golden scars | pfp by sun
(except like it's reviews in the boxes)
This thread is for logging points for Review Blitz. If you:
- Have questions about specifics for what qualifies for points, etc, please check the Rules and Guidelines Thread and ask any questions you may have there.
- Want to engage in general chitchat with other community members about Blitz, find some cool fic recs, and so on, check out the General Chat and Hype Thread.
- Are trying to spend your points, check out the Prize Claim Thread.
If you have questions about specifics for what qualifies for points, etc, please check the Rules and Guidelines Thread and ask any questions you may have there. If you'd like to participate in general chitchat with other community members about Blitz, find some cool fic recs, and so on, check out the General Chat and Hype Thread.
Logging Format: Please use the following format when logging your reviews:
Fic Title: [Title, as posted in the thread's title]
Link to Review: [link separately here]
Number of Chapters Read: [an integer number that is 1 or greater]
Weekly Theme: [Yes / No]
We'll do the rest! Feel free to track your own points, word count, etc if you'd like, but that's not a requirement and we'll be double checking those regardless. If you have any questions, please reach out to @kintsugi, @Pen, or @Negrek, or pinging @blitz-logistics in the Discord!
Note: The following fics are exempt from Review Blitz, and reviews written for them will not be valid for points.
- Barricade
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Delta Dossiers
- Burner
- Sa[l]vage Mafia
- Risk You
- Pokemon: Heroes and Villains
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