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[MAFIA WIN] Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
Tefiren's cocked his head further and further as he listened with interest to the messy Human loudly and forcefully explaining his thinking. Hm. He'd been thinking a lot harder about this than Tefiren had been imagining. It was really that he'd been expecting Tefiren to have a different sort of plan - one that would still have been a clever one! And all of it made sense as something a not-Mafia would think.

"Okay," he said. "Never mind." And he scampered off to go figure out something else.

[[ @Dragonfree , whoops, guess we both just accidentally galaxy-brained too hard, heh.

I did actually realise just a few hours before the day started that WAIT actually, by "nullify" Dave might have meant roleblocking. But I'd not heard of roleblockers blocking passive abilities, and I checked it on mafiascum to confirm that, so I'm glad you brought up that roleblockers work differently in the games you're used to GMing otherwise I might have accidentally been side-eying you for that too, aaaa.

For some reason the idea of strongman completely left my head despite it being such a discussed thing last game. I don't think I tend to think hard enough about the role powers the mafia might have beyond vanilla killing; should work on that.

Anyway, yes, good! Glad you're still probably not mafia, this has increased my good feeling about you because this'd be a lot of reasoning to fake, especially relatively quickly while in need of bed.]]

"First... I'm sorry for being such a distraction yesterday. Tefiren, thank you for confirming that I at least had one piece of information correct. You seem to be enjoying yourself, anyway."

Tefiren stared in puzzlement as the Human with the stick looked right at him and... thanked him? For telling her she was right about something that she'd been right about? That wasn't on him; that was on her, for being right that time. He'd just been pointing it out. There was no reason to thank him for that.

He broke into a grin just a second later. "Of course I'm enjoying this game!" he said. "Just like everyone else should be! You'll never win the game if you can't have fun with it."

This Human... unlike almost everyone else here, she knew Tefiren was good at this game. She looked up to him for it. She even seemed to appreciate the way he was having fun.

Just like--

He shook down his crest leaves and paced around near the spot on the ground where the signs of a scuffle had been, listening as the Human (or, was it her voice? It didn't matter) said something about how she thought they were these "psychic marks" people had been talking about the Arsonist using.

"Are they that?" he said. "We don't even know if the marks are psychic, just that the fox thinks they are, but she might be wrong. But even if she's right, I don't think that has to be it. They just looked like signs of a fight."

He paced some more, looking at the Human with the stick, feeling like he wanted to explain this to her for some reason. "More important than that! The marks on the ground - it was just one mark. They were both caught together. The Arsonist can't have caught two people this quickly. If one was the Arsonist and the other the mafia, there wouldn't only have been one mark.

"This wasn't the Arsonist, see? It doesn't make sense. There's only one mark for both of them, and, the Arsonist would wait longer to catch more people at once, if they were clever! And they should be clever, if they're playing this game all for themselves."

[[Some further explanation, since, Seren, you might not have thought about the optimal way the arsonist should play this.

Imagine you're the arsonist, and your goal is to kill literally everyone. Every night you can either douse a person, or ignite everyone you've doused - but not both at once. If you go douse, ignite, douse, ignite, you only get an average of 0.5 kills per night. If you go douse, douse, ignite, that's increased to an average of 0.66 kills per night. Every night you douse and hold off from igniting, you're increasing your overall kills-per-night - provided you do eventually get to ignite before you're otherwise killed off. It's not optimal for an arsonist to kill someone this soon.]]

"The Mafia can only catch one person at night," Tefiren went on, feeling himself get more excited as he figured it all out. "But if two people were together, it'd be different. They could catch them both at once."

But why were the Tyrunt and the fun Human together? Nobody should be with someone else in their hiding place. That wasn't-- that wasn't the smart way to play the game. That only gave Them - the Mafia - an advantage over you. It just made you more likely to lose.

The fun Human would have known that much, Tefiren was sure. But maybe the Tyrunt didn't? He thought back to what she'd been doing yesterday - she'd mostly been friendly-battling with that other Human, the one with the funny arm... but at some points, she'd been looking over at the fun Human instead, with a sort of glint in her eyes, like she wanted to battle him, too.

(She'd really enjoyed battling, that Tyrunt. Like she barely even realised there was a far more fun game going on. Just battling. Nothing else.)

