Spiteful Murkrow
Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
- Partners
Heya, swinging by for some light reading and to chip away at my authorial hitlist while dinner’s cooking in the background. I didn’t realize that you had a drabble collection story, so that sounds like a thing worth checking out a couple installments of:
[Prompt 1]
The “punctuated by” already implies “in between” since it’s saying that it’s interrupting screeching and yowling. IMO, it’s a tad redundant.
Wait, wait, wait. That thing can reflect light? I wasn’t under the impression that Seviper tails were metallic, though… .-.
Make sure to keep your pronouns for Seviper consistent there.
Though I see that Pokémon apparently have an internal culture such that they can settle things with a fight without things going to the point of “one side is flatly fainted on the grass”. Even if I doubt this’ll be the end of things here.
Zangoose: “Rodent?! How dare you! I’m a cat!”
Seviper: “Not according to your Pokédex category, you’re not.”
Oh, so they have a relationship, huh? :V
Though unless Zangoose is meant to be internally stuttering from frustration, you only want one “this” there.
They’re going to start things off next time arguing over which of the two left first, aren’t they? [loltias]
Well, if these two didn’t already have a relationship, they sure seem well on their way now given that they’ve moved onto begrudging respect for each other.
Seviper: “Excuse me? I’m still standing here while you’re trying to catch your breath, and-”
Zangoose: “Look, I won, dammit!”
IMO, this paragraph of description here is enough of a departure from both of Seviper’s lines of dialogue that you should consider splitting this paragraph up.
This is going to keep going on for a while, isn’t it? ^^;
Yeah, I knew it. Though the fact that one or the other hasn’t just brought along buddies to make this a group beatdown seems to imply we’ve entered the “only I can defeat you” phase.
Come on, buddy, with your batting average so far, we all know how this is going to turn out.
Nah, the fact that you two are both backing down instead of turning this into a fight to the death is proof that you won’t go that far.
Yeah, I knew it, there.
So… y’all are going to back up this huffing and puffing with an actual deathmatch sometime, or…?
Or, you know, you could admit that you like each other.
I notice that these day intervals keep growing longer and longer here. Is there an in-character reason for these two to want them to? (e.x. Need time to recover, want extra time to practice, etc.) If so, it might make sense to reflect that in the narration a bit more explicitly.
I’m honestly surprised that Zangoose didn’t bump up the schedule there to try and make a point to Seviper.
I mean, the fact that you two are content to keep at this instead of raising the stakes sounds like on some level you’re aware this isn’t a clean win and okay with it, just saying.
So… these two graduating onto becoming frenemies when?
Seriously, get a room already, you two. Though is this just what every relationship, platonic or otherwise, between Seviper and Zangoose starts out as? :V
On the one hand, I wonder if you really needed six fights to get these two to this point, on the other, this is entertaining, so I won’t knock it too much.
See, I knew that they were forming a relationship/friendship with each other. Even if I’m sure that both sides would vehemently deny it.
Not least of all by the Zangoose and Seviper, I’m sure.
[Prompt 2]
You have a duplicated word there. Though if the narrator’s life stank when Trubbish came into their life, does that mean that it stank worse afterwards, too? :^)
Did you use this combination in one of your stories or something? Since this feels like a very specific species mix here.
I mean, it would save you the effort of throwing out the bin every week, just saying.
Though “There’s” is ambiguous with “there is” (and the grammatically proper usage). You probably want to explicitly say “There was” here if this is a recalled event.
Yeah, I can see why the trainer at first was resistant to the idea of training a Trubbish. Though again, let Trubbish clear out your bins.
I mean, if their Swalot just eats all their food scraps… yeah, that might be some slim pickings for that Trubbish there.
Some small typos here.
I’m honestly surprised that Trubbish didn’t attempt to eat the trainer’s trash on day one. Since you’d think that would instantly set off the proverbial lightbulb of realization.
Wow, Narrator, just wow.
Reminder that if this is a recollected event from some time after the fact, that you want to keep the verb tenses here firmly in past tense and not in present tense.
This last paragraph IMO works better as two, but that might just be stylistic nitpicking on my end. Though the narrator’s Swalot must be a pickier eater than I thought, since the Pokédex fluff suggests that they’ll eat just about anything.
That actually makes me wonder how the narrator is caring for Ruby. Like have they been keeping Ruby in their Pokéball constantly in the hopes that the simu-environment would keep Ruby happy? Or were they always looking for an excuse to bin (har har) her?
Oh, so that’s what those realizations were. Though I wonder if they should’ve been described a bit more explicitly instead of keeping things vague with “a spiderweb of realizations” where even the general topic isn’t touched on.
