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Poppin' Arms Guild ~ Main Lobby

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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"We didn't notice, either," Diyem pointed out. "I didn't notice. Perhaps it was so deep within her that... the only thing that could have awakened it was another Dark Eternatus. One like Eien. Or, perhaps, some luck..." Diyem nodded. "It was a race against time. A race for Maple to discover this herself, or for someone like Eien to come along... and Eien won.

"This very well could be an unprecedented set of circumstances in our part of the Overworld. We were not prepared for a wandering Voice of Life with an energy-nullification property like Eternatus to hide away the fact that... so much is within her. It was the perfect blend of powers hidden away." Diyem paced. "That's also why this could be a problem to combat her. Unleashed like this, even my strongest attacks barely did anything against her... and she healed it all away, too. Defeating her as things currently are... is impossible.

"Thankfully, I have a plan."

"Wait, um, maybe what Nate is saying might be worth looking into," Owen said. "Something still doesn't add up. Diyem, you said that we normally can detect stuff like that, right? So how come even you didn't notice, if you're supposed to be familiar with Eien?"

"...Well... perhaps it was simply too deep to see," Diyem said. "Is this important right now? I sensed it now."

Owen frowned, brow furrowed in a similar way to Diyem. The dark-flamed Charizard's eye twitched. "...I don't really know why else it could be. We'll keep that in mind... There is still something missing. Such as what specifically caused that explosion to begin with."

"Or why Soda knew to act the way he did," Owen added. "We know that Soda did things, but not why, or even how..."


House of Two Midnights
"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Ain't nobody's wrong for not having noticed, I'm saying the situation's fucked, because if it wasn't somebody would have. And yeah, exactly. Why was Soda the only one to figure it out? When a fucking reformed-Eterna Dark Matter, an actual arceus, a Life Necrozma, all of them, couldn't sense a thing. There's still something going on here that we don't know about, and if we act like we got this all figured out, it's probably going to bite us in the ass." He grimaced and rubbed a thorn-welt. "Again. But anyway, you say you got a plan, big guy? Let's hear it."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Soda was brought up again, and for a brief moment, Vix's shadows rose as well. But they weren't saying anything bad about him, just that we didn't know what he did. That was true. But it felt like they were still implying that he did something that caused any of this.

"It's possible that there was someone or something else, possibly with blacklight themselves, that managed to hide Maple's corruption and world, someone even more nefarious and scheming that Giovanni. Like another one of him." For some inexplicable reason, Vix's shadows lessened just then. "We should definitely keep it in mind going forward... we don't really know who's inside Maple, or who else besides Soda knew about her. Anybody could be pulling the strings for all we know."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"We know that Soda did things, but not why, or even how..."

"If you expect a straight answer to those, Owen, I have a wonderful townhouse I'd like to sell you on a planet with no oxygen," Bahamut deadpanned. "Get to the plan. And I swear if it's something stupid like trying to trap her inside your hellspace, I will lock you in a room with this idiot," he pointed to the shade with his tail, "and feed the key to Flesh."


House of Two Midnights
"It's possible that there was someone or something else, possibly with blacklight themselves, that managed to hide Maple's corruption and world, someone even more nefarious and scheming that Giovanni. Like another one of him." For some inexplicable reason, Vix's shadows lessened just then. "We should definitely keep it in mind going forward... we don't really know who's inside Maple, or who else besides Soda knew about her. Anybody could be pulling the strings for all we know."
Nate nodded. "Yeah. I got a feeling there's another player here. At least one. Maybe more."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"I was not working with anybody for this particular mission," Giovanni said. "If you want my input, I don't think I know, either."

I swear if it's something stupid like trying to trap her inside your hellspace, I will lock you in a room with this idiot,

"Close," Diyem said, smirking. "We cannot defeat Maple directly. Something from within is powering her."

He made a sweeping gesture toward Team Spectrum.

"I am not taking Maple into the Voidlands. I am going to send you into hers."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"That almost kinda sounds fun, aside from... obviously having to look out for us getting brutally murdered by... brilliant lights? Whatever the opposite of a void shadow is," Vix hummed. She was back to normal fairly quick.

Puddle, no longer worrying about Vix blasting it to pieces, asked, "Are we sendin' everyone this time, or just Team Spectrum?" It glanced towards Joule, not wanting any of the familiars to be alone with him on either side of Maple... Assuming it was even right to still be skeptical of Joule.


House of Two Midnights
"Okaaaay..." Nate started to tug at his gills but stopped with a wince. "I'll take your word for it on you being able to do that. You're the fucking expert and all. But what're we supposed to do once we get there? I mean, I ain't asked too much about what happened to everybody who went for a vacation in your weird extra dimension, but it sure seemed like they couldn't get back out again without your help. And Maple's Dark Matter ain't got no real reason to help us. So are we supposed to somehow fight them from inside or some shit? Convince them to help us out? How's that gonna work?"


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"I will be tethering you to my own spirit," Diyem said, gesturing to himself. "I will shoot you from my Voidlands into hers. Then, I will fend her off until you are able to subdue her from within. With my guidance, you should be able to find either a Core, Maple herself, or something else that can destabilize Maple in the living world. From there, I will defeat her, withdraw you, and she can stabilize."

Diyem spoke with jargon that none of them fully understood, but he seemed confident enough that it was as if he'd already seen Maple's inner workings. With that in mind, Owen asked, "You already saw what's inside her, didn't you?"

"Flashes," Diyem replied. "When we fought."

"Wait," Owen added. "But if you're fending her off on your own... and Eien might also be there... what if they overwhelm you?"

Diyem hesitated there. "Well, yes. That is a risk..."

"And someone has to take down Maple in the real world anyway," Owen added. "You alone might not be able to. Should... some of us remain with you to fight?"

