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Treasure Town ~ Crossroads

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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Diyem had to admit, their coordination was impressive. He watched them all move in quick yet certain movements, many of them wordless yet as if they'd spent hours talking to one another for this very moment. He said nothing as he watched, because he felt that something strange was brewing...

Zane is protecting Cabot!

Fey's Strike I dealt 9 damage against Sushi!
Tricky's Strike I dealt 5 damage to Sushi!

Dave's Howling raised the attack power of himself, Ashwood, Nip, and Cabot!

Mellow's Scratch dealt 6 damage to Sashimi!

Nip's double Ice Shard dealt a total of 36 damage to Sushi!
Celeste's double Quick Attack dealt a total of 22 damage to Sushi!
Cabot's Zen Headbutt dealt 72 damage to Sushi!
Starr's Small Blast Seed dealt 50 damage to Sushi!
Jaro's Mega Punch dealt 19 damage to Sushi!
Curio's doble Quick Attack dealt a total of 36 damage to Sushi!
Cuicatl's strike dealt 17 damage and got 1 in recoil!

"Wait, wait, she's almost down!" Owen announced, pointing. At some point, he'd become the team's central coordinator, too distracted by everything going on to do much fighting himself. Still, tactician--that wasn't so bad, right? "We just need one more--"

If there was one thing they were good at, it was punching. This, Ashwood knew. And this, Ashwood felt carried over. Winding their fist just right, as Sushi came barreling toward them... Uppercut!

Ashwood's Mega Punch dealt 42 damage!

Sushi would have been Staggered... but was instead Knocked Out!


Sushi went flying with unseen strength several feet in the air. Mid-splash, red smoke evaporated off of Sushi and, shortly after, plumes of white and black flames, though it only lasted a short instant. When the smoke cleared, Truffle dove into the clouds and, when he reemerged, he had a normal-sized, unconscious Magikarp in his talons. He swung around and waved back at the others, then flew for Treasure Town.

"Alright, good work!" Soda shouted. "One down! Finish the other!"

"F-finish... where..."

Soda flinched, his ears twitching. What a deep, loud voice... Was that coming from--

"Where did... Sushi go... sis... you... you did this..."

"Ah, shit." Soda hopped away. "She's pissed!"


Sashimi is stricken by grief and rage! The power... it's overflowing!

Sashimi gained 500 HP!

Sashimi is enraged! She gained an extra action per turn!

Owen had to cover his eyes; a blinding, white light had enveloped the whole area. He saw it through his eyelids, and only when that horrible brightness faded did he realize what had happened...

"O-oh no." Owen staggered backward. "That's... th-that's not good..."

Sashimi, now a Gyarados whose long, winding body could twist around the very hillsides, stared down at them all with a seething rage. Her sister gone, there was nothing that could be done to quell this monster's rage...

Sashimi's Intimidate lowered everybody's Attack by 1 except for Curio and Nip!

Sashimi used Twister! It attacked everyone!
Ashwood: 4
Cabot: 0 (Zane: 9)
Celeste: 4
Cuicatl: 7
Curio: 6
Dave: 4
Jaro: 0
Mellow: 4
Nip: 6
Starr: 9

Owen was knocked back a few feet, but that wasn't so bad. The real worry was the fact that something about the ground nearby felt... off. That attack had been a little underwhelming, all things considered. But what about--

"Ah!" Owen pointed forward.

The rage won't stop! Sashimi used Max Strike on Nip, Cabot, and Dave!
Cabot: 0 (Zane: 83)
Nip: 52
Dave: 38

Nip and Dave's Speed went down by 1.

Cabot's Shield is gone!
Nip was Knocked Out!

With the dust finally settled, Owen was able to at least see that Nip was still barely conscious--not because of the massive attack missing, but because of a gentle, golden light that lingered around him. That Reviver Seed, while not nearly as effective as it should have been... at least brought him back for a little more action.

"C-careful, guys," Owen said. "I think this fight's just getting started!"

Nip's Tiny Reviver Seed restored his HP by 1!

Sashimi: 985
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus

Dave, dumbfounded, watched the Magikarp glow with white light and grow into a truly gigantic Gyarados. What the fuck. He didn't sign up for this. (Well, maybe he kind of did.)