Again, bub. Just feed Ruby straight out of your trash bin. It’ll make garbage day easier for you, too.
Huh. Wouldn’t have expected that from a Trubbish, but you know what, it’s cute so I’ll just roll with it.
[Prompt 3]
Wait, wait, wait, what kind of parent names their kid ‘Inertia’? .-.
Inertia: “Hey, if people can go around named ‘Natural’, I can be named ‘Inertia’. Sod off.” >_>;
Lady either’s got connections or she must’ve coughed up a lot dough to make that happen.
These paragraphs IMO should be broken up a bit more than they presently are. Though I’m beginning to understand why Pokémon Professors specifically only offer three choices to pick between normally.
Kalosian detected.
Oh, well that’s a positive sign, I’m sure.
Um… Inertia, this feels like a really, really bad idea when you haven’t even chosen one Pokémon of your own to train yet.
Yeah, I knew it. Though I can already tell it’s not going to be just one Mankey that goes after her.
Wait, Inertia can do that? A part of me wonders if this should’ve been foreshadowed at all, since it’s definitely a very particular headcanon on display here. But it’s a drabble, so I won’t knock it too hard.
At first I thought that this was a Shiny or something, but nope, those are green-tinted, so I’m not sure what’s going on with Mankey here.
Yeah, this was a really good time for Inertia to not already have a Pokémon with her. /s
Waaaait, is this Mankey somehow Psychic here?
- looks up at title -
Wait, is that how Anger Point works in your setting, or…?
I’ll admit, that I didn’t really get a vibe of Inertia being upset earlier when being forced to pick out a Pokémon if that’s what this is meant to be pointing at. You probably want to play that up a bit earlier in the narration.
Oh, so this is basically Inertia right now, huh?:
I… admittedly did not get this vibe at all in the opening scene or the immediate aftermath. It probably would’ve been worth to play up Inertia being obviously annoyed / relieved to be away from her parents, since this is kinda an informed attribute up until the past couple paragraphs.
Inertia: “Uh… is it even possible for me to do that without dying horribly?”
Honestly surprised that the Mankey just let her off there, but guess we’re about to have a shouting match with mom and dad.
I’ll admit, I’m of two minds as to whether or not this would’ve worked better actually being depicted or not. Though this is going to build up to Inertia training Mankey, huh?
IMO, your second-to-last paragraph works better cut up here. Though I like how Mankey’s immediate reaction to hearing that Inertia got into a fight with her parents is “... So you won, right?”. Talk about priorities there.
IMO, this would’ve bene a moment that would’ve made sense to show off Mankey’s reaction more.
Yeeeeeah, I knew it.
Well that was a fun little set of drabbles. I liked the way that you gave little glimpses into how life in the Pokémon World might be both from human and Pokémon perspectives in them, and for the most part, they felt pretty convincing. I also thought that the Pokémon that you rolled for the different drabbles were thematically well-spread out since each installment felt pretty different from the other, so good job there.
That said, there were definitely some rough edges that I noticed here and there. I don’t know if you’ll ever opt to go back to tighten things up, but I figured that I’d point them out just in case. The first, and low-hanging fruit issue is that you have some small typos scattered about these drabbles. They weren’t anything too distracting, but you still want to smooth them out at some point. I also noticed that Prompt 2 had some verb tense errors. Pick one of whether the story about Trubbish is being narrated in live-time or as a recollected event and keep the verb tense consistent. I also found myself asking “... why are you not letting Ruby just eat your garbage?” with the way Ruby was being dealt with since you’d think that’s still accommodatable for a neat freak trainer. It might have made sense to give some mention in passing as to why that had to be taken off the board as an option (e.x. Trubbish can’t literally eat any old garbage, the trainer refused to let Ruby get trash everywhere while eating, etc.). Also, you kinda acknowledged it in your attached author’s notes, but Prompt 3 is definitely the weak link of this bunch. For what it’s worth, I feel that the general thrust of what you were going for wasn’t bad. The main issue that I had with it was that Inertia being quietly upset and resentful with her parents didn’t feel like it was played up sufficiently, to the point where when she gets told she’s angry, I basically had a “wait, she is?” reaction. I’m also not really sure whether or not skipping over the entire part where she puts Mankey’s recommendation to “fight” with her parents into action benefitted the story or not since it feels like something that would’ve been interesting to see play out.
Though altogether, I thought that these were fun and breezy reads @Flyg0n . Hope the feedback was helpful, and best of luck with the rest of Review Blitz. ^^
[Prompt 1]
Murderous screeching and yowling broke the humid night air, punctuated by furious hissesin between. If one listened enough, the noise almost sounded like a feral symphony, as if twenty wild pokemon were locked in combat, dancing around each other in concert.
