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Pokémon Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Heroic Dreamers

Chapter 16 - Vanguards


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 16 - Vanguards

Stay strong, my wings.

Don't let me go.

I can make it. I'm not on my own.

Keep flying on through the day.

Oh yeah!

Three days. It took them three days to return to Thornwell after that little escapade. For Terry, it was a bit of a relief; returning home after all that fighting. More importantly, he could get more comics!

Once they arrived at the entrance, the three were met with Shiron and Nick, the latter of which sported a frown and crossed arms. As usual, Shiron was just trying to smile, waving at them.

"Ah… the consequences of my actions, how could I forget?" Liz muttered to herself, but it was loud enough for the others to hear. "Very well. Is there any punishment awaiting me?"

"Other than us complaining about how stupid that was… I dunno." Nick sighed, rubbing his forehead with a paw. "We were worried, y'know?"

"Y-Yeah." Shiron tugged on his scarf. "What… exactly did you find?"

"Well, a lot of things. I assume we will need to have a meeting to discuss this." Liz looked over at Terry. "...And I apologize for being so obsessed."

"Heh. You're learnin'." Onyx chuckled, stretching her arms. "Now', if you guys will excuse me, I gotta hit the sack. I'm so tired."

Terry watched them all and let out a small sigh. All things considered, it ended well. In fact, nothing that bad happened since he ran away from home… save for almost drowning at the sea.

I wonder… how Edgar is doing. Mother and Father as well. I know they must be worried about me, but…

If he tried hard, Terry could hear the sound of bells to call the servants, smell the dinner made by the king's best cooks, listen to the voice of his tutor trying to teach their ancient history—all coming from his home, his kingdom.

Except he had a new home, so… why was his heart tugging so hard? Why couldn't he stop thinking about his family? About his old life?

…I need a break. Terry sighed. "Uh, everyone? I think I'll go on a walk. Can you wait for me to do the meeting?"

"S-Sure." Shiron nodded. "We'll just… be here, waiting. I think Magnus made lunch for us!"

After saying that, his stomach groaned a bit.

"And Liz…" he looked at her. "Get me my bag. I'm spending a bit of cash."

She only replied with a nod, and the team all moved together to their base. Once Terry got his bag, he immediately departed, walking down that familiar hill once again.

Let's see… I don't want to spend so much, so around… fifty poké. Hm, sounds about right. I can buy two to three volumes, if my calculations are correct.

Terry chuckled a bit, remembering one of the tutors. A Vibrava, whose wings always were so loud he had a hard time paying attention to the lessons. He did, however, learn most of the math he needed.

…As bad as the pressure was, I can at least thank them for teaching me that.

He shook his head; as homesick as he was, it was better to ignore those thoughts and focus on the present, like… how hot it was. So much Terry was forced to bask in the sunlight. As counterintuitive as it sounded, taking in the heat helped. He'd need to move to a cooler area soon, anyway. Regardless, it was getting annoying.

So, slowly, the Tyrunt walked down the streets, waving and doing smalltalk with some of the other citizens. For once, it was nice to talk to someone that had no idea who Terry was supposed to be. Every once in a while, he stopped to bask on the heat a little longer.

Other than the owner of the shop, of course. Terry knocked on the door and she—a Purrloin—opened. Her ears twitched at the familiar sight.

"Oh, good morning, Terry!" Purrlin said, almost with a nya at the end. She moved her arm to offer a shake, but saw it sweating, stopping her in her tracks. "I take it you're here for our latest releases?"

"You know me, ma'am." Terry replied, looking around after hearing a faint buzzing noise. There was nobody nearby, so he ignored it. "What do you have for me?"

"The usual! You can see your anti-heroes, there's some vigilante things… I even got a batch of slice of life!" Purrloin closed the door behind them, and saw Terry sniff the air, smelling the fresh scent of newly-produced comics. His tail even wagged.

"Slice of life? What's that?"

"Well… just stories about someone's daily lives. It can be quite comforting for some. Are you interested?"

Terry walked through the shelves, checking whatever peaked his interest. From heroic poses, to beautiful drawings of legendaries, he checked and checked. One of them, however, caught his attention the most.

It was a cover containing a simple crown. Really, for his kingdom's standards, it was pretty tame. And yet, it appealed to him.

"M-May I… take a small look at this one?"

Purrloin rolled her eyes. "Read one page, but not much more. This ain't a library, kiddo."

"I'm aware." Terry flipped the cover, checking the first page. It had a Machop wearing a crown—the same as the one in the cover. He seemed to be having a meal.

More memories appeared, the smell of a freshly-baked pie in particular was very appetizing. "I-I… want this one."

Good thing he had a lot of money to spend.

Before leaving, he waved goodbye to her. Terry now stood next to the entrance to the store, but he didn't move much. Instead, he kept looking at the cover.

Once again, he heard another buzz. However, this time Terry paid attention, raising his head just in time to see a Beedrill—Jackett—slowly descending, his wings still flapping.

"Ah, greetings! It appears I caught you right on the act!"

"The act of… buying a comic book?" Terry flashed the comic. "It hardly seems like an "act", so to speak."

"...Hm, I believe this is what they call a "figure of speech". Am I right?"

"Sure." Terry shrugged. Of all the Pokémon to talk to him…

The bug nearby raised a brow, looking at the comic Terry was holding. "May I ask you something?"

"Again, sure."

"...Why were you out there buying that? I was under the assumption you were a prince."

His heart tugged again. "Well… I'm not exactly one anymore. I did run away from home."

The antennas on Jackett's head twitched slightly. "Of course, but… well, if I may ask, what is that book about?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't started reading it yet, but I saw a Machop prince." Terry looked around, searching for somewhere to sit. He eventually found a bench. "Uh, come on. I don't want to talk while standing up."

"Very well." Buzzing again, Jackett followed the prince towards the bench, sitting next to him.

Or trying to. Jackett tried many ways to sit on the bench, but each one was very uncomfortable. With that frame of his, it proved to be a daunting challenge, as the gaps on the bench inhibited his wings, and his rear was far too large to sit properly. To be honest, he wasn't even sure he wanted to sit there. Maybe standing up while talking to Terry was a good idea.

"If you are okay with it… I shall stay up."

"Suit yourself." Terry sighed a bit, flipping through the cover again, and getting ready to read. Nothing in the world mattered, and nothing would distract him…

…Unless, of course, that said something was the Beedrill looming over him, looking down at the Tyrunt.

"Hm? Jackett, I'm trying to read."

"Read? Is it… fun? Is that why you are doing that?"

"It's a good hobby to have. You should try it sometime…" Terry sighed, showing the comic to him. "Here, you can read this one."

But to his surprise, Jackett didn't reply. He didn't do anything, in fact, he didn't move. At all. The silence in the room was almost crushing at that point.

"Err… how do I put this?" Jackett tried to fidget his pincers, but it didn't work quite well. "...I have never learned how to read."

