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Pokémon Recollections


Junior Trainer
Decided to make a new thread for any short-form works I do (typically >1k), of which I already have a series called "Recollections" which I might start uploading here. Most of those are Way-Out related because that's my current magnum opus but I'm not going to rule out including other kinds of stories. Types of short-form works include drabbles, expanded Pokédex entries, in-universe legal documents, and excerpts from in-universe texts.


2024 Fifth Anniversary Drabble Bingo
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Junior Trainer

Fifth Anniversary Drabble Bingo​

The first day of a journeyGuardiansHiking the mountains
Gym TrainerPokemon HolidaysPokestar Studios
Treasure HuntAutumn in JohtoLost in the woods

For the 2024 TR anniversary bingo card I decided to go for a four corners win! Thank you @windskull for the prompts! These are all exactly 100 words, calculated by Scrivener (which considers hyphenated words as a single word)

Cynthia teeters on the brink of R202. This isn’t her first trip alone with her Pokémon, but it is her first day as Rowan’s apprentice, out on a bona-fide journey. Her new pokédex is a bulky, red plastic thing, with a screen she has to cover with her hand to see in broad daylight. The first Pokémon it had registered was a gible; Zora’s toothy grin is distorted into a handful of pixels, which Cynthia smiles back at all the same.
Up ahead is Jubilife City, the birthplace of Sinnohan Modern History— Cynthia had always been preferential to Ancient History.

Mount Coronet is brutal at the best of times. Landslips, cave-ins, and avalanches are all typical occurrences, which is on top of the already gruelling terrain. Without such luxuries as satellite phones, way-stations, and emergency helicopter rescues, traversing it is less of a hike and more of an odyssey. Come winter, it’ll be a death sentence.
Cynthia and Dawn have travelled to its peak before, and Luculia is reminded once again that she has not. But the rift hanging above it like a crown is a constant reminder of the journey they’ll need to take soon, at their inevitable end.

Hisui. A land of untamed wilderness and treasures untold, for those brave enough to seek them.
Felipe’s studies at Mesagoza’s Uva Academy had taught him the value of chasing the unknown, for the scientific discoveries he alone can uncover. However, the culture in Paldea is… competitive. Everybody wants a seat at that violet table, and students will cut each other’s throats for a better score. Hisui, on the other hand, is a mine of neglected opportunity— and he’ll be the one to seize it.
And when he returns to his seat at that violet table, they’ll all see it too.

Something happened on that night. When the blizzard choked out our last gasps of air and the only shelter was a forbidden monument to a forgotten colossus— what came out of that temple was not the same thing that went in.
I know that you know something I don’t, but I understand why you can’t tell me. Maybe I don’t want to know. Whatever happened… I’m just glad I have you. I’m glad you stayed with me, and held my hand through it all. I’m glad you were there when I woke up. I’m glad you’re here with me now.


The Ghost Lord
The Yangverse
  1. reshiram
  2. zygarde
Hi! Here for the itty bitty mini review blitz! 100 word short stories is a cute idea. I'm gonna divide this review into parts for each of them.

Part 1 - The first day of a journey

Omg it's teeny tiny Cynthia on the first day of a Pokemon journey. I love the touch of the bulky old fashioned Pokedex. And the bit about Gible's pixelated smile. Cynthia's gonna learn a LOT about ancient history before long.

Part 2 - Hiking the mountains

Wow yeah traversing Mt. Coronet is probably ROUGH especially in Hisui with no modern accommodations. I'm reminded of a video talking about people trying to climb Everest without oxygen support. Also I love the description of the big fuckoff spacetime portal as a "crown", it's so fitting. .

Part 3 - Treasure Hunt

Ah, knew Paldea would play into this one somehow. I don't know who this person is but they have very "I'LL SHOW YOU, I'LL SHOW YOU ALL" energy. Will they? I have no idea. Love the description of the cutthroat student culture too.

Part 4 - Lost in the woods

This one was probably my favorite. The description of the beast and the words of affirmation after are just so haunting, it gets your mind racing at the possibilities of just what, exactly, happened here, in this woods, in this temple.

These were all really nice! Thanks for posting!


House of Two Midnights
These are really great! Props for keeping everything to 100 words, and for going for all four corners!

The last two, in particular, are super intriguing. Not sure whether Felipe's eventually going to intersect with the Way Out canon somehow, but this is a fun tease either way. Whatever he's planning, I'm sure it can only end well! The final drabble, meanwhile, has such a wonderful spooky atmosphere--What came out of that temple was not the same thing that went in. It's understated but impactful, and the choice of framing it all as one character addressing another heightens the intrigue and brings it some nice emotional depth.

All in all, though, my favorite might be the first drabble! You captured the sense of anticipation of setting out on a new journey really well, and it's always fun seeing an accomplished character like Cynthia way back before they made a name for themselves.
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