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Zinnia's Multiverse Madness! (Roleplay, March 4-13)


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
And down the human girl went. Down, down, down to the bottom of the ferris wheel. "WOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kora cheered, spinning happily in the air. Vix watched, arms crossed, wondering what could possibly be going in Kora's mind, and quickly realized that the answer was most likely "nothing at all."
Have you ever watched your own mirror plummeting to the ground while cheering all the way down?
She couldn't help instincts as she crouched down, covering her already concealed face with eyes shut tight and mouth wincing in despair. No matter how much she averted her gaze, the image was burned into her mind. She clutched onto her shaking head as she furiously blinked, trying to shake off what she had just witnessed and holding in any vocal reaction as much as she could. Even so, a very soft whimper exited her mouth. Hearing the soft muffle made her squeak back up to a stand as she became aware of her surroundings once more.
Fortunately, Kora stopped before she hit the ground, floating in mid air and giggling like a bubbly idiot. "Oh man, that was wicked!" she snickered, floating aimlessly back to the group. "Anyone else want a turn on the ferris wheel? It's a whole lot more fun going down the fast way than waiting for it to go all the way around. I can catch y'all if ya wanna!"
She let out a much more audible sigh as she slid her fingers down her mask. Kora was okay. Robin was okay. It was just all part of the game... Neither she nor Kora were in any danger, she assured herself. Even if had only been her likeness, something about seeing that happen shook her. It was as if she had just seen a glimpse of one of the many ways her fragile life could end. There didn't even need to be super-powered spirit animals to do it. Just one little fall like that and...

She laughed. Whether it was at the absurdity of the situation or simply her own anxiety, she didn't know. Feeling phantom glares of those she imagined could be around her, she began to clap. That was the appropriate thing to do, right? She was just cheering Kora on! That's all. 100%.
"I dare you to demonstrate the full extent of your power."

Perhaps she could squeeze the truth out of them, after all...
Her clapping slowed down to a stop as soon as this dare was asked. Her mind began racing of all the implications of this as her thoughts pivoted towards just how stupid everything she had done was—
She looked over to Zinnia, then back to Lusamine. "If that's your dare, then I'd like to change to a truth, please?"
Another close call. How many of those was she going to have to endure today?
"You mean, who. Who am I," Kora corrected Lusamine, crossing her arms. "And I am Kora. There's nothing else to it."
...Too many, apparently. At the very least, the image of herself falling had been briefly forgotten as Robin heard the uncharacteristically serious tone of Kora. The fact that it was said in her own voice only made it all the more eerie.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"I thought for a moment there that I'd just watched you die. Can you at least tell my why you aren't?"

Lusamine didn't sound any more caring to Kora than she did when she asked what she was. It would have been far from the first time someone feigned care and worry for her. It wouldn't be the last, there'd never be a last. Kora didn't even want to answer, but that was just a rule of the game.

"I didn't die because I didn't die. I can fly, obviously. That's one of the many things I can do," Kora answered, as if it was just as simple as that. "For your sake, it's better not to look any deeper into me." Kora might've been upset, but there wasn't any trace of malice in her voice. That wasn't a threat, just a warning.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
She laughed. Whether it was at the absurdity of the situation or simply her own anxiety, she didn't know. Feeling phantom glares of those she imagined could be around her, she began to clap. That was the appropriate thing to do, right? She was just cheering Kora on! That's all. 100%.

Kora let out a sigh, feeling the air get heavy thanks to this science lady, and thought it best not to let it simmer any longer. She turned to her original, Robin, and waved briefly. "So, human goddess, Truth or Dare?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
[CW: Lusamine arguing the ferris wheel jump looked like a suicide to her]
"For your sake, it's better not to look any deeper into me."
Lusamine's brow twitched. "Is that supposed to be a threat, or a promise?"


She turned and glared at Mohn. "No! She's going to put on a whole show of publicly pretending to kill herself, and you don't even care what the fuck even-? It looked like- It looked like..." Her left hand clenched into a fist. She hid it behind her back. "Argh. Whatever, then."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Kora let out a sigh, feeling the air get heavy thanks to this science lady, and thought it best not to let it simmer any longer. She turned to her original, Robin, and waved briefly. "So, human goddess, Truth or Dare?"
“Mm, this should be good,” Odette said. She flinched as Dorien pulled another splinter out of her knuckle with the tweezers.

“Hey, chill,” she threatened.

