Chapter 11
Stalkers in the Dark
S-s-stop… Jaron thought, amid his sniffling. His whole body shook in response to the dangers surrounding him. His shut eyes tightened fiercer as his mind gave hideous forms to the abstract threats he sensed through his gift.
Jaron started to sob and clenched harder on his snout.
S-s-stop...lea-leave me alone! He cried in his mind, mustering enough courage to open his eyes a little.
There was just a singular light source in front that flickered occasionally. Whimpering, Jaron forced his eyes open. A calming feeling flooded over him as he recognized the tapered, flame-ended tail in his view.
Suddenly, it jerked to the side, startling Jaron enough to pull back.
Huh? He looked above the flame to notice, to his surprise, Ciecro was leaning over the edge of something. “Ciecro?” Jaron leaned in closer.
A box? Why would this be in Mom and Dad’s-? Wait, maybe it’s supplies!
Excitement filled his soul and he rushed towards the box, like the box was a giant present for him. Setting his hands, Jaron felt the rough wood on his scales. A smile formed; whatever was in here it would be useful. After all, the grownups wouldn’t just leave a box of supplies empty in their closet.
Heaving up onto his tiptoes, Jaron grabbed the upper rim and tried to pull himself up. He had almost gotten his snout over the edge when he heard the twisting of the knob behind. The shocked Totodile looked back, losing his grip and hitting the ground.
Jaron gasped and faced the door, pressing his back against the wooden box. All those fearful images filled his mind again as he witnessed the door slowly crack open and grow larger. Every bit of instinct in the Totodile compelled him to fire Scald right at the intruder.
Jaron opened his maw and fired Scald as fast as possible.
“Are you guys i-” What followed was a high-pitched yelp as the figure fell backwards. The door swung wide open as the mon hit the ground hard. “God, freaking damn it! Ow!”
Seliph? Seliph! Jaron sprung to his feet and darted to his brother’s side. “Seliph, I’m sorry, I thou-”
“Jaron, what the hell‽” Seliph snapped, rubbing his eyes that stung from the hot water.
Jaron clamped his hands over his snout and his eyes filled with shame.
Startled, Jaron backed up as Ciecro rushed over to Seliph, asking, “Yah okay?”
“Ugh…Arceus, that hurt.”
Ciecro leered at Jaron, saying, “Wha’ were yah t’inkin’?”
Jaron’s arms snaked wrapped around his body, as he meekly looked at the base of the wall next to them. “I-I got startled.”
“Why did yah jus’ unload like dat, dough?” Ciecro stood up. “Only Seliph’s ‘ere wit’ us.”
Jaron’s eyes narrowed. “I said I was sorry, Ciecro. You would have done it too with your stupid Drago-”
“Both of you, shut up, for God’s sake!”
The two glanced at Seliph, who was working on standing up. The only thing redder than Seliph’s face was the blood vessels in the Frogadier’s eyes. He stomped his way to Jaron, who braced for his punishment.
Taking a deep breath, Seliph leaned closer and looked straight into Jaron’s eyes. “Be careful with your moves. You could have hurt my eyes.”
Jaron sniffled, raising his hands towards his snout. He squeaked as Seliph grabbed his hands by the wrist and lowered them. The Totodile looked back into his brother’s face, seeing a calm smile.
“I know you didn’t mean to.”
Jaron awkwardly smiled a little.
Their moment was cut short, thanks to Ciecro chuckling into his arm.
“What’s so funny?” Seliph asked, annoyance in his tone.
“Jus’ yah eyes,” Ciecro smirked, unafraid of any recoil.
“You think it’s funny, huh? Would it be even funnier if they exploded?”
Jaron shriveled up at the thought.
“Naw, but dat didn’ happen.” The Charmander rolled his arm. “And yah eyes always look funny like dat.”
“Ciecro, we’re in the middle of a-”
“I know bro.” Ciecro’s tone shifted to annoyance, matching Seliph’s in some form of defiance. “Yah don’ hafta say it. Lighten up.”
“‘Lighten up’? Are you serious?”
Jaron backed up and covered the sides of his head with his hands.
Why’d I have to spray? He repeated in his head as he stepped out of their parent’s room and into the hallway. He sighed as he leaned against the wall and sagged down to the floor.
Stupid. He could still hear the muffled sounds of his siblings going at it but thankfully couldn’t make their argument out.
Huh? Jaron glanced down the hallway.
What was that sound? He got to his feet and crept down the hallway. Pressing his chest against the wall, Jaron leaned over to look around the corner. The front room was dark, only illuminated an emura lamp on a stand and occasional flashes from moves outside.
But I thought I heard- A hand latched onto his shoulder, making him jump with fright.
“Easy, it’s just me.”
Scowling, Jaron swatted Seliph’s hand off his shoulder, whispering, “Don’t do that, Seliph-” He froze as he heard the sound again. Shattering glass, followed this time by a loud thump and growling.
His hands shot to his snout and he instantly darted down the hallway, rounded the door, and dashed towards the closet. Unfortunately, he rammed right into Ciecro, knocking him over and landing on top of the surprised Charmander.
“Jaron, wha’ dah-” Ciecro protested but was interrupted by Jaron scrambling off of him.
The Totodile rushed into the supply closet and pulled himself up the box. It was filled with straw, but Jaron didn’t bother making sure it wasn’t covering anything; instead he just dove inside it and curled into the tightest ball he could, shivering.
Please don’t find us. Please don’t find us, he begged in his mind.
The Totodile felt a tap on his head, prompting him to peek from his hiding place. Instantly, he was grabbed by the underarms and lifted out of the box like a toy.
Seliph set him behind the box and raised a finger to his lips.
Jaron nodded but raised a confused brow as the closet suddenly went dark, save for a narrow, vertical line of light. He pulled his head over the box’s rim and watched Seliph climb over the box and speak with Ciecro, who was peering through the crack. A second later, the Charmander headed to the box and climbed up it, hopping over to the other side.
“Is it near?” Jaron asked with a quiver.
“I don’ tink it heard us dough.” Ciecro turned around and lowered himself, just enough so he could still see over but also so his tiptoes could touch the ground. The two watched Seliph keeping guard at the door in anxious silence.
Deciding to look at something else, Jaron let go of his head and dropped to the floor. He glanced over at Ciecro’s tail flame, currently the only light source he had. It was much smaller than when the Charmander was digging in the crate, making Jaron feel more anxious than when he was watching Seliph. He leaned forwards, trying to absorb as much of the heat as he could.
“Move back,” Seliph’s voice whispered from the other side of the crate.
Ciecro immediately complied but bumped into Jaron as he let go and almost fell over. “Jaron,” Ciecro yelled, at least as best he could through a whisper.
Before Jaron could apologize, Seliph shushed them both as he climbed on top of the box’s edges. “Get back as far as you can.” He grabbed a cloth resting on a nearby crate and leaned over to tuck it in between a stack of crates directly behind Jaron.
“Ciecro, scoot some of the other boxes in, but quietly.” While Ciecro did that, Seliph long stepped his way to the other side of the box and tossed the blanket over himself, hiding the door crack’s light from view. He hopped down and the three sat in a quiet circle.
Jaron glanced over at Ciecro’s tail light, which was now even smaller than before. He held his body tightly and tried his best to suppress any form of shivering. The eeriness filled those empty minutes, till Seliph broke their silence with a heavy sigh.
“Okay, I think we’re fine for now.”
Jaron let his muscles lax, though they tensed up as Seliph asked, “Ciecro, did you get the supplies we packed?”
“I couldn’ find it.” The Charmander grumbled.
Seliph raised a brow. “What? I told you I put it in this closet.”
“Yeh, bu’ where? I looked in dis dumb ting.” Ciecro tapped his fist on the box behind Seliph.
Rolling his eyes, Seliph crawled over to the crates at the far end of their little fort, gently scooting Jaron aside as he reached through a crack formed by two sets of crates. He slid closer and angled his arm to reach around the large stack of crates.
Ciecro crossed his arms. “Hmph, I could’ve found it. Yah jus’ showed up before I could” The Charmander pouted at seeing Seliph was too engrossed in doing his task to respond. “Tck.”
“What are you guys talking about?”
“Hrm?” Ciecro glanced at Jaron, a prideful smirk forming. “Heh, well, me an’ Seliph made a backup plan in case sometin’ like dis happened.” he boasted while brushing his snout with a fist.
“Plan?” Jaron glanced at Seliph, still engaging in some tug of war with the crack made by crates and looking increasingly frustrated at the crack’s refusal to relinquish. “What plan?”
Ciecro puffed his chest as he crossed his arms. “Seliph an’ I got some supplies togeder dis aftehnoon. Dat way, if we eveh need tah leave dah house an’ use dah tunnel, we’d be ready.”
Jaron blinked, bewildered. “Wait. ‘leave the hou-’?”
“I’ve got it,” Seliph uttered, sliding a small hiking backpack out from the villainous crack and into the middle of their circle.
Ciecro’s backpack?
“Good, is it all in dere?” Ciecro inquired, forgetting his conversation with Jaron to peek inside the pack Seliph had started inspecting.
Jaron’s head fell, his eyes peering down at the floor.
