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Zinnia's Multiverse Madness! (Roleplay, March 4-13)


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Fray entered the void with Pixels in tow.

The Froslass giggling and flying in loops as she waited for her Vulpix friend to arrive.

Pixels blinked and shook her head. "Wow, okay. Not a world we've been to before," she said, glancing at the various contraptions around with a curious eye.

"Woohoo! Come on, Pixels! Let's go make some friends!"

Her ears drooped as she turned towards the ghost. Making friends? Haha... "Right... uh, just try not to freeze someone, okay?"

"Okay!" She was gonna have so much fun in this strange place.

Pixels adjusted the tiara on her head before following Fray as she hovered over to the group and waved with a wide smile. "Hi!"


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Rodion raised a brow as Gen abruptly waddled off, only to feel someone bump into him from behind. He turned around and saw a Quilava who stared at him like he'd just seen a ghost. The Floatzel looked back flummoxed for a moment as he wondered who this 'Nils' was and what had put the Quilava so on edge.

"Er... it's alright," he said, scratching his cheek. "This sure is a strange place, huh?"

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Rodion raised a brow as Gen abruptly waddled off, only to feel someone bump into him from behind. He turned around and saw a Quilava who stared at him like he'd just seen a ghost. The Floatzel looked back flummoxed for a moment as he wondered who this 'Nils' was and what had put the Quilava so on edge.

"Er... it's alright," he said, scratching his cheek. "This sure is a strange place, huh?"

"Yeah, no kidding," Lyle murmured. "I've been to some weird places before but this really takes the cake-"

Lyle trailed off after hearing some of the nearby conversation, and blinked in confusion.

"... Wait a minute, did someone just say those lanky Machoke-looking creatures were humans?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Hello there, people and Pokémon. My name is Wallace, Champion of the Hoenn region." Well, technically I'm in a limbo between Gym Leader and Champion, but that doesn't sound as impressive. He gestured towards Winona. "And this is Winona, Gym Leader of Fortree City. My colleague and fian—wife, she's my wife now."

Wallace blushed, laughing softly. "Yes, we just got married a day or so ago..."
Jean squealed again, pointing, jumping up and down with excitement. "Look! It's Champion Wallace and Gym Leader Winona! And they're married!"

Dave pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, are these like... some of your cartoon characters?"

"Yeah! They're some of the best trainers in the Hoenn region! And they're not -- they're not together on the show! Nobody knows they're together! Except me!"

How the fuck did that work? Was Jean receiving a premonition about what was happening in the writers' room, predicting some unaired story arc, or was this some kind of alternate universe of a fictional cartoon?

Dave wasn't going to attempt to make sense of this.

"Ah. And in your world, would you could consider Abomasnow to be a subset of humans - perhaps ones playing a role that does not involve meaningful communication - or would they be classed as another kind of entity entirely? Or... hmm... are they unable to communicate because they do not have souls bound to them, and are thus like animals?"
It was going to take a bit to get used to the fact he was having this conversation with a fucking tree. "Separate entities. At least where I live. Our Pokémon are animals, smart in some ways but no complex communication at all. I would say nobody in my world has a 'soul', but apparently there's spiritual universe bullshit where mine can get transferred into a dog, so who the fuck knows."

"But the Pokémon here talk!" Jean pointed out, helpfully.

"The really fucking wild thing is I've met a bunch of universe-hoppers by now and it seems like worlds like ours where the Pokémon don't talk are very much in the minority. So much for God created humanity to have dominion over Pokémon, yada yada."

Kora blinked, then tilted his head, then beamed. It was his not-dad! Also coincidentally visiting a fun other dimension! Since Gen was busy talking with other humans, Kora set the 'wott down and stood, then happily went over to Dave. "Howdy Dave! Don't worry, that wasn't a hallucination at all! Unless I'm a hallucination... which I don't think I am, hehe!"

"Dave? The guy who got turned into a Mightyena?" Vix stared at the alleged "Dave" in disbelief, then floated over to him to make sure it was him. She had no way to do that. "Are you actually him?"
Oh, good. Maybe. "Yeah. That guy. The one who was in the Voidlands with you while you had some big existential crisis or whatever the fuck."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Well, I'm glad to have the privilege of seeing you again. How have things been since we last met?"
"...n-not good," Gen said, trembling. "M-my siblings...h-hurt themselves."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
That Bagon had made an unbelievable promise, but if it meant she could escape the expectations of the Pokai - No, wait, "Pokémon", that's what they're called - she thought, then it worth trying to follow them. She hoped she wouldn't have to keep her mask on, but if there were more Pokémon around, then...

