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Pokémon The Price of War


Pokémon Trainer
Warning: In addition to swearing, will contain darker themes, such as abuse, violence, suicide, PTSD, and depression. Organized crime appears here and there, and it was initially a major plot point. That will be getting a spin-off. This story's also posted on A03.

Valen Barsotti was once a happy and outgoing individual who had a passion for Pokémon battling. Now, Valen believes that this world is too cold and cruel for him to feel happiness and have fun.
Follow Valen as he reluctantly embarks on a journey to recovery. It'll be a long journey, but it's not a impossible journey when one’s surrounded by caring people and Pokémon. Valen’s not a bad person; he’s a confused person in need of guidance. Perhaps reconnecting with his past will open the door to a brighter future.

Notes: While this is set in the game universe, it takes many cues from the anime and deviates a lot. There may be some less direct Adventures manga influence as well.

Pokémon won’t be limited to four moves. However, it’ll usually cap out at about six to eight moves. Pokémon Exact numerical values for HP, PP, Levels, and stats won’t be brought up either, but related terms like health will come up.

Only Valen and his childhood friends will have Pokémon with nicknames. There’s going to be a number of major supporting characters. Thus, I feel like trying to nickname every single Pokémon would be very tedious, plus it could get very confusing for readers.

Lastly, I go back and revise past chapters rather frequently. That does include changing, adding, and removing bits. Also, I want this to be as decent of a fic that I’m capable of writing.

With his hands in the pockets of his black leather pants, a scowling Valen saunters through a busy sidewalk in downtown Angel City. As he passes rows of towering skyscrapers, Valen’s expression is one of cold indifference, unnerving any passerby who happens to look into the dead gaze of his dark blue eyes, or if they happen to look at the menacing eyes of a Salamence that decorates the gunmetal gray shirt underneath his black leather jacket. Much to Valen’s annoyance, he has to walk through a usually crowded area frequented by both locals and tourists, and he isn’t exactly a person who likes to be around tons of people. Valen wishes he had brought headphones to drown out the sound of sneakers and heels on the sidewalks, people talking and yelling in person or on their cell phones, vehicles beeping at the busy intersections, and other noises one would expect to hear within a bustling city block.

Then, Valen notices a billboard atop one of the skyscrapers. His eyes widen when he sees who's on the billboard. "It's....Melanie," Valen murmurs. Melanie and Valen were close friends in their childhood, and well into their teens and young adulthood. Despite their past, Valen’s surprise only lasts for a brief moment, before he stares at the billboard with apathy and indifference. “We may have been best friends, but we’re completely different now,” Valen remarks, believing that Melanie would want nothing to do with nowadays. “Honestly, I’d be lucky to even get five minutes to catch up with her."

Valen continues to saunter, deeply annoyed over having to walk through a crowded sidewalk. One poor soul almost runs into Valen as he dashes through the crowd. Valen brushes off this encounter as he walks off, thinking about another aspect of his past. “I also used to be a famous trainer, but nobody would recognize me now since it’s been five years since I ditched my past persona. I do miss those days, but I’d prefer it if nobody recognizes me."

Unbeknownst to Valen, Melanie isn’t too far from his current location. She's currently residing within the middle floor of a luxury suite that happens to be on the same street that Valen is walking on the side of. Melanie sits on a brown leather sofa, straightening out her elbow length black hair that’s almost as straight as an arrow, However, grooming is not what’s on her mind; she’s searched for her childhood friend, but she's lucked out so far.

“This guy's eluded me for weeks now,” Melanie laments as she glances at an old photo album that she has kept for years. “What’s his deal? The only piece of information that I know is that he works for Dimitri Liniya as one of the ex-military guys and Pokémon Trainers he uses for private security, but that’s it. I can’t even tell if he’s avoiding me on purpose or not.”

Melanie stands up and straightens out her blue jean jacket, which matches her blue jeans and the azure shirt underneath her jacket. “I suppose moping around won’t help. Let’s see if Dimitri Liniya had some success with getting this guy to finally show up.”

Melanie glances towards a large window on her right, staring into the clear skies above. “Valen, I remember you having a heart of gold, but has it since become a heart of stone? I guess I’ll find out eventually.” Melanie turns away from the window and opens a wooden door that leads to a flight of stairs. “I better take the back entrance to avoid being surrounded,” Melanie sighs. “This gets really tiring sometimes.”

Valen's arrived at Liniya Industries, and has been greeted by Dimitri Liniya within a monitor room. Liniya Co. is to Calvana what Sliph is to Kanto, and Devon is to Hoenn. However, Liniya Co. also makes equipment for the Calvana Armed Forces, as well as the region’s law enforcement agencies.”

“You are quite reliable with coming to a job that can have frequent interaction,” Dimitri Liniya remarks as he adjusts his pearly white suit, which contrasts his dark red tie.

“Hmph, zip it and just consider it my way of saying thanks,” Valen grumbles as he stares at the large computer monitors. “You gave jobs to former soldiers, and it’s not easy adjusting back to civilian life after serving in the military. Not that most people give a shit about us in the first place.” Valen hasn’t missed a single day he started working here. He never talks about anything personal. It’s like all he knows is work and serious matters.

“It is the least I could do,” Dimitri admits with his left hand in the pocket of his pearly white dress pants. “However, we will have to cut this talk short; it seems that it was not just Cipher who paved the way for General Branko Pavlović’s regime.”

“Who else is responsible?” Valen asks as Dimitri brings up information on one of the large computer monitors.

“I do not have complete confirmation at this time, but as they were combing through the messages and calls between Cipher members and Pavlović’s private army, my analysts discovered that the names Team Rocket and The Kalos Connection made frequent appearances, with The Kalos Connection being mentioned more,” Dimitri explains.

“Of course this shit would happen. I should have known that The Kalos Connection had the most involvement,” Valen grumbles with a scowl. “Lumiose City almost became a sea of red because of them.” Valen recalls a brutal attempt to monopolize the underbelly of Lumiose City by the Kalosian Mafia, better known as The Kalos Connection. He was even in Kalos at the time when this bloody surge of Pokémon attacking people and gunfights broke out.

“Both Team Rocket and The Kalos Connection has been wanting to set up illicit operations here for a long time. That makes me wonder if it wasn’t Orre that these two organizations were interested in, but Calvana. A war would certainly mean less of our stronger trainers would be able to prevent such an intrusion by criminal factions, and I don’t know how prepared our police are for the level of chaos both could bring should a turf war break out.”

“I don’t like how this sounds,” Valen groans. “The last thing anyone needs is an underworld power struggle.”

“Unfortunately, it gets worse,” Dimitri informs Valen as he pulls up additional information on the monitor. “It would appear that those responsible for thousands of deaths and disappearances have also infiltrated the seedy side of Calvana.”

“Cipher became Pavlović’s secret police afterwards,” Valen remembers. “Many of them fled before they could be captured. We weren’t able to round as many of them up as I would have liked to.” Then, Valen goes silent, thinking, “What Dimitri doesn’t know is that I swore an eye for eye for every victim of the genocide committed by the regime. If I find any of these scumbags within my home region, I’ll exterminate each and every one of them. I have no remorse. Never had, never will.”

“That’s why I suspect that those who infiltrated the criminal underworld were members of Orre Secret Police,” Dimitri replies, snapping Valen out of his morbid train of thought.

“Calvana invaded Orre due to the huge threat posed by that regime, plus Pavlović’s goons tried to hunt down defectors within our borders,” Valen remarks. “It would seem that the region is still threatened, despite everything Pokémon Trainers like myself has to go through-”

“As dangerous as this situation could potentially be, you must not fret on it,” Dimitri cuts Valen off. “You cannot spend your days solely focusing on what you could not have stopped by yourself in the first place, nor can you stop any of this by yourself.“

“What’re you saying?” Valen asks. “Not only is this important, but this is world’s too cold and cruel to be happy and have fun.”

“You are not the only one capable of handing such a situation,” Dimitri retorts. "You need to stop living such a serious life that revolves around focusing on the darker aspects of this world. This behavior is not healthy for you at all.”

”Something came up, didn’t it?” Valen asks, not wanting to talk about how he chooses to live his life. “Something or someone from my past, I presume.”

“You do not know?” Dimitri asks, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “Your old friend has been attempting to figure out what is going on with you, even contacting me in person. Maybe it is time for-”

“Huh, she’s actually been asking about me?” Valen cuts Dimitri off with his own eyebrows raised, scratching his disheveled, spiky black hair that bear a slight resemblance to the spikes on a Gengar’s back. “I thought she’d be too preoccupied to have the time for me.”

“How were you a member of the military’s most elite unit, yet you remain this oblivious to certain things around you?” Dimitri sighs while placing his palm on his face, with the ends of his figures touching on part of his copper brown hair over his forehead.

”Hmph, you really think anybody actually misses me?” Valen scoffs, his stare emitting zero warmth. “I’ll bet I’ll never see Melanie again if I meet up with her. How the hell do we know that she won't abandon me after one day?"

“Well, there is only one way to find out,” Dimitri retorts. “You do know that I have the power to make you take a vacation, right?”

“Fine, I’ll go see her, so tell her I said to wait in our old spot,” Valen grunts, still not seeing any point to this. However, Valen doesn’t want to be bossed around either, so he feels like he’s in a lose-lose situation. “Gah, if it was another girl, I’d think this was a set-up for a blind date for your television network.”

“Valen, I just formed the Liniya Network,” Dimitri replies. Television is something that Dimitri has wanted to get into for a while now, as the Liniya Corporation is always looking to expand its corporate empire.

“That increases the implications,” Valen grumbles. “This is such a pain in the ass.”

”I believe that you should get going,” Dimitri comments.

”Wait, why’d you tell me all of that if you were going to pull this shit on me?” Valen asks.

”It is still important information, and I never said that you do not need to know this,” Dimitri replies. “What you need to know is that you are nor the only person who can handle this, and yet you tend to act like you are.”

”I still don’t get it, because this is a severe matter,” Valen comments.

”That doesn’t change the fact that there are others who can handle it. Not to mention that with the exception of intel gathering, you wouldn’t be able to directly partake in such operations,” Dimitri replies. “Valen, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take this seriously, but you’ve lost something big. I want you to figure out what you’ve lost as a result of solely focusing on work.”

“Dimitri, what about these vile-“

“With all due respect, there are people better suited for such tasks.”

Melanie sits on a park bench in a quaint, quieter neighborhood that is a considerable distance away from downtown. This is the same neighborhood where both Valen and Melanie grew up in. As plants rustle in the wind, Melanie quietly waits for Valen, surrounded by people walking, laughing and talking. “This spot is where the two of us used to hang out,” Melanie reminisces about her childhood and teenage years, noticing a pair of teenagers battling it out with a Druddigon and an Altaria. This sight makes Melanie nostalgic about the times Valen and her duked it out with their own dragons. “Dimitri told me that Valen said to meet him at our old spot, so I assume-” Melanie’s train of thought is interrupted as she hears a familiar roar close by. Melanie glances upwards, noting that the roar was intimidating enough to accidentally scare off a flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto. “Hm? That sounds like a Salamence. Does that mean-” Another roar cuts Melanie off, as a Salamence comes into her line of sight. Once the dragon has landed, a group of kids marvel at this strong Pokémon.

Melanie’s mouth has already curved into a smile, as she’s noticed who’s slouching between the dragon's wings. After weeks of searching for him, her childhood friend’s finally showed himself.

Melanie’s brown eyes light up as she watches Valen jump off his Salamence, who’s nicknamed Kratos. Then, one of Melanie’s Pokémon himself out of his Poké Ball. The Pokémon in question is her Dragonite, Magni. Kratos and Magni are happy to see each other, giving each other a claw bump. These two dragons go way back, having had a close friendship and a friendly rivalry for many years.

Melanie’s brown eyes lit up as she watches jumps off his Salamence. Then, one of Melanie’s Pokémon lets himself out of his Poké Ball. The Pokémon in question is her Dragonite, Magni. Kratos and Magni are happy to see each other, giving each other a claw bump. These two dragons go way back, having had a close friendship and a friendly rivalry for many years.

“They haven’t seen each other in a while, so let em hang out. After all, it looks like they still have their dragon bromance,” Valen tells Melanie. As he sits next to her on the bench, Valen watches his Salamence and Melanie’s Dragonite arguing over who’s the cooler dragon. Magni lets out a lowered cry, telling Valen’s Salamence that “he’s cooler.” Kratos laughs it off, letting out a lowered roar to say “keep dreaming.”

As the dragons playfully quarrel, Valen glances towards Melanie. “I still like this park. It’s quiet and relaxing, compared to the fast pace of downtown. I always liked the old style of architecture here, since this area was first constructed and first inhabited in the late 18th century.”

“We made a lot of memories here,” Melanie remarks, sporting a warm smile as she's overcome with nostalgic, happy memories. One such memory involves Valen jumping for joy when his Shelgon evolved into Salamence. “I’m happy that you remembered this spot.”

"I believe you have questions for me, albeit I thought you’d be much more happy to see me,” Valen remarks, silently pondering about how this reunion will turn out.

“Of course I am happy to see you again, and yes I do have questions!” Melanie exclaims, scowling as she glares at Valen in annoyance. “First of all, why were you so damn difficult to find?!

“I dunno, why was I so difficult to find?” Valen retorts, slouching as he stares blankly at the sky. “I’m not a magician, you know. I’m just a guy who likes to be very discreet.”

“Oh, like I’m going to accept that reason!” Melanie grumbles. “Give me a better answer!”

"Do you think I give a fuck?" Valen barks, closing his eyes and folding his arms. “Accept it or don’t accept it. Do whatever the hell you want.”

"H-Hey, don't be so rude!" Melanie shouts, furrowing her eyebrows. "I've been looking for your ass for weeks!"

"Huh, you were indeed looking for me,” Valen nonchalantly observes with his right thumb and index finger on his chin. “Interesting, so I guess my hunch was incorrect.”

“Hey!” Melanie blurts out loudly, her eyes bulging out in anger. “Don’t act like it’s not a big deal, got it?!”

"Don't give me commands.” Valen rebukes. "You're not my commanding officer in special forces."

Melanie's noticed that the two dragons are looking at them, along with several other onlookers and Pokémon. Despite Valen's rudeness really irking her, she decides it's best that she calms down, hoping that Valen will too. “Sorry, I got a little carried away,” Melanie admits. “It’s been a while, that’s all. Moving on, you said special forces. I'd like to know at least a little bit about that, assuming everything isn't top secret."

Valen may be very distrustful, but he decides to answer her question to an extent. “I assume that you recall that the war was the first one this region's fought in decades. As a result, I initially did what our troops usually do, which I assume that you recall as well. My tasks were search and rescue, disaster relief, counterterrorism, fighting Pokémon poachers, and so on," Valen replies. "I was Third Battalion Infantry, so I was going to be part of the third unit deployed to Orre. However, just before the war broke out, my commanding officer unexpectedly wrote a letter of recommendation for me to join the SSF, or Shadow Strike Force. I can’t give much more detailed information than that. We weren’t even allowed to use our real names.”

“That’s the unit that found the mass graveyards,” Melanie thinks to herself, her eyebrows angled downwards while letting out a heavy sigh. “Valen...no wonder you changed so drastically...you saw the effects of genocide with your own two eyes. It doesn't help that a number of those evil people are still on the run.”

Valen reveals the inside of his jacket, showing Melanie a gold medal shaped like a fang, and a purple medal shaped like a shield. “Compared to you, these are my only big achievements; the Fang of Valor, and the Purple Shield. The latter isn’t exactly one to be proud about, at least for me it isn’t.”

Melanie winces at the sight of Valen’s Purple Shield "Why'd...why'd you keep that a secret?" Why didn’t you tell me you got hurt?” Melanie bows her head, wondering what else he’s hiding from her.

"Relax, I made a full recovery from those wounds,” Valen replies. “The scars are still there, though.”

"...At least tell me what happened....please?" Melanie asks, nearly on the verge of tears.

“...My unit ran into a machine gun nest near Pyrite Town.” Valen says. Then, Valen points to Kratos. “This guy took out that nest after I got hit multiple times, and all of my Pokémon made sure my unit got me to the medics safely. Both medals serve as a reminder to the horrors of war. If we don’t learn from the past, then we’ll be blindsided in the future.”

“You saw a lot of horrible things in Orre, huh?” Melanie asks in a brittle tone.

“There’s quite an interesting dynamic between us,” Valen states, having deciding that he doesn’t want to talk about Orre anymore.

“What do you mean?” Melanie asks, blinking in confusion.

“You blossomed and I withered, and yet here you are,” Valen somberly replies. Then, Valen's mouth curves into a faint smile. “You could be hanging out with big time celebrities, but you passed all that up to find a nobody like me. Heh, I can’t say I was expecting that.”

“A nobody? Is that what he thinks of himself?” Melanie laments to herself. “Is that why he didn’t bother to reach out on his own?”

“Thanks,” Valen says with a hint of gratitude, interrupting Melanie’s train of thought. “You’re still the one person who’d never gave up on me. That means a lot to me.”

“Hey, anytime,” Melanie replies in a warm tone, her eyes gleaming with joy. “However, now that we finally met up again, I expect to see you again very soon, big guy.”

Valen closes his eyes, not wanting Melanie see his eyes have moistened up. He's moved that his childhood friend went to the trouble of looking for him, and he accepts that he was at least a little bit wrong. However, Valen chooses to keep this feeling a secret. “I should be getting back to Dimitri now, but sure,” Valen tells Melanie, re-opening his eyes as he stands up and walks towards Kratos. “Believe it or not, he actually let me leave work for this, not that I have any security duties at this time. Anyway, I’ll see you around.” Kratos takes flight, and Melanie and Magni watch both trainer a Pokémon leave. Then, Magni turns his head to see how his trainer’s doing.

“I’m fine, Magni,” Melanie reassures her Dragonite, but she’s got an expression of uncertainty on her face. “Should I be happy that I finally saw him again, or should I be sad that he’s no longer the person he used to be? It’s an odd situation to be in,” Melanie admits, sporting a frown.

After a brief silence, Melanie smiles and forms a fist with her right hand. “There’s no point being gloomy myself. “I guess it’s up to us to bring back the old Valen, isn’t it? I’m sure you want another duel between dragons as well.” Magni’s expression turns into one of confidence upon hearing his trainer utter these words. “Hopefully, his battle loving side’s still in there.”

“So, how did it go?” Dimitri asks Valen, slightly worried that Valen has screwed everything up.

“It seems to have gone well,” Valen admits, causing Dimitri to breath a sigh in relief. "However, I couldn’t tell her about the other job I have, at least not yet.”

“That is some surprisingly decent social progress on your part for once,” Dimitri acknowledges with a faint chuckle. “Moving on to that other job, we have heard a rumor that the leader of The Kalos Connection plans to move operations here due to too much heat by Kalos law enforcement.”

“So, we've now identified a high-level target?” Valen asks. ”Happiness? Fun? This shit’s too serious for either of those things. Why doesn’t he get it?"

“Yes, and his name is Francis Blanchard. On the surface, Francis is the owner of an international chain of restaurants, which is a rather convenient way to launder the money the Pavlović regime gave him,” Dimitri replies. “Both him and I just happened to have been invited to same gala, albeit I am rather suspicious about its origins.”

"So, when does this gala take place?" Valen asks.

“Two weeks from now." Dimitri feels a thickness in his throat; it's actually taking place in one week. Dimitri said two weeks in the hopes that by then, Melanie will have gotten Valen to realize that a little bit of joy and fun in his life wouldn't hurt.

“Oh come on, what am I supposed to do for one week?” Valen groans. "It's not like I have any close friends these days. Even if Melanie and I do hang out, it won't be easy to reconcile our old friendship.”

“Well, I do have the power to make you take a vacation," Dimitri points out. “Or, do I have to call General Barsotti and have him make you take a vacation?”

Valen rolls his eyes, grumbling, “Fine, I’ll take a vacation, but at least you unintentionally reminded me to call my dad.”

“Somebody has to remind you to do your least favorite thing in the world, which is talking to people," Dimitri jokes.

"Be quiet," Valen retorts.

”Not happening,” Dimitri jokes, before becoming serious again. “As per usual, notify Anabel or myself if you happen to run into anything suspicious.”

“Sure, whatever,” Valen grumbles. “Pain in my ass.”

What did you think of the first chapter? Which OC sticks out to you the most? I want the reader to be able to follow Valen's journey step by step. I hope I succeed in doing that. Other characters won't be neglected either.
Angel City’s the Pokémon Los Angeles.
Orre’s based off of Arizona. The original region in this fic’s based on California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho. However, there's European influences as well, especially in the architecture.
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Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 2: The Nobleman

Valen’s sitting on the a park bench within a different part of Angel City. As the sounds of people talking, kids playing, plants rustling, and bird Pokémon chirping surround him, Valen’s in the middle of a phone call. “How’s the rebuilding of Orre going, dad?” Valen asks through his cell phone’s speaker.