We’re leaving home? But why? Those things are out…there. Jaron’s arms instantly wrapped around his torso as his shivers returned. Whimpering softly, the poor Totodile looked back at the two, perplexed at how they could seem so positive about going out into danger.
“W-w-wait!” He exclaimed, only to be met by the other two putting fingers to their mouths and shushing him.
“Quiet, that mon might be near,” Seliph reminded.
Jaron didn’t care, he lunged for the flap and pulled it over the top.
“Jaron, wha’ dah hel-”
“No!” Jaron blurted out, listening to the current fear plaguing his mind rather than the warning from Seliph.
“Jaron, quie-”
“You be quiet,” Jaron snapped, albeit remembering to whisper this time.
Both of his brothers paused in startled silence as Jaron tightened his grip on the flap. The Totodile shook his head fast. “No, we can’t leave. They may be out in the woods. I can feel them outside.”
“Jaron, dere’s already a mon in ‘ere,” Ciecro pointed out.
“Then let’s just stay in here till it’s over,” Jaron countered, desperation causing his voice to crack. He moved his hands to the backpack’s strap, attempting to thread it in the buckle to keep it shut. Of course, doing that wasn’t easy with the limited light he had, and it wasn’t long before he growled at failing to even get it through the first hole.
Come on, how do you tighten this thing? Ugh, I can barely see it too.
“We’ve gotta go while we ‘ave a chance. Else, we may be stuck in ‘ere.”
Jaron ignored him, still trying and failing to thread the buckle.
Fed up, Ciecro grabbed the flap’s buckle and tried yanking it from a startled Jaron. “Jaron, dis is serious.”
“Let go,” Jaron demanded, pulling back on the buckle.
Jaron snarled at Ciecro, who snarled back.
“Jaron, le’ go,” Ciecro commanded.
“No, you let go,” Jaron angrily sassed, his body’s shaking more from the tension.
“Jaron, stop.”
“You stop!” Jaron snapped, turning his frustrated scowl at Seliph, only for it to melt once he saw Seliph’s disappointed stare. The looked in Seliph’s eyes seemed to cut through Jaron’s nerve in a way no scowl could.
“Jaron.” Seliph put his hand on Jaron’s. “Let go.”
The Totodile’s head lowered, as his claws slid away from the buckle and moved to his snout. He shut his eyes and tried wishing this reality away with all his might.
Suddenly, he felt a soft touch on the back of his neck, brushing him between his red scales. He looked up to Seliph, who looked down at him with a small, encouraging smile.
“Jaron, don’t worry. We promised we’d keep you safe, remember.”
Jaron’s eyes widened.
“Yeh,” Ciecro leaned onto the travel pack, smiling at Jaron with vigor. “I’d beat ‘em up if dey tried tah harm yah.”
“But…” Jaron’s eyes lowered. The feelings from his gift flooded his thoughts, those horrible feelings that made him want to quiver once more. But this time, Jaron also thought about their words. He thought about the carefree moments they spent today, just staring at the clouds and having fun; how his worries disappeared as if Ciecro really did scare them away.
Jaron’s hands lowered slowly as he looked at Seliph and then at Ciecro. The Charmander smirked back at him with confidence that was almost contagious. Jaron’s fists tightened, imaging that smirk of Ciecro’s replaced by the dodgy one the Charmander used a few days ago.
Yah’re too young.” Ciecro’s voice resounded in his mind as he remembered how hurt and angry he felt at hearing that.
A scowl formed, as his head rose to stare at the pack with a glare of determination. He seized the flap once more, this time flipping it over with enough force to flip a chair.
“Wha’? Jar-”
“I’m scared, okay.” Jaron sighed, staring at the insides of the hiking pack with a somber frown. His hands instinctually hugged his torso. “But…I don’t want to be useless or cause more trouble. So, if you both need to clamp my snout or whatever; I understand.”
His ruby eyes lit up with the forming scowl, staring at the dimly lit crates opposite him. “But just you two watch. I’m not gonna need you both to do anything for me.” He glanced at each one, challenging them with his eyes. “I’m not gonna be the scared baby of us three anymore. I’m gonna help you guys. I…I want to help you guys.”
“That a boy, Jaron,” Seliph said, rubbing Jaron’s head with his fist.
Giggling, Jaron pushed it away. “Hey, only my snout, doofus.”
“Heh, fair enough.” Seliph stood up and threw the blanket off. “I’ll make sure we’ve got everything in the pack. Ciecro, keep watch will you?”
“On it.” The Charmander leaped for the box’s edge.
“Wait for me,” Jaron said as he pulled himself on top of the box and climbed over too. Once the two were at the door crack, Jaron got down on his stomach while Ciecro remained standing. Both peeked through and for a few minutes, they watched in silence. Jaron finally asked, “Do you see anything?”
Ciecro grunted. “Nah.”
“We’ll make do.”
The two snapped their attention towards Seliph, who was loosening the shoulder straps of the hiking pack.
Ciecro’s arms tightened with anticipation. “Wha’s dah plan?”
“Let’s see,” Seliph began as climbed over the box. “I’d rather not have to fight this guy, so we’ll go to Mom’s study, get the thing, and then leave. You do still have the key, right Ciecro?”
The Charmander nodded, walking towards the corner of the closet, and picked up a metal object hiding in the darkness.
“Good,” Seliph said, sighing with relief.
Ciecro grumpily rolled his eyes. “Wha’? Yah tink I’d lose it?”
Seliph chuckled with a shrug. “Maybe.”
Growling a little, Ciecro tossed to it Seliph, who easily caught it despite the limited light.
“So wait a minute,” Jaron stood up and asked, “Why do we need to go to Mom’s study?”
“For the box.”
“What box?”
“Dah one dat key opens,” Ciecro answered, pointing to the key he’d just thrown to Seliph.
“Oooooooh. So, what’s in the box?”
The older brothers looked at each other, their stares shifting to uncertainty.
“Wait, you guys don’t know?”
Seliph shook his head. “Mom just said it was a sample she was working on. We’ve never opened it.”
Jaron tilted his head. “Then…why are we getting it in the first place? What’s so special about it?” The Totodile’s eyes widened at seeing Seliph’s expression twitch for a second as he turned towards the door.
“I’ll tell you once we’re in the cave.”
“What?” Jaron raised a brow. “Why no-”
Jaron paused. He watched Seliph grab the doorknob with a tense, almost shaky arm. His brother’s eyes were narrow and bothered.
The Totodile scowled and nodded. “Okay.”
Seliph took a deep breath as Jaron and Ciecro moved behind their older brother. The creaking sound of the knob moving made Jaron’s heart beat faster.
Please don’t be near. Please don’t be near
Once the gap was big enough, Seliph squeezed on through, followed closely by Ciecro then Jaron. The Frogadier let go of the door and took the lead. He moved his right hand to his left and drew a Cut. Glancing back, Seliph whispered, “Stay behind me.”
Don’t worry about that, Jaron thought as he clasped onto Ciecro’s right hand tightly. To Jaron’s comfort, Ciecro didn’t protest and the trio crept their way to the door on the left-hand side of the room, across from their parents’ stone bed.
Jaron looked down at the emura light coming from underneath the door and tensed up.
What if it’s already inside, he thought.
“Ow.” Ciecro snapped his hand away and glared at Jaron.
“Sorry,” Jaron replied meekly, as Ciecro rubbed his squished wrist.
“Quiet, you two,” Seliph chastised as he pressed his head to the door.
His nerves started to act up again, as he hugged Ciecro from behind without taking his eyes off the door. He loosened up a little at Ciecro snarled softly at him.
Gently, Seliph nudged the door open and peeked inside. “It’s clear,” he answered, pushing the door open wide.
Ciecro pulled out of Jaron’s arms, turned around, and grabbed Jaron by the arms, making him squeal. “Come on,” Ciecro muttered as he yanked the Totodile in.
“Hey, what was-” Jaron started, but ceased his protests as Ciecro swung him inside and shut the door, twisting the deadbolt as fast as he could.
“Dere, yah got dah uhder two?” Ciecro asked Seliph, who nodded.
“Wait.” Jaron looked from one brother to the other. “I thought we were-”
“We are,” Seliph interrupted, as he started inspecting their mother’s desk. “I just want to make sure we’re safe while we search.”
“Search? Wait, you guys don’t know where it is?”
“Not exactly,” Seliph admitted, as he opened the drawers one at a time. “But, I think it’s. Here!” He tugged on the drawer in question, but to his surprise, it didn’t budge.
“‘Here’?” Jaron repeated, walking over just in time to get bumped to the side by Seliph stepping back and facepalming.
“Of course, the key.”
“Anodeh key?” Ciecro whined.
“Yes, the one for the drawer.” Seliph instantly went to the bookshelf and started climbing it. “I remember mom put the box in that drawer and locked it with a key she got from somewhere here.”
“Wait.” Ciecro walked underneath Seliph to spot him. “Bu’ wasn’t dat days ago?”
“Yes, but I don’t think she’d move it without a good reason.” Seliph reached behind the books, feeling around the area behind.
