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Pokémon The Marks of a Leader [2023 Drabble Bingo]

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
Hello everyone, this is my first time taking part of the drabble bingos and the result will be... well... not drabbles, since I write kinda long, but hey I'm trying! So here, I'm gonna leave you with three (3) short stories for a right-hand column bingo.

The prompt is "leadership / ruling" and the bingo card is as follows. The entries filled are marked in bold.

All power corruptsPassing downNew leader
More than one leaderLet the people leadPower reveals
Choosing a leaderA lesson taught, a lesson learnedDifferent types of leaders

With that, let's head to the stories.
Leader for a New Era

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
Leader for a New Era
Bingo entry: "New Leader"​

A large group of reptilian and flying Pokémon of various kinds hosted their party, for they were soon to go to an expedition to a new continent. From Gyarados to Heliolisk to Jumpluff to Hydreigon they went about throwing good-natured jabs at each other.

Except when it came out to the time to designate the leader of their wing, for the current leader of the wing, an Old Dragonite, was Old and wanted to step down. Even the Pokémon with experience were nervous about standing before the rest, with some Talonflame and Unfezant preening themselves and staring at each other, and some Dragonite and Haxorus rubbing their scales.

Eventually the first one to pound the table was a Mothim. “I would like to have some screenti—“

A Salamence stomped on the ground. “Old Dragonite is old, but if he would approve, we should go in with the new, newer and cooler Pokémon like me. With me as your leader, we shall rain fire and death upon whatever enemies try to resist us!”

A Noivern quickly flew at the Salamence’s face and the two promptly started argument spoken mostly in claw swipes and bites.

“You? ‘New’? Sounds like an argument for an even newer and better Pokémon!” the Noivern screeched.

“Sod off! We eat killed prey, not fruit and berries!” answered the Dragonite.

A Skarmory took the chance as the other two were distracted, and hopped to the center, she bowed before the Old Dragonite.

“Old leader, force is something our group already has, and more is not needed,” offered the metal bird. “A voice to lead the group needs to be smaller and nimbler, like the Old Dratini once was; we Skarmory are good fliers and also we can take a hit and we don’t have… illusions of grandeur.” She narrowed her eyes to two bickering dragons as emphasis.

Various Pokémon hushed about as they considered the offer. However a Pidgeot stepped in to challenge her while waving her head crest and showing off his plumage.

“A leader needs to look the grandeur, look majestic and dignified before any locals; your kind looks like Almighty Sinnoh let loose running around with scissors.”

“So we are expected to take orders from you?” challenged a Flygon from the back, “Your kind needs help from a human to achieve their best form.”

To that the Pidgeot answered with flapping his wings and letting out a mocking cry.

“At least we have a Mega form,” she cackled derisively at all the Flygon in the back.

The Skarmory tapped the ground with her talons. She let out a chirp. “We don’t need to evolve, we are already perfect.”

Various Pokémon started complaining and joining in into the ruckus, with no hint that they were to come to agreement soon. Old Dragonite let out a sigh, but he went unnoticed.

A Charizard was next to step forward. “Look, this event is important, we are headed to a new region,” he roared, turning to Old Dragonite with an amicable gesture, “and you really thought you’d do this without the leadership of *the* OG awesome Pokémon and dragon?”

Some Kilowattrel cackled openly at the Charizard. “Oh please, you’re not even a dragon!”

“Says WHOOO??”

“Says TOO!”

“I hope your argument is better than just chirping and nibbling on wires like a common Pikachu!”

“This *thing* over here is more a dragon than you!” yelled one of the Kilowattrel while pointing at a random Goomy. Then the bird added: “No offense.”

“No, I’m with you on that one,” answered the Goomy with a blobby gesture that the bird chose to interpret as a shrug.
“Enough,” spoke Old Dragonite suddenly. “This story was supposed to be short and I’ve made my decision.”

Everyone fell silent, the various Pokémon turned to the Old Dragonite and held their breath.