“Surprisingly well, given the circumstances,” General Nicholas Barsotti replies. “While the scars, blood, and tears won’t fade away, I believe that this region will thrive now that the regime is gone.”

“If only I could have saved more lives...or even have done something beforehand-”

“You were dedicated to your duties, but you are too hard on yourself,” General Barsotti points out. “As much as it hurts, there was little we could have done to stop this regime’s rise to power. War’s been an ugly sight, and will always be an ugly sight.

“I suppose you’re right," Valen replies, feeling a faint hint of of regret.

“With that said, I am very proud of you for going out of your way to rescue your comrades, civilians and Pokémon from enemy forces,” General Barsotti commends. “Even when wounded in a surprise attack, you still kept fighting.”

“I just did what I had to do,” Valen replies, faintly smiling. “Thank you, though.”

“Hopefully, I’ll see you soon,” General Barsotti says. “Make sure you actually remember to visit your mother, assuming she’s not busy with her Pokémon research.”

“I’ll see you whenever you come home, and I’ll visit mom tomorrow." After the call has ended, Valen lies down on a bench. However, his nap doesn’t last longer than several minutes as Melanie has found him, much to his dismay.

”Guess I can’t hide forever,” Valen mutters to himself with his eyes closed, annoyed that Melanie's glaring at him like he forgot to washes the dishes and clean his room. “Gah, this is a huge pain in the ass.”

“Hey, lazy boy!” Melanie uses the human version of Hyper Voice on a resting Valen, emitting a bossy aura as she places her hands on her hips. “Get up!”

“Why do you have to shout when you’re right next to me?” Valen grumbles as he sits up. “Also, why are you calling me a boy? I’m twenty four, not twelve.”

“You have no time for a nap!” Melanie scolds. “You’re coming with me to one of the city’s public battle areas!”

“Why me?” Valen groans. "Also, how the hell did you find me?"

“Just shut up and come along!” Melanie exclaims, narrowing her eyes as she fixates an angry glare at Valen.

"You shut up," Valen barks, breaking eye contact with Melanie.

"You first!" Melanie screams, her lips curling in disgust.

“Whatever, I don’t like being around tons of people if I don’t have to,” Valen barks, closing his eyes as he lies back down on the bench. "Also, you're not my mother, so be quiet."

“I liked it better when you weren’t so antisocial,” Melanie admits with exasperation, her eyebrows curving downwards.

“That was then, and this is now. There’s going to be a crowd of challengers for sure once someone notices you,” Valen points out.

“You don’t think I know that?!” Melanie chastises, furrowing her brow. “Get your lazy ass up and give me some backup!”

“Hm, well-“ Valen begins to speak as he re-opens his eyes.

“Well what?” Melanie piques up. “Come on, say it.”

“Since you actually went looking for me, I’ll repay the favor and tag along,” Valen concedes to Melanie’s demand, much to her delight.

“Let’s go!” Melanie happily shouts.

”Pain in my ass,” Valen mentally grumbles.

“This place feels bigger than I remember it being,” Valen observes as he looks around the large outdoor arena, having just exited out of the indoor lobby area with Melanie besides him. “They seemed to have added more to the lobby area as well.” The arena in question actually has three separate fields open to the public for Pokémon battling. Each has his own entrance, and Valen and Melanie have entered field number one.

“See, crowds aren’t so bad,” Melanie points out, as there are a lot of people present, both trainers and non-trainers. Many trainers have their Pokémon out as well, with Valen keenly eyeing a male trainer's Dragapult. “Hey, don’t pretend that I’m not here! Look at me, you doofus!” Melanie scolds Valen, but Valen could care less about that, or the fact that Melanie just shot him a disgusted glance.

“Hmph, don’t get the wrong idea.” Valen shifts his attention to the wear and tear on the battle arena. “I don’t remember it being this worn out, but it looks like the city has been maintaining it well.”

“Melanie Merced, we challenge you!” A male trainer blurts out, catching Melanie’s attention, While Valen remains disinterested, Melanie looks behind her and sees that ten Pokémon trainers want to face her in battle. “We never expected to see someone like you here, so let’s do this!”

“Just how many do I need to battle?” Melanie nervously thinks to herself, slightly sweating at the thought of battling ten trainers with no breaks.

“Hey, who’s that scary looking guy next to her?” A female trainer among the the group of ten asks, having noticed an uninterested Valen. “I don’t recognize him.”

“Hey, this scary looking guy happens to be my friend, so show him some respect!” Melanie furiously claps back, almost evolving into a Primeape over the unneeded remark towards her friend. Then, Melanie has a twinkle in her eyes as her facial expression turns into one of amusement. “Why don’t you face him instead? If you can beat him, you can battle me. If you can beat him, that is,” Melanie chuckles. "Alright big guy, let's see if you're as strong as I remember."

”Whatever, you’re lucky that I got time to kill,” Valen says half-heartedly. “It’ll be a one verses one battle with each of you. In addition, if just one of you can beat me, you all get to battle her.”

“We accept!” Another male trainer exclaims.

“You seem suddenly interested in this, Valen,” Melanie observes.

“It was your idea,” Valen points out. “Also, a knight has to protect his queen, doesn’t he?”

“Is he trying to get me flustered again?” Melanie thinks to herself. “I won’t fall for it this time!”

After having defeating nine of the ten trainers with just Slicer, his Golisopod, Valen is battling the last trainer and his Hitmonlee. This is the same trainer who challenged Melanie on behalf of all ten trainers.

“All I have to do is beat you in order to battle her!” The male trainer proclaims, much to Valen’s amusement.

“You fool, don’t you get it?!” Valen sneers with his arms folded, sporting a wide, cocky grin on his face. “None of you ever stood a chance against me, let alone her!”

“Mega Kick!” The trainer commands his Hitmonlee, who charges at Slicer.

“How pathetic,” Valen snickers as he closes his eyes. “Finish off this loser with X-Scissor.” Slicer lets out a robotic, maniacal cackle as he crosses his armored arms to form an x shape. Slicer’s arms glow light blue, and before Hitmonlee can even get a chance to strike, Slicer charges at it, brutally slamming into it with his crossed arms.

“No way!” The male trainer exclaims in disbelief as his Hitmonlee falls to the ground in defeat.

“Did you see that?!” A female onlooker exclaims. “He took down ten trainers with just one Pokémon!”

“Who is this guy?!” A male onlooker shouts. “He’s terrifyingly strong!”

“That should keep you free from challengers for the time being,” Valen tells Melanie as he recalls Slicer back into his Poké Ball. “You know, I could get used to being known as the unknown trainer.”

“Did you really just beat all of them with just your Golisopod?!” Melanie asks, raising her eyebrows. "I think he might have gotten even stronger!"

“Eh, they weren’t strong at all,” Valen counters with his eyes still closed. “Why can’t you attract trainers who could actually pose a challenge?”

“Hey, I don’t choose who I attract!” Melanie claps back.

”Blah blah blah, that’s all I hear from you,” Valen mocks.

Before a red faced Melanie can unleash a tirade upon an indifferent Valen, an accented voice calls out then. “Perhaps I can be that challenge?” Valen re-opens open his eyes upon hearing these words. Both Melanie and Valen look around, perplexed over who just called out to them. Then, Valen and Melanie are approached by a male trainer around their age, and Valen takes immediate notice of his chalky gray, Victorian style attire. “His clothes and shoes probably costs more than half of Dimitri’s entire corporation," Valen thinks to himself.

“Hey, aren’t you that one guy who’s the heir of the Bennington noble family?” Melanie asks. “Arthur, right?”

“Yes, I am Arthur Bennington,” Arthur introduces himself as he bows. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“The Bennington family is quite prominent in both Calvana and Galar, so I’m surprised to see you around these parts,” Melanie notes. “After all, you’re not an ordinary guy of our age group.”

“Well, being from a wealthy and prestigious family is not all it's cracked up to be,” Arthur sheepishly admits, placing his left hand on the front of his short, ash blonde hair. “From keeping my hair as neatly comes and tidy like what you are seeing now, to those rubbish violin and piano lessons as a kid in Galar, it can be rather hectic, whether the tasks are simple or complex.”

“That sounds like a stringent lifestyle,” Melanie remarks.

“Quite, and like everybody expects me to do well because of my surname, and I loathe it.” Arthur grumbles. “So, I like to hang out in places like this so I can be just Arthur, and not a Bennington.”

“Hm, I wonder if he can somewhat relate to me?” Valen admits to himself. ”Despite our different backgrounds, maybe we have something in common to an extent.”

“Valen, you said the knight must protect his queen, which is quite valiant of you,” Arthur states with a twinkle in his cerulean eyes, snapping Valen back into focus. “Thus, I shall honor that decree and challenge the knight first.”

“Hey now, he only said that to mess with me!” Melanie counters, fixating an annoyed glance at Valen.

“Actually, I was being serious,” Valen admits with his eyes closed and his arms folded.

Melanie’s eyes widen, asking, W-What?! You a-actually meant that?!”

Valen yawns, replying, “It’s historically accurate.”

“Pardon me, but is she your girlfriend?” Arthur asks Valen.

“Nah, but she acts like my nagging wife,” Valen bemoans, much to Melanie’s annoyance. “If you can defeat me in a Pokémon battle, you can take her off my hands for a date if you want.”

“Valen, you giant doofus!” Melanie interjects with a scowl, forming fists with both of her hands. “I’m right here next to you!”

“I can both see and hear that, Melanie,” Valen retorts. “You're stronger than me, so if he beats me, he's probably around your level."

“First of all, I'm not interested in a relationship!” Melanie blurts out as her eyes widen in annoyance. “Second of all, stop acting like you're an amateur when you defeated ten trainers with just one Pokémon!"

“You made it through the grueling tournament structure of our region’s league, while I haven’t,” Valen counters, except Melanie already knows that he’s blatantly lying.

“Pardon the intrusion, but shall we battle, Valen?” Arthur chimes in before Melanie can say anything in response.

"This dunce actually downplayed his successes," Melanie thinks to herself. Why's he putting himself down like that?"

“Sorry, I got a little distracted by my pretend nagging wife,” Valen says, pointing back at Melanie. “Let’s do this.”

“Who describes someone as being their pretend nagging wife?” Melanie ponders to herself. “Seriously, trying to understand him can be more challenging than this region’s league structure.”

Valen and Arthur stand at opposite ends of the battle arena. “You know, I’m starting to like you,” Valen admits to Arthur as they both hold a Poké Ball in their right hands. “I can respect anyone who sees flaws in what others automatically expect him or her to do. We're similar in that regard; they expect ex-soldiers like myself to adapt back to civilian life with no problems.”

"For me, it's having to living up to my family name, as if I'm not an individual human being," Arthur replies, sporting a sad smile.

"What happens if you don't live up to your family name?" Valen asks.

“Well...it feels like if you don’t meet those expectations, people abandon you,” Arthur laments. “It truly feels like that they don’t care who you are as an individual, or what you have experienced.”

“Even though we come from different backgrounds, you couldn’t be any more accurate even if you tried,” Valen replies, bowing his head down.

However, we won’t such rubbish hold us back, now will we?” Arthur confidently grins.

Valen lifts his head up, asserting. “No, we won’t,” Valen's mouth curves into the faintest of smiles. “You ready?”

“Let this battle commence,” Arthur says, eager to see Valen’s strength for himself.

“Kratos, you’re up.” Valen presses the button on his Poké Ball to let his Salamence out. Immediately, the menacing, three colored dragon lets out a mighty roar that sends shockwaves through the ground and air.

“Looks like I made the right choice,” Arthur confidently replies upon seeing the dragon. Arthur presses the button on his Poké Ball to his Pokémon out, which is Grimmsnarl. Kratos and Grimmsnarl eye each other fiercely, as the imp-like Fairy/Dark type lets out an slightly eerie howl.

“A smart choice, but do you really think that having a type advantage means your Grimmsnarl is guaranteed a victory against my Salamence?” Valen questions.

“Maybe, or maybe not,” Arthur admits with a confident smile. “Let us see right now! Use Dazzling Gleam!” A rainbow aura of light envelops Grimmsnarl, who uses the aura to launch a giant ray beam towards Kratos.

“Counter with Flamethrower,” Valen commands. Kratos launches a reddish orange stream of fire towards the rainbow colored ray. Both attacks collide, causing a small explosion as they cancel each other out.

“Aerial Ace,” Valen commands. Kratos flaps his wings and takes flight as white aura of energy surrounds Kratos. Then, Kratos charges at Grimmsnarl with blinding speed, hitting Grimmsnarl within milliseconds and sending it stumbling backwards.

“Ice Punch!” Grimmsnarl regains his footing, and forms a fist with its left hand. Grimmsnarl’s fist glows icy blue and it strikes Kratos in his face, sending the flying dragon careening to the ground sideways, causing the ground underneath to crack. Kratos manages to stand back up, but with his eyes closed as he contends with the severe damage dealt from the Ice-type attack.

“This Pokémon is quite powerful," Valen thinks to himself.

“Use Ice Punch again,” Arthur commands. Once again, Grimmsnarl’s fist glows icy blue and it strikes Kratos again, sending it reeling from additional damage alongside the damage dealt by the first Ice Punch. However, despite his Pokémon taking two direct hits from a quadruple effective attack and clearly struggling to pull itself back together, Valen seems unbothered.

“Come on, Kratos. You’ve been in far more serious and dangerous dilemmas,” Valen sternly reminds his Salamence with his arms folded. "Are you gonna let those Ice Punches incapacitate you just like that, or are you gonna continue to fight like a soldier?” Kratos still contends with the major damage, but manages to opens his eyes and glare menacingly at Grimmsnarl, letting out a ground shaking roar. “That’s my boy,” Valen commends with a slight smile of approval.

“Two Ice Punches in a row and it is still raring to go?!” Arthur asks in disbelief. “This Salamence is more powerful than I had anticipated!”

“Come on, launch another attack!” Valen sneers at Arthur. “Hahahahahahahaha, going to give up already?! I thought you said you could be that challenge!"

“Grrrr...Darkness Lariat!” Grimmsnarl emanates purplish black energy all over its body. Then, Grimmsnarl holds outs it arms and beginning spinning rapidly like a tornado towards Kratos.

“Hold it back,” Valen commands. Despite haven’t fully shaken off the damage from the pair of Ice Punch attacks, Kratos stands up on his hind claws and uses his front claws in an attempt to hold of Grimmsnarl’s Darkest Lariat attack. Kratos roars as he severely struggles to hold off Darkness Lariat, sweating and moving backwards several feet.

“Interesting,” Arthur murmurs to himself as his Grimmsnarl keeps pushing Kratos backwards.

“Will this actually work?” Melanie nervously looks on.

“Don’t give in,” Valen encourages Kratos, who responds with a slight roar. Just as it looks like the attack is going to hit, Kratos able to avoid taking most of the damage from the attack as eventually, Grimmsnarl stops spinning. “Use Hydro Pump,” Valen commands with a smirk.

“Huh, Hydro Pump?!” Arthur is stunned as Kratos fire a powerful jet stream of water from his mouth towards Grimmsnarl in very close proximity. “Salamence can learn Hydro Pump?!” Arthur blurts out as Grimmsnarl gets hits, careening backwards as a result.

“My mom’s a Pokémon researcher who specializes in rare type combinations, ability rarities, and move rarities among different species of Pokémon,” Valen explains. “Hydro Pump within the Bagon line is one of those rare move.”

“Using an unconventional method of countering an attack, and using a rare move for this species of Pokémon, eh?” Arthur sports with a confident smile. “Challenging you was definitely worth it, mate.” Kratos and Arthur’s Grimmsnarl let out a slight roar and a murmuring grunt to show each other respect.

“You’re strong, Arthur,” Valen mutters to himself while looking down with a faint chuckle.

“Hm?” Arthur notes Valen’s apparent change in behavior.

“Heh heh heh, you’re definitely strong. “ Kratos looks back at his trainer with a wide smirk, sensing Valen’s sudden change in demeanor. Valen looks up with a excited grin on his face, his pulse increasing at a rapid pace. “It’s been sometime since I enjoyed a Pokémon battle!”

“You’re really getting into it,” Arthur observes. “I knew you would be a formidable opponent, and I am pleased that my assumption was correct.”

“Let’s see if you can defeat me!” Valen exclaims with excitement as Kratos lets out a mighty roar.

“Mate, be careful what you wish for,” Arthur counters as Grimmsnarl confidently grins. “It might come true.”

Upon seeing Valen like this, Melanie’s eyes widen as she steps back. “Valen, you-“ Melanie begins to murmur to herself. Then, Melanie has a vivid mental flashback of her and Valen when they were younger, having a Pokémon battle between Kratos and Magni when they were a Shelgon and a Dragonair. Melanie remembers that Valen had the exact same grin when battling all those years ago.

Returning her focus to the battle in the present, Melanie silently beams with jubilation. “You idiot, you can’t fool me all the time,” Melanie thinks to herself. “Stop trying to pretend you’ve 100% changed, because you’re still the same in a Pokémon battle.”

“Use Dragon Claw,” Valen commands, much to everyone’s confusion, including both of the battling Pokémon. “Trust me, Kratos,” Valen tells his Salamence. Despite hesitating, Kratos’s right claw glows bluish green and Kratos reluctantly charges at Grimmsnarl, whom is given no command to counterattack, block, or evade.

“Huh, but Grimmsnarl is part Fairy-type!” Melanie exclaims as she snaps back into focus.

“Hm, what’s going on?” Arthur murmurs in confusion. “He’s certainly no amateur, but did he make a miscalculation by accident?”

As expected, Dragon Claw has no effect, as Kratos’s claw strikes Grimmsnarl, but doesn’t impact the Pokémon in any way. “Did he forget the type immunity?” Arthur thinks to himself, his Grimmsnarl looking bewildered. “Ice Punch!”

”Iron Tail,” Valen commands with a wide grin. Kratos also grins as his tail glows silver, now realizing what his trainer’s intent was as he swings his tail to attack Grimmsnarl. Before Grimmsnarl can even strike with Ice Punch, Kratos lands a direct hit on Grimmsnarl.

“What?! That Dragon Claw was just a mechanism to launch a surprise attack?!” Arthur reacts, stunned as Grimmsnarl falls to its knees as it reels from the major damage it took from Iron Tail.

“That’s right,” Valen confirms, his confident grin from earlier having returned. “It was an obvious mistake, so obvious that you let your guard down for a brief moment, leaving an opening for Kratos to launch another attack. Now, it’s time for a second Iron Tail.” As Grimmsnarl still reels from first one, Kratos’s tail glows silver again and Kratos swings his tail, landing another direct hit and doing more major damage to Grimmsnarl.

“Use Flamethrower,” Valen commands. Kratos launches a reddish orange stream of fire at the still reeling Grimmsnarl, scoring another direct hit at Grimmsnarl’s face.

“An intentional miscalculation, followed by three direct hits back to back in rapid succession?!” Arthur exclaims as Kratos flaps his wings and takes flight again.

“Time to finish this,” Valen confidently announces. “Hyper Beam.” An orb of orange energy forms inside Kratos’s mouth. Then, Kratos launches a powerful orange beam of energy from up in the air at Grimmsnarl. Grimmsnarl is unable to avoid the powerful attack, and it falls on the ground, defeated.

“Grimmsnarl!” Arthur worriedly shouts upon seeing his Pokémon lying defeated on the ground, before calming down and smiling. “Ah well, you win some and you lose some.”

"Good job, Kratos, "Valen says as he recalls his smiling Salamence. Then, Valen turns his attention back to Arthur, “Both of our Pokémon fought well, so it’s time they get a good rest.”

“That was a exhilarating battle!” Arthur says as he recalls his Grimmsnarl. “You are quite strong.”

“Of course,” Arthur says, sporting a content smile. “We need our Pokémon to be in the best shape possible.”

“I told him he was on my level for a reason,” Melanie murmurs to herself while smiling.

“You know, we’re both outcasts in different ways,” Valen admits with a touch of a smile.

“We certainly are,” Arthur replies.

“Why don’t you tag along with us?” Melanie asks Arthur, sporting an inviting, warm smile. “Valen could use a second friend around.”

“It would be my pleasure, and thank you for your kind words,” Arthur replies as he bows.

Valen rolls his eyes over Melanie's remark. “Good, now you can take her off my hands,” Valen jabs with a smug smirk on his face, sluggishly strolling away with his hands in his pockets. "I'm finally free of Empress Bossy Butt.

“Quite the snarky fellow, isn’t he?” Arthur amusingly asks as Melanie looks exasperated.

“He wasn’t always like this,” Melanie laments with her hands on her hips. “He was mischievous and liked to be mysterious, but he used be much more happier, polite, and outgoing. Then, he ended up fighting in Orre and he hasn’t been the same since.”

