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Treasure Town ~ Marketplace

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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
"You two go ahead. I'll head back later." Nip turned and headed the other way. With fresh, heavy thoughts on his mind, neither sparring nor resting sounded all that appealing right now. He needed to go elsewhere, where perhaps he could clear his mind.

Day 18 ~ A Bow for Mellow


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
< Day 18 >

Quite the commotion happened in the last couple of days in which Icetales was busy training at the Dojo to master his Tail Slap.

First, there were the rumors of a battle against a vicious Garchomp — he could see the telltales of that conflict, as some stands and trees showed minor damage from stray attacks — and then a Lugia crash-landed in Sharpedo Bluff, before being attended by the medical staff at the Guild.

Heavens! A Lugia! A real Lugia! A true legend in blood and flesh!

“And I do not even have any appropriate attire! Golly! This is most unacceptable!” cried Icetales, before looking all over himself. He felt so bare, indecent and vulnerable without clothing on his body. “I must amend this, pronto! This is the reason I am here, sirs!”

He searched meticulously through the merchandise of the Kecleon Shop, pawing left and right at the various pieces of clothing and tossing the rejected goods into a pile. “No, no, no. This isn’t what I’m looking for, no. These scarves are Midnight Blue, not Dark Royal Blue!” he harrumphed, throwing yet another scarf. “Dark Royal is the shade that has the best synergy with my eyes. Midnight is so jejune, sirs.”

But before he could dig through the merchandise and make an even bigger mess, one clawed paw from one of the exasperated shopkeepers extended a light blue scarf. Icetales perked up and stared intently at it.

“Hmm… Ocean Blue? Well, it’s a touch too light, perhaps, but it shall suffice,” he said, taking the scarf in his paw. “…Yes. Yes, I’ll make do with this. Much appreciated, good sirs.”

He wrapped the tip of one of his tail around the scarf and walked toward the exit — much to the relief of the shopkeepers — when his gaze lingered on a light gray fedora exposed on a shelf. With his curiosity piqued, he strode toward the hat and tilted his head.

“A fedora…” he mumbled to himself, while his free tails quivered. “Should I… get one? It might ruffle my fur, but some protection from the sun during the most heated days is a potential benefit that I cannot ignore. However… what color would best suit my persona? Hm…”

And so he restarted searching with renewed fervor, while the shopkeepers mentally begged for anyone to come to their help…
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Ace Trainer
Mellow wasn't at her stand, at the moment. She was taking today to really investigate all the other shops that lined the marketplace. It would help to build relationships with other shop owners, after all! So that was why the Charmander happened to be in the Kecleon Market as well, though she was much more interested in the berries and such than clothes. Such a concept was a bit quaint, but not too unusual. She watched the Vulpix toss garments around and continue to be indecisive until one of the shopkeepers all but shoved something into his paws, then for lack of anything else to do, began to pick up what he had discarded.

"Um...so... are you one of the ones who came to help...?", Mellow asked quietly. "You were sent here by Diyem?"

It was likely, as he and another Vulpix from their group were the only two she had seen that looked like that, at least around this settlement.

...He did not seem like the kind to fight, but looks could be very deceiving! Mellow smiled at him awkwardly and hoped she hadn't been staring too long or anything...


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
"Um...so... are you one of the ones who came to help...?", Mellow asked quietly. "You were sent here by Diyem?"

Icetales snapped out of his frenzied research, his ears swiveling in the direction of the voice. “Hm?”

He turned around, spotting the Charmander who was staring intently at him with an awkward smile. A member of the Charmander trio, perhaps?

Nonetheless, it was his duty to make sure that the new arrival felt comfortable, and beamed his best smile.

“Thou guessed correctly,” he started, before taking a quick glance at the various features of the Charmander in front of him: a female, from what he could tell. “…Miss. I’m most pleased to meet thee. Name is Icetales, summoned by our mysterious patron to offer assistance during this heroic quest.” He bowed courteously and wagged five of his tails, before standing up again and resuming smiling at her. “And who have I the pleasure to talk to?”
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Ace Trainer
She blinked and smiled wider. He spoke like he walked straight out of a fantasy novel! He acted the part, too! Mellow found herself charmed by this in an instant. "My name is Mellow! It's certainly nice to meet you, Icetales! I guess you really like wearing clothes? The stuff you were going through is all really fancy...", the Charmander rambled, then paused and tilted her head "Is there a reason for it...?"

