• Welcome to Thousand Roads! You're welcome to view discussions or read our stories without registering, but you'll need an account to join in our events, interact with other members, or post one of your own fics. Why not become a member of our community? We'd love to have you!

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Smeargle Swap


Abscission Ascendant
Smeargle Swap

Do you love getting fanart for your stories? Do you love brightening other authors' days? Then Smeargle Swap is the event for you! Similar to how Catnip Circle is a review swap, Smeargle Swap is a fanart swap. How it works is simple: submit a story you'd like someone to make art for, then receive a random story back. Read that story, make a small piece of art for it, and get a piece of art back in return!

Smeargle Swap is a recurring event that can be run by anybody in the community! Check the most recent post in this thread for sign-up info for the current event. It will give you a cutoff for sign-ups; before that time, send the organizer a private message with the fic you'd like to receive art for, any content warnings that apply to it, and also any content warnings that you don't want to read, and you're in! Once the sign-up period closes, the organizer will randomly pair up all participants, then announce the pairings on Discord and in the thread. At that point, you have until the round's final deadline (usually 48 hours from assignments) to read at least one chapter of your assigned story and make a small piece of fanart for it. Once you've done that, post your art to the story's thread and send a link to the organizer so they know you've completed your assignment!

Please note that this event is welcoming to artists of all skill levels! The point of this event is to have fun spreading appreciation for the stories in the community, and the short turnaround is intended to stop people from getting too fussy with their work. Whether you've never made fanart for someone before or are an accomplished artist looking to unwind with something quick and low-stress, we'd love to have you!

Have more questions or want to run an event yourself? Check out the FAQ below. Otherwise, happy creating!

Information for Players

What kind of art can I submit?

Any kind of visual art is welcome, as long as you're able to get it/a picture of it uploaded for your author to enjoy! Digital or traditional drawing or painting, 3D modeling, graphic design, photography, sculpture--any of it is welcome for this event. The only thing this event does not accept is written work: drabbles, poems, reviews, etc.

How complex should my art be?

The organizer sets a minimum target whenever they run this event (e.g. everyone should submit a sketch, everyone should submit lineart), but if you'd like to try something fancier, feel free! However, please keep the time limit in mind. This probably isn't the place to flex your full painting with background skills.

How much of my assigned story do I read? Do I have to read this entire two million word epic?

You only need to read one chapter of your assigned story! Unlike Catnip Circle, it's possible to be matched with a story you're already caught up on; in that case, no reading required! You can create your artwork based on what you already know about the story.

There are some kinds of stories I really don't want to read. What if I get assigned to one?

For this event, we're happy to make sure that readers aren't asked to engage with content they find triggering or otherwise difficult to handle. When entering the event, please let the organizer know if there are any content warnings that you want to avoid (violence, drug use, sexual assault, etc.) and they'll be sure you don't match to a story that contains them. If the story you're assigned does turn out to contain something that squicks you out, please contact the organizer immediately and they'll arrange an alternate for you.

However, part of the point of the event is to be introduced to new stories you might not have checked out otherwise; if you simply don't like shipping fics, for example, you can't ask to have those excluded from your pool. If getting matched to a story in a genre you don't like is going to ruin the event for you, it may be better to set up art exchanges with other authors on your own, rather than play roulette with Smeargle Swap.

What if I can't get my art done in 48 hours?

If something comes up and you won't be able to finish your artwork before the deadline, please let the organizer know as soon as possible. Sometimes things happen--it's no big deal! However, you will not be able to participate in another round of Smeargle Swap until you complete your piece. If you are persistently late with your artwork, you may be barred from participating in this event in the future.

Help! I can't think of what to draw!

If you're facing down art block, here are some potential drawing options

- Your favorite scene from what you read
- A favorite or interesting character
- Some aspect of the worldbuilding: a fan-made location, pokémon, plot-relevant item, piece of technology, etc.
- Part of the story's setting
- An advertising banner for the story
- A "deleted scene": some predicament you imagine the characters might get into, but which isn't actually in the story
- A piece that captures the story's themes or atmosphere

If you're really stuck, feel free to send the organizer a message and see if they can help you think of something.

I want to participate but don't have a story/don't want art for my story. Can I submit someone else's story instead?

Yes! Be sure to get permission from the other person first, but as long as the author's fine with it, you're welcome to submit someone else's story.

Does the story I enter need to be posted on the forums?


Information for Organizers

If you want to organize your own round of Smeargle Swap, feel free--you don't need anyone's permission!

First, announce that you're opening sign-ups on Discord or send a PM to a staff member on the forums to announce it there for you. Make a post in this thread with all the necessary information: you'll need a deadline for sign-ups, a deadline for artwork, and places for your list of stories and assignments. If you like, you can also specify the baseline sort of artwork players should submit for this round (e.g. sketch, flat colors) and an optional prompt or theme. You can use this site to create countdown clocks for the end of sign-ups/art submissions without worrying about timezones.