Jaron and Ciecro watched in anxious silence, awaiting for Seliph to announce with glee he found the key and hold it out for them to see. To their surprise, Seliph began tossing books off the shelf.
“Ack.” Jaron covered his head as one struck the floor nearby.
“‘Ey! Watch it!” Ciecro snapped.
“Quiet,” Jaron reminded.
Ciecro glared at Jaron, then turned his attention back at Seliph. “Ain’t it back dere?”
“Not on this shelf.” With an aggravated sigh, Seliph took another book off the shelf and handed it down towards the two. “Here.”
Ciecro raised a brow before grumbling as he took the book and set it down gently. The two of them did this till the top shelf was cleared, then they cleared the second, and then the third.
“Have yah found it yet?” Ciecro groaned as he set the most recent book he was handed on top of a leaning book tower.
Seliph pressed his fingers to his eyes and mumbled something neither of the younger brothers could hear. “No,” he uttered as he glanced down at them. “No, I haven’t.” He hopped down and looked at the rack of empty shelves with a heavy gaze. “I don’t understand it. This was where she had the key to that dumb box. Why would she move it?”
“Maybe…she put it somewhere else?” Jaron suggested, earning an annoyed stare from the two.
“Duh,” Ciecro blurted as he walked over to the desk and started yanking on the drawer’s handle.
Seliph sighed into his hand. “Jaron, try helping us look for it. It’s got to be here somewhere.”
“But where would I-?”
“I don’t know, just start looking,” Seliph snapped.
Jaron flinched, his hands started rising to clamp on his snout, but he stopped them mid-trip. “I…okay.” With heavy steps, Jaron walked over to the corner near the wall they entered.
He glanced around for a second and pressed his head against the wall.
So much for helping He pulled back and lightly bonked his head on the wall.
Think, Jaron. Where would mom keep the key?
He turned around and sat against the wall, staring at the wooden floor with a mulling gaze.
Let’s see, if I was Mom, where else would I put it? Well, I would probably put it somewhere where it’d be hard to reach.
“Dyah!” The Totodile felt like he was about to hit the roof from his jump.
“Woah dere.”
“Oh, Ciecro.” A few hasty breaths followed as Jaron said, “You startled me.”
“Well yeh, yah were sittin’ ‘ere. Come an’ help us. We need tah find dat key.”
“Hold on a minute.” Jaron got to his feet as Ciecro eyed him impatiently. “I’m trying to figure out where she would put it.”
“Why? We don’ have time fo’ sittin’ awound,” Ciecro answered.
“But, that’s the thing.” Jaron pressed his claws together as he took a few steps forwards. “Mom is good at hiding stuff. So, just searching wherever may take longer.”
Ignore him, just think. Jaron pressed a hand to his head and closed his eyes.
The key was on the shelf. So if I wanted to put it somewhere else that isn’t in the same spot, but also hard to reach. His eyes opened and almost as if intended, his gaze fell upon the large bookshelf. A thought crossed his mind as his eyes looked near the base. A few half-circle parts, as big as one of his hands, were cut in portions of the bookshelf’s base with darkness at their core.
His eyes widened with curiosity and without a word he walked over to the base of the bookshelf.
The Totodile didn’t answer, driven by almost some kind of premonition as he stuck his hand underneath. Unfortunately, the hole to the darkness underneath the bookcase was rather small. Try as he might, he couldn’t reach very far underneath it before his arm wouldn’t let him go on.
Oh, I know! He pulled his hand out and closed his eyes.
I need a long, stick like thing. He imaged his hand covered in Cut. Slowly, the image in his head protruded a spike at the far end of it. He opened his eyes, excitement filling his soul only for it all to disappear once he saw no spike.
Sighing heavily, Jaron tried to will it in again, grunting as if his body had to physically push it out.
The Totodile broke his attempts to see Ciecro staring at him confused. “I’m trying to make a spike with my Cut, but I can’t.”
Ciecro surged his Slash and started protruding a spike from the upper-wrist portion of it.
Jaron stared at it annoyed. “Yeah like that.” He stepped out of the way and pointed towards the hole. “Can you search underneath for me?”
“Sure.” Ciecro got on his tummy and started fiddling around underneath with his Cut.
Showoff. Jaron looked at his claw, trying once again to produce a spike at the end of his Cut.
“What are you guys doing?” An angry whisper asked.
Jaron snapped his gaze towards Seliph and immediately stopped using his move. “Oh um…trying to practice using a spike in my Cut.”
“You two are supposed to be searching.”
The Totodile hit himself on the head, saying, “No, sorry, I mean we’re looking under the-”
“Hey, I got something.”
Jaron glanced excitedly back at Ciecro, who was sliding back with whatever he found. His jaw dropped Ciecro pulled it out.
“Wha’ dah?” Ciecro raised a brow as he sat up.
“Huh?” Jaron stared down at what looked like a thin, metal stick. It was attached to a keyring despite looking nothing like a real key.
Why was this down here? He reached down to pick it up. “Seliph, do you-”
Seliph shook his head. “No, but…” He crossed his arms as he stared down at the object. “If I had to guess. Maybe it’s a backup key?”
“Dat’s a key?” Ciecro uttered as he leaned in closer for a look.
“Well, it’s on a keyring,” Seliph pointed out. “Maybe it just doesn’t look like a normal key?” He relieved Jaron of the keyring and stared at it for a second. “Worth a try.” He walked over to the dresser and stood in front of the lock, while his two observers watched at his sides.
Slowly, the Forgadier inserted the rod, though it took some effort, and tried turning the lock with it. Their hearts sank as not only did the lock not budge, but the rod just rolled inside the lock tunnel. “Damn.” Seliph pulled it out and set it on the dresser. “I don’t get it.”
“Hey, Seliph.”
“Yeah, Jaron?”
The Totodile leaned against the drawer, pressing the side of his head against it. “Try it again.”
“Uh? Okay.” Seliph once more inserted the rod once more. “Like this?”
“Yeah, now pull it out, but do it slowly.” Jaron’s eyes closed as he listened carefully for it. He heard the sound of faint metal clicking, like a rhythmic tapping noise.
I think I heard…five. Five in a row. Jaron pulled back from the drawer and reached for the keyring. “Gimme that.” Jaron snatched the keyring from Seliph, who held his hands up afterwards.
“Okay, okay. Sheesh.”
“Hmmm…” Jaron rubbed his chin, eyeing it closely as if he was trying to spot blemishes on its metal surface. “Did you see the key Mom used for this desk?”
“Not very well, no.”
Jaron groaned as he looked at his brother with an annoyed stare. “Then can I see the key to the box?”
Seliph’s eyes narrowed, but he nodded and went to fetch it.
Hmmm… Jaron closed his eyes as he imagined a long metal cylinder with the lock’s head at the end. He then pictured peering down the hole inside, revealing an empty inside.
It has to have five things making those clicking noises. And they only happened when Seliph pulled it out slowly. So…maybe five pushy thingies. Keeping that in the back of his head, Jaron looked back at the rod.
Okay, so if the lock unlocks by twisting it. The action of twisting the lock played in his head as if on command.
Then these thingies are keeping it from twisting. Five pushy thingies materialized in his mind’s image.
Jaron jumped.
Seliph held out the key to him. “You wanted to see this?”
“Oh, right.” Jaron peered at the key, studying mainly the end opposite the handle.
That’s interesting. It doesn’t look like it’d fit. How would it move the pushy thingies…unless… Jaron pulled back as his stare fell to the side.
Unless it takes a different type of key. Maybe…
Jaron looked once more at the metal rod, his eyes widening.
Wait, it’s bent a little. I guess it’s thin enouh to bend pretty easily. So, maybe this needs something else to-
Suddenly, a loud banging filled the room, causing all three to snap from their mulling. Their heads shifted towards the door leading towards the middle hallway as they remained still like statues. Seconds passed, then the knob moved, jerking around like it was possessed by some spirit.
Seliph instantly drew a Cut and walked closer to the door as quietly as he could. Suddenly, the knob’s rattling ceased, causing all three to freeze.
A purple spike stabbed right through the door, making all three cry in fright. What followed was the sound of a glee that only some kind of primal creature would utter as the purple spike was pulled back into the door’s wooden frame only to run through it in another spot.
“Get out of here!” Seliph shouted as he held the Cut towards the door.
“Bu’ wha’ abou’ dah-”
“No time for that!” Seliph shouted, glancing back.
“No, wait,” Jaron cut in. “I think I’ve almost got it.”
“Don’t argue with me!” Seliph commanded as the creature on the other side amped up its assault on the door.
“Trust me!” Jaron shouted back, staring into Seliph’s blue eyes with as much resolve and bravery his ruby ones could manage.
Breaking gaze with him, Seliph focused on the door in front. “Hurry.”
A small smile formed on Jaron’s face as he immediately asked Ciecro, “Ciecro, can you get me something like a stick for the lock?”
“Wha’?” Ciecro blinked.
“Just find something to put in the lock, stupid,” Jaron snapped as he turned to the lock, starting to insert the rod inside once more. It took a couple of seconds to jiggle it inside, just like before.
Okay, now I just need the other thing.
