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Ultra Park (Entrance)


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
As several wormholes open up and the individuals are transported, they are dropped in front of the entrance of a gigantic amusement park. It is decorated with a white banner with a Cosmog painted on the left and the words ‘WELCOME! LET’S HAVE FUN TOGETHER!’ written in pink, with a few stars of different colors decorating it.

In the distance, many structures can be seen. Several roller coasters, a giant ferris wheel, shooting galleries, food courts, a haunted house, a museum and a fountain in the center of it all.


  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
Out of a particularly small wormhole tumbles a togepi. She only barely catches herself to not fall over, and already has some choice words for this unfriendly wormhole on her lips, when she notices her surroundings.

For a moment, she is stunned. So many thing she's never seen before... giant metal constructions -- multiple even! --, weird looking houses and tents that don't seem comfortable at all. Here and there she thinks she's seen a drifloon, but either the drifloon are very different (and lazy) in this place, or she's staring at imitations. Why would anyone imitate these soul-stealing menaces?

But these pressing questions have to take a backseat for now. This place has a pleasant feeling to it, many happy memories. So whoever is messing with drifloons seems to do something right. And also, there's an alluring smell in the air she can't quite place.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
In a pocket outside of time and space, two souls from two different realms met each other, right in the middle. They stared at each other in surprise and intrigue, wondering who the other individual was and why destiny brought them together.

A silver Ninetales and a young human girl.

"Who art thee, mine... fair lady, it it not? Thy scent has the delicate aroma of members of the feminine gender," said the fox, flicking his ears and tilting his translucent head. "Or mayhaps it might be most appropriate to inquire what art thee, if that is not an improper question to ask."

The human blinked, confused by the entire circumstance. Was that all a dream? She recalled being extremely tired and going to bed early, but that dream was still crazier than usual. After all, she was talking to a Ninetales. An Alolan variant, if her memory served right.

Well! She might as well enjoy the experience, for as long as it lasted!

"Hey, hello there! My name's Kotone and I'm a human!" She flashed a bright smile and waved her hand. "Nice to meet you!"

The Ninetales nodded. That word, human... despite never meeting a so-called human before, the term sounded vaguely familiar. Almost as if he had heard it in a dream...

Regardless, he smiled back at Kotone and bowed his head. "Ah. I am much pleased to meet thee, too. I am Ninetales Kyukon Keo' Keo X, but thou can call me Icetales."

Kotone blinked slowly. "Ninetales Kyuk... Keo... That's quite the mouthful! I'll just go with Icetales, then."

Before they could continue the discussion further, a flash of light engulfed them. It took only a few seconds before they were dropped out of a couple of wormholes, paws and arms flailing in shock, and their cries of surprise being quickly drowned by the loud thumps of their now-physical bodies hitting the solid ground. A couple of moans later, Icetales quickly got back on his paws, dusting himself off by shaking his body furiously, while Kotone massaged her back with a few waves of her hands.

Then, they registered the new environment around them. Icetales stared at the metallic structures warily, not recognizing that kind of architecture, while Kotone simply hummed in deep thought.

"Is this... an amusement park?" she wondered.

Icetales glanced at the human, puzzled by that unknown term. "Amusement park...?" He took a few glances around, quickly noticing a Togepi and other creatures similar to Kotone. Other humans.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
A few feet above the newcomers, a Cosmog observed with intrigue, then delight. They descended towards them and spun around happily. It worked! It actually worked! They brought other humans and Pokémon from other dimensions and they all could have fun with them!

“Pyu~!” the Cosmog exclaimed.


  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
((switching to 1st person, it just feels more natural for my baby))

Just as I've regained my bearings here, I hear a high-pitched voice from behind me and --- whoa! Oh my god, the ground falls away.

Heh. No, I'm too clever to let the ground deceive me. I know how getting picked up feels, but I'm not used to being grabbed like this. My human always asks before he lifts me up, and most of the time I have to remind him that I'm way smaller than him. I wonder how he's doing...

But I don't get to look for my human too long, because the hands that picked me up turn me around and I see a young woman with what looks to be horns, but on closer inspection are hair-strands. Yeez, woman, you look dangerous! But her overabundance of joy let's me quickly forget the weapons on display.

Wait, is she happy because she's seeing me? Finally someone gets it right! She seems to confuse me for a bird, but it's okay! Not every human can be as smart as my human.

"Hello!" I straighten myself up, as I've observed my human do. "My name is Suetril, but everyone calls me Letty!"