"Most of you will be needed within Maple," Diyem said. "But, perhaps..."


House of Two Midnights
"A core, or Maple, or something else..." Nate sighed. "Yeah. Sounds like my favorite kind of plan. Any way we can get at least a little better picture of the situation before we go? Is what a Dark Matter's voidlands is like at all related to the world they come from, anything like that?"

"And... ah." He glanced around at the assembled pokémon, certain shining ones among them in particular that he couldn't imagine would like the sound of this. "What about the other people here? They got any part in this plan of yours, or are they sitting this one out?"


Ace Trainer
Mellow sat next to the door with her arms crossed. She didn't even want to look at some of the people in there...But it sounded like they were planning something to do with going to the tree again. To save Maple. She didn't like her, but the fact that they'd have to save her because of a bunch of people on their team choosing to not say anything just... Made her so angry. So she sat and steamed and didn't listen in much. Raven could tell her about it later.

Luckily for her, Raven opted to speak up on her behalf. "...I believe Mellow would be willing to assist you, Diyem. Rather than go searching through what Maple has contained inside her." The Shade turned to Bahamut. "...I suppose you would also prefer assisting Diyem?"


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Um, I think we're glossing over a few things here..." Cynthian glanced at the screen showing S'more and grimaced. "The story you told us doesn't explain who killed and replaced S'more with... the other S'more. Either there really is someone else behind this or Giovanni is hiding another accomplice."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
At the mention of Voidlands and having to travel inside of Maple, Icetales tensed up instantly.

A whirlwind of memories assailed him for the briefest of moment, making his shadow rise from his body. He took a deep breath, cramming his pain from past events deep inside, and turned toward Diyem.

There was no doubt what he had to do.

“I shall travel into the Voidlands, if I have to.” His eyes narrowed. “I survived hell twice, what is one more time?”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Luz grasped her paws in each other and looked nervously about the room. So much of this was down to the possibility of immortality, wasn't it? Soda wanted his mate's life to extend indefinitely to match his own, and it had hurt him to have that put out of reach. Hadn't that been how Zeraora of Cibus had ended up the way she had? The two of them had met, briefly. If only they'd talked, instead of fought...

Brisa held her tongue while she pressed her radiant paw to Astrid's fur. Nobody was doing well right now, but if she could help somebody, then she would at least try.

I could use a friend right now, Astrid. Wake up, won't ya?...

C'mon, Astrid. Don't tell me that was all y'had left in ya. Y'ain't done yet...


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Unless they have something they can contribute," Diyem said, "I do not think there is very much that can be done on their end."

"Hmm... Perhaps I can think of something," Pop said from his video feed. "I've grown very tired of being helpless and hiding away while this Blacklight continues to haunt us. I have been searching for ways to fight back, any way at all, but... with our powers nullified so easily, it's not a simple task. However... I have consulted Bean about this. He has asked for advice from the Overseers now that we know more about the nature of what we are fighting, and I will give him more information now so we can see what we can glean. Bean mention that there is apparently a specific type of Pokemon that can counteract Eternatus."

"A specific Pokemon..." Diyem hummed. "...Mmm. No. I do not know the details of that. But I know Eien mentioned them a few times. She considered them... not frightening, but something that she did not want to provoke if she did not have to. Perhaps details from the Overseers may help."

"Mm. I will keep my plans private until they are at all useful. For now, it would only provide noise."

Diyem nodded, but then, finally, got to addressing Nate's initial concern. "I have a suspicion that what you will be fighting within Maple will be a spiritual replica of her, perhaps corrupted by Dark Matter, or Eternatus, or some other way. Battling her, as a Voice of Life, may awaken her true self, and therefore stun her in the living world. From there... I can subdue her."

"And what about Xerneas, and S'more?" Owen asked for Cynthian.

"Mm." Diyem looked at S'more, who seemed to be thinking the same.

"We still don't know, do we?" the Marshadow said. "Soda could have been behind it, but..."

"Soda wouldn't kill someone," Potluck said immediately, having been silent for so long. "He saves people. Soda isn't a killer."

"Potluck..." Truffle reached toward him, but hesitated.

"I don't... like the way everyone is talking like he's a bad person. He isn't. He's... There's got to be something else to it. He's not... He just isn't!"


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa clenched her jaw.

"Soda ain't some fuckin' heartless villain. He gives a shit about people, obviously. He's the fella as looks after Flesh all the damn time, ain't he? He ain't a monster. He's just lost sight of what's reasonable, 'cause he wants to 'free' his mate by deceivin' all of us an' riskin' an entire world to gain ultimate fuckin' power. You want my guess? It's the Blacklight in him that's put these notions in his head. Ideas long-suppressed, wants inhibited. If there's some way we can get through t'him, some way we can help him find his way again, that's what we gotta do."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Shadows danced through Icetales’s pelt, a sign of frustration about the entire situation. The faint silhouette of an imposing demonic fox flickered just above him for a few seconds, before receding back into his body.

Heavens! Why did things have to escalate all the darn time?

“I would say that is enough meaningless tail-pointing…” he grumbled, glancing at the other members of the team. “It is not like we can even ask the fellow about what is going through his mind since he has gone to the forsaken moon!”

He breathed out harshly, before shaking his head.

“Apologies if I am sounding snappy, but I am exhausted, and this intra-cortège conflict will not fix matters. What happened, happened. What we must do now is to think of some way to salvage the situation, in a way or another.”

The darkness seemed to recede even further, but it was still enough to shroud his body. Though, his gaze made it clear he was of sound mind, fully capable to keeping his own shadow in check.

“So! How about actually trying to entrust each other from now onward and work as an actual team? By the stars, we have been in this together for so long! So, why are we still so secretive with each other?”
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