Mellow sorted through the various garments and eyed a few of them herself. She hadn't tried wearing anything, but...

But what if there was some kind of reason she should? She looked back at Icetales expectantly.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Ah, excellent. Icetales was elated that his new acquaintance felt more at ease, and he was even more content as she seemed intrigued by clothing. He nodded and his tails wagged faster.

“Mellow? That is quite the delightful name, miss,” he responded serenely, before showing a bigger grin of his own. “And the reason for wearing clothing? My! Allow me to elucidate!”

He sat down on his haunches and brought the tail holding the scarf in front of his neck.

“Clothing is like a secret language, Miss Mellow. A visual message that tells some things about thyself: status, culture, beliefs, and even thy mood.”

Then, he brought another tail in front of his neck and grabbed the other end of the scarf.

“It is like thy greeting before thou verbally greet, and can even leave a good first impression if thou follow a swell clothing code. And, well, in my environment it is fundamental to leave a good first impression.”

He pressed the opened scarf on his neck with both tails and began expertly moving them around to wrap the garnet, having performed that action countless of times in his world. Up, down, in-between, and a few tugs.

“Where I come from, clothing is an essential symbol of our society, a sign of our origins and professions, and everyone knows how to read most of that information. Howbeit, clothing is not limited to that, no, and can also be a valid first protection from hostile weather and environment — like hats to shield thyself from sun, rain and snow, or goggles to repel wind and sand.”

He wrapped all his tails around his neck to feel if the scarf was worn properly, and nodded to himself.

“But it is easier to understand this concept with some practice. Pray tell, what dost thou think about my attire?” he asked, before lowering his tails and lifting his muzzle to better show his neck: the scarf had been turned into a refined bow tie, which the Vulpix worn with pride. “What is thy first impression upon looking at my persona?”
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Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Blissfully unaware that his explanations didn’t latch onto the Charmander’s memory, he chuckled with appreciation.

“Many thanks, miss. I much appreciate thy earnest commentary,” he chirped joyously, while his tails scattered some faint sparkles. He noticed that she had some garnets in her paws and leaned forward with curiosity. “Would thou be interested in finding some attire? I could lend a paw in looking for something that would suit thy persona, if thou so wish.”


Ace Trainer
"That sounds like a lot of fun! I haven't worn clothes before, but I would like to try it out- Were you about to go to something or somewhere that made wearing clothing important...?", she replied, after remembering her original question, "Er- I guess I want to make a really good impression since I did start my own stand recently. I've been making medicinal tea blends to help with any illnesses the locals might be suffering from. Most of it I want to donate, but I have to sell more before I can do that. If I make a good impression, maybe I will sell more..."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“Well, I mostly wished to wear something because I’m way too used to having a bow around my neck, and—”

And then, Icetales froze mid-sentence. His eyes widened and his ears twitched at the mention of ‘tea blends’.

“Wait. Did thou really say… tea?” He let out a overjoyed squeal and began tapping the floor with his forepaws. “Oh, what most wonderful tidbit! I absolutely adore tea, miss! This explains why I could smell that exquisite aroma in the air! Oh! What joy, what joy indeed, to meet another tea expert!”

He soon realized the uncharacteristic behavior he was displaying, and froze once more. “Ah! I-I mean!” He coughed and quickly readjusted his composure, but his grin was still evident. “I would be truly honored to help thee in thy noble quest, Miss Mellow! Thou’ll see…” He lifted a paw toward the sky, showing a confident pose. “Thou shall become the most impressive tea vendor in town! I guarantee that!”

He hummed in deep thought as he looked over the Charmander. “Hmm… Well, thou are a Fire-type, so thou would need some fabric that can handle sudden rises in temperature, like… Ah! Indeed! Some acrylic fiber, like the one from a Rawst Scarf!”

He strode toward some scarves on a shelf and stared intently at them. “…Yes. These grass green-colored scarves should be what thou’re looking for. They would make those bright eyes of thine stand out, they would be a great reference toward leaves and thou can fashion them in all kinds of bows and ties.” He glanced at Mellow. “Does that idea fancy thee?”
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Ace Trainer
“Well, I mostly wished to wear something because I’m way too used to having a bow around my neck, and—”

And then, Icetales froze mid-sentence. His eyes widened and his ears twitched at the mention of ‘tea blends’.