“Maybe don’t punch a splintered wooden wall next time, yeah?” Dorien said flatly.
Last edited:


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Kora let out a sigh, feeling the air get heavy thanks to this science lady, and thought it best not to let it simmer any longer. She turned to her original, Robin, and waved briefly. "So, human goddess, Truth or Dare?"
Fuck! Her eyes darted left and right beneath her mask. Out of everyone that could have possibly asked, it had to be the one that thinks of her as a god! This was just like that other world she got trapped in, only worse because the one asking was an actual deity, or close to it, at least!

Robin cleared her throat and lowered her head. She put her hand to the lip of her mask and cleared her throat again, hoping that the brief pause would make her think of a way out - nothing came. After clearing her throat one more time and taking a very slow, dramatic bow to buy herself more time to contemplate her answer, she blurted out the first thing to came to mind: "D-Dare." Why did I say that?! She mentally despaired.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
She turned and glared at Mohn. [[Phan Spoilered this and Quotes can't spoiler for some reason]]

Kora winced, then shook her head. She couldn't even stay mad at someone who insulted her. Who called her a what, who would probably call her an it just like Dorien. But no, Lusamine had to have been worried from the start didn't she? Hell, she sounded just like Kora's own mother! Why? Why?!

"I wasn't threatening you, and I wasn't pretending to do anything either. I just... fell. And I can fly. So I was safe. But you didn't know that because you never knew me and I just..." Kora gritted her teeth, looking down at her fists for a moment before grabbing her fake mask and putting it on. The mask might've been powerless but it certainly felt better. It just felt right, and natural, and safe.

"I'm sorry," Kora said to Lusamine, then sighed, then cursed herself under her breath.

After clearing her throat one more time and taking a very slow, dramatic bow to buy herself more time to contemplate her answer, she blurted out the first thing to came to mind: "D-Dare." Why did I say that?! She mentally despaired.

A dare, sure, Kora could manage thinking up a fun one to change how everything was turning out. Frankly, she didn't want to say anything in case she fuck up again and judge someone else for being a dick when they had a heart to begin with. For fuck's sake, was Dorien gonna end up being a kind, charitable soul? Who owns some fancy orphanage that's so good that the kids don't even want to leave? Or maybe he has some soup kitchen that also doubles as, like, a homeless center?

Frustrated, Kora let out a growl and scratched her head, then groaned once she calmed back down. There was a game going on, Kora couldn't keep it on hold forever. "I dare you... I dare you to try and win one of the game booths on your first attempt. If you fail... you have to get dunked in the dunk tank."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"S-sorry..." Gen said, hugging Jean tighter, or at least as best he could.

"I...I'm r-really scared. I d-don't want to s-save the world...b-but what about S-Saltriv and Burhalla? I...I d-don't want them or their w-world t-to die..." he said. "I...I wish I c-could just be b-back home and human again...and...I w-want Saltriv and B-Burhalla to come with me t-too, since they're my f-friends, but then they'll probably miss their home, t-too..."
He had more friends too? Friends he didn't want to leave behind. She'd left them behind.

"If people like Zinnia can just move people between universes when she wants to play games, maybe she can help them move to your world when they want to visit, and go back when they want to go home?" she suggested. That had to be possible, right?

Dave sighed. "Look, Saltriv talked about how their uncle and some other qualified adults are around. Get them to go save the world. If they absolutely need you for some reason, at least make them come with you."

They were interrupted by the Bagon who'd brought them announcing they were about to start a game of... truth or dare? What was this, middle school?

Lusamine and Kora rode the ferris wheel on top of the carriage, hijinks ensued, and oh, he recognized Lusamine too, didn't he -- she'd been in one of the mafia games. Definitely not going to draw attention to that one.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Kora gritted her teeth, looking down at her fists for a moment before grabbing her fake mask and putting it on. The mask might've been powerless but it certainly felt better. It just felt right, and natural, and safe.

"I'm sorry," Kora said to Lusamine, then sighed, then cursed herself under her breath.
Robin looked on with forlorn empathy. She couldn't forgive them for being yet another Pokémon that put her in this position, yet she also couldn't help but relate to Kora in that moment. At the end of the day, absolute power or not, Kora did still mean well, at least.

And... Kora put on the mask for the same reasons she had. It was that feeling: that want to hide yourself away from the world. To bury your emotions from everyone so they can't say anything about you. To be protected from the pitied looks, the insulted gazes, the confused reactions of others when everything is so plainly written on your face. To be able to truly perform to the expectations of others without them having to be concerned with how you really feel.

