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Spinda Cafe

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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Huh. They can infect us too? Kinda figured we might be immune, what with everything else." He supposed that was a good reason to keep... Squiggly contained for now. He'd gone and bought him a bigger glass cage, stuck some berries in and left him in the Hidden Quarters, but couldn't quite shake the feeling Squiggly wasn't entirely happy with that either. Well, he wasn't about to get himself infected by any brainslugs, even if it'd imprinted on him or some shit. If Squiggly wanted him to trust him, he'd just have to convince him. "How'd that work out? He all right?" The words 'light-flavored' registered somewhere. "Wait, did you use the fucking Radiance thing? Did you know it makes people explode? Because that's a thing, too."


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Huh. They can infect us too? Kinda figured we might be immune, what with everything else." He supposed that was a good reason to keep... Squiggly contained for now. He'd gone and bought him a bigger glass cage, stuck some berries in and left him in the Hidden Quarters, but couldn't quite shake the feeling Squiggly wasn't entirely happy with that either. Well, he wasn't about to get himself infected by any brainslugs, even if it'd imprinted on him or some shit. If Squiggly wanted him to trust him, he'd just have to convince him. "How'd that work out? He all right?"

"Ah yeah, he's fine, thank god. He was a bit shaken up after that. I mean, I would've been too if this brainslug thing suddenly dredged up all of my worst fears and it overtook me. But it seemed to give him a bit of a confidence boost afterwards. He needs more of that, honestly."

"Wait, did you use the fucking Radiance thing? Did you know it makes people explode? Because that's a thing, too."

Curio instinctively reached for Dave's glass of beer and took a swig. "Shit, sorry." She sighed. "Yeah, Brisa exploded, back then. It wasn't her fault, and she wouldn't have known about it, but fuck, man." She just barely stopped herself from taking another sip. Any more alcohol and she would've been sick. "But yeah, I did use the Radiance thing. I didn't explode, hell, it actually ate the infection away. I told Cynthian to use his own radiance and the rest is history."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Ah yeah, he's fine, thank god. He was a bit shaken up after that. I mean, I would've been too if this brainslug thing suddenly dredged up all of my worst fears and it overtook me. But it seemed to give him a bit of a confidence boost afterwards. He needs more of that, honestly."
"Hah. Yeah." Dave wondered vaguely what Cynthian's worst fears would be. "I got one of the slugs, you know. Knocked it out of a Garchomp. He's in a cage in the Dojo right now. You know they can answer questions? Got any questions for a brainslug?"

Curio instinctively reached for Dave's glass of beer and took a swig. "Shit, sorry." She sighed. "Yeah, Brisa exploded, back then. It wasn't her fault, and she wouldn't have known about it, but fuck, man." She just barely stopped herself from taking another sip. Any more alcohol and she would've been sick. "But yeah, I did use the Radiance thing. I didn't explode, hell, it actually ate the infection away. I told Cynthian to use his own radiance and the rest is history."
Dave frowned. He supposed Maple had said something about Radiance being effective for combating the Shades. He didn't want to have anything more to do with it, but he had the worst suspicion he'd need it. "What'd Brisa do to make it explode exactly? Maple was real fucking vague."


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"I got one of the slugs, you know. Knocked it out of a Garchomp. He's in a cage in the Dojo right now. You know they can answer questions? Got any questions for a brainslug?"

"Yeah, what's your beef, you stupid escargot?"

"What'd Brisa do to make it explode exactly? Maple was real fucking vague."

Curio took a deep breath. This wouldn't be like last time where she dodged the question. She had made her peace with it now. "She stuck her head inside the portal thingy and got drunk off of that radiance. Instead of throwing up and crying at three in the morning, she got too battle hungry, er--" she tugged on an aura sensor--"ended up hurting me on accident in a sparring match, she used too much of her powers, then exploded. That's how the dojo got ruined, by the way."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Yeah, what's your beef, you stupid escargot?"
Dave snort-laughed, for longer than he wanted to. Shit. He might have been a little drunk.

Curio took a deep breath. This wouldn't be like last time where she dodged the question. She had made her peace with it now. "She stuck her head inside the portal thingy and got drunk off of that radiance. Instead of throwing up and crying at three in the morning, she got too battle hungry, er--" she tugged on an aura sensor--"ended up hurting me on accident in a sparring match, she used too much of her powers, then exploded. That's how the dojo got ruined, by the way."
Dave blinked at her. "Shit," he muttered. He'd been by when Brisa was unconscious, mostly to see exactly how hard Maple'd fucked all of them over with this Radiance thing, but nobody'd been able to tell him all that much. He supposed if Brisa'd just gone extra hard on it from the start it might explain it. Maybe using the shield thing once or twice was relatively safe? Didn't help Brisa, though. "Well, you look fine now," he said.


