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Zinnia's Multiverse Madness! (Roleplay, March 4-13)


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
You step into the portal, and everything fades.

For a moment, there is nothing but white. In every direction, no matter how far, there was nothing but an endless blank canvas.

Then, the world comes into focus. Air rushes past your head, as a rollercoaster zooms nearby, though not a single passenger was in its seats. A Ferris Wheel spun high above, completely empty. Game stalls stood unmanned, yet supplied with plenty of prizes.

Yet, the sky remained as white as the void you saw when you first entered. No sun, no clouds, nothing. Yet, everything was illuminated as if it were a bright, sunny day.

Some others were around. A mix of humans and Pokemon of all shapes and sizes. And in front of them all, was the Voice of Life that brought them here. The Bagon looked at them with a smile, and said, "Welcome to the White Void."



There will be one day of getting to know each other before the game of Truth or Dare begins! Currently, the participants don't know what game they're playing, only that they were given the offer to "have some fun in another world". After the first day ends, Zinnia will start the game.

The setting is an amusement park. Feel free to use your imagination for what's in the park, but the only people there are Zinnia and the participants. The rides somehow run themselves, so they're usable, and feel free to make up rides for dares and such! There's a wide variety of them, some for humans, some for Pokemon, some for both.

The RP will last until March 13th, 5:00 PM EST unless extensions happen.

Have fun!

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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
A small Oshawott glanced around, gripping onto the reunion cape he wore, trembling. He looked over at the nearest person, and waved, saying, "Uh, h-hi. Um...n-nice to meet y-you all."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The one Zoroark blinked and rubbed his eyes. This place being called the "white void" was incredibly fitting, he couldn't see anything at all at first. He had to rely on his ears to know he had even arrived, and to know who arrived with him.

"That's Gen, isn't it? I bet it is!" Kora snickered, still rubbing his eyes. "I shouldn't have walked into that void with my eyes open, but at least my ears aren't blinded!"

Inversely, a living chandelier let out a yawn, not as affected by the bright lights as the fox was. "White void? Then what's with all the... uh... amusement park stuff? And the apparent lack of white void?" Vix asked, then noticing the other travelers. There were... a lot of humans. A lot a lot of humans. "...I thought humans had to turn into Pokemon to be in pokemon worlds? Or... are we in human worlds? Shouldn't I be a human then?"


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Rodion blinked as he looked around the strange environment. He'd certainly never seen anyplace like this inside the Cradle, but if that Bagon was right and this really was another world entirely, he supposed it made sense that things would look quite different. The Floatzel studied the attractions for a moment, unsure what to make of them or what they were for, before noticing a nervous looking Oshawott trying to make conversation.

"Uh, hey there," Rodion said. "I guess that Bagon invited you as well?"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Y-yeah," Gen said to the Floatzel. "I..."

His ears perked up as he heard Kora's voice, and a tiny smile appeared on his face as he waddled towards his friend.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
His ears perked up as he heard Kora's voice, and a tiny smile appeared on his face as he waddled towards his friend.

Finally getting back his eyesight, Kora got to see Gen waddle over and happily sat on the ground and put on a bright, friendly grin. "It was you! I feel like we always get to meet whenever weird portals and space travel is involved!" He extended a fist, anticipating a fist bump... or fist-fin bump. "How've you been? You look like you've been doin' alright!"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen tried his best to return the fistbump, letting out a squeak. "I've...n-not been doing good, b-but it's nice to see y-you again!"

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Stepping through the portal had been one of the most reckless decisions Pandelume had ever made, out of a centuries-long life which had included many spectacularly stupid decisions. They justified it to themselves as such: the current state of the world was such that were was no hope of victory solely by making measured, cautious plays; the only chances left were in making daring gambles which, although likely to fail, at least had some probability of winning. The potential knowledge Pandelume could gain from entering this 'White Void', if it was truly another world and not just a mystery dungeon, as it almost certainly was, was worth the risk. And if this really was a dungeon, and the 'Voice of Life' was a Warden who'd found a way to exist outside of dungeons - well, then that would mean that Pandelume was certainly doomed, anyways.