As if on cue, Ciecro returned from his fetch quest. “Dis wha’cha need?” He held out a glass stirrer for their mother’s weird liquid beakers.
“Perfect!” Jaron chirped as he snatched it away and lined it up with the hole.
Alright, let’s see. He thought as he slid the stirrer in above the metal rod, it thankfully being thin enough to fit into the lock, and promptly tried twisting them both. To his dismay, the lock didn’t budge.
“Come on, open it up,” Ciecro said, a hint of panic in his voice.
“Would you shut up!” Jaron snapped, glaring back at the Charmander. His frustrated anger subsided at seeing Ciecro staring with dread in the door’s direction.
No, don’t look, Jaron. You can’t freeze up. He started fiddling the stirrer inside the lock, hoping something different would happen. “Come on, come on!” He yelled at the lock, wanting to smack it as hard as he could.
“Jaron, hurry!” Seliph voice commanded, followed by the sound of his Water Pulse firing.
What followed was a hissing that made Jaron’s heart double its speed. Jaron’s hands started slipping as he desperately tried twisting the lock.
Open, damnit! Tears started to form as he could hear the door being torn apart by their hunter despite Seliph’s Water Pulses.
Those horrible images in his mind returned, taunting him like spirits encircling the scenes and whispering the terrible fate he was about to experience.
“Dya!” Jaron jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Focus!” Ciecro shouted as he looked at Jaron, the orange iris’s reflecting his resolve like embers refusing to go out. “Yah got dis far, now open dat draweh.”
Jaron let go of the pieces and took a deep breath. Closing his eyes, Jaron tried to just focus on Ciecro’s hand on his shoulder. With his eyes still closed, he reached back for the two sticks again.
It’s okay. Ciecro’s here. Jaron resumed his fiddling, but blind this time. Keeping calm mattered more than watching his motions.
You’re not a baby. Jaron’s claws tightened on the pieces as he thought back to that time. Seeing Ciecro look at him straight in the eye and say those words he hated hearing.
You’re not too young to help. You’re gonna help! So get this drawer open!
His eyes shot open and his heart felt like it stopped. Everything around him felt like a muffled noise. For what felt like an eternity, he finally lowered his stare towards the lock. His hands were still on the sticks, but not in the vertical position he started in. They were horizontal.
He seized the knob like a starving mon would for berries on a bush and pulled with all his might. So much so he tumbled over and landed on his back. “Oof.” He rubbed his head as the newfound headache quelled his panicked state.
“I got it!” Ciecro exclaimed.
Jaron immediately looked up at his brother, spotting a rectangular object in the Charmander’s claws. His eyes widened as a small smile formed.
A crashing noise filled the room, sapping any amount of joy from Jaron and restoring his fear. Jaron spun onto all fours, watching Seliph rush at the mon, who was climbing through the door.
Seliph jabbed his Cut at the creature, but it caught it. It growled as small traces of blood dripped from its fingers and ran down the Cut.
The Frogadier tried to free the Cut, but the mon wouldn’t relent.
As the two tussled through the hole in the door, Jaron’s noticed the hinges were starting to break.
For a brief moment, Seliph looked back at them, shouting, “Get Jaron out of here!”
Jaron’s heart felt like it stopped as he felt an arm wrap around his chest at the exact moment Seliph pushed with the Cut and tackled his opponent through the hole. “Seliph!” Jaron shouted, his instincts making him rush forwards. He was stopped by Ciecro’s arm yanking him back.
Tumbling a little Jaron, slid onto his side, but Ciecro caught him before he hit the floor hard.
“Come on,” he urged the Totodile, as he took one of Jaron’s hands into his own and started rushing.
Jaron couldn’t feel his legs move, or even see much of the world around him. His eyes looked forward blankly as his breath picked up. Questions flooded his mind and the image of Seliph diving into the door was all he could think of at that moment.
The movement he managed to somewhat notice suddenly stopped as he felt two hands on his shoulders push him down.
“Stay ‘ere,” an out-of-breath voice said.
Jaron looked up, his blurred image refocusing to see Ciecro’s face.
“I’m gonna help him. Stay hidden, a’ight?”
Despite still processing, Jaron nodded thus prompting Ciecro to hurry off. The Totodile looked around his immediate vicinity, noticing a rather large opening where the back door previously was. Slowly, he got to his feet, bumping into something on his right. With a quick gasp, Jaron hopped to the side and turned around.
“Oh…” he sighed, seeing Ciecro’s travel pack there. Jaron walked over to it, putting his hands on the flap but changed his mind and decided not to open it. Instead, he turned it around and tried putting it on. Grunting, Jaron struggled getting the thing over his shoulders since his back scales were actively fighting it.
Ugh, there. He let the pack hang free and looked around. Once more his eyes fell on the opening at the back door. Jaron’s eyes narrowed to a weak, sincere scowl.
Stay hidden. He backed away from the door, finding himself in the kitchen.
He frowned as sadness filled his heart. The kitchen was all torn up: the tables and chairs thrown about, the floor ripped open with one big hole and a large rock in the middle, the lights from emura lamps laying on their sides, and broken glass scattered near both sets of windows. Jaron moved his arm over his eyes to wipe away the tears as they started forming.
As he lowered his arm, he spotted something on a rock bar their mother would prepare food on.
Isn’t that? He took a few steps closer, staring at a spherical object lying near the bar’s edge.
His eyes lit up.
Oh, that’s the ranger’s com. He rushed towards it, unfortunately causing what little friction to keep the Orb still to give way.
It fell to the floor, bouncing a little before going into a flat roll to the side. “No, you don’t.” Jaron dove for it before it could get too far away, sadly missing it. “Damn it, get back here,” Jaron snarled, as he quickly rose to his feet and made another ditch effort to catch it.
“Hah.” He smiled in victory as he stared into a cyan surface tucked in between his hands. He pulled back and sat down, staring at his reflection in the orb.
Good, we can use this to-
He froze, noticing out of the corner of his eyes the dim moonlight around him, which had been from outside the window was darker. He looked at the window, spotting a large silhouette in front with two completely red eyes staring in his direction.
Every fiber in Jaron’s being froze save for the ones telling him to scream.
< O >
Ciecro dashed madly through the center hallway, noticing the busted-up door to their mother’s study but no Seliph or his attacker nearby. His gaze turned towards the front room, just in time to see both mons in question break from what must have been a clash.
Hang on! Ciecro surged Slash into his right arm, as he rushed into the front room. Suddenly, a bright flash from the window filled the room, causing Ciecro to have to cover his eyes.
Wha’ dah? What’s goin’ on out dere?
“Ciecro, down!”
Dropping to the floor, Ciecro heard a swoosh and crackling of a move overhead. Hoping whatever flash from the battle outside had died down, Ciecro opened his eyes and stared upwards. The feral Weavile stood above him, raising its claw above its head.
It swung down swiftly, but Ciecro was faster; pushing off into a roll on his side, Ciecro got onto his knees and raised his head to see if there was a follow-up. Sure enough, he spotted a dark, purple thing heading towards him.
He dropped onto his stomach once more, letting it soar overhead. At that same time, he surged Slash into his claws and wrist.
Now! Just as he pushed up to lunge for a counterstrike, he heard a loud cry followed by a thumping sound.
He flinched.
Instantly, he looked to the side, seeing Seliph lying on his side. The Frogadier was wincing in pain, clasping his arm as streams of blood ran down from a covered spot and sprawled onto the floor in small puddles.
Ciecro looked at the feral Weavile, currently distracted from the direct hit he landed on his real target. His muscles tensed as rage filled his eyes. Ciecro roared as he leaped up to the mon, slicing at the feral blindly with his ready Slash while forming a second in his other arm.
Droplets of blood flew from the mon’s thigh as it howled, staggering backwards.
Lunging for the mon, Ciecro swiped once more with his Slash, aiming for the feral’s chest. Unfortunately, the feral swung his Night Slash, clanking with Ciecro’s move and sending him back, off-balance.
Ciecro’s heart raced as he saw the mon swing the Night Slash back down. The boy raised his two Slashes to cover his face, grunting in pain as he felt the Night Slash tear into his arm. What followed was a strong hit to Ciecro’s stomach, knocking out all the air from his lungs and sending him hurtling a few feet.
“Ack!” he choked as his back hit the floor, the stinging in his arms making his body want to curl into a ball. His vision was a little disoriented, but he could make out the feral heading towards him. He opened his mouth and fired a quick Dragon Rage.
It hissed as it stopped its advance, bending down a little and clasping its face.
Come on, move! Ciecro ordered his still dizzy body to sit up and charge at the creature. He gasped at seeing the feral take its hands away and instead thrust them forwards, white light forming at their tips as streaks of Icy Wind blew towards Ciecro.
Ciecro immediately opened his maw again and fired a quick Dragon Rage right as the feral shot an Ice Shard. The moves clashed, but Ciecro’s Dragon Rage started losing to the Icy Wind.
No! He tried to put more effort, but his chest was still aching from the kick and only felt worse from having to keep blowing out Dragon Rage.
Powerless, he could only watch the Icy Wind inch its way towards him. He closed his eyes and readied to try and tank the move when he felt something touch his shoulder. Looking at his shoulder, he saw a Frogadier’s hand squeezing on it, glowing with a faint blue light a mere second after he looked.