Terry blinked, seeing a bit of red in the bug's face. This… would take a lot more effort than he thought it would.

"...Alright, then." Terry took a deep breath. "I suppose I could read it for you. There's no shame in not learning. I had a few tutors to teach me, and Father mentioned it took quite a while."

The last part of it was a lie, but Terry figured it could help that bug feel better about the inability to enjoy literature.

Jackett's eyes started to sparkle, and Terry swore he heard an excited chirp. Not thinking that much of it, he cleared his throat, getting ready to read.

"This is a story about a young prince, he's a Machop. His name is… Albert, and he's the last in line for the throne. He has an older sister, but because of the rules, he has to be the king instead of her." Terry said, taking his time to read each page, process the information and then tell it to Jackett. "Do you understand so far?"

Jackett nodded. "Yes! A simple tale of a prince, how marvelous! I have to admit… it makes me curious, could you read more of it?"

"I only have this volume, but I don't mind reading for you." Terry said, flipping once again. He looked at the pictures, taking a bit longer to understand the story this time. "I… I…"

"What happened?"

"T-There's not much here. They're just introducing all the main characters. For now, it showed his sister and his mother." Terry answered, panting a bit. "They're supportive of his choice to not be king. He doesn't want it."

"Hm? That is… quite odd, my friend." Jackett's wings buzzed again. "Why would he not want to? A king is a powerful member of his, err, hive. To reject such a thing would be—"

"Some would call it preposterous." Terry looked straight at the bug and sighed again. "I'm like that. I gave up on it, because it's not what I wanted for myself."

"You… do not wish to be king?" Jackett tilted his head. His eyes enlarged a bit, and his tone turned curious. "...But why?"

Terry didn't reply, only looking down at himself. "The life of a king… I always knew it wasn't meant to be. So much pressure, so much responsibility… not to mention that I'd need to continue the bloodline, which… I don't think it's something I want."

That only served to make Jackett even more confused. He blinked, tilting his head once more. "...You do not wish to continue the bloodline? But… why? It is only natural for the king to procreate, to create children. Do you happen to not be interested in the opposite gender?"


Jackett walked in circles for a bit, as if thinking. "I am aware that some Pokémon would rather have their mate be of the same gender. It was… strange for someone like me to understand, growing up in a hive. Is that your case? I do not wish to come off as a bigot, I am merely… curious."

What came out of the prince's mouth was a very loud sigh, and a bit of a groan. "...I don't want to talk about it. Please stop."

"Oh…" Jackett's antennas perked up. "I understand. I am making you uncomfortable."

"Thanks for noticing it." Terry flipped another page. "Anyway, do you still want me to read this for you?"

"Yes, please!" And his eyes were sparkling again.

With a smile on his face and a wagging tail, Terry read a bit more, taking into consideration all the content.

"Hm… seems Albert only has the support of his mother and sister. His father is pressuring him to accept his eventual role, and yet…"

Jackett scooted closer. "And yet?"

"He doesn't know what to do. It's like Albert has no choice. Whatever he picks, he'll disappoint someone."

And after saying it, Terry stopped reading, turning more introspective again.

Almighty Reshiram, if this is your idea of amusement, I don't like it. Giving me a comic that reflects my own situation… I don't like it at all.

"So he is at odds, no matter what he chooses to do." Jackett muttered. "Hm… I am unsure if I understand his conflict."

Terry raised a brow. "Hm?"

"Growing up in the hive meant I always had to follow the queen. Her authority was unquestionable. Therefore, seeing someone wanting to throw said authority away…" Jackett stopped to sigh, his antennas flopping down. "...I suppose that feels strange to me."

"Well… I took some time getting used to my new life, but I feel like I'm settled in now." Terry smiled. "I made new friends, visited places, even went to a dungeon once! I'm… happy. Happier than I ever was back home."

"Fascinating…" Jackett looked down. "It truly is, to me. You appear to be happy, yet I never expected someone to be happy… by giving up on all that you did. It fascinates me."

His pincers were still attached, but Terry could tell Jackett was trying to clench his fists. "It is scary. Very much so. There is much I do not understand, and that alone invokes a primal fear in me…"

He stopped for a moment, catching his breath.

"...It is odd, but not in a bad way. I cannot understand… however, I wish to. Will you tell me more about it?"

Terry wasn't even sure if they were still talking about that comic anymore. "I… wouldn't mind it. But I need to visit the others soon, we're supposed to have a meeting."

"Understood. I shall wait…" Jackett pointed a pincer upward. "However, there is something I must tell you. For me, and for many others in my hive… we understood each other through fighting. I wish to do the same with you."

…How dramatic is this guy? Terry sighed to himself, but decided to nod and accept that request. "Fine, I'll fight you. Or try to, anyway."

"Good, good…" and once more, Jackett's eyes began to shine. "But please, I must know how that comic ends…"

"...Sure, I'll probably buy the other volumes. There's still a few pages here, even if most of it is just exposition. You'll probably like it anyway."

For the next hour, Terry happily read the rest of the volume to Jackett. The Beedrill reacted with nothing but awe, asking many questions. In turn, Terry answered however he could.

Even if he didn't look forward to their spar, Terry was happy to teach more about what he learned after running away—or rather, after finding his new home.

Finally, he could meet up with the others. Terry sighed, sticking his tongue out and giving an unintelligible complaint about the heat, before opening the door.

"S-Sorry I'm late, everyone!"

Inside, he saw things weren't that better. It was still hot, and even with most of them—save for Liz—enjoying ice cream cones, they were melting faster than normal.

"Hi! We waited for you, of course!" Shiron waved, licking a bit of his dessert. "...Liz apologized."

"Just because I did, it does not mean you have to blurt it out like that…" she pouted, looking to the side. "...But yes, I apologize for acting so rashly, even if I had good intentions."

Nick just gave them a small thumbs-up and looked up, tongue out. "Y-Yeah. Sorry, guys. It's so hot today…"

"Everyone seems to be apologizing today…" Terry sighed, sitting on the couch along with them. "Are we discussing this here, or in the office?"

"Office… it sounds so formal." Shiron muttered. "I don't think so. And Magnus' making us some snacks, so I really don't wanna leave this place."

He didn't quite notice how the others were staring at him, as Shiron was too busy eating the rest of his ice cream to really pay attention.

"Anyway… I got worried, y'know. We're a team—even if our name is kinda stupid…"

Not that he had any better ideas for their name.

"...W-Well, I wanted us to do things together. From now on, let's try that, alright?"

Liz closed her eyes for a moment. "I will try."

"I promise!" Terry said next, putting the comic down on the couch.

Finally looking at the others, Nick gulped down his ice cream, licking a bit of it that was left, and then crossing his arms, trying to come off as serious. Instead, he only looked adorable.

"It was pretty stupid, I have to say. I mean… I'm happy you're fine, but still, that was dumb."

