Chapters 1-3
Abe shifted in his seat. “Well, if it helps any, I’ll be there.”
“Thanks. It doesn’t.”
Yeesh, Red.
“So… hello, ladies,” I say and clear my throat. “I’m in a bit of a pickle, and I was hoping you could help.”
No response. And that’s good. If there was a response, I’d be royally freaked out.
Just Red vibing and talking to his jar of organs, and one lock of hair. Poor Michi :’(
“Okay,” He says. Then He nuzzles closer to me. My heart skips a beat.
In response, I hug him close. It squishes Him just a little. I’m so glad I can do this again. Pretending not to love Him was killing me.
Squimsh the Helix. Hold Helix gentle like hamburger.
"I-I'm Suki," she said quietly. "I'm here because I… I stabbed my brother. Under possession."
There she is!
“Me, I have a houndoom son,” he says. Son? “He came from a pack back in Castelia, but ran into disagreements with his family. Through a series of events, we ended up adopting him.”
AWWWWW Samson calls Eli his son AWWWWWW Eli my beloved
“You’re gonna walk a lickitung on a leash?” I ask, and Suki glances at me.
“She has a history of running into traffic,” she explains. “And she craps way too much to have a litter box.”
lol. Also, again, I continue to really enjoy your take on the Pokémon world and how it mixes feral and civilised mon.
Oh, you absolute wimp. If someone ever yelled at you, I bet you’d just shatter into a million pieces.
Don’t you dare, Red.
“Isn’t it pretty… bloody? You don’t mind that?”
“Are you kidding? I love that stuff!” she shouts, then flinches at her own volume and shrinks again. “I mean, I find it interesting.”
…Huh. What do you know. The mareep has fangs.
ShE iSn’T lIkE oThEr GiRlS
Another great subject of conversation. Kudos. "Oh, plenty," I say. "First of all, He loves shrimp. Can't get enough of them. Secondly, you have to be careful He doesn't eat mouthfuls too big because the brain of an omanyte wraps around its esophagus and a bite too big can cause brain damage when swallowed. Thankfully, they do have instincts telling them to take modest bites, but it doesn't make all the worry go away…"
Oh my god he is fangirling so hard right now.
She told me a lot of interesting stuff, like what situs inversus or grimmsnarl syndrome is.
She's still a mareep. One of them. It's people like her that hate what I really am and want to lock me away. It's people like her that promote a society of conformity. You saw how shy she was, how preoccupied she was with how I saw her. She wasn't like me. She could never understand me. She and I could never be friends.
noooooo red
I’m back, and holy hell I’m enjoying this a lot so far. It’s been ages since I last read Hunter, Haunted, but it’s still one of my favourites, Seiren being second behind that, so I can’t believe it took me this long to get to the follow up.
Chapter 1 picks up more or less where Hunter, Haunted left us, with Red dealing with the aftermath of that fic’s events as he’s getting ready for the trial, mixed in with his anxiety dreams and a visit from Kohath.
It didn’t feel like a lot necessarily happened in this opening chapter, but that’s not a bad thing, a lot of it feels like a calm before the storm and reintroducing characters such as Red’s team, his victims and his mom. And it establishes the stakes for the rest of the chapters to follow, as Red has a deadline before he needs to find his successor.
Chapter 2 continues to set things up as Red is sentenced to community service. As much as Red is bored shitless being there, I can see it being good for him, so I hope he heals from it to some extent and actually connects with others, especially as Suki is just screaming ‘pick me’ signs for Red to talk to her with being there under similar circumstances. The group felt well rounded and like real people you’d see in community service without waffling on for too long about each character.
Red’s meeting with Samson was also interesting, and it was funny to see Red reacting to Sampson’s Houndoom son with disappointment. Again, I can’t stress how adorable Samson’s bond with Eli is. I want more of them.
Chapter 3 is where this fic really picks up for me, starting with the therapy session. I enjoyed the sessions Red had with Dr. Marsh in HH and was a little disappointed to not see her character return here since her conversation with him at the very end of that fic gave such a strong sense of things potentially getting better, but nevertheless, it was a good move to have another therapy session this early on into the story. It recaps some information to the reader since Red is talking to someone who isn’t as familiar with him, but it also hit close to home with how some therapy sessions feel very surface level despite the practitioner’s best intentions.
Then we get to my favourite scene so far where Red actually talks to Suki and finds she’s an anatomy nerd herself. The Pokémon Shelter setting they went to was really interesting, not just from a worldbuilding perspective since it’s always cool seeing that clash of feral and civilised mon in your setting, it also highlights more of those predator/prey themes with how Red sees himself compared to others.
I was actually happy for Red since it felt like they had chemistry together, especially with how Suki lets Red blab about Helix. I was hoping that would be a turning point for him… but in typical Red fashion, he finds a way to self sabotage and try to use her in his machinations.
I’m really excited to see where things will go with him and Suki. I know it’s not going to end well, but I’m at the edge of my seat. I really hope she comes out of it unscathed, either that or she’ll just add to the compounding tragedy that is Red’s ongoing villain arc.
That scene in the school also threw a good wrench in Red’s plans to indoctrinate someone. Turns out you can’t just rock up to a random school and pretend to be another student. I’m getting anxious for Red, not because I want him to find a good world-ending candidate, but because I want to see him digging himself a deeper hole and trying to claw out of it.
I want to binge more chapters of this but I also want to savour it. And I stopped just when it ended on a cliffhanger. In any case, I hope I can get to the rest soon!