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Game Week of the Multiverse: Morpeko's House (Lee, Hades, Dusk [Houndoom])


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Lee wouldn't let Dusk's disappointment deter him from keeping secrets. There was no reason for Lee to spill everything, despite the face that he had already spilled so much...

"Yes. I have been messing with Ayueg under the guise of being Morpeko," Lee nodded. "All in good fun, of course."

'I could use the anger from him right about now...'

"As I assume the device is similar to the devices of my world, we could perhaps search through a collection of data called the internet to pass the time. It would be like going to the library, or reading a summary of this village..." An idea crossed Lee's mind, regarding Morkpeko himself. "We... might even be able to find out what happened to Morpeko, actually. Perhaps his chat logs have a clue of what happened to him?"


Pokémon Trainer
"As I assume the device is similar to the devices of my world, we could perhaps search through a collection of data called the internet to pass the time. It would be like going to the library, or reading a summary of this village..." An idea crossed Lee's mind, regarding Morkpeko himself. "We... might even be able to find out what happened to Morpeko, actually. Perhaps his chat logs have a clue of what happened to him?"
"Hmm..." Dusk had to think about that proposal for a moment. "That feels like an invasion of privacy... but I suppose I've done similar myself before when dealing with missing-Pokemon cases..." The first bit of the suggestion interested him more, however. "A summary of the village might be a good idea. That way we'll know more about what to expect from this place."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Lee leaned onto his side, carefully kicking the device into the air and catching it in a paw. He took a moment to fiddle with it, looking for a general summary of Overcast Village, and selecting it once he did. He set it down between him and Dusk as it loaded, propping his head on a paw.

"Give it time, I have no idea how long it will take to load," Lee said. "Until then, you should probably take a seat. These things are notorious for egregious loading times." Lee didn't care if Dusk brought his own bed over, or took a place beside him.


Pokémon Trainer
Dusk peered at the device's screen with interest, sitting down next to Lee. "I must say, this device is truly fascinating" he said. "I'll have to remember to ask my guildmaster to contact the Expedition Society for some of these for the guild. You say there's a whole library on this little thing?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Dusk peered at the device's screen with interest, sitting down next to Lee. "I must say, this device is truly fascinating" he said. "I'll have to remember to ask my guildmaster to contact the Expedition Society for some of these for the guild. You say there's a whole library on this little thing?"

"Not literally, but assuming it is at all similar to the devices of my world, it has access to all or most of this world's information that the public is allowed to see," Lee explained, a small smirk peaking at the edges of his mouth. "Be it historical records, literature, personal records, or, like we are looking for, information about the villages and towns of this world."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
ToTheTreeOfLife > nOR8HG2fn9wv9 said:
i don't know what in the voidlands your problem with me is
but leave leviene out of this

seriously doubting youre actually morpeko


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Overcast Village Info said:
Overcast Village is one of four towns on the Thunder Continent, founded by Jellicent and populated mainly by ghost types. It is perpetually under a veil of fog. Like other towns on the Thunder Continent, Pokemon have been frequently disappearing from here, usually turning up elsewhere as Shadow Pokemon.

Like other towns on the Thunder Continent, it is a stop on the Carkoal Express, and as such travel between it and other towns on the continent is some of the fastest in the world.

The town was built near the shrine to Tapu Fini, which is guarded by Drakloak, Dreepy, Flapple, and Drampa. If you wish to speak with Tape Fini, they will let you know the guidelines before you are let through.

Recently, there have been sightings of a strange creatures that is made up of half of an Arctoar and half of a Ruzolt. The first sighting of it was when it had attacked a townsfolk, PNS-NT. It is currently unknown just what this creature is.


Pokémon Trainer
Dusk read through the details on the device's screen. "Thunder Continent... not one we have." He frowned. "Shadow Pokemon? I've never heard of those..."

Another term for dark-types, perhaps? He somehow doubted that-the article implied that Pokemon were becoming Shadow Pokemon, which didn't seem possible to him outside of a short list of Pokemon who evolved from non-dark to dark.

He continued reading. Tapu Fini, he'd read some legends about... one of the deities of some island nation somewhere, if he remembered correctly... and then-

"Arctoar and Ruzolt? That's another thing I haven't heard of. Are they Pokemon? Ones native to this world but not mine, perhaps? Or maybe they're from my world too and I've just never come across them..."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Shadow Pokemon..?" Lee hummed. Had he heard that term before? Probably from Kora, if he had. "...Fitting."