While I wait for the Horned One to respond, I look around. Hm... there are a few other humans and one of those mystic fox pokemon, but not my human. I hope he's doing alright. Last time I checked on him, he was asleep, so if I'm lucky--

A strange sound from above makes everyone look up. For a moment I look for these strange wind-chimes that the Fearful Ones hold so near and dear, but I can only see a somewhat dark cloud. Wait, is that another pokemon? It certainly is no human, and I've never seen a boring old cloud emenate so much joy.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
"Wow! That Togepi talks as well?" mused Kotone, looking at the scene with the other humans with curiosity and interest. That dream really was wackier than usual!

Icetales glanced at his interdimensional companion, bemused by her reaction. "But of course, mine fair lady! All creatures are capable of articulated speech, as far as I am aware," commented the fox, letting his tails wave with the wind. "Precisely like thou art doing in this very moment."

"Well, it's just," Kotone scratched the back of her head, a sheepish grin forming on her face, "that it doesn't work like this where I come from. Not all... huh, creatures have articulated speech? I think? I mean, I'm not complaining because it makes it so much easier to understand what you're saying and everything, but... well, it's still strange."

"Hm? Not all creatures have articulated speech?"

"Sorta. We just speak different languages without translations. That's the thing."

Icetales narrowed his eyes slightly. "Ah. That sounds like... such a frustrating experience."

Kotone chuckled. "Oh, you've got no idea! Anyway, how about trying to get to know the others?"

"I concur. I shall converse with who I believe is our host," said Icetales, eyeing the floating cosmic ball. "If thou desire to converse with thy kin, be mine guest."

"Alright! Talk to you in a little moment!"

With that said, Icetales and Kotone walked toward their respective targets. While Kotone waited patiently for the older girl and the Togepi by approaching the group, Icetales deemed it ideal to break the ice as soon as possible. Not that it was a tough task for him -- he was an ice Ninetales, after all!

"Greetings, mine dear fellow!" exclaimed the fox, wagging his tails and beaming at the purple critter. "It is thee who summoned us to this mysterious place?"


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“Pyu!” the Cosmog replied with several quick nods. They moved up and down in excitement. “Pyu pyu pyu!”

Icetales was flabbergasted. Was he really unable to understand what a fellow creature was saying?

Huh. It seemed that in one fell swoop he got the proof that not all creatures spoke the same language.

How conveniently inconvenient. Well, this is no setback I cannot handle.

“Ah. Well, it is a pleasure for me to meet thee, too, and it is always such a delight to see happiness and enthusiasm radiating from others,” said Icetales, swaying his tails with an hypnotic motion. He had to admit that the energy of the smaller creature was infectious, making his tails wag faster. “Mine name is Icetales. Can thee tell me thy name?”


  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
Winona looked down at the new friend, squatting down to her level. "Hello, Letty! My name is Winona, and that man over there is Steven!"
Okay, so I think my human --- WAIT, this woman understands me?!?!?!?!

I stare at her for a moment in disbelief. How can this horned woman understand my language but my human cannot????? Okay, there seems to be something seriously amiss. Maybe I'm in some sort of alternate world? Maybe it's a dream? Lady told me she dreams sometimes, of her family and such, so maybe I'm dreaming now as well? Yes. Yes, this must be it.

With that settled, I look at the woman again and hope I haven't frightened her with my reactions. But she seems to be fine so far, and she points to the man behind her. He looks old, but not really. It takes me a while, then I realise that only his plumage shows signs of old age, his face is young. He feels reserved, as if he's willingly turned himself inward and shut. He's probably afraid. But not in the spiteful way the Fearful Ones are. He just seems to be cautious.

Well, I can help that.

"Hello, Steven! Don't worry, I mean no danger!" I yell his direction.

While Kotone waited patiently for the older girl and the Togepi by approaching the group,

Oh, and now I notice another emotion... oh wow, I'm not used to having so many people around. There's an apprehensive warmth next to us, and sure enough, there's another woman, looking at our group.

"Hello!" I greet her as well.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Mine name is Icetales. Can thee tell me thy name?”
“Pyu,” the Cosmog replied as they swayed from side to side like a pendulum.

Oh, I knew something like this would happen. Allow me to assist you.

Suddenly, there was a light behind the Cosmog. Another wormhole. A Lunala flew down from it, hovering above the small nebula. They bowed to everyone present.

“Greetings. Pardon my intrusion, but I am here to interpret whatever the child says. They speak a unique language that cannot be understood under normal circumstances. You may call me Atlas.”