When sign-ups close, you can use the Catnip Roller utility to get a quick assignment list. Simply enter the names of everyone participating, as well as the names of who they shouldn't match with, and then hit the big button. Update your post in the sign-up thread with assignment information, then ping the players on Discord (or ask a staff member to do it for you) to let them know to get reading!

As the art deadline approaches, it's a good idea to give people a couple reminder pings to let them know to get their artwork in. If people end up running late with their artwork, follow up with them privately to see what's going on.

If you have any questions or run into problems with your event, feel free to ask @Negrek for help!
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Abscission Ascendant
Smeargle Swap: October 9th Game


It's our first game of Smeargle Swap! Let's have some fun.

Organizer: @Negrek
DM me a link to your fic, its content warnings, and any content warnings you'd like to avoid!

Signups open until: noon EST/4 PM UTC October 9th (countdown)
Artwork due by: noon EST/4 PM UTC October 11th (countdown)

For this round, please create a piece of artwork at least as complex as a sketch.

Need some inspiration for your artwork? This round's optional prompt is costume!

Participants: @Negrek, @Flyg0n, @canisaries, @Bluwiikoon, @bluesidra, @HelloYellow17, @kyeugh , @Inkedust , @Umbramatic , @Chibi Pika , @Pen , @Sinderella , @SparklingEspeon , @Starlight Aurate , @Panoramic_Vacuum , @Phoenixsong , @unrepentantAuthor, @Dragonfree


@Negrek Little God
@Flyg0n Home is Where the Hoenn Is
@canisaries Bouquatro (cw mild language/violence, sibling abuse)
@Bluwiikoon Go!Go! Pokecure Warriors
@bluesidra (no gore/suicide) 26 Years Ago (cw bereavement)
@HelloYellow17 Of Sand and Shadows (cw violence, child abuse, PTSD)
@kyeugh Wandersword (cw violence, language)
@Inkedust Over the Winds and Waves (cw blood)
@Umbramatic Heroes After All (cw gore, death, language)
@Chibi Pika The Legendarian Chronicles (cw violence)
@Pen Zoroark Stories (cw mild gore)
@Sinderella White Swan, Black Swan (cw mild gore, implied sexual assault, occult)
@SparklingEspeon Do Psychic-Type Pokémon Dream of Electric Sheep? (cw violence, death, bullying, PTSD)
@Starlight Aurate (no gore/sex/romance) Drowning (cw violence, language)
@Panoramic_Vacuum The Long Road
@Phoenixsong Stronger
@unrepentantAuthor (no sexual assault) Different Eyes (cw trauma, abuse, dysphoria, violence, language)
@Dragonfree The Quest for the Legends (old, pick any chapter you like, cw blood, violence, suicide) OR Butterfree (recent, one-shot, no cw)


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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Smeargle Swap: October 28th Game


Organizer: @canisaries
DM me a link to your fic, its content warnings, and any content warnings you'd like to avoid! NEW: If you want, you may also provide additional reference images for characters featured in your story.

Signups open until: Friday, October 29th 10:00 EST (countdown here)
Artwork due by: Monday, November 1st 10:00 EST (countdown here)

For this round, please create a piece of artwork at least as complex as a sketch.

Need some inspiration for your artwork? This round's optional prompt is pet!

Participants: @Bluwiikoon @Sinderella @bluesidra @HelloYellow17 @canisaries @Panoramic_Vacuum @Umbramatic @Inkedust @Dragonfree @kyeugh


@Bluwiikoon - Find Your Way [author's note: "Steven is around 10 years old in this"]
@Sinderella - White Swan, Black Swan [cw gore, implied sexual abuse, occult]
@bluesidra - 26 Years Ago [do not assign gore or suicide]
@HelloYellow17 - Of Sand and Shadows [cw abuse, PTSD, violence]
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted [cw gore, violence, occult] or Attack of the 50-Foot Brent [no cws]
@Panoramic_Vacuum - The Long Road
@Umbramatic - Steam Over The Post-Apocalypse
@Inkedust - Speckled Silver
@Dragonfree - The Quest for the Legends [cw blood, references to suicide] [author's note: "if you haven't read it please feel free to just pick a random chapter out of the threadmark index to read with no context rather than necessarily do the prologue/chapter one"] or Butterfree [no cws]
@kyeugh - Wandersword [cw violence]

Character Reference:

@Umbramatic - Eris, Riley, Cookie
@canisaries - several (Art Fight profile)


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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Smeargle Swap: December 4th Game


Organizer: @canisaries
DM me a link to your fic, its content warnings, and any content warnings you'd like to avoid! If you want, you may also provide additional reference images for characters featured in your story.