She winced as the white void's ceaseless brightness encompassed her vision. Was this is it? Did she fall into a predator's trap? To her relief, the blinding light faded as her eyes slowly re-adjusted. She gasped and unconsciously covered her mouth - her fingers finding only a painted mask - as she looked around in awe at a much welcomed familiar sight. The ferris wheel spoke of memories of her mama lifting her so she could see everything. The roller coaster resonated with the elated shrieks of her sisters as they dared each other to take the front seat. The stands, though empty, echoed quiet cheers of finally beating that damned balloon popping game. Am... am I finally home? She wanted to tear her mask off right then and there. She gripped it, hand trembling as she readied herself to remove it. Finally, she was freed, finally, those Pokémon weren't here to threaten her--
Pixels adjusted the tiara on her head before following Fray as she hovered over to the group and waved with a wide smile. "Hi!"
Shit, she thought to herself. Guess I'm not escaping them that easily. Her hand quickly darted back to her side as she took a deep breath. She placed one foot in front of the other and lifted her shoulders in practiced poise. Remember Robin, they think you're the "Great Sage". Act like it!

"G-greetings, madam - er - miss - er... Froslass." She took a bow - Is it too deep? Not deep enough? - before setting herself back to her stiff stance. "And you as well, um... Vulpix."
Winona's attention turned to the Vulpix and Frosslass who had just appeared. They seemed friendly enough. She gave them a wave and a smile.

People! Robin's mind yelled out in excitement. I'm not alone! Oh my God, I'm not alone! Her legs shifted and her lips trembled before her mask. She so desperately wanted to just reach out and hug them, but courtesy to strangers and the Pokémon around made her restrain herself. "A-and greetings to you to as well." She gulped down as the next question plummeted to her stomach. This would either be liberation, or another inappropriate remark, but she had to try, "And... what are your names?"


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Rodion followed Lyle's gaze, before looking off at the different humans around him.

"Yeah, I... guess they are," the Floatzel replied, blinking to himself for a moment before turning back to Lyle. "That Bagon said this was another world, right? If there's other worlds out there then I suppose it would make sense that there would be some where humans still exist."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Oh, good. Maybe. "Yeah. That guy. The one who was in the Voidlands with you while you had some big existential crisis or whatever the fuck."

Oh yeah, sure, have that be the thing Vix is remembered for. What a wonderful moment they had to look back on. The chandelier's shoulders sagged, and her flame dimmed. "Out of everything I've done, that's what you decided to remember the most? Everyone was having existential crises, it was basically the flavor of the... year? I don't remember how long it was, actually."

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
"Yep!" Kora excitedly replied. "This is a human, that's a human, those're humans, and I'm half human!"
Rodion followed Lyle's gaze, before looking off at the different humans around him.

"Yeah, I... guess they are," the Floatzel replied, blinking to himself for a moment before turning back to Lyle. "That Bagon said this was another world, right? If there's other worlds out there then I suppose it would make sense that there would be some where humans still exist."

Lyle blinked at the answers, as after thinking about it, he vaguely recalled a few past encounters he'd thought were dreams where he'd run into creatures like this. He didn't know what the expectations the Bagon had for the lot of them were, but if this was anything like the last times.

"... Wait, we didn't happen to get brought here for truth or dare did we?" he asked. "Like I know that those seem to have a way of bringing some strange types together, but getting us stuck on a whole different planet is kinda excessive for that, isn't it?"

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Pandelume reeled at all the new information, swaying slightly. They subconsciously stepped away from the Chandelure, an instinctual fear of fire ruling their body while their mind was preoccupied. They supposed they should've been prepared for unusual things, stepping into another world, but this was beyond their expectations.

"Seems like there's finally something you don't understand, big guy," Stanley said with the Surskit-equivalent of a smirk, but Pandelume was lost in thought. A world without souls? What a sad place that must be - all the wonders and mysteries of an entire world, but no one around to see them. Although, given that Dave Human was intelligent, and that he could be transferred into the body of a Mightyena, that suggested he did have one.

...noting all the other Pokemon recognizing each other, Pandelume realized that he was probably in the minority as someone who'd never traveled between world before. Perhaps that made sense - surely at any given point, the majority of Pokemon traveling bewteen worlds were ones who'd done it several times before, rather than ones doing it for the first time. It was a strange situation though, being one of the least-informed Pokemon in the room. Almost like being a young Snover again, learning about the world for the first time.

Having pondered long enough, they made a response to Dave.