“Wait. Did thou really say… tea?” He let out a overjoyed squeal and began tapping the floor with his forepaws. “Oh, what most wonderful tidbit! I absolutely adore tea, miss! This explains why I could smell that exquisite aroma in the air! Oh! What joy, what joy indeed, to meet another tea expert!”

Mellow blinked at his reaction to what she mentioned, then blushed at his praise.

"Well, um- I'm not much of a fighter at all So I had to contribute in other ways. It's the least I could do, since I was working in a tea shop back home and picked up a lot while I was there!", she went on to explain. Mellow paused for a moment and frowned. "I heard that there were a lot of people getting sick around the world. I won't be able to help anyone farther than this town, for now, but if I could... That's why I need to make money. I may not have a cure but I will at least keep people healthy!

The Charmander watched as he looked through the clothes that were there, the scarves in particular. She listened intently and then approached the shelf as well... One scarf in particular; that was green with tips that faded into a clear, faint yellow, caught her attention. Mellow gently picked it up and smiled.

"I really like this one."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Mellow blinked at his reaction to what she mentioned, then blushed at his praise.

"Well, um- I'm not much of a fighter at all So I had to contribute in other ways. It's the least I could do, since I was working in a tea shop back home and picked up a lot while I was there!", she went on to explain.

Icetales nodded in understanding and showed a small smile. “Yes, I would not call myself a premier battler, either, and I admire that thou wanted to test an alternative path while in this world. Though, thou should also consider training a little to be strong enough to repel potential threats, don’t thou agree?”

Mellow paused for a moment and frowned. "I heard that there were a lot of people getting sick around the world. I won't be able to help anyone farther than this town, for now, but if I could... That's why I need to make money. I may not have a cure but I will at least keep people healthy!

Icetales frowned. “Sick? My, that’s horrible! What kind of infirmity could that be that it’s plaguing the world?” He tilted his head. “My dearest sister, Keo’Keo V, is a well-known nurse and taught me plenty of medical knowledge. Dost thou know the symptoms of this illness? Perhaps I can help thee choose the best medical herbs to treat specific symptoms.”

One scarf in particular; that was green with tips that faded into a clear, faint yellow, caught her attention. Mellow gently picked it up and smiled.

"I really like this one."

Icetales smiled and wagged his tails. “Ah, yes! That scarf with those straw-like shades is indeed real pretty!” He looked intently at Mellow. “How are thou planning to wear it? Like a bandanna around thy neck, or like a bow around thy tail?”


Ace Trainer
Icetales nodded in understanding and showed a small smile. “Yes, I would not call myself a premier battler, either, and I admire that thou wanted to test an alternative path while in this world. Though, thou should also consider training a little to be strong enough to repel potential threats, don’t thou agree?”

"...Maybe. I only know how to invoke Will-o-Wisp, though... Maybe...If I tried focusing my energy in other ways, I could give the ones that battle a helping hand... But anyways; I think the sickness is partly due to the...um, I think they called them Shugs? They infect Pokémon and are causing them to go berserk! I saw a Garchomp earlier this week that was affected by one... She was at the edge of the Marketplace. I had to run because she wasn't in her right mind at all..."

Mellow paused at this and sighed. This topic only made her feel more inadequate and frustrated at herself even more than she had been feeling, lately. She'd been hearing rumours, too. Of Diyem, and of the group of Pokémon hosting them. The Odd Squad, or something like that. None of them seemed to have their best interests at heart. What if she and the others were stuck here and the Legends weren't as dedicated to keeping the peace? There were so many questions she wished she could get answered. The Charmander glanced over at Icetales and tried to push those thoughts aside. She could think about everything later.

"Anyways- Yes, I think this scarf is one I would wear a lot!

Icetales smiled and wagged his tails. “Ah, yes! That scarf with those straw-like shades is indeed real pretty!” He looked intently at Mellow. “How are thou planning to wear it? Like a bandanna around thy neck, or like a bow around thy tail?”

Melliw considered this carefully. "Hm... I want it to make me look dignified. It could get dirty if I wore it on my tail! ...A bow sounds really nice, though."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales stared at the Charmander, perplexed and dumbfounded. So, some strange thing called “Shug” made fellow Pokémon go berserk…?

Shug… Shug… Wait. Didn’t Firetales always ask for extra ‘shug’ whenever he wanted some more sugar in his coffee? Does that mean that there is some kind of… devious sugar or something that corrupts other ‘mons? Perhaps some kind of… psychedelic drug?