And then not only did a twisted whirlwind of dragonfire batter everyone, but a huge shadow came over the group as the Gyarados's tail came crashing down. Dave froze in a split second of surprise realizing it was headed for him, then felt it smashing into him with the impact of a runaway car. He flew through the air, tumbled on the ground, smacked right into a rock. His vision swam as he tried to drag himself back to his feet. Everything hurt like a motherfucker.

That Poochyena drive to run struck, hard, and this time, it probably wasn't such a bad idea. With a heave of effort, he limped as fast as he could towards the back and went for one of the berries he'd brought on the way.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
This was bad. The giant magikarp could be handled. Heck, one was. But a giant gyarados was another story entirely. There had to be something he could do. He just had to focus. Focus. Focus. Dig deep. Reach into what little light he had available.

"If someone... needs healing... please give me a shout," he grunted, core sparking as its multicolored triangles flickered asynchronously.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Holding back and taking mere pot shots had been the right move. With Sashimi evolved and enraged, she'd need to be taken down as quickly as possible. Brisa continued to hold all the electric energy she could, waiting for the moment to strike...


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Oh things went from going good to going to shit. She couldn't throw herself in to the front lines, so she'd have to continue supporting the others, as a good teammate should.

"I think we still got it guys! Gyarados isn't that powerful!" Vix lied. "But I can help weaken it anyway, ya know, just in case!"


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
It was working! He watched as Ashwood finished the job with a mighty punch, striking down Sushi in one strike.

But the excitement was short-lived. No longer were they facing an oversized Magikarp, but instead a gyrados of unbelievable proportions. A twister struck, buffeting his fur and leaving him winded, but still standing.

"Hah! Is that the best you got?" He shouted.

It was not. His feathers and ear dropped as he stared down the blast of energy headed his way.


He didn't get a chance to finish the thought. The blow sent him sailing backwards where he hit the ground hard.

He groaned as he came to, still feeling absolutely worse for wear. "Ugh, I could... Use some help over here!" He called out before digging into his bag for an Oran.
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The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Holy carp, Gyarados were real!? Jaro thought they were just from some lame made up morality tale about not picking on weaker Pokemon! What could he possibly do now? Could they even fight this thing? ...did they even need to fight this thing? Jaro vaguely remembered the names of the two Magikarp from something he overheard in the main square (apparently Magikarp had names in this world), and the one who just evolved said that her Sister was named Sushi, so she must be Sashimi. Here goes...

"HEY! SASHIMI!" Jaro yelled up at the giant Gyarados as loud as he could. "Do you think this is how your sister would want you to act? Rampaging around and hurting people?"


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian breathed a relieved sigh. Though he didn't do much, his teammates had successfully taken down Sushi. He still couldn't believe it, but it was undeniable. At this rate, they can beat the other one in no—Why did Sashimi just evolve?!

Cynthian's jaw dropped open and he pointed at Sashimi. "EEEEEEEH?! You have got to be kidding me! Of all times for the giant behemoth magikarp to evolve, she had to choose now of all times! That's ridiculous! That's cheating!! Please, go back to being a Magikarp oh Azelf please!!"

Sashimi's attack came right when he was in the middle of talking. Cynthian ducked on the ground for cover and somehow avoided getting hit. His heart sank when Nip received a heavy blow, and some of the others did so as well.

This weren't looking so good. Cynthian's blood ran cold. He darted his eyes around the battlefield. The mon closest to him happened to be the litwick and she seemed to be doing something...

Cynthian sprang to his feet and scurried to her. "Hey Candle! I have no idea what you're doing, but let me help!"

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Fuck. Of course the universe had to punish them for actually doing well. Why the hell did Starr let herself feel optimistic about things? At least she'd managed to avoid the worst of the counterattack. Or maybe Sashimi just hadn't noticed her since she'd mostly hung in the back, hurling seeds like grenades. But now her supply had run dry. And to make things worse, she could feel her strength leaving her the instant that Gyarados fixed its piercing eyes on her. Damn Intimidate. How the hell was she supposed to do any damage now?

And then out of nowhere, she felt a wave of energy filling her body. Starr glanced over her shoulder to see the Skarmory standing behind her, lending her his strength. She'd barely seen him at all yesterday--she didn't even know his name--but here he was.

She still didn't think any of her moves could put a dent in that monster, but....

