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Pokémon Then, Then, and Now

Open and Enclosed


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Who are you?" the man in the purple hat asked you.
"I'm Lidequir."
"Who are you?" the Chikorita asked you.
"I'm Lidequir."
You lost your memory. You lost your memory. You lost your home. You lost your home.
Yet, you're still you, despite everything.

Or: What if the Rescue Team protagonist and Legends Arceus protagonist were the same person?
A series of parallel short stories about those two protagonists, and the similarities of their journeys.
Contains major spoilers for both Legends Arceus and PMD Rescue Team.

Open and Enclosed

Prelude Beach

You gripped onto the Pokeball, and threw it. It impacted the Oshawott, and soon, a puff of steam escaped from the ball.

For some reason, you were pretty sure Pokeballs weren’t supposed to do that.

“Great!” Laventon cheered from a bush. “I’ve never seen someone so adept with Pokeballs!”

You felt like he was exaggerating. “Heh, guess I am,” you said nonetheless. You liked Laventon, but he was confusing, with his odd Pokeballs and three Pokemon you felt didn’t belong together.

Everything was so confusing here, and you’d only been here for an hour. Or had you for longer? You couldn’t remember.

All you remembered was your name, Lidequir, and four words, instructing you.

“Seek out all Pokemon”.

That was your goal.


Tiny Woods

You shook your tail as you walked through the dungeon. It still felt foreign, but you were getting used to it by now.

“Come on! I can see the stairs up ahead!” the Chikorita who found you, Acacia, said as he trotted alongside you.

You hadn’t known him for long, only the hour that all your memories were from, but you liked him. He was nice.

You wondered what happened to those memories, why you lost them.

All you remembered was your name, Lidequir, and that you used to be a human.

And yet, that didn’t terrify you as much as you felt it should. You wondered why.

Though right now, that didn’t matter. What mattered was that there was a Pokemon in trouble!
Unnamed and Named


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Unnamed and Named

Jubilife Village

You looked upon the village with a smile. You had completed your first task, and you had been accepted into the Survey Corps.

Now, this was your home.

“Osha!” the Oshawott on your shoulder squeaked, and you chuckled. The little guy was so cute!

You wondered what you should call them. Maybe Seedling? Though that felt more befitting of the Rowlet. But Oshawott was so small…

Nonetheless, that didn’t matter right now. Right now, you had other priorities. There was that request to get a Wurmple for a guard, and then that one for a large Buizel.

You started towards the gate out of the village, ready to go right back to the Obsidian Fieldlands.
That first star rank was waiting for you!


Water House

You looked upon the little house with a smile. After rescuing Caterpie, Acacia had presented you with this building.

Now, this was your home.

…why did that sound so familiar?

Oh well. That wasn’t important. You had to name your team!

For some reason, the name “Seedling” was coming to mind…

“How about Team Seedlings?” you suggested, your first non-joking answer to Acacia’s question.

“That…actually sounds great!” the Chikorita said, wagging his tail. “Let’s go with it! From now on, we’re Team Seedlings!”

Your own tail wagged, and you walked over to your partner, putting your arms around him in a hug. He chirped, and his smile grew wider.

Now, you were a team! Pokemon in danger, get ready for Team Seedlings’ help!


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
YOOOOOOOOOOO OKAY. OKAY BENCH. The concept for this is fucking SICK (if I understand what's going on correctly, that is....)

So if I'm following things correctly, it seems that our MC for these short little vignettes, Lidequir (I keep reading it as Liqueur because I'm a Highly Intelligent Person(TM)) has been whisked off to Hisui in true Pokemon Legends: Arceus fashion...but I guess at some point in the future they have also been isekai'd into a PMD world???? OR. OR. OR. It's happening at the same time???????????? Did Lidequir have their personality split or something by Arceus and they're just traveling together in two separate worlds??? I have so many fucking questions and you've only written like two parts for this, I just--

...okay I just reread the summary, and it's the same protagonist in both worlds but the stories are being told in a parallel fashion. Okay, yes, remember when I said that I was a Highly Intelligent Person(TM)? Did I also mention that I CAN'T READ???

Nonetheless, I stick to my guns that the concept for this is lit; I don't think I've ever read anything that like...tells the story of the same protag in two different timelines side by side?? And the idea that these are meant to be shorter snippets is also really cool? Honestly, I feel like you could expand this into something a little longer where each other chapter is going back and forth between PMD Lidequir and PLA Lidequir. This is just a COOL concept and I am really hype about it!!! PLEASE WRITE MORE.
Made and Remade


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Made and Remade

Obsidian Fieldlands

“Watch! First, mash the Leppa Berry into a fine paste,” Rei said, mashing up a Leppa Berry with a stick. You watched intently, fascinated. Something told you you never knew how these were made, even in the life you had forgotten.

“Next, squeeze the juices of the Medicinal Leeks into the bowl, and mix!” Rei said, doing just that. As the juices landed in the wooden bowl, and mixed with the Leppa paste, the mixture began to thicken.

“Then, you seperate it into little pieces, so the Pokemon can eat it easily,” Rei said, splitting up the congealed mass with the stick. “That’s how you make an Ether!”