Meanwhile, Stanley had decided to enter the void because, eh, why not? It wasn't as if things were looking so hot for him back in his own world. As he surveyed the area from his perch on top of the Abomasnow's shoulder, he was astonished by the sheer scale of the strange constructions in the amusement park. That wheel-like device was taller than the tallest building he'd ever seen, and, despite what some Pokemon seemed to believe, he was not some country rube who'd never seen a city before. And then there were all the Pokemon species he didn't know! At least five he'd never seen before - six, counting the one calling themselves 'The Voice of Life'.

Overwhelmed by the strange sights, it was Pandelume who took initiative. Something they overheard the Chandelure saying was very interesting, if true. The Abomasnow lumbered over to Vix while Stanley clung tightly to his shoulder. "Greetings. I am Dungeoneer Pandelume Abomasnow, and I knew of only one world before today. You speak as if you are familiar with multiple worlds. What do you mean by 'humans' having to turn into Pokemon to be in 'Pokemon worlds'? What is a human?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Gen tried his best to return the fistbump, letting out a squeak. "I've...n-not been doing good, b-but it's nice to see y-you again!"

Kora whimpered slightly, then scooped Gen up in his arms and snickered. "Well, I'm sorry things aren't the best they could be, but it's always great seein' ya again!" he chirped.

Overwhelmed by the strange sights, it was Pandelume who took initiative. Something they overheard the Chandelure saying was very interesting, if true. The Abomasnow lumbered over to Vix while Stanley clung tightly to his shoulder. "Greetings. I am Dungeoneer Pandelume Abomasnow, and I knew of only one world before today. You speak as if you are familiar with multiple worlds. What do you mean by 'humans' having to turn into Pokemon to be in 'Pokemon worlds'? What is a human?"

To say Vix was not expecting a large tree to quite literally loom over her and compliment her... knowing many words, probably would have been an understatement. "Oh, uh, hey... I'm Vix, a Chandelure, at least right now. Nice to meet you! Let's see if I can explain this easily... I don't really get it all myself sometimes."

After clearing her throat, Vix gestured to the other humans present. "Those are humans. They aren't Pokemon, but they're almost as smart as us. Debatably. Sometimes. I've personally met a few humans that, when brought to a world inhabited by Pokemon, had to be turned into Pokemon themselves," she said, then crossed her arms as her flame flickered in thought. "I have no idea why, really... some humans say they come from worlds where there are already Pokemon around... I dunno why they had to become Pokemon."

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Lyle stepped through the white void, blinking as his eyes came into focus, and took in a strange space all around him.


It looked like some sort of fair, except the buildings looked almost like the ruins that some towns had, except they looked whole and had windows without shutters. Strange boxes on wheels that appeared to be some manner of wagon could be seen scattered about mixed in with contraptions decorated in garish colors and designs.

The Quilava reared up and looked around, trying to catch sight of the Bagon he'd followed to this place near his burrow. He was beginning to get worried now. He'd just told an old friend he'd be there for a job the next day, and now he didn't have the foggiest clue where he was.

"... Uh, hey... Frau Kindwurm? What is this place-?"

Lyle probably should've paid closer attention to his surroundings, for the next thing that he felt was a bump and then falling onto his back, looking up to see a Floatzel above him that reflexively put him on edge.

"Ach, Blauflamme!" he yelped. "Nils?! What the hell are you doing-?!"

Only to trail off and notice that the Floatzel was garbed differently, and had some slightly different features, and had a smell to his fur that carried a whiff of sea salt.

"Er... sorry, mistook you for someone else for a moment," he sighed.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Two humans emerged. A man in casual clothes led a woman in high heels and a white dress out into the park.

He shot her a grin. "So, Lucy, how is it?"

"More demure than stories would suggest. Still, I'm sure it will be-" She noticed an Oshawott, one who appeared to be speaking. She glanced at it and back up at her partner, gesturing towards the peculiar specimen to draw his attention to it. "Lin, do I need some form of antipsychotic medication, or is it talking?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Jean gasped in delight as they entered the void, pulling Dave along. He followed reluctantly, holding firmly onto her hand.

More universe bullshit. At least they didn't get turned into Pokémon or whatever this time, and it didn't seem like the mafia games. So what was this, then? Vague promises of 'fun'? Of course Jean'd been enraptured, she hadn't experienced any of this shit before and who wouldn't jump at the chance to visit different universes (he hadn't remembered up until five minutes ago, of course, but he sure did now), but as far as he was concerned it was old hat by now. All he could wonder was exactly what the fucking guardians' game was this time.