To perfectly embody the role.
Frustrated, Kora let out a growl and scratched her head, then groaned once she calmed back down. There was a game going on, Kora couldn't keep it on hold forever. "I dare you... I dare you to try and win one of the game booths on your first attempt. If you fail... you have to get dunked in the dunk tank."
She inwardly let out a sigh in relief. That was doable. Her eyes scanned the park before settling on a game that had been pleasantly familiar: balloon darts.

Taking deep a breath, she shook off her apprehension and took careful, purposeful steps towards the booth. She held her head up high and kept her arms to her sides, fingers splayed. The appearance of the 'Great Sage' was one of poise, after all. Picking up one of the darts, she made a quick practice motion with her hand before spotting the tip of the dart - it was rounded and dulled. Of course. Even between universes, amusement park games were rigged. Thankfully, she had a plan.

Picking up another dart and twirling it between her fingers, she stared at while making small commentary, "Hmm, a bit of out of practice, but I think I can manage. You know, I used to play this a lot with my sisters..." Meanwhile, trying to keep her off-hand away from anyone's gaze, she slid two darts against the table and one another in an attempt to sharpen their points. Once she believed enough time had passed to where the jig would be up, she finished her story, "...and Yumi was so happy when I held her arm up to help her throw - she actually got a prize out of that! Anyways, I'm gonna take the shot now."

The dart was a bit lopsided on its tip and would certainly deflect off any standard board. Thankfully, she only needed a small puncture pop a balloon. There was one last problem to contend with: she couldn't see as well out of the mask. Still, with careful, squinted, aim, she thrust her hand forward, ready to see her plan work in action...

...Only for it to bounce off of the wall with a ting as the dart rapidly fumbled in the air. However, by some miracle, the dart landed on one of the toy cars as it activated and slammed into the wall of the booth with a thud. It provided just enough force to knock down one of the loose hanging plushies as its weight dragged down one of the balloons into the bucket of darts in the back of the booth with a pop and a clang as the bucket rolled onto its side and all the darts spilled out onto the floor.

Robin just stared at what happened in silence. She technically popped a balloon.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"If people like Zinnia can just move people between universes when she wants to play games, maybe she can help them move to your world when they want to visit, and go back when they want to go home?" she suggested. That had to be possible, right?

Dave sighed. "Look, Saltriv talked about how their uncle and some other qualified adults are around. Get them to go save the world. If they absolutely need you for some reason, at least make them come with you."

"...o-ok. Thanks," Gen said, his trembling slowly beginning to subside. He hugged Jean for a few more seconds, before letting go, waddling over towards Dave, and attempting to hug him, too.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Picking up another dart and twirling it between her fingers, she stared at while making small commentary, "Hmm, a bit of out of practice, but I think I can manage. You know, I used to play this a lot with my sisters..."

Meanwhile, trying to keep her off-hand away from anyone's gaze, she slid two darts against the table and one another in an attempt to sharpen their points. Once she believed enough time had passed to where the jig would be up, she finished her story.

"...and Yumi was so happy when I held her arm up to help her throw - she actually got a prize out of that! Anyways, I'm gonna take the shot now."

Hearing about something as pleasantly mundane as someone throwing darts with their siblings really helped calm Kora down. It being Robin as well, after Kora spent so long basically being her, made it feel like Kora was talking to herself about her own siblings back home. As if her subconscious came in clutch to bring her back to earth with the "good" times.

The dart was a bit lopsided on its tip and would certainly deflect off any standard board. Thankfully, she only needed a small puncture pop a balloon. There was one last problem to contend with: she couldn't see as well out of the mask. Still, with careful aim, she thrust her hand forward, ready to see her plan work in action...

...Only for it to bounce off of the wall with a ting as the dart rapidly fumbled in the air. However, by some miracle, the dart landed on one of the toy cars as it activated and slammed into the wall of the booth with a thud. It provided just enough force to knock down one of the loose hanging plushies as its weight dragged down one of the balloons into the bucket of darts in the back of the booth with a pop and a clang as the bucket rolled onto its side and all the darts spilled out onto the floor. Robin just stared at what happened in silence.

And the comical display of Robin's one thrown dart ending up knocking off a prize and also popping a balloon was more than enough to bring Kora to snicker. This dare went even better than Kora was expecting, honestly. "I thought you said you were a wish granter, not insanely lucky," Kora hummed, giving an applause just like Robin gave to her when she flew from the ferris wheel.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
You don't know the half of it, buddy. She waved her arm and took a dramatic bow. It was time to seal the deal. "Was it coincidence...?" She defaulted to a phrase whenever she was asked to explain something she knew nothing about, "...Or was it fate? Only the stars know."