“Wow…what an ethereal process!” You joked, letting out a small chuckle.

That earned you a playful shove from Rei. “Does everyone have as bad taste in jokes as you do where you come from?”

“Hey!” you protested, but your chuckling only grew more jovial. Rei was such a fun friend.

You did wonder, though, if what Rei said was true. Was your taste in jokes something specific to you, or was that common back where you came from?

Where did you come from, anyways? You know you came from the Rift, but before that, where did you live? What was it like? Were the people there friendly? Caring? Joking? Was it a good place to live?

You hoped, wherever it was, it was doing alright without you. You didn’t know when you’d be going back.

If you’d be going back.


Mount Steel, 4F

“Hey, look, some medicinal leeks!” you said, pointing towards a bunch of leeks in the corner of the room you were in. “Do you have any Leppa berries and a bowl? I’m getting a bit exhausted with my water moves.”

“I do, but…what does that have to do with the leeks?” Acacia asked, tilting his head.

“I’ll show you!” you said, running over and plucking two of the leeks, before turning to your friend. “Can I have the bowl and the berry?”

“Yep!” he said, taking them out of his bag, and placing them in front of you. You took a Gravelerock out of your own bag, before beginning to mash the Leppa berry into a fine paste. Out of the corner of your vision, Acacia was watching in fascination.

As you squeezed the juices of the medicinal leeks in, and the mixture began to thicken, Acacia asked, “What are you doing?”

“I’m making us an Ether!” you proclaimed, beginning to separate the solidifying mixture into little chunks.

“Wow…I never knew that was how they were made!” Acacia said, eyes wide with wonder. “Can you teach me?”

“Yeppers!” you said, grinning from…well, you didn’t really have visible ears anymore.

Still, you were happy to teach your friend everything you’d learned about itemcrafting!


When did you learn about itemcrafting?

Was it something in your past life, when you were human?

Who taught you about it? What other things did they teach you?

You couldn’t remember anything, right?
Fend and Defend


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Fend and Defend

The Heartwood

You just barely roll out of the way of one of the Lord of the Woods' attacks, the stone axe swinging by you. You breathe a sigh of relief as you see the axe-arm embedded in the giant tree, the Lord of the Woods trying to pull it free.

Good. You had a bit of reprieve. You took a few moments to take some deep breaths, and then you opened the pokeball containing Seedling.

The Oshawott had a determined look on their face. Would they really be able to damage a Noble Pokemon, though?

Only one way to find out. "Seedling, Aqua Jet, Agile Style, two in a row!"

You were still thinking of ways to insert puns into your battle calls, but this would do for now.

You also had a feeling that this would not be allowed back where you were from.

Nonetheless, Seedling jetted towards the Lord of the Woods, surrounded by water. It was enough to make the Kleavor twitch, at least, and before they could react, Seedling attacked again, this time earning a flinch.

Perfect. You reached into your bag of balms, and began pelting them at the Lord of the Woods while they were weakened. You were a bit unsure about the effectiveness of throwing food at a Pokemon at high velocity, but what other choice did you have to quell the Noble's rage?

Soon, though, the Lord of the Woods dislodged their axe-arm from the tree, and faced you once more.


Mount Steel, 9F

You aren't fast enough to run out of the way of one of Skarmony's attacks, and a steel feather scrapes across your scales. You stayed steadfast, though, and retaliated with a Water Gun.

You glanced over at Acacia. He was weak to Skarmony's flying-type attacks, but he was managing well. He sent an Ancient Power crashing down on Skarmony, and you did a gesture towards your partner involving sticking your thumb up. You weren't sure what it meant, but it came so naturally to you.

"Watch out!" Acacia yelped, and you saw Skarmony careening towards you again. You yelped, and tried to roll out of the way.

Unfortunately for you, Squirtle shells aren't very flexible, and it ended up with you flopping over onto your shell. It took a few seconds for you to get back up, but in that time, Skarmony slashed at you again.

You fought back with a Rapid Spin, retreating into your shell and spinning at Skarmony. And then, as if on instinct, you immediately did it again.

That seemed to be enough to stun Skarmony, and for some reason your hand gravitated towards your pouch of gravelerocks. Maybe…

You began pelting Skarmony with the gravelerocks, not using the arcing trajectory Acacia had recommended, but instead throwing them directly at your attacker.

Acacia's eyes were wide, but he was quick to contribute with an Ancient Power.

This all felt so familiar, but now wasn't the time to ponder! You had to rescue Diglett!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
I know I read some of these before, but I see you added some new ones. I gotta say, I really adore these. Not only is the concept amazing, but it's executed in a really lovely way. Using short snapshots like this to tell a parallel story works superbly.

Honestly had a great time reading this and seeing Lidequir grapple with her strange situations and lost memories! I am definitely looking forward to more
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Blitz review
Chapter 1

So we are in far flung hisui... Per professor laventon's presence, bit of a guess helped along by pokemon database to be honest.

I'm going to be a bit suspicious and say oshawott is a fan favorite considering other stories. Though if theres overlap between this verse and your eternal shadows i suspect poor gen is going to start crying.