(Tefiren had never thought much about battling while being in this game, or in a long time at all. Were these Humans good at battling too? They were all so different - this one with him right now had her huge stick, a clever trick to fight with! Maybe they'd provide a fun and unpredictable challenge in a battle, not like most of the usual Pokémon back home on his island before he'd evolved that'd been easy to beat.)

He shook his leaves down again. He was getting distracted.

"That Tyrunt..." he told the Human with the stick, still not sure why he was telling this to her specifically. "She looked like she wanted to battle the fun Human. Maybe she didn't know what this game is really about, so she went to his hiding place at night to try to battle him, and... And she got caught along with him."

(Battling was fun, but it was a bad move to get caught up in that in a game like this. The Tyrunt... she'd been stupid. She shouldn't have done that. She should have realised how much more fun the real game was, instead, and focused on that. You couldn't let your guard down, not ever.)


Man that sure was some Detective Tefiren (with an impromptu sidekick) and some very relevant RP flavour for me to play with!

But all of this is to say: I think Rascal and Lexx really were together when they both died. Flyg0n appeared to have a very RP-based approach to their gameplay, so I wouldn't put it past them to have had Rascal target Lexx because she really did want to playfully bite him yesterday. Negrek's flavour is indicating to me that both died in the same spot, from the same cause.

(Flavour from people's individually-written death scenes shouldn't be taken as quite so indicative of the method of killing, since they're all written by different players and not kept consistent by Negrek. I can vouch that Tefiren saying he was "chased" is entirely me flavouring it in the way that fits him best, same as his kill on Nip last game - which was a vigkill and wouldn't look the same as a mafia kill anyway. The only thing to indicate killing method that we should take as meaningful is Negrek's flavour, not anybody else's.)

So, after a dive into the wiki, there's a couple of roles I can find that would lead someone to get killed along with their target. I'm pretty sure Rascal has to have been one of these roles.

Hider hides behind their target, avoiding anything targeted at themselves but getting killed if their target is killed. If Rascal hid behind Lexx and the mafia targeted Lexx, they'd both die.

Babysitter takes their target and hides them behind the babysitter, protecting the target from anything aimed at them but meaning that they both die if someone kills the babysitter. If Rascal babysat Lexx and the mafia targeted Rascal, they'd both die.

On the one hand, the Hider option seems more likely because Lexx is a far more likely target for the mafia to go after. On the other, Rascal's death flavour said she was protecting someone (quite likely Lexx), which would fit more with Babysitter. On the other other hand, maybe it's just in Rascal's character to deny that she was trying to hide and protect herself and she wanted to insist that no, she was the big fierce protector. Seems appropriate. On the other other other hand, Rascal hiding behind Lexx would be setting herself up to get potentially killed, because he was quite a juicy possible target. On the other other other other hand, maybe Flyg0n didn't take that into account and just had Rascal pick her hiding target for RP purposes.

In some ways it doesn't matter which one Rascal was (and this is assuming I'm right about this at all), because either way they both ended up dead. But whose "house" the kill happened at may make a difference if we later get some watching/tracking/bus driving etc info about what went down here.

I'm pretty sure I'm onto something here. All of the flavour hints - Rascal's fondness of Lexx in general, her death flavour about protecting someone, Negrek's kill flavour implying they died together - point right to it.

[[ Wanted to state some thoughts here also on the whole "why would Tefiren not be safe after claiming now that everyone knows what his role was" thing. My thought has to do with something we both have already touched on - your dayposting. It's less about "he's just vanilla townie now" and more about "assuming Tefiren is innocent, he/you are still a good, experienced player who can work things out and help others figure them out, too". So even if Tefiren is a vanilla townie, that doesn't mean he's not useful. At the very least, offing him would be just one step further towards a mafia victory in that it's one less innocent they'll have to take an action on later. We can debate the merits of leaving Tefiren alive as a vanilla townie and if the mafia would do that or ignore him now that he's used up his protection in favor of going after someone with another role, too, but that wasn't the point of this speculation.

Namo seems to have ninja'd me and my thoughts here, so... there's that.]]
You appear to have been ninja'd by me on this too, and I more or less talked about this in my post responding to Namo. In short: yeah, I was never completely safe and guaranteed not to die, due to my dayposting skills. But the point is that me claiming what I did was never going to put me in more danger, so I felt confident enough to do so.



Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Chappie listened carefully to everything being said, and yet was still shocked that there had been two casualties.

"That-- That's not normal, is it...?" She asked uneasily.

Once she connected the dots and figured out who exactly had been killed... oh, no. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. No, no, no...

[[ wow that's a lot happening! hmmm I have theories, but I need more info before I can say anything for sure ]]


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Two. Two innocent lives snuffed out. And he'd done nothing to stop it. He'd been powerless to stop it.

The hot burst of fiery air, the screech of twisted, overheated metal. A distant scream cut short. Yet he stood frozen in place.

He shook his head, realizing that his hackles were up. Taking a deep breath, he looked around at the remaining members. Time to get serious. His gaze settled on the bizarre chimera. "Yesterday, you looked like you wanted to say something. What was it?"

[[Basically, you suggested you had some minor suspicions about Lexx. I'm curious whether or not it was due to his posts or something else.

I'll try to compile a more comprehensive post regarding today's posts before I go to bed.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Wes frowned at the conversation taking place. Clearly he was in the presence of several experienced members—though he wasn’t sure whether to take that as a comfort or not. On one hand, they were likely good at surviving in a place like this, but on the other...perhaps they were good at killing, too.

“I do think the two deaths must be linked somehow,” he said. “But how and why...I’m not sure.”

He broke into a grin just a second later. "Of course I'm enjoying this game!" he said. "Just like everyone else should be! You'll never win the game if you can't have fun with it."

Wes glanced at the boisterous Grovyle. He’d never seen a Grovyle quite like this one, what with all his feathers. And his name...Tefiren?

Hm. Perhaps it was his childhood coming back to haunt him, but Wes couldn’t bring himself to trust anybody, regardless of their claims...

“Look, you’ve got a convincing argument, I’ll give you that,” he said to the grass-type. (Or...was he flying type too? Whatever, what the hell did he care?) “But how do we know this isn’t some sort of elaborate lie you’ve invented to make us trust you? After all, if you’re one of them—Mafia, or whatever they call themselves—they’d cover for you and go along with it, wouldn’t they?”

He folded his arms. “I’m not sure I’m buying it. And it sure as hell would explain why you’re so convinced they’ll never catch you.”

[[Lol okay, that last sentence was more of a jab at Tefiren’s personality/elyvorg’s flavorposting/some good old RP fun than anything else. :D Buuuut I think I’m gonna stand by said here! Who knows, maybe I’m just making a total fool of myself...but elyvorg is an experienced player (at least, I believe so?) and working with the Mafia to create this special kind of cover is a pretty clever strat. It’s as simple as not killing anyone on N0 and then having Tefiren claim he’s bulletproof and was supposed to be killed, but wasn’t, and is now a “confirmed” vanilla town member.

So. Heh. I’m just throwing that out there. Maybe it’s an insane theory, but you never know...]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
[[Shoot, I’m realizing that my word choice might not have been clear enough and since I can’t edit I’ll just clarify: Wes is talking about Tefiren’s bulletproof claim here.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
[[Okay, quick aside:

If Rascal and Lexx died together, then I'm pretty sure that she was either Hider/Babysitter and I'm just galaxybraining/overthinking/have no reading comprehension because I thought they died separately because of this:

the only sign of either person is a patch of disturbed ground

The use of "either" here made me think that there were two distinct but similar looking patches of disturbed ground (you know, one or the other), not just a singular patch, therefore, the two were killed off separately making me think that a second killing action was pulled off last night. I'm perfectly willing to admit that I might've been here though because let's be real, English is a fucky language and the phrasing here could be interpreted either way depending on who you ask.

Okay, enough about the nuances of English, back to mafia.]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Once she connected the dots and figured out who exactly had been killed... oh, no. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. No, no, no...

A small movement caught Wes’ eye; Chappie was fidgeting slightly, a look of horror on her face.

He fixed her with a hard stare and spoke slowly. “You know something, don’t you?”


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
He fixed her with a hard stare and spoke slowly. “You know something, don’t you?”
Chappie took a step back from Wes, trembling slightly.

"No, I..." There were already tears welling up in her eyes. "I didn't-- I don't--"

It wasn't supposed to happen.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Lusamine emerged from her duplicate copy of her study to discover a group in disarray.