She looked at Winona before meekly smiling beneath her mask. While she hadn't been able to be proper introduced to everyone here, she was glad there was at least one soul that she could confide in. At least, one that she hadn't upset. I'm so sorry, Odette. I'll make it up to you soon. She cleared her throat before making a waving gesture and asking, "So, Winona! How about I ask you the same? Truth, or dare?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
She inwardly let out a sigh in relief. That was doable. Her eyes scanned the park before settling on a game that had been pleasantly familiar: balloon darts.

Taking deep a breath, she shook off her apprehension and took careful, purposeful steps towards the booth. She held her head up high and kept her arms to her sides, fingers splayed. The appearance of the 'Great Sage' was one of poise, after all. Picking up one of the darts, she made a quick practice motion with her hand before spotting the tip of the dart - it was rounded and dulled. Of course. Even between universes, amusement park games were rigged. Thankfully, she had a plan.
What a boring ass fucking dare.

A dunk tank? When was somebody going to do something more juicy? Dorien had thought that a multiverse version of this juvenile game would be far more fun, but it was turning out to be on a similar level. And this one was taking all her time in the world to do something so menial. All she had to do was throw the dart and be done with it. If she pegged it hard enough, she'd be fine. It really wasn't a big deal.

Picking up another dart and twirling it between her fingers, she stared at while making small commentary, "Hmm, a bit of out of practice, but I think I can manage. You know, I used to play this a lot with my sisters..." Meanwhile, trying to keep her off-hand away from anyone's gaze, she slid two darts against the table and one another in an attempt to sharpen their points. Once she believed enough time had passed to where the jig would be up, she finished her story, "...and Yumi was so happy when I held her arm up to help her throw - she actually got a prize out of that! Anyways, I'm gonna take the shot now."

The dart was a bit lopsided on its tip and would certainly deflect off any standard board. Thankfully, she only needed a small puncture pop a balloon. There was one last problem to contend with: she couldn't see as well out of the mask. Still, with careful, squinted, aim, she thrust her hand forward, ready to see her plan work in action...
He scoffed to himself as he started talking, and with a roll of his eyes, he went back to the real important subject at hand; patching up his lady. He dared to shoot her a glance, but she was also somewhat invested in the new events happening. Too much to make eye contact with him, which was fine. At least he could focus on the splinters, because gods there were a lot. He started picking at another one, and it was proving rather difficult to grasp with the tweezers. Odette sucked through her teeth and tried to jolt her hand back.

"Stab me why don't you?" she muttered.

AS YOU SHOULD, Inviderus screeched in his head. He didn't allow himself to flinch.

"It's deep in there, I'm sorry," he said.

He went back at it, a little more mindful this time, when Robin started talking again. Dude. This didn't need to be a big show. That's when he actually sighed in exasperation, and sent an annoyed look over his shoulder. "This is the most drawn out menial task I've ever seen in my life," he huffed.

"And you care because?" Odette jeered.

He sniffled, getting his head focused again, and turned back to continue on the splinters. "It's boring. This might be the most exciting thing I've done all day."

That's your own fault.

Patience, he thought bitterly.

...Only for it to bounce off of the wall with a ting as the dart rapidly fumbled in the air. However, by some miracle, the dart landed on one of the toy cars as it activated and slammed into the wall of the booth with a thud. It provided just enough force to knock down one of the loose hanging plushies as its weight dragged down one of the balloons into the bucket of darts in the back of the booth with a pop and a clang as the bucket rolled onto its side and all the darts spilled out onto the floor.

Robin just stared at what happened in silence. She technically popped a balloon.
Now at least there was some comedic payoff. After all of that, she made a mess. Hysterical. If his hands weren't preoccupied with Odette's, he'd have applauded. Instead, he just shook his head to himself.

"Absurde," he said under his breath as he finally fished that splinter out. He was silenced by Odette nudging him with her foot.

"Shush, not like your aim is any better," she snapped. And she meant that in more ways than one.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
She relaxed. Now this was more of her style: calm, casual, not so unrelenting in expectations.
This one question always lightened the mood, at least in her eyes, "What's one thing you always wanted to do, but never had a chance to?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
You know how girls have sleepovers? You know how they go to the malls on weekends, go to proms and parties, all that stuff? Between home and work, I never really got a chance to do that stuff. The closest I ever got was with dinner with Flannery. Other than that, I never got the ‘girls’ night out’ experience…” she looked at Odette and Robin. “…well, until now.”
Dorien resisted the urge to grit his teeth as Winona spoke. Nope. No. His head was clear. All good.

