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Zinnia's Multiverse Madness! (Roleplay, March 4-13)


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
A legendary Pokémon...
She mouthed the words beneath her mask as she looked on, still shaking. Her brows furrowed as she looked towards Odette - no longer seeing a threat and a monster, but as someone calling for help beneath it all. But what she could do? She was just a human, just lying beneath the mask. She was...

The whiplash form zero to what the fuck was a lot, enough to make Wallace's blood pressure drop and make him faint.


Winona caught him before he could hit the pavement. Slowly, he opened his eyes again.

“Amán,” he groaned, “can I just get a break for once?”

“No. Now there’s a scary dragon Pokémon.”

“Oh joy.”
She could see it. Plain as day, on everyone she’d seemingly grown friendly with. The panic had struck, and now they looked at her as expected: a monster.

Frankly, she wished she could say she was shocked; that it was the first time she’d encountered such reactions. But it wasn’t. This was well within the realm of probability. Exactly as expected, honestly.

It was just a multiverse game, but somehow it still hurt to know that even here, it’s still what she was. Wrath’s vessel. Just another unhinged monster.

"Maybe normal fucking human beings don't usually particularly want to kill anyone. What a concept."
She stiffened at the jab, and her violent eyes shot back over to Dave; almost as fast as that bullet had drilled into the grass.

“Well shockingly, and if it wasn’t painstakingly fucking obvious, I’m not a fucking normal human. What a batshit crazy concept as well, sir.”

He folded his arms. "Okay, I'll bite. Shithead who shot two kids. Shadow-clone of him in the interdimensional nonsense world had just shot another."
Nonetheless, she nodded at his answers. “And cutting his head off would have been completely justified. Nuts, isn’t it?”

She pocketed the gun in a swift motion, not bothering to hide it again. Everyone knew she had it on her, so there was no point. Aiming her look back at Dorien, she snapped twice.

“I’m fine. You can come down now,” she said in a dark tone. Odile hissed defiantly, and Odette flicked her head over to her.

“I said come down now.”

Chuffing, Odile rolled her eyes, before shutting them. In a dimmer flash, she shrunk, and shrunk, and shrunk…until she was nothing more than a tumbleweed. With wings. She hovered over to Odette, and perched upon her head, then set her glare on Dorien.

Odette did the same, then pointed at him. “Don’t follow me.” With that, she walked away to sit in the shade of another booth.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Maybe normal fucking human beings don't usually particularly want to kill anyone. What a concept."
"Mhm? What a wonderful world such would be... A world so just one need never ask themself if there's someone we'd all be better off without. Just because we keep those impulses in check doesn't mean we don't have them."

Lusamine sighed. At the world, more than at anyone in particular. "I just think, perhaps, that it would be normal not to have such morbid thoughts about someone who kills children. And if so, there is no shortage of people for those thoughts to emerge because of."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Arceus, this place was insane. If it it wasn't for everything he'd seen on Cibus, fighting the blacklight, he'd probably be losing his mind. As it was, it was still mind boggling, particularly that Odette girl. What was her power? It chilled him, made him uncomfortable. But this was just a game, and that was how the game worked, he supposed. He'd forget it all anyway.

Instead, he focused his mind back on the game. He was here to have some fun, and get away... Koa felt a strange twist of sympathy and fear at Dave's words. To feel that kind of way... He couldn't even say he'd feel different.

He almost would have said something to comfort Dave, except he wasn't sure Dave wanted that. So he settled for moving a little closer to him instead.

"Sounds normal to me," he muttered.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Welp. That went from zero to a hundred real fast.

Pixels sighed, taking out a piece of cloth and cleaning her tiara.

Legendaries and screaming.

Just another Tuesday.

All she wanted was a short break from that crazy trip to Fray's world a few weeks ago, she didn't want to deal with another insane world this early.

Her ears perked up when something swooshed by her side. She turned, seeing the aforementioned Pokémon floating just above her, a smile and a plush of a Deino in her hands.

"Pixels, you won't believe what I found!" She waved the plushy around, giggling and pointing at the direction she came from. "There's so many of these adorable dogs over there! You want one, Pix?"

Pixels glanced at the tiara on the ground and back to Fray before shrugging. "Sure."

"Okay! Take care of Bluey for me!"

She caught the plush thrown at her as Fray flew back to the direction she came from.