There were talking Pokémon, of course. And other humans. Was... was that Kora and Vix over there? He raised a cautious hand before realizing it wasn't like they'd recognize him, would they. Well, this'd be fucking awkward.

"They can talk!" Jean whispered with a squeal of excitement. "Talking Pokémon!"

Dave sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of those in other universes, it turns out."

"Wallace and Winona?" she then said, her eyes widening, looking at a couple dressed in over-the-top costumes. They were saying something about a honeymoon...? "You're married?!" Jean squeaked. Dave squinted at them. Was he supposed to know these people?


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
There were talking Pokémon, of course. And other humans. Was... was that Kora and Vix over there? He raised a cautious hand before realizing it wasn't like they'd recognize him, would they. Well, this'd be fucking awkward.

Vix wasn't so lost in thought that she didn't notice this stranger also take notice of her, and almost kinda-sorta wave at her. Curious, she gave a proper wave back.

Kora, inversely, gave a big, friendly wave instead. "Howdy humans! We got a giant Ferris Wheel! I call dibs on it first!"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen squeaked as Kors picked him up, before he heard his name. He looked around, before seeing one of the humans commenting on him talking.

He began trembling again, and said, "U-uh, yeah, I c-can talk."

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
"Oh, uh, hey... I'm Vix, a Chandelure, at least right now. Nice to meet you! Let's see if I can explain this easily... I don't really get it all myself sometimes."

After clearing her throat, Vix gestured to the other humans present. "Those are humans. They aren't Pokemon, but they're almost as smart as us. Debatably. Sometimes. I've personally met a few humans that, when brought to a world inhabited by Pokemon, had to be turned into Pokemon themselves," she said, then crossed her arms as her flame flickered in thought. "I have no idea why, really... some humans say they come from worlds where there are already Pokemon around... I dunno why they had to become Pokemon."

Pandelume considered Vix's words carefully. "Thank you for the information. If I may venture a theory: These 'humans' sound like a class of entities known as 'leks' in my world, who live in dungeons but are unable to exist outside them, and which are almost as intelligent as Pokemon. Mostly they take on the forms of Pokemon, but sometimes appear as other things. It seems possible that a similar dynamic may apply to these humans, with their worlds effectively being 'dungeons' with respect to worlds inhabited by Pokemon, even if some of their fellow humans wear the forms of Pokemon in their own world."

Observing the odd, vaguely-reminiscent-of-a-Ninetales creature speak of the strangeness of 'Talking Pokemon', they pondered further. "Ah, if humans generally believe that Pokemon can't talk, that may be another point in the theory's favor. In my world, leks cannot talk, and it is believed that they use some other form of communication instead. Presumably some magic of this place has enabled us all to understand each other, allowing humans to perceive our spoken language in a way that is meaningful to them. I will attempt to test this theory."

Pandelume turned to the apparently-typical-formed human who'd come with the Ninetales-esque one. "Excuse me, but I have a question for you: Do humans usually communicate in a way other than sound or visual gestures? Are you currently perceiving me as communicating to you through that modality?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Pandelume considered Vix's words carefully. "If I may venture a theory: These 'humans' sound like a class of entities known as 'leks' in my world, who live in dungeons but are unable to exist outside them, and which are almost as intelligent as Pokemon. Mostly they take on the forms of Pokemon, but sometimes appear as other things. It seems possible that a similar dynamic may apply to these humans, with their worlds effectively being 'dungeons' with respect to worlds inhabited by Pokemon, even if some of their fellow humans wear the forms of Pokemon in their own world."

"Ah, if humans generally believe that Pokemon can't talk, that may be another point in the theory's favor. In my world, leks cannot talk, and it is believed that they use some other form of communication instead. Presumably some magic of this place has enabled us all to understand each other, allowing humans to perceive our spoken language in a way that is meaningful to them. I will attempt to test this theory."