And once popped into the pokedex version 1 gens moveset is going to have defense curl, tearful look, follow me, and flail.

Just saying.

So the p.o.v. is another amnesiac? Arceus has a thing for amnesiacs. And those are vaugly creepy instruction in and out of universe... Just saying.

And it looks like our cross over begins. We got a dungeon wrap up occuring. With another chicorita and another amnesiac. I am sensing fan favorites here (pointedly ignores my stories chalk full of nidorans, persians, and beedrills).

Ah but the amnesiac mons name is lidequir? Well thats an interesting bit of data, but raises an interesting idea of being in two places at the same time. Will the two halves ever meet? Can you catch yourself? What did poor li' do to get double amnesia and double forced adventures?

And arceus really likes abusing his chosen's minds. Clearly the mon needs some sort of therepy if his go to to make people do what he want is a men in black mind wipe.

Interesting how mystery dungeons main story drive is more humane than arceus.. Despite pmds focus being monsters and arceus' being humans.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Blitz review
Chapter 2

I find it amusing is when adrift a mon protag latches on the first patch of ground and grows roots. Heros never reconsider or move base, its home or bust. Or to quote asgore, newer home. Villians on the other hand mossy around the world until they find thier pet region and legend and then plant roots to take advantage of both. Its an interesting contrast that popped into my mind while reading.

Heros want homes and stability. Villians want targets and resources at any cost.

So li' got into the survey corps? Good for them. Naming a water type after a plant screams of old life echoes.

Three guesses as to Li's exploring team name and the first two dont count.

So hes a mon gofer. Catching mon for people for rewards. That would have been an interesting inclusion in the main games. Perhaps even a means to intro natures too. And i can imagine that guard with a wurmple on his hat on patrols.

And so li's quest to one hundred complition kicks in. Funny how it feels so... Impersonal all things considered. Arceus being a checklist and pokemon mystery being more plot centric despite being decades apart.

And we're back to mystery land. Where a rescue is done and seedling echoes again across the time space continum to rattle in this version of li's head. The closong image of the two mon snuggling in celibration was adorable. And funmy tjings how they rescued a worm. Bug mon appear to be a plot centric theme for the moment.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Chapter 3
Review blitz

I honestly never could keep berry types straight by name and had notes like (blue ball equals hp boost). That or a cheated and checked the item descriptors when I needed to plot that far afield.

So leppa doesn't do too much for me. Kinda looks like a applin... So a mon musing that looks like a pebble sized Mr. Applin getting mashed in there is one way to help that out.

Medicinal leeks? I can hear a farfetched crying in an alternate region.

Out of curioisoty wjat does rei look like? I'm rolling with the sword shiled grass monkey starter between the stick and the dexterity to manage stirring. But the field is open to so many mon possibilities.

Yes li' they do. Dont argue with the medic who doubles as a cook its a losing battle and they have so mamy ways to get even so accept the stab at your borderline dad humor and move on...

Man i hope they werent someones older sib or parent or something. But arceus does not come across as that nice.

And li's smacked head first into an existiental crisis fueled by totally understandable frusteration of kmowing nothing of thier background.

Only arceus knows.

So will arceus spill?

Alright so i missed the fact that the heading indicated the chapter starts in hisui. My bad. But what rei looks like isnt a bad thing to expand on to ground the reader in himan world vs mon world.

Back to mon world...

Echoing again i see. Interesting what li' shares between his two selves and how it spills into one life and the other amd how its all the only imediatly vital stuff. Figures. I mean its useful but all that lost sleep due to internalizing thier crisis is not going to make li' any better off in in the being well rested catagory. Mistakes could be made.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Chapter 4
Reveiw blitz

And we are back in hisui. Lord of the woods tipped me off. And in the teeth of a fight. Nice.


So lord of the woods is getting bested by a tree? I suggest milking this moment and ironically naming it after the event. You know if li' catches it. A kinda never live it down revenge for nearly decapitating the kid.

So li' tuck with seeing? Not surprised and i imagine volo is going to lose a type match off later in the game for the little ones name. More power to li' for makimg sentimental into an (accidental) power play.

You know hisui mon probably were smarter than mainstream mon. Tjey had to juggle spacial awareness, attacks and attack style. Its a lot to juggle in life and death situations.

And wiggling puns... Yeah if li goes into the league announcmwnt scene maybe... But only just...

Yeah i am with li there. Throwing food doesnt seem smart. It works (must be piping hot and seasoned with rocks) but it does scream desperation play loud and clear.

And the blades out and here we go again. Hoping for anotjer save from a tree...

Pats li the mon verses head. Dont feel bad nothing without a ton of iv ev and nature perks can outrun that steel ostridge. Its stupid fast.

And this team up is bad agaisnt steel and flying. One soul is a salad in the making and rusting doesnt kick in fast enouigh to save water type li'. Do we have a third wheel with thuderbolt in the room?

My bad i thought this was the mon verse li' was an oshawot... He's a squirtle? Whoops.

And we have another echo. Its not lord of the forests lunch. But a rock to the head works better. And fastball delivery is infinitly better then a gentle lobing.
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