“That’s a shame,” Arthur replies. “Perhaps he has mostly shut himself off emotionally, at least on the outside.”

“I thought bringing him here might bring at least part of his old self back, but that part may have never left in the first place,” Melanie replies, her mouth curving into a faint smile.

“Is that right?”

“His battle with you made me realize that he hasn’t completely changed on the inside, so thank you,” Melanie beams with gratitude. “I owe you one.”

“This seems deeply important to you, so I’m glad I was able to help,” Arthur replies. “However, I shall take you up on that offer and request a battle-"

“Hey, I don’t have all day,” Valen brashly interrupts Arthur and Melanie’s conversation. “Come on already.”

“You have all day to be a colossal pain in the ass, though!” Melanie shouts back as she runs up to catch up with Valen.

“I’m not a Pokémon.”

“I said colossal, not Coalossal!”

“Those two are a rather lively pair,” Arthur observes while walking in the same direction, chuckling to himself.

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Pokémon Trainer
It's a late sunny afternoon, and Valen's standing outside an enormous house within his old neighborhood. This Neoclassical style neighborhood and its closest surrounding areas were the first settlements in what is now modern day Angel City. As Valen’s an avid history reader, he recalls having read that the first settlers and their Pokémon came to this area as early as the late 12th century, with numerous settlements springing up shortly after. The city that’s world famous today sprung up during the mid 18th century, thus making Valen’s childhood neighborhood the oldest residential district in the city.

The house that Valen is starting at is full of memories, as this is Valen’s childhood home. It’s where he first met Melanie seventeen years ago, when she moved to this neighborhood. This house is also where his mom’s colleague, Professor Elm gave him his starter. Valen first met his Gardevoir on this property: He was eight, and she was shy Ralts that somehow ended up in the backyard. There are plenty of other memories within those walls, and within this neighborhood in general. “I've always found it cool that I lived in a house that was first built in 1755, which happens to be the same year that the Calvana Pokémon League was established,” Valen says as he keenly studies the Neoclassical architecture style of his childhood home, currently focusing on the four, cylinder columns in the middle. Between the columns and the front door lies the front porch, and Valen has sat in the porch’s aged chairs many times. “It’s a really nice feeling to know that so many of these old structures are still around.”

"Are you going to say hello, or are you going to keep talking to yourself like I can't hear you?” An older woman wearing a magenta blouse calls out to Valen from left end of the front yard. Valen snaps back into focus, because the woman calling out to him is his mother. Professor Veronica Barsotti was tending to her garden when she spotted her son.

“Sorry for not calling you ahead of time, mom,” Valen replies with a faint smile, making eye contact with his mom, whom he got his dark blue eyes from.

“Don’t worry about it,” Valen’s mother, Pokémon Professor Barsotti, beams with a gentle vibe. ”Even you live elsewhere now, this is still your house too.” Then, the family pet Boltund rushes out to greet Valen in a jovial, excited manner, having seen him through the slightly open front door.

“Hey there, Sparky,” Valen gently speaks with a genuine smile as he he bends to pet Boltund, who affectionately licks his face. “You know, I’ve never been to Galar,” Valen admits.

“Still?” Professor Barsotti questions, her eyebrows raised in surprise. “At least you visited other regions.”

“Yep,” Valen replies as he pets Sparky, much to the Pokémon’s delight. “I went to Unova three times, albeit the third time I was accompanying you and grandma with research.”

“Why don’t we continue this conversation inside?” Professor Barsotti asks.

"Sure, mom." Valen replies.

Then, Professor Barsotti's mouth curves into a mischievous smile. "Speaking of inside, have you've seen the inside of a girl's bedroom lately?" Professor Barsotti chuckles. "Did you remember to wear protection, or am I a grandmother now?"

Valen can't help but faintly laugh. "Mom, I still love your dirty sense of humor."

Inside the living room, Valen sits on a red sofa with outscrolled arms that’s finished with velvet leather upholstery, whereas his mother sits on a mahogany armchair that’s also finished in velvet leather upholstery. “I see you kept the historical themes going,” Valen remarks as he looks around, seeing various pieces of furniture, such the walnut table on his right and several pine cupboards within the kitchen. “The walls are original, but they look like they're new," Valen notes, staring at the elegant walls made up of brown marble, which looks more suited for a monarch’s opulent palace than the home of an upper middle class family.

“Honey, you of all people should know that we have to keep the historical themes going, plus we have to maintain its historic value!” Professor Barsotti happily exclaims, sporting a broad grin. “This house's been well maintained for over two hundred and fifty years!” In addition to being a renowned Pokémon researcher, Professor Barsotti’s a renowned historian of architecture, interior design, and decorative arts.

“It’s a weird feeling whenever I actually express myself,” Valen admits with his eyes closed as Sparky happily sits next to his left leg. “As you already know, I’m not exactly comfortable with opening up to people after I was honorably discharged.”

“Valen, have you actually talked to anyone, domestic or abroad, lately?” Professor Barsotti curiously asks with her eyebrows raised. “You used to be a more sociable person, yet it doesn’t seem like you’ve kept up with anyone.”

“Well, I met up with Melanie again, and I started to wonder about the people I met abroad." Valen feels a light quiver in his stomach, causing him to try and conceal his enormous level of distrust. Valen doesn't want his mom to worry more, as she's already been worried over how he rough he's had it after leaving the military. "I still feel like I was abandoned, but maybe there’s more to it.”

Professor Barsotti has picked up on Valen's distrust of most people, believing that it's crucial that her son gets all the encouragement he can get from her. “If you ask me, I think it’s time to start reconnecting with everyone you can,” Professor Barsotti advises Valen, her voice emitting a soothing tone.

“I dunno mom, is it really worth it?” Valen somberly questions. “Our different paths aside, I’ve known Melanie since we were both seven, after she had moved into the neighborhood. That’s not the case for the people I’m talking about.”

“Valen, I genuinely don’t believe that Melanie's the only person who wants to see you again,” Professor Barsotti informs her son. “Sometimes, I get calls from people in other regions asking about you. A few even thought you were killed while fighting in Orre.” Professor Barsotti scratches the back of her short, wavy black hair, She's bewildered over why her son let such a grim feeling occur in the first place.

“Huh, seriously?” Valen reacts, re-opening his eyes with his eyebrows raised.

“Don’t worry, I cleared that false notion up the instant it came to my attention.”

“It really has been a while if people are thinking that, but I dunno if reconnecting is a good idea.”

“What’s the hesitation?” Professor Barsotti asks.

“I’ different than I used to be...will they actually accept that I’m not who they remember...or will my feeling of abandonment be...proven right?” Valen laments. “Dad once said that the darkness of war can corrupt anybody, including the most kindhearted people...I now realize what he meant.”

Professor Barsotti’s well aware of how severe her son’s trust issues have become due to the war, but she still firmly believes that the people he knew back then still want him as a friend. “You’re still Valen, no matter how much you’ve changed,” Professor Barsotti gently tells her son. “We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to improve ourselves.”

“That’s true,” Valen admits, sporting a frown. “However, do you...do you think anybody actually misses me?” Valen bows his head.

Professor Barsotti isn’t one to feel down in the dumps. Instead of a frown, a wide smile plasters her face. “Oh, of course they do! Try to get back in touch with your past friends. You might be pleasantly surprised!”

“Eh, I’ll think about it." Valen bends down to pet Sparky with his right hand, having heard the canine wincing over his somber demeanor. Valen faintly smiles as Sparky becomes happy again.

“You definitely do need to change your views on relationships, as I’m still waiting on you to bring home another girl!” Professor Barsotti exclaims.

“She was very energetic and lively, wasn’t she?” Valen reminisces with a faint smile.

“I still remember how happy your grandmother and I were when you came to our villa with a girl!” Professor Barsotti reminisces in elation. “You need to seek out that old flame again! Your mother needs a daughter-in-law before you turn thirty!”

“Of course you’d say that,” Valen replies. “How’s grandma and grandpa doing?”

“They’re doing well,” Professor Barsotti replies. “If you ever visit Redwood Town, be sure to visit them.”

“Heh, will do,” Valen replies, now sporting a more visible smile. “You mind naming everyone who called you to ask about me?”

“So far, I’ve received calls from Melanie, Rosa, Skyla, Calem, Serena, Silver, Gladion and Lillie.”

While Valen is both surprised and amused that both Sliver and Gladion actually tried to reached out, he takes note of one specific name in particular. It takes a few seconds, but when it hits him that his mother mentioned Rosa, a wide-eyed Valen jerks his head back, his jaw dropping in disbelief. “D-Did you just say...R-Rosa?!”

Professor Barsotti raises her eyebrows again, noting, “That name seems to have caught you off guard.”

“R-Rosa...I vanished from her life...she doesn't hate me?” Valen asks, closing his eyes to hide how watery they’ve rapidly become. Sparky looks at Valen, wondering why his mood’s suddenly changed.

“Valen, don’t ask such nonsense,” Professor Barsotti chastises as she her eyebrows downwards, forming a forehead crease. “I asked her if she was mad at you and she thought I was joking.”

“S-So, how’s Rosa doing?" Valen asks, feeling a fluttery feeling in his stomach. "I-Is she still the same?”

“She’s doing fine, and she definitely hasn’t changed one bit.” Professor Barsotti replies, sporting a soft smile. “Actually, Rosa has called me more than anybody else has, but I’m aware of how severe your struggles are. We end up chatting instead.” Professor Barsotti chuckles. She’s recalled that it’s been stated that many men are attracted to women that have a similar personality to their mothers. Both Valen’s mom and Rosa are high spirited and lively people that can stick out like a sore thumb.

“Rosa, you aren't mad at me at all?” Valen feels a sinking feeling in his stomach, bowing his head downwards. Valen lets out a heavy sigh, feeling extremely conflicted. One on hand, he’s feeling an increasingly powerful sense of shame over not contacting Rosa. On the other hand, he still believes Rosa has to be mad and/or hate him to an extent. Nevertheless, the fact that Rosa's trying to contact him has left Valen at a loss for words. Valen first heard her name through his love of watching Pokémon battles television, but he had gotten to personally know Rosa during his second visit to Unova. Rosa and Valen were a lot more than just close friends, so he’s touched that she wants to reconnect with him.

“Hopefully, your outlook on life changes to what it used to be. If anyone can help you with that, it’s Rosa," Professor Barsotti states. "She wouldn't outright say it, but underneath her cheerful personality, I could tell that she deeply misses you."

Valen jerks his head back again, realizing that his mother is probably correct about Rosa. However, Valen's as skeptical about reaching out to Rosa, or anybody else, as some of his mom's fellow researchers are of the existence of Celebi. Since it’s his mother, Valen decides to relents. “Alright, I’ll...I’ll think about reaching out...to Rosa first.” Valen faintly smiles when he hears Sparky barking in encouragement.

Professor Barsotti nods, sporting a gentle smile on her face. She knows Valen’s lost and confused, so she won’t push him.

"Soooo, can I finally have that car I want?" Valen asks, sporting a faint smile.

"Get a garage built first, honey," Professor Barsotti counters.

"I'm not building a garage until I'm promised ownership of that awesome car," Valen counters.

"This is a rather lovely looking park," Arthur notes, looking around the park that Valen and Melanie hung out in many years ago. "It has a quaint feeling to it, and it is quite pleasant." As his brown Victorian style suit jacket ripples in the slight breeze, Arthur notes that there aren't a whole lot of people around.

"Valen and I many memories here," Melanie states, feeling a sense of nostalgia. "We both grew up in this neighborhood." Melanie observes that there are less people within the park today. Melanie's sweating a little, having noticed that a few people do recognize her. Fortunately, he trainers in this neighborhood are usually pretty chill, and won't storm in and demand a battle.

“Speaking of which, where is Valen?” Arthur asks, raising his eyebrows.

“The dunce vanished without telling me where he was going.” Melanie exasperates with her hands on her hips, her blue jacket rippling in the slight breeze. “All he said was that he needed a little bit of time so he can ponder his past connections.”

“I see,” Arthur replies. “Well, I guess it cannot be helped.”

“However, if he's considering what I think he might be considering, then let’s leave him be,” Melanie tells Arthur. In any case, I asked you to come here so you can take me up on that offer.”

“Is that so?” Arthur asks. “That must mean you wish to battle.”

“Yep,” Melanie states as she takes out a Poké Ball and holds it out in front of her. "I want you to show me what Valen saw that got him excited for once.”

“Very well,” Arthur replies. “I shall accept your challenge.”

"Valen says I'm strong for a reason, so you better watch out!" Melanie boasts.

Melanie and Arthur stand on opposite ends of a lush, grassy field. Melanie has sent out Magni, her Dragonite. Arthur has sent out his Duraludon. Since Melanie's a notable trainer, a small crowd of people have gathered to watch this battle.

"Dragon Claw," Arthur commands. Duraludon's left hand glows light blue and he charges at Magni.

"Counter with your Dragon Claw!" Magni's right hand glows light green and he slightly lifts himself off the ground as he charges at Duraludon. Both Pokémon slam their glowing claws into each other, with neither giving an inch as they glare at each other with their competitive fighting spirits.

"Back away, and use Brick Break!" Magni flies backwards, then immediately charges back at Duraludon, this time with his right hand glowing bluish white. Magni lands a hit in the center of Duraludon's body, causing the Steel/Dragon type to stagger from the attack.

"Dragon Pulse!" Magni opens his mouth and a turquoise ball of energy forms in front of it.

"Use Dragon Pulse as well," Arthur commands. Like Magni, Duraludon opens his mouth and a gunmetal gray ball forms in front of it. Both Dragon-type Pokémon launch their Dragon Pulse attacks at the same time. Both turquoise balls of energy collide, causing a medium explosion that generates smoke. As the smoke clears, Melanie and Arthur look at each other with expressions of enjoyment on their faces, while their respective Pokémon signal respect for each other by letting out cries.

"You aren't bad,” Melanie compliments. "I can see why Valen had fun in his battle with you."

"Your compliment is much appreciated, and I can see why Valen and others think so highly of you," Arthur replies. "However, I shall not suffer a defeat a second time!"

"Sorry, but I'm afraid you will be defeated a second time!” Melanie counters. "Use Flamethrower!" Magni opens his mouth and unleashes a red-orange stream of fire. Duraludon's struck on the right side of his face. Then, Duraludon's entire body becomes enveloped in flames, taking additional damage."

"A burn? That's not good," Arthur murmurs to himself. "Use Flash Cannon!"

Melanie's mouth curves into a confident grin, commanding, "Counter with Earthquake!"

"Oh come on!" Arthur wails as Magni slams his tail into the ground as hard as possible, sending a flurry of white shockwaves towards Duraludon. Duraludon closes his eyes, wobbling as he attempts to endure the super-effective attack.

"I show no mercy, just like Valen!" Melanie boasts, placing her hands on her hips as she lets out a cocky chuckle. "Earthquake again!" Magni slams his tail on the ground for a second time, sending another flurry of white shockwaves towards a still reeling Duraludon. The combination of back-to-back Earthquakes and burn damage proves too much for Duraludon. Duraludon lets out a soft roar to congratulate his opponent. Then, the Steel/Dragon-type falls to the ground in defeat.

"Nice job, Magni!" Melanie exclaims, running over to her Dragonite. Melanie and Magni exchange a hi-five, both grinning.

"You got to be bloody kidding me!" Arthur exclaims in disbelief as he recalls Duraludon. "How could I have lost again, and even quicker than the last time?!"

"I warned you that I was strong!" Melanie teases as she recalls Magni. "Maybe Valen was right and I am stronger than him!"

"Good thing mum and dad are not here to see this, otherwise I would be reminded of that joke of a instructor I once had," Arthur remarks. "I was stronger than him, for crying out loud!"

"That's why you're here, though," Melanie reminds Arthur. "That's why we're all here. I want to be Melanie instead of a celebrity, and you want to be Arthur instead of just a nobleman."

"What about Valen?" Arthur asks.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Melanie admits, letting out a deep sigh. "I just hope his old self hasn't gone dormant forever."

Valen lies on his old room’s bed as he stares at his cell phone in silence, pondering on the advice that his mom gave him. “What mom said sounds good on paper, but does anyone else actually miss me?” Valen somberly ponders out loud to himself, letting out a shallow sigh. “It seems some might, but things have changed for me in a significant way. Is mom sure that they’ll accept me the way I’m now?”

Valen glances right to an empty ebony bookshelf. Most of the items that were in this ebony bookshelf are now in Valen’s current residence, but one thing that has remained are all seven medals from Hoenn’s Battle Frontier, as well as numerous photos. The photos are of himself with a number of people from his past: Valen and Melanie; Valen and Rosa, Valen, Rosa, and Skyla; Valen, Calem, and Serena; Valen, Silver, and Gladion; Valen, Gladion, and Lillie; and so on. “How come I never bothered to take those with me when I moved out?” Valen asks himself, letting out another shallow sigh. “Am I really avoiding the past that much by leaving not only my medals here, but the various photographs taken in all the regions that I have visited?”

As Valen ponders to himself, he remembers the fun moments he had with Rosa. “Reconnecting sounds like a pain...I wonder if at least she would...be worth reaching out to?” Valen asks himself. “I...I think that-“ Valen is interrupted when Shade, his Gengar, materializes next to him. “When did you get out of your Poké Ball, Shade?” Valen asks his Gengar with his eyebrows raised. Then, Valen notices Athena, his Gardevoir, standing next to his open door. The grinning, red-eyes ghost glances to his right, looking at Valen while pointing to his cell phone with his right hand. When Valen looks up at Athena, she nods in approval with an affectionate smile on her face. Then, Athena is joined by Indra and Amaterasu, Valen’s Luxray and Typhlosion. Indra nods in approval with a sterner expression on his face, whereas Amaterasu lets out a gentle cry to show her approval.

“That’s four, so where are Kratos and Slicer?” Valen asks, with his question being immediately answered by a low toned roar from his Salamence. Athena and Indra move to their right to show that Kratos and Slicer are here as well. “My entire team is encouraging me try and reconnect? It’s that important to all of you?” Valen asks as Kratos smirks and Slicer lets out an amused cackle over Valen’s question.

Valen sits in silence for a moment. “....Alright...since you’re all family, I’ll give a try if it makes all of you happy,” Valen says, closing his eyes while sporting a faint smile. “I’m still not sure how I'll proceed from here on out, but let's do this." Valen dials a number on his cell phone. “Hopefully, she doesn’t hate me nor is too mad at me.” The phone rings once, as it’s immediately picked up. “Hey, it’s Valen.”

“Is t-this r-really happening...V-Val...Valen?” An astonished Rosa barely knows what to say, fighting the urge to cry upon hearing Valen’s voice again. “Is it...is it r-really you...V-Valen?”

”It’s been a while, Rosa,” Valen says over the phone with a more visible smile. “I know I haven’t kept in touch, and I’m sorry about that, but here I am.”

”It’s you...it’s really you...you’re back,” Rosa says, her voice cracking with emotion. "I'm....I'm so glad...I really missed you."

Valen raises his eyebrows upwards, having heard Rosa’s sobbing as it grows louder and louder.

Rosa pulls herself together, letting out an elated scream. “You finally showed yourself, mister! I missed you soooo much!”

“Wait a minute, you aren’t mad?” Valen questions, his mouth gaping open in astonishment. "I left you out to dry, so why are you-“

“Are you kidding me?! How can I be mad at you of all people?!" Rosa joyfully shouts. “Hearing your voice again just made my day, or maybe even my week! Tee-hee, maybe even my month! What took you so long?!”

“Well, it’s a long story. However, I’ve met up with Melanie again, so I’ve been pondering about reconnecting with more old friends,” Valen explains. “You happen to be the first one, as you were a blast to hang out with. Why not come over to this region at some point?”

“Oh, I’d loooove to!” Rosa exclaims. “You know I loooove to battle, and I want to have battles with all sorts of trainers! More importantly, there’s a certain special someone that I have to see in person again!”

“Still full of energy, I see,” Valen notes, now sporting a wide grin. “However, you better watch yourself, Rosa; when it comes to Pokémon battling, we don’t mess around in Calvana.”

“That means I must come to your home region!": Rosa proclaims. "We super duper ultra really need to catch up in person too!”

“I agree,” Valen replies. “Hit me up whenever you decide to come here, so I can show you around.”

“I’m gonna take you up on that offer, soooo yooooou better not vanish again, big boooy,” Rosa playfully replies.

“I can’t make that promise, so you’ll just have to find me,” Valen teases. “If you can find me, that is.”

“Tee-hee, I accept your challenge!” Rosa giggles.

Shade joins the other five Pokémon, all of whom look very pleased and joyful that their trainer might be starting to open up more. After all, outside of brief moments, it’s rare for their trainer to show genuine happiness these days beyond brief moments. However, they’re also very amused at how oblivious their trainer has seemingly anything even remotely related to relationships, as he doesn’t pick up Rosa’s attempt at flirting with him. Either that, or he's just faking it. These Pokémon remember that their trainer loved to prank people.

