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Game Week of the Multiverse: Morpeko's House (Lee, Hades, Dusk [Houndoom])


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
The interior of Morpeko's house was divided into two sections.

The left half was colored a light brown. There was a window to let sunlight in right next to a neat straw bed. There were several books near the bed, most of them about anger management. Near the bed was a small, raised platform that looked to be a table.

The right half was colored dark grey, and was a complete mess. There were several dents in the walls, a sandbag on the floor that was remarkably still in one piece, and no less than 15 cabinets completely stuffed with food, as well as 4 empty ones and 1 half-filled one. There was another straw bed on this side, though it was a bit messier than the one on the other side.

There was also a third straw bed in the middle.
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Night 1: Anger, Technology, and Humans


Pokémon Trainer
Dusk entered the house and looked around. "Interesting" he said. He glanced at Lee. "So, which side of the room is yours? I assume that I'm in the one in the middle."

Looking between the two beds on either side, he really couldn't hazard a guess. Maybe if he knew more about Lee, he would be able to tell, but without knowing him that well (and without knowing Hades at all), he had no idea. Perhaps the left? Lee had been rather pleasant to him so far, after all. But then he had also demonstrated some anger below the surface... maybe he used his room as a release for that anger, hence the damage on the right side.

He walked towards the straw bed in the middle and gingerly poked at it. Nice and soft, at least. That was all he could really hope for. Certainly, this wasn't exactly ideal, but while he was stuck here, the room would suffice.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Was this some sort of... joke..? A house, perfectly split between what felt like rage and what was clearly the dwelling of a peace freak. Not only that... but there were anger management books here. If the universe was trying to give him a sign, Lee promised to beat its face in.

"This is the first I've stepped foot in here, actually. The original owners seemed to have been... of differing personalities," Lee hummed, lifting the sandbag with a paw. It had a fair bit of weight to it, and it was definitely made to last. Yet whoever had this sandbag still decided to include the walls in their wrath. He sat down on the bed on the right side, stretching is back in an arch.

"Frankly... I would prefer this side. It is less of a strain on my eyes," Lee said.


Pokémon Trainer
"Ah, I see" Dusk replied. "Well, hopefully our third roommate will be happy with the left... if not, I'll be happy to swap." He crossed over to the left side of the room, taking a quick look at the titles of the books. "Hmm... interesting." He then returned to the center of the room and curled up on the bed.

"So... until our third roommate... Hades, wasn't it? I suppose we're just going to have to wait until he shows up." Privately, he wondered if he could ask for some more literature-history books, perhaps-but he felt that to voice such an idea might seem rude. "So... anything we could do to pass the time?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The first pass time that came to mind wasn't exactly something Dusk would have wanted to partake in, Lee thought. So far, only Hades wanted to tear him limb from limb. Lee doubted Dusk would even be much of a fight, either.

"Other than the books over there, all of food this house has, and idle banter, I don't think of there is much else we could do. The option to look for more to read is always on the table, certainly this town has a library of sorts," Lee said, still keeping the other ideas to himself. "Perhaps if staying inside gets to be too boring, we can always go about the town. Nightlife had always interested me, at least."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
There was some sort of small rectangular object half-embedded in one of the dents in the wall.


Pokémon Trainer
"Well, I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to going out at night" Dusk nodded. "My kind do tend to be active around that time. And... forgive me for making assumptions-I don't know much about your kind, but you are a Midnight form, correct? To me that sounds like a Pokemon that would be more active at night-though, of course, I suppose it could be different for you specifically."

"At any rate, I'm not tired yet, so I would be happy to go out in town if you are."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Assume away, I specifically do not need sleep. Neither did my father. However... we are both exceptions to whatever our species is supposed to be," Lee sighed, looking off to the side. "Going out on the town does sound--"

There was some sort of rectangular object half-embedded in one of the dents in the wall.

"--too..." Lee blinked, then noticing the object in the wall. "... Hold that thought, Dusk."

Curious, Lee got up from the straw bed and made his way to the wall, not caring about anything on the floor around him and pushing them away. He looked the object over for a moment before trying, with minimal effort, to pull it out of the wall.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
It easily came out, becoming fully visible. It was some sort of yellow device with three buttons on the side, some sort of screen in the middle, and an orb at the top.

The screen was miraculously on, and it displayed some sort of text argument between someone with a Morpeko icon next to their posts, and someone with a Heliolisk icon. The argument was about some place called Coloumb City, and the Morpeko's messages were substantially angrier than the Heliolisk's.

There was some sort of blank field at the bottom of the conversation.


Pokémon Trainer
"...how interesting." Dusk studied the device. "It seems to be some sort of advanced technology? Hmm... I believe the Expedition Society from my world has something like this... but I've never seen one up close."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"...What the fuck kinda phone is this?" Lee muttered, then shook his head and looked to Dusk. "This is am advanced communication device, yes, that I believe belonged to the original owner of this place. My world has a far more compact version of it, although I do not have one on hand," he explained.

