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[MAFIA WIN] Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
[[My apologies]]
[[...No, I'm sorry; my tone was a lot harsher there than it needed to be, Tefiren aside. I apologise if I upset you; it can be easy to forget there's a person there behind the RP, and I shouldn't have forgotten that.

If you really are sure of this, then what I'm actually frustrated by is this situation, which isn't your fault nor something you asked to wind up in the middle of. I'm just curious! I want to know what kind of role could possibly be something that'd be that bad for town if it was revealed as being a dead person's role, even though I'm aware that that'd apparently be bad!

Maybe you could tell us something about why it'd be bad if you revealed it, in a way that wouldn't actually make things bad itself? Like, is it like Dave says, that we don't want to tell the mafia that role's gone from the game?]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
It's something that'll be more rewarding the longer it stays hidden, if that makes sense.

"If only I could cut you off like you can cut me off..."


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
Tefiren peered at the half-zolt, and was suddenly struck by another weirdly-clear certainty of what the tail was thinking.

[[Yeah, that's me, giving you sudden psychic insights whenever knowing someone's thoughts is necessary for me to move your narrative along.]]

Something that'd be better for everyone the longer it stayed hidden? Hmmmm. That was... intriguing. He almost wanted to know what it was now anyway, but if they'd find out later, and it'd be better if they found out later, maybe it was okay that they had to wait.

He stepped back from the half-zolt, no longer nearly as irritated, more just delightfully curious. Someone involved with this game knew how to make things fun! It was worth waiting, if it'd be more fun in the end. The best kind of tricks were a surprise, after all.

[[You know, if Tefiren were more self-aware, maybe he'd have realised that this is probably along the lines of how others felt during his whole thing yesterday. But he's Tefiren, so.

One more question I have, if you think it's okay to answer - can you tell us if it's a custom role, or a standard one? If it's a custom one then I'm going to feel a lot less compelled to keep trying to figure out what it could be just for the sake of my own curiosity.]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[Lexx's role was a standard one.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Okay. Effortpost time, because this is really starting to frustrate me.

The only reasons I could think of keeping Lexx's role secret is that you A) don't want the mafia to figure it out because you want to keep them in the dark about what roles are in play, like Dragonfree mentioned, or B) you want to pull off a similar gambit to elyvorg on D1 because you think there's a chance that the Mafia knew about Lexx's ability and are trying to see if they'll take the bait and call them out on it once they do.

If it's the former, I can kinda see the thought behind it but it's outweighed by a pretty substantial negative: you are actively stifling strategies by keeping the town in the dark because they don't know if they can rely on that ability or not, so you're inadvertently helping the Mafia here. Also you going off about how detrimental it could've been to the Mafia tells me that it might be something the town would want to know that they lost it so they can try and recuperate and strategise from there. This is made even worse if you think that the Mafia knew Lexx's role before killing him, leading me to my second point.

If it's the latter, I'm sorry to say that this is not how these kinds of gambits work. Elyvorg herself admits that Tefiren's gambit on D1 was a bit of a stretch but she was much safer in making it because (discounting the fringe possibility of some rogue Bus Driver/Vigilante shenanigans) she knew that the Mafia knew same information that she did: they targeted her N0 and failed. Here, you're throwing yourself under fire because there's a chance that the Mafia figured out Lexx's role and went after him because of it, not taking into consideration that the Mafia would probably want to target him even if he had a useless ability because they're intimidated by Chibi's skill level during the day. You know, the same reason they most likely targeted Tefiren N0 and the reason why we probably want to keep him around?

This brings me to a third possibility that is starting to look more and more likely the more I think about it: you don't know either of Rascal's and Lexx's roles and are fakeclaiming to take suspicion off you. Yes, you did tell us that Rascal was a Hider but it's also a very easy claim to make. Lexx died and so did Rascal, since Lexx was the bigger target, you don't need to do much thinking to come to the conclusion that the second death occurred because she had the role that killed you if your target died. This doesn't make you scum necessarily, you could just be doing this because you were Backup and ended up inheriting Lexx's role and if that's the case, you're being very careless and are actively painting a target on your back by playing up how "detrimental" the role is to the Mafia.