He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, clearly unnerved by the news. “I… see. Shugs that make ‘mons go insane, hmm… I wouldn’t know what could be done in this case, then, as I very much doubt that chamomile tea would be sufficient to quiet down a frenzied fellow…”

But still, for the time being, I would better lay down on my sugar for my tea! Wouldn’t want to become hyper or anything like that! Heavens, no! If there is some widespread infected sugar, I’d better do something about that to prevent other cases! But… what, though? Some propaganda, perhaps?

He shook his head to push aside his concerns. One thing at a time, and now it was time to lend a paw with the scarf quest!

“…I shall ponder about that ‘shug’ issue later. So, Miss Mellow. If that scarf is what thou wish, then by all means!” He nodded and looked at the green scarf. “So, not on the tail, I understand. A bow around thy neck be it! Dost thou know how to knot a fancy bow or want me to teach thee some unique knots?”


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales nodded. “I sure can! Now, um…” He spotted one of the scarves lying around and wrapped two tails on its extremities. “Look closely, miss. This knot is known as the Flower Know, a pretty simple yet effective bow. So, it goes like this…”

Up, down, up, down, a couple of rotations, a few tugs and… voila! Icetales slipped one tail through the tied scarf and showed the result to Mellow: the bow had the shape of a rose with the extremities resembling leaves, the mixed shades of the scarf giving the impression of patterns of veins on the ‘petals’.

“Did thou see? Simple trick, but with a fancy style that should leave a very good impression on anyone.” He smiled. “Can thou emulate this technique around thy neck?”


Ace Trainer
She watched intently, looking at the way he tied the knot and smiling brightly at the result. "That's perfect! I think I can do that, let me try..."

Mellow carefully did just as Icetales had, and beamed when she held up the result, an almost exact replica of the knot the Vulpix had made. With caution, she then tied it gently around her neck in a way that it almost draped. "There!", she exclaimed, while posing. "I'll look so much more professional like this!"


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales grinned back and wagged his tails, unleashing a faint mist and covering himself in a snowflake-y veil.

“Ah! How marvelous, indeed! That bow looks sublime on thee, yes!” He tapped with his forepaws a few times — the Vulpix’s equivalent of a clap — and showed a satisfied smirk. “Truly professional-looking. Thou’ll see, thou will have flocks of clients flocking thy stand in no time!”

He paused and took a glance around, before looking again at Mellow. “Well, I think I am done here. Thou wanted to check out the other shops, did thou not?” He smiled faintly. “I have some extra time to spend, so we could take a tour around? We could also talk about tea, if thou wish! Haha!”

And so, the two Pokémon walked out of the shop and began strolling around the rest of the market, spreading some information about tea flavors and showing of Mellow’s new style.

Such nice folks I have met so far… I couldn’t ask for better partners during this heroic quest.

I’m feeling so… welcome here. And I shall do my utmost best to make sure that things will stay like this and we all be the best of comrades.

Day 18, Day ~ Snowballs


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Curious. So very curious. Bahamut had been lounging in some trees near the road between the shops and the main square when he hard a commotion. Cynthian, apparently, fell victim to the parasites. Shades, if Bahamut was getting the terminology correctly. Bahamut laid low, considering sniping the roselia from a distance with a blast of psychic energy, but some of his teammates seemed to have handled things. Though they came close to making things worse, too.

Sighing, Bahamut placed his upper wings under his head and looked to the orange, sunset sky.

I assume you're listening. He didn't bother addressing Diyem by name. There was no point. It would seem that the energy you were so insistent we shouldn't take saved one of your summons from falling prey to these parasites. Yellow and orange expanded in his eyes. Which, therefore, begs the question of why you were so insistent we refuse this light.

If you ask me, I think it's because of something you're keeping hidden from us. So, what is it?


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Diyem was there. Someone as tuned with Psychic energy would be able to feel the mental presence of him practically peering over their shoulders.

The Charizard grumbled. It's simple, he said. I feared that your unstable bodies would reject it outright. But... I was wrong. Perhaps your spirits were able to handle it after all. But as you can see... It seemed to also make them vulnerable to shades, too. Or, more vulnerable. And also mildly... explody. Diyem was clearly stalling. ...Not much gets past you, I suppose. Yes. I have been breaking the news individually to several others already. Curio, Cabot, Brisa, Owen, among them. A group announcement would have caused hysteria.

There was an echoing scream coming from the dojo.

...Unrelated. Owen is having a memory recovery episode. He is fine.
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