Next, he pointed at Shiron, the Marshtomp taking a few seconds to react.

"H-Hm? What's up?"

"Say your part in this, Shiron," he raised a brow. "You're just as important to the team as the rest of us."

"I-I…" Shiron fidgeted with his fingers, and the scales on his face turned red. "W-Well, I got… kinda—really worried when you left. I thought…"

His voice turned stuttery, and he felt a lump in his throat.

"...I thought you ditched us."

"Ditched you—" Liz's eyes widened. "I… never once did I consider it. Terry loves this town, we do not plan on leaving."

And Terry replied with a nod, clenching a fist. "S-She's right. We—me and Onyx only wanted to help her with that, that's all. We always planned on returning."

Hearing that, Shiron let out a long, loud sigh of relief. "O-Oh… I guess I overreacted. Again. S-Sorry, guys."

"Everyone's alright, Shiron. Really, it's fine." Nick tried to reassure him, and then looked at Liz and Terry again. "But yeah, we were worried. You should've warned us before…"

"Knowing how obsessed she was—" Terry eyed his bodyguard. "...No offense. She was obsessed with defeating him. And to be honest, we didn't do it."

Nick's ears perked up. "Wait. You found him? That Zero guy? You actually found him?"

"It was surprisingly easy to find him." Liz shrugged. "He told us a few things… which, of course, we are more than happy to share."

Then, she eyed Terry, like Liz was waiting for his permission to keep going.

"...Yeah, we can tell you what happened. All the details, right?"

Shiron and Nick nodded at the same time. Now it rested on the others to tell the story.

…I'm not sure if this is better than having to read for Jackett, but it's certainly not as fun as that was. At least we'll meet again later, even if it's… for sparring. Urgh.

Liz closed her eyes again, considering what to say first. "Before we begin… I will once again apologize for the way I acted. I realized it was… wrong of me. I cannot let my obsessions get the best of me. Not again."

"We traveled with Onyx, because… well, she seems to like Liz." Terry added. "And it took us an entire day just to get to the border. Liz?"

"...The town was in an awful state, there was a sandstorm surrounding it, and were it not for Terry, I doubt we could have gone through it on our own. For that, I am thankful."

"You're welcome…?" Terry wasn't sure how to take that. It was the right thing to do, but it also reminded him of his duty with the kingdom. Did he help out of a moral higher ground, or out of duty?

For now, they would tell the rest of the events that transpired in that town.

It was a good summary, Shiron felt. He nodded after they finished recounting everything. From the eye of the storm, to the fight with the Minior. Of course, it was great they survived the ordeal, and that they got an entercard after everything was done.

Zeraora… I have no idea what that is. Shiron crossed his arms. Nick had a similar reaction, and because of that, he assumed the Riolu also didn't know what a "Zeraora" was.

"...Honestly, good job, everyone." Nick said with a sigh. His tail swished around for a bit. "Are the citizens safe?"

Liz nodded. "Yes. Before we left, we saw Zero's backup arriving. We… admittedly did not stay for long afterwards, but I have my reasons to trust him."

"...Can we, though?" Terry frowned and looked at them. "I… suppose he hasn't done anything wrong, and only tried to help so far. But still… I don't like knowing so little about him."

With a pout, Liz left the couch, folding her arms behind her back. She walked in circles, eyeing everyone inside the office.

"You make a good point. And if he has bad intentions… we will deal with him. When the time is right, obviously."

Nick raised a brow at her, putting a paw on his hip. "Both of them are good points. But… Shiron, what do you say?"

"M-Me?!" Shiron gasped, instinctively tugging on his scarf. "I-I… I wanna know what these Cracks are all about. I think we should keep investigating them."

"Yeah, but we'd need more info than what this Zero guy told us." Nick told them, sighing afterwards.

It seemed they were all planning, but he still had little to contribute. It didn't help that, with little control over his aura sense, Nick couldn't do much. Compared to everyone else, he wasn't developing all that much.

"Really? How convenient that we did get something more out of him…" Liz couldn't help but smirk, eyeing Terry. "Sire—err, Terry. It is inside your bag."

"You mean the—oh, okay!" Terry fiddled with it a bit, taking out a small card, engraved with the drawing of a sun. "Here! I'm not sure where it leads us, though."

Nick's eyes widened, and he jumped out of the couch, taking a better look at the card. "I-Is that…"

Once again, "Indeed, Zero gave it to us after we were done. I am unsure as to why, but nonetheless, it will be quite helpful."

Shiron looked at all of them, tilting his head. "Guys? What are you talking about? What is that?"

"Right. You don't know about this." Nick rubbed the back of his head, chuckling a bit. "It's an entercard! I didn't even know they still existed!"

"I can say the same." Liz used a few vines to grab the card, checking it out for a bit. "To think Zero had it…"

"Okay, but what does it do…?" Shiron tilted his head again.

"It can warp us. Usually to the place designated on the card." Liz explained. "It's better than Teleport, but it has its risks. You need to be careful when setting it up."

"...I don't know how to." Nick shrugged, grumbling to himself. "Does any of you guys know? Except Shiron."

"I could've used one before losing my memory, y'know?" The Marshtomp rolled his eyes.

Terry deadpanned, shaking his head for a few seconds. "I know how to do it."

And all of a sudden all the other eyes were on him. Just great.

"...It was part of my tutoring," he admitted. "Well, it wasn't necessary, but I was curious and took it anyway."

"Fascinating." Liz had to admit. She handed him the entercard and sat down again. "I did not expect this, however… good for you, Terry."

I have no clue what they're talking about… might need to let them take the lead on this one. Shiron tugged on his scarf again, letting the others do all the talking.

"We'll have to decide how to use this…" Nick bit a lip, rubbing his chin. "If we're gonna pursue these… Cracks, then we might have to check where that card leads us."

Terry nodded. "I'll see what I can do about it. But, uh, I might need to go now. I may have promised Jackett I would fight him."

"Hm? Interesting." Liz smirked again. "Terry… you are more than capable of defeating him, but I would like to be there, if only to observe the fight."

"She's right. It is interesting." Nick chuckled next. "I wanna see it too."

Shiron raised a hand. "I-I… kinda slacked off on my training with mister Ronan, but I think seeing someone fight would help me out a bit."

"...I'm having an audience? Great." Terry rolled his eyes. "Alright, I think he's waiting for me already. Let's go, alright?"

It did make things a little more anxiety-inducing than they should be, but Terry was ready for it.

As they left the building, the team was met with Jackett falling from the sky, his wings still buzzing. However, his face was a bit red. Terry blinked.

"...What are you doing?"

"My sincerest apologies, but I might have… waited for you." Again, Jackett was trying to communicate through his fingers, but the pincers remained there.

"You waited outside?"

"Yes! I had no idea what to do, so I waited!" Jackett puffed up his chest.