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Well, you look fine now," he said.

"Yeah, I mean, it wasn't even a 'ow' kind of hurt, it was a different kind of hurt, in here." Curio tapped her temple. "But never mind, that's water under the bridge, as they say. It wasn't really her fault." She forced a smile, for herself and Brisa. Time to change the subject. "There's somethin' I'm curious about, actually. Well, it's kind of in my name, but I heard you're a scientist, right?" She already knew the nature of his work, but she didn't want to let him knew she eavesdropped on Brisa's conversation.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave raised a skeptical eyebrow-ridge at Curio's response, but left it alone.

"Yeah. Genetics. Invented a way to viably combine human and Pokémon genomes. It was pretty fucking genius and then, uh, got derailed." He glanced at Curio. "What kinda world did you come from again? Did you have humans? Were you...?"


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Yeah. Genetics. Invented a way to viably combine human and Pokémon genomes.

"Why?" Curio laughed. "It might be an obvious question, but what was so genius about it? What was the huge benefit to it?"

"What kinda world did you come from again? Did you have humans? Were you...?"

She quirked an imaginary eyebrow at that. "Yeah, we have humans. What else were you gonna say?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Human. I mean, you really can't fucking tell in here. I guess the answer's no?"

Dave took a swig of his drink. "As for combining human and Pokémon genomes, well, ultimately the goal was medical. You know how humans are squishier than Pokémon? Pokémon can heal all kinds of shit that a human can't? Dunno about your world, but in mine there's a shitload of medicine and technology that only works on Pokémon and is useless to humans. Incompatible biologies. Except then my research comes along and says hey, actually, not so incompatible after all. Maybe eventually this'll get us to Potions for humans. You know? I figured out a method to make the Pokémon and human genes work together that's pretty much perfectly generalizable. Just straight-up take arbitrary Pokémon genes and splice them into a human genome and make it all seamlessly work together, bam. Or, you know, 'seamlessly', depends how well you understand the genes you're working with, we had some duds, but that's not a problem with the method."


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Human. I mean, you really can't fucking tell in here. I guess the answer's no?"

"Yeah, nope, not a human." She pointed to herself. "I'm a bona fide Pokemon. Not that it's much different in this world since everyone's more or less on an equal playing field in their Pokemon forms."

Contrary to what she heard before back when she snooped around outside the hidden quarters, Dave's explanation for creating human-Pokemon morphs was much more sound. Still, there was a niggle at the back of Curio's mind that didn't agree with this 100%. But she had to keep her cool, at least while she had the chance to probe him some more.

"Yeah, we heal up pretty fast while humans are just stuck with healthcare, I guess. Humans have to be careful around Pokemon; one breath from a Charizard would creme brulee your ass, though you already know that. But, uh, how do you get all the genes anyway? Do you just collect the skin, hair, or fur of humans or Pokemon?" She gulped on the next set of words, but managed to coax them out. "And what do you mean by the duds in particular?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave waved a paw. "Nah, we've got open scientific databases of hypothetical genome sequences and molecular printers to synthesize the DNA strands. Completely artificial. No Pokémon were harmed, et cetera. We just..." He let out a long, exhausted sigh, chugged down the rest of the glass. "Okay, so. As a proof of concept we made some hybrid embryos, humans with various bits of different Pokémon. Purely to test that generalizability - are they viable, do they develop as expected, do the Pokémon genes activate the way they should? And it totally fucking worked. Only then the press gets wind of it, there's a big kerfluffle, and somehow this group gets a judge to rule that we can't destroy them like any other bit of human cell research - like, we're talking fetuses here, barely even starting to develop brains - and we have to actually raise them. So that's the derailing bit, we all got suddenly stuck with these kids."

He paused, staring at the empty glass for a moment. "Hey. Another one?" he called at the Spinda barkeep before turning back to Curio.