It was then Ciecro felt a strange feeling in his body. The weariness from using his move didn’t feel as bad anymore.
“Push harder, I’ll supply you,” Seliph commanded, materializing a Cut with his free hand.
Gotcha! Ciecro fired harder, going for a large push against his adversary before he had to take another breath. The purple and yellow colors of his move broke through the white wind, engulfing the foe who shrieked.
“Go!” Ciecro shouted, dropping to the floor and panting. He watched Seliph leap into the air and using the cover of the last part of the Dragon Rage, hook kick the feral right in the chest. It staggered backwards, hitting the wall with a harsh thud and sliding down, dazed.
Yes! A smile formed on his face as he watched Seliph stand over the prone feral. It vanished as he saw Seliph step towards the mon. “Seliph?”
The feral tried to get to its feet and swipe at Seliph, but the Frogadier caught its arm and drove his Cut into its skull.
Ciecro’s jaw dropped as he watch his brother step back, staring at the feral falling back onto the wall and sinking to the floor, lifeless and bleeding. A sudden chill filled his body so firm that he almost could feel his tail’s fire dim. The Charmander’s eyes rose to look at his brother’s face, who was staring at the dead mon in silence, seemingly unaffected by the clear cut on his right arm.
Something about the way Seliph looked at the dead Weavile scared the ten-year-old. It scared him; so much so that he didn’t notice Seliph looking at him. “Ciecro?”
Ciecro blinked and looked up at Seliph’s confused stare. “Uh, yeh? Wait!” Ciecro uttered, dashing up to Seliph and grabbing him by the waist. “Seliph, yah’re arm.”
It seemed like the mere mention of the wound caused Seliph to feel its pain. He grabbed it and winced, exhaling slowly. “So I do,” he jested, smiling at Ciecro as he took a few breaths.
“Are yah a’ight?” Ciecro asked as Seliph dropped to a knee. “We need tah trea-”
“I’m alright, just gotta patch this up. Thanks for coming when you did.”
Ciecro managed a worried smile. “Well.” He scratched the back of his head as his cheeks flushed red a little. “No pro-”
A scream came from the far end of their home, prompting both to look towards the middle hallway’s entrance.
Jaron? Ciecro spun around, his eyes widening.
“Help!” the voice squealed once more.
“Jaron!” Ciecro broke into a mad dash, turning the corner so fast he almost rammed into the wall.
Shit! Shit! Shit! His eyes widened as he spotted Jaron running at the end of the hallway. “Hang on!” He shouted, nearing the end of the hallway.
He entered the back room, just in time to meet a large fist striking the ground right in front of him. “Dya!” he pulled back so hard and abrupt he fell on his back. He grunted then stiffened once he saw a large Electivire with the same red eyes that the Weavile had staring back at him. His body shivered as he watched the giant mon raise its arm.
With a yelp, he rolled on his stomach and tried to scamper away. He managed to clear the point of impact from the mon’s Hammer Arm, but the small shockwave sent him sprawling onto the hallway floor.
Growling, he picked himself up and faced this attacker, who was trying to enter the hallway.
Take dis! He opened wide and fired a Dragon Rage at its chest, causing it to stumble backwards, though it managed to catch itself by using the respective sides of the hole where the back door used to be. Seeing his opportunity, Ciecro took as deep a breath he could. Ciecro unleashed a large flame of Dragon Rage at his foe, but the Electivre pulled on the walls, using his falling forwards as momentum for his Hammer Arm to push against it.
Wha’ deh? Ciecro watched, the mon start taking slow, heavy steps towards him, shielding its head with the Hammer Arm.
Realizing he couldn’t win this standoff due to the mon’s power and his lungs running out of air, Ciecro ceased using his move and charged at the feral, surging Slash into his arms.
The Electivire swung down for him again, but Ciecro was ready this time. The Charmander dove to the left to evade the heavy hit, rolled back to his feet, and fired another Dragon Rage at its head.
To his frustration, it blocked with his free right arm, seemingly unfazed at the damage being done to it.
Come on! Ciecro grumbled in his mind, only interrupted by the Electivire giving a surprise over swing with its left arm, coated in the same Hammer Arm.
He raised his head to fire the move at the Hammer Arm coming down upon him. For a moment, the arm was suspended in the air but started to break through the fire with each second that passed.
Shit! He couldn’t beat it, so he tried breaking off to get clear.
Sadly, he was too late as the move, while missing his body, struck a few inches away. He went sailing into the other room, striking the ground harshly and rolling till he hit the wall. He groaned, trying to push up with his elbow. “Damn it.” His body hurt all over, even his vision was a little blurred from the event.
“Ciecro!” Jaron tried to help Ciecro sit upright.
“Ugh…” Ciecro shook his head, his vision clearing up. He took one look at Jaron and instantly pushed him aside. “Get back! Run!” He rose to confront their adversary, who was heading towards them.
Ciecro opened his mouth to fire Dragon Rage, but a sudden pain in his chest forced him to stop prematurely. He coughed as he clasped his bosom, breathing heavily. “Wha’?” He glanced back at the Electivire and tried again, only for his body to fight him once more. “N-n-no,” he uttered amid a few coughs.
“Ciecro!” Jaron cried, supporting him.
“My chest.” Ciecro gulped as he looked back at the Electivire with dread. He tried to shield Jaron again, but to his surprise, his brother moved in front.
Jaron opened his mouth wide and fired Scald, though the Electivire merely covered its face with its giant hand. It inched closer and closer to them.
Wha’ do we do? Ciecro then looked at Jaron, realizing the Totodile was wearing his pack that Seliph found in the closet. Hope filled his eyes as he worked on undoing the flap, confusing Jaron. “Keep ‘im stalled.”
Jaron’s unintelligible noise sounded like an, “Okay” to Ciecro. He started working on undoing the pack when suddenly Jaron spun around.
“Come on!” He grabbed his hands.
“Jaron! Wha’ ar-” He then noticed the Electivire flailing around, its face covered with some white things. “Frubbles?”
“Come on!” Seliph called to them from the other side of the Electivire, who was busy tearing at the frubbles over its eyes.
“Ah.” Ciecro nodded, quickly seizing Jaron by the pack on his back.
“Take it off.”
Jaron looked at him perplexed.
“Yah can move fasteh wit’ it off.”
“Oh!” Jaron immediately threw the shoulders straps from their spots and Ciecro started putting it on. The totodile slowly approached the flailing beast, uncertain of how to cross to the other side without getting whacked.
Seeing Jaron’s hesitation, Ciecro jogged up to Jaron and shouted, “Seliph get ready to catch him.”
“Catch him?”
“Yah’ll see.” Ciecro then looked at Jaron, who stared at him like he was crazy.
“You’re…gonna throw me?”
“No!” Ciecro got behind Jaron, like he was about to push him, and lined the Totodile up with the right side of the Electivire. He leaned in close and whispered, “Jump fo’ Seliph. I’mma blast dis guy tah give yah an openin’.”
“Oooooh,” Jaron replied, facing towards the Electivire once more and gulping.
Ciecro took a deep breath. “T’ree, two, one.” The Charmander unleashed his move near the torso, striking a direct it and sending it leaning to the side. “Catch!” He shouted, shoving Jaron who stumbled forwards through a crack formed by the off-balanced beast.
“I got him!” Seliph exclaimed.
That was all Ciecro needed to hear. He positioned himself in front of the Electivire once more, though his heart sank as he noticed it was staring back, at least with one uncovered eye. Panting with a sudden strike of panic, Ciecro rushed forwards and dove underneath the Electivire, narrowly avoiding being scooped up by the feral.
He was instantly grabbed by the arms; his two brothers trying to pull him to his feet.
“Run for the forest!” Seliph shouted, pushing him and Jaron forwards.
Ciecro stumbled into a dash, managing to take the lead as the three went left their home and headed into the brush.
His heart as he dashed through the gloomy forest, panting loudly and uncontrollably. The darkness of the forest revealed endless pathways of darkness in every direction he could go. The forest he’d known all his life felt so different he struggled to keep on a familiar path.
Was it dis way? Where’s dah creek? Ciecro felt that chill return in his spine as he struggled to find anything to remind him of the way. Eventually, he stopped full front, trying to find some sense of direction.
“What are you doing‽” Seliph said, in a whisper as he and Jaron caught up to Ciecro.
The Charmander looked at the two. “I…I can’t find dah way.”
Seliph glanced behind them, a second later his eyes shooting wide open. “Take cover now!” He commanded, dashing to the right. Jaron screamed and ran left, leaving Ciecro to see a yellow light forming in front.
He screamed and ran after Jaron, as a powerful electric attack shot towards the spot he was. Ciecro rushed behind a random tree, peeking around the edge as he minimized his tail’s flame. He heard heavy footsteps nearby, tempting him to make a noise out of fear.
“Ciecro,” a voice whispered.
He shot his head in the direction, managing to make out Jaron pressed against the root system of a nearby tree.
“W-w-w-what do we-”
Ciecro held out a hand for him to be quiet. The Charmander took another peek around the tree.