"Fini? Seriously? The Fini of my world is closer to the status of a minimum wage employee than the standing legend of a village," Lee laughed. "Such is that disparity of worlds, yes?"

"Arctoar and Ruzolt? That's another thing I haven't heard of. Are they Pokemon? Ones native to this world but not mine, perhaps? Or maybe they're from my world too and I've just never come across them..."

The Lycanroc's brow furrowed in thought, and he scratched his chin. "Arctoar... Ruzolt... The names are familiar, but I feel they are different in my world. Extinct species of Pokemon, not as ancient as the Kabuto and Anorith lines, but not as recent as the rest. Perhaps... before Tyrantrums originally went extinct..?" It was hard to remember, almost as if he didn't know. Nor the narrator, whoever that could have been.


Pokémon Trainer
"Arctoar... Ruzolt... The names are familiar, but I feel they are different in my world. Extinct species of Pokemon, not as ancient as the Kabuto and Anorith lines, but not as recent as the rest.
Dusk gave a slight shudder at the mention of that word. It wasn't much, barely noticeable, but it was there. "Perhaps" he said, considering the rest of what Lee said. "But this thing is some sort of... what was it?" He checked the screen again. "...fusion of these two-"

Something clicked. "That... does actually sound a little familiar. I've heard of experiments with fossils on one of the islands back in my world... don't remember any details, though..."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Dusk gave a slight shudder at the mention of that word. It wasn't much, barely noticeable, but it was there. "Perhaps"

Lee's ear flicked and he glanced at Dusk. Something he said got under the Houndoom's skin, clearly, but not enough to give off any negativity. A shame... or, a good thing? Lee felt he wouldn't have wanted Dusk's negativity anyway.

"I would be unpleasantly surprised if the fusion of two Pokemon was common among worlds, particularly of the scientific kind. Such a thing is... unnatural," Lee hissed, gritting his teeth. For a moment, those wisps rose off his body again, but he quelled them just as soon as they appeared. "The extent my world is willing to go for furthering their science is vile."


Pokémon Trainer
"I would be unpleasantly surprised if the fusion of two Pokemon was common among worlds, particularly of the scientific kind. Such a thing is... unnatural," Lee hissed, gritting his teeth. For a moment, those wisps rose off his body again, but he quelled them just as soon as they appeared. "The extent my world is willing to go for furthering their science is vile."

"The only type of fusion I know about for certain is the legends surrounding Kyurem, and even that's just a myth at best" Dusk replied. "But, the islands I'm referring to... well, I wouldn't be surprised. They have a reputation for aggressiveness, and-" his snout wrinkled in distaste "-I think the fossil experiments were to use them as weapons of war. I may be wrong about that, though." He thought for a moment. "Perhaps this world has something similar, and one of them escaped?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Oh no, Kyurem is the only natural fusion I know of. Well... them and Slowbro and Slowking," Lee hummed. "Again, in my world."

"...use them as weapons of war."

Lee growled lightly, then sighed. "Unfortunate, if that is true. I am afraid my world would do the same, but only in the pursuit of power. 'War' as one would think of it, with two or more warring factions and countless deaths, has not been an occurrence in centuries. Yet Azure City continues to grow its power for reasons beyond me."


Pokémon Trainer
"..." Dusk is silent for a moment, contemplating this. "Fortunately, we don't have many wars on my world, and not for a while."

He glances at the screen again. "Still... if that is the case, and there is some sort of experimental creature out there... we'd best be careful."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"You have nothing to worry about, we have an Arceus, several Mews, Kora, Jesse, a 'Silvally' creature, and myself," Lee nodded, patting Dusk on the back. And surprised himself because of it. Already thinking himself buddy-buddy with a stranger, blah blah blah how soft he was, blah blah blah he better not be falling this for one too.

Lee's worries felt like some sick cliche to the point that he was able to mock himself for it. "Uhhhg..." he groaned. "Forgive me, but I do not feel like conversing for much longer... I have some nonsense clouding my mind."

He shut his eyes, ready to attempt to fall asleep, when he remembered that the device was still on. The idea of Dusk finding his messages with Ayueg burrowed into the back of his mind, so, as a sane 'mon would, he grabbed the device, opened his abdomen to reveal the black and purple void inside, placed it himself, and shut himself closed. Some of his... void, leaked onto the floor, but evaporated soon after.

"Goodnight..." he muttered, letting out a yawn and smacking his lips.

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