sucked to be the only one with an inactive buddy.

Anyways, I’ve been on the front lines against all the confirmed mafia players from the beginning. It’s pretty widely known that bussing any of your mafia teammates is a terrible idea 99% of the time, let alone all of them. Also, if I were mafia…why on earth would I have Abra explode when they did, so early in the day? It doesn’t make much strategic sense, so my guess is that Abra was on their own to make that decision and just decided to self-yeet ASAP once it was clear they were going to get lynched—which, looking at Abra’s past play, definitely checks out.

Back to the first point: it ties into why it doesn’t make sense for me to be SK, either, because SK would want mafia to survive as long as possible. And though SK doesn’t usually know who mafia is, in this game I’m willing to bet they had a way to get in touch with maf to team up—aka, Bench’s role.

Now, here is where I’m torn, because it has to be either you, Inke, or Bench, and so far you’re far more sus—yet Bench’s role lines up extremely well for an SK. He wouldn’t have had to edit too much in his PM, especially since he had Sind’s role PM to reference since pretty early in the game. To be honest, Bench doesn’t strike me as the type to run a long and deceptive gambit—but if he can play low-key, doing 90% roleplay and only voting once other vote trains have started, then he wouldn’t really have to sell the gambit. He’d just have to coast along, avoiding suspicion simply because people regard his posts as “just playstyle.”

The other thing is the fact that he immediately threw Abra under the bus as soon as they replied to his message—it obviously wouldn’t have been a good call to team up with them, since everyone was piling on them right out the gate, so instead he decided to expose them even further and give himself more town credibility.

However, Steven’s theories about Inke were pretty solid, and had me getting worried. The fact that he died last night has me side-eying Inke just as much, if not more, than Bench.

I’ve asked this before and I’ll ask it again: When have I ever done anything that wasn’t beneficial to town? When have I ever, even remotely, done anything that could be classified as “scummy?” How do any of my decisions through the entire game line up at all with me being anti-town?


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[One more point: why would I shoot one of my own buddies (Pano, Sind and I were all buddies last night)? Like, that would only serve to make people even more sus of me.

My theories are A: Inke shot Steven because he was actually frighteningly close to the truth and needed to die before he could convince anyone else.
or, B: Bench shot Steven because the next best mislynch targets were either me or Inke, so he figured he could keep both of us alive to better his own chances of surviving and continuing to fly under the radar.

Seriously. It’s down to the wire here and I don’t know what more I can say to get y’all off my case, but please give this some thought. I’m trying to keep my frustration at bay today, but it’s difficult when I’ve been so pro-town it’s not even funny, there are a million holes in the SK/Mafia!Rui theory, and there’s plenty of shady stuff circling around Inke and Bench.

Oh, and I probably don’t need to point this out, but what the heck, I will: I’m well aware that me being sus of two out of the three other players is probably not doing me any favors. This is because I want to lay all the cards and theories out on the table because I want us to win the game and choose wisely. If I was mafia/SK, wouldn’t I just be out for my own skin and trying to focus on only one player? I’m trying my hardest to keep us from losing this game but y’all have got to work with me here.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[It's entirely a matter of PoE at this point. Bench has a claim that tracks. Not only does his role PM not look fabricated in the slightest (margin of error being too large) but Tetra claimed to have survived being shot N1, which alongside his PM, makes me believe that it is legitimate. Yes, Bench is just... not playing in favour of RPing (which is frustrating and unhelpful, I agree) and if we didn't have this confirmation, I would be side-eyeing him just as much but if I recall, you gave Abra that same benefit of the doubt.
[[Equi for the love of all that is holy, please do not gun for Abra today. They have a very solid pattern of appearing scummy and having holes in their arguments even when innocent. And I agree with Tetra that they are really not worth voting for today. Tomorrow, sure! I’m totally game for that if things continue to not line up. But I really think our vote is better used on someone else today.]]