It was going to take a bit to get used to the fact he was having this conversation with a fucking tree. "Separate entities. At least where I live. Our Pokémon are animals, smart in some ways but no complex communication at all. I would say nobody in my world has a 'soul', but apparently there's spiritual universe bullshit where mine can get transferred into a dog, so who the fuck knows."

"But the Pokémon here talk!" Jean pointed out, helpfully.

"The really fucking wild thing is I've met a bunch of universe-hoppers by now and it seems like worlds like ours where the Pokémon don't talk are very much in the minority. So much for God created humanity to have dominion over Pokémon, yada yada."

"Pokemon are a kind of animal in your world? That invites many questions - can they still use moves, or channel luminescence in other ways? Are there still inorganic Pokemon such as Gastly or Klink? I suppose it's possible they could have an anima structure without having souls - although in my world that would likely lead to them being termed something other than Pokemon or animals, some new category for things which have living bodies and anima structure but not souls. It seems quite likely that humans do have souls though, if you can be transferred to another body while retaining your memories and personality. Perhaps you never noticed because there are no species with soul-affecting or sensing abilities in your world."

Pandelume had other questions about the nature of this 'God' entity, which seemed important, but it would be best not to overwhelm Dave with too many questions at once.

"Yep!" Kora excitedly replied. "This is a human, that's a human, those're humans, and I'm half human!"

Something the Zoroark said was interesting as well. "Excuse me - did you say you were half-human? What do you mean by that?" This could be an interesting new data point on the riddle of humans.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Winona waved to the newcomer. "Hello there. My name is Winona. And that person over there is Wallace. What's your name?"
She asked me for my name. She unconsciously clutched onto her arm. And it's a normal question. Not a coveted symbol or title, but an actual, casual conversation. A stiff pause permeated the air before coughed and said with just a bit too much enthusiasm, "Robin! M-my name is Robin. Pleasure to meet you two." She bowed once more simply out of habit. She wasn't sure if it was in their customs, but she at least wanted to look courteous.

Still... this was a great opportunity to get some information. She placed an inquistive finger on the lip of her mask - forgetting it was still on for a moment. There were so many things she wanted to ask, but couldn't come up with something that could keep up appearances to the non-humans around them. Finally, she settled onto a question she had thought was innocent, "So, uh... do you come here often?" Of course, she had intended it in the literal sense, but the secondary meaning had escaped her in the moment.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
Two birds showed up from somewhere, all thanks to the magicks of the White Void. A Honchkrow female walked into the place looking around and trying to identify things, and a Fearow male walked up right after, peeking at the taller rides and ferry wheels.

The Honchkrow turned to the Fearow. "Well, I have never seen an amusement park that is not weird," Tiana said.

Kalas ruffled his feathers, still a bit uncomfortable from the White Void. "Let's hope this is as fun as the Bagon promised."

"Okay, so where?"

"Up, I guess."


The two birds looked up at the whiteness of the sky. They were unsure of how high up was the whiteness but they both cawed in relief that the tallest poles around were still safely below it.

Kalas tapped the ground with a talon. "But not too up."

Tiana turned around and walked around Kalas. "Well, find us something to do," she suggested.

The two birds headed to the closest perch to take looks around. There were many entertainments of varieties they had seen before, it was just that they seemed to go around unused. After wandering around a few perches, Kalas saw a small cluster of people various below.

"Oh! We found other people!" he announced. He glided down and Tiana soon followed.

What the two birds met when they got to the ground was a colorful group, probably other visitors to the park. There was a Floatzel, a Froslass, a Quilava, a few other Pokémon, a few humans, all in all it seemed like the kind of group one could find anywhere in any city.

"Ahem, so..." the Fearow stepped in to introduce himself. "H-hello everyone? I'm Kalas. She over there—" he pointed a wing at Tiana, who gave him a perplexed look, "is Tiana. I take it any of you got pointers from a Bagon?"

Tiana waved a wing and stood in her place, tilting her head at just about everyone in turns. "Morning... I think? It was afternoon when we left." She looked around at some of the Pokémon, eyeing the more-or-less-Ninetales in the group more succinctly. "Are all of you from somewhere else as well? I'm sorry, I'm not even sure how to ask." She pointed to the whiteness of the sky.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Winona's attention turned to the Vulpix and Frosslass who had just appeared. They seemed friendly enough. She gave them a wave and a smile.

"Hi! I'm Fray! Nice to meet you!" she said, not noticing Pixels narrowing her eyes at her as she descended to pat the Vulpix's back. "This is Pixels!"

