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Torrent Beach


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
"He's my mate! I'm sure he would love to meet you!"
Zack’s eyes widened in disbelief, but his smile didn’t falter. He looked away, rather disappointed. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds nice.”
"Bird!" Winona gasped. "A Pidgeot! I haven't seen a Pidgeot in so long! They're so rare in Hoenn, you know? I've been meaning to put one on my team. Their feathers are pretty as a sunset! And they're so strong and fast! Birdie birdie birdie!"
Zack perked up in an instant as soon as Winona addressed him. He smirked and flexed at her. “Heck yeah! You’re lookin’ at a big boy right here!” He turned his head to show off his yellow crest and red bang. “Complete with some fabulous feathers!”
"Ah Winona. It's so wonderful that she gets to meet your bird Pokémon. Just look at how her eyes glow when she talks about them. Why, sometimes I take her to places with birds just so I can hear her ramble about them. Her voice is so gorgeous, so melodic..."
“Yeah, I’m also fascinated by birds,” Seb replied with a hand on his chest. He looked to the sky with a dreamy expression. “Sometimes I even dream about becoming a Murkrow and fly with Zack and Jack. Having wings must be so wonderful…”


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Yup. That perfect chick is still far away.” Zack crossed his arms, looking pensive. “Uh, what was that Winona said about gettin’ a Pidgeot for her team?” He smiled with a hopeful gaze. “Got a vacant spot?” He looked away and thought out loud. “Then again, Seb ain’t the challenger type, so we got no badges…”
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Gyarados slumped into the shallows the second he'd dragged his tail free of the portal. To a bystander it might've looked concerning, the big guy just laid out flat like that, but any concerned bystanders could kindly fuck off because after that whole disaster it was a perfectly reasonable response. Blue knew this because he and Charizard were doing exactly the same thing on top of Gyarados's head.

The rainbow halo flickering around everything had faded into a dull gray, the echoing sound replaced only by a faint ringing in his ears. No key stone burning against his chest, no racing heart pounding in his ears, no raging fire warring with icy water, just... nothing. (Well. Nothing except that ache threatening to start throbbing at the back of his head again.) Nothing left to give. At least now, at long last, there was nothing left to give anything for.

The whole thing still seemed ludicrous. All of that... that, trapped inside one tiny fragile-looking bottle. Blue had to stamp down the small part of him that worried it wouldn't be enough, that it was still possible for the thing to find a way to free itself; it had already proven it could do so once before, after all. Just had to hope that at the very least it would hold long enough for him to be so old and dead that it couldn't possibly be his problem anymore. That might even be almost enough time for the three of them to get some actual rest. Wild, right?

"Hello," it said. "The great Nathaniel Morgan told me to be friends with you. I know who you are." It looked at Blue. "But I do not know you." The child doubted the other human was anyone important, but the great Nathaniel Morgan seemed very interested in her for some reason. "You might be somebody who is not supposed to exist. Who are you?"

He knew as soon as he'd thought it that it wasn't meant to be, of course, because why would Garbage Fire Island be any nicer to him just because the Asshat in Chief was stoppered up again? Why was one of someone else's randos bothering them when what he really needed was to sleep off the fucking post-double mega-evolution crash? Did they really have to start in on more multiverse blabbering now, of all the god damn times?

Linden, of course, was still running on root beer fumes, or just her own natural overclocked Electirizer Buneary batteries, or whatever. Could be kind of a silver lining, actually: the rando could talk to her instead of him, and she could talk to the rando instead of him. Might even get, like, three whole minutes of relative quiet before they had to rouse themselves enough to crawl back to the dorms and go to bed.