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
The world around her felt fuzzy and she wobbled, struggling to gain hold of her footing. She clutched her head, reeling back from the roaring headache.

Ow, what just happened? One moment, she was just sitting outside of her tent, then another one of those flashes came by (thankfully, it wasn't of anything too powerful) and now, she was standing in front of some sort of carnival.

"... Jynn... you alright?"

She blinked, her mind registering the voice and upon recognizing it, she nodded. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Wh-where are–"

With her mind cleared up, she quickly realised that she was standing right behind a couple of people and Pokémon. Feeling her heart beat rising, she began looking over her body, making sure that none of her parts were oozing that disgusting purple. "Dell, I'm not oozing anything, am I?" she muttered.

Dell took a moment to look before shaking his head. "No, you're fine."

She let out a sigh of relief, thankful that her recent episode didn't mess up her form like the last time.

The screams of the last person who saw her true form still haunted her to this day.

"Hey, Jynn." Dell's voice cut her train of thought and she faced him. "Do you think this is another one of Crude's test?"

"Crude?" Now that she was thinking about it, there was a pretty high chance that he was responsible for this. The last time she'd been transported against her will, it was because he sent her to a place where she could socialise.

Which honestly, she had been a little annoyed when she got back. She was doing just fine living on her own, why did she have to do something as hard as having 'group talks'?

Alright. All she needed to do was walk up to a random person and introduce herself, that sounded simple enough, right?
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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
A wormhole opened up, and a highly unpleasant person walked through.

The first thing Red did upon his arrival was to scan for the braided girl, but he did not see her. Pity. It seemed that he wouldn't get a chance to settle the score this time, either. But perhaps this time he at least wouldn't be transported away without warning as if his interdimensional cell signal had been too poor.

What he did see was a group of humans and mon at the scene of an amusement park. Nothing about them particularly caught his eye, save for maybe the luxurious coat of that Alolan ninetales. None of them looked familiar, either. He smirked. New audience to shock and disgust.

Suddenly, the skies opened, and a large bat-like creature Red barely remembered from Alolan myth descended, saying something about languages and being named Atlas. Hm. Maybe there was a hidden Alolan theme to this gathering.

Too important to simply remain standing, Red found a bench and made himself comfortable. He'd see how things unfolded from there.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
As soon as Alloy saw the wormhole, he zipped through. The wormholes were relatively well known to transport UBs in a world full of humans and extremely weak pokemon, but they would help Necrozma...right? Besides, there might be a elusive "virtue" as Necrozma had called them, right?

As soon as the kartuna landed though, he knew this wasn't the case. A giggling cosmog was by him, with a grumpy human sitting on a bench by him. Around them was a exotic place full of strange big contraptions. Dazed others were scattered around the area.

Maybe he should ask around. He screeched at the grumpy human.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Maybe he should ask around. He screeched at the grumpy human.
Red recoiled at the appearance of the creature he couldn't recognize, and recoiled tenfold at the screech. Was it hostile? Red sat still, eyes wide. In a moment, however, the creature moved on. Alright then. He crossed his arms and watched the creature move to the two humans and togepi, following their interactions from afar.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
They spoke. The winged human looked mad. The metal one looked annoyed. Than the winged one turned to Alloy and said something. The other one said something. Then the winged one said something.

Alloy had no idea what they were saying. Did they write? He'd better get a paper just in case. Hold up. They needed ink too, right?


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Seeing the troubled feeling the Kartana’s body language expressed, Atlas spoke to him. “Ahem. Pardon me. I can help you communicate with our guests by broadcasting your thoughts to them. I am a Psychic-type, after all. Will you accept my offer?”


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
The cosmog bobbed and said something Alloy could understand.

“Ahem. Pardon me. I can help you communicate with our guests by broadcasting your thoughts to them. I am a Psychic-type, after all. Will you accept my offer?”

Accept this offer? It was too good to be true.

"Y-yes." His voice was rusty. No pun intended.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
The Lunala nodded. “Very well. These humans mean no harm. They were just surprised by your presence. I advise that you do not harm them, please. You see, this child here brought you all so you can bask in merriment with them.”

The Cosmog swayed from side to side, smiling all the while. “Pyu~!”

“They are pleased at this turn of events, and are glad to meet you,” Atlas said to the other guests. “The child does not have a name just yet, but has settled to call themselves Chee for the moment. A peculiar choice, if I may share my honest thoughts.”
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