“A leader of reptiles and others various must be tough but also welcoming and inspiring. Be the part, look the part. We’ve grown over the eras, our scales are tough, our hide is rough, our frills are a warning, our feathers a haven.”

Old Dragonite raised a paw and pointed it at a Pokémon amidst the group.

The Tyrantrum with a small blue hat gulped and eagerly stepped forward. “Old leader, I accept the mission you have entrusted to me.” The Pokémon turned and posed majestically for the rest of the group.

“My kind is old, even older than Old Dragonite. In the lands before time our roars were feared, our maws prowled supreme. I can assure you, my friends—“

“Excuse me,” Old Dragonite tried to interrupt while waving his paw at the Tyrantrum.

“—and under my leadership we shall take that new region and live there for millions of years—“


“—that nothing but the fall of the stars would challenge our designs.”

Old Dragonite shuffled about and coughed and called attention to himself. “As I was saying, I’ve made my decision.”

He then pointed his paw at the Tyrantrum, and visibly raised it up to more precisely point at the little blue hat that the Tyrantrum was wearing.

“W-what…?” asked the Tyrantrum in confusion.

Old Dragonite let out a friendly call. “Come here, little thing.”

The Swablu that was previously napping on Tyrantrum’s head flew over to where Old Dragonite was and perched on the elder’s paw. Instantly there were cries of alarm and surprise among the gathered Mons.

“Omg! Look at that little thing!”

“What is it?”

“Is it a bird?”

“I could have sworn it was a silly hat…”

Old Dragonite raised his paw and met the Swablu at eye level. “So, what are you?”

“I’m a Swablu!” spoke the little Pokémon, batting its cottony wings.

Immediately a few Pokémon in the group approached. The Charizard from before tentatively brushed the Swablu’s wings and marvelled at their softness; the Haxorus that had been nervous before circles around and gave friendly greetings to the small bird.

“Oh look at that!” spoke a Goodra from somewhere. “It’s so small.”

“It deserves to be protected,” interjected a Tyranitar.

The Charizard lost himself into the fluffiness of the Swablu’s wings. “It’s so smooth.”

The Haxorus looked at the bird from all sides. “It’s so round.”

Swablu let out a happy trill and turned to face Old Dragonite. “Oh I’m young today but one day when I’m older I’m gonna Mega Evolve, too.”

The various Kilowattrel roosted besides Old Dragonite, starting to feel dazed. “What a beautiful singing voice. It’s so relaxing…”

Tyrantrum looked around at the response Swablu got from everyone. “G-guys…?”

The Noivern from before flew before Old Dragonite and bowed before him and the Swablu. “But, Old Dragonite, we seek a new leader. Do you think this little creature will know how to guide us?”

To that, Swablu turned and faced the various Pokémon. It quickly started giving instructions.

“But of course, I already took an online course,” Swablu began. “We would assemble in four columns, two for exploration, an advance group tasked with seizing any location where it might seem we’d face resistance, and a fourth group tasked with settling on conquered lands and building up nesting grounds. Staraptor, Aggron and Hydreigon will be at the front of the advance group. Communication between the groups will be tasked to nimble and clever Pokémon in smaller and more compact forms. And then…”

Old Dragonite carried Swablu about and the various Pokémon followed them, taking notes on the big project and conversing on how a Swablu, in the future an Altaria, as a leader was obviously the smartest and most beautiful choice.

Tyrantrum remained alone behind, watching with some sadness and displeasure at how Swablu was paraded around.

“But it can’t be,” mused Tyrantrum. “My kind has millions of years of experience in roaming about and conquering lands, and we are paragons of power and ability.”

The Pokémon brushed his own feather collar and rubbed his crest clean. “We even have those newfangled feathers, we are not pale and simple. We are even movie icons! Can it be… that I’m out of tune with the times?”

The older Pokémon, now alone, looked as the various other Pokémon went about breaking berries and eating together and celebrating their upcoming migration, with the Kilowattrel and Pidgeot doing various dances and chants. He rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

He was, despite everything, self-assured in his importance.

