Intro + Hydreigon
The Cool Breeze Upon the Mist
A masterful feat of regeneration was occurring in the central plains of the Mist Continent. On the ridges where the small outpost of Post Town lay - a small enough town but a vital stopping point for travellers heading into the frigid northern reaches - a new settlement had cropped up seemingly overnight that its founder, Haxorus Cadmus, had called 'Paradise'. Many would have laughed at the very thought of purchasing such a stagnant, infertile piece of land with the intent to turn it into a rich haven that would attract people from afar.
But those same people weren't laughing when suddenly Cadmus and his partner, a mysterious Oshawott by the name of Noah, felled the Bittercold, an enigmatic malice made sentient that threatened to sunder the Mist. Now they were heroes, and people therefore flocked to his new settlement to see him. In many cases, the Haxorus, in his coy but eager manner, convinced them to stay and help him build Paradise into the desired haven he envisioned.
Within two years, Paradise's growth was sprawling to the point that Post Town looked to become engulfed within its sphere. The town's officials and Cadmus therefore signed a merger that allowed the two settlements to become one. Victory after victory was being scored by the Haxorus, and it was an agreement everyone seemed to be content with. Few of Paradise and Post Town's citizens could complain about being under the aegis of heroes, after all.
There were also the first citizens of Paradise, namely Cadmus and Noah's allies that had helped them in their quest to defeat the Bittercold. All had chosen to stay at their side, and two years on from that monumental victory, they had made new lives in the nascent settlement.
What goes on the lives of these people today? Let's find out…
"Say, uh…I'm surprised you're still hanging around us."
"That, I am. …Is there an issue with that?"
"Oh no, not at all! It's just…I thought a Voice of Life would have better things to do than hang around me and my little vanity project."
"My duty is as an arbiter to summon humans to this world in its hour of need. But until that time comes again, I am free to do as I wish. And I must say that I have enjoyed my time in Paradise, watching this settlement flourish and become the bustling town it is today. I will certainly be staying here for a while longer, if Fate permits me."
"Well, hey - you're all too welcome, Valakai. We're happy to have you."
Hydreigon Valakai felt the morning breeze blowing gently across his fur and scales, as he sat on the roof in his house in Paradise, newly-built just for him. It was one of those days where he was glad to have a physical body again, just so he could feel the sensations of the life of the world around him. It was harder to do that as a collection of motes, like Kyurem had disintegrated him into back in Scorched Desert.
To think it has already been two years since that happened…
Years were fleeting to the Voice of Life, an eternal arbiter of the world, but not to the young souls of Noah and Cadmus, and it was pleasing to see them grow from the plucky young heroes they were to experienced veterans. Two years' worth of training and going on rescue expeditions had seen them both evolve to their final stages, and now they looked like proper heroes as opposed to young first-stage kids, like some visitors with dampened expectations had passed them off as at first.
Valakai chuckled, thinking about this. Young ones are so impatient to evolve these days. I do not remember such agitation from the Grass and Air Heroes regarding their own evolutions. Did they accept them as they came?
It was a while ago. Not too long ago - only a decade or two - but enough that Valakai couldn't quite put his maw on their own desires to evolve.
Memories seem to be eluding me. With all that's happened here, perhaps it might be worth repaying those humans a visit. Oh yes, and while I'm at it…perhaps I should see how the Hero of Water is doing. I do recall the sudden urge to visit a while back.
He narrowed his gaze, frowning at that thought. I hope that's not a sign the world's about to go through another calamity soon…Concerning. I shall have to arrange time off from my duties if this proves to be urgent.
That wouldn't be for another while, though. In the meantime, Valakai lay back and enjoyed the breeze some more, humming contentedly as he felt it blow gently across him.
He would've laid there all day, if the peace and serenity wasn't interrupted by a loud rumbling that was all too familiar to the Hydreigon.
Valakai looked down and immediately located the source of the noise.
It was his belly, voicing its displeasure at its emptiness.
Well, no matter. He could always go inside and get some foo…
There would be food in his pantry…if he didn't have that midnight snack last night. Well, snack - it was really more of another whole course meal that would've unnerved the likes of Belka. By the Voice of Life's standards, however, it was a snack.
Valakai sighed. Looks like it'll be breakfast at Signora Ginerva's again. He got up from where he was resting, flapped his thin wings, and headed in the direction of Post Town.