Ignoring the cold sensation on her back, Pixels bowed, somehow not dropping her tiara in the process. "It's nice to meet you all."
Shit, she thought to herself. Guess I'm not escaping them that easily. Her hand quickly darted back to her side as she took a deep breath. She placed one foot in front of the other and lifted her shoulders in practiced poise. Remember Robin, they think you're the "Great Sage". Act like it!

"G-greetings, madam - er - miss - er... Froslass." She took a bow - Is it too deep? Not deep enough? - before setting herself back to her stiff stance. "And you as well, um... Vulpix."
Fray turned her attention to the other person, beaming at her. "Hi there, miss. That's a pretty dress!"

"I'll say." Pixels glanced at the humans around. "Some of you are wearing such marvelous clothing, kinda makes me feel a little underdressed." She frowned, gazing down at the pink scarf around her neck.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Something the Zoroark said was interesting as well. "Excuse me - did you say you were half-human? What do you mean by that?" This could be an interesting new data point on the riddle of humans.

"Well, my mom is a human who got turned into a Zoroark. And my dad was just a... well not regular ol' Lucario, but he wasn't a human at least," Kora explained, crossing his arms and tilting his head from side to side, thoughtful. "So, yeah, Half-Human. A Halfbreed as some people call me, and I'm kind of uh... unique kinda creature too. Not because I'm a halfbreed, that's probably the most normal thing about me, hehe!"


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
"Ahem, so..." the Fearow stepped in to introduce himself. "H-hello everyone? I'm Kalas. She over there—" he pointed a wing at Tiana, who gave him a perplexed look, "is Tiana. I take it any of you got pointers from a Bagon?"

Tiana waved a wing and stood in her place, tilting her head at just about everyone in turns. "Morning... I think? It was afternoon when we left." She looked around at some of the Pokémon, eyeing the more-or-less-Ninetales in the group more succinctly. "Are all of you from somewhere else as well? I'm sorry, I'm not even sure how to ask." She pointed to the whiteness of the sky.

"Hey there," Rodion greeted, raising his paw to give a small wave back. "We got invited here by that Bagon as well. Looks like we're all from different worlds and got brought to... whatever this place is, to have some kind of fun."

The Floatzel looked around the amusement park once more, before letting out a sigh and turning back with a shake of his head.

"Well, whatever that 'fun' entails, I could certainly use a break from my world right now. I'm Rodion," he said, and looked over at Lyle. "And this is..."


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Red stepped through the portal with a confident smirk. That woman he spoke to either hadn't noticed his knife, or she'd allowed him to bring it along wordlessly - but in either case, he had it with him. He was a lot better prepared this time.

His choice of clothing reflected that, too. Instead of his casual wear, he dressed for the occasion: a bright red collared shirt and jeans that weren't quite as worn as the ones he'd worn last time.

The white around him faded away, revealing the setting of an amusement park. He frowned. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to take any rides. He might actually throw up and then the others would make fun of him, implying he was somehow less of an apex predator for simply having motion sickness built in - a biological response to remove possible poisons from his stomach that would be causing his vestibular system to produce such abnormal signals. At least he'd be able to walk through any haunted house unfazed. Unless they had spiders. Shit. Well, he better just stay away from the attractions in general.

He glanced around to take in the other participants. As expected, there were both humans and mon, although... what was up with that ninetales looking one? Was she some kind of out-of-region evolution, or was she one of those humans that dressed like mon that Jess had sometimes talked about, those... "furries"? Well, he'd probably find out through the course of the game.

He sought for a specific human, but it didn't seem that the braided woman was here. Yet. Or was she coming at all? She better. Next time, the host might be wiser and prevent him from bringing his knife, and then the mission of "taste that blood of hers that supposedly has such a great flavor" would get a bit harder again. Not that he wasn't prepared to just do like a houndoom and bite her, but humans weren't exactly built for lunging at each other teeth first. Tool use was where they were best.

For now, he ought to simply wait and observe. Someone would probably ask about him, and he'd introduce himself then.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Oh yeah, sure, have that be the thing Vix is remembered for. What a wonderful moment they had to look back on. The chandelier's shoulders sagged, and her flame dimmed. "Out of everything I've done, that's what you decided to remember the most? Everyone was having existential crises, it was basically the flavor of the... year? I don't remember how long it was, actually."
Dave waved a hand. "Look, first sufficiently specific thing that came to mind. Would you have preferred the time you got obliterated by a moon cannon?"

"Moon cannon?" Jean asked, peeking over his shoulder and blinking at Vix. Her eyes widened, voice dropping to an excited whisper. "...Did you go on adventures together? Secret adventures? Is that why he won't tell me about it?"