Pixels sighed and placed the plush beside her. "Guess it's just you and me, Bluey," she muttered. "Let's see what sorts of crazy things these people'll do."
Last edited:


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The train hit the loop as a blinding flash of maroon light exploded from her pocket, and a grotesque and gargantuan dragon, comprised of what looked to be only jagged branches and sticks, came to form underneath Odette before she could hit the ground. The dragon soared upward toward the sky with a deafening shriek, before looping away from the ride and gliding back down to Earth. As it landed, with Odette clinging for dear life onto it's neck, it roared again.

"Whoa!" Kora Ooo'd at the sight of Odile, this big, spindely, windy... dragon looking thing! She nearly forgot about everything else that was going on and totally wasn't zoned right the hell out until Odile showed up. She didn't even seem to care about the gunshot either, despite the goosebumps that rose all over her body. Probably an innate human thing she didn't understand.

"Who was that? What was that? Where'd they go?" Kora asked, brimming with remarkably unfitting excitement considering the rest the situation that had just passed. She went over to Odette, and it was then that common sense overcame her. Odette nearly fucking died, and right now she looked pretty... not alright. "Oh, uh, d-do you need some help, actually?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
She went over to Odette, and it was then that common sense overcame her. Odette nearly fucking died, and right now she looked pretty... not alright. "Oh, uh, d-do you need some help, actually?"
Odette had sat in the shade and shoved her head between her knees, allowing herself to breathe and calm down. She still felt her hands shaking, and was so focused on the sound of her own heartbeat, that she didn’t notice or hear Kora approaching until Odile hissed from atop her head.

Odette slowly picked up her head, eyes no longer blazing. She just looked tired now. Even though she’d been thoroughly fucking around with this Zoroarck earlier; she felt a very very minute sense of warmth at the fact they were kind enough to check on her. Perhaps their overall naivety kept them from being too scared of what they just saw? Absolutely blissful.

“I appreciate the concern,” she said quietly. And she very much meant it, for once. “I’ll be alright, though. I just need to sit for a bit, is all.”


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
“I appreciate the concern,” she said quietly. And she very much meant it, for once. “I’ll be alright, though. I just need to sit for a bit, is all.”

Kora let out a relieved sigh, patting down her dress before sitting down nearby. Odette seemed like a strong lady. She'd have to be to constantly be around whatever that dragon was. "I can help recover a bit, if you want?" she asked, reaching to take off her mask before stopping suddenly, then holding her hands in her lap. "B-But, like, I don't wanna impose! The last thing I wanna do is look condescending and all, hehe!"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
I can help recover a bit, if you want?" she asked, reaching to take off her mask before stopping suddenly, then holding her hands in her lap. "B-But, like, I don't wanna impose! The last thing I wanna do is look condescending and all, hehe!"
Odette raised a brow. “What do you mean by…’recover’ a bit?”


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Odette raised a brow. “What do you mean by…’recover’ a bit?”

"It's one of the things I can do, I can heal others. I know how to use heal pulse, life dew... healing wish? Uh... I think there's more, but I really only need those three, hehe." Kora explained, then took a deep breath. "Although... I think I gotta check something first..."

A mystifying pink glow appeared around her, a psychic aura, and her hair took on the same color. Despite Kora's mask being "powerless" compared to the original that Robin wore, it too changed into a shade of pink, as did Kora's eyes behind it. The dress Kora wore flowed gently, making it look like the stars etched into it were moving on their own, as if the night sky itself was contained within its threads.

"...Oh. Oh!" Kora grinned behind her mask, flexing her hands. "I didn't think it would work but I can change types like this too!" she snickered, then cleared her throat and faced Odette again. "So, yeah, I can heal you if you're hurt or tired. If you want."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
A mystifying pink glow appeared around her, a psychic aura, and her hair took on the same color. Despite Kora's mask being "powerless" compared to the original that Robin wore, it too changed into a shade of pink, as did Kora's eyes behind it. The dress Kora wore flowed gently, making it look like the stars etched into it were moving on their own, as if the night sky itself was contained within its threads.

"...Oh. Oh!" Kora grinned behind her mask, flexing her hands. "I didn't think it would work but I can change types like this too!" she snickered, then cleared her throat and faced Odette again. "So, yeah, I can heal you if you're hurt or tired. If you want."
Odette watched, wide-eyed, as Kora began to glow a very calming pink color. It reminded her of home, honestly. That alone was already enough to chill her out.

Odile even chuffed, clearly impressed by the display as well. Usually a ‘mon of many words, it was nice to hear her be quiet for once.