"Oh my, what have you all been up to while I was away? Short two people so soon..."
It seems so. After an hour or so of searching, the only sign of either person is a patch of disturbed ground, the blank, plasticky surface torn and tossed in frozen ripples, ripped apart, maybe, in some kind of scuffle? But what kind, it's impossible to tell, and further investigation turns up nothing
As Lusamine looked around, she noted there seemed to be one struggle. Presumably that of the Tyrunt, she doubted that gangly boy could fight like that.

"She was out here doing something. Something, I assume, that ended up led to her demise."

[[I don't want to read too much into death flavour but hot dang does that ever sound like a Bodyguard in action.]]

"Yet it doesn't seem there's so much as a grain of dust disturbed by the death of the human. How unusual. After failing to do anything at all last night, it seems odd that two died tonight... I would find it quite unexpected, but it's possible that the one psychically marking people for death decided they really needed to activate it tonight. Being psychically killed off in his sleep would explain why nothing around him was disturbed."

[[So, in theory Arsonist could've primed Chibi on N0 and ignited tonight. Personally, I don't think it's likely, because...]]

"It seems to me like that would be a mistake, though. They know there's one person who will soon gain the ability to stop them. They should be trying to dispose of that possibility before it rears its head. If they didn't mark Nicket tonight, that means the only way for them to dispose of her in time is to mark tonight, and kill tomorrow. It seems to easy to catch them in the act of doing that, or to prevent it. Why waste time activating a mark on a single person?"

[[Speaking of which... I really hope the Arsonist didn't mark DawningWinds tonight, if so we might be SOL. Seems likely, too. No inforole can see an Ignite action by investigating DW, since it's nontargeted, but if she's not primed yet it would catch them in the act. Otherwise... Unless one of you has a role that can prevent priming, we might just have to cross our finger and hope for the best.]]

"If not that, either our killers have found a way to work double-time, or one of us got quite rather carried away taking things into their own hands."

[[Or there's a hider/babysitter? Hider is almost surely false, I doubt Tetra staked their life on Chibi's reputation for not dying early on. Babysitter makes more sense thnt that, at least targeting Chibi would make sense, but it really would beg the question of how the Mafia scored that shot in the bloody dark. Killing Chibi N1 by accident targeting someone who hasn't looked to be much of a threat sounds... more like a joke than a likely possibility. Not that it's impossible, I just don't think it's likely enough for me to run with it as the main theory.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
In a comforting voice, he asked, "What is it lass? It sounds like something went wrong."
She turned slowly to the Yamask... Altair? Was that his name?

"I- I can't tell you exactly... but, I messed up. I messed up big time, and now--" She couldn't bring herself to say what had happened as a consequence of her actions last night.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
She turned slowly to the Yamask... Altair? Was that his name?

"I- I can't tell you exactly... but, I messed up. I messed up big time, and now--" She couldn't bring herself to say what had happened as a consequence of her actions last night.

Wes felt his defenses flare immediately. Was she...confessing to a murder?? But—no...upon taking a closer look, those wide, distressed eyes didn’t seem to be holding any malicious intent. This...was not the face of a killer. Not a cold-blooded, intentional killer, anyway.

He crouched in front of the Luxio. “Chappie,” he said quietly, “I know you’re upset, but if you know something—anything—you need to tell us.”

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
I- I can't tell you exactly... but, I messed up. I messed up big time, and now--
Lusamine took a deep breath. "You've been put in a cruel situation, in a cruel world. We have all been given unreasonable responsibilities. None of us will fault you for making a mistake, but if you have information on how what happened last night managed to occur, we do need to know. It was an honest mistake, we will forgive you."

[[So, hopefully you won't have to claim your own role here yet, especially if it's something strong. If you think you know what happened with either of these deaths, and can tell us without claiming, that is ideal. If not... Well, the decision of whether or not the benefits of claiming outweigh the risks is a decision only you will be able to make. How best to play your role and when to claim it depends too much on what that role is for us to give you too much advice here.]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
“Look, you’ve got a convincing argument, I’ll give you that,” he said to the grass-type. (Or...was he flying type too? Whatever, what the hell did he care?) “But how do we know this isn’t some sort of elaborate lie you’ve invented to make us trust you? After all, if you’re one of them—Mafia, or whatever they call themselves—they’d cover for you and go along with it, wouldn’t they?”