I also find the timing strange that the moment Bench claimed the full extent of his role, you immediately tried to paint him as anti-town. Yes, you gave us your PM information and your reason for doing so seemed to be legitimate but the PM you posed here had been clearly tampered with the removal of the buddy information, and if I had to make an educated guess, you removed that information because it was clearly referring to Mafia, not Town.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
but if I recall, you gave Abra that same benefit of the doubt.
[[I both did and didn’t. I reminded people early on in the game that Abra’s playstyle shouldn’t automatically make them sus—however, by D2 (I think? I can never keep the days straight in this game) I was hardcore pushing for either Abra or kyeugh, and Abra never left my sus list from that point onward.]]
I also find the timing strange that the moment Bench claimed the full extent of his role, you immediately tried to paint him as anti-town. Yes, you gave us your PM information and your reason for doing so seemed to be legitimate but the PM you posed here had been clearly tampered with the removal of the buddy information, and if I had to make an educated guess, you removed that information because it was clearly referring to Mafia, not Town.]]
[[I’ve already explained my reasoning for both of these things. Since my PM said “may or may not” be hostile, I didn’t want to immediately jump the gun and accuse Gen unless I had more to go off of—especially since I fully believed Abra and kyeugh to be scum, and decided to get rid of them first. Throwing sus at Bench when I wasn’t even fully sure of his guilt yet would only cause more confusion and potentially cause people to not vote Abra or kyeugh, which I didn’t want because I was more sure of their guilt than of Bench’s at the time.

Once Bench revealed his role more fully, it felt like as good as a confession to me. “Hey everybody, I have a role that can only communicate with mafia!” on top of receiving my message was pretty darn condemning, imo.

I already explained why I didn’t mention I was buddies with Fuse sooner—Jackie asserted very early that all scum must have been paired with other scum, and that stuck with me—for one, Fuse is almost always the scummiest looking player, and I’m always paranoid that he is scum kind of by default because he’s so hard to read. (I also didn’t want to claim who my buddy was D1 for the same reason everyone else opted not to.) And for another, as people began to be more and more suspicious of Fuse, I didn’t dare say anything because I worried it would just make people side-eye me by default. Looking back, maybe I should have just owned up to it, but I don’t think it was at all unreasonable for me to hide that information.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[…actually, upon thinking about it, it’s possible Bench shot Steven just to make Inke look more suspicious??? Hnnnnng idk what to think rn. Just gonna throw a vote out into the void until I can think some more.]]

@Bluwiikoon ]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[I'm not exactly understanding all this tunneling on Bench despite the evidence pointing to him being truthful. Bench being able to send messages to Mafia does not make him automatically guilty, especially if it was something he openly shared with his Buddy. Also, you didn't initially view "may or may not" as the possibility of being hostile, you framed it as mechanic confirmation, causing Bench to post his entire PM in the thread. Additionally, there is strategic merit to shooting someone within your own Buddy system to make the players in the other system look worse by proxy, which is what you're trying to do right now.

My biggest question is this; Sind should've granted Pano protection from being shot, while Sind's BP was shot, her buddy protection was not, so how did Steven die?]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[I both did and didn’t. I reminded people early on in the game that Abra’s playstyle shouldn’t automatically make them sus—however, by D2 (I think? I can never keep the days straight in this game) I was hardcore pushing for either Abra or kyeugh, and Abra never left my sus list from that point onward.]]
[[Wait, this isn't right. That message was quoted during D2, when everyone was flinging votes between Abra and Q. You weren't pushing on Abra on all, you were entirely on Q then. You only went on Abra during D3, when it was pretty obvious to everyone that she was scum.]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
My biggest question is this; Sind should've granted Pano protection from being shot, while Sind's BP was shot, her buddy protection was not, so how did Steven die?]
Am currently writing up my readlist, but I'll pause to throw this out:

1.) Yellow and Steven got shot, and Yellow got the protection and Steven died, and Yellow lied to me when she said she didn't get shot.
2.) This motherfucking TP shoots twice and aimed both shots at Steven to pop my protection and assure death.
3.) There's two anti-town parties left and both shot Steven to pop my protection and assure death.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Basically right now I don't trust any of y'all]]
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