“Zoroarck are nuts,” Odette said in a chuckle she wasn’t expecting to come out. “But in, like…a good way,” she quickly corrected. She didn’t want to make anybody else mad with a joke today.

Her eyes aimed down at her knuckles—the bandaged one and her bloody one. She flapped her elbows once, gritting her teeth through the slight burn she felt. With a relenting nod, she held her hands out to Kora.

“I’ll bite. Give it a go.”


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
“Zoroarck are nuts,” Odette said in a chuckle she wasn’t expecting to come out. “But in, like…a good way,” she quickly corrected. She didn’t want to make anybody else mad with a joke today.

Kora snickered and rubbed the back of her head. "Oh, I'm pretty sure this is just a me thing. And I'm also pretty sure I'm just the regular kind of nuts, too," she said, then rolled her shoulders and nodded. "I dunno if I can manage a full recovery like this, but I'll give it a shot still."

She carefully took Odette's hands, wincing slightly at the sight of her knuckles and wondering what she did to get them to look like that, then took relaxed her body and took another deep breath. The pink glow around her flowed over Odette herself, bringing along with it a gentle sense of relief. Like stepping into a hot spring with none of the wetness or heat. Much like Kora suspected, Odette's wounds didn't fully heal, but they would've felt noticeably better than before. Some soreness remained, but they wouldn't hurt or reopen unless Odette really exerted herself. As for her exhaustion, once the psychic glow had covered Odette fully, it'd have been like she just got up from a power nap.

"Th-There..." Kora exhaled, letting go and resting her hands in her lap. The copied human swayed gently from side to side, having grown a bit tired herself. "Man... human bodies are not meant to focus aura easily, huh..? Guess that's why... there's so few gods..." She shook her head, then focused back on Odette. "How're you feelin'? And, don't worry about the glow... it should be gone in a bit, unless, like, you're also psychic or something. That'd be... That'd be..." It looked like Kora had dozed off. "Psychic.... hyooooman... ladyyyyyyy..." And it also looked like she talked in her sleep. Fun.

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
[[ It seems I hadd lots to catch to and didn't expect the turn of events. Extraofficially I blame clients who don't get that they're doing things RRRRRRONG! ]]

"What kind of creature was that?"

Whatever had happened some minutes ago and whatever had emerged that Tiana was surely it was some Pokémon unknown to her, she was quick to fly back to where Kalas was and put him between him and all that was going on. The Fearow was not exactly very happy with the prospect.

"Uhm..." he looked back at Tiana worriedly. "I don't think this was part of the programme."

"This was supposed to be all for entertainment," the Honchkrow complained, brushing herself on Kalas and lowkey pushing him forward. "They prmised!"

"I guess we'll have to have a talk with the human once this is finished." Kalas pushed back as he noticed what Tiana was doing. "...What are you doing?"

Tiana rested her head on Kalas' shoulder. "I'm not doing anything; you are going to defend me."

Kalas looked back at the events that had been going on, and eyed some of the various games around they had not gotten the time to inspect. "Or we could ask for a refund, who knows."

At that, Tiana relaxed and eyed a crane machine with plushies that was somewhere nearby.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
“Well shockingly, and if it wasn’t painstakingly fucking obvious, I’m not a fucking normal human. What a batshit crazy concept as well, sir.”
"Clearly." What the hell was she? She'd said something about a 'wrath legendary'. Which was a batshit crazy concept, but he'd seen plenty of those over the course of their universe-hopping.

Nonetheless, she nodded at his answers. “And cutting his head off would have been completely justified. Nuts, isn’t it?”
He almost would have said something to comfort Dave, except he wasn't sure Dave wanted that. So he settled for moving a little closer to him instead.

"Sounds normal to me," he muttered.
"Mhm? What a wonderful world such would be... A world so just one need never ask themself if there's someone we'd all be better off without. Just because we keep those impulses in check doesn't mean we don't have them."

Lusamine sighed. At the world, more than at anyone in particular. "I just think, perhaps, that it would be normal not to have such morbid thoughts about someone who kills children. And if so, there is no shortage of people for those thoughts to emerge because of."
Was Koa trying to make him feel better? Jesus Christ. Jean glanced between them and Dave, not quite looking anyone in the eye. He pulled her closer and she clung to his shoulder. "Great. Are we all done pontificating on why everyone wants to do a little murder sometimes? Koa, truth or dare?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
She carefully took Odette's hands, wincing slightly at the sight of her knuckles and wondering what she did to get them to look like that, then took relaxed her body and took another deep breath. The pink glow around her flowed over Odette herself, bringing along with it a gentle sense of relief. Like stepping into a hot spring with none of the wetness or heat. Much like Kora suspected, Odette's wounds didn't fully heal, but they would've felt noticeably better than before. Some soreness remained, but they wouldn't hurt or reopen unless Odette really exerted herself. As for her exhaustion, once the psychic glow had covered Odette fully, it'd have been like she just got up from a power nap.
Odette wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Usually when Enora or Solene tried to heal her, it was just something very minor, until she was able to see a specialist for whatever the injury was. So, she wondered how this would go.