He smiled up at Odette as he removed another splinter, only to see she’d already moved her eyes away.

“That’s ironic. I don’t think you’ve ever had a Girl’s Night Out in your life,” he teased.

“That is just simply not true, and you know it,” she retaliated.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Winona thought long and hard about that question. “You know how girls have sleepovers? You know how they go to the malls on weekends, go to proms and parties, all that stuff? Between home and work, I never really got a chance to do that stuff. The closest I ever got was with dinner with Flannery. Other than that, I never got the ‘girls’ night out’ experience…” she looked at Odette and Robin. “…well, until now.”

Things took a much sweeter turn, and Kora was more than happy for it. She realized she was pretty lucky, being able to have experienced all those things, even if she never had long to enjoy them. Still, Kora was happy Winona got to experience it at all.

The ever silent Vix, remained exactly like that. Aside from her ventures with Koa and Dave, Vix never got to do anything like that. And even on those adventures, she was a loner most of the time, quiet and hardly seen, much like now. But that didn't stop her from being proud of someone else getting that luxury some time in their life. And Winona didn't even need to come back as a living light fixture to do it, lucky her.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Winona thought long and hard about that question. “You know how girls have sleepovers? You know how they go to the malls on weekends, go to proms and parties, all that stuff? Between home and work, I never really got a chance to do that stuff. The closest I ever got was with dinner with Flannery. Other than that, I never got the ‘girls’ night out’ experience…” she looked at Odette and Robin. “…well, until now.”
"Aw..." Robin could help but vocalize, gently placing a hand on her shoulder and tilting her head, "It's okay. You'll have plenty more chances for that, I'm sure!" She took her hand off and placed it on her hip, "We'll give you a little taste of it here! I'll warn you though: I'm a sucker for a good roller coaster."

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
[[ Most likely all this takes place before today's more recent convos, up until the Truth or Dare part. As per usual, them's the breaks]]

(This convo probably happens pre-Robin/Odette)
"I have become one with the bird Pokémon over the years. I have nothing but respect for bird Pokémon. To be able to soar through the sky, to be able to get so close to the heavens... I have nothing but respect for you."
[[Enough ago into the past]]

Tiana nodded at the words of the human, and she made a modest gesture at her Fearow companion. "So you appreciate that touch of the sky... maybe you should talk to Kalas? As a condor Pokémon, he can fly very high. He says back in his prime he could panorama over the entire city. Myself," she tipped her had, "am more of the lower skyline. The power wires, the billboards, and all those posts where we birds look nice."

Distracted with his own conversations going on, Kalas didn't really notice the virtual tap.

"Hi!" Jean waved.

She blinked quizzically at the Fearow. "Huh? What do you mean?"
[[Presumably also ago]]

Kalas brushed his wings and assumed a more laid-back posture, he tried to word things out as he remembered them. "It's something I saw a lot when exploring the streets, catching a glimpse of people within the houses from the air. A good amount of teens fancy the form of some Pokémon, play pretend that they have our powers, or even dress like us, quite elaborately. I even saw one hugging a Gardevoir-shaped pillow in their sleep, once."

"My own paws are flexible enough to hold onto stuff to write, but 'mons that don't have that tend to use a band or some other kind of holder to keep things in place." Rodion explained. "It's not that hard to write when you have a piece of charcoal strapped to your paw."

The Floatzel leaned back against the railing of one of the attractions, before continuing on. "As for delivering letters, that's generally handled by a Pokémon that can fly. The sea in my world isn't that big, so it usually doesn't take more than about a day for a flier to get from one island to the next."
Tiana and Kalas shared a quizzical look. "That's something we really should get a closer view on once we get back," the Honchkrow mentioned.

Kalas looked into the emptiness for a moment. "It should be easy to craft a talon-pen or something. We do have talon-guards back at home. And learning how to write would be useful... have been useful, five years ago. Back then I had to dictate my cases," he commented, punctuating with a shrug.

During all the commotion, Zinnia had made it on top of one of the stands. The human shouted, "Everyone! I'm glad to see you're all enjoying yourselves, but let's shake things up a bit! We're going to be playing Truth or Dare!"