I wanted Melanie and Arthur to do something in this chapter, hence the battle. You'll see this again as you progress through the story, especially as more canon characters show up. This was mostly about Valen’s internal conflicts, though. As for Rosa, she was the first canon character I decided to include. Her character is based off of Rosa from Masters. You'll see others based off their Masters counterparts later on.

I hope I conveyed Valen and Rosa's feelings well. Valen's true feelings will appear soon enough, but I wanted to convey how much Rosa really missed him in her debut chapter. That's one of the revisions I made to this chapter.

Also, I’m an avid nonfiction reader, or as least trying to be. I also have an interest in architecture/design, so I figured I'd use real world architecture/design styles for worldbuilding. You’ll likely notice that I’m a big history buff as you continue reading.
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Pokémon Trainer
When I originally wrote this chapter, organized crime was a big part of the main plot.
Chapter 4: Too Serious

t’s a cloudy evening within Angel City. Valen, along with Kratos are taking a stroll through a quieter area of the large city in order to reach their current residence. As Valen walks with his Salamence past the brutalist style buildings and the flickering street lights, the dragon eyes the peculiar shapes of the drab buildings on both sides of the street, wondering why the humans chose to build such structures.

Valen notices that his Salamence is keenly studying these concrete buildings. Valen sports a faint smile, teasing. “You seem a little too mesmerized by these buildings. You gonna be the first Salamence to become an architect?" Kratos smiles in amusement at his trainer.

Then, both trainer and Pokémon hear police sirens blaring from a close distance away. Then, he sees a Team Rocket grunt running from the general area that the sirens are coming from. A scowling Valen decides he to prevent the grunt from running further and trips the grunt with his right foot.

“So, who let this trash out of the dumpster?” Valen continues to scowl at the Team Rocket grunt who’s laying on the ground, moaning in pain. "Fuck Team Rocket."

“Hey, who the hell you think you are?!” The Team Rocket grunt snaps as he rolls over to face Valen. “That Salamence of yours ain’t saving you from me!” Kratos lets out a bloodthirsty roar in response, indicating that he’s ready to attack.

“It’s not just my Salamence you have to worry about,” Valen barks, revealing that he's got a holster with a pistol inside. “You have to worry about me as well.”

“Y-You packing heat?”

“Since you were unlucky enough to run into me, I'll ask you one question that's relevant to my objective, Team Rocket scum,” Valen threatens as he draws his pistol. "Who's your boss?"

“Fuck off, cuz I ain’t telling you shit! I ain’t no Rattata!” The Team Rocket grunt snaps back as he spits at Valen’s feet. As the grunt appears to be reaching for either a Poké Ball or a weapon, Valen grabs the grunt by his collar and presses his pistol on the grunt’s head.

“Tell me who your boss is, or I’m gonna splatter your brain matter all over this sidewalk,” Valen growls at the Team Rocket grunt as he cocks his pistol, making eye contact with the grunt with a cold, emotionless glare. “You think I won’t do it? You think I won’t pull the trigger and blow your fucking brains out? I saw death, devastation, and bloodshed with my own two eyes. Putting another scumbag into the ground means nothing to me, and I don’t regret any of it.”

Valen violently throws the grunt on the ground and snaps his fingers. Kratos proceeds to place his front claws onto the grunt, and stares directly into the grunt’s eyes with an intent to kill. “Mauling or lead, I’ll let you pick.“ Valen growls. “Have you ever looked The Grim Reaper directly in his eyes while in the depths of a hellhole? We have, so what’s it’s gonna be, Team Rocket scum? You wanna live, or shall I end your worthless existence right here, right now?”

“A-Alright, I’ll tell ya!” The grunt concedes. “M-Madman Al! H-He runs this b-branch of Team Rocket on behalf of his old friend, Boss Giovanni!”

“Madman Al? You mean Albert Siracusa?” Valen asks, his voice emitting an eerily low tone.

“Y-Yeah, mob boss Albert Siracusa!”

“Kratos, stand down,” Valen tells his Salamence, who backs away from the grunt. Valen calmly holsters his pistol and walks away with Kratos behind him. As the grunt gets up and runs away from both the police and Valen, Valen continues to walk towards the neighborhood he currently lives in. "I don't care what Dimitri says, or the fact that I've been sidelined from field work. One day, I'm gonna bring all these assholes down."

Valen and Kratos continue walking, while Valen thinks about what just happened. “I probably was too extreme, but who the hell would actually care if I popped one of these bastards?” Valen grumbles to himself. “This is the same piece of shit organization who killed that Marowak in Kanto many years ago. I’ve even heard rumors that Giovanni was planning to sell off Mewtwo as a weapon of mass destruction. Man, I should be grateful for my life, because Silver had to grow up surrounded by gangsters.”

Dimitri's in another part of the city, not too far from his company’s headquarters. “He seems to be busy.” Dimitri puts his phone away, having unsuccessfully attempted to contact Valen. “I have to inform him that someone is onto me, as I have been removed from the gala’s guest list. I know I lied to him about the date, but I still feel that he should at least know this. That being said, who could have-"

It seems you may have lost your touch, my old friend,” a low-pitched, gruff voice mocks Dimitri. “Or perhaps, us members of Team Rocket proved far more elusive than you thought.”

“I should have known that you were behind this,” Dimitri remarks, turning around and giving off a intense, fevered glare. “It has been a long time, Lars.” Dimitri notes Lars's cold yet smug facial expression, as the bright street lights illuminates Lars's black trench coat and the red R on his black shirt underneath.

“Indeed, it has,” Lars replies, sporting a sinister smirk. “How long has it been?”

“That is of no concern to me, as I would prefer never to see you ever again,” Dimitri growls, sporting a scowl. “So, you rose the ranks of Team Rocket, have you?”

“Just like you are the boss of the Liniya Corporation, I am now second-in-command of this branch of Team Rocket,” Lars states. “It was me who got you removed from the gala’s guest list, as Team Rocket can’t have you meddling around.”

“So, what’s the host’s role in all this?” Dimitri asks. “Since you felt cocky enough to show yourself again, why don’t you stop wasting my damn time and give me some useful information?”

“Fine, but only because I’m in a somewhat good mood today, despite your unnecessary insults,” Lars replies. “However, all I’m gonna tell you is that the Galarian Mafia shouldn’t have handled this gala, as they are not aware of how much you meddle in affairs in this region. That dumbass Samuel Keswick has no idea what he is doing, so I stepped in to keep him in line.”

“So, this Samuel Keswick is a member of the Galarian Mafia?” Dimitri asks.

“Yes, and I like him about as much as I like you, which is very little,” Lars cackles. “Do whatever you want with that information. Hell, send it to the cops if you want to. It won't come back to haunt me.”

“I did not realize Team Rocket was so inept and pathetic that they needed the Galarian Mafia to host a simple gala,” Dimitri sneers. “That means that the organization of Team Rocket fits you perfectly, Lars.”

“You’ll eat those words once Team Rocket takes out its competition and rules the underworld of this region.”

"I suppose you had another reason to approach me, and it was not to be helpful in anyway,” Dimitri barks.

“I came to you as an old friend instead of coming as Team Rocket,” Lars replies, sporting a sinister grin. “You better stay out of my way, or else. Make sure you choose wisely.” Lars starts to walk away, but Dimitri's not finished with him just yet.

“We are not friends,” Dimitri sternly replies. “You will pay for what you did to those innocent girls all those years ago. I know very well about your sadistic past, plus you betrayed my trust.”

“Aw, did I hurt the pussy boy’s feelings?” Lars jeers in response as he walks away. “Friends are useless. Those girls are useless. Power is all that matters, and I’ll become more powerful through any means necessary, Dimitri. I will overthrow Giovanni one day, just you wait.”

“If you are so powerful and unstoppable, then why are you leaving so soon?” Dimitri sneers as he takes out a Poké Ball. “Is that red hair getting its long overdue trimming, or are you the real pussy since you don’t have the courage to face me in battle? It is just like you to project your pathetic self onto others.”

“You can trash talk as much as you want, but a battle between us will not happen until you pit Sivally against my strongest Pokémon,” Lars sneers back and he begins to walk away. “Knowing you, your Lapras is in that Poké Ball, and that doesn’t interest me. I want a real battle between our strongest Pokémon, not baby steps with a Lapras because it has a type advantage.”

“Ah, I should have realized that when you said second-in-command, you mean you meant that you are now Madman Al’s long haired bitch,” Dimitri disparages. “Must be a lot of tears coming from those green eyes of yours as you cry that you cannot defeat me.”

“Heh, this isn’t the last time we’ll be seeing each other, my old friend,” Lars states as he continues to walks off. “We’ll see who the real bitch is in due time; the green eyed Team Rocket underboss in the black trench-coat, or the green eyed pretty boy in the suit.”

“One day, I sincerely hope that Valen realizes how lucky he is to have friends who deeply care for him,” Dimitri laments about both the encounter he just had, and his last. “Meanwhile, I got stuck with a guy who became a power hungry, emotionally abusive lunatic, and a girl who only wanted to be my friend because I am the heir to the Liniya family. The best of friends can turn into the greatest of foes. It is a sad truth in this cold world, but I won’t that get to me, as I shall protect this region. However, perhaps I could benefit from some enjoyment in my life as well, just like Valen.”

“Dimitri, Melanie and Arthur must have been busy today, as they didn’t return my messages,” Valen says to himself as he lies down on his bed within his Victorian era house. “If I had to guess, I’d say Melanie got herself caught up in some publicity thing, whereas Arthur is telling a bunch of more snobby nobles to get lost, or as he would say it, piss off. It's been six days since I met up with Melanie, and five days since I met Arthur, but it feels like a lot longer."

Valen isn’t feeling tired, so he stares blankly above him as he continues to ponder about recent events. “You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I’m still not really sold on reconnecting with past friends. How can I be sure that my past friends won’t become my foes over my change in personality? How do I figure out who to trust, and will I ever be able to trust again beyond a few people?” Valen asks himself. “So many questions, but zero answers. It’s an odd feeling, and I can’t help but dwell on it. I haven't thought about any of this in so long, but meeting up with Melanie again went a lot better than I had anticipated."

Valen hears that someone is calling him. When he sees who is calling, Valen's mouth curves into an amused smirk. “Heh, this crazy girl can’t keep me off of her mind for long, can she?” Valen remarks, faintly laughing as he answers his cell phone.

“Well, look who came running back to me back for the fourth day in a row,” Valen jokes, his eyes lighting up as his mouth curves into a smile. “It may not sound like it, but I‘m actually quite happy that you’ve been calling me.”

“Tee-hee, I told you I would find you, silly!” Rosa cheerfully exclaims on the other end of the line. “I’ll never let you vanish like that ever again! You’re mineeee, big boooooy!”

“Hey now, you didn't find me in person, though,” Valen points out, sporting a teasing smirk.

“Oooooh, you want to be a bad boy and hide from meeee again?” Rosa giggles. “Give it time and I’ll find you in person as well! You can’t run from your destiny! Rosa's gonna find you and squeeze yoooou!"

“Hmph, do you actually think that you can find me in person?" Valen asks, feeling a bit mischievous. "Let’s see if your actions can live up to your word; I challenge you to see who finds who in person first."

“Tee-hee, I accept!” Rosa giggles. “I’m gonna win, so I expect a victory kiss!”

Valen blinks in confusion, having yet to pick up on any of Rosa’s hints. "Why the hell does she expect me to give her a victory kiss?”

“W-Woah, look at how late it is! Valen, you should get some sleep!” Rosa suddenly changes the topic with genuine concern, which snaps Valen back into focus.

“Rosa, it’s not even midnight,” Valen counters, baffled by Rosa’s sudden concern over his bedtime.

“I need all my besties to be in tip-top shape!” Rosa cheerfully proclaims. “Especially you, because you never know when I’ll pay you a visit! It could be tomorrow, or next week or next month, so be prepared and well rested for your favorite girl, who’s also the best girl!”

“Are you trying to be my pretend nagging wife instead of Melanie?” Valen teases, faintly laughing.

“H-Hey, I-I’m just looking out for you!” Rosa retorts, slightly embarrassed.

“Wait, if you’re telling me to to sleep, then shouldn’t you be hanging up and going to sleep as well?"

“I...w-well...uh...I forgot to check the time, okay?!” Rosa admits, feeling even more embarrassed. “It’s been so long that one phone call simply isn’t enough! I both wanted and needed to hear your voice as much as possible! I missed you sooooo much!”

“Oh, I almost forgot to thank you, Rosa," Valen states.

“Tee-hee, you missed me, didn't you?” Rosa giggles.

“Well, reaching out to you was definitely a good idea,” Valen admits. “Even if I don’t reconnect with anyone else, the fact that you still want to be my friend after I vanished really means a lot to me.”

Rosa giggles again, but unbeknownst to Valen, she’s giggling at the implication that she considers the two of them to be only friends. However, Rosa decides it’ll be more enjoyable to surprise him with what she still considers him to be when they see each other again in person. “Who said we stopped being besties in the first place, because I sure didn’t!” Rosa happily exclaims. “I had a feeling you would eventually resurface, because we had loads of fun together!”

“Heh, you aren’t wrong about that,” Valen admits with a grin. “I’m glad we’re friends.”

Rosa giggles third time, finding it adorable that Valen assumes that they're just friends. Nevertheless, she'll play along for now. “Right back at you, mister!” Rosa cheerfully replies. "We're besties forever, kaaaay?" Rosa can't wait to remind Valen of what they actually were, assuming he's not faking being oblivious just to troll her.

"I'm alright with that," Valen replies, faintly laughing. "You sure you aren't mad at me?"

"I was never mad at you in the first place, you silly boy!" Rosa exclaims. "I can't be mad at you!"

"Thanks, Rosa," Valen replies with a hint of gratitude. "That means a lot to me. Make sure you come to this region soon, alright?"

"Kaaaaay, I will!" Rosa giggles. "Tee-hee, I can't wait to see you again! We’re gonna have soooooo much fun again! Yaaaaaaay!”

As Valen and Rosa continue to talk, the former feels his mind and body being enveloped by a sense of relaxation. It's impossible to not feel calmer and happier when Rosa's around, even if it's just a phone call. Maybe Valen's mother was right after all; He's starting to believe that both Melanie and Rosa genuinely missed him, so maybe other people miss him too.

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Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 5: Dimitri Liniya

After his encounter with Lars, and after more pondering about his past, Dimitri has asked Valen to come to the Liniya Corporation’s privately owned battle arena, located close to the company’s main headquarters in downtown. In fact, one can see the towering skyscrapers, the company’s headquarters, just by standing in this arena. This area of Angel City, which happens to be the same area where Dimitri encountered Lars, was first constructed in the early 20th century, with the arena surrounded by mid-rise buildings finished in the Art Deco style of architecture. However, Dimitri chose to have the gate built in the Neo-Gothic style of architecture, with Valen noting the ornate patterns on the gate.

Valen has already arrived at the arena, and he’s ran into Dimitri in front of the gate. While Valen did agree to this, he’s also confused as Dimitri has never called him to this arena before. “Sup, Dimitri?” Valen asks. “You wanted to see me?”

“Valen, would you mind having a battle with me?” Dimitri asks, holding a Poké Ball in his right hand. “I apologize for this sudden and unusual request. I know that when I do have the occasional battle, I am not the one who requests it. It is not something I do often anymore, but I think now is a good time to consider a slight change in that self policy that I have implemented for myself.”

Valen is unsure what to make of this request. He has been working for Dimitri for just under a year, and while Dimitri has seen him battle in the past, not once has Dimitri requested a Pokémon battle with him. Valen’s well aware that a prevalent rumor in the region is that Dimitri is actually stronger than the region’s champion, but because Dimitri doesn’t battles publicly, this rumor has yet to be put to the test. This gives Valen a bit of pause, but Valen is not the type to back down from a challenge, especially not a Pokémon battle with a strong opponent. “Alright, but you’ll have to tell me why afterwards,” Valen states. Valen walks to the opposite end of the arena. Then, Valen turns around to face Dimitri, taking out a Poké Ball.

“Very well," Dimitri replies. "I shall tell you why after the battle, regardless of the outcome.”

“Amaterasu, you’re up,” Valen states as he presses the button on the Poké Ball to let his Typhlosion out. Amaterasu appears with no flames on her back and her eyes closed, but the flames on her back shoot upwards. The ferocious Typhlosion opens her eyes, giving off a glare so menacing that it could slice through the courage of any opponent who wasn’t a strong trainer themselves. “Let’s get this battle underway,” Valen tells Dimitri, while Amaterasu lets out a belligerent roar that’s akin to an erupting volcano.

“I shall use my Haxorus,” Dimitri states as he also presses the button on his Poké Ball to let his Haxorus out. Haxorus lets out a mighty roar, glaring with fierce determination. "Alright, let's see how much stronger you have become."

"With pleasure," Valen replies, noting that Amaterasu's extremely eager to charge into battle. "Use Flamethrower." With an self-confident, taunting grin, Amaterasu launches a red-orange stream of fire from her mouth at Haxorus. Haxorus is hit by Amaterasu's Flamethrower attack, but is undeterred and is more than ready to strike back.

"Use Fire Punch,” Valen commands. Amaterasu's left hand is surrounded by flames, and Amaterasu charges at Haxorus.

This time, Dimitri won't let the attack hit, smirking as he readies to command a counterattack. "Use Earthquake," Dimitri commands. Amaterasu attempts to strike Haxorus with her Fire Punch attack, but Haxorus jumps and the attack misses its mark. Then, Haxorus lands back down and a wave of white shockwaves, powerful enough to make the battle arena slightly shake, is sent towards Amaterasu, who is having trouble maintaining her balance thanks to the shaking. The white shockwaves hit Amaterasu, and are strong enough to send her falling to the ground, but Amaterasu refuses to be defeated so easy, standing up and letting out another belligerent roar. However, despite this show of strength, Amaterasu is still reeling from the attack it just took.

"Hm, this battle feels one-sided to me," Valen thinks to himself as he keenly studies both Amaterasu and Dimitri's Haxorus.

"Use Dragon Claw," Dimitri commands. As Amaterasu is still reeling from the Earthquake attack when Haxorus's left claw glows light blue. Haxorus then charges at Amaterasu, striking the Fire-type Pokémon with another devastating blow.

Valen notes that Amaterasu’s significantly staggering after two attacks, albeit two very powerful attacks. "It seems that I've underestimated just how difficult of an opponent you are," Valen admits to Dimitri, bowing his head as he lets out heavy sigh. "Therefore, I don't see any point in me continuing a Pokémon battle that we will inevitably lose." Amaterasu is visibly disappointed by her trainer's decision. However, the prideful Pokémon realizes that this opponent may defeat her, much to her dismay.

"Are you sure about this?" Dimitri asks, raising his eyebrows. "You are a strong trainer yourself."

“I'm sure, as your skills as a Pokémon trainer is too high of a mountain for me to climb,” Valen replies as he tends to Amaterasu, whose flames have disappeared. The ferocious and prideful Amaterasu slightly frowns and doesn’t make eye contact with her trainer.

Valen feels ashamed of himself; he let Amaterasu down. “Hey, losing a battle is okay,” Valen gently tells Amaterasu as he pets her head, trying to ignore his sense of regret. “I’m still proud of you for trying. We win some, we lose some. There are many opponents in this world who are stronger than us, so we'll just have to get even stronger, won't we?“ Amaterasu nods, closing her eyes as she sports a grin. Valen lets out a deep breath, relieved that the prideful Fire-type Pokémon doesn’t hold this against him. “That’s my girl,” Valen compliments his Typhlosion with a warm smile, petting her as she gently roars. "I'll make sure that the next battle you fight in will be one that we win,” Valen promises, with Amaterasu affectionately licking his face in response.

“Is everything okay?” Dimitri asks as he recalls his Haxorus, concerned about the gloomy state of Valen’s Typhlosion.

“She’s a very prideful Pokémon. This can get her feeling down, but she’ll be fine. She's always fine in the end,” Valen explains as he recalls Amaterasu, which satisfies Dimitri. “So, why the battle request? This isn’t like you, not to mention there are way stronger opponents than me that would give you a bigger challenge.”

“I did say I would tell you why, and I do believe that you should know why. I had an rather unpleasant encounter with a friend turned foe, and it gave me pause on how serious we are all the time,” Dimitri replies, thinking somberly about his encounter with Lars. "I requested a battle with you as a way to let off some steam, but it seems that even I had forgotten about my own strength as a Pokémon trainer. I apologize for the trouble that I have caused you and your Typhlosion."

“It’s alright, but a friend turned foe?” Valen asks, wondering what’s going on as Dimitri talks about his past even less than he does. In fact, Valen knows nothing about Dimitri's family, where he was born, or even when his birthday is.