She offered a pained smirk when Kora winced. “It’s okay. They’ve been much worse before.” Actually, she wasn’t sure how that was supposed to make things better. Woops. She just decided to shut her mouth and let Kora work.

And she was glad she did. Because, soon the relief followed. The calm; the feeling of rejuvenation. Like she’d just chugged a gallon of water, did a stretch, and took a nap. The pain in her elbows and fists mostly subsided, save for some lasting scabs and redness, but that was much more than what she was anticipating. And she was grateful.

“Wow,” she said. There was a much calmer inflection in her voice, like she was far more relaxed now. “Very…impressive?”

"Th-There..." Kora exhaled, letting go and resting her hands in her lap. The copied human swayed gently from side to side, having grown a bit tired herself. "Man... human bodies are not meant to focus aura easily, huh..? Guess that's why... there's so few gods..." She shook her head, then focused back on Odette. "How're you feelin'? And, don't worry about the glow... it should be gone in a bit, unless, like, you're also psychic or something. That'd be... That'd be..." It looked like Kora had dozed off. "Psychic.... hyooooman... ladyyyyyyy..." And it also looked like she talked in her sleep. Fun.
She was certainly feeling better, but Kora now looked exhausted. She didn’t realize the shapeshifting would cause any sort of negative effect, but what the hell did she know?

“I should ask you that,” she said, clearly concerned. She wasn’t worried about the glow; she could deal with that. But she didn’t want to deal with somebody else, even a virtual stranger, dying on her for trying to help.

Ah, no. No death. Just exhaustion. As Kora dozed off, she watched them with some relief. Odette could empathize with post power exertion exhaustion, that’s for sure. Without a second thought, she untied the jacket from around her waist, folded it up to the best of her abilities, and laid Kora’s head down on it. It was the least she could do.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Was Koa trying to make him feel better? Jesus Christ. Jean glanced between them and Dave, not quite looking anyone in the eye. He pulled her closer and she clung to his shoulder. "Great. Are we all done pontificating on why everyone wants to do a little murder sometimes? Koa, truth or dare?"

Koa frowned in thought. Ever since the choice of game had announced, he'd contemplated. Dares were usually fun, and he liked them. Except they were easy. Plus, after seeing Odette's time on the roller-coaster... He was pretty sure that he wasn't supposed to be able to die or get hurt here but even so. Besides, what did it matter what choice he made, if everyone would forget later?

After a long hesitation, he responded. "...Truth."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Without a second thought, she untied the jacket from around her waist, folded it up to the best of her abilities, and laid Kora’s head down on it. It was the least she could do.

"Soooooft..." Kora muttered, curling up as she was laid down to rest. Her own psychic glow started to fade, returning her hair, eyes, and mask back to their usual colors, and making her dress less flow-y and mysterious. As the aura fully faded away, and Kora started gently snoring, her mask slipped off her face, revealing the peaceful smile underneath. "Nice... lady..."

With the events of everything else that happened... Vix honestly felt a bit bad for being entirely hands off for all of it. Yeah, no one was gonna die here, but she could've done something. Probably. Maybe. It was best not to dwell on it, but that didn't mean Vix didn't keep dwelling on it. She, instead, was lucky enough to focus on the game still. Dave just went, turns out he had someone he wanted to kill, and now it was Koa's turn. Learning about her old... er, past teammates... no that didn't feel right either...

Learning about her friends, was nice.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
After a long hesitation, he responded. "...Truth."
Dave glanced at Jean. "You want to ask him something?"

Her ears perked, tails rising, but then she stopped herself. "It's supposed to be you. That's the game."

He sighed. "Fine."

He looked at Koa. He knew a decent amount about the kid. Koa, Pokémon trainer, fourteen years old, his lunatic dad was apparently stuck in the Distortion World for trying to remake the universe and he felt like it was his fault somehow. Was there anything he wanted to know about him? Why did that question make him feel like some kind of fucking creep?