In reality, only two pokemon fought.
The “punctuated by” already implies “in between” since it’s saying that it’s interrupting screeching and yowling. IMO, it’s a tad redundant.
Moonlight glinted off a Seviper's blade as it slashed at a Zangoose. Snarling, Zangoose danced backwards before launching himself at his opponent and swiping, claws fully extended. The tips grazed Seviper's scales. Zangoose caught a glimpse of Seviper's crimson eyes flashing with smug satisfaction as it twisted around the attack.
Wait, wait, wait. That thing can reflect light? I wasn’t under the impression that Seviper tails were metallic, though… .-.
Zangoose landed, sides heaving and limbs trembling. A few yards away, Seviper returned his body to a cautious coil, tongue flickering rapidly and his skin pulsing with each rapid heartbeat.
Make sure to keep your pronouns for Seviper consistent there.
Seviper's eyes narrowed and flicked its tail. "Time to leave, hairball."
"Did you get so turned around you've got things backwards?" Zangoose retorted, fur fluffing. "Clearly I won. Law of combat says you scram."

Though I see that Pokémon apparently have an internal culture such that they can settle things with a fight without things going to the point of “one side is flatly fainted on the grass”. Even if I doubt this’ll be the end of things here.
The Seviper's eyes nearly bulged from his head. "The match was mine, rodent."
Zangoose: “Rodent?! How dare you! I’m a cat!”

Seviper: “Not according to your Pokédex category, you’re not.”
Tension crackled to life. Zangoose's body became rigid and Seviper uncoiled slightly, taking on a posture as if ready to fight. Yet both combatants showed exhaustion, despite their attempts to mask it. As if it took great effort to do so, both relaxed slightly. Slightly.
"Let's settle this tomorrow-"
"We'll resolve this next time-"
Oh, so they have a relationship, huh? :V
Both spoke at nearly the same moment, voices overlapping. Instantly they flared up again. How dare the other suggest such a notion!
"Fine! Midnight," Seviper spat the words, stabbing his blade into the air for emphasis.
Zangoose's mouth contorted and he seemed to have trouble speaking, as he had to force himself to speak. To think he had to agree with thisthis... "Then you'll taste defeat. Midnight."

Though unless Zangoose is meant to be internally stuttering from frustration, you only want one “this” there.
The two lingered, neither willing to leave first, until with a maddened huff, they both whipped around and raced into the night.
They’re going to start things off next time arguing over which of the two left first, aren’t they? [loltias]
A new chorus of combat began at midnight the following night. In true form, the concert lasted well into the night, until both parties were truly exhausted, battered and worn. Yet neither backed down.
"Not bad. For a spineless reptile," Zangoose sneered.
Seviper chortled. "Never knew rats could put up a fight."
Well, if these two didn’t already have a relationship, they sure seem well on their way now given that they’ve moved onto begrudging respect for each other.
A hiss and howl came together, then slowly waned. "Next week. Noon," Zangoose spoke quickly. "I'll beat you again, just like tonight." Though he'd never admit it, he wasn't quite sure he'd be ready for a fight if they did it tomorrow.
Seviper: “Excuse me? I’m still standing here while you’re trying to catch your breath, and-”

Zangoose: “Look, I won, dammit!”

"Again?" Seviper rose up, fangs bared. "Don't lie to yourself. Tonight I won."
He paused. His gaze never showed it, but relief flickered through him. Two nights in a row left him winded. Not because his opponent was good of course. Only because he'd wanted to prove how much better he was, of course.
"But if you want to lose twice, be my guest."
IMO, this paragraph of description here is enough of a departure from both of Seviper’s lines of dialogue that you should consider splitting this paragraph up.
Once again, the two split with great reluctance, vowing defeat and humiliation on the other.
This is going to keep going on for a while, isn’t it? ^^;
"Not bad. For a belly crawling reptile," Zangoose hissed.
Seviper coiled into a smug circle, raising his head to look down upon Zangoose. "Who knew four legged mon could put up a fight? You might be able to beat a baby Seviper."
Yeah, I knew it. Though the fact that one or the other hasn’t just brought along buddies to make this a group beatdown seems to imply we’ve entered the “only I can defeat you” phase.
A pause. Anger permeated the air.
"Two nights from now. To prove once and for all who the winner is." Seviper declared.

Come on, buddy, with your batting average so far, we all know how this is going to turn out.
Zangoose's tail twitched, but he stilled it. He'd been about to suggest they fight again two nights from now, to show up the worm. Whatever. "It's your funeral."