Terry looked behind him, nodding slowly. "Alright, everyone, I'm doing this now, so… don't worry about it."

"Very well." Liz flicked her cape around. "I trust your abilities."

"She's right!" Shiron raised an arm to cheer him on. "You got this—"

"KICK HIS ASS!" Nick shouted, enough that the two next to him started looking. He only stuck out his tongue in response.

"Such a crude statement… I do not believe I have one to be kicked in the first place." Jackett pointed out, flying backwards to give a bit of distance between him and Terry. "Alas, it is time!"

Terry frowned, getting himself ready. "I'm not holding back here!"

And to that, Jackett finally smiled. "Hah… neither am i."

His wings buzzed once, then twice, and then—total silence. Terry saw as the Beedrill flew towards him, pincer aimed.

Not a drill? He used that before… I'm pretty sure. What is he planning?

Regardless, he had enough time to react. Terry jumped back, dodging the attack. With a roar, rocks burst from the ground, throwing them directly at Jackett's side.

Once again, no sound came out of the Beedrill's mouth, only a smirk. With a calculated move, he opened his jaw, generating a surge of electric energy within. Terry's eyes widened in realization, but before he could react, the attack continued.

Jackett fired a bright-yellow web that hit Terry point-blank, covering him with and, at the same time, shocking him to his core. The sticky, gooey substance adhered to his body, restraining his movements.

"Interesting strategy." Liz said. She raised a brow, but kept a smile. "Still, Terry is ready for this."

"I-I hope so…" Shiron muttered. Why did they like fighting so much…?

"Thank you." Jackett kept the stinger pointed at Terry. "Let us see which one of us is right. To reject your heritage… or to embrace it."

That was annoying. Terry tried to bite off the web, but it was too… sticky. He ended up spitting it out, what little of it he could.

"I'm not rejecting it, I'm just—it's not like that!"

He had to get out of that web, and fast. Terry closed his eyes, taking a few short, but deep breaths. He channeled more energy into his body, and his scales began to get rougher, harder.

Not yet…

Channeling it again, the scales even started to glow faintly like metal.


"Hm? That move will not help you, but I would like to see you try." Jackett backed off, wings still buzzing. He looked directly at Terry, overtaken by curiosity.

The scales continued to get harder, until Terry felt as if he could hardly move from how hard they got—which was only further demonstrated by the web surrounding him.


This time, the channeling was different. Terry sprouted rocks from the ground, but aimed them at himself. They connected, sending him back, but also tearing apart the web.

"YEAH! YOU GO, TERRY!" Nick cheered him on, whistling and wagging his tail.

Shiron eyed Liz, and saw she had the biggest smile in her face.

"Oh! Marvelous! Truly marvelous! Is that the power you acquired?!"

"You talk too much." Terry felt the energy he accumulated starting to wear down, and while it let him move better, it meant his defenses weren't looking so great. Before they returned to normal, he wanted to at least deal some damage.

So he jumped, claws wrapped in pure draconic energy, shaping into larger claws that he used to try and scratch at Jackett. The Beedrill pointed his stinger forward, and the impact generated a small gust of wind between the two combatants.

"Hah! Haha! You are very good, young prince!"

"Tch." Terry spun around, before opening his mouth and aiming directly at the stinger, biting down on it. His fangs were nothing short of mighty, and even if the attack wasn't as effective against a bug, Jackett still felt the rush of pain.

"A-Ah! Well played. However… you are vulnerable."

His stinger started to spin, slowly at first, but it quickly caught enough speed. Terry's eyes widened again, but it was too late—Jackett moved forward, the drill causing a jolt of pain focused on Terry's body, enough to send him back.

"O-Ow!" Terry groaned, putting a hand on his jaw. That entire area was aching, and as he realized, his fingers were trembling.

"Prince Terry!" Liz blurted out, almost running off, but she stopped herself. "...Are you alright?!"

"I-I'm fine… really, this isn't all that bad!" Terry nodded to reassure her, and then focused on Jackett again. "That was nasty…"

"I am sure you are aware this is not over, right?" Jackett's other stinger started to spin, quickly picking up speed. "But I am still curious as to how you plan on escaping this…"

He's faster than me, and stronger too. Was he holding back last time…? And more importantly, what can I do? Terry thought to himself, slowly moving his jaw to check how much it was hurting. I'm not even sure if I want to fight him. But now that I'm doing it, I have no choice but to keep going.

An idea appeared. The biggest factor to Jackett's speed were his wings, and if he could cripple them, even if only for a few moments… then he could get the advantage.

Obviously, the biggest problem was getting there. Terry had no moves that could make him faster. But… maybe he didn't need to be faster.

A vivid image flashed in his head. Back at the castle, inside his room, where a Slowpoke tried to teach him physics. During that particular lesson, he was being taught movements.

They were on a hill, and Terry in particular was on a higher part of it. With gravity by his side…

I… I know! I know what to do!

Jackett flapped his wings and started running, aiming both of his stingers this time around. There was no time to waste! Terry channeled rocks again, but he tripped, and ended up channeling them beneath him. The attack still went through, sending him flying with an angle, right past the Beedrill.

"What—" The bug looked around for any signs of Terry, but he was nowhere to be seen. Jackett's gaze then shifted upwards, where realization finally hit him: Terry was in the sky.

The prince still couldn't relax, even with the momentary relief of Jackett's confusion. He spun around as the draconic claws from before sprouted once more. With one shot left, Terry fell, slashing Jackett's wings with a simple, but swift strike.

As a result, the bug screamed in pain, rolling on the ground and sticking his stingers inside of it. Meanwhile, Terry landed safely nearby.

"Hah… I will admit, that was very impressive. I know you are not the vanguard of your team, but for a rear-guard, it is incredible…"

Nick's ears twitched. "...Does anyone know what a vanguard is? Or a rear-guard? No clue what he's talking about."

"Uh…" Shiron shrugged. "Liz?"

"A vanguard is the one who leads," she pointed at the Marshtomp. "In our case, that would be you. A rear-guard consists of the soldiers positioned at the rear of the troops."

"I… I dunno… I think we are all true vanguards." Shiron tugged on his scarf again. "Actually, that's kind of a cool team name…"

"Like I said, I'm not interested in leading." Terry said, both to Jackett and to Shiron. "...It was never for me."

"Hm. You may believe that, by crippling my wings, you have an advantage."

"I'm… just trying to win here." Terry deadpanned. Is he always this over-the-top…? It reminds me of that Spidops teacher. Always talking about strategies. And do I really need to keep fighting Jackett?

He smirked again. "While that may be true… I can still fight."

This time, Jackett was faster. Terry even saw an afterimage behind him as the bug approached with his two pincers crossed together, forming an X.

"Tch—" the prince channeled more energy into his defense, hardening his scales again.

Jackett advanced again, cutting through like he was shearing with scissors.