"Hell with it," Starr muttered. Not like she was the only one crazy enough to rush headlong. The Litten broke into a run and didn't look back.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Fay's Metal Claw dealt 8 damage to Sashimi!

Sashimi hissed loudly and flicked Fay away, then focused on

Jaro's words reached Sashimi, and for a brief moment, she seemed to stop what she was doing. "What...?" Something swelled inside her. "H-how... what do you mean? You... you were the ones who were attacking us! I... How DARE you use my sister against me, you--you...!"

Sashimi is conflicted! Her Attack and Magic went down by 1 stage each! Sashimi is focused on Jaro! Sashimi will no longer listen to Calls!

Meanwhile, everybody else went on with their strikes while Sashimi was distracted. The onslaught continued:

The heals and boons have enhanced the team. Dave and Nip heal and seemed to have left Sashimi's attention... Cabot disappeared, and Sashimi focused away from him as well!

Curio's double Quick Attack dealt 32 damage to Sashimi!
Celeste's double Quick Attack dealt 16 damage to Sashimi!
Cuicatl's strike dealt 13 damage to Sashimi and she took 1 damage in recoil!
Starr's strike dealt 12 damage to Sashimi!
Mellow's Scratch dealt 6 damage to Sashimi!

"What?!" Owen said after his potentially incoherent babbling, quickly jotting down how much relative damage everyone was doing. "Are--are Sashimi's defenses higher?!"

Of course they're higher, she's a Gyarados...

Owen glared at the sky. Which was churning up dust in another Twster, but his Fire senses were also tingling--a Water attack was coming. Wait--but that meant--

Gyarados used Twister, attacking everyone!
Ashwood: 4
Cabot: 0 (Cino: 16)
Celeste: 4
Cuicatl: 6
Curio: 5
Dave: 2
Jaro: 0
Mellow: 4
Nip: 5
Starr: 7

Gyarados used Hydro Pump on Jaro, Ashwood, and Celeste!
Jaro: 28
Ashwood: 22
Celeste: 13

Sashimi: 898
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Ace Trainer
Mellow winced as she was struck by the whirlwind, but stood strong. She'd get through this, somehow!!

She attacked the massive Gyrados without thinking.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
The hydro pump blew Jaro across the field, rolling him like a bowling ball. Jaro spluttered, then yelled "Sorry we attacked you, but you were about to destroy some guys' homes!" as he got to his feet, although it didn't seem like the Gyarados had much chance of listening to reason. What now...? His attacks seemed to have barely done anything earlier, and just the sight of the beast seemed to have made him even weaker than before.

...Dave was making that howling noise again. Was it because he was hurt? Or was that some sort of sonic attack, similar to his own tribe's Sing? He tentatively reached out with his Copycat, only intending to sense if the howl "felt like" a move, but as soon as he mentally brushed against the contours of the howl, the Copycat latched on fully, locking him into the attack. Uh-oh, Jaro thought, feeling his energy rapidly drain away.

"Uh, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO everyone!" he howled, then rolled onto his back, exhausted.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen channeled as much of his good vibes as he can into Cabot, raising his attack by 2 again!

Dave and Jaro enter a chorus of rallying howls for the team, raising Cabot and Curio's attack by 1 and Nip and Ashwood's by 2!

Meanwhile, Celeste recovers some stamina and is back on his feet!

Ashwood's Mega Punch dealt 39 damage!
Cuicatl's strike dealt 12 damage, with 1 in recoil!
Curio's double Quick Attack dealt a total of 36 damage!
Nip's double Ice Shard dealt a total of 50 damage!
Cabot's Iron Thorn dealt 54 damage!
Mellow's strike dealt 6 damage!
Starr's Iron Thorn dealt 15 damage!

Even in the middle in the fighting, dragon winds twisted and cut through the air like a festering aura. At the same time, blue energy concentrated in the back of her throat, ready to be unleashed...

Another Twister inbound! Damage:
Ashwood: 6
Cabot: 0 (Cino: 7)
Celeste: 4
Cuicatl: 6
Curio: 5
Dave: 2
Jaro: 0
Mellow: 4
Nip: 5
Starr: 7
Tricky: 4

Cino's shield broke!