Nah, the fact that you two are both backing down instead of turning this into a fight to the death is proof that you won’t go that far.
"Hah! I'm almost impressed," chortled Seviper. He smiled, a little mockingly, then his gaze turned serious and sneering.
Zangoose stood, folding his arms. "The least pathetic display I've seen from a Seviper in awhile."
Yeah, I knew it, there.
Seviper's tail wound in slow circles. "Of course, I was going easy on you."
"I barely even tried," Zangoose replied snorting.
So… y’all are going to back up this huffing and puffing with an actual deathmatch sometime, or…?

For a moment, neither moved, both seemingly relaxed. Then in near perfect sync, they brandished claw and blade, taking up combat stances.
Zangoose dropped to all fours, digging his claws into the dirt. "How about I show you how weak you really are. Dusk. Four nights from now, I'll destroy you."
I notice that these day intervals keep growing longer and longer here. Is there an in-character reason for these two to want them to? (e.x. Need time to recover, want extra time to practice, etc.) If so, it might make sense to reflect that in the narration a bit more explicitly.
Seviper smiled. "Did I hit you too hard on the head? I'm looking right at the only weak one here."
"Then you must be staring into a mirror!"
Seviper hissed, and Zangoose hissed back, feeling quite pleased with himself.
I’m honestly surprised that Zangoose didn’t bump up the schedule there to try and make a point to Seviper.
Two definitely sworn enemies faced each other, tired, angry and maybe a little impressed. They glared, gazes never wavering. Another tie. Though if you'd asked Zangoose, he would have insisted he'd won. Seviper would have said much the same.
I mean, the fact that you two are content to keep at this instead of raising the stakes sounds like on some level you’re aware this isn’t a clean win and okay with it, just saying.
"Tomorrow!" they growled in unison.
With matching huffs of annoyance, they once again turned away and stormed off. Thought, for a brief moment, both paused a few yards away and discreetly glanced back, only to catch the other doing the same. They shot each other dirty looks and left.
So… these two graduating onto becoming frenemies when?
"I have to say," Zangoose said, between pants. "I admire you." He took another breath. Dang. He'd still not managed to land a sound victory yet. This Seviper really was good. "Admire the way you love losing."
"And I'm impressed at the way you are so talented." Seviper stuck his tongue out at Zangoose. Of all the Zangoose he'd fought, this one was perhaps the most skilled. "Talented at lying to yourself.
Both paused.
Seriously, get a room already, you two. Though is this just what every relationship, platonic or otherwise, between Seviper and Zangoose starts out as? :V
"There's only one way to settle this then," Seviper said, continuing. He hoped the Zangoose was on the same page as him. Not that it mattered. He didn't care. At all.
"Another fight?" Zangoose said, smirking. Somewhere beneath, a real smile lingered.
"Only to prove once and for all." Seviper said, restraining the excitement from his tone.
On the one hand, I wonder if you really needed six fights to get these two to this point, on the other, this is entertaining, so I won’t knock it too much.
Any who lived or passed through that area of Hoenn's forests spoke of the constant cries of combat, of two pokemon who no doubt hated each other's guts and fought day and night to prove it. Two pokemon, determined to defeat the other. Researchers insisted that over months of observation, it was the same two pokemon, always fighting. A decades long territorial dispute, they theorized. Perhaps an ancient and fierce family rivalry.
If one was particularly observant however, they might note how this Zangoose and Seviper seemed to take delight in their sparring, as if it were a game. They would dance through combat ritualistically, neither giving ground, yet at the end of each fight, (which was always a tie), they seemed much more pleased then times when others of their species would fight each other.
See, I knew that they were forming a relationship/friendship with each other. Even if I’m sure that both sides would vehemently deny it.
One researcher posited a theory that the two had actually become friends through their fights, and met not to win, but to just hang out under the pretense of combat.
That researcher was immediately dismissed and written off as crazy.
Friends. As if.
Not least of all by the Zangoose and Seviper, I’m sure.

[Prompt 2]
When Trubbish came, my life stank. But how could I get rid of her? Apparently, my great aunt (whom I barely knew) put in a "special request". She was retiring and some of her Pokemon had requested to find other homes. And to my dismay, my great aunt had apparently never stopped raving about my job as a 'famous' gym trainer. (Thanks, Aunt.)
You have a duplicated word there. Though if the narrator’s life stank when Trubbish came into their life, does that mean that it stank worse afterwards, too? :^)
I wasn't even famous. I just happened to get a job there because me and Salandit were a good team. Sure, there's only two proficient Poison gyms in all of- well, anywhere. And yes, using a Salandit in battle was unusual, as was the rest of my team - a Swalot and a Haunter. But that doesn't mean I was looking to get saddled with a Trubbish.