"You sure you don't want to give me ideas?"

After a moment of thought Jean did seem to allow that. "How about... If you could pick any person in the entire world and ask them a question, and they had to tell the truth, who are you picking? And what are you going to ask?"

Dave gestured at her. "What she said."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
After a moment of thought Jean did seem to allow that. "How about... If you could pick any person in the entire world and ask them a question, and they had to tell the truth, who are you picking? And what are you going to ask?"

"Hm..." That was hard. Anyone in the entire world? It was hard to think of anyone he wanted to ask a question. He always liked finding out answers for himself. Still. Any question, and get a truthful answer? Almost immediately, something surfaced-

"I guess..." People flashed through his mind. Blake, Kitto, Avis... A few legendaries crossed his thoughts too. Ho-oh. Giratina. Maybe even Arceus. But beyond all those something else lingered, like lead in his stomach, a face that made his throat tighten. He swallowed and grinned lightly, as if the question were the most interesting thing. Ignoring the sickening dread in his chest. He wanted to ask something normal. Simple. But he couldn't lie here, could he?

This is what you wanted.

His mind buzzed. His thoughts scrambled in panic for a brief moment before he came to a decision.

He spoke, keeping his voice casual. "Well... thats hard. There's a lot of questions but I guess if I only had one I most want to ask and get the truth? I think it would be interesting to talk to this guy from my world. He was famous a few years ago. Cyrus." He paused, as if thinking. As if he didn't already know.

"Some people where I'm from aren't good. Bad people have tried to use legendaries to do terrible things. But usually they wanted to make the world better, you know? Like these guys, who tried to do this crazy plot to change the Hoenn region with Groudon and Kyogre." Did everyone even know who they were? Oh well, explaining the legendaries would take too long. He charged ahead.

"Well, they failed, but they realized they were wrong. And now they're even trying to help and fix stuff." He stuffed his hands casually in his pockets.

"Anyways, this guy uh.. Cyrus. Tried to do something pretty bad but the Giratina from my world stopped him. So I'd. I'd ask... Ask-ask him if he would take any of it back. Legend says he was taken to another world, and got trapped there. So thats what I'd ask. If he regrets what he did, and getting trapped."

The weight on his chest felt suffocating. Still, his voice stayed even enough, normal. He kept his eyes on the Ferris Wheel, the rollercoasters, the prize booths, and anything but Dave.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Anyways, this guy uh.. Cyrus. Tried to do something pretty bad but the Giratina from my world stopped him. So I'd. I'd ask... Ask-ask him if he would take any of it back. Legend says he was taken to another world, and got trapped there. So thats what I'd ask. If he regrets what he did, and getting trapped."

The weight on his chest felt suffocating. Still, his voice stayed even enough, normal. He kept his eyes on the Ferris Wheel, the rollercoasters, the prize booths, and anything but Dave.

It's not like Vix knew Koa all that well, nor was she the best at picking up when someone was feeling anxious or nervous, but at the very least she knew when someone was trying to avoid eye contact with someone else. Koa just felt off since he starting trying to answer his truth. Vix didn't know if that was normal or not, or whether or not she should even point it out but... the more she sat on it, the more she felt she had to do something.

"Are you... feeling alright?" Vix asked Koa, concern lining her voice. "I'm no expert, but you seem kinda... fidgety?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Are you... feeling alright?" Vix asked Koa, concern lining her voice. "I'm no expert, but you seem kinda... fidgety?"
"I'm fine," he said dismissively. He forced himself to relax. At Wallace's next words however his spine tingled.

"Cyrus?" Wallace said. "I've heard of that man. He runs some company in Sinnoh, I believe. Has some... interesting views, but I didn't know about any of this other stuff... unless it hasn't happened yet in our world.

"And our own home region has these kinds of people, huh? They sound awfully familiar to these two gangs: Team Magma and Aqua. They haven't done anything too egregious yet, just a bit extreme in their views on environmentalism." Wallace shrugged. "They remind me of a lot of people I knew back in college. Maybe some of those people joined one of them. Heh..."
"Wait... You have a Team Magma and Aqua?" his heart beat a little faster. Wallace knew who they were, but they hadn't done anything yet. Which meant... he was from a world like Koa's, but somehow further back in time? Could he even warn him?

"Don't trust them!" he blurted out. "Don't trust either of them!" Uncertainty flickered through him. What if they weren't like his worlds Aqua and Magma?
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