Okay, one…two…three. It took all his willpower to leave his hiding spot and join Jaron, though after a few seconds passed and nothing happened, he relaxed with relief.
“W-what do we do?” Jaron repeated, huddling next to him like a stuffed toy.
The Charmander glanced back. “Can yah pinpoint him? With
“Oh, right.” Jaron’s eyes closed just as quickly as they went wide at Ciecro’s suggestion. A tense minute passed, then Jaron shook his head with a defeated frown. “I can’t. I feel that feeling everywhere.” He huddled into a shiver.
Damnit. Ciecro leaned back against the roots and dirt at their backs. He looked to the side and slid over to try and peek again. His eyes were adjusting to the darkness better, he could even see the trees and brush okay, but sadly no murderous Electivire.
How can somethin’ dat big hide ‘ere? He grumbled in his head, sliding back to figure out what to do next.
He placed a hand on his chest and closed his eyes.
I feel a little betteh. He mimicked pushing with his throat like he was firing Dragon Rage and winced a little at the pain in his chest.
Not too bad anymo’e. Good.
Taking solace in that he could fight if needed, Ciecro went to go for another peek. Mid-attempt, he froze at the sound of rustling leaves nearby. Being as quiet as he could, Ciecro went for another peek.
Where dah hell is he?
He grumbled to himself as he pulled back and said, “I can’t see ‘im. Can yah-” He stopped, seeing Jaron staring towards the roots they hid behind, terror in his eyes.
That was all Ciecro needed. He took a deep breath and stood up. He unleashed Dragon Rage into the darkness, hoping his hunch was right. A responding Thunderbolt met his move, resulting in a powerful clash and loud explosion.
Ciecro dove back under the roots and covered his head as well as sheltered his scared brother with his body. “So he’s dere.” He smirked, invigorated now that he wasn’t playing hide and seek with the foe anymore. He looked down at Jaron, whispering, “Stay ‘ere.”
“Huh?” The Totodile looked up at him.
Ciecro dashed to the side, keeping an eye out for the Electivire. Once he spotted it, he dove behind a tree to avoid its incoming Thunderbolt. He surged two Slash’s into his arms and shouted at the top of his lungs. “Seliph! Cover me!”
With that said, he left his hiding spot and charged directly for his adversary. The Electivire surged Hammer Arm and charged for him as well.
When they were about ten feet apart, a random Water Pulse struck the Electivire on the side of its head, leaving it disoriented.
Heh. Ciecro smirked as he cleared the distance in a few seconds and sliced for the mon’s legs, bringing it down on a knee.
“Go for the head!” Seliph shouted, jumping down from a branch, but not after throwing a frubble to keep the Electivire’s knee down.
With a roar, Ciecro sliced at the Electivire’s face. He hopped back in case it tried to strike back, but to his dismay, it merely stood up. It tore free from the frubbles and stared at him with three slashes near its lower chin.
Damnit, I missed!
He backed away as the Electivire raised its arm again. Spinning around, Ciecro tried to run away, but to his surprise, the mon struck the ground instead of chasing him. He glanced behind him to see Stone Edge uprooting the ground behind him.
“Shit!” He darted to the right, but couldn’t avoid the uprooting ground from the Stone Edge. He was hurled into the air, screaming. Thankfully, the brush broke his fall, though the leaves poking him on all sides didn’t make him feel grateful.
Flailing around, Ciecro tried to climb out, but the branches latched onto the backpack. He pulled and twisted, but he couldn’t free himself from the prison. “Let me go!” He demanded the plant. The plant refused, or at least the branches continued poking him and the pack.
“Jaron! Help Ciecro!” He heard Seliph shout followed by the sound of an explosion.
“Damnit! Let me out yah stupid plant! Dey need me!” The branches kept him pinned, poking him with their leaves till he ceased struggling.
Wait. He looked at his arm and surged Slash. He cut at the branches near his arm, cutting through the villains relatively easily.
I’m an idiot! Surging another Slash, he worked on the branches around, eventually making enough room to roll on his stomach and crawl out of the nightmare of a bush. He neared the edge, spotting Jaron nearby. “Here!” He shouted, pulling himself into view with his arms.
“Here, let me help.” Jaron grabbed his arms and pulled. It took a few times, but eventually the brush let go of its grip on the backpack and freeing the Charmander from his leafy prison. “Are you hurt bad?”
“Naw. Tanks fo’ dat,” Ciecro said, getting to his feet with Jaron’s help and rubbing his poked arms. “Where’s Seliph and dah mon?”
They got their answer in the form of a loud blast followed by Seliph being flung into some bushes nearby.
“Seliph!” Jaron exclaimed, running towards the edge of the collection of bushes.
Ciecro rushed after Jaron, spotting the Electivire charging after them. “Get down!” Ciecro leaped onto Jaron, pinning him to the ground. A Thunderbolt soared above their heads and struck a tree nearby.
Getting off of Jaron, Ciecro grabbed Jaron’s hand and pulled. “Come on!” he shouted, as he watched the Electivire’s horns glowing with yellow electricity.
He ran as fast as he could, dragging Jaron along with him as he heard the Thunderbolt cackling behind him. Quickly, Ciecro darted to the right, trying to make them both a harder target. It soared past them, striking the ground nearby.
Heading for the nearest tree for cover, Ciecro stumbled as the ground shook. They fell forwards but were hurled onto their backs. Pain surged into his chest, causing him to groan and roll on his side. “Ack!” He went on his stomach and tried to get on his feet, but stumbled forwards.
Thankfully, Jaron’s was already up and able to steady Ciecro. “I got yo-”
Ciecro’s eyes lit up as he saw a yellow light heading their way. There was nothing he could do as Thunderbolt surged into their bodies, both boys shouting the painful sensation.
Gritting his teeth, Ciecro clenched his fists as tried surging Slash into his arms. He could hear Jaron’s cries from the move, invigorating him to fight the pain and protect his brother. Crossing his arms, he stepped in front of his brother, taking most of it through his body. “Jaron, fire Scald a-” He glanced back, and to his horror, Jaron was lying there, shaking slightly as small, yellow sparks surged around his body.
“Jaron!” Ciecro shouted. A rageful scowl formed on his face as he faced the Thunderbolt and opened his maw, trying to fire a Dragon Rage. “Ack!” His chest lit up with a sharp pain right as the Thunderbolt striking him ended. He dropped to his hands and knees, hurting all over.
He shook his head, forcing himself to stand up. His consciousness lit up as he saw a Hammer Arm swinging his way. He tried to block with Slash’s but the move struck him before they fully constructed.
The Charmander landed a few feet away, rolling a few more till he came to a stop. His chest felt like it wanted to burst as he groaned, struggling to get back up. His whole being ached as he pushed up to his knees, staring forwards at the Electivire and watching with horror as it walked towards his prone brother.
“No! Stay away fro-” Ciecro tried to stand up, but he fell forwards on his hands and knees.
Shit! He tried pushing forwards, but his legs gave way and he fell flat on his stomach. Looking up, his soul filled with dread as he saw the Electivire’s right arm begin to encase itself in orange light.
Taking a deep breath, Ciecro felt a sharp pain surged through his chest once more.
No! He collapsed flat on the ground, the right side of his face recoiling in the dirt.
I can’t-
He pushed against the pain keeping him down with sheer willpower and stretched his hands forwards.
Come on, please! he cried in his mind, but all that emerged from his claws were simply a few purple sparks. His hope began dying as he tried to unleash the flames through his hands, despite not knowing where to even start. After all, if he could do it with Slash, why not this move.
Tears started forming in his angry eyes, as the realization set in. There was nothing he could do as he watched the Electivire ready to bring down death on his paralyzed, defenseless brother. His hand stopped trying to fire, instead reaching out to his brother desperate.
Time slowed to him as he saw the Electivire swing down. Then, a flash of light blue light happened. Water droplets sprayed from a certain point of impact on the Hammer Arm as it slammed into the ground, mere inches away from Jaron’s head. The Totodile was hurled into a roll, coming to a stop a few feet later.
The Electivire turned to confront this interruption, only to receive one such Water Pulse to the face.
Ciecro’s eyes widened and his mouth gaped as he watched Seliph rush right in front of the prone Electivire and do a jumping slice with dual Cuts. The twin normal type moves caused red lines to appear on the mon’s yellow and black fur as it cried in anger and pain.
Regaining some of his focus, Ciecro struggled back to his feet and hurried over to Jaron, taking care to not strain himself too much. He almost collapsed on his poor brother as he sat next to him and started rolling the Totodile onto his back.
Please be okay. He swatted some of the tears from his eyes as he examined his brother.
The paralysis effects look present, but Jaron’s breathing seemed stable. His joy at this truth caused a heartful smile to form as he tried to fight back just bawling right there. He have to fight long, as Seliph hit the ground near the two of them and rolled a little ways, managing to stop his momentum before he hit the two.
Ciecro tried to get up and help, but stopped.
I can’t use my move or… Stepping in front of Jaron, Ciecro said to Seliph, who was getting ready to attack. “Don’ worry abou’ us. Jus’ beat dat monsteh.”