Did you use this combination in one of your stories or something? Since this feels like a very specific species mix here.
'What's the big deal', you ask?
I'll tell you what the issue is.
There was no way I am letting a smelly trash hoarder in my house. My house is clean. And I prefer to keep it that way. What am I gonna do with a Trubbish who wants nothing but to probably eat tons of trash? And furthermore, what Trubbish would want to live in my home?
I mean, it would save you the effort of throwing out the bin every week, just saying.

Though “There’s” is ambiguous with “there is” (and the grammatically proper usage). You probably want to explicitly say “There was” here if this is a recalled event.
Yet Trubbish insisted it wanted to join me.
After the first day I was ready to call it quits. For both our sakes. Sal, Rumble and Spectra were all ok with how I liked to keep my house. This Trubbish, however didn't seem at ease in at all. She would wander about the house, looking uneasy, and I would follow. Mostly to make sure she didn't mess anything up. My meticulously organized bookshelf, my spice cabinet, or my perfectly cleaned floors.
Yeah, I can see why the trainer at first was resistant to the idea of training a Trubbish. Though again, let Trubbish clear out your bins.
I let her explore a bit. Then we did some training, which she seemed to enjoy. She was tough, and eager to give it her all. During her practice match against Sal she showed off all her moves, in some creative ways. Maybe she wanted to impress me? But battle skill or not, I wasn't sure what I was supposed do with her. My house was perfect. What could I possibly give her?
I mean, if their Swalot just eats all their food scraps… yeah, that might be some slim pickings for that Trubbish there.
At lunch, she barely ate. I tried to prepare her different pokemon foods and berries, but she only picked at them. I tried every flavor I could think of too, but she just seemed listless. I was aware that many poison and grass types synthesized energy differently than say, a fire-type, so they didn't eat as often. But she couldn't possibly eat nothing. And I was sure she had to be at least a little hungry.
I offered to try and make her other foods but she declined, so I decided to give her space. Maybe she needed to settle in. Although she emitted a faint musky odor, which meant she didn't trust me and she wasn't happy. But what on earth was I supposed to do? I wasn't going to turn my house into a dump.
Some small typos here.
That night, I began my usual routine of preparing dinner. As I did, I mulled over my issue. Trubbish still looked like she felt uncomfortable. A odor lingered in the air around her, though she'd gone outside to play with Sal for a bit (To my relief). How could I get her to be happy though? We just weren't a good match.
I’m honestly surprised that Trubbish didn’t attempt to eat the trainer’s trash on day one. Since you’d think that would instantly set off the proverbial lightbulb of realization.
If Trubbish stayed, she would no doubt be miserable. Maybe it would be best to make her leave now, even if it would disappoint her. The thoughts continued to plague my mind as I opened my fridge to get out some Tamato berry sauce.
Wow, Narrator, just wow.
Mind still running, I opened one of the drawers to discover a head of lettuce that I bought over two weeks ago. Muttering under my breath, I plucked out the moldy lump.
Now, there's many things I am extremely good at. Apparently remembering to use up the lettuce wasn't one of them. I couldn't help myself. I always mean to use it, I do! But then I just forgot. Everything else I kept perfect. My entire fridge was beautifully organized and cleaned. But I would always forget that head of lettuce, tucked in the crisper at the bottom of my fridge.
Reminder that if this is a recollected event from some time after the fact, that you want to keep the verb tenses here firmly in past tense and not in present tense.
With a grimace, I turned to throw it into the trash, then stopped. A spiderweb of realizations wrapped around my brain, and I took the lettuce outside to where Trubbish was. She was staring off into the sky, looking rather contemplative.
Trubbish perked up and turned around at the sound of my voice. I kept the lettuce hidden behind my back for the moment, despite how squeamish it made me feel. "I..."
I paused, trying to compose my thoughts for what I was about to say.The words stuck in my throat for a second, but I knew I needed to say them. "Ruby, I owe you an apology."
This last paragraph IMO works better as two, but that might just be stylistic nitpicking on my end. Though the narrator’s Swalot must be a pickier eater than I thought, since the Pokédex fluff suggests that they’ll eat just about anything.
It was the first time I dared speak her name. I hadn't wanted to, I hadn't want to give her false hope she could stay.
Ruby trilled softly, the odd ear-like tufts on her head twitching.
"I was afraid to have you on my team. I like my house, I like things to stay the way they are. When you arrived..." I glanced around. "I guess I assumed every Trubbish was the same. That every Trubbish liked messy environments."