Those are just my thoughts but I think a lot of people here are sharing in my same frustration.]]


  1. sableye
Dave exhaled through his nose. "I mean. In theory the mafia learning that a particular role is dead can be bad. Say there's only one doctor, and they learn the doctor is dead. That tells them they're safe shooting for anyone they think is a powerful role. That sort of deal."
[[ hi I’m being bad and posting while at work don’t tell my boss...

anyway I’ve been thinking this since this morning and it’s been bothering me not talking about it since apparently I can’t forget this silly game even for my job so that’s why I’m here in the first place.

anyway yeah, I suspect bench has been hesitant to reveal Lexx’s role for this sort of reason, but if the mafia already supposedly knows this information anyway, I can’t imagine what kind of role it would be better to not tell everyone else about.

Sorry I’d this has been covered already, no time to actually read everything atm, just skimming and found someone posted my thoughts and wanted to echo it. ]]


  1. sableye
"I'm claiming that-" Arctozolt began, before their tail slapped them in the face, cutting them off mid-sentence.

"I'm saying-" The tail rose up and slapped the head again.

"I'm-" Another tail-slap.

"Will you-" And another.

"I'M VOTING FOR YOU!" Arctozolt screeched at their tail.

Vote: Arctozolt

Twenty-four hours remain in Day Two.

No votes have been cast.
[[ I don't know if Negrek just missed this or wrote it off as RP and not a real vote, but if this counts, we should probably know about it. ]]

[[I am actually a big Persona nerd, as it happens! It's possible that a small fraction of my good feeling about Miyako has been influenced by my brain going "Oh, hey, a Persona-user, cool!", which I am trying not to let consciously bias me, but. And man, yes, I have been hoping that at some point Miyako ends up summoning her Persona for some reason, because Tefiren's reaction to seeing her greatest "trick" would be very fun.]]

[[ In fact, I've been trying to keep an eye out for a situation that makes sense to summon her. Problem is, without anyone to beat up, there really hasn't been a good reason to get sidetracked that way. Definitely will be trying before the game is over (or they die) though. ]]

Unless they roleblocked Chappie. I see it as more likely their roleblock would be a shot in the dark than their nightkill, and especially since I don't remember anyone claiming any roles which could presently be of threat to Mafia.

So here's what I'm thinking: the mafia did target Lexx and the reason the luxio couldn't protect him was because someone decided to interfere with what she was doing [[meaning that someone blocked her]]. This would also explain why the tyrunt also fell if she had been some kind of Hider/Babysitter."

"I have to ask; how likely is it that the mafia has multiple role-blockers?"

It's something that'll be more rewarding the longer it stays hidden, if that makes sense.

"If only I could cut you off like you can cut me off..."

"So... what role could this be?"

[[ Upon actually reading today's posts in full, I see nowhere that actually confirms that the mafia would know what the dead's abilities were; so I can see why Bench would want to keep them in the dark, and it seems that a couple others (dragonfree/Inkedust) have already pointed this out. Still, how beneficial is that going to be for us, if for example, Bench is taken out tonight, and we never learn that information? Again, maybe I'm just not familiar enough with all the possible roles, but of the ones know and have seen used in past games, I can't think of any that would get better the longer it's kept hidden... except for an arsonist, and I doubt that Bench was trying to say that Lexx was the arsonist... right? What advantage would it give the mafia to know that he's no longer a threat that wouldn't also be beneficial to the townies?

Or maybe Lexx just had a really good info-gathering role, and the implication was that the longer the mafia goes without knowing we lost an info-role, the better? Dragonfree mentioned doctor, etc. There's quite a few roles it would be good for the mafia not to know we just lost.