"I'm Leaf! Blue's friend!" she said, swinging herself down off Tank's shell and reaching for the rando's hand to shake it. "Not sure what you mean by 'not supposed to exist', though, sorry. Then again, can't really say I'm sure about anything right now! I mean, Blue said something about folks coming here from other universes, so is anybody supposed to exist in this place, really? Uh, wherever this place is?" She gave the beach another quick scan, as if that would somehow tell her anything new, before something occurred to her and she snapped back to the newcomer. "Oh, you must mean you're from this place, then! I gotta say, you've got a really exciting world-whatsit goin' on here! Are the, uh, giant jewelry monsters a regular thing?"
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House of Two Midnights
The freak examined the girl's hand as though contemplating a particularly difficult math problem, then gave it a brief and bound-to-be-unsatisfying shake. Almost like it was testing what would happen. Nothing new there, really.

"No. I am not from here. I do not know anything about here." The freak also had a look around the beach, seeking answers or some shit. But of course the place looked normal enough. "I do not know about the place we came from, either, or what a jewelry monster is." Charming. As good a conversationalist as ever.

Nate frowned when the freak turned to look back at him. "I talked to them. Can I be done now?"

Well, great. Like the whole point hadn't been for him to stay out of this. Nate made a go-on motion with his fingers and got a blank stare in response. Right. Sure. Of course. "You ain't done yet," he called. "You can't seriously tell me you want to go home without even saying hi to Blue."

"Why not?"

Smartass. Nate offered up a glare in response.

Mightyena was watching the proceedings, ears pricked. She wasn't thinking of getting in on this herself, was she? The last thing Nate needed was her trying to make friends with the mirror-universe kids. This Leaf chick would probably think she was cute or some shit.

What the hell kind of name was "Leaf," anyway? Like trying to play at being a champion but couldn't even think of a real color name to save her life?
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  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Leaf shrugged, still grinning. "Oh, well I didn't know what one was either until all that happened, so I guess that makes two... of... huh. Okay?"

Aaaaand now they were looking away, like they'd already lost interest in the conversation. That was pretty damn impressive, given Leaf had a hard time imagining anyone labeling "basically being in an action movie" as "uninteresting". Or almost dying. (Or Clyde really, really upping his nightmare game.) Whichever of those they'd just been through, every single option had to be at least 350% more exciting than... well, literally anything other than those three things. This kid must've been like ice, dang. Maybe even cooler than the happiny slippers guy, and the only way the happiny slippers guy could've been more awesome was if he'd been shooting lasers out of his hands or something.

Which, wait, actually:

"So wait, was I seeing things back there, or were you fighting the monster? Like, there were a lot of pokémon firing off a lot of attacks, but I could've sworn I caught you blasting that guy with something." She leaned in closer, voice down to a conspiratorial whisper. "Are you a superhero?" Seemed reasonable enough! If jewelry monsters were real, why not superheroes? "It's okay, you can tell me! We're not from the same world, right? So it's not like I could reveal your secrets to anyone who matters! What's your superhero name? What other powers do you have?"

Blue growled unintelligibly into the back of Gyarados's crown. So much for three whole minutes of relative quiet. And not even solely because of the "superhero" nonsense. (Honestly, even if it wasn't nonsense, wasn't like he was in any condition to find real-life superheroes more intriguing than Going to Bed.) Little hard to focus on relaxing with people muttering his name over and over off in the corner or whatever. Who was that guy? The... the loudmouth from the boat? Oh, what now.

"...hey. You got something you wanna say to us? How about instead of playing telephone or passing notes like a little kid in class, you just, I dunno, say it? 'Cause otherwise I don't have time for this."

Woulda been neat if he'd actually had the energy to punctuate that by standing up, maybe a nice withering glare, but whatever.
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
[Um...is this too late?]
Hello! So this is actually an RP campaign started many months ago called 'Adventure Quest'. It was a more involved RP campaign that ran for several months and has since concluded/is on indefinite hiatus since its conclusion. It is also something with a set of characters already established from players who signed up, not quite a casual 'hop in hop out' style RP. If you're in the mood for something, you might have a little more luck with continuing in Fuda's RP or perhaps starting your own if you're looking for something though! :yes:
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