That actually makes me wonder how the narrator is caring for Ruby. Like have they been keeping Ruby in their Pokéball constantly in the hopes that the simu-environment would keep Ruby happy? Or were they always looking for an excuse to bin (har har) her?
I chuckled. "Truth is, I was sure that a Trubbish could only get along with someone messy, and I didn't see how you could enjoy being here."
I withdrew the gross lettuce head from behind my back and set it down. Despite how serious I was, the idea of a moldy lettuce as a peace offering was funny.
Oh, so that’s what those realizations were. Though I wonder if they should’ve been described a bit more explicitly instead of keeping things vague with “a spiderweb of realizations” where even the general topic isn’t touched on.
"But I think the messiness isn't the issue, is it?" I watched her carefully. An eager twinkle sparkled in her eyes and she nodded slowly. "I just assumed I knew everything about you. If you're okay with how I like to keep my house, I think I can let you have my lettuce heads, how’s that sound?"
Again, bub. Just feed Ruby straight out of your trash bin. It’ll make garbage day easier for you, too.
Trubbish picked up the moldy lettuce, examined it, then churred happily. She began to eat it in several surprisingly dainty yet eager bites. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I watched her polish off the last piece and smile.
A faint scent, like lavender and warm vanilla, drifted through the air.
Huh. Wouldn’t have expected that from a Trubbish, but you know what, it’s cute so I’ll just roll with it.
[Prompt 3]
"So, who will it be?"
Inertia Matsumodo gazed at the assortment of pokemon before her. Espurr, Reuniclus, Drowzee, Abra, and even a Munna and Ralts. A Chingling in the back, along with a Gothita. There was even a single Sigilyph among the group, which was surprising. Her parents had really gone all out. All pokemon who agreed to come, to join her. All psychic type. It was only proper after all, her parents had said. As a psychic herself, they'd explained how there would come a time for her to have her own companion. And she'd been so excited to finally findona companion of her own.
Wait, wait, wait, what kind of parent names their kid ‘Inertia’? .-.
Inertia: “Hey, if people can go around named ‘Natural’, I can be named ‘Inertia’. Sod off.” >_>;
Her mother smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ears. "Well, Inertia? Gothita here is quite powerful, she's the granddaughter of one of Sabrina's Alakazam you know."
Lady either’s got connections or she must’ve coughed up a lot dough to make that happen.
"Uh huh," Inertia muttered.
She let her gaze drift over the assembled pokemon once more, and they all stared back, waiting. She let her mind brush briefly against theirs, in a sort of mental 'hello', to which she received various sorts of replies. A sigh escaped her lips. From the corner of her eye she saw her father frown and felt disapproval rumble through his thoughts.
"I just need time," she muttered.
She let her thoughts recede, walling her mind off. None of the pokemon here really caught her attention, not that she wanted to tell her parents that. They'd worked hard to search all around for psychic types, who could often be particularly picky.
"Can I take a break?"
These paragraphs IMO should be broken up a bit more than they presently are. Though I’m beginning to understand why Pokémon Professors specifically only offer three choices to pick between normally.
Her parents shared a knowing glance, and she didn't need to use any of her psychic powers to understand that one. She held back a groan.
"Very well."
As fast as she could, she hurried out of the room and out the door. Her steps led her out of her house and towards the rocky hills of her favorite spot, Route 9. To most, the Route seemed like nothing but a rough path. A jagged series of canyons and rocky outcroppings just outside Ambrette Town. But to her, they felt like a solace.
Kalosian detected.
In no time at all, she found herself wandering amongst the hills, her feet walking mostly on instinct through paths known only to her. She hadn't gone far before a presence, or rather a group of presences, rattled at the edge of her senses. She frowned. Most of the pokemon here she knew, and knew her, but these minds felt unfamiliar. Chaotic. They buzzed and rumbled, their minds filled with fleeting busts of anger. Her steps slowed and she took a more cautious approach.
As she started up a slope, she began to hear sharp screeches and shrieks, like they were coming from a great group of pokemon.
What on earth was out here making this much noise? When she reached the top she paused and took in the situation. A writhing mass of cream colored fur whirled about several yards below, half obscured by dust.
Oh, well that’s a positive sign, I’m sure.
After a moment, she recognized them. A massive colony of Mankey, at least fifty strong, judging by how many consciousnesses she felt. That explained the ruckus. Mankey were notoriously temperamental pokemon. They seemed to all be scampering about, wrestling and fighting one another. The pleasant buzz of their angry minds drew Inertia in, so she found herself a comfortable spot and sat down to watch.