The attack connected, and while Terry wasn't thrown back at all, and the move wasn't effective, it hurt him a bit. Thankfully, his defenses managed to clinch through. Now, both of Jackett's pincers were touching the Tyrunt.

An opportunity!

He didn't waste a second. Terry summoned more rocks, but now that Jackett was too close to dodge, they all hit him at once, sending the bug upwards for a few seconds, and then crashing down.


"H-Hah! Wonderful… I want to say that. Fighting truly gets the blood going…"

Finally, Terry got the answer he was searching for. There was no need for that battle, and Jackett was worn-out enough. Terry didn't even have anything to say when hearing… all of that. Instead, he only sighed, walking forward until he was close to the bug.

"I think… I'm done with this."

"What are you talking about? I can fight, and so can you!" Jackett stood up, but then winced and groaned, falling down again. "I-I can…"

"Hm, it was a fun spar, but I don't want to do it anymore." Terry sat next to him. "...I don't have any Orans with me right now, do you want a ride to the hospital?"

"Why… do you not wish to fight anymore?"

Terry sighed again. "It's pointless. Different ways of thinking were never the problem. I think… we are different kinds of vanguards."

"Differing… vanguards?"

"I don't—won't be a prince, and you're not a member of a hive anymore. I like not being one, but it seems you still miss that. And that's okay. I was homesick earlier today, but it's just that."

He paused, looking up at his friends. In particular, at Liz. She was smiling. "We have different lives now. Instead of wallowing in the past, we need to move on to the future. Sometimes, we'll still remember it. But it's just that… a memory."

"Memories…" Jackett looked over at his pincer, frowning. "I believe… I understand what you mean. Or perhaps… I know what you're—"

His face turned red again. "Err… using contractions still does not feel right."

Terry chuckled. "Don't worry about it."

Worries. He wasn't homesick anymore, but the thought of his brother remained in his mind. All the lessons, all the etiquette, everything he was taught… Terry really did throw most of it away.

It's not like I don't care about them, but… I'm eighteen. This is my life now.

But he was happier now, and that was what mattered, right? His family would have to put up with it, for better or for worse.

For those in Terry's kingdom—especially his family—things weren't going so well. The castle was still full, but it felt so empty it might as well be abandoned.

At least, that was what the Tyrunt thought. His brother had gone missing for what, a month and a half? And yet, their father had not moved an inch, not done anything to change that situation.

"Calm down, Edgar. I am sure he is working on it. He has to. He is the king…"

Edgar walked across the hallway of the castle, with both a black-and-green Fraxure and a Druddigon by his side.

"Hm… I do not believe this is right," the prince stopped, checking the two dragons nearby. "You are way too close. As the Prince, I demand you to walk behind me. Know your place."

The Fraxure raised an arm, and was quickly shot down with a hiss coming from the prince. He promptly backed off, as did the Druddigon.

"Good, good. I do not look as important if you believe both of you are worthy enough to stand next to me. The only one that could is no longer here…"

And he sighed. Where had his brother gone? Was he insane? Did he have no idea about the multiple responsibilities of a prince? Surely, he did. However, Edgar did not want to give Terrence the benefit of the doubt. There had to be an ulterior motive.

"Let us move on. I am tired of walking."

The three continued, until Edgar stopped in front of a rather large door. It was taller than him, much more, enough to fit a taller Pokémon than him. It was also impressive, made out of the finest of woods.

"What are you two waiting for? Open the door at once!"

This time it was the Druddigon that did anything, twisting the handle and opening the door for the prince.

"Vulcan." Edgar looked at the Fraxure. "I want you to go inside first, and check for any threats."

"S-Sire, with all due respect—"

"My brother is missing, and you believe I should not be worried about my own home? Thread very carefully, or I will have you punished!"

Vulcan contained his urge to sigh, or to do anything disrespectful to the prince. He walked inside, confirming there was no threat, and then opened the curtains, letting the light shine inside the room.

It was befitting of a prince. A grand space adorned with opulent furnishings, with elegant décor. There was a large painting, depicting both Edgar and his brother.

"I never said you could open the curtains, but I will choose to ignore it." Edgar walked inside, checking the mirror on one of the corners, and then looking at his own reflection.

A tall Tyrunt, with a larger tail, more pronounced spikes, a thick coat of feathers around his neck, and with fangs that were protruding out of the mouth. Yet, his appearance was still kept orderly, with every part of him taken care of, not to mention the golden crown and purple cape he wore.

"Hm… I look quite dashing."

"Y-You do, your Highness." Druddigon said, standing near the door.

Right, they were still there, for… some reason. Now that would not do.

"Hmph, leave, both of you. There is no need for you to be here any longer."

And without a single complaint, the two guards left, keeping an eye on the outside.

Edgar sat on his bed, looking over at the painting. It was staged, and as such, the two dragons were smiling, but even so… Edgar could see the sadness in his brother's depiction.

"Were you sad…? But why…? I wish I knew where you are… I have so many things to tell you."

To be honest, Edgar had no clue as to why his brother suddenly disappeared, taking that… strange Roselia with him.

"Right, those two."

Their relationship status was odd as well. Normally, no Pokémon would be that close to a guard. Unless… they were closer than he originally thought.

"Could it be that…? No, there is no way." Edgar shook his head, denying the mere thought of it. "Terrence would never wander off in some ludicrous romance getaway, he knows we are to be wed to a compatible Pokémon, if we wish to continue our line."

He was drawing blanks. Looking to the side of his bed, Edgar saw a stuffed toy of Reshiram, the so-called "protector" of their family.

"Sometimes… I wonder how it started. Father would never tell me or Terrence about how our family met almighty Reshiram, let alone that strange jewel he wears on the crown."

Edgar was never much of a religious Pokémon, but in these situations, there was no other place to go to. He picked the toy up, looking it in the eyes. Then, the prince closed his eyes, letting his thoughts be known only to the plush.

Almighty Reshiram… I know you represent the truth, so please, show it to me… show me the truth of my brother's whereabouts.

His request would not take much longer. Someone—two of them—knocked on the door repeatedly, trying to get his attention.

These stupid guards… do they not understand I want my privacy?

And even so, they kept knocking. Again and again. Again and again, no matter how much Edgar kept ignoring their calls.

But his patience was wearing thin, and he finally opened the door. "What is it?! I am in the middle of—"

"Howdy," the voice came from an unknown speaker, and that was when Edgar noticed who else was there.

A strange Pokémon was standing between the guards. Large, bipedal, with yellow fur. He almost looked like an Incineroar, except less bulky, and more electrical? Whatever that Pokémon was, Edgar never saw one before.

"I said howdy, or do you want me to do something else? How about…" the Pokémon cleared his throat. "Meowdy, I'm Zero. Is that better?"

Edgar just stared in disbelief. First, because he had no idea what that Pokémon was. Secondly, because he just walked inside the castle. And last, but certainly not least, there was not any sign of respect towards his authority.