For however intelligent Vix might've come off as, she had to try to keep up and understand everything Pandelume was saying. It had to do with "Leks" being said and her stopping herself from laughing out loud from it. They... sounded familiar, but not exactly for humans. A shape-shifting creature that can communicate through non-verbal means... could be anything. Could be anyone. But it definitely wasn't humans.

"I, uh, don't think Humans are these "Leks" things, honestly," Vix tittered, but she didn't try and stop Pandelume from his little experiment either. "I mean, I wouldn't know since they sound like something from your world exclusively, or maybe they're from every world that isn't my own? You... could be right, if that's the case."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Vix wasn't so lost in thought that she didn't notice this stranger also take notice of her, and almost kinda-sorta wave at her. Curious, she gave a proper wave back.

Kora, inversely, gave a big, friendly wave instead. "Howdy humans! We got a giant Ferris Wheel! I call dibs on it first!"
Well, she'd noticed. Nothing else for it. "Uh, Vix? Kora? This is Dave, from Cibus. If you even remember that, I'm still half and half on whether that was a giant hallucination."

If Vix and Kora were here, were there other people from Team Spectrum? Brisa...? He looked around but couldn't see anything that looked like her.

Pandelume turned to the apparently-typical-formed human who'd come with the Ninetales-esque one. "Excuse me, but I have a question for you: Do humans usually communicate in a way other than sound or visual gestures? Are you currently perceiving me as communicating to you through that modality?"
...And instead heard the Abomasnow talking. He blinked. A scientist Abomasnow? Somebody with an elaborate theory on humans, at any rate. An absolutely buckwild theory, but a theory nonetheless.

"Yeah, uh, usually we do sound and gesture, and that's what I'm hearing. Back in my world your kind just fucking roars."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen looked at Wallace, thinking. He did seem familiar...wait, did they meet at that stage place?

"I...I th-think we do," Gen answered.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
"I, uh, don't think Humans are these "Leks" things, honestly," Vix tittered, but she didn't try and stop Pandelume from his little experiment either. "I mean, I wouldn't know since they sound like something from your world exclusively, or maybe they're from every world that isn't my own? You... could be right, if that's the case."

"Mmm. I wasn't suggesting they were the same as leks, only similar. But it was admittedly an improbable theory, as first theories typically are. The leks only started appearing in my world roughly two hundred years ago, so it is likely that they are not a... multi-world phenomenon."

Well, she'd noticed. Nothing else for it. "Uh, Vix? Kora? This is Dave, from Cibus. If you even remember that, I'm still half and half on whether that was a giant hallucination."

If Vix and Kora were here, were there other people from Team Spectrum? Brisa...? He looked around but couldn't see anything that looked like her.

...And instead heard the Abomasnow talking. He blinked. A scientist Abomasnow? Somebody with an elaborate theory on humans, at any rate. An absolutely buckwild theory, but a theory nonetheless.

"Yeah, uh, usually we do sound and gesture, and that's what I'm hearing. Back in my world your kind just fucking roars."

"Ah. And in your world, would you could consider Abomasnow to be a subset of humans - perhaps ones playing a role that does not involve meaningful communication - or would they be classed as another kind of entity entirely? Or... hmm... are they unable to communicate because they do not have souls bound to them, and are thus like animals?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Well, she'd noticed. Nothing else for it. "Uh, Vix? Kora? This is Dave, from Cibus. If you even remember that, I'm still half and half on whether that was a giant hallucination."

Kora blinked, then tilted his head, then beamed. It was his not-dad! Also coincidentally visiting a fun other dimension! Since Gen was busy talking with other humans, Kora set the 'wott down and stood, then happily went over to Dave. "Howdy Dave! Don't worry, that wasn't a hallucination at all! Unless I'm a hallucination... which I don't think I am, hehe!"

"Dave? The guy who got turned into a Mightyena?" Vix stared at the alleged "Dave" in disbelief, then floated over to him to make sure it was him. She had no way to do that. "Are you actually him?"

"Ah. And in your world, would you could consider Abomasnow to be a subset of humans - perhaps ones playing a role that does not involve meaningful communication - or would they be classed as another kind of entity entirely? Or... hmm... are they unable to communicate because they do not have souls bound to them, and are thus like animals?"

Vix looked at the incredibly intelligent tree, her flame dimming as she tried to figure out why this Abomasnow decided that animals didn't have souls...
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