Um… Inertia, this feels like a really, really bad idea when you haven’t even chosen one Pokémon of your own to train yet.
The minutes slipped by as she watched them tussle, a delightful distraction compared to what lay waiting for her back home. She hadn't been watching for long when she felt a presence rapidly draw near. Her heart rate spiked and she spun to her right just in time to see a Mankey charging towards her, eyes blazing and fur puffed out.
It lunged at her, a wild shriek echoing from its mouth.
Yeah, I knew it. Though I can already tell it’s not going to be just one Mankey that goes after her.
On instinct she scrambled back stretched out with her mind, pushing back with a wave of psychic energy that sent the Mankey tumbling back a few feet. It stood, then shook itself, eyes still glinting like hot coals. She could feel his mind easily, thanks to its proximity. Anger buzzed through his thoughts, mixed with notes of curiosity. For several seconds, he didn't move.
Wait, Inertia can do that? A part of me wonders if this should’ve been foreshadowed at all, since it’s definitely a very particular headcanon on display here. But it’s a drabble, so I won’t knock it too hard.
She stared back, taking him in. He had the usual cream coloration of a Mankey, save for darker streaks of fur around his eyes, and the fur around his arms and legs being a slight shade darker. Behind his anger and beneath his curiosity, she sensed something else. Confusion.
At first I thought that this was a Shiny or something, but nope, those are green-tinted, so I’m not sure what’s going on with Mankey here.
'Hey. Sorry if I disturbed you guys, but I don't want to fight.'
He blinked. 'You must.' There was a definitive sense to his thoughts, as if he were stating a simple fact, such as the color of the sky.
'What do you mean, I must?'
Mankey gestured to her with a sharp jab. 'Isn't it obvious? When you're angry, you fight. Then you feel better.'

Yeah, this was a really good time for Inertia to not already have a Pokémon with her. /s
Inertia frowned and tilted her head. 'I'm not angry. And why would I fight even if I was?'
'That's why we fight.' He pointed to the valley below, still full of fighting Mankey and a few Primeape, although now they seemed to be calming slightly. 'I fight brother Mankeys when I'm angry, and then I don't feel angry. I felt anger up here, so I thought you wanted to fight.'
Waaaait, is this Mankey somehow Psychic here?
Now that was a new one. 'What do you mean you felt anger?' She leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands.
'You're angry' came his planitive reply. 'I can literally feel it. I guess I can tell better than most other pokemon, since a lot of us spend a lot of time irritated. You feel mad about something, so I came up here to fight you. Then you'll feel better.'
- looks up at title -
Wait, is that how Anger Point works in your setting, or…?
Inertia snorted, a sharp laugh erupting from her. I can believe that you might be able to sense it better than other pokemon but. She shrugged. 'I'm just not angry.'
"Excuse me!?" she snapped. Blinking, she looked down to see she'd clenched her fists. As if realizing what she'd done, she paused and sat back.
I’ll admit, that I didn’t really get a vibe of Inertia being upset earlier when being forced to pick out a Pokémon if that’s what this is meant to be pointing at. You probably want to play that up a bit earlier in the narration.
Hah! I was right, You are angry. If you never let your anger out you're gonna die. Or go blind. Hm. Or maybe attack your friends in a wild frenzy. I know, I saw one of the Primeapes do it once. Never fought, never sparred, one day she just up and died. He paused. Or maybe it was because she was old, I don't know. Anyways, are you ready to fight me now?

The Mankey's words rattled in her head for several seconds. She wasn't angry, she was sure of it. Yeah, her parents sometimes frustrated her, but they only wanted what was best. And maybe she didn't like that they kept pressuring her to find a psychic type partner. Just because she was a psychic didn't mean she should be forced to find a partner who was. But she also didn't want to hurt their feelings by telling them she felt like they were forcing her down a path she'd never wanted. And sure, every time they brought the topic up she felt ticked off, agitated. But it was fine, she was fine.
Oh, so this is basically Inertia right now, huh?:

After all, it was just a matter of finding a Pokemon she connected with. Who cared if the fact that they only wanted her to find a psychic type positively drove her up the wall? If being in the same room with her parents left her agitated, and she always took the soonest opportunity to leave? Just because she felt like she was cornered and silenced to go down a path she didn't even want didn't mean anything. She was just a little miffed. And a little annoyed. Maybe frustrated. It was just so infuriating!
Her thoughts ground to a halt. Darn it.
That Mankey was right.
I… admittedly did not get this vibe at all in the opening scene or the immediate aftermath. It probably would’ve been worth to play up Inertia being obviously annoyed / relieved to be away from her parents, since this is kinda an informed attribute up until the past couple paragraphs.