“No, it’s the Neoaves who are wrong.”
Fiery Disposition

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
Fiery Disposition
Bingo Entry: "Power Reveals"​

Miria didn’t love flowers *that* much, but she loved that her mother did, and they could spend time like that in the genetic garden.

What she liked more, what her Pokémon did, was defeating renowned opponents. Every time an opponent would submit under the heat of Tephros’ talons it was a cause for celebration.

The team had walked earlier into the hills, to look for herbs and berries, some of the Blaziken’s companions also accompanying them in the exploration. They reached a clearing, set up a tent and picnic, then went their own ways to explore. Some of them helped Miria look for things to grab, the Sinistea teammate remained with Miria, and the Marowak sparring partner Tephros had went to brood up a tree.

Tephros wandered off mostly lost in thought, idly rubbing a wound in his right arm and looking for rocks to punch or for a wild Pokémon seeking a fight.

Tephros eventually found some rocks. Old. Small. Weak. The pressure of the new temporary evolution he had achieved shattered them with ease, and the embers and flames the form allowed him to summon danced threateningly close to the bushes nearby. The Blaziken could feel the power and the calling of his Trainer. The mountain was not going to stop him.

Miria sent them a signal, the team promptly headed for the location she had marked. The Voltorb and Sinistea of the team got there first, and Tephros was not far behind. Unique flowers were ahead, in a small cave accessible through a narrow passageway was the notice, but they needed to clear some large boulders that were blocking the entrance to the passageway.

Tephros looked at the boulders, some of them larger than he was, the others small and covering every possible remaining opening. They were locked out of the cave and its secrets. The Blaziken rubbed his aching arm and looked around for Miria. She had not arrived to the opening yet.

It would at least be a good challenge. He could get it done in no time, with the power of the Mega form.

He indicated to his teammates as such. To move aside.

For the Blaziken summoning the power was easy, even more as he felt his body surging, ready to change shape. Orange filled his eyes, and it was all the ultimate picture in his mind: the boulders shattered, the passageway opened. He pulled back his arm, ready for what would only need to be one punch.

Then he heard her cry from downhill, she asked what was he about to do.

Her energy would be the one to drive him to the heightened form, but in her mind and her voice there was doubt and confusion.

The fire orange faded and Tephros found himself before the boulders still untouched. His teammates were also there, and as he turned around he saw Miria reaching up to where the group was. She asked if everything was okay and if the flowers had been damaged.

Tephros hesitated for a moment, but he ultimately cawed to his Trainer that they had not opened the passageway yet. The others were looking at him, wondering what to do, Sinistea floating about the opening and Marowak tapping his club against the ground.

Then the Blaziken made a choice. Opening the path to the flowers was still the goal, but it had to be done with care.

As Miria got up to the group and she and the others looked, Tephros walked up to his Marowak teammate and instructed him to clear out the blockage, starting from the top, as he was the most adequate for the task.

It took only a few minutes for Marowak to do it, and Tephros and the others waited patiently all the while. In the end, Tephros and Miria only had to help shove some of the small remaining rocks and stones aside.

Miria and the team Marowak crawled into the opening, while the rest of the team looked. Tephros sat back on the dirt and looked at them go deeper inside for their prize.

He pondered for a moment if he had misjudged the cave or the rocks blocking it.

Rocks and boulders did not fight back, they did not make for a fair test; they would heat up or melt, just like bushes and flowers would burn up and cackle. The power of the new form was too much for Tephros to do anything less to them. And yet he lost fights, and he ached.

The human and her crawling companion sang a little tune of victory as they reached their prize. Tephros breathed in and tilted his head, content with how the day had gone, and that he had not failed his Trainer or his team.

Tephros was weak, after all. It was the better way to protect the flowers and the joy that his Trainer shared with her own kin. As the Sinistea hovered into the cave to take a look at a flower that Marowak had pulled out, they all heard Miria’s comment: a variety of blue flowers that she and her mother had not seen before.