Since Paradise's founding, new eateries had begun to pop up in Paradise itself. But Swanna House still remained a popular eating spot for travellers and residents of Post Town itself, and one of their most loyal customers was Valakai. The Voice of Life still found the food at Swanna House to be his all-time favourite, and the first time he'd eaten there, the meal had been sublime - so much so he ordered more food, enough that he forgot to keep track of it all and ended up with a bill that went through the roof - much to Belka's horror, who he'd accidentally left the bill with.
That was certainly a first impression to make, looking back. It had taken a lot of smoothing out over the two years since that incident, but even today, Belka still occasionally reminded the Hydreigon of it.
"Keep eating as much as you do and you're not gonna be able to fly anymore." A more recent snark from the Emolga still rang in his head.
As he entered Post Town, Valakai glanced down at his stomach. Sometimes when he thought about his portions, he did occasionally wonder…was he getting too chubby?
No, he told himself. You are fine. The amount you eat is natural for Hydreigon. The three headed dragons were known for their colossal appetites, and behind their sheer power came a need to fuel it appropriately. Valakai was no different. At least he used that power for good, like blasting apart rock faces in Paradise to clear land, back in its early days as an overgrown badland.
Valakai shook away those negative thoughts as he entered Swanna House. It was somewhat busy today, although thankfully not crammed to the brim like it was on some days. The savoury smells of Signora Ginerva's delicious cooking filled the air, and the Hydreigon began to salivate as he headed for the counter.
"Back again, are we?" A mirthful smile crossed Swanna Ginerva's beak. "Good to see you, Valakai. Although the cooks in the back won't be," she chuckled.
"I-I imagine not," the Hydreigon replied sheepishly, fluffing out his fur.
"I suppose I'll get you your usual, then." Ginerva then gestured above her. "Upstairs is fairly quiet. There's bound to be a free table you can have all for yourself."
"Many thanks, Signora," Valakai trilled, bowing his head in thanks, before heading upstairs as instructed.
Before long, the Swanna House Special - a dish of chopped berries, potatoes and vegetables, with gravy smothering the berries and potatoes and herbs on top - was brought up to Valakai. Though per his 'usual' request…four servings of it were brought up to him.
"Ah! Thank you so much!" The Hydreigon's eyes shone as Ginerva brought the food up to him.
"No problem! Enjoy." The Swanna graciously curtseyed, before heading back downstairs.
No sooner had she gone than Valakai immediately dug into the food, gobbling portion after portion with the hunger of a Hydreigon. His two smaller heads aided him in this task, eating in unison with the main head and working their way through the generous meal. Not long after, the first serving of the special had been completely wolfed down, and Valakai wasted no time moving onto the second.
Onlookers watched in wonder as he ate, some whispering in amazement that he could eat all that. The ravenous Valakai tuned out everything else as he focused on his food and eating it all up. It was a rare day that the Voice of Life didn't eat everything on his plate, and on nights where the Crossblades dined together, he was always happy to eat the leftovers of others. He wasn't a fussy eater either - be it sweets, vegetables, carbs, or berries, he ate them all.
Before even ten minutes had passed, all four plates were licked clean, and Valakai was patting his belly in satisfaction.
"Mm mm! Delicious," he remarked, before letting out a loud belch. "Pardon me," he apologised to an Indeedee couple on the nearest table to him.
Just as he was licking his lips to get any residue and leftover morsels on his maws, Ginerva came up to gather up plates.
"Done already? My, you eat fast," Ginerva commented, brushing her wings.
"It was too good to resist," Valakai said, deciding instead to take a napkin and wipe his lips with it.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Seeing you eat my food with such gusto is…oddly comforting. Even if your table manners could use some work," the Swanna giggled, putting her wing to her beak.
"Ah…Thank you." Valakai smiled at the praise.
"Plus, you eating as much as you do means I'm getting my fair share of money from this. Four House Specials isn't exactly what one would call 'cheap', you know." Ginerva's grin turned somewhat coy, while Valakai's smile dropped instantly once he was reminded of the dreaded bill.
"I'll see you downstairs, Valakai~" In a teasingly sweet manner, Ginerva took his finished plates and flew off towards her kitchen.
Valakai looked down at the empty table, gulping as he considered his monetary situation.
Looks like I'll have to ask Cadmus for a loan again…
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