Signups open until: Monday, December 6th 10:00 EST (countdown here)
Artwork due by: Friday, December 10th 10:00 EST (countdown here)

For this round, please create a piece of artwork at least as complex as a sketch.

Need some inspiration for your artwork? This round's optional prompt is food!

Participants: @canisaries @Sinderella @bluesidra @Adamhuarts @HelloYellow17 @Chibi Pika @Just a Torchic @Inkedust @windskull @Umbramatic @CinderArts @AceTrainerWesley


@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted [cw gore, violence, occult] or Batty! [no cws]
@Sinderella - White Swan, Black Swan [cw gore, implied sexual abuse, occult]
@bluesidra - 26 Years Ago [do not assign gore or suicide]
@Adamhuarts - A Mew Me: Kuki's Tale [do not assign gore or heavy themes]
@HelloYellow17 - Of Sand and Shadows [cw abuse, PTSD, violence]
@Chibi Pika - The Legendarian Chronicles
@Just a Torchic - A Night In Kanto [do not assign gore]
@Inkedust - Speckled Silver [no cws] or Over the Winds and Waves [cw blood]
@windskull - Places We Call Home [cw blood, violence, implied abuse]
@Umbramatic - It's Vaespar Night
@CinderArts - Whispers of a Dying Flame
@AceTrainerWesley - Worthy [cw violence] or Liberation [no cws]

Character Reference:

@Sinderella - Odette, Noel, Clovis, Dorien (attachment under spoiler)
@canisaries - several (Art Fight profile), Batty characters in story thread
@Adamhuarts - Kuki (Imgur album)
@Umbramatic - Eris, Riley, Cookie, Vaespar (female form in the story)
@AceTrainerWesley - Wesley


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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Smeargle Swap: January 28th Game


Organizer: @canisaries
DM me a link to your fic, its content warnings, and any content warnings you'd like to avoid! If you want, you may also provide additional reference images for characters featured in your story.

Signups open until: Thursday, February 3rd 10:00 EST (countdown here)
Artwork due by: Monday, February 7th 10:00 EST (countdown here)

For this round, please create a piece of artwork at least as complex as a sketch.

Need some inspiration for your artwork? This round's optional prompt is Sinnoh! (Please be mindful of Legends: Arceus spoilers.)

@Chibi Pika - The Legendarian Chronicles
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted (cw gore, violence, occult) or Whine-Yelp (no cws)
@Starlight Aurate - Drowning (do not assign sexual content, romance, gore or occult)
@Just a Torchic - I'm A Marionette (assorted content warnings, check thread)
@Sinderella - White Swan, Black Swan (cw gore, implied sexual abuse, occult)
@SilverPhoenix - PMD: Into the Dark (cw mentions of abuse)
@CinderArts - Whispers of a Dying Flame
@Umbramatic - Divided I Fall or Shining Pearl Snippets
@unrepentantAuthor - Delivery Deferred
@HelloYellow17 - Of Sand and Shadows (cw violence, child abuse, ptsd)

Character Reference:
@Chibi Pika - Legendarian Chronicles Art (DeviantArt, Tumblr)
@canisaries - Artfight Profile
@Just a Torchic - under the spoiler below


Raphael and Nicole
@Sinderella - under the spoiler below
@Umbramatic - Toyhou.se Profile
@unrepentantAuthor - see story thread


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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Smeargle Swap: March 16th Game

(image source)

Organizer: @canisaries
DM me a link to your fic, its content warnings, and any content warnings you'd like to avoid! If you want, you may also provide additional reference images for characters featured in your story.

Signups open until: Friday, March 18th 10:00 EST (countdown here)
Artwork due by: Monday, March 21st 10:00 EST (countdown here)

For this round, please create a piece of artwork at least as complex as a sketch.


@SparklingEspeon - Crashing Fate
@canisaries - Hunter, Haunted [cw gore, violence, occult] or Batty! [no cws]
@NebulaDreams - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work or The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters [cw abuse, self harm]
@windskull - Places We Call Home [cw blood, violence, implied abuse] [do not assign gore]
@Sinderella - White Swan, Black Swan [cw gore, implied sexual abuse, occult]
@Flyg0n - Legendary Adventures or Home is Where the Hoenn Is
@HelloYellow17 - Of Sand and Shadows [cw violence, child abuse, PTSD]
@Just a Torchic - You were only waiting for this moment to be free [assorted cws, check thread]
@CinderArts - Whispers of a Dying Flame
@Chibi Pika - The Legendarian Chronicles
@Umbramatic - Shining Pearl Snippets

Character Reference:

@canisaries - Artfight Profile, Batty characters in story thread
@NebulaDreams - Jung on Artfight, character art in story threads
@Sinderella - under the spoiler below
@Chibi Pika - Legendarian Chronicles Art (DeviantArt, Tumblr)
@Umbramatic - Toyhou.se


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The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
Smeargle Swap: June 8th Game

(image source: Me, that's my dog)

Organizer: @Umbramatic
DM me a link to your fic, its content warnings, and any content warnings you'd like to avoid! If you want, you may also provide additional reference images for characters featured in your story.