A new gift for the garden, for the next time they went to visit.

The Blaziken knew the team would share this joy.

The flowers were safe: the team was allowed to be weak, and Tephros would see that it was done right.
A Leader's Seating

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
A Leader's Seating
Bingo Entry: "Different types of leaders"​

A Lapras transport ferrying a boat left its passengers at the shore of Blizzard Island. The Rhydon that led the procession picked up some papers and bags with gems, and instructed the accompanying Pokémon of Fire and Ground types to head over to a cave that was serving as lodging accommodations. Only a Pansear accompanied the Rhydon up the mountain, into a small plateau.

At the other end of the plateau, a group of Delibird and Froslass was waiting for them, and led them into a nearby cave opening. It was barely a minute into it when the group got into a small chamber with snowy ground and four icy seats arranged in a semicircle.

Rhydon looked around, all four seats were empty. He ventured approaching one of the Froslass guards, and asked if they were too early for the meeting.

“Oh right,” answered the Froslass. She pointed him to the seats. “My bad, these are mostly for show.”

“For… show?”

“Mhmmm, the guides are almost never around here.”

Rhydon fumbled for a moment, unsure if either side had skipped protocol or something else was going on. The Froslass summoned a few Delibird, four of them approached the Rhydon and Pansear and stood at the ready.

Rhydon showed one of the tables to the Froslass. “We’re here from Fire Island for some trade offers. Were the guides informed?”

Froslass nodded. “They don’t really show up around here to boss around, but they do are interested. We’ll have to find them on our own tho. Follow them.”

She turned to one of the Delibird. “Very please be patient with the guides. Who knows what they’re up to today.”

The Delibird started trilling and chirping and guided the visitors out of the cave. They explained they’d have to scout Blizzard Island in search of the guides, who had gone off each on their own to do various tasks.

The group first approached a shore on the northern side of the island. Some Pokémon were there training various forms of water manipulation as they pulled and pushed the frothy waves of the sea; Rhydon eyed curiously as the techniques were pretty simple and did not seem geared for combat, but were mostly about moving water quickly from place to place.

In front of a rocky cropping in the sea the group saw a Tentacruel and some Snover. The Snover quickly froze part of the sea into an ice platform and the Tentacruel ferried them back to the shore where they assembled before the visitors.

“Our guide Tentacruel from the Surrounded Sea,” chirped one of the Delibird. “She trains Pokémon in supporting ferries and keeping our weather stable.”

The Tentacruel crawled around the visitors and came to stand in front of Rhydon, who tentatively presented the documents he had brought and announced his intentions to establish trade between their islands.”

Tentracruel rubbed her tentacles over the documents and eyed the Rhydon visitor. “We know who you are, and the number of us that you Fire Island Volcano asks for in support. What are your offerings in exchange for us dedicating so many of our ferry Pokémon to your cause?”

“We were expecting you’d see the positive side of these plans” asked Rhydon pointing to his bag. “The elders at Sahra insist that they won’t consider a trade route if we can’t offer a passageway to the Grass Continent.”

Rhydon and Tentacruel examined the documents, with the Tentacruel focusing on the provisions the island would need to train more Lapras and other support Pokémon and dedicate such groups to tend to Fire Island specifically.

“If you want to employ our workers, you shall feed us and offer us some aid in doing that work. Provide materials to build docks and defenses, and commit your partners to tribute every new moon to rebuild and maintain them, and I will speak in favour of your offerings.”

Rhydon bowed. “Thank you for the consideration.”

Tentacruel eyed the seas and summoned a group of Pokémon. “As for making it to the Grass Continent… that’s a tough one. I’d recommend you speak to the guide stationed at Mt. Avalanche. Our marine Pokémon will help you circle the island.”

The Rhydon and Pansear were brought to a boat, pulled by some Pokémon manipulating the waves of the sea. It took an hour at most to get to the foothills of Mt. Avalanche, thanks to avoiding the various dangers scattered across the island.