You... might have a point. She relayed the thought with great reluctance.
Mankey snorted. Duh. You still wanna have a fight then?
Inertia: “Uh… is it even possible for me to do that without dying horribly?”

She chuckled and shook her head. No, not right now. Besides, I think you'd win. But maybe there's someone else I need to fight.
Suit yourself. Later then. And with that, the Mankey barreled down the hill to rejoin the group.
Honestly surprised that the Mankey just let her off there, but guess we’re about to have a shouting match with mom and dad.
I did it.
Once again, I sat on the hill outside my town, watching the group of Mankey. The same one as before sat next to me, picking away at a berry. The sun was just beginning to set and the Mankey had mostly settled, collapsed on one another in little heaps all around the valley, exhausted after a day sparring.
You fought your birthgivers? Did you beat em?
Parents, I corrected. And it wasn't like that. I mean. I accidentally yelled a little. And my mom did too. But I told them how I was angry, and why. How I did didn't want to be forced to train a certain kind of pokemon.
I’ll admit, I’m of two minds as to whether or not this would’ve worked better actually being depicted or not. Though this is going to build up to Inertia training Mankey, huh?
Mankey took another bite of the berry, then seemed to consider it for a moment before cramming the rest into his mouth and chewing.
But did you win?
I smiled, the memory of last night's 'discussion' still fresh in my thoughts. Yeah, I guess so.
I felt better now, to say the least. It took awhile but... I think they don't mind now. I guess they never really considered training other types of pokemon, and honestly I never told them. They just wanted to make sure I could have any psychic type I wanted was all.
Now what?
IMO, your second-to-last paragraph works better cut up here. Though I like how Mankey’s immediate reaction to hearing that Inertia got into a fight with her parents is “... So you won, right?”. Talk about priorities there.
"I guess I get to choose whoever I want..." I mused out loud, gazing at the last fading ways of the sun.
Sweet. Can I come?
My mouth dropped and I turned to stare at him. What?
[ ]
Might be fun to join a trainer. He narrowed his eyes. If you let me battle a lot. You ain't gonna torchic out on me right? I hear that pokemon who join trainers get super tough. Saw it happen to one of my squadmates. Came back as a giant Primeape who would beat most of us with once punch.
IMO, this would’ve bene a moment that would’ve made sense to show off Mankey’s reaction more.
For a moment, I was too stunned to speak. I considered carefully for a few moments. If I took my journey and became a trainer like I wanted, there'd be plenty of battles. And I really really liked the company of this Mankey. I owed him a thanks. A wry grin spread across my face. A psychic, training a fighting type. Who ever heard of such a notion?
I accept.
Yeeeeeah, I knew it.
Well that was a fun little set of drabbles. I liked the way that you gave little glimpses into how life in the Pokémon World might be both from human and Pokémon perspectives in them, and for the most part, they felt pretty convincing. I also thought that the Pokémon that you rolled for the different drabbles were thematically well-spread out since each installment felt pretty different from the other, so good job there.
That said, there were definitely some rough edges that I noticed here and there. I don’t know if you’ll ever opt to go back to tighten things up, but I figured that I’d point them out just in case. The first, and low-hanging fruit issue is that you have some small typos scattered about these drabbles. They weren’t anything too distracting, but you still want to smooth them out at some point. I also noticed that Prompt 2 had some verb tense errors. Pick one of whether the story about Trubbish is being narrated in live-time or as a recollected event and keep the verb tense consistent. I also found myself asking “... why are you not letting Ruby just eat your garbage?” with the way Ruby was being dealt with since you’d think that’s still accommodatable for a neat freak trainer. It might have made sense to give some mention in passing as to why that had to be taken off the board as an option (e.x. Trubbish can’t literally eat any old garbage, the trainer refused to let Ruby get trash everywhere while eating, etc.). Also, you kinda acknowledged it in your attached author’s notes, but Prompt 3 is definitely the weak link of this bunch. For what it’s worth, I feel that the general thrust of what you were going for wasn’t bad. The main issue that I had with it was that Inertia being quietly upset and resentful with her parents didn’t feel like it was played up sufficiently, to the point where when she gets told she’s angry, I basically had a “wait, she is?” reaction. I’m also not really sure whether or not skipping over the entire part where she puts Mankey’s recommendation to “fight” with her parents into action benefitted the story or not since it feels like something that would’ve been interesting to see play out.
Though altogether, I thought that these were fun and breezy reads @Flyg0n . Hope the feedback was helpful, and best of luck with the rest of Review Blitz. ^^