Seliph didn’t reply, instead rushing forwards at the Electivre. The feral fired Thunderbolt at Seliph, but the nimble Frogadier easily pivoted out of its way. He pressed his fingers into a triangle and fired another Water Pulse
The Electivire smashed it away with Hammer Arm, moving to try and strike at Seliph. However, Seliph hopped back and chose to fire once more, and once again it was dashed to droplets by the feral’s Hammer Arm.
Ciecro’s eyes widened and a smile formed. He could see the feral’s movements slowing down the more and more Seliph’s Water Pulse traded with Hammer Arm. A grin formed on his weary face. Seliph had this.
Sure enough, the Frogadier was too fast to be hit, or rather the Electivire had become too slow. Finally, Seliph drew his Cuts once more and dashed towards him after another failed attempt to crush the boy. Seliph thrust the first into its chest, making it howl and step back. Seliph hopped onto its body as it staggered backwards, flipped the Cut to hold it backhanded, and raised it above his head before driving it into the Electivire’s forehead.
“Die!” The Frogadier scream ferociously as he pushed the move deeper, so deep, in fact, he lost his grip on it. Seliph grabbed the mon’s head and pushed off into a few backflips, landing with a graceful low stance.
Ciecro felt a chill in his body but also felt gladness at that monster who tried to harm Jaron slowly fall onto its back, dead.
“Screw yah!” Ciecro snapped at the motionless mon. A squeak from him followed as he spotted Seliph collapse to a knee and hold his arm, panting slowly and heavily.
Ciecro returned his focus on Jaron as he propped the younger brother up with his arms. “Seliph,” he called out, as he started shifting behind Jaron to support him better. “Jaron’s pehwalyzed.”
It wasn’t long before Ciecro heard Seliph jog over and a few seconds later drop at their side, panting and fearful.
“He’s okay,” Ciecro assured Seliph, taking off the backpack.
Seliph immediately seized it from him and undid the flap, searching for something to help.
They both froze at hearing Jaron groan, shifting in Ciecro’s grip. The Charmander leaned over along with Seliph as Jaron’s eyes opened, albeit shakily.
“Seliph? Ciecro?” Jaron shook his head.
“Don’t move too much.” Seliph placed a hand on Jaron’s shoulder. “You’re banged up. Don’t worry I’ll-”
“Dya!” Jaron’s eyes shot open as he about jumped from Ciecro’s grip. He was staring towards their downed enemy.
“Woah, dere.” Ciecro kept Jaron in a tight hug as Seliph gently pushed Jaron from trying to get up.
“It’s okay, he’s dead.”
Ciecro stared at Jaron’s face, concern filling his heart as he saw the boy didn’t seem relieved at the news. Jaron started shaking slightly, the pupils of his eyes shrinking very small. This fearful look of Jaron’s looked far different from his other ones.
Suddenly, Jaron hugged Ciecro’s neck, whimpering a little as he squeezed the poor guy.
“Jaron, ack!” Ciecro choked, trying to push Jaron away. “Stoppit.”
“Jaron, let go.” Seliph gently nudged Jaron back from Ciecro. “Everything’s all right.”
The Totodile looked up at Seliph and then at Ciecro. His eyes lowered as if he realized what he’d been doing and regretted it. “S-s-sorry.”
“Don’ worry.” Ciecro grinned, earning a little warm smile from Jaron.
“Ciecro, can you carry the backpack again?” Seliph inquired as he stood up.
“Sure. But’ don’ we need tah treat Jaron’s pehwalysis?”
“I’d rather treat him at the tunnel, where it’s safe.” Seliph turned around and got on his knees. “Is that alright, Jaron?”
“Yeah…I can do that.”
Ciecro broke off from the two and started putting the backpack on. He felt tired and his body still hurt a bit, but not enough to weigh him down much. Though, his thoughts went to that scene of Jaron almost losing his life. He didn’t want to think about it, but it was all his mind could.
He rolled on the last shoulder strap as he turned back to the two. “Ready?” He asked.
“Lead the way,” Seliph said, pushing up on Jaron with his hands so the Totodile wasn’t sagging too much on his back.
Ciecro nodded and took the lead once more. The hike onwards felt slow and rather mundane and quiet, not that Ciecro complained. Though, he found those thoughts returning relatively quickly. With a sigh, he reached into one of the pockets on the pack hoping to pull out something to fiddle around with.
Lucky for him, there was something in the first pouch. He pulled it in front and paused. “Wha’?”
“What is it?” Seliph asked, stopping right behind Ciecro.
“Oh, that’s the ranger’s Com Orb.” Jaron exclaimed.
Glancing at Jaron, Seliph asked, “When did you get that?”
“Right before that stupid Electivire attacked me.”
Seliph smiled. “Good job, Jaron.”
Ciecro glanced back at the path that lay before them. “I tink I can ‘ear dah creek.”
“Good, then we’re close. Let’s hurry so we can get some rest and get rid of that paralysis on you Jaron.”
“Yeh,” Jaron added, shivering as if he was stuck in a winter snow land. “I don’t like this feeling. Everything feels heavy and tingly.”
Seliph chuckled.
“Le’s go,” Ciecro muttered as he started walking. He glanced down at the orb, eyes narrowing as if he was trying to make out his reflection on its surface.
He’s gonna be okay. His fist tightened over the orb as his breath broke rhythm for a second.
No tanks tah me. A strong scowl formed as he let his arm holding the orb fall to his side.
Fuck dose mons!
The ranting in his head ceased as he felt water touch the scales of his feet. “Hrm?” He glanced upwards, a faint moonlight shown over a few open areas of the stream cutting through the forest. He looked to the right, and sure enough, there was the bush covering the hole in the dwarven hill’s side.
He dashed one over to the bush, pushing it down and setting the backpack on top of it. He then put his head through the hole. It was dark.
Huh, well dat was dumb. He pulled back, noticing the other two had caught up.
He stepped out of the way. “Set ‘im on dah backpack. I’ll help ‘im down to yah.”
“Good idea.” He leaned back towards the pack, cushioning Jaron from the annoying pricks of the leaves, and hopped into the hole.
Ciecro hugged Jaron’s waist, heaving up as best he could. “Blagh! Dang, yah’re heavy.”
“Knock it off,” Jaron grumbled, as he was moved to the hole and thus into Seliph’s waiting arms.
“Got him. You can let go now.”
Ciecro did just that, a relieved exhale following losing such a heavy load. “I’ll lower dah backpack to yah.”
“Huh? Aren’t you coming down here?” Seliph asked, setting Jaron down at the wall.
“Nah, I want tah try and get dah ohb Jaron foun’ tah work.”
“Good idea.”
The Charmander promptly shifted the backpack over to the entrance of the hole and leaned it over. “Catch.”
He pushed it over into Seliph’s hands. “Thanks. Don’t take too long, Ciecro.”
He stepped into the nearest spot in the small creek that had moonlight.
How did dat guy do it again? Ciecro mulled as he eyed the orb all over. The only thing he could spot as a start on its green surface was a thin line that ran all around it. “Ah!” he exclaimed with glee, twisting the top and bottom.
To his surprise, it didn’t budge. “Huh? But I thoug- wai’” He twisted the other way and it complied. “Heh, easy.” He pulled them apart, causing the orb to stretch out by about an inch. The insides that were hidden looked rather technical, at least to the ten-year-old.
Ciecro just stared at it, uncertain how to proceed.
“Did you get it working?” Seliph asked, stepping over the bush.
“I tink?” Ciecro rubbed his chin as he held the orb out for Seliph to see. “I go’ it tah split like dis.”
“Good job.” Seliph took the orb from Ciecro and pressed something in the middle.
Ciecro jumped back as a green image popped up before their eyes. It was a square, a flat one being projected from the orb.
Woah, dat’s very cool.
“Hmmm, it should be already linked up.” Seliph pressed the same spot and the image disappeared. Seliph then pressed something else, causing a rather obnoxious, high-pitched noise to occur; it sounded like scraping claws on rock.
As Seliph started twisting one side of the orb, causing static sounds of all kinds to resound the area, Ciecro looked back at the hole and asked, “How’s Jaron?”
“Resting,” Seliph answered bluntly, too engrossed in the task to go into detail.
Good… Ciecro sighed and looked up at the moonlight that bathed them and the orb in its silver radiance.
Wha’s gonna happen to us now? Or Mom, Dad, an’ Uncle Tethe.
“I think I got it.”
His attention snapping back to the orb, Ciecro leaned in closer as Seliph tapped the orb in the center, causing some kind of reverb to happen.
“Hello?” Seliph asked the object.
They both stared at it in anticipated silence, then in confused silence. “Am I not connected?” Seliph mumbled, eyeing all ends of the orb to make sure he didn’t make a mistake. “No, I think that’s how you do it. Then am I not linked?” Grumbling, Seliph shook the orb. “Stupid pile of junk. Work!”
“Maybe yah weren’ in dah righ’ spo-”
“Who is this‽”
Both gasped, staring at the orb that just talked to them.
“Uhm…” The two looked at each other, as Seliph pulled the orb up to his face and said, “Hello?”
“Who is this? Roweilo? Your connection isn’t great.”