She looked, around, and pointed at Lusamine. "We'll be starting with you! Pick one, truth or dare?"
[[presumably at the time of the event]]

The two birds hopped aside from the main group and discussed the choices for a moment before their turn to choose would come.


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Aah~ There was nothing like a bunch of sweets to calm her nerves.

Pixels took another bite out of her cotton candy, the sweet sensation assaulting her senses. If she'd gotten even more stressed out, her coat wouldn't keep its natural sheen any longer.

She smiled. Thankful that there was always something that could calm her ghostly friend which predictably were dangerous rides, prizes... and cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.

She glanced behind her, seeing Fray holding a funnel cake with a literal mountain of melted cheese and cream.

She shook her head, she could never quite understand Fray's weird obsession with cheese but she didn't want to pry, there was already way too many thing weird about her ragtag bunch of friends, a cheese obsession is nothing compared to them.
During all the commotion, Zinnia had made it on top of one of the stands. The human shouted, "Everyone! I'm glad to see you're all enjoying yourselves, but let's shake things up a bit! We're going to be playing Truth or Dare!"

She looked, around, and pointed at Lusamine. "We'll be starting with you! Pick one, truth or dare?"
"Truth or dare?" Pixels muttered as they arrived back at the group. That was what this 'fun' was? She thought it'd be something adventurous or dangerous, not something silly.

... Then again, with how... colorful this group was, maybe one of them could dare her to do something insane.

She'd love to get her blood pumping after all of the sugar she had eaten.
Unlike Lusamine, Kora remained on the ferris wheel by her lonesome. Without someone else needing to be safe, she had full reign to swing the car to her heart's content. Which was still difficult, but that made it more fun! It went back and forth, still slowly spinning around and around, and it was actually enough to get the wind flowing through her hair. When she made it back to the top, only one thing came to mind.

Something stupid fun!

"CAN I GET A HOOOOOOOOOOOOOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, jumping way up high and pumping her fists in the air. On the way back down though, Kora quickly found out that landing on a swinging car, way up high in the air, was difficult. So difficult that Kora straight up didn't manage it. "--Oop,"

And down the human girl went. Down, down, down to the bottom of the ferris wheel. "WOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kora cheered, spinning happily in the air. Vix watched, arms crossed, wondering what could possibly be going in Kora's mind, and quickly realized that the answer was most likely "nothing at all."

Fortunately, Kora stopped before she hit the ground, floating in mid air and giggling like a bubbly idiot. "Oh man, that was wicked!" she snickered, floating aimlessly back to the group. "Anyone else want a turn on the ferris wheel? It's a whole lot more fun going down the fast way than waiting for it to go all the way around. I can catch y'all if ya wanna!"
"HHOOOOAAAHHH!" Fray exclaimed, clapping her hands at the shapeshifter's actions. "That was awesome!"

"Crazy, you mean," Pixels said, fighting back the urge to grin at the thought of doing just that.

..Only for it to bounce off of the wall with a ting as the dart rapidly fumbled in the air. However, by some miracle, the dart landed on one of the toy cars as it activated and slammed into the wall of the booth with a thud. It provided just enough force to knock down one of the loose hanging plushies as its weight dragged down one of the balloons into the bucket of darts in the back of the booth with a pop and a clang as the bucket rolled onto its side and all the darts spilled out onto the floor.

Robin just stared at what happened in silence. She technically popped a balloon.
"That was so cool! Don't you think so, Pix?" Fray cheered.

"Yeah... uh," she trailed off, shaking her head and averting her gaze from the ferris wheel. She glanced at the booth Fray was pointing at. "That was cool, I guess. Why don't you try something like that? You can probably win a prize if you want."

"A prize?" Fray exclaimed before speeding to a nearby booth.

Well with her gone, Pixels could finally have some real fun. She sat on her haunches and waited patiently for her turn.
Winona thought long and hard about that question. “You know how girls have sleepovers? You know how they go to the malls on weekends, go to proms and parties, all that stuff? Between home and work, I never really got a chance to do that stuff. The closest I ever got was with dinner with Flannery. Other than that, I never got the ‘girls’ night out’ experience…” she looked at Odette and Robin. “…well, until now.”
Aw. The poor girl must've not a fun life growing up.

At least Pixels had chances to sneak away from her father's overbearing nature from time to time. This girl sounded like she never had the chance to do something adventurous.

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
[[ Got a request from @Virgil134 to be the one to launch the prompt for Kalas' answer, but they won't be able to post until way later, what's the proper procedure to go with here? ]]
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