“Yes, and he happened to figure out I was on the gala’s guest list and removed my name from it,” Dimitri replies.

“Well, that throws a wrench in our plans,” Valen remarks. “So, this former friend of yours. What’s his name?”

“His name is Lars Wagner, and he is the underboss of this region’s Team Rocket,” Dimitri explains with a faint scowl. “We both grew up much further east in Vega City, surrounded by nothing but desert for miles. "It has been said that human beings are meant to be social, and yet, the people we once socialized with as friends can become a major nemesis down the line."

“Seriously? I thought I had it rough...yet here you are, having to dealing with that guy of all people,” Valen replies as he thinks about his own dilemma regarding his past friends, which he may never reconnect with, besides the one he already has reconnected with. Valen is also familiar with Vega City, which is the largest city near the border with Orre, thus it was the largest populated area at risk from Cipher, as well as the regime that ruled Orre with an iron first. In preparation for being deployed to Orre, Shadow Strike Force, Calvana's elite special forces unit, was stationed in Area 85, Calvana’s most secretive military base. However, what Valen isn’t telling Dimitri is that he’s faced the same situation; a former friend and comrade of his is now a gangster.

“Valen, you must keep in mind that strength is not the only thing that matters in this world,” Dimitri sternly advises Valen as the former slightly bows his head down. “You have friends who still care about you, while all my friends have betrayed me. Please do not forget how lucky you are to have people like that in your life. Some of us do not have such a luxury.” Dimitri thinks about his history with Lars, and how he went from a friend and rival to a dangerous enemy who seeks nothing put power and control. “Some of us only know unscrupulous aspects such as greed and envy from so-called friendships. The reason why I hire ex-soldiers such as yourself is because I know what it feels like to be betrayed, abandoned, and lonely.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind, but you should keep in mind that not all of your friends have betrayed you,” Valen replies, as Dimitri's one of the very few people Valen actually socializes with. “I’ll admit that I don’t see friendships as being worth it beyond a select few people, and you're one of those people. I'm grateful that you helped me in readjusting to civilian life, and maybe one day, you'll become friends with the other select few friends I have as well.”

“Really?” Dimitri reacts in surprise, but then he lifts his head up and faintly smiles. "...Thank you, Valen.”

“I still see reconnecting with more past friends from abroad as too risky, so I’m still not sold on it,” Valen explains, having pondered about this very subject for a couple of days and still remains skeptical. “However, there's one person who is an exception to this rule, and I’ve been in frequent contact with her for days now.”

“Oh? What is her name?” Dimitri asks, somewhat surprised that Valen's actually done something positive in relation to his social life for a second time.

“Her name is Rosa, and she’s from Unova,” Valen explains with a visible smile, as he is also thinking about his recent conversations and the time he spent with Rosa in Unova. “Of course, there’s more to the story, but I’ll save that for another time.” Out of the select few people that Valen talks to, only Valen’s mother and Melanie knows the full extent of his relationship with Rosa. If Valen’s father knows anything or remembers anything about the full extent of his relationship with Rosa, he hasn’t said anything about it. Valen hasn’t spoken to most of the people from his past in a while, so he doesn’t even know how many of them are aware.

“We will still protect the region from those who threaten it, but remembering my past has made me want to help the region in additional ways,” Dimitri states his new intentions, but then goes a little more philosophical. “If we keep being so gloomy and solely focus on the bad and negative, then are we truly living the best life that we possibly can? Our task of protecting our home region is very important, but so is our well-being as an individual person."

“You have a point there,” Valen replies, noticing that Dimitri’s more somber than usual, albeit he does have a justifiable reason. Valen also wants to protect his home region, but he understands that Dimitri wishes to help out the region in additional ways.

“Maybe we can protect the region from danger and bring people from all over the world at the same time if I start to invest in the tourism industry,” Dimitri says. “Many trainers from all over come here to begin with.” Being the President and CEO of Liniya Co, Dimitri has expanded his company into other fields, but he yet to put a bigger focus on tourism, which is a big industry in Calvana’s largest cities, and plays a big role in making Angel City the thriving metropolis it is currently today. “Perhaps I could even help trainers live abroad here in Calvana.” Dimitri ponders out loud. "One of those trainers can be your friend from Unova."

"Well, I don't know if and when she's coming, but she definitely loves the idea of coming to a region this large,” Valen explains, faintly smiling in affection as he thinks about Rosa. “She is quite the vivacious girl, and she loves to battle. She's quite the people person as well, which may pose a problem for me, but I'll suck it up."

"If you do happen to come across her, which I believe that you likely will at some point in time, please do inform her about my plan."

‘Will do, but I also think that there's one other idea that you haven't considered, but it's one that you can do alongside this idea.”

“Oh? What would that be?” Dimitri questions with intrigue, his eyebrows having raised upwards.

“Dimitri, I think that you need to battle publicly more often,” Valen states, having now seen Dimitri's immense skills as a Pokémon trainer with his own two eyes. “I may not be a super social person, but I do hear rumors, and I mean lots of rumors. Many people want to know if that rumor about Dimitri Liniya being stronger than Champion Wolfgang is true or not. I believe that eventually, you should show them. Wolfgang’s obviously a very powerful Pokémon trainer, but I also believe that you might just be the strongest Pokémon trainer that I've come across within this region.”

“I appreciate your kind words, and I shall think about your idea. For now, I suppose that we both should get going,” Dimitri replies, turning around and beginning to walk away, lifting up his left hand to show that grateful that Valen agreed to show up in the first place. “Thank you for the battle.”

“Anytime,” Valen replies. “I’ll see you around.”

As Valen walks out of the arena, he realizes that he’s missed text messages from Arthur. Arthur had frantically texted Valen that he’ll been hiding because a family friend from Galar spotted him, making him afraid that his posh family members may find him. Valen smirks in amusement as he reads Arthur's text messages. "Arthur should probably be more careful where he goes, because I'm sure he wasn't hanging out with people like Melanie and I when this family friend of his recognized him.” Valen faintly laughs.

The gala that Dimitri was supposed to attend before Lars found out has already begun, and it is in full swing at a luxurious hall located somewhere deep within Angel City. The clear, starry night sky is illuminated by a full moon, and beyond a few vehicles and a slight breeze, it is rather quiet and tranquil. However, unbeknownst to both Valen and Dimitri, not being able to go to this gala is a good thing, as the Kalos Connection is preparing to launch an surprise attack on the gala under the direct orders of boss Francis Blanchard, who does not kindly to being played for a fool by anybody. However, that is exactly what he believes Team Rocket has done.

As the bright lights illuminate the night sky and as the talking and laughing from inside pierces the quiet tranquility, a black SUV covertly pulls up to the right side of the hall. Immediately after the SUV stops, all three of the passenger doors open, and three Kalos Connection grunts armed with assault rifles step out, pointing their weapons at a pair of medium sized glass windows on the building’s right side wall.

“Team Rocket thought I was stupid enough to accept that invitation, as if I would not figure out the true motivation behind it,” Francis Blanchard angrily remarks in an intimidating, gruff voice from inside the SUV. “I will not tolerate such blatant disrespect."

“Rumor is that Team Rocket removed Dimitri Liniya from the gala's guest list, as Keswick didn't know about Dimitri's secret role,” The driver remarks.”

“It is time to send a message to Team Rocket,” Francis growls as he turns to address the three armed grunts. “Do it.” The three grunts cock their rifles at the same time, and three begin to open fire at the same time. Loud, rapid gunfire pierces the night louder than anything else, shattering both windows and numerous glass cups and plates inside, turning the talking and laughing inside the hall into screaming as guests duck for cover, and cries of pain are heard as guests are struck or cut themselves on broken glass as the grunts relentlessly and mercilessly open fire. After less than a minute, the grunts run back into the SUV and close the doors. The driver quickly backs up and drives away at a high rate of speed.

Organized crime will be getting a spin-off.
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Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 6: Unova Girl

Within Angel City’s Old Downtown district, Valen walks down a sidewalk past wall to wall Gothic Revival style buildings. Someone buildings look like a pleasant place to visit, with bright colors such as green plastered on the exteriors. Others give on a more eerie, menacing vibe with darker colors such as gray and black. These building could make one think of an old horror movie set in the Victorian era. However, there's nothing dark going on here, as this area is filled with shops and restaurants that date back to the area’s construction during the early 19th century. As Valen walks he can smell the aroma of various foods, such as spicy noodles, chocolate, and pizza fresh from the oven. A number of these businesses have remained in business since the first day they opened, which is between a hundred and thirty to a hundred and fifty years ago. Other buildings have been repurposed as different businesses, but the historical style remains intact. Due to its style of architecture, its shops, and its restaurants, it is a popular tourist destination and it has been that way for many, many years. Despite that, the number of people present seem less than the norm, as Valen doesn’t pass a whole lot of people as he walks. Not that Valen cares if there’s less people around. Usually, he prefers it that way.

As Valen continues to walk, he gets a phone call from Melanie, and he picks up. Melanie hasn’t been able to see him in a few days as she’s been busy. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you that when you’re famous, the time you could use to spend with friends can eaten up rather quickly,” Melanie tells Valen over the phone, sounding rather sad that she hasn’t been able to see him in the flesh for the last few days. “I’m lying down on my bed because I’m so tired right now!”

“What exactly happened?” Valen asks as he slightly raises his eyebrows, noticing that Melanie also sounds really exhausted. Valen isn’t that surprised by the fact that Melanie was busy, as he originally thought she would have zero time for him. However, Valen isn’t bothered by this, since Melanie has shown that she absolutely wants to hang out with him.

“First, I get swarmed by fans, which is fine because they were rather polite. Then, I get swarmed by like fifteen trainers, which was more tiring than it sounds because these trainers were tougher than the ten you fought days ago,” Melanie explains. “Thankfully, Poseidon and Odin were able to handle them all,” Melanie explains in a more irritated tone, referring to her Swampert and Alakazam respectively. “After that, I had to do a promotion for this new public arena, which involved more battling, and then had to sign a bunch of autographs, which is also fine but so many things back to back can get tiring.”

There’s definitely more, right?” Valen asks. “There’s always more.”

“Oh, of course, because I have nothing else to do!” Melanie sarcastically shouts. “I had to do an interview on radio, and then an interview on television, and both times, they asked me about Arthur, since apparently if Melanie Merced and a nobleman from a well known family are hanging out, it has to be gossiped out! They also wanted to know about the mystery trainer I’ve been hanging out with! As if I'm going to tell them!”

“Heh, I wonder who that mystery trainer could be,” Valen sarcastically replies, sporting a faint smile.

“Afterwards, I almost got spotted by the paparazzi! I would have been so screwed if Odin didn’t use Teleport! You have no idea how lucky you are, Valen!” Melanie exclaims in annoyance over her recent encounters. “I literally want to tear my hair out and punch the wall!” Melanie lets out a angry scream in exasperation, almost startling Valen. “Just let me be Melanie instead of being a celebrity!”

“You can stay home and rest,” Valen says, understanding why Melanie is tired, frustrated, and angry. “Don’t worry about me, as I heard an interesting rumor that I’m on my way to check out.”

“Oh?” Melanie piques up, having calmed down after venting over her hectic schedule. “What rumor?”

“Apparently, there’s this popular girl trainer who arrived from Unova who arrived here about a day ago, and she’s really been cleaning up house, and get this; She’s got a Serperior.”

“A Serperior?” Melanie questions. “Do you think it’s her? The girl you had a-“

“That’s what I’m going to find out,” Valen affirms. “You’ll know if it’s her, as I’ll be bringing her along the next time we meet.”

“I’m surprised you’re actually going out of your way to do this,” Melanie remarks.

“Well, she’s an exception, and she’s the only one from abroad that I wanted to reconnect with,” Valen admits. “Anyway, I’ll let you go for now. It sounds like you really need some rest.”

“Thanks for understanding why I haven’t shown up in the last few days,” Melanie says.

“No problem, I’ll see you around,” Valen replies.

After the call ends, Valen begins thinking about his time with Rosa in Unova, having a faint smile for a brief moment before returning to his usual, indifferent self. “Those were the happiest years of my life, but then the war permanently took most of my happiness away. I hope that she’s okay with the current me, as a phone call isn’t exactly the same as an in person encounter.”

Then, Valen realizes that he accidentally passed the public arena, which is a large square in between four large buildings. Valen walks backwards until he is standing by the arena’s entrance. Unlike the one he went with Melanie, this arena has no lobby, or any interior whatsoever. It’s just a large, lush park like area that is surrounded by buildings first completed over two hundred years ago. Much to Valen’s surprise, there aren’t any trainers around, except for Rosa. “Aw, I got too carried away and they all left,” Rosa laments with her head bowed down and a wide frown on her face, her long ponytails swaying due to a slight breeze.

“Hey, you aren’t allowed to be the person feeling down in the dumps,” Valen calls out to Rosa, attempting to cheer her up. “We can’t have the life of the party feeling down, now can we? If that happens, we’ll all be frowning.”

Rosa perks up at this, gasping upon hearing Valen’s voice. “That’s voice...did he...did he really look for me in person?!”

“Yep, it’s your boy,” Valen greets his old friend from Unova with a faint glimmer of happiness. “Sup, Rosa. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“V-Valen...you’re actually here,” Rosa murmurs, her mouth curving into a broad grin. Rosa turns to her right, trembling in excitement. “Valeeeeey! Hiiiiiii!” A feeling of warmth surges within as she leaps forward, darting towards Valen. Then, much to Valen’s surprise, Rosa embraces him in her arms, which she wraps around his neck. “It’s been too long! I’m soooooo happy that I finally got to see you in person after sooooo long! I missed you soooooo much, Valey!”

“It’s good to see you again, Rosa.” Valen has his eyes closed and his hands in his pockets, pretending and attempting to act indifferent to the whole situation. However, Valen can't ignore the surge of warmth that's flowing through him. “Well, I guess that there wasn’t much to worry about.”

“You vanished for over an year, but I knew you would be back!” Rosa sheds a stream tears, overjoyed to see Valen in the flesh again after all this time.

“I’m happy to see you too, but if you don’t let go of me, then we can’t have a Pokémon battle," Valen points out, his mouth having curved into a faint smile.

“Nice try, but you aren’t escaping meeee just yeeeet!” Rosa giggles, still embracing Valen with her eyes closed.

“Uh oh, looks like somebody is afraid of losing to me,” Valen teases, his faint smile turning into a wide grin.

Valen’s comment causes Rosa to let go of him and step back a few feet. “Okay mister, I’m going to defeat you in a Pokémon battle and then you’ll be unable to escape me!” Rosa proclaims with a gleeful grin as she points at Valen with her right index finger, playfully winking at him. Suddenly, Rosa’s facial expression becomes one of shock as she gasps and places her left hand over her mouth. “Oh noooooo, I forgot to call and tell you that I had arrived in Calvana! Noooooooooo!

“Don’t worry about it.” Valen shrugs his shoulders with his eyes closed. “Since you’re here, let’s have a Pokémon battle.”

“Okay, you’re on!”

“So, many battles have you won so far in Calvana?” Valen asks, standing on the opposite of the area from Rosa. Valen holds a Poké Ball in his right hand.

”Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: Did she win six battles, or only five?” Rosa asserts, pretending to be serious by lowering her eyebrows and looking stern. The, Rosa reverts back to her usual self. “Well, I lost track of the amount because of all the excitement!” Rosa’s Serperior is in front of her, ready to partake in another battle.

“I see you’re still as lively as ever,” Valen says, feeling nostalgic about his time in Unova. “Also, long time no see, Serperior.” The green, serpentine Pokémon lets out a slight cry, acknowledging Valen.

“Now, you know that Pokémon battling is like my favorite thing ever, so let’s get down to business!” Rosa cheerfully proclaims in a jubilant manner. “I’m sticking with my Serperior! She’s been on a winning streak, so let’s see if her winning streak will continue, or if you can end her winning streak!”

“You’re on, Rosa. For this battle, I’ll use Shade,” Valen states, pressing the button on the Poké Ball to let his Gengar out. The grinning, red-eyed ghost lets out a sinister snicker and flexes his arms like he’s a human bodybuilder, showing that he’s ready to battle.

“No more waiting, Valen! It’s time to get this started!” Rosa exclaims with excitement and joy, as it’s been a long time since she has battled Valen. “Use Growth!” A light green aura of energy begins to form and surround Serperior, who lets out a battle cry. The aura glows brighter and brighter, and her power increases. Eventually, the light green aura dissipates.

“Good choice,” Valen compliments Rosa, his mouth curving into an approving but confident smile. “However, will the boost in her special offensive power really be enough to win?”

“We’ll find out! Use Energy Ball!”

“Shade, use Shadow Ball!”

Serperior opens her mouth and a green sphere of energy begins to form in front of it. At the same time, Shade places his hands in front of his body and a black and purple sphere of energy forms in between his hands. Shade uses his left hand to launch his sphere of energy at Serperior, who fires off her own sphere of energy at the exact same time. Both spheres collide with each other at great speed, causing them to cancel out. The collision causes a medium explosion, and smoke bellows as a result.

“Ice Punch!” Valen commands. As the smoke began to fully clear out, Shade charges at Serperior via the air with his right hand, which glows an icy, pale blue. However, Rosa smiles with determination as she is prepared to counter.

“Leaf Blade!” Rosa commands. The three leaves on Serperior’s tail glows light green, and Serperior swings her tail to block the Ice Punch attack. Shade and Serperior glare at each other with a fierce determination to come out on top, as both Pokémon struggle to push the other back.

“I see you’re still a formidable opponent,” Valen remarks with a genuinely satisfied and happy expression on his face, getting very invested into this battle. “This’ll be a lot of fun, and fun and I don’t mix that often anymore.”

“Oh, is that so?” Rosa playfully taunts with her eyebrows narrowed downwards, her blue eyes fixated on both Valen and the battle. “I don’t think you’ll be saying that after our battle! Rosa makes everything two hundred times more fun!”

“Shade, fall back and use Sludge Bomb!” Valen commands. Shade backs up, and Serperior swings her tail again in an attempt to strike Shade with her Leaf Blade attack, but Shade is able to evade it just in time. Then, Shade opens his mouth and fires off a barrage of brown sludge that all have a glowing, purple aura enveloping them. Serperior is struck just under her coiled, dark green extensions that form a V shape under her head. Serperior is sent reeling from the attack, and bows downward. Suddenly, Serperior glows purple, indicating that Sludge Bomb has caused the poison status condition.

“Uh oh, that might not be a good sign for us!” Rosa professes in alarm, raising her eyebrows in surprise as she sees her Serperior is going to take additional damage from the poison.

“Ice Punch!” Valen commands. Once again, Shade’s left hand glows an icy, pale blue. Shade charges at Serperior, and this time, Shade lands a blow into Serperior’s face, sending the Grass-type Pokémon reeling further. However, neither Rosa nor her Serperior is one to give up in a Pokémon battle so easily.

“Giga Drain!” Rosa commands. Before Shade can back away, Serperior entire body glows with a green aura. Four large streams of energy extend outwards and latch onto Shade. The energy streams glow a brighter green as Serperior sucks away Shade’s own health to heal itself. Shade closes his eyes and his sinister smile curves downward as it attempts to endure this attack, which is doing a number of Shade, even though he is part Poison-type. Eventually, the energy streams fade away, as does the glow enveloping Serperior. Shade falls to the ground, but is able to get back onto his feet, albeit feeling a little weary.

“Dragon Pulse!” Rosa commands, causing Valen to slightly raise his eyebrows in surprise. As Shade attempts to regain his focus, Serperior opens her mouth and a vibrant green ball forms in front of it. Serperior fires the ball at Shade, who takes a direct hit to the face, staggering backwards a few feet. However, Shade manages to keep his footing.

“Well well, this a new development,” Valen notes in a slightly surprised tone, as he doesn’t remember Rosa’s Serperior knowing the move Dragon Pulse.

“I had to teach Dragon Pulse to my Serperior, because that Salamence of yours is one terrifyingly powerful Pokémon, but he’s also so cool like his trainer!” Rosa gleefully explains with a broad grin, slightly trembling with excitement. “I still remember how many Team Plasma grunts he took down by himself! That was so incredibly awesome!”

“Heh, you should be focusing on Shade,” Valen reminds Rosa, folding his arms, sporting a faint smile on his face. “You’ll get to see Kratos soon enough.”

“Be careful what you wish for, sweetie,” Rosa playfully counters with a coy smile, while also giving Valen a sultry wink.

“Sweetie? What’s that all about, and what’s with her facial expression?” Valen ponders to himself. “Whatever, it’s probably nothing major.”

“Frenzy Plant!” Rosa commands, snapping Valen back into focus.