Yeah, I guess I can see why Bench would want to keep roles like these in the dark. But then that begs the question, is that role valuable enough to just give up and accept the frustration everyone is feeling over not knowing? Which is more beneficial right now? Everyone knowing, or everying guessing? There's still a vote coming up and I feel like we're no closer to any answers than we were last night. I suspect that most people are just tired of the frustration and would just want to know anyway at this point, just like me, but I still felt like I should advise caution in revealing Lexx's ability anyway. I'm definitely curious, and it's possible the mafia does have an info-role of their own and did figure out Lexx's ability... but again, I didn't see anywhere that confirmed that the mafia knew what Lexx's ability was, only Bench's speculation that the mafia knew somehow. ]]


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Mmmrm. The voices are correct. Time is short. At this point, we will need to come to a decision on who to vote for, if anyone. Considering we lost two of us today... I do not think it is wise to skip voting once again, regardless of the circumstances of their loss."

Alexander sighed and looked through his notes. "I suppose this might be of some use. I am a very conservative evaluator, but from what I've been able to read through... I am particularly cautious of Arctozolt, Lance, and Cold Fusion." He sighed. "Now, before you all yell at me for attacking the helpless mutant... I only say this because he has been incredibly obtuse, to the point where I do not know what to read out of the behavior. Almost like they're hesitant to say more than they must without compromising some bluff. I have no basis for this. But perhaps I can use this as a warning to actually be helpful and to the point during these time-sensitive discussions. Perhaps next time my lance will make you talk." He snarled.

"The other two... are simply inactive and silent. Namco is somewhat as well, but I've seen that one's presence here and there. And frankly..." He growled. "Due to how little information we've been given about the enemy, I am too cautious to make any of my other suspicions known. Perhaps if time becomes shorter I will bring them up. But I am less confident in them. But as of now, considering the above three for the chopping block will at least remove negative utility from our daytime discussions."

He smirked. "Perhaps making this known will at least kick that one into shape and be more straightforward with their claims and statements. What they need is discipline instead of bickering with their other halves." The smirk slowly warped into an annoyed frown. "Still, these are not favorable circumstances. They are last-resort votes. If anybody has further information to provide, I'm listening.

"Until then, I suppose I will flip a coin." He conjured a gold piece, one side with his face and the other with the mane around the Hydreigon's neck, and flipped it. "...Then for now, my vote is toward Lance." He pointed his shadowy spear toward the Lucario. "Perhaps that will be a reason for him to talk."

Vote: Lance


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Oh what a mess. Kyros' claws dug into the malleable ground, and it was all he could do to keep his temper in check.

"Sorry. I'm not sure I buy that," Kyros growled, his tail lashing. He paused for a moment to glare at it before continuing.

"Let's look at what you're claiming first. That you have an ability that reveals the skills of the dead. Fine, for the moment, I'll buy that while I go through this hypothetical situation." He began to pace, his head low as he stalked back and forth.

"You claim that the tyrunt was a hider, and that Lexx was the target. If Lexx was the target, that doesn't line up with Chappie's claims." A pause. "Of course, there are plenty of scenarios to explain this. There's the possibility that a mafia member scoped Spark out and we just got unlucky, but that seems unlikely." He sat down and brought a paw up to inspect his claws. "Chappie could be a mafia member trying to appear town, but for the moment I don't believe that to be the case. Her shock seemed too genuine to me. More likely is a role blocker, or perhaps a strongman kill, if the mafia believed Lexx to be too powerful to be left alone. But this is all conjecture."

Another pause; he began to pace again. "We can make some guesses about Lexx's skill." He raised a paw, pointing at Jesse. "Yesterday, when you were speculating on what happened with your role with Jesse, Lexx said this:"

Lexx smirked. "You think Dave was rolestopped? Nah--I've got pretty decent evidence against that. I think you were just blocked."
"Yeah, just gonna vouch that Dave wasn't jailed," Lexx said without looking up. "Jailers aren't unheard of--apparently the Scrafty in game 1 was one and literally nobody knew. But yeah, that's not it this time."
"I don't know about you guys, but to me that suggests that he was watching Dave, and didn't see Jesse interact with him. Which is how he knew - or at least suspected - Jesse was blocked.