“No, this is Seliph. Seliph Almkin.” A smile formed on the Frogadier’s face as he turned back and stared at the bush covering the hole.
“Where’s Rowielo?”
“Roweilo is with our parents, fighting our attackers.”
“Wait, you’re one of the kids, right? Three boys?”
Seliph nodded. “Yep. We’re all here but got banged up a bit from some attackers.”
Seeing Seliph had this covered, Ciecro turned towards the hole, his relieved smile fading away.
He’s got dis. As he stepped next to the bush, he hesitated.
Maybe, I should jus’ le’ Jaron rest.
Suddenly, he heard some kind of shout from behind. He turned around to see Seliph staring at the orb, just as confused as he was. His spine tingled as he walked back over, listening carefully to what sound came from the orb.
“Find whoever did that!” the voice from before sounded out of breath. “Oh God, you’re gonna be alright. Tomil! Get over here, Jarry’s been hi-”
The sound of some kind of slice followed by a second’s voice scream in agony, making both boys tense up, their gazes glued to the orb.
“Form up, God damnit! They’re using the cover of the forest, we need to- Hyugh!”
A thud sound abruptly cut him off as the voice panted heavily. “Argh…fuck! Help, I’ve been-…Jarry? Tomil?”
Another random scream happened as the mon on the other side of the com’s breathing accelerated. “Where the fuck are they‽”
“I don’t know! They keep, AHHH!”
Both brothers flinched back as they heard the sound of flesh being torn. They moved in closer as the original voice started whimpering. “Get back! Stoooooo-!”
A loud snarl interrupted the mon as well as the sound of a scuffle. The surprised, fearful duo looked at each other as the voice desperately cried out, “Get off of me!” A loud smack happened and heavy panting. “Stay back, if you know what’s good for you. Wait…where did it-? I can’t see them. HYUGH!”
What followed was vague sounds of clashing, shouts, ramblings, and painful cries. The terrible sounds finally died down, the only voice coming from the other side now being heavy breathing not much different from the ferals they encountered before.
“What is that?” A different voice said though it was hard to make out due to some strange static.
Immediately, Seliph twisted both halves to close the orb and end the connection. The Forgadier’s arms went lax as he stared downwards.
Ciecro equally didn’t know what to say, or even what to think. However, he managed to ask in a staggering tone, “Are…are dey-”
“We’re on our own.” Seliph’s eyes narrowed into a serious stare as Ciecro felt a lump in his throat. “Stay with Jaron.”
“Wha’?” Ciecro flinched as Seliph tossed him the com orb.
“Don’t try using that till we can unlink it. Stay with him and don’t leave the tunnel.”
“Wai’,” Ciecro started, gaining back some of his nerve. “Wha’ are yah gonna do?”
“Someone has to warn Mom and Dad.” Seliph turned towards the way home and glanced back.
Ciecro wanted to say something, wanted to join him, but that stare sucked all the resistance Ciecro was able to muster. If this had been a game all along, it had officially ended. The Charmander could only let his head lower to look at the stream of water flowing at his feet.
He looked up, but not into Seliph’s eyes.
“I need you to promise me you won’t.”
The tone seemed just as heavy to hear as the words. Ciecro felt like the coldness around him had amplified to winter in the north, as he felt the strong urge to curl up right there. “A’ight,” he answered meekly.
Splashing sounds followed as Seliph started walking away.
No. Ciecro forced himself to look up, determination in his eyes as he said, “Seliph.”
The Frogadier responded, turning towards the Charmander, listening.
“Don’…don’ ge-”
“I won’t.” Seliph’s stare eased up to a faint warm smile. “But that goes for you too.”
Ciecro nodded as a scowl crossed his face. “I won’t.” Ciecro watched his brother walk away in silence, questions flooding his mind accompanied by his uncertainties. His head fell as he mulled over all these thoughts and anxieties.
I shouldn’ be ou’ ‘ere. Trudging his way to the tunnel, Ciecro lowered himself and dropping to the ground.
The Charmander turned to see Jaron sitting at the side of the narrow dirt tunnel, clenching a Luminous Orb in his hand.
“Hey,” Ciecro mumbled lazily, walking over to sit next to Jaron, who was leaning on the backpack. “Yah feelin’ betteh?”
“Yep,” Jaron said with a supportive smile. “Are you okay?”
Ciecro’s gaze drifted to the side. “Uh…sure.” He pushed up against the dirt wall, staring at the entrance.
“You sure? You got hit pretty hard by that guy.”
“I can take a beatin’, Jaron.” Ciecro leaned forwards, scowling.
“Naw, I shouldn’ have said it like dat.” His gaze met Jaron’s, smiling at his brother. He felt over his chest. Surprisingly, the pain had died down quite a bit. He didn’t want to be too optimistic, considering it healed a bit before and then the Electivire attack, but right now he really didn’t care.
Once again, he was in a spot of keeping something from Jaron. Of course, he didn’t feel as selfish this time, but that didn’t seem to lessen how terrible he felt. Jaron’s smile seemed so innocent when compared to the horror they just heard over the com orb.
Why did dis all happen? Ciecro centered on that question, slowly growing bitter at whatever truth answered it.
“Hey, Ciecro.”
The Charmander grunted as he looked at the ground in front of Jaron.
“Who where those mons? They seemed…weird.”
“Kinda like dad that one time his gift went off. Remember?”
“Yeh…dough he neveh ‘armed us.” Ciecro looked at his hands, his eyes easing up on the scowl. “I hope I can handle it like dat.”
“I’m sure you will.” Jaron leaned onto Ciecro. “Probably just needs practice.”
Ciecro’s eyes narrowed. “Maybe…bu’…”
“But what?”
“I wish it wen’ off.” Ciecro rested his hands on his legs as he stared at the ball of light. “Den…maybe I could’ve kept yah safe like I said I would.”
“It’s okay.” Jaron hugged Ciecro, both grunting a little from their wounds acting up.
It ain’, Ciecro muttered in his mind. He didn’t want to ruin what optimism his brother had, even if he couldn’t share in it. Instead, he focused back on what Jaron had asked in the first place.
I’ve neveh seen mons act like dat. He looked at the ceiling.
Dose eyes seemed different too. Dad’s still had dah black part…but dey didn’ even have dat. He shook his head, unsure what to think.
Whateveh, dey’re dead anyway, so who cares.
His dismissal of pondering the reason for their attacker’s actions allowed the first question he thought about to retake his attention.
Hmm…well, he shifted a little in his spot, glancing at the pack next to Jaron.
Mom said dat dey wanted tah stop ‘er research.
His eyes narrowed, suddenly standing up.
Focused on the backpack, Ciecro walked past Jaron and got on his knees, undoing the flap and reaching inside. It didn’t take long for him to locate the box and pull it out.
“What are you doing?” Jaron crawled over.
“I wanna see it.”
“See what?”
The Charmander started searching the pack for the key. “Wha’ dos’ bastards are afteh.”
“Wait…they want the box?”
“It’s…complicated, bu’ yeh.” Ciecro pulled the key out and flipped the flap back over. “Jaron, can yah hold dah stick so I can see dah lock.”
“Oh sure.” Jaron reached over and lifted the Luminous Orb above the box, revealing the lock for the box relatively well.
Ciecro took a deep breath as he navigated the key to the lock.
“Are you sure we should open it?”
“Dunno, bu’ I’m gonna.” He guessed Jaron would protest this, but to his surprise and slight relief, his brother’s curiosity beat out his sense of responsibility. The Charmander focused on the key, twisting it till there was a click. The lid of the box nudged open a little, confirming the lock had been disengaged.
Gently, Ciecro cupped his other hand on the box’s top and moved it open. His heartbeat sped with excitement as he stared at a small vial of red liquid, resting in a cushioning straw that covered the bottom half of the box.
“Hmmm…” Ciecro took the vial out, moving it near his tail light to make out the contents better. It was a red liquid that was transparent enough to see the flame on the other side.
“What do you suppose it is?” Jaron asked, leaning down to get a better look.
“Dunno.” Ciecro kept his eyes firmly on it, trying to figure out what it could be. He blinked, and pulled back suddenly noticing a strange sensation.
The Charmander looked at Jaron and then back at the liquid. *Wha’…wha’ was dat.* He pulled the vial up to his face, peering deeply into its innards as if trying to spot any motion inside. His muscles started to relax as a small yet strange sensation filled his body. It felt weird, yet not terrible. He couldn’t quite put a word on it.
He heard Jaron saying things, but didn’t focus at all on them. He just stared at the vial, trying to understand this strange sensation of contradictory results. He wanted to shove it back into the box, yet he also wanted to pull it close.
His eyes drifted upwards to the cork that held the vial in, staring at it blankly like he was counting the holes inside it. Wha’ dah heck is dis? The Charmander set it back into the box and shut the lid, but that strange feeling didn’t go away.
He looked at Jaron, who was looking at the box with a worried frown.
“Can…can you lock it, too?”
“Uh…sure.” He grabbed the key and inserted it into the lock. As he twisted, he focused on that sensation. That feeling of staring into the vial as if he was staring into his father’s smile and the feral’s horrifying ones at the same time.