Sashimi used Hydro Pump again, this time targeting Jaro, Nip, and Ashwood!
Nip: 27
Jaro: 37
Ashwood: 29
Jaro, Ashwood, and Nip have been Staggered!

Sashimi: 686
Sashimi is Staggered*2!

"That was good!" Owen said, hope welling up in his chest. "Her stance is off! Get some big hits in while you can! Cabot! Strike there, look!" Owen pointed at an exposed flank while Sashimi tried to right herself after falling over from the propulsion of her own Hydro Pump.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
He should've been more forceful and more insistent that he'd fight directly. But he couldn't reverse time. That said, he could see Sashimi was looking wobbly, but so were some of his teammates. Necrozma would have to act now. He floated up to Nip's side, hands brimming with light.

"Do what you have to, then get behind me. Someone as worthless as me can afford to go down if it means you can stay standing."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Celeste forced himself up. He edged close and closer to the Gyrados, fangs bared, half-drunk on pain.

“You... will not beat us. I am Celeste... if the Sacred Flame... and I... defy... you!”

He called on Ho-Oh’s gift, sending it Jaro... and Nip... and Curio. With some left over for himself, too.

This exertion caused him to immediately collapse. So much for the defiance.


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
A powerful burst of water sent Nip tumbling backwards, leaving him splayed out on the ground. For just a second, he thought he might lose consciousness again... but no. He was still alert. He could still fight. He staggered to his feet, water dripping off of his fur.

Still, exhaustion was starting to get to Nip. Launching ice shard after ice shard may have looked easy, but doing it in such an inexperienced body... it was starting to wear him down. The gyrados was down for the count now, but could they really do enough? If they failed to take her out now, surely she would strike him down afterwards...

A shadow blocked out the sun, catching Nip's attention. The big rock creature, Necrozma, was standing beside him, preparing to defend him. He dipped his head respectfully, then reached a paw into his bag, claws brushing against an iron thorn. Was now the time to use one, or should he rely on the power of his ice?

He glanced for just a second at the other pokemon standing beside him. He knew exactly what he needed to do.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Celete's Wish completely exhausts him, but a mysterious aura surrounds him, Jaro, Nip, and Curio
Jaro and Dave spend some time resting, and Dave is back on his feet!

Cabot's Zen Headbutt dealt a CRITICAL 89 damage!
Ashwood's Mega Punch dealt a CRITICAL 49 damage!
Cuicatl's strike dealt 12 damage and she got 1 recoil!
Nip's double Ice Shard dealt 50 damage total!
Starr's Iron Thorn dealt 15 damage!
Curio's Iron Thorn dealt 24 damage!
Mellow's default attack dealt 4 damage!

Sashimi is Staggered+1 again!

Owen winced, nodding. "Okay, we're making a good pace, let's--keep it up! We knocked her right off balance again!"

Sashimi is panicking! Her aura is going haywire! Sashimi's Attack has gone up!
Sashimi used Thrash on Ashwood, Jaro, and Celeste!
Ashwood: 0
Jaro: 72 (CRITICAL!)
Celeste: 26

Jaro and Celeste were knocked out!

The panicking is getting worse! Her Attack goes up again!
Sashimi continues Thrashing, aiming for Ashwood, Nip, and Cabot!
Ashwood: 0
Nip: 0 (Necrozma: 45)
Cabot: 50

Necrozma's shield was destroyed!

Celeste was revived with 1 HP!

Celeste's Wish came true, restoring half the health of Celeste, Curio, and Nip!

The strange aura is crackling around Sashimi... her attack went up once again! However, she has also become Confused, and her defenses have gone down by 4 each!

"You've got to be fucking--" Soda stopped and then looked to Owen. "Hey, Embers! What's going on?!"

"She's getting stronger, but her guard's totally open!" Owen said. Embers? "If--if we let her go now, she'll keep attacking... everything!"

"Alright, idiots!" Soda shouted over Owen. "Now or never! That Gyarados is about to put everyone in a world of hurt, so throw absolutely everything you've got!"

In the background, Truffle looked ready to swoop in, but with the mysterious aura about Gyarados, there was nothing more he could do...

A stray, red flash of lightning shot off of Gyarados and nearly zapped Truffle had it not been for a deft bank to the left.

Sashimi: 443
Staggered, -6 Defense, -4 Resistance, +2 Attack, Confused
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