"But all of that is conjecture. There's something we need to talk about. And it's how Arctozolt went about with this reveal."

He spun around to look at the chimera. His tail was lashing again, but this time he didn't try to stop it. "It took so long to get yourself to talk, and you're still holding information back. It feels like a waste of time, spending all this time speculating on information when we could be using it to try and flush out the mafia. Especially with our time quickly running out."

The litten stalked forward so that he was standing in front of the arctozolt. He wasn't very big, dwarfed by the other pokemon. But he didn't let that stop him from being angry. Maybe a little pressure would clear things up.

"Something's fishy here, so you better start talking, Arctozolt."

[[Long story short, I went back and looked at Chibi's posts in isolation to see if there was anything that might have pointed to their removal outside of just being a good player.

As for why I voted Bench... I do feel like there's something a little odd here, but I'm nowhere near 100% sold on Mafia!Bench. HOWEVER. I do think his information is more useful for town if it's said than if it's kept silent, which is the main reason I'm voting him. For pressure reasons. After he and others have had a chance to respond, and if there's compelling enough reason, I may move my vote before EOD]]

Vote: Arctozolt


Ace Trainer
(I vote Arctozolt , their claims seem to conflict with each other? Not sure what to make of them.)


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
You're going to regret this.

"I was a fucking backup. Lexx was a cop, and now I'm the cop. There! Can you get off my case now!" Arctozolt screeched.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
[[I'm so sorry about all this.]]


  1. sableye
You're going to regret this.

"I was a fucking backup. Lexx was a cop, and now I'm the cop. There! Can you get off my case now!" Arctozolt screeched.

"Yep, I can see why you'd want that to be kept quiet." Miyako sighed. It wasn't the best result in the world, but it wasn't the worst, either. "If someone can keep you alive tonight, that can at least confirm one person. I wonder who Lexx got to check on?" Her gaze drifted towards Jesse and Dave.

"Now, that said... you said you got to see both Lexx and Rascal's abilities. Did you also inherit both? Or did you have to select one?"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"That was a lie to try and get everyone to think our ability was something different. I only saw the human's ability," the creature said.


  1. sableye
"That was a lie to try and get everyone to think our ability was something different. I only saw the human's ability," the creature said.

Miyako pinched the bridge of her nose. A lie? Wasn't there enough confusion going on as it is? She consulted her Instruction Manual. "Okay, then... That's interesting. I don't see any limitations on what ability a backup can actually pick up, so... not that I'm saying it's impossible for you to have defaulted to cop, since that's obviously the better role, but... if you aren't given both, it does kind of make sense you might get to choose one? So you still might have been able to see both? Unless you weren't able to see who had what ability until after you selected who's ability you wanted to inherit. Ugh... this isn't in the handbook. I don't know how this works. I guess two deaths in one night is somewhat of a rare occurrence anyway so maybe it just hadn't been planned for?"

[[ I'm too tired for this. Wiki doesn't tell me if the Backup role is limited in what roles it can copy, so I assume it would be able to pick up any ability from a dead player. And considering two deaths happened at once, that suggests to me that either Bench was given an option of which one to pick (which was just stated to be a lie), or somehow it defaulted to cop without Bench even being given a choice. Considering, again, that I don't see reasons on Wiki why a backup couldn't pick up a Hider, for example (putting the "why would you want to" argument aside for the moment, because obviously given the choice between the two, cop would be the one to take), shouldn't Bench have been allowed to select which one he wanted? Even if it was conditionally based on selecting the player before knowing what either's role was; he should have been offered a choice. Right? And in the case of "yes he should have/he was given a choice" then why lie about whether or not he saw Rascal's role at all? This sounds like a mechanics question more than anything, unless anyone thinks this has any in-game relevance. ]]
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