"Jean, I told you, I just didn't remember any of this shit until we got the 'invitation'."

"I'm Jean!" Jean said, waving eagerly at Vix, still holding onto Dave's shoulder. "Were you heroes? Did you save the world?"

"Pokemon are a kind of animal in your world? That invites many questions - can they still use moves, or channel luminescence in other ways? Are there still inorganic Pokemon such as Gastly or Klink? I suppose it's possible they could have an anima structure without having souls - although in my world that would likely lead to them being termed something other than Pokemon or animals, some new category for things which have living bodies and anima structure but not souls. It seems quite likely that humans do have souls though, if you can be transferred to another body while retaining your memories and personality. Perhaps you never noticed because there are no species with soul-affecting or sensing abilities in your world."
Luminescence, anima structure -- none of this was the same stuff they talked about in Cibus (as far as he'd been able to tell, everything there was just supposedly explained by 'aura', as if that explained anything). Was it the woo bullshit it sounded like or just legit Pokémon science over in the Abomasnow's world? Hard to tell, but in general the Abomasnow's train of thought at least seemed to hold water. Benefit of the doubt, for now? Why not.

"We do have Gastly and Klink. Can't say we have the specifics concepts you're using, but Pokémon can use moves, yeah. Power to manipulate their bodies and environment and channel energy in ways only Pokémon can do, that we can measure but still can't replicate artificially. Science has never detected anything like a 'soul'. What do you mean by 'soul-affecting' abilities - like, psychic shit? Because over in my world that all just works via the brain. Squishy neural network that experiences consciousness all by itself."

Tiana waved a wing and stood in her place, tilting her head at just about everyone in turns. "Morning... I think? It was afternoon when we left." She looked around at some of the Pokémon, eyeing the more-or-less-Ninetales in the group more succinctly. "Are all of you from somewhere else as well? I'm sorry, I'm not even sure how to ask." She pointed to the whiteness of the sky.
Jean looked up, grinning. "Hi! We're from a world where Pokémon don't talk!"

Dave facepalmed.

He glanced around to take in the other participants. As expected, there were both humans and mon, although... what was up with that ninetales looking one? Was she some kind of out-of-region evolution, or was she one of those humans that dressed like mon that Jess had sometimes talked about, those... "furries"? Well, he'd probably find out through the course of the game.
There was a boy standing there, muscular, long dark hair, looking at Jean. Not really the sort of look people usually gave her since she'd evolved, more... confused. His gaze was strange and intense, a knife-sized scabbard gleaming at his belt. Just like the dark, brooding Kuro in the Sarah Hooter books - he always carried a knife, too, ready to defend himself against thugs and criminals. She shyly raised a hand to wave at him, just as his gaze drifted elsewhere, moving intently through the crowd as if looking for someone. Who was he...?
Last edited:


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Fray turned her attention to the other person, beaming at her. "Hi there, miss. That's a pretty dress!"

"I'll say." Pixels glanced at the humans around. "Some of you are wearing such marvelous clothing, kinda makes me feel a little underdressed." She frowned, gazing down at the pink scarf around her neck.
"T-thank you, I made it myself," she said, looking directly on with her mask, but averting her gaze underneath it. "You both look really nice, too." A bit more description than that, Robin! She made a wide, exaggerated open hand gesture towards Pixels as she continued, "I... especially like your tiara," she then smoothly motioned herself towards the Froslass, "And your... uh, shell, looks really quite stunning today. It suits the 'day' today." She finished her gesticulation by looking up to the sky, as if she were a preacher having just completed a sermon.

She froze in her stance as a fact dawned on her: Wait... they had names. They had names, and they were totally chill about it! She kept her pose, but she side-eyed the two Pokémon before her beneath the mask. Maybe these aren't the same type of Pokai? "...Pixels and Fray, right? Do those names have any special meaning to you?"
Winona bowed back. "It's wonderful to meet you, Robin." At Robin's question, Winona cocked her head. "Well, this is the first time I've been to a place like this, though I remember going to the Lilycove Carnival when I was a kid..." Her eyes lit up. "Maybe they still have those games where you can get plushie prizes."
Upon hearing Winona's response, she quickly retracted her hand and cleared her throat. Her voice raised in pitch as genuine, unfiltered happiness came through in her previously shaky and poised voice, "I've won one of those once! My sister flipped out when she realized how much money I spent trying to get one, but it was so worth it!" She beamed underneath her mask; this was the first relatable conversation she had in months! "Maybe when we get the chance, you, me, and Wallace could try one of these! I warn you though - these places cheat when it comes to the balloon game, believe me."
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