The group entered a small settlement built in the southern face of the mountain. They passed by a nursery and then entered a small cave excavated with spiral patterns and various openings to the sky, covered with brambles and weeds in various patterns and with some bird Pokémon moving parchments, books and bottles around.

At the more illuminated side of the cave the group saw a desk, there was a Prinplup assisting some Delibird, Pachirisu and Sneasel tasked with counting boxes of fruits and berries. The groups kept inventory notes in various parchments as the Prinplup jolted down some notes and helped organize things.

A Delibird accompanying Rhydon and Pansear stepped in to make the introductions. “Our guide Prinplup from Crevice Caves,” chirped the Delibird. “He passes down the teachings of the Grass Continent’s guilds to manage our stock of food and wares.”

The Prinplup approached and looked the Rhydon up. He noticed the documents the latter was carrying. “Oh, you come here for the trade offer?”

Rhydon gave a hesitant nod. “Uhm, yes. We wish to reach with a small fleet all the way to the Grass Continent, but the way across the Surrounded Sea is dangerous and then there’s the dragons in the coast. We were told to speak to you about that.”

Rhydon offered some of the documents for the Prinplup to check. The Prinplup grabbed a chalk from the desk and started marking various lines, then called one of the Delibird assistants and showed her the document and the two started chirping comments to each other.

“Getting from here to the east is not easy, it’s worse in winter even. We could help you with that, but you need to make a more serious offer.”

“More… serious?” Rhydon and Pansear looked at each other.

The Delibird nodded and spoke to the Pansear assistant, handing her back the now corrected documents. As the Delibird and Prinplup explained, expanding the trade route was ambitious, even for Fire Island, and the Blizzard locals felt they were asking for too much: not only use of the shores and passage across areas that were reserved for nurseries and feeding, but also that some of the locals’ dens were emptied and reassigned for storage.

The Prinplup went to some nearby crates and produced a few apples and herbs that the island inhabitants procured for themselves via their own trade.

“We can’t risk this much for that,” the Prinplup explained.

Pansear looked up to the Prinplup checking the crates. “Would you consider it if we make a better offering? We would pay you and your attachments a weekly stipend to accompany our Lapras and boats from Fire Island so that they can also make trades on their own.”

The Prinplup produced a bag of seeds from one of the crates, weighed it, wrote some notes down and gave a brief look at the Pansear and the book with notes. “That’d be a start,” he admitted.

Rhydon gave a satisfactory nod. “We’ll do what we can then. So, about the combat hiring…?”

The Prinplup and Delibird looked at each other. “Combat?”

“We need people to protect the acquisitions at Sahra and while they’re in transit to Fire Island.” The Rhydon approached the Prinplup and offered a handshake. “We were told you are of the best fighters in the entire Sea of Wonders, and we’d offer you a monthly stipend.”

“Nah, I’ll pass.”

Pansear’s jaw fell open as the Prinplup simply walked away. She spread her arms as if to try and complain, but she gave up, looked deflated, “You’ll pass?”

Delibird gave an almost pitiful look at the two visitors. “Yeah about that, with him that *never* works,” she boasted, assured that the island would keep one of their guardians.

“I already have a seasonal job here and would rather keep it,” spoke the Prinplup.

“I’m the one who secured *that* contract,” added Delibird in a low voice, giving a smug grin.

Surprisingly then she heard the Prinplup’s voice behind her.

“But I’m sure Delibird here can have an attachment set for you.”

At that, Delibird blinked and turned around.

“S-say what? B-but I’m busy doing accounting! And they said they need fighters.”

The Prinplup pointed Delibird to the mountain to the north. “You’ll set something up then, place some job offers for the Simipour and Gallade training in the Altar of Ice. The Beartic guide, even! I’m sure they’ll love jumping over to the next islands every once in a while for training.” The Prinplup then looked the Rhydon up. “Does this mean you’ll sweeten the trade offer, then?”

Rhydon and Pansear consulted with each other for a moment. In the end, they nodded in agreement.