"The duds, well. Some of the embryos just didn't work out. Nonviable, just died in the first week or two. And then, of course, when they actually grow up there turn out to be some complications we didn't foresee. Peter, he's part Taillow, we... See, Machamp and Charizard and some other Pokémon with two sets of forelimbs, they've all got versions of this one gene. If there's a mutation in that gene, they don't grow the second set of limbs. Two-armed Machamp, Charizard with no wings. So we figured we'd see if by introducing that gene and others related to it, as well as the genes that form the structure of a Taillow's wings, and make sure they turn on in the extra limbs and so on, we'd be getting, you know, an actual winged humanoid. Right? And it looked promising initially, but then what actually happens is while he does get extra limbs and the right skeletal modifications, they just end up as little shriveled winglets that he can't even really move. Don't do anything. So, you know, he says he likes them, didn't want them removed or anything, but clearly we missed something there. And then there's Gabriel, who... he's part Slugma, and the Slugma part's ideal body temperature is a good deal hotter than a human's, so he's just kind of a fucking mess, and we don't realize that he actually needs to eat rocks through his skin like a Slugma until ten years later, and even when he does if it's too much his body temperature rises and his regular old human organs start failing. So that's, uh, not very seamless. But honestly it's a miracle that he was viable at all, and he's still alive, so I'll take it."

And then there was Mia. Dave imagined squeezing the empty glass. It helpfully stuck to his paw until the Spinda came to replace it with a new one.


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Only then the press gets wind of it, there's a big kerfluffle, and somehow this group gets a judge to rule that we can't destroy them like any other bit of human cell research - like, we're talking fetuses here, barely even starting to develop brains - and we have to actually raise them. So that's the derailing bit, we all got suddenly stuck with these kids."

“Stuck with these kids? You brought them into this world knowing you would’ve ended up with hybrids, and I sure as hell hope you raised them right as well.” Her tone was a bit more severe there. Curio had to catch herself before she flew off the handle again. “Sorry, I’m not trying to poopoo your research, and this sounds like some really groundbreaking stuff, but this also sounds like a disaster waitin’ to happen.”

. And then there's Gabriel, who... he's part Slugma, and the Slugma part's ideal body temperature is a good deal hotter than a human's, so he's just kind of a fucking mess, and we don't realize that he actually needs to eat rocks through his skin like a Slugma until ten years later, and even when he does if it's too much his body temperature rises and his regular old human organs start failing. So that's, uh, not very seamless. But honestly it's a miracle that he was viable at all, and he's still alive, so I'll take it."

She grit her teeth. “Viable for what? What were you gonna do with ‘em once you raised them? I know you wanted to make stronger humans and all, but, well… Well, I lost my train of thought there. In a perfect world, they’d all be accepted, but no world is perfect. So you brought them in knowing they were gonna be othered." She definitely knew how that felt. "So how did they deal with it all?”


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave scowled. Her hostility was nothing new after every reporter and nosy passerby at the time, but still exasperating. "Viable as in able to live, contrast the nonviable embryos that died in the first couple weeks. Pay attention." He took a gulp of his drink. "Look, we never meant to make any hybrids. Like I said, they were a proof of concept. They were never meant to see the light of day, or we wouldn't have done it. 'Gonna be othered', of course they were going to be othered, tell the fucking judge that. And no, the goal here wasn't to make 'stronger humans', what kinda fucking eugenicist do you take me for, Jesus. It was an illustration of a principle, for future research that could benefit all humans. Not research on hybrid people, just research on how the same principle could be used to develop human Potions or whatever. Nobody wanted hybrid people."

He slammed the glass down on the counter, more harshly than intended, and a splash of beer splattered over his paw. "Eugh, shit." He looked around for paper towels or something, didn't see any, and then just licked it off before he could think better of it. Whatever.

He took a deep breath and slid his gaze back over to Curio. "Look, you seem to think we wanted to use them for something. They're just... they're just fucking kids, and we try to give them a decent life in spite of all the bullshit, as far as possible. That's it."


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Look, you seem to think we wanted to use them for something. They're just... they're just fucking kids, and we try to give them a decent life in spite of all the bullshit, as far as possible. That's it."

"Right, right." Curio eyed all the drinks in the bar. Dammit, she wasn't going to go for one this time. And besides, what Dave told her was much more reasonable than she first thought, but that didn't make it sting even less. "Sorry, I've just had some bad experiences, okay? Dads haven't exactly got a good track record in my book. And about the other thing..."

Curio slid her paw to her left arm. She almost changed her mind, but she wanted to talk about this. She had to open up more about herself at some point. "When someone uses you as a fucking guinea pig for cybernetics and shit, DNA modding doesn't sound so hot either. Do you know anything about that field of science? I dunno if you ever saw it before, but I used to have a metal arm on this side before the god squad turned me back into a Riolu here. Not that I ever wanted one to begin with."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Huh. Yeah, that's fucked. Somebody skipped the ethics board." Maybe he'd seen the arm when they'd first gathered? He wondered what it'd be like to lose a limb, get used to it, and then be returned to a body that has it again. Hold on, she never wanted one to begin with? "Wait, how'd you lose the arm?"