“Uh oh, I don’t remember this move either,” Valen reacts with a little bit of shock, but Valen remains mostly indifferent, despite the fact that Rosa just commanded Serperior to use a very powerful attack against his Gengar.

Serperior’s body glows green again, and she slams her tail on the ground, causing massive roots with spikes on then to spring up all around Shade, with all the roots striking Shade at once, dealing a massive amount of damage. As Serperior pants, having still taking poison damage this entire time, Shade appears falls to the ground defeated. However, Valen doesn’t say anything, as if he knows that something is off about the scene in front of him.

“Shade looks like he was just defeated, but there’s something that just doesn’t feel right about this,” Valen ponders to himself, studying the battlefield, only to realize what Shade is doing. “Heh, that little trickster..."

“We did it! “We won! We actually defeated Valen!” Rosa states triumphantly, forming a fist with her right hand and raising it towards the sky. Despite panting due to being worn out from this battle and previous battles, Serperior lets out a victory cry. “We did it, we-huh?” Much to Rosa’s shock, Valen isn’t recalling Shade. Valen remains quiet with his eyes closed, and even more surprising for Rosa, a wide, confident smirk comes across Valen’s face, looking like he has won or is about to win. “Uh, why aren’t you recalling your Gengar, and what’s with that face?” Rosa questions with her eyebrows raised, puzzled as to why Valen wouldn’t recall a Pokémon that has been defeated. After all, Shade lost the battle, or has he?

“Use Shadow Ball,” Valen commands while still smirking with his eyes closed, surprising Rosa even more to the point where she jumps backwards. Shade begins to snicker loudly, and he stands back up on his legs. It turns out that Shade had faked being defeated. Rosa stares in amazement and disbelief as the Ghost-type Pokémon not only took a Frenzy Plant, but had enough energy to stand back up and launch a Shadow Ball attack at Serperior. Due to Frenzy Plant, Serperior can’t act right away.

“S-S-S-S-Seriously?!” Rosa blurts out with her eyes widening, stunned as her Serperior is sent reeling from the black and purple sphere that Shade had just launched. Rosa has battled many times, but not once has she encountered a Pokémon who faked being defeated.

“Never, ever let your guard down in a battle,” Valen states, narrowing his eyebrows downwards and still smirking. “This battle is now mine! Sludge Bomb!” Once again, Shade opens his mouth and fires a barrage of brown sludge that glow purple at Serperior. This attack also hits, sending Serperior reeling further as she bows downwards.

“Uh oh,” Rosa nervously murmurs to herself with a tight-lipped smile, her eyes widening as she studies what’s happening in front of her.

Having taken three attacks, one being a powerful Ghost-type type move with the other two being powerful, super-effective moves, and due to already being worn out from both previous battles and from damage dealt by poison, Serperior falls to the ground defeated. “Aieeeee! T-This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Rosa cries out, jumping up and down with her eyes closed in utter shock over what she has just witnessed. “I’ve never had an opposing Pokémon fake their defeat before!”

“I’ll admit that Shade’s tactic was rather unusual for a battle,” Valen states as he recalls his Gengar. “It took me a moment to figure out what he was doing.”

“I think I got a bit carried away,” Rosa admits in a more serious tone as she recalls her Serperior, but her usual joyful and energetic tone returns quickly. “Despite that, that battle was loads of fun! You’re still as strong as ever!” Rosa cheerfully says, clasping her hands in front of her with a broad smile and her eyes closed.

“Give yourself credit as well, as you’re also just as strong as I remembered,” Valen counters with a faint smile of approval. “Now, I’d say that we’d go be meeting Melanie, but she’s rather tired from everything she’s had to do lately. “You also need to meet Arthur, whenever he decides to show up again. Arthur is my newest friend, which is rare for me.”

“Oooh, a new friend for Valey means a new friend for me!” Rosa perks up at this with her hands clasped in front of her face, slightly jumping by lifting her right foot off the ground. In addition to battling, Rosa also loves to meet and talk to people. “I can’t wait to see Melanie again as well!”

“Come on, walk with me,” Valen tells Rosa, tilting his head towards the entrance/exit as he looks at her. “We have some catching up to do.”

“Some catching up?! Try lots of catching up, as it’s been too long since I last saw you in the flesh!”

“I’m surprised to see you in Old Downtown,” Valen admits to Rosa as the two of them walk together.

“I saw all these super old buildings and I was so amazed by them!” Rosa states in a highly peppy and jubilant manner, feeling like she just went back in time.

“So, how long are you staying in Calvana?” Valen asks, glancing rightward towards Rosa.

“Well, I’ve already explored Unova countless times, but have yet to explore Calvana once,” Rosa admits. “So, while I am just visiting for now, I’m considering living abroad in Calvana, because there is just so much to explore in a region this big! I have never lived abroad before, but this region looks like so much fun!”

“If you do decide to live abroad here, I know somebody who can help you out,” Valen states. “He’s my boss, but also kinda a friend. His name is Dimitri Liniya, and he’s the head of Liniya Co.”

“Wow, you work for some big company now?!” Rosa reacts, gasping with her mouth slightly opened. The Valen that Rosa remembers didn’t have such a thing going for him. Rosa's gaping mouth curves into a excited grin. “I have to meet this guy too!”

“He want to expand into the tourism industry, so I can ask him to help you out should you decide you want to live abroad. Helping trainers move and live abroad is part of his plan.”

“Aw, that’s sweet of you!” Rosa professes, sporting a broad smile.

“It’s the least I can do,” Valen nonchalantly replies, shrugging his shoulders.

“Have you contacted anybody else that you met abroad?” Rosa asks.

“Nope, it’s just you,” Valen replies, indifferent to what Rosa thinks of his decision, but he also believes that he made the right choice in contacting her.

“Wait, you still haven’t talked to anyone else from abroad?!” Rosa backs up a few feet, surprised that Valen only wanted to contacted her.

“You’re the only one I promised to come back for, even though I don’t exactly remember the specific words that I said,” Valen replies, shrugging his shoulders yet again. “I only wanted to reconnect with one person from abroad, and she’s standing right in front of me. I don’t like socializing, but let’s just say that I like you more than I hate socializing.”

“R-R-Really?! Y-You really mean it?!” Rosa stutters as she blushes, unaware that out of everybody Valen had met abroad, she was the one and only person he wanted to reach out to. “I hope he remembers that part of our relationship, because I do! Don’t get too flustered now when I drop that amazing piece of information on everybody, silly!”

Serperior can learn Dragon Pulse via move tutor in Gen 5, Gen 6, and Gen 7.

Rosa is twenty three in this story.

Did you enjoy seeing Rosa and Valen reunite in person? Any other thoughts about Rosa?
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Don’t underestimate seeds.
between a hope and a prayer
  1. moka-mark
  2. solrock
  3. breloom
Hey, welcome to Thousand Roads! Dropping by with some feedback on Chapter 1.

I'll start with some more general thoughts, and then I've got some sentence-level notes for you.

First, some forum and thread-maintenance stuff: it's awesome that you seem to have so much of your story written already! You might want to stagger future chapters, though, and post one or two a week. That gives folks a chance to catch up ... and it makes your story appear more often at the top of the threads list! 🤑 You've also got a lot of author's notes and a lot of line breaks, and I had a little trouble distinguishing chapter from notes on the first pass. You might want to consider putting notes in a spoiler block to keep them out of the way of your story and/or labeling them in bold font to make it obvious what's what at a glance. (Like, I think it's great that you ended with specific questions for the reader! But I was thrown off by the sudden switch into a second author's note.) Lastly, you might want to add either threadmarks or a hyperlinked table of contents to make it easier to navigate between chapters. (You can set up threadmarks when you edit your post.)

Okay, on to the story itself.

Valen has a chip on his shoulder. His hobbies include skulking around feeling sorry for himself, wearing lots of leather, and musing aloud about the state of his psyche. I think he's the most distinct of your original characters so far (good thing, since he's your main and it sounds like Melanie is maybe only a temporary fixture?), but I think you can trust your readers a little more to pick up context clues rather than spelling out exactly what he's thinking. Even though he makes some of his positions really clear, I wish I knew more about the war since that's a big part of both your setting and Valen's history, and it's a canon deviation so I can't be expected to know it. I'm sure you'll be explaining more of that as you go, but it would be really helpful to have at least a little more context here and now. I also think you could build out this vengeance kick that Valen's on. You mention it once and then it kinda vanishes, but that seems like a major piece of what's kept him ticking through his probably-depression and probably-PTSD.

I wasn't totally sure if Melanie is an unrelated character or the SwSh gym leader. (Actually, googling her now and I see her name is spelled differently. Still! Some descriptors would help. We know what she's wearing, but we don't know much else about her. Tall? Walks with a swagger? Walks with her eyes on the ground?) She seems kind and concerned for her friend, but she doesn't seem to be a very effective sleuth, lol. I'm not sure what she wants beyond presumably helping Valen feel better. She's had an entire life without him for five years. Surely she's got more going on than unpacking his ish with him! What were her goals before he showed up again?

Dimitri didn't really stick out to me. He's mostly a name and some hair. It's not clear to me what kind of work he has Valen doing, how they know each other, what his goals are (again, beyond protecting Valen's feelings), etc. I also felt like his speaking style is really similar to Valen's and that made it harder to distinguish them. IMHO, Negrek is super skilled at giving characters distinct speaking styles, so you might take a look at her fics (Salvage in particular) for some inspiration!

I also wish we got more of their pokemon! We only see them briefly and we don't get a chance to see them interact with the trainers or with each other very much. I'd love to see more of how Valen and his salamence treat each other: is he able to open up to his pokemon more than to other humans, or is he closed off to them, too? (Expanding those interactions will help a lot if you're worried about people remembering their names. It's more about quality of interaction than quantity of names, just like with human characters!)

The part I have the clearest handle on right now is the tension between Melanie and Valen: she wants to reconnect with him, but he's holding back. It does seem like that's the thread the narrative is going to prioritize, given how Dimitri is holding information back from V to try to nudge him into Melanie's arms.

There's a lot of other stuff going on, though! I'm really intrigued by the politicking and organized crime since I write a fair bit of that myself, and I think it's interesting that the problems they're talking about seem to be really wide-reaching across several regions. There are some big gears turning. But we get a lot of information about it very quickly and without much context. I'd love to see a version of that second scene between Dimitri and Valen that slows down and explains a little more of the history with short bits of exposition scattered among the dialogue.

Aside from a tense slip in the beginning, your grammar is mostly correct. (I wasn't searching for errors too hard, though.) The most common error I noticed was with compound adjectives missing hyphens. I highlighted a couple examples in my line-by-lines.

That's small stuff, though. Big picture, I found myself wanting more physical, sensory detail. What does the street smell like? What kind of building or alley or room are Dimitri and Valen standing in, and what do they hear in the distance? This goes double for memories and flashback. A flashback sequence doesn't have to be long--one sentence can pack a punch if it has specific, concrete detail in it. Those kinds of things would give Valen's PTSD feels more weight and make it easier to understand why this reunion is so significant.

You're making the dialogue do a lot of the work for you throughout. In general, I think that's a good move, but right now your information delivery is coming at the cost of sounding natural. It's okay to use exposition to explain some of what's being left out of dialogue (because, of course, one of my favorite things about effective dialogue isn't what characters do say but what they leave out and why). Dialogue is the one place in a story where your characters speak in their own words rather than yours. Let them shine and show off who they are! That's as important as what information they know.

his black leather jacket rippling in the slight breeze
This is nitpicky, but a leather jacket is typically both pretty heavyweight and fitted. I think it would take more than a light breeze to make the fabric flap around. Maybe a strong wind, even.

As he passed rows of towering skyscrapers, Valen’s expression is one of cold indifference,
You've slipped into past tense here. It should be passes to match the present tense of the rest of the story.

Valen wishes he had brought earplugs to drown out the sound of sneakers and heels on the sidewalks,
Ear plugs seem pretty extreme. Headphones/earbuds might be more practical.

people talking/yelling in person or on their cell phones
The forward slash is odd in formal prose.
Suggestion: people talking and yelling, both at each other and at their phones.

“I don’t like crowds, but I also don’t feel like walking faster,” Valen grumbles to himself.
I think we can already tell how he feels about crowds from his body language and from the previous paragraphs. Hearing it said aloud doesn't really add much more me. I also don't get why he's not hurrying through if he's so unhappy and uncomfortable. This moment felt both over-explained and incomplete.

However, a quick glance upwards causes him to be curious about a billboard atop one of the skyscrapers.
The cause and effect here is out of order. The way it's framed here, glancing upward is what makes him curious, then he sees the billboard. I think it would make more sense if he noticed the billboard and then became curious what was on it--he could even do a double-take. Wait, was that Melanie?

Melanie’s become a notable Pokémon Trainer and she’s a far more outgoing person than Valen’s current self
*she's far more outgoing than Valen.
"Valen's current self" is wordy and doesn't add much.

One poor soul almost runs into Valen as he dashes through the crowd, and he’s severely terrified by how icy Valen’s glare is.
You've hopped heads here, telling us directly how this unnamed "poor soul" is feeling, and I don't think it's serving you. It looks like you're going for 3rd omniscient rather than a close 3rd person POV, but even so you really want to be careful about not switching perspectives too often. Too much switching can quickly become confusing and sap the momentum from your prose! To avoid head-hopping, focus on external body language cues: what does it look like for this poor soul to be terrified? Does he flinch? Does he move to the other side of the street, cross himself? Leaning on body language is also a great way to avoid "telling" too much (it's peak "showing"!) and gives your words weight, letting us experience the scene with our senses.

(Some examples of 3rd omniscient you might want to take a look at for reference: Terry Pratchett, The Witcher novels.)

However, Valen brushes off this encounter as he walks off, thinking about another aspect of his past. “I also used to be a famous trainer, but nobody would recognize me now since it’s been five years since I vanished. I do miss those days, but I’d prefer it if nobody recognizes me. Most people don’t give a shit about us war veterans, so fuck them. Fuck them all.
Typically, dialogue in fiction uses quotes and thoughts just take italics, no quotes. (You also dropped the second quotation mark here.)

“For someone so aloof, you are quite reliable with coming to a job that can have frequent interaction,” Dimitri Liniya remarks
I wasn't entirely sure what this meant. It might help if I knew a bit more about what this job is, what it entails, and how Valen carries himself on the job. The verbiage here is also ... intense. I feel like simpler language would sound more natural and would be a little clearer, too.

“However, we will have to cut this talk short; it seems that it was not just Cipher who paved the way for General Branko Pavlović’s regime.”

“Who else is responsible?” Valen asks as Dimitri brings up information on one of the large computer monitors.

“I do not have complete confirmation at this time, but as they were combing through the messages and calls between Cipher members and Pavlović’s private army, my analysts discovered that the names Team Rocket and The Kalos Connection made frequent appearances, with The Kalos Connection being mentioned more,” Dimitri explains.
Woah, there's a lot happening here really fast. I don't have a clear idea how these pieces fit together, what kind of reputation each group has, what their history is ... It might be better to give us a few pieces in each chapter rather than a bunch all at once but give each smaller piece lots of page time to make things clear (and grounded in physical detail as much as possible!)

“Hmph, please zip it and just consider it my way of saying thanks,”
"Please" and "zip it" are at odds for me. Someone who's telling someone to zip it probably isn't going to say please!

“What Dimitri doesn’t know is that I swore an eye for eye for every victim of the genocide committed by the regime. If I find any of these scumbags within my home region, I’ll exterminate each and every one of them. I have no remorse. Never had, never will.”
This is a little on-the-nose, but I appreciate that we're getting an inkling of a motive for him. If vengeance and wrath are so present in his mind, I'm surprised we didn't get any hint of these thoughts in his first scene.

"You need to stop living such a serious life that revolves around focusing on the darker aspects of this world. This behavior is not healthy for you at all.”
This was a hard left turn from what they'd just been talking about!

Maybe it is time for-”
You actually want an em dash here (—) or at least two hyphens (--). A single hyphen is used for connecting compound words but can't be used to interrupt a sentence like this. You've got these in a couple places, but I didn't grab em all.

“Your old friend has been attempting to figure out what is going on with you, even contacting me in person.
This sums up Melanie's first scene pretty handily. I didn't get much out of that scene that I didn't also get from this sentence. Were there other takeaways you were hoping to pack into that scene in her apartment?

“I’ll bet I’ll never see Melanie again if I meet up with her. How the hell do we know that she won't abandon me after one day?"
Is there a reason he thinks she's going to abandon him? Is there a history of that? (Is this really what's been holding him back for five years? Feels like a small, fragile support structure for five years of evasion.)

“That increases the implications,”
... The implications of ... what?

This is the same neighborhood where both Valen and Melanie grew up in.
This should either be "the same neighborhood where they both grew up" or "the same neighborhood they grew up in." (The first is a little nicer, but the second is probably fine in fiction, too.)

This would be a great place to add some personality to the neighborhood to help sell the idea that it's L.A. Angel City--and give your protagonists some extra character, too! Is this a K-town neighborhood? Upscale Silverlake or Santa Monica? Lincoln Heights? A neighborhood with a bad reputation or a good one? Even just giving the neighborhood a name would make it more tangible for me.

As plants rustle in the wind, Melanie quietly waits for Valen, surrounded by people walking, laughing and talking.
The ordering of this sentence doesn't emphasize the piece of information that's most important narratively: that Melanie is waiting. (It's also unclear whether it's Melanie or Valen who's surrounded by people.) This would carry a lot more weight if we were more focused on how Melanie is waiting. Is she placidly smiling? Is she trying to look calm but the tapping of her foot belies her impatience? Is she wringing her hands and fidgeting with her phone?

“This spot is where the two of us used to hang out,” Melanie reminisces about her childhood and teenage years, noticing a pair of teenagers battling it out with a Druddigon and an Altaria.
You're telling us that she's reminiscing ... but we don't actually know what she's remembering except that they used to come here and battle, which is pretty general. Answering some or all of these questions would help give this passage more detail to ground the reader's senses: How has this park changed since they were younger--or has it? What made this spot special for them? Did Melanie appreciate something about it that Valen didn't (or vice versa)? Did they come here when they were supposed to be somewhere else?

A group of kids marvel at the strong looking dragon, while a smiling Melanie spots Valen atop the dragon.
A couple things here: 1) strong-looking needs to be hyphenated. Both words together act as a compound adjective, but they don't modify the noun correctly alone. (Strong dragon makes sense but looking dragon doesn't, so it has to be strong-looking dragon.) 2) What happened to wanting to keep a low profile, Valen? 3) "A smiling Melanie" is a pretty common construct in fic, but it reads awkwardly. Here's a suggestion that follows her gaze a little better and gets us in her head:
When the salamence lands, a group of kids rushes in to get a closer look at the dragon's fangs, creeping as close as they dare. But Melanie smiles and gazes over their heads at the man slouching between the dragon's wings: Valen.

The, one of Melanie’s Pokémon lets himself out of his Poké Ball.
You've got a typo at the beginning of the sentence there. The space in pokeball is also odd--it's usually written as all one word.

After all, it looks like they still have their dragon bromance,
Aww. (What does this look like though? We could use more descriptions of what these dragons are doing throughout this scene! Are they nuzzling? Play-wrestling? And is that a typical sight in this part of town, or are people low-key freaking out?)

“We made a lot of memories here,” Melanie remarks, sporting a warm smile as she's overcome with nostalgic, happy memories. “I’m happy that you remembered this spot after all this time.”
Memories like ...? Get more specific!

"I believe you have questions for me, albeit I thought you’d be much more happy to see me,”
"Albeit" reads weirdly here. It's very formal, and I don't see a contradiction between "you have questions for me" and "I thought you'd be more happy to see me."

Suggestion: "I thought you'd be more happy to see me," Valen said, raising an eyebrow.

[Melanie reacts--what kind of expression is on her face? Does she try to reassure him? Does she feel guilty for not showing her concern enough? Annoyed at him for being unable to see how obviously she has missed him? Etc.]

He shrugged. "Well, I guess you must have questions for me."

“Well, of course I am happy to see you after all this time, and yes I do have questions!” Melanie exclaims, scowling as she glares at Valen in annoyance. “First of all, why were you so difficult to find?!”
"Annoyance" is already clear from her words and from the glare. (People don't usually glare when they're happy.)

“I’m not a magician, you know. I’m just a guy who likes to be very discreet.”
Yeah, nothing says discreet like riding around on a big-ass dragon. The "I'm not a magician" line felt like a bit of a non sequitur.

“Oh, like I’m going to accept that reason!” Melanie grumbles. “Secondly, why did you never call, text, or write me?!”
"Like I'm going to accept that reason," she grumbled, immediately accepting it by moving on to another subject.

Valen retorts, placing his left hand in front of his left cheek, his palm facing Melanie.
I'm not sure what this gesture means or why he's doing this. I'm having trouble picturing it.