Delibird sighed. “Oh well I guess that means we’re going to check with Beartic. Follow me.”

It was a long walk out of Mt. Avalanche and to the nesting caves near the Altar of Ice, being careful to avoid the entrance to the Mystery Dungeon. The terrain was cold and rough, and by the time they had made it there it was already night. From every cropping and crevice, various sets of eyes trained on the visitors, and every once in a while a Fennekin or a Cubchoo would make gesture to approach them and seek out a fight, but Delibird was quick to shoo them back to the nests with their mothers.

In the end, they reached a clearing surrounded by rocky spires, where a number of Pokémon were sparring and practice the usage of various wands and items. Leading the instruction was a Beartic, who approached the visitors.

“So you are the people from Fire Island looking to hire a couple of tough hitters?”

Rhydon nodded and presented the documents. “We are not looking to start trouble, but we do understand reaching from here to the Grass Continent—“

Suddenly Beartic let out a roar and bumped Rhydon’s shoulder with a fist. “This will be wonderful! If you are making at least a few trips every full moon, it will be great for the students!”

The Beartic turned to his audience of sparring Pokémon and called them to attention.

“Hey everyone! Come see, these are the explorers from Fire Island who want to go to the continent. We’ll accompany them to the Surrounded Sea as the first stop. This will be a great experience for those who want to join!”

Before Pansear and Rhydon could object they were surrounded by various Pokémon like Glaile, Floatzel, Fennekin and Fletchinder. Most of them young, asking questions, already volunteering for adventure and exploration.

Pansear patted the nervous Rhydon. Looking at the ruckus with amusement, Beartic clapped to bring everyone to attention.

“Well well everyone, let’s get ready then. Two teams, pack food and Orbs. We will head off from the shore in three hours. The rest, you can go sleep.”

As the volunteers and the other students went their own ways, Rhydon went up to Beartic and bowed in gratitude. Beartic made a friendly gesture to dismiss the formalities.

“We are heading out soon with a first group, so we better get back to the meeting chambers.”

Rhydon and Pansear nodded and turned to their Delibird tour guide. The Pokémon nodded and made motion for the two visitors to follow.

The group headed back to the shore, accompanied by Beartic and two teams of explorers who had volunteered to accompany the trade group. Thanks to having a more numerous team and going downhill, they reached the meeting plateau from earlier in but an hour.

Rhydon and Pansear called the rest of their group and set out to pack their things.

It was during that process that Rhydon took a look at the meeting chamber and noticed the icy seats, still empty. So he decided to ask the Beartic guide about it.

“I’m thankful that you’d give us your support, but,” he inquired, recalling the earlier comments about the guides being active elsewhere, “can we really leave this soon? We have yet to talk to the fourth guide.”

Beartic laughed briefly. “What, Bessa or Dalvin tell you that?” He made a gesture to dismiss the whole thing. “I’d think they’d have told you, those seats are for show. Today is the first time I see mine.”

Rhydon and Pansear looked in disbelief, and the Rhydon walked up to one of the seats, taking a look at it.

“So the fourth guide, what about him?”

“Well, the position is yours, if you want it.”

Rhydon stopped in his tracks and he looked at the Beartic guide, who was standing absolutely serious. The two held stares for a moment, until Beartic unfolded his arms and moved closer to explain.

“We are a small community, unlike the continents. It was a silly idea the Delibird had, that we should have seats ready for the day when we had proper leaders.”

“But, then you don’t have four guides?”

Beartic shrugged. “We’re lucky to have more than one.”

He then approached the Rhydon and grabbed the bag with the papers.

“This island now has people with experience, with impetus. That’s good. Now you come with an idea for the future, and a plan to see it done. Looks to be quite important.”

Rhydon walked down from the seats to where Beartic was, and turned his head back to give the seats another look.

Then he looked down his Pansear companion, who smiled at him. And in turn, he smiled to the Beartic guide.

“I guess we will be too busy to use these seats for a good while, then.”
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