"The audacity." Edgar huffed, showing off the rest of his fangs. "Guards, take him away! Whoever this is!"

Druddigon raised a hand to try and speak. "We would, your Highness, but the problem is—"

"I do not wish to hear any excuses coming from you!"

"Okay, now that ain't very nice, is it?" Zero moved his hat a bit. "I'm here 'cause I got something ya might wanna hear. It's about your brother."

And that got Edgar's attention. "...What are you talking about, peasant?"

Sheesh, no wonder the kid ain't comin' back here. I don't even wanna do it, but the bosses kinda forced me to. Zero grinned, showing off a single fang. "I can see you're more interested in what I have to say now. Good. I saw him around… three days ago."

"Three days?!" Edgar approached, cautiously. This "Zero" did not appear to be lying, but the prince should still be wary. "...Where was he?"

"Calm down, calm down." Zero picked his hat up, spinning it around with a finger. "I told the king already, and now I gotta tell ya. He was in a swamp town, but I know where he's settled. A small town named Thornwell."

"Thornwell…?" Edgar furrowed a brow. Where was that town located, and why did he go there? "Explain."

"That's about all I can tell ya… your Highness." Zero shrugged. "What you do with this information is up to you. But I imagine you wanna go after 'im."

Edgar tapped a foot on the floor. "Of course I wish to see him. Can you imagine the trouble he got us into?! Of course not, you are just some… peasant that happened to see him."

"Sure am." Zero put his hat back on. "Might take ya a little while to get there, even with the fastest of boats."

Almighty Reshiram… you told me the truth. I will find him. I will find my brother and bring him back.

Thankfully, he had resources, and soon enough, Edgar would come up with a plan. He turned to both of his guards, a grin forming on his snout.

"Congratulations, you both have been selected for a very important mission. We are going to travel to this town… and we will bring Prince Terrence back."

A/N: ...For any LoF readers, there's a funny little reference when it comes to the other prince. Anyway, hopefully the chapter was enjoyable!
Chapter 17 - Roots of the King


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 17 - Roots of the King

After the dream that felt like it wouldn't end.

Now I'm back in my own world again.

But I'll be back.

Sun or rain.

I will do my best and fight through the day!

A Tyrunt sat on a bench, panting, lonely except for the moon's light shining on him. He winced, looking at his arm. There was a bit of blood in it. For anyone else that trained in that field, a bit of blood was nothing to be concerned with. But to Terry—a prince that never once fought in his life—it was far more painful.

And it wasn't just his arm. His head was a bit bloody as well. Luckily, it had dried up already, so the blood didn't spill onto his cape or anything. Regardless, it was still pretty painful.

Terry looked forward, towards the training field. A large rock column sat in the middle, the middle of it slathered in blood as well. The sight made him wince again.

"This is no time to sit around doing nothing…" Terry stood up, panting. There was no telling when his brother or Liz would come looking for him. As such, he had to finish the training before they found him.

Taking a few steps ahead, he was met with the column. Another wince left his mouth, and Terry took a deep breath. He held it in for around seven seconds, and let it out, counting another eight seconds.

"Okay… I think I am ready now."

It would need to be fast. Terry charged ahead, preparing a headbutt to hit the column. He was close, closer every second. One more second and—

Something wiggled behind him, but Terry ignored the sound for another second. However, before he hit his target, thick vines shot up from his behind, wrapping around him and pulling Terry away from the rock. Startled by it, he took a moment to look at the vines, recognizing them instantly. Liz.

"Sire! What are you doing?!"

"L-Liz! Do not startle me like that!" Terry said, or rather, shouted at her, seeing the vines retreating. Finally freed from their grasp, he glanced back and saw the Roselia.

She was staring back at him, but didn't dare say another word. Instead, Liz's first reaction was to bow down to him.

"A-Apologies… I acted without thinking."

"...Fine, you are forgiven." Terry rolled his eyes. Most of the time, Liz was formal. Too formal for his taste. "I knew you would come sooner or later."

"..." Liz remained quiet, like she was waiting for his permission to say anything.

"...You do realize I do not like this, right? We are equals, you can talk to me without permission. Or rather… I permit you to talk to me whenever you like."

She took a moment to process it, nodding, but continued to bow. "Very well, Sire. May I ask what you were attempting? To me, it looks like training, but…"

Terry took another deep breath, sighing and looking back at the rock. "Yes. Prince Terrence Montclair XIV has never trained once in his life! What a mockery of a prince!"

"Sire… if I may…"

"I just said you could—"

"Ahem, Sire. My job is to fight for you. There is no need for you to bother with fighting."

"...I want to, though." Terry shook his head. The wind blew on his cape, making it swirl around. "I am sixteen. Soon, I swear I am leaving this place… I must, I cannot stand the castle, the pressure… everything!"

"I… I understand." Liz didn't quite understand it, but she was there to support him. "Sire, if I may… I believe you should get treatment. You are wounded."

"I might as well… before my brother realizes where I am."

Unbeknownst to them, the distant sound of hurried footsteps approached, growing louder with each passing moment. None of them heard it, but there were three pairs of footsteps.

Liz shook her head. "He was following me. Luckily, I was able to get here first, but—"


A voice blurted out from the entrance to the field. Another Tyrunt—Edgar—was frantically panting, rushing to their side and scowling. Following him were a shiny Fraxure and a Druddigon.

…Wow, his timing is impeccable. Terry sighed. Great, now his brother was there, looking as ridiculous as always. "Yes, hello, Edgar."

"Prince Edgar—"

The younger Tyrunt hissed at her. "Silence! You are to refer to me as 'your Highness'!"

He took a moment to check his brother—and his wounds, before turning his gaze back towards Liz. "You scoundrel! Did you hurt my brother?! I should have you punished for this!"

"Y-Your Highness, I did not—"

"I did this to myself, Edgar." Terry blurted out, standing in front of Liz. "I was training, but my body is not used to it, and as such… I was hurt."

"Why in Reshiram's name were you doing that?!" Edgar tapped the ground and snarled. "That defeats the whole purpose of us having bodyguards!"

"...It hardly matters." Terry glanced at Liz. "We are leaving. The training has left me hungry, and I do not wish to deal with… him."

"Excuse me?! I can hear you, Terrence!"

"And that is where the issue lies." Terry rolled his eyes. He started to walk towards the entrance, completely ignoring his brother's pleads to stop, with Liz following him.

She, on the other hand, bowed to the other prince, before following Terry again.

"Terrence, Terrence! Come back here!"

Thunder reverberated in the air, and Edgar was thrown back to reality. He stood in the middle of a large ship, looking forward, Though the area they were in had no clouds, he saw them in the distance, along with rain.

To make matters worse, it was already evening, which meant their visibility was barely working.

"Come back…" his words were not meant for anyone, but two other Pokémon heard him.

The Fraxure and Druddigon duo were standing behind the prince, quiet, waiting for any input on his part.