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Huh. Yeah, that's fucked. Somebody skipped the ethics board."

"Well, that's the understatement of the century there."

"Wait, how'd you lose the arm?"

Dave got her there. She clutched her arm, trying her best not to dredge up those memories again. "I don't wanna talk about that part. Just thinking about it makes me sick. I just wondered if it was ever a thing in your world. It would be nice to find someone who knows anything about this stuff without them wanting to kidnap me."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave stared at Curio. "Oh, shit. Fuck."

He shuddered, looking away, and took a swig of his beer.

"Well," he said finally as he put the glass down. "I don't know about the cybernetics part, bit before that was a thing. But torture and kidnapping masquerading as science is kind of the reason we've got ethics boards now. Sane people are generally in agreement that that was, you know, evil. And also fucking terrible science."


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Oh, shit. Fuck."

He shuddered, looking away, and took a swig of his beer.

She felt that.

"I don't know about the cybernetics part, bit before that was a thing. But torture and kidnapping masquerading as science is kind of the reason we've got ethics boards now. Sane people are generally in agreement that that was, you know, evil. And also fucking terrible science."

"No shit. But tell that to people who have too much money and power to care. But anyway, if I told you any more, I'd have to go through a whole bottle of whiskey first, and I kind of don't want that, so, yeah..." Curio awkwardly tapped her claws on the bar counter. "I swear I'm not tryin' to be such a debbie downer. Anyway, what's it like raisin' hybrids as your own flesh and blood? You got any pictures, or... I dunno, what's a dad thing for someone to do for their kids?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"I mean, even if I carried pictures with me, don't exactly have them here." Dave shrugged. "There were eight of them and we split them between us. My daughter's Jean. Part Vul-- Ninetales. She's a big ball of upbeat energy, most of the time. Loves cartoons and games and people. Technically she can breathe fire, but her mouth's not fireproof, so she tried that all of once. Some of the others have more powers. Lucy's part Misdreavus, and she's a full-on Ghost-type, phases through walls and shit. No end of trouble for her parents, or me when they roped me into babysitting. But then her sister, she's--" He stopped abruptly. "Anyway. Like I said, they're just kids. Mostly they're like any other kids, except you have to fight an uphill battle against the system wherever you go because people are shit. Right now there's an asinine law that says they can't be out among people because they might be dangerous or something. We're trying to get it repealed."


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"There were eight of them and we split them between us. My daughter's Jean. Part Vul-- Ninetales. She's a big ball of upbeat energy, most of the time. Loves cartoons and games and people. Technically she can breathe fire, but her mouth's not fireproof, so she tried that all of once. Some of the others have more powers. Lucy's part Misdreavus, and she's a full-on Ghost-type, phases through walls and shit. No end of trouble for her parents, or me when they roped me into babysitting.

"Well, Jean sounds adorable." What was it with Vulpixes being so darned cute? "And I'd hate having to babysit a ghost. One ice type was enough."

"Anyway. Like I said, they're just kids. Mostly they're like any other kids, except you have to fight an uphill battle against the system wherever you go because people are shit. Right now there's an asinine law that says they can't be out among people because they might be dangerous or something. We're trying to get it repealed."

"Well, that fucking sucks. I assume these morphs are just the same as your run-of-the-mill humans, but in a different coat of paint and maybe with a few more perks. By that logic, why not say Pokemon can't be among people? I could be considered a walking disaster with my chest spikes--" she looked down--"well, I don't have 'em now, but you get my point. But I guess that depends on who you consider more dangerous with powers: humans or Pokemon."

Curio paused to catch her breath; she knew she was about to go on a rant. "I assume the Pokemon in your world are different to ours, hell, I'm living proof of that, but for wild Pokemon at least, the principles sound the same. You've got monsters like us of varying degrees of smarts, ranging from ones that could decimate an entire town without realising what they've done, to ones that would kill you if you accidentally stepped foot into their territory. Or they're just itching for a fight and don't care either way as long as they get their fix."

She took another breath. "And then you have humans that are willing to stir up shit just because they wanna be in power, sometimes over other humans because they're in their way of that goal, sometimes over other Pokemon because one species topping the other poses an existential threat to them. If you give humans powers that could potentially destroy towns with a sneeze, for instance, they'd be fully aware of what they're doing. So which one has the capacity to fuck up more shit in your opinion?"
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