He folded his arms. “I’m not sure I’m buying it. And it sure as hell would explain why you’re so convinced they’ll never catch you.”

[[Lol okay, that last sentence was more of a jab at Tefiren’s personality/elyvorg’s flavorposting/some good old RP fun than anything else. :D Buuuut I think I’m gonna stand by said here! Who knows, maybe I’m just making a total fool of myself...but elyvorg is an experienced player (at least, I believe so?) and working with the Mafia to create this special kind of cover is a pretty clever strat. It’s as simple as not killing anyone on N0 and then having Tefiren claim he’s bulletproof and was supposed to be killed, but wasn’t, and is now a “confirmed” vanilla town member.

So. Heh. I’m just throwing that out there. Maybe it’s an insane theory, but you never know...]]

Tefiren cocked his head at the Human with the funny arm, baffled, flinching just slightly as the Human said "Them" with such emphasis. "Weren't you listening to anything I said yesterday? I didn't tell everyone what I could do to try and make them trust me. That wouldn't have made any sense, because what I can do is an easy thing for a Mafia to claim, and nobody would be able to prove I wasn't lying. I did it because of the guessing game! I got information from people that helps some of them look innocent, because they guessed at what I could do, which is something the Mafia would have known more about than someone who isn't!

"And it'd make even less sense for the Mafia to not catch anyone, just so that they can make one of them look good by pretending to be something that could easily be a lie. Even they're not that stupid."


As Tefiren says, you are missing the point of my roleclaim. The actual point was an elaborate interpersonal gambit in an attempt to hopefully get some more concrete reads off anyone who took Tefiren up on his guessing game. The actual roleclaim itself was just a necessary final step in order to explain what the whole guessing game was even about. This was me trying to make something useful out of my role which had been used up and rendered useless on the very first day. If I hadn't come up with such a plan, I wouldn't have bothered roleclaiming at all, and if I had somehow ended up roleclaiming anyway, I wouldn't have acted like it was any indication of my innocence.

It's also literally not possible for the mafia to not try and kill someone in the night (unless Negrek's running an unusual setup here, but if that were the case, everyone should have been informed of it; something like that was the deal in Game 1). And even if they could, it'd be a ridiculous ploy for them to deliberately skip out on one of their kills that contribute to their win condition, just so that one member can make an easily-falsifiable roleclaim that nobody would have any inherent reason to trust. If I had hypothetically fakeclaimed this, it'd have had to be an idea I came up with on the morning of Day 1 after seeing there'd been no kill.

But are you really going to try and argue that I came up with this ridiculously elaborate gambit - one whose purpose is to help innocent people make themselves look more innocent - entirely from nothing, with no thoughts inspired by actually having this role and this information, all just so that I could have an excuse to fakeclaim something that'd otherwise be a too-obviously-fakeable claim? I'm pretty sure that if I were seeing somebody else do this, this'd have made me trust them, not because of the claim itself, but because the whole gambit was so elaborate that it's vanishingly unlikely that a mafia member could have made it all up just for a smokescreen to hide behind. (And I'd have only had two IRL days, after seeing the lack of a kill at the beginning, to figure it all out and execute it, too.)

As an aside, not a direct response to the accusation: people have been calling me "experienced", but that's not strictly true. My mafia experience amounts to: some real life and chatroom games years back, spectating a bunch of forum games with role-heavy meta like this one, and then last year's game as my first and only forum game before this. I apparently turned out to be good at playing town in that game, perhaps because of my familiarity with the meta - but that's just town. Part of your argument is based on the idea that I'd be a skilled enough mafia to pull this off, but my skill at playing town doesn't necessarily translate to skill at playing on the mafia side.

...Anyway, that is it from me for tonight, I need to go to bed right now before Chappie drops whatever bombshell she's working up to and I end up feeling compelled to respond to that, too.



Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
It’s as simple as not killing anyone on N0 and then having Tefiren claim he’s bulletproof and was supposed to be killed, but wasn’t, and is now a “confirmed” vanilla town member.

So. Heh. I’m just throwing that out there. Maybe it’s an insane theory, but you never know...