"Stop staring. I do not like it." Edgar only glanced, snarling afterwards. "...Why do you think Terrence left us? You may speak, but not both at once."

Fraxure raised an arm.

"Yes, Vulcan?"

"Y-Your Highness… perhaps the prince simply did not wish to be one anymore?"

"Hm." Edgar turned to the Druddigon. "And what do you think, Damian?"

Damian gulped. "M-My opinion is the same as Vulcan's. I believe Prince Terrence never liked his royal life."

"Nonsense. If that were the case, I would have noticed!"

Surely, Edgar would have. After all, they lived together for most of their lives. Something as important as that had to be noticeable.

But what if it wasn't? Edgar had that thought—small, unimportant. But it was relentless. Perhaps he had neglected his brother's true feelings.

No… I cannot believe it. It cannot be the truth…

What would even cause Terrence to be so dissatisfied in the first place?

We had everything we could possibly want! There is no reason for him to reject it all! That is why… I will find out. I must.

"Y-Your Highness? You were awfully quiet…" Vulcan said. In hindsight, this would likely get him on the prince's nerves. Regardless, it was his duty to ask.

"Silence." Edgar started to walk around the deck, his bodyguards following him.

He continued to wonder about Terrence's motives, and they were a mystery. They had it all, so it surely couldn't be dissatisfaction.

"I cannot think of a reason…" Edgar muttered, looking back at his bodyguards. "We were always happy, always together. It just… I do not believe it makes sense."

Damian raised his arm. After receiving a confirmation nod from Edgar, he continued. "P-Perhaps you missed something, your Highness?"

"Me?! Miss something?!"

Such a preposterous statement. However… Edgar was curious as to what that could mean. Of course, he would never let them know about that curiosity.

"...Explain yourself, now."

Vulcan held out a chuckle at his partner's expanse. Damian looked at the Fraxure and scoffed, before returning his attention to the prince.

"W-Well, your Highness, sometimes one sees things that are not there. You have biases, and as such, you may perceive things in a different way than they actually are."

"...Hmph." As much as it made sense, Edgar refused to acknowledge that he was right. Instead, he moved around the deck, next to its edge, to take a look at the ocean.

It was hard to see his own reflection, but Edgar had a pretty good idea of how he looked.

I am a prince… I am smart. There is no way I missed anything. Terrence was happy, he had to be!

Remembering all the time they spent together could help. Edgar considered it, still looking at the sea. To be honest, he still didn't know how close they were to reaching that town—but Edgar hoped they were landing soon.

Fine. There are more important things to do. Maybe, in the end, Terrence's reasons do not matter. I am bringing him home regardless.

Edgar nodded to himself. Yes, that was his goal. Certainly, his brother would need a little bit of convincing.

…How am I gonna do that?

And that was why he needed to find his brother's reasons. Edgar crossed his arms, groaning. It seemed he'd actually need to reminisce about their lives together. There had to be something that—as much as he hated to admit—he was missing. A detail, a conversation, anything that could help.

"...That time I found him training, what was it for? Why train at all? We are princes, we have no need for it."

Now he got curious. Edgar closed his eyes, focusing on what he could remember. After that conversation, the two didn't meet until Edgar went to their room, finding Terrence inside.

"Right. That was it. What did we talk about?"

Remembering things from two years ago was hard, but Edgar was getting there, eventually. He knew Terrence was angry at him when they met in their bedroom.

"Hm… I think.. I remember?"

It was starting to make sense.

Terry walked through the halls with Liz by his side. His side, not behind him, as he put it. They were equals, after all.

"Sire, I believe you should rest. Maybe check the infirmary?"

"I am fine, Liz. If anything… I believe getting hurt just proves my resolve."

"Well, it is almost time for dinner. Your father will call you soon, so…"

"...Right." Terry sighed. At least he could stay in his room for a while. Unfortunately, Liz was not allowed to join him, but instead of waiting outside, Terry had other ideas.

"Liz, I want you to return to your quarters. I am going to my room for the moment."

"But, Sire… I am your bodyguard—"

"You are my friend. First and foremost." Terry glared, crossing his arms. "Listen, I know it is hard to get this off your mind, but… I do not want any of this. I just want to be a normal Tyrunt, alright?"

"But…" Liz stopped herself, nodding. Trusting his decision, not as a prince, but as her friend. "...Alright, I understand. Should you need me, you can talk to me."

"Of course."

Terry continued to walk. The hallways almost blended together, especially to him. After so many years living inside them, it was starting to get a bit bland. It was all the same, the same architecture, the same paintings over the walls, same… everything.

And coupling that with his own wish to escape made the walk a lot more annoying than it should have been.

Luckily, he still knew how to reach his—and Edgar's—room. One turn to the left, one turn to the right, climbing a set of stairs… Terry stopped to check the windows, seeing the kingdom from afar. He could almost feel the wind blowing.

Maybe… I should stay here for a few minutes.

Terry approached the windows, checking out the view. Houses looked tiny, and Pokémon were reduced to a few dots around the area. But the most important part of all was in the sky: all the stars.

It was very hard to not look at them. After all, they were all majestic and radiant. Terry almost wanted to touch one.

What I really want… I want to be free to see them whenever I want. Wherever that may be. With… friends. Yeah, I want friends. Nobody is born to be alone, I will find them, someday.

For the moment, Terry was trapped in that awful place. Sure, there were subordinates to do his every whim, but… that was awful. Terry walked up the stairs some more, getting to the second floor of the castle.

The door to his room was larger than all the others, and there were two guards in front already—two Goodra—who let him in without saying a single word.

…At the very least the bed is nice.

Terry looked around to see a closet. He removed his cape, putting it inside the closet. Next, he jumped on his king-sized bed, letting out a long sigh.

I suppose I should just wait for my father to call me.

Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing Edgar entering the room. His first action was to look directly at his brother.

"Well, then, I figured you would be here."

Almighty Reshiram, you sure love your timing…

Terry sat down on his bed, eyes almost closed. "Yes, Edgar, I am here. Considering that I was hurt during my training, I desired to rest. I am sure you can understand that."

"Understand it? Brother, you should not be doing it in the first place. I mentioned that already." Edgar rolled his eyes. On the other side of the room was his own bed, which he jumped and sat on. "What were you thinking?"

…He would never understand me. I cannot let him find out. Terry glanced at his arms, not really feeling the same pain as before, or much of it at all. "Well, I imagined that, in the worst case scenario, our bodyguards would be taken out. If that were to happen, I would like to protect myself."

"...That is surprisingly clever of you. I am impressed." Edgar chuckled a bit. "Well, that is a good reason."

Terry blinked, surprised at how easy it was to fool his sibling. "R-Right. Well, it still hurts, but I can—I will get better."

Edgar frowned. "Hmmm, well, I suppose that is fine. But please, you should at least get an instructor."

"An instructor…?"