"Coloumb City..." Lee muttered, skimming over the messages. "If I were to guess... this is connected to whatever interconnecting network this world has. We might have access to any information we might want, and whoever as well..."

A devilish thought came across Lee's mind, an activity that he and a few of his new team back home partook in for shits and giggles. Surely, Jesse wouldn't know if he caused some chaos online, right? Especially under this Morpeko's account? Even negativity from across the planet could taste fresh, and it isn't like Lee himself was causing harm. It was Morpeko.

Lee's fur darkened slightly as he started snickering to himself. "I'll be damned, I might have found my own way to pass the time!" he laughed. All he had to do was figure out how to properly work this bulky piece of tech... then the fun would begin~!


Pokémon Trainer
"Hmm..." Dusk looked over the contraption. "Do you have any idea how to work it? I wouldn't even know where to start with something like this." He stared at the screen, frowning. "I see the owner of this device has some issues... maybe they own the books over there as well?" He pointed at the anger management books with his tail.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"It is a bit different from my own world's technology, but I am confident I can figure it out," Lee chuckled confidently. "And I wouldn't doubt that this Morpeko had anger issues, that whole species is only known for their ravenous hunger and unforgiving rage," he let a sigh, smiling lightly. "What fun, they are."

Getting bored with just staring, Lee decided to press some buttons. "We might as well see what happens, right, my friend?"


Pokémon Trainer
"Ah, yes, that sounds right" Dusk nodded, trying to remember what he'd read about Morpeko. They were known for their split personalities, if he remembered correctly. That certainly explained why the house looked like it did.

Getting bored with just staring, Lee decided to press some buttons. "We might as well see what happens, right, my friend?"

"Perhaps" the Houndoom frowned, "we might want to be a little careful, at least at first. Let's take it slow and make sure we've worked out what all of the buttons do. We wouldn't want to lock it permanently or cause some damage, because if that happens..." he looked down at his paws, "I have neither the knowledge nor the anatomy to perform any complex repairs."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Oh, don't you worry about that. If anything happens I'll have Kora fix it. Or, rather... he'll improve it," Lee shrugged, still pushing buttons. "I myself would sooner break technology before I fixed it. Everything these days is just so fragile."

'People's feelings, the buildings they live in... themselves,'
Lee thought to himself, snickering.


Pokémon Trainer
"Well... if you're sure." Dusk watched Lee fiddling with the device with no small level of interest. After a moment of this, he decided to voice a question or two to fill the silence. "So, these things... or devices like them, at least... are common in your world, are they? What's your world like?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
With his fuddling with the tech, Lee found out how to bring up the on-screen keyboard. Progress...

"My world is a mess," Lee shrugged, typing a message away. "Most of it is much like this world, and by proxy, yours. But... there's this vile hive of pride and power called Azure City," a smile cracked along Lee's snout and he hummed blissfully. "While I despise its creator, I must commend them for pooling enough of the world's most powerful Pokemon and Humans in one place."

"Instead of tents, almost everyone lives in homes of brick and metal, and some of those buildings reach the sky. Technology like this--" he held up the device he was messing with to Dusk for a moment. "--is wide spread enough for children to know how to use them."

He had gotten a good bit of a message typed up before scrunching up his face and deleting it. "It is a technological marvel, yes, but none of it is of this world, originally. The rest of the world had remained stagnant on that front, until the creator of Azure decided to speed things up and take technology and ideas from... somewhere not of our world."


Pokémon Trainer
"Fascinating!" Dusk said, with full sincerity. This time, he couldn't possibly miss the annoyance in the rock-type's tone, but the description of the world amazed him regardless. "I... take it that it's not quite so fascinating when you live there. But to me, the concepts alone are amazing. I grew up in the wild, you see, so even a house like this one" he looked around at the building, "is... not exactly new to me, I've lived in a town for a while, but... well, I find it's something a lot of town Pokemon take for granted. The only thing I can think of that even remotely resembles your description is Lively Town, on a different continent."

"And I suppose your world must be very different if you have humans. I know they exist in mine, but I've never met one, and I've only ever met one Pokemon who's met one first-paw, so they must be very rare."

"It is a technological marvel, yes, but none of it is of this world, originally. The rest of the world had remained stagnant on that front, until the creator of Azure decided to speed things up and take technology and ideas from... somewhere not of our world."

"Somewhere not from your world? What do you mean by that?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
...so they must be very rare."

Lee couldn't believe how ironic that statement was. "Rare? Humans? Perhaps in your world, and you better believe you're lucky for that. Under normal circumstances, humans only arrive when the planet is in danger. In my world, they show up because they simply can. I believe I already mentioned it, but Kora is a halfbreed, his mother is human, one of his friends are human, half of Azure City is humans."

"I myself have lived longer than one would expect, I've lost track but... certainly more than a few hundred years," Lee hummed. "Living in less than decent places is something I am quite familiar with. I'll say that I was quite nomadic during my life. Azure and its luxury means little to me."

"Somewhere not from your world? What do you mean by that?"

"Honestly I haven't cared enough to find out. The millions of humans coming in certainly had an influence."
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