Signups open until: Thursday, June 16th, 18:00 EST (countdown here)
Artwork due by: Tuesday, June 21st 18:00 EST (countdown here)

For this round, please create a piece of artwork at least as complex as a sketch.


@Umbramatic - Legends Arceus Snippets
@canisaries - Hunter Haunted [cw gore, violence, occult] OR Judgment [cw capital punishment]
@Torchic W. Pip - 風雨 (Wind and Rain)
@kyeugh - Duck Knight Simulator
@Chibi Pika - Luigiderian Chompicles
@windskull - Places We Call Home
@HelloYellow17 - Of Sand And Shadows (cw violence, abuse, elements of PTSD)

Character Reference:

@Umbramatic - Toyhou.se (ask for specific characters)
@canisaries - Artfight Profile
@Chibi Pika - Deviantart and Tumblr



@Umbramatic - Luigiderian Chompicles - Done!
@canisaries - Duck Knight Simulator - Done!
@Torchic W. Pip - Of Sand And Shadows - Done! X2
@kyeugh - Places We Call Home
@Chibi Pika - Legends Arceus Snippets
@windskull - 風雨 (Wind and Rain) - Done!
@HelloYellow17 - Hunter Haunted OR Judgment
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Abscission Ascendant

Welcome to a special turkey edition of Smeargle Swap! Some of us have a long holiday weekend, so let's take the opportunity to show our thanks for the wonderful stories our authors have put out there for us to enjoy.

Smeargle Swap is a low-stakes, casual event that's about showing appreciation through art, not showing off technical ability! All skill levels are welcome, and don't feel pressured to create a polished piece! A quick sketch is entirely acceptable as a Smeargle Swap fill.

To participate, simply DM me up to two stories you'd like to receive art for, any content warnings they have, any content warnings you don't want to read, and, optionally, any visual references you have pertaining to your story. When you're done, post your art to the appropriate fic's thread!

Feel free to post here with any questions you may have, or send me a DM if you'd prefer!

Signups: through 10:59:59 EST Wednesday, November 22 (countdown)
Fills: through 11:59:59 EST Sunday, November 26 (countdown)


Negrek: Salvage (violence, blood, suicide) or "The Foolish Oddish" (no cw)
tomatorade: What the Gods Gave Me (no cw)
Nekodatta: Timeslip (violence, light swearing)
Cherry_BombBees: Pokémon Crossing (violence, light swearing, alcohol use) (references)
Flyg0n: Legendary Adventures (no cw) or Home is Where the Hoenn Is (no cw)
Umbramatic: "Just that One Petite Parable from Paldea" (no cw) or Violet Snippets: the Sorceror's New School (no cw) (character references)
Z102eternal: PMD: Soaring Over Heaven (violence) (references available upon request)


PlayerAssignmentArt Done
@Flyg0nSalvage (violence, blood, suicide) or "The Foolish Oddish" (no cw)
@Z102eternal What the Gods Gave Me (no cw)
@tomatoradeTimeslip (violence, light swearing)
@NekodattaPokémon Crossing (violence, light swearing, alcohol use) (references)
@UmbramaticLegendary Adventures (no cw) or Home is Where the Hoenn Is (no cw)
@Cherry_BombBees"Just that One Petite Parable from Paldea" (no cw) or Violet Snippets: the Sorceror's New School (no cw) (character references)-
@NegrekPMD: Soaring Over Heaven (violence) (references available upon request)
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The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde

BOO! Here is a special spooky edition of Smeargle Swap because it's been a while! Give some art candy and get some in return!

Smeargle Swap is a low-stakes, casual event that's about showing appreciation through art, not showing off technical ability! All skill levels are welcome, and don't feel pressured to create a polished piece! A quick sketch is entirely acceptable as a Smeargle Swap fill.

To participate, simply DM me up to two stories you'd like to receive art for, any content warnings they have, any content warnings you don't want to read, and, optionally, any visual references you have pertaining to your story. When you're done, post your art to the appropriate fic's thread!

Feel free to post here with any questions you may have, or send me a DM on TR or Discord if you'd prefer!

Signups: through 10:59:59 EST Thursday, October 24 (countdown)
Fills: through 11:59:59 EST Thursday, October 31 (countdown)


Umbra - Greenhorn Prometheus (no CWs)


Bonus dog:

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