“Also, I experienced five years worth of close quarter shouting during special forces training, so I'd appreciate if you didn't shout.”
This is astonishingly self-aware. He seems like someone who's bad at asking for or accepting help, so I'm surprised he's got such coherent words for describing his PTSD. This is also another place where I feel like the dialogue isn't serving you but is instead glazing over things: "I experienced five years worth of close quarter shouting during special forces training" doesn't give me a clear image of exactly what happened or how he's reacting.

Suggestion: She's nothing like [character from the past,] but the memory rises up in him all the same, hot and fast: Get up, you [insult.] I said get the fuck up. General So-and-So screams until his spit hits Valen's face. Valen's fingers curl in the mud, and the finish line feels so far away. [I'd riff more, but I don't know what kinds of traumatic things he might have a flashback about.]

No, he's in such-and-such Park. Safe.

And then he sees Melanie's face and realizes he's doing a poor job of masking his thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" she asks. The softness of her words, like he's made of glass, makes something in him snap.

"Why are you so fucking loud?"

She recoils, and he immediately feels terrible. Why was he like this?

He sighs. "Just ... don't shout, alright? I ... I've got an awful migraine."

(This would obviously require this scene to come from his POV instead of hers, so it's just an example of how you can use micro flashbacks and body language to ground dialogue.)

“That’s the unit that found the mass graveyards that the remaining members of the regime wanted to cover up,” Melanie thinks to herself, her eyebrows angled downwards while out a faint sigh. “Valen...no wonder you changed so drastically...you saw the effects of genocide with your own two eyes. It doesn't help that a number of those evil people are still on the run.”
Hmm, if the regime was trying to cover it up ... how does she know about it? I don't fully understand who's in power and where things stand right now, so this loses some of its weight for me.

Valen reveals the inside of his jacket, showing Melanie a gold medal shaped like a fang, and a purple medal shaped like a shield. “Compared to you, these are my only big achievements; the Fang of Valor, and the Purple Shield. The latter isn’t exactly one to be proud about, at least for me it isn’t.”
Weird that he's proud enough of his medals to carry them around (and show them to her) but not proud enough to display them.

“If you have the Purple Shield, then that means you were wounded in combat,” Melanie somberly remarks with her head bowed down, her voice nearly cracking with emotion.

“Yep, I was wounded,” Valen somberly replies.
This feels a little "as we both know, Jerry." Again, I don't think your dialogue is serving you as well as it could.

Suggestion #1: Her brow puckers. "A purple shield? You were hurt?"

"It's fine now," he says brusquely. "[He changes the subject.]"

Suggestion #2: She winces at the sight of the purple shield. She hadn't realized he'd been hurt, but--of course. The way he kept rubbing his leg .... She should've paid better attention. No, he should've said something. "Why don't you ever tell me anything?" she pleaded.

I'm also wondering why we haven't seen evidence of his injury if it's a big deal! IS it his leg? How does it affect him in his day-to-day life?

Valen recalls that Melanie was a lot more cheery that she's being now, and he's not pleased about it.
I don't quite buy this one. This is obviously an inappropriate moment to be cheery, even if he's self-deprecating as a rule. You could try to have him crack a joke to change the subject and make light of things, though.

“Huh?” Melanie is taken aback by this seemingly random question, cocking a brow as face begins to redden. “W-What-”
You've got a lot happening all at once in this sentence.

Suggestion: Melanie tries to look unimpressed, cocking one eyebrow, but she still can't stop her face from reddening.

(Though, I think EITHER this disaffected eyebrow raise OR the blush is more believable than both at once.) I'm also wondering why saying she misses him is making her react so strongly? That's a pretty normal and chill thing to say to a friend, even if she's been harboring other feelings. She's got plausible deniability.

“Why in the name of Rayquaza are you still single?”
Is Rayquaza an important deity in Angel City?

“Hmph, what’s your problem? I don’t recall you getting this flustered over such a topic,” Valen teases, and much to the surprise of Melanie and both dragons, Valen appears to have the faintest smile on his face for a brief moment.
I might just not be your target audience here, but I'm having trouble suspending my disbelief here. This reaction makes her seem super young or insecure, which doesn't match how you've characterized her (or their history together) so far. If he's ballsy enough to come out and ask this, it makes me think it's not the first time he's said something like that, and a) she shouldn't be surprised and b) there might be a good reason she's turned him down before, TBH.

If it really is the first time he's made any kind of move on her, I'd find it more believable if her response was indignant instead: this is a nosy-ass question, and I imagine that from her perspective it feels like he's scolding her (especially if she hasn't caught on that he's interested).

I also want to know what "to the surprise of both dragons" looks like. They've kinda fallen off the face of the earth here--I'd forgotten they were there and I'm having trouble picturing them now.

“Melanie, do I look like or act like a person who’d smile?” Valen scoffs with his eyes closed and his arms folded. “Expressing myself isn't my thing anymore.”
Again, kinda on the nose. I can see that you're making a point about his unhealthy behaviors, but if it's really that big of a problem for him, I doubt he has this much self-awareness.

The Valen he knows is an Electric-type, and socializing for Valen is like a Ground-type.
This one didn't land for me.

“It seems to have gone well,” Valen admits, causing Dimitri to breath a sigh in relief. "However, I couldn’t tell her about the other job I have, at least not yet.”
“That is some surprisingly decent social progress on your part for once,” Dimitri acknowledges with a faint chuckle. “Moving on to that other job, we have heard a rumor that the leader of The Kalos Connection plans to move operations here due to too much heat by Kalos law enforcement.”
Missing a paragraph space in here.

a high level target

“Argh, this whole thing is already major pain in the butt, and now I might have to see if I have my old suits from years ago, minus the one that I was famous for wearing,”
Lots of ideas jumbled in together here. These should probably be broken into multiple sentences to sound more natural. And, again, "that one suit I was famous for" sound really unnaturally explain-y in dialogue.

Suggestion: "I guess I could dig out one of my old suits ..." He thinks of the [adjective] one, the one he'd been famous for once. (Famous in what context? With the League, on TV? In the local battle scene?) But that had been a long time ago.

“Are you sure you are up for this?” Dimitri asks, his eyebrows raised upwards. Dimitri never said that Valen had to come, so he's puzzled as to why Valen's acting like he did.
I'm not totally clear on what he's pledging himself to here. What exactly is the plan? Are they trying to sneak in and gather intel? Planning an attack?

"Why did I tell him about this?" Dimitri lets out a heavy sigh. He doesn't like this at all; he'd prefer if Valen sits this one out. However, telling Valen to sit out is easier said than done, even for his boss. Dimitri respects how strong Valen's sense of duty is, but all Valen seems to do is come to work to handle serious matters.
Flagging that we've head-hopped again. The head-hop threw me off, and I was extra confused by this line: even for his boss. From this wording, I can't tell if you mean that, even as Valen's boss, Dimitri struggles with this OR if you meant that even a third, unnamed character, Valen's boss, struggles with this.

Then you've got "Dimitri respects how strong Valen's sense of duty is." I have a hard time picturing what this means for them. How does Dimitri show his respect?

“Two weeks from now." Dimitri feels a thickness in his throat; it's actually taking place in one week. Dimitri said two weeks in the hopes that by then, Melanie will have gotten Valen to realize that a little bit of joy and fun in his life wouldn't hurt.
Why not just lie and give him the wrong date from the get go to stop him from getting involved at all?

If you're into trainer-centric stories with organized crime, you should check out Flaze's project, In The Streets of Lago. It's set in an original region and deals with conflicts between several rival gangs. You might also be into Keleri's Gods and Demons for more fun with original regions in a more realistic setting. And for angst between traumatized trainers, it's hard to beat Persephone's Alola journey fic, Broken Things. Regardless, I'm sure you'll find lots to like on TR. I hope you're enjoying the community so far and that these thoughts were helpful! Feel free to @ me in a reply here or DM me if you've got follow-up questions.

Good luck with your next chapter!


Pokémon Trainer
Hey, welcome to Thousand Roads! Dropping by with some feedback on Chapter 1.

I'll start with some more general thoughts, and then I've got some sentence-level notes for you.

First, some forum and thread-maintenance stuff: it's awesome that you seem to have so much of your story written already! You might want to stagger future chapters, though, and post one or two a week. That gives folks a chance to catch up ... and it makes your story appear more often at the top of the threads list! 🤑 You've also got a lot of author's notes and a lot of line breaks, and I had a little trouble distinguishing chapter from notes on the first pass. You might want to consider putting notes in a spoiler block to keep them out of the way of your story and/or labeling them in bold font to make it obvious what's what at a glance. (Like, I think it's great that you ended with specific questions for the reader! But I was thrown off by the sudden switch into a second author's note.) Lastly, you might want to add either threadmarks or a hyperlinked table of contents to make it easier to navigate between chapters. (You can set up threadmarks when you edit your post.)

Okay, on to the story itself.

Valen has a chip on his shoulder. His hobbies include skulking around feeling sorry for himself, wearing lots of leather, and musing aloud about the state of his psyche. I think he's the most distinct of your original characters so far (good thing, since he's your main and it sounds like Melanie is maybe only a temporary fixture?), but I think you can trust your readers a little more to pick up context clues rather than spelling out exactly what he's thinking. Even though he makes some of his positions really clear, I wish I knew more about the war since that's a big part of both your setting and Valen's history, and it's a canon deviation so I can't be expected to know it. I'm sure you'll be explaining more of that as you go, but it would be really helpful to have at least a little more context here and now. I also think you could build out this vengeance kick that Valen's on. You mention it once and then it kinda vanishes, but that seems like a major piece of what's kept him ticking through his probably-depression and probably-PTSD.

I wasn't totally sure if Melanie is an unrelated character or the SwSh gym leader. (Actually, googling her now and I see her name is spelled differently. Still! Some descriptors would help. We know what she's wearing, but we don't know much else about her. Tall? Walks with a swagger? Walks with her eyes on the ground?) She seems kind and concerned for her friend, but she doesn't seem to be a very effective sleuth, lol. I'm not sure what she wants beyond presumably helping Valen feel better. She's had an entire life without him for five years. Surely she's got more going on than unpacking his ish with him! What were her goals before he showed up again?

Dimitri didn't really stick out to me. He's mostly a name and some hair. It's not clear to me what kind of work he has Valen doing, how they know each other, what his goals are (again, beyond protecting Valen's feelings), etc. I also felt like his speaking style is really similar to Valen's and that made it harder to distinguish them. IMHO, Negrek is super skilled at giving characters distinct speaking styles, so you might take a look at her fics (Salvage in particular) for some inspiration!

I also wish we got more of their pokemon! We only see them briefly and we don't get a chance to see them interact with the trainers or with each other very much. I'd love to see more of how Valen and his salamence treat each other: is he able to open up to his pokemon more than to other humans, or is he closed off to them, too? (Expanding those interactions will help a lot if you're worried about people remembering their names. It's more about quality of interaction than quantity of names, just like with human characters!)

The part I have the clearest handle on right now is the tension between Melanie and Valen: she wants to reconnect with him, but he's holding back. It does seem like that's the thread the narrative is going to prioritize, given how Dimitri is holding information back from V to try to nudge him into Melanie's arms.

There's a lot of other stuff going on, though! I'm really intrigued by the politicking and organized crime since I write a fair bit of that myself, and I think it's interesting that the problems they're talking about seem to be really wide-reaching across several regions. There are some big gears turning. But we get a lot of information about it very quickly and without much context. I'd love to see a version of that second scene between Dimitri and Valen that slows down and explains a little more of the history with short bits of exposition scattered among the dialogue.

Aside from a tense slip in the beginning, your grammar is mostly correct. (I wasn't searching for errors too hard, though.) The most common error I noticed was with compound adjectives missing hyphens. I highlighted a couple examples in my line-by-lines.

That's small stuff, though. Big picture, I found myself wanting more physical, sensory detail. What does the street smell like? What kind of building or alley or room are Dimitri and Valen standing in, and what do they hear in the distance? This goes double for memories and flashback. A flashback sequence doesn't have to be long--one sentence can pack a punch if it has specific, concrete detail in it. Those kinds of things would give Valen's PTSD feels more weight and make it easier to understand why this reunion is so significant.

You're making the dialogue do a lot of the work for you throughout. In general, I think that's a good move, but right now your information delivery is coming at the cost of sounding natural. It's okay to use exposition to explain some of what's being left out of dialogue (because, of course, one of my favorite things about effective dialogue isn't what characters do say but what they leave out and why). Dialogue is the one place in a story where your characters speak in their own words rather than yours. Let them shine and show off who they are! That's as important as what information they know.

This is nitpicky, but a leather jacket is typically both pretty heavyweight and fitted. I think it would take more than a light breeze to make the fabric flap around. Maybe a strong wind, even.

You've slipped into past tense here. It should be passes to match the present tense of the rest of the story.

Ear plugs seem pretty extreme. Headphones/earbuds might be more practical.

The forward slash is odd in formal prose.
Suggestion: people talking and yelling, both at each other and at their phones.

I think we can already tell how he feels about crowds from his body language and from the previous paragraphs. Hearing it said aloud doesn't really add much more me. I also don't get why he's not hurrying through if he's so unhappy and uncomfortable. This moment felt both over-explained and incomplete.

The cause and effect here is out of order. The way it's framed here, glancing upward is what makes him curious, then he sees the billboard. I think it would make more sense if he noticed the billboard and then became curious what was on it--he could even do a double-take. Wait, was that Melanie?

*she's far more outgoing than Valen.
"Valen's current self" is wordy and doesn't add much.

You've hopped heads here, telling us directly how this unnamed "poor soul" is feeling, and I don't think it's serving you. It looks like you're going for 3rd omniscient rather than a close 3rd person POV, but even so you really want to be careful about not switching perspectives too often. Too much switching can quickly become confusing and sap the momentum from your prose! To avoid head-hopping, focus on external body language cues: what does it look like for this poor soul to be terrified? Does he flinch? Does he move to the other side of the street, cross himself? Leaning on body language is also a great way to avoid "telling" too much (it's peak "showing"!) and gives your words weight, letting us experience the scene with our senses.

(Some examples of 3rd omniscient you might want to take a look at for reference: Terry Pratchett, The Witcher novels.)

Typically, dialogue in fiction uses quotes and thoughts just take italics, no quotes. (You also dropped the second quotation mark here.)

I wasn't entirely sure what this meant. It might help if I knew a bit more about what this job is, what it entails, and how Valen carries himself on the job. The verbiage here is also ... intense. I feel like simpler language would sound more natural and would be a little clearer, too.

Woah, there's a lot happening here really fast. I don't have a clear idea how these pieces fit together, what kind of reputation each group has, what their history is ... It might be better to give us a few pieces in each chapter rather than a bunch all at once but give each smaller piece lots of page time to make things clear (and grounded in physical detail as much as possible!)

"Please" and "zip it" are at odds for me. Someone who's telling someone to zip it probably isn't going to say please!

This is a little on-the-nose, but I appreciate that we're getting an inkling of a motive for him. If vengeance and wrath are so present in his mind, I'm surprised we didn't get any hint of these thoughts in his first scene.

This was a hard left turn from what they'd just been talking about!

You actually want an em dash here (—) or at least two hyphens (--). A single hyphen is used for connecting compound words but can't be used to interrupt a sentence like this. You've got these in a couple places, but I didn't grab em all.

This sums up Melanie's first scene pretty handily. I didn't get much out of that scene that I didn't also get from this sentence. Were there other takeaways you were hoping to pack into that scene in her apartment?

Is there a reason he thinks she's going to abandon him? Is there a history of that? (Is this really what's been holding him back for five years? Feels like a small, fragile support structure for five years of evasion.)

... The implications of ... what?

This should either be "the same neighborhood where they both grew up" or "the same neighborhood they grew up in." (The first is a little nicer, but the second is probably fine in fiction, too.)

This would be a great place to add some personality to the neighborhood to help sell the idea that it's L.A. Angel City--and give your protagonists some extra character, too! Is this a K-town neighborhood? Upscale Silverlake or Santa Monica? Lincoln Heights? A neighborhood with a bad reputation or a good one? Even just giving the neighborhood a name would make it more tangible for me.

The ordering of this sentence doesn't emphasize the piece of information that's most important narratively: that Melanie is waiting. (It's also unclear whether it's Melanie or Valen who's surrounded by people.) This would carry a lot more weight if we were more focused on how Melanie is waiting. Is she placidly smiling? Is she trying to look calm but the tapping of her foot belies her impatience? Is she wringing her hands and fidgeting with her phone?

You're telling us that she's reminiscing ... but we don't actually know what she's remembering except that they used to come here and battle, which is pretty general. Answering some or all of these questions would help give this passage more detail to ground the reader's senses: How has this park changed since they were younger--or has it? What made this spot special for them? Did Melanie appreciate something about it that Valen didn't (or vice versa)? Did they come here when they were supposed to be somewhere else?

A couple things here: 1) strong-looking needs to be hyphenated. Both words together act as a compound adjective, but they don't modify the noun correctly alone. (Strong dragon makes sense but looking dragon doesn't, so it has to be strong-looking dragon.) 2) What happened to wanting to keep a low profile, Valen? 3) "A smiling Melanie" is a pretty common construct in fic, but it reads awkwardly. Here's a suggestion that follows her gaze a little better and gets us in her head:
When the salamence lands, a group of kids rushes in to get a closer look at the dragon's fangs, creeping as close as they dare. But Melanie smiles and gazes over their heads at the man slouching between the dragon's wings: Valen.

You've got a typo at the beginning of the sentence there. The space in pokeball is also odd--it's usually written as all one word.

Aww. (What does this look like though? We could use more descriptions of what these dragons are doing throughout this scene! Are they nuzzling? Play-wrestling? And is that a typical sight in this part of town, or are people low-key freaking out?)

Memories like ...? Get more specific!

"Albeit" reads weirdly here. It's very formal, and I don't see a contradiction between "you have questions for me" and "I thought you'd be more happy to see me."

Suggestion: "I thought you'd be more happy to see me," Valen said, raising an eyebrow.

[Melanie reacts--what kind of expression is on her face? Does she try to reassure him? Does she feel guilty for not showing her concern enough? Annoyed at him for being unable to see how obviously she has missed him? Etc.]

He shrugged. "Well, I guess you must have questions for me."

"Annoyance" is already clear from her words and from the glare. (People don't usually glare when they're happy.)

Yeah, nothing says discreet like riding around on a big-ass dragon. The "I'm not a magician" line felt like a bit of a non sequitur.

"Like I'm going to accept that reason," she grumbled, immediately accepting it by moving on to another subject.

I'm not sure what this gesture means or why he's doing this. I'm having trouble picturing it.

This is astonishingly self-aware. He seems like someone who's bad at asking for or accepting help, so I'm surprised he's got such coherent words for describing his PTSD. This is also another place where I feel like the dialogue isn't serving you but is instead glazing over things: "I experienced five years worth of close quarter shouting during special forces training" doesn't give me a clear image of exactly what happened or how he's reacting.

Suggestion: She's nothing like [character from the past,] but the memory rises up in him all the same, hot and fast: Get up, you [insult.] I said get the fuck up. General So-and-So screams until his spit hits Valen's face. Valen's fingers curl in the mud, and the finish line feels so far away. [I'd riff more, but I don't know what kinds of traumatic things he might have a flashback about.]

No, he's in such-and-such Park. Safe.

And then he sees Melanie's face and realizes he's doing a poor job of masking his thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" she asks. The softness of her words, like he's made of glass, makes something in him snap.

"Why are you so fucking loud?"

She recoils, and he immediately feels terrible. Why was he like this?

He sighs. "Just ... don't shout, alright? I ... I've got an awful migraine."

(This would obviously require this scene to come from his POV instead of hers, so it's just an example of how you can use micro flashbacks and body language to ground dialogue.)

Hmm, if the regime was trying to cover it up ... how does she know about it? I don't fully understand who's in power and where things stand right now, so this loses some of its weight for me.

Weird that he's proud enough of his medals to carry them around (and show them to her) but not proud enough to display them.

This feels a little "as we both know, Jerry." Again, I don't think your dialogue is serving you as well as it could.

Suggestion #1: Her brow puckers. "A purple shield? You were hurt?"

"It's fine now," he says brusquely. "[He changes the subject.]"

Suggestion #2: She winces at the sight of the purple shield. She hadn't realized he'd been hurt, but--of course. The way he kept rubbing his leg .... She should've paid better attention. No, he should've said something. "Why don't you ever tell me anything?" she pleaded.

I'm also wondering why we haven't seen evidence of his injury if it's a big deal! IS it his leg? How does it affect him in his day-to-day life?

I don't quite buy this one. This is obviously an inappropriate moment to be cheery, even if he's self-deprecating as a rule. You could try to have him crack a joke to change the subject and make light of things, though.

You've got a lot happening all at once in this sentence.

Suggestion: Melanie tries to look unimpressed, cocking one eyebrow, but she still can't stop her face from reddening.