Right, that also made sense. But who? Terry wasn't sure. Who would even support his decision anyway?


Maybe her. No, definitely her. She was always there for him.

"Liz? Do you mean Elizabeth, your bodyguard?"

"O-Oh, worry not, I will choose a suitable instructor."

That should keep Edgar off his back for a little longer… even if he planned to have Liz teach him how to fight anyway.

Another thunder echoed in the distance, and Edgar was, admittedly, startled by it. He yelped, and immediately looked back to see if his guards had any reaction to it.

They didn't. Or at least, didn't seem to be bothered by it. Either way, Edgar snarled at them. "Nothing happened. I am not afraid of thunderstorms!"

"Of course, your Highness…" Vulcan cleared his throat. "Would you like me to talk to the captain of this ship?"

"I assume you mean me," the prince raised a brow. "But yes, talk to them."

Vulcan left to do just that. Meanwhile, Edgar wondered about his brother's words, even if they did happen long ago.

Another instructor… I do not remember seeing him with that Roselia training after that. Maybe he was telling the truth. But… hmph, I cannot seem to remember his body language.

Such a minor detail in the past, but now it seemed to be important. Edgar grumbled, tapping the wooden floor of the ship. He heard more thunder, and after looking ahead, saw them approaching the storm.

…May the Gods protect us. I cannot show weakness. Not to these peasants.

So, Edgar wouldn't. It really was that simple. He took a deep breath—muted by more thunder—and turned around. Damian was still standing still, waiting for orders.

…At least he can respect authority. Edgar rolled his eyes. Right, he still needed to investigate Terrence's motives. "You. I have something to ask you."

"Y-Yes, your Highness?"

"Did my brother—did prince Terrence ever consult an instructor? Have you seen him do it?"

Damian shook his head. "Hm…? N-No, your Highness. Prince Terrence hardly talked to me in the first place."

Edgar managed to see the slightest sign of hesitation. Damian took a while to reply, and even when he did, the Druddigon took his time to scratch his stomach a few times.

How suspicious. Perhaps he knows more than he lets on.

Better to put some pressure, then. "You are aware who you are talking to, correct?"

"Y-Yes, your Highness! I am your bodyguard, your servant. I am to follow you—"

"Wherever I go, yada yada yada." Edgar rolled his eyes. "I know that already. No, that is not my point. My point is… I would tread very carefully if I were you. You are not hiding something, are you?"

Damian felt his legs start to turn into jelly, and he opened his mouth to tell the truth—all of it. Before he could do that, however, Vulcan returned, his footsteps heavy.

"Your Highness!" Vulcan bowed, and Damian did the same. "I bring… news."

"Hmph. What is it?"

"The captain—err, the sailor does not wish to go through the storm. As such, we will take longer. Around twelve hours, since we will be contourning it.

Great. I did not want to sail through it anyway. But… twelve hours? That is too long!

Vulcan noticed the king's foot tapping the ground, and continued. "If we go through the storm, there will be less obstacles, so we may be able to reach it faster. The sailor has predicted eight hours if we go that way."

"I see. Thank you." Edgar turned around, walking in circles. To go through the eye of the storm, or turn the other way? It was safer to turn the other way, but there was a four hour difference.

If I persevere… perhaps father will reward me! Yes, a prince that went through several adversities to get his brother back.

Thinking that caused Edgar to slowly start smiling. He even forgot about Damian keeping information away from him. Well, he could handle it later.

"Let the sailor know we intend to go through the storm."

"B-But your Highness!" Vulcan raised his head to protest, only to receive a glare from the prince.

"I am in charge here. It is not a feeble storm that will take us out! I wish to see Terrence as soon as possible… even if it means going through all that."

He waved a hand dismissively. "Now, shoo, shoo! Go tell him!"

Vulcan gulped and left to do that. Meanwhile, Edgar turned his attention back to the Druddigon nearby.

"Now… I believe we were having a discussion. You will tell me what you know. Otherwise…"

"O-Of course, your Highness!" Damian did his best impression of a smile and a chuckle.

Not that Edgar was interested in either. "Stop stalling. What do you know?"

Damian's smile was gone. "Well, y-your Highness… I saw him at the training field once. Him and Elizabeth. Prince Terrence threatened me, telling me that I should never say this to anyone. Not even you."

"He did that? I… I never believed he could do such a thing…" Edgar closed his eyes and sighed. "Am I really that bad of a brother? How did I not notice this?"

That wouldn't do.

"Tell me more."

Not a single soul was awake at that time of the night. They were resting their troubles away, and included the castle's staff. Even Edgar was asleep. They all were.

Except for Terry and Liz. The prince panted, watching his opponent not move, vines spreading across the ground.

"I-I told you… to not hold back."

"Yes, and I am not holding back." Liz retracted the vines, sighing. "We are trying to increase your resistance. I know it hurts, but… you asked for it, Sire."

"I know!" Terry shook his head. He wasn't wearing neither his cape nor his crown, and to be honest, was focusing just on her. "My scales are not that tough…"

"Hm, I have an idea." Liz spread out her vines again. "Perhaps one of my instructors can find it. This… thing, it is supposedly called a "TM". I do not know how it works, but… it supposedly helps you learn new moves faster."

"Oh, I remember hearing about it. Interesting stuff." Terry panted. He ran ahead, going for a headbutt. Liz moved out of the way, slapping him with her vines. The prince fell to the ground, wincing in pain.

"S-Sire! Did I overdo it?!"

"N-No, it is fine." Terry groaned, slowly standing up to face her. "Although… I suppose trying to headbutt you all the time will not work."

"Not really. In a real battle, you are meant to have different strategies." Liz shrugged. "Sire, what moves do you know?"

"Uh…" Terry had to think hard about that one. "Bite, Tackle… Ancient Power and Rock Throw. I had issues using the last two, though. Takes too much energy."

"Interesting, especially considering you are a rock-type." Liz closed her eyes for a moment. "...I am not qualified to teach you those moves, but like I mentioned, I can try reaching out to my superiors."

"I would not mind that." Terry nodded. "I just want you to teach me how to protect myself. Once we leave… I cannot depend on you to do all the heavy lifting."

Even though that is my job… prince Terrence is a strange one. Liz opened her eyes. "Well, I can certainly try. For starters—"

"Wait!" Terry looked around.

Considering they were in the middle of the night, it was strange to think that anyone else would be awake that hour. Yet, there was someone else coming to the training field, judging by the heavy footsteps the two started hearing.

"Oh no…" Terry gulped, stepping back. "B-But we are the only ones—"


A lone Druddigon entered the field, rubbing his eyes while he walked. Evidently, he was tired, as the rubbing continued for around twenty seconds. When he finally stopped, the Druddigon saw the two others there, in front of him.

"What the… your Highness? And… Elizabeth?"

Terry felt his heart stop beating for just a fraction of a second. No, no, no! Someone found