Alexander's brow quirked at this idea. "The Mafia intentionally withholding a kill, just to arrange some kind of double-kill the next night? Why not double-kill the first night? Why such a ploy? ...And why would someone make the claim for bulletproof, blindly, on the first day? That is a very bold claim to make, and one that could be easily contradicted by a true bulletproof player. Assuming, of course, that the guesses about this plane's rules are typical in that there could be only one bulletproof player.

"Granted, I may be biased due to Tefiren apparently performing a few possibly clever actions..." He shrugged dismissively, "but I do not know if such a play would be worth it so early. Hm. Then again, I suppose the Mafia striking the Bulletproof player is also very unlikely. Which premise, then, is easier to accept..."

[[...Somewhat sniped by Elyv herself, but hey, I'm posting this anyway.]]


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"A lotta things are unpredictable in this here place, yet you talk like you have at least some idea of what happened last night."

“Chappie,” he said quietly, “I know you’re upset, but if you know something—anything—you need to tell us.”

"You've been put in a cruel situation, in a cruel world. We have all been given unreasonable responsibilities. None of us will fault you for making a mistake, but if you have information on how what happened last night managed to occur, we do need to know. It was an honest mistake, we will forgive you."
She took a shaky breath before responding.

"Lexx wasn't supposed to die last night. I can't tell you how exactly I know this without also saying what exactly I am, and if I say what I am, then that would put a target on me. But... to put it vaguely, I used my ability, and now Lexx is dead." She paused for a few moments. "I was only trying to help, but instead I- I got him killed."

[[ oh boy ]]


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Tefiren cocked his head at the Human with the funny arm, baffled, flinching just slightly as the Human said "Them" with such emphasis. "Weren't you listening to anything I said yesterday? I didn't tell everyone what I could do to try and make them trust me. That wouldn't have made any sense, because what I can do is an easy thing for a Mafia to claim, and nobody would be able to prove I wasn't lying. I did it because of the guessing game! I got information from people that helps some of them look innocent, because they guessed at what I could do, which is something the Mafia would have known more about than someone who isn't!

"And it'd make even less sense for the Mafia to not catch anyone, just so that they can make one of them look good by pretending to be something that could easily be a lie. Even they're not that stupid."

“But that’s just it, isn’t it?” Wes said. “If they can get one of their own to convince everyone they’re innocent and harmless, that would give them the upper hand in the long run, right?”

It's also literally not possible for the mafia to not try and kill someone in the night (unless Negrek's running an unusual setup here, but if that were the case, everyone should have been informed of it; something like that was the deal in Game 1). And even if they could, it'd be a ridiculous ploy for them to deliberately skip out on one of their kills that contribute to their win condition, just so that one member can make an easily-falsifiable roleclaim that nobody would have any inherent reason to trust. If I had hypothetically fakeclaimed this, it'd have had to be an idea I came up with on the morning of Day 1 after seeing there'd been no kill.

[[Hmm. Is it impossible though? Couldn’t Mafia choose not to kill if they don’t want to? It’s unusual, but I’ve never heard of it being explicitly against the rules.

Alexander's brow quirked at this idea. "The Mafia intentionally withholding a kill, just to arrange some kind of double-kill the next night? Why not double-kill the first night? Why such a ploy? ...And why would someone make the claim for bulletproof, blindly, on the first day? That is a very bold claim to make, and one that could be easily contradicted by a true bulletproof player. Assuming, of course, that the guesses about this plane's rules are typical in that there could be only one bulletproof player.

Wes turned his head to the Hydreigon. He’d been suspicious of him yesterday, but this response was actually quite measured and thought-out. Perhaps...he’d misjudged him? Hell, what if he was misjudging Tefiren, too?

He clenched his jaw. I don’t know! I don’t know who or what to believe! How could they make any progress with such little information...?

He shook these thoughts from his mind and answered Alexander. “It’s true that this claim could have been proven false if someone else had the bulletproof ability...but are we sure anybody had that in the first place?” He sighed. It was a wild theory, but he’d still felt the need to feel it out, nonetheless. “Maybe you’re right and I’m...crazy. Dunno. I’ve probably already lost my mind anyway, considering I’ve ended up here.” He gestured vaguely to their shapeless surroundings. “But you have to admit that the odds of the only bulletproof player—if there is one—being targeted on the first night are pretty slim.”
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