(Though, I think EITHER this disaffected eyebrow raise OR the blush is more believable than both at once.) I'm also wondering why saying she misses him is making her react so strongly? That's a pretty normal and chill thing to say to a friend, even if she's been harboring other feelings. She's got plausible deniability.

Is Rayquaza an important deity in Angel City?

I might just not be your target audience here, but I'm having trouble suspending my disbelief here. This reaction makes her seem super young or insecure, which doesn't match how you've characterized her (or their history together) so far. If he's ballsy enough to come out and ask this, it makes me think it's not the first time he's said something like that, and a) she shouldn't be surprised and b) there might be a good reason she's turned him down before, TBH.

If it really is the first time he's made any kind of move on her, I'd find it more believable if her response was indignant instead: this is a nosy-ass question, and I imagine that from her perspective it feels like he's scolding her (especially if she hasn't caught on that he's interested).

I also want to know what "to the surprise of both dragons" looks like. They've kinda fallen off the face of the earth here--I'd forgotten they were there and I'm having trouble picturing them now.

Again, kinda on the nose. I can see that you're making a point about his unhealthy behaviors, but if it's really that big of a problem for him, I doubt he has this much self-awareness.

This one didn't land for me.

Missing a paragraph space in here.


Lots of ideas jumbled in together here. These should probably be broken into multiple sentences to sound more natural. And, again, "that one suit I was famous for" sound really unnaturally explain-y in dialogue.

Suggestion: "I guess I could dig out one of my old suits ..." He thinks of the [adjective] one, the one he'd been famous for once. (Famous in what context? With the League, on TV? In the local battle scene?) But that had been a long time ago.

I'm not totally clear on what he's pledging himself to here. What exactly is the plan? Are they trying to sneak in and gather intel? Planning an attack?

Flagging that we've head-hopped again. The head-hop threw me off, and I was extra confused by this line: even for his boss. From this wording, I can't tell if you mean that, even as Valen's boss, Dimitri struggles with this OR if you meant that even a third, unnamed character, Valen's boss, struggles with this.

Then you've got "Dimitri respects how strong Valen's sense of duty is." I have a hard time picturing what this means for them. How does Dimitri show his respect?

Why not just lie and give him the wrong date from the get go to stop him from getting involved at all?

If you're into trainer-centric stories with organized crime, you should check out Flaze's project, In The Streets of Lago. It's set in an original region and deals with conflicts between several rival gangs. You might also be into Keleri's Gods and Demons for more fun with original regions in a more realistic setting. And for angst between traumatized trainers, it's hard to beat Persephone's Alola journey fic, Broken Things. Regardless, I'm sure you'll find lots to like on TR. I hope you're enjoying the community so far and that these thoughts were helpful! Feel free to @ me in a reply here or DM me if you've got follow-up questions.

Good luck with your next chapter!
I'll keep your formatting advice in mind!

I'm going to keep revising this, so I'll definitely take your advice into account. I’ll keep your dialoge/scene suggestions in mind and see what I can come up with.

I struggle with descriptive writing, but I'm getting better. I think my later chapters turn out better, so I'm left with trying to fix the older chapters. I also caught a mistake I made; I meant Valen doesn't remember Melanie being this down. She's not cheery in the present, but I put that instead of than. Also, by this point, people do know what happened in Orre, or at least a part of it.

Oh no, I hope I didn't imply that they haven't seen each other for five years! That's a big oops if it did. Also, Valen's a massive troll. That part of him remains in the forefront. You'll learn how the war affected him as the story progresses.

I thought Poke Ball was two words, not one.

Thanks for the good wishes! I'm trying my best!
Last edited:


Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 7: Missing the Obvious

Since Old Downtown is only a short distance from the towering skyscrapers of Angel City’s modern downtown, Valen has decided to take Rosa to where he works. Furthermore, Valen had also received a call from Dimitri, asking to meet up to discuss the tourism plan he has recently come up with. As per usual, Valen appears to be very disinterested, keeping his hands within his pockets. Behind that aloof and apathetic exterior of his, Valen’s actually having a pleasant time with Rosa. On the other hand, Rosa is definitely expressing how overjoyed she is.

“I left my home and now I see a new horizon, but one day I’ll come back to Unova! Rosa’s coming back, Rosa’s coming back!” Rosa cheerfully sings out loud like she’s the lead singer at a concert. “I’m on the road to become the greatest trainer, and I won’t quit until I’m number oneeeeee! Gotta be number one! Number one! Number one!”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Valen glances rightwards toward Rosa, bewildered by Rosa's seemingly random desire to sing. However, Valen can’t help but have a faint smile on his face, as he’s always adored the fact that Rosa’s a lot of fun to be around.

Rosa gives Valen a playful wink before resuming her jubilant singing. “We keep on trying, and then we try some more! To stay together, and find a place worth fighting for! Rosa’s on the road to Angel City! Meet my sweetie along the way!”

“First of all, we’re within the heart of Angel City, you silly girl,” Valen counters with the faintest of adoring smiles. “Secondly, we’re just meeting my boss, not partaking in some epic Pokémon battle. Thirdly, we’re just hanging out as friends. Lastly, I’m not gonna audition with you for Hoenn’s Got Talent, Sinnoh’s Got Talent, Unovan Idol, and definitely not Calvanian Idol.”

Rosa giggles over the fact that once again, Valen assumes that she’s just his friend, plus she finds Valen’s list of shows he won’t appear on to be adorably entertaining. However, Rosa decides to keep quiet for now, as the playful girl still wants to surprise Valen. “Tee-hee, I can't help it! I'm so happy about being in this region, and I’m even happier that I’m standing right next to you, because I missed you soooo much! That’s why I’m singing, you silly boy!”

“I’m happy as well, minus the random singing,” Valen replies. “However, you sing extremely well, and your voice is pleasant to the ears. I’ll give you major props for that.”

“Awww, thank you sweetie!” Maybe I’ll give you a private performance one day, big boooy.” Rosa gives Valen a flirtatious wink. “You can be my very personal security detail once I become a famous singer!”

“Why does she keep calling me sweetie and big boy? Also, what’s with all the winking that she’s been doing?” Valen ponders to himself, still extremely oblivious to all of Rosa's obvious hints. "Also, how can I be mysterious if she becomes a famous singer? Wait, isn’t that the plot to one of Melanie's favorite romance novels?"

“Soooooo, this is where you work, Valen?” Rosa inquires, mesmerized by the narrow, rectangular juggernaut of a skyscraper towering in front of her. The Liniya Corporation’s headquarters is a seventy story tall office building, built in the 1920s in the Modernist style of architecture. “Tee-hee, I like the dark blue color! It matches your eyes, my Valey sweetie!” Rosa happily compliments, noting how the entire building's dark blue all around, with no noticeable deviations in the color scheme.

“Technically, this is where I work, but I don’t actually work inside the building more than half of the time,” Valen explains to Rosa, faintly smiling over her odd but pleasant compliment. “I mainly work as private security when needed, plus I have done research multiple times. That being said, I think my role within the company might be changing. You’ll find out what I mean soon enough.”

“Hey, how strong is this Dimitri guy as a trainer?!” Rosa inquires, as she’s eager to battle more local trainers. “As the Queen of Pokémon Battling, I must know how strong he is!”

“Well, I battled him recently, and it only took two hits for me to realize that Amaterasu and I were outmatched. She realized it too,” Valen humbly admits, remembering the short battle he had with Dimitri a few days ago.

“W-What?! Really?!” Rosa asks, her eyes having widened. “My super duper ultra awesome Valey sweetie was actually outmatched?! Oh nooooooo!”

“Yep, but it is what it is,” Valen concedes as he shrugs his shoulders. “He doesn’t battle much, but if you talk to other trainers, you’ll run into a rumor that Dimitri is stronger than our champion.”

“S-Seriously?! He’s that strong?!” Rosa quavers as she jumps back a few feet in shock, becoming a tad bit nervous afterwards. “Um, m-maybe I’ll s-save that battle for another time!”

Valen and Rosa walk on the concrete steps in order to enter the Liniya Corporation’s headquarters through the automatic glass doors. Both Valen and Rosa hear the sounds of televisions, people murmuring back and forth, the dings of an elevator, among other noises. Nevertheless, the lobby's got a rather calm, quaint vibe to it.

“W-Woah, this lobby is like the size of an entire house!” Rosa's taken aback by the sheer size of the lobby, whose interior walls are also dark blue. Rosa glances to her left, and sees a large number of chairs and several tables, plus a flat screen television. To her right, Rosa sees a large fountain flowing with water, plus more sofa, chairs, desks, and another flat screen television.

“That might be a bit of exaggeration, but it's big,” Valen replies with a faint, mischievous smirk. “Will she fall for my trap? I haven’t dropped my favorite joke on her in nearly two years. I love how she reacts to dirty jokes."

“It’s not just big, it’s very big!” Rosa corrects, causing Valen to faintly laugh.

“That’s what she said,” Valen teases with a faint laugh, his mouth having curved into a devious grin. “Yes, she fell for my favorite joke! Success!”

Rosa freaks out, as she realizes that Valen still has his rather dirty sense of humor after such a long time. “H-Hey! T-That’s not a-appropriate at all!” Rosa scolds as her face reddens, while nearby onlookers chuckle at the situation unfolding right in front of their eyes. “M-Make a-appropriate jokes towards an innocent girl like me!”

“Hahahahahaha, you fell right into my trap!” Valen chortles, albeit his laughter is still faint. “You’re even easier to mess with that Melanie is!”

“M-Meanie face!” Rosa bellows as her face burns bright red with embarrassment. “I-I w-want the cool and sweet Valey, n-not the meanie prankster Valey who loves dirty jokes!”

Valen walks to the center of the lobby towards the receptionist’s large, circular desk, as Rosa runs to catch up with him, their shoes making a tapping sound as they walk on the tiled floor, finished in maroon paint.

“Ah, hello Valen,” the female receptionist remarks.

“Hey, can you let Dimitri know I’m here?” Valen asks, balancing his head on his right elbow, while his right palm rests on the white desk.
“There is no need, as I am right here,” Dimitri calls out from further within the lobby. “I see that for the first time since you've been here, you've finally brought a friend along.”

“Yep, this is Rosa,” Valen introduces. “She’s the girl from Unova I told you about.”

With a polite smile, Dimitri turns to look at Rosa. “It is nice to meet you, Rosa. My name is Dimitri Liniya, and I am the President and CEO of the Liniya Corporation.”

“Hiiii, it’s nice to meet you too!” Rosa cheerfully proclaims. “If you’re Valey’s friend, then you’re also my friend!"

“You are quite the cheerful and energetic girl, aren't you?”

“Tee-hee, that’s right! More importantly, Valen should wear a outfit just like yours!” Rosa states, pointing with her right index finger at Dimitri’s pearly white suit, his matching dress pants, and his dark red tie. “My prince needs to look dashing!”

“Your...prince? Dimitri asks, staring and blinking in confusion. “Valen’s your prince?”

“Yeeeep, Valey is my prince!” Rosa proudly declares with her eyes closed, folding her arms and emitting an feeling of triumph. “He helped to fight off Team Plasma when they tried to cause trouble in my home city, and then our eyes met, and it was almost love at first sight! It was like a fairytale had come true for meeeee! Kyaaaaaaa!” As Rosa gushes, she envisions herself as a princess, whom imaginary Prince Valen is approaching via his Salamence. “One day, I’ll become his official princess!” Rosa envisions a fairytale of a fairytale book showing Prince Valen and Princess Rosa kissing after having just gotten married.

“Don’t look at me, because I have no idea what she means by any of that, especially not the last one,” Valen counters, shrugging his shoulders as he glances to his left towards Rosa. “As for you, do you actually think I care about what people think about my fashion sense?”
“Oooooh, you’re right!” Rosa happily replies, re-opening her eyes. “Tee-hee, I love that about you soooooo much! You’re such a rebel, and you’re also really sweet!”

“I’m sweet?” Valen questions. “Interesting...I don't seem to recall that part of me.”

“Ooooh, you want to do this the hard way, big boooy?” Rosa’s eyelids flutter as she gives Valen a provocative smile. “You know you can’t defeat meeee.”

”Actually, I can defeat you.” Valen smirks.

“Seriously, how does he not realize what she is implying when it is so obvious?” Dimitri thinks to himself. Dimitri clears his throat, stating, “Valen, I think you must maintain our custom, and show our visitor from Unova the majestic Black Crown Stadium at some point.”

“Will do, Dimitri,” Valen replies.

“Black Crown Stadium?” Rosa asks.

“It is where our Pokémon League, the Calvana Conference, is held annually,” Dimitri explains. “It is one of Angel City’s most famous landmarks.”

“Hey, have you ever won the Calvana Conference?” Rosa asks Valen, glancing to her right in his direction, eagerly awaiting a yes.

“Nah, I never was good enough to win the Calvana Conference,” Valen humbly admits.

”Noooooooooo!” Rosa wails. “Rosa will squish them if they don’t let you win!”

“However, once you do get your invitation, it’s a permanent invitation with no strings attached. Melanie has won it twice, but never challenged the Elite Four afterwards.”

“I have gotten my invitation, though I do not recall if I ever entered,” Dimitri chimes in. “Also, why did he just blatantly lie to her? I really wish Valen would stop selling himself short like this. He is a very powerful trainer, and he should embrace that.”

“Wait, if there’s a league and an Elite Four, how come Calvana doesn’t have any gyms?” Rosa questions. “I asked where the gym is within Angel City, and it was sooooooo embarrassing afterwards! Oh my gosh, my face was redder than a Charmeleon’s skin when someone told me there are no gyms here!” Rosa cries out as her face reddens. “Valen, please make the embarrassment go away with a hug or a kiss! I prefer both!”
“What?” A dumbfounded Valen asks in a deadpan tone.”

“She is the most jovial and energetic person that I have ever met,” Dimitri amusingly notes with a friendly smile. “Your most recent reaction aside, even someone like you seems to liven up around her, Valen.”

“Yep, things are way less boring when she’s around,” Valen admits, giving Rosa a faint smile.
“Tee-hee, I’m the anti-boredom and the anti-sadness girl!” Rosa reverts back to her usual demeanor, infectiously smiling while giving a peace sign with her right index finger and middle finger.

“In any case, part of the reason why we do not have any gyms here is tradition, as aside from tweaks when it was necessary, the region has maintained the basis of its tournament structure since the year 1755,” Dimitri explains.
“W-Woah, it’s that old?!” Rosa exclaims.

“The other reason why there aren’t any gyms here is that the organizers feel that this region is too large to make trainers travel to gyms,” Valen chimes in. “However, our region’s tournament structure is so difficult that locals call it the Big Punisher, or Big Pun for short. The top two are guaranteed, while the top four and top eight are decided by a committee. Also, our Elite Four is different, as instead of type specialists, past league winners get selected by the champion.”

“Thanks for telling me this super cooooool information!” Rosa jumps up and down in excitement.

“Hey, it’s the least we can do,” Valen replies.

“In any case, shall we go up to my office to discuss the plan?” Dimitri asks.

“Sure, but can Rosa come with me?”

“Of course she can.”

“Yay, I get to be a part of a special meeting! That means I’m special too! Yaaaay!”

Dimitri has brought Valen and Rosa to the top floor via the elevator. The top floor of the skyscraper is where Dimitri’s office is. The dark blue walls have various paintings and large photographs on them, with two gigantic, rectangular windows behind his wooden desk and his black, office chair.
“Trainer Tourism Program, eh?” Valen asks Dimitri.

“Yes, the idea is to help pay for trainers to visit, as well as helping them settle in case they want to live abroad in Calvana,” Dimitri explains as folds his hands while placing his elbows on his desk. “I will admit that it sounds pretty basic, but it could go a long way. Outside of this program, I will also direct funds to promoting and maintaining the region itself, starting with Angel City. We have many attractions here as is, whether one is a Pokémon trainer or not.”

“Anything else?” Valen asks.

“Well, yes,” Dimitri replies. “I have asked various contacts from other regions to assist me in this program, such as Pokémon Professors, Gym Leaders, Elite Four Members, and Champions. After all, they will be more familiar with their local talent than I would be.”

“It sounds decent enough. Sometimes, basic is the best way to go,” Valen responds as he folds his arms. “However, you do remember how we greet trainers from abroad here, don’t you?”

“Of course,” Dimitri replies with a faint smile.

“Valen, what’re you talking about?” Rosa inquires, staring in confusion.

“I challenged you to battle because in this region, that’s how a lot of locals trainers greet trainers from abroad,” Valen explains with his arms still folded. “We don’t talk, we fight.”

“Wow, that’s so cool!” Rosa jumps up and down in excitement. "You welcome people by battling?! I have a friend in Unova who’d looove this region solely because of that! She’s all about battling, just like meeee!”

“So, what do you think of our home region, Rosa?” Dimitri inquires.

“It’s soooooo awesome!” I more I learn about this region, the more I want to make it my home away from home!” Rosa excitedly affirms. “I get to have lots of battles, I get to meet lots of people, and learn lots of cool things! It sounds like so much fun! The best part is that I have Valen with me! I missed him a lot, like a super duper ultra amount!”

“I won’t complain,” Valen states with a hint of delight. “Maybe I’ll start to have fun more often.”
“No maybe, mister!” Rosa glares at Valen, frustrated by his attitude. “You’ll have lots of fun! Got it?! You’re also one of the main reasons I came here, mister!”

“Yes, mother,” Valen sarcastically responds with a faint smirk. "Should I pack clean underwear too? How about a new toothbrush? Are you gonna tuck me in at night after reading me a bedtime story? Gonna give me a goodnight kiss?"

“Hey, I already told you to be nice! I want sweetie Valey, not meanie Valey!” Rosa closes her eyes, her facing reddening out of embarrassment.
Then, Valen hears a text message and takes out his phone to check it. Valen smiles when he sees that it’s Melanie who texted him. “Oh hey, Melanie got bored and wants to meet up, and Arthur finally came out of hiding.”

“I’ll join you in a few minutes!” Rosa tells Valen as the latter walks towards the elevator, holding up his right hand to acknowledge Rosa’s words. Then, Rosa approaches Dimitri to quietly ask him questions.

“Heeeeeey, can you please tell me more information about Valen? I have questions, and this guy isn’t exactly that open anymore. Like, I don't even know where he lives, if he likes the same food as before, if he likes the same type of movies as before, if he’s single, and if he still loves meeeeee,” Rosa whispers to Dimitri as she points back at Valen, who has just entered into the elevator. After the elevator door closes, Rosa suddenly freaks out. "Oh nooooooo, what if my Valey really doesn't love me anymore?! Nooooooooo, he’s irreplaceable as my prince!”

"Yep, I thought so," Dimitri tells himself. "She made it very obvious that she has a crush on him when she called Valen her prince, and not to mention that nickname sounds like a pet name you would give to a romantic partner, albeit there's nothing stopping anybody else from using is. In addition to that, I also get the feeling that Valen is not being truthful about his own feelings towards her, but Valen's lack of understanding almost anything related to people is as obvious as the color of the sky.”

“Also, I’d like more information on this awesome plan of yours; I’ve got friends who’d like to visit this region, including the one who’s also from Unova. I also want to live abroad here but don’t tell Valey! I wanna surprise him!”

“Very well, I shall answer all your questions,” Dimitri replies with a friendly smile. “I shall also help you settle into this region.”

“Yay, thanks!” Rosa joyfully exclaims, as Valen can’t hear it because he's very likely back in the ground floor lobby at this point.
“However, may I ask you a question of my own?”

“Sure, you’re my friend, after all!” Rosa happily replies with her eyes closed.
“How exactly do you view Valen? As a friend, or-”

“Oh, that’s an easy question!” Rosa giggles, her face reddening as she re-opens her eyes. “He’s my boyfriend! I love him soooo much! Can you imagine if I actually became his wife?! Kyaaaaaaaa, marry me! Valey, marry meeeee!” Rosa jumps up and down, her eyes sparkling like a magnificent gemstone.

“I had a feeling that is how you viewed him, but I wanted to ask you directly,” Dimitri admits, faintly laughing over Rosa’s demeanor. “Valen is certainly not a bad person to have as a friend, but he can be very oblivious to people's feelings in general, including his own. I even had to force him to take a vacation, which I have now extended until further notice for obvious reasons.”

“Ooooh, so Valey’s now a hard one to catch?!” Rosa giggles again. “Yaaaaay, it will be soooo much more fun this way! Now, prepare for my questions, Dimitri!”

“This program seems like it will go well,” Dimitri thinks to himself.


I don’t think I need to explain any Pokémon references, song or not, but lemme know if you think that I should.
That league nickname is a homage to the late rapper Big Pun, whose tied with the late Big L as my favorite. More musical references await you.
I hope you like the Rosa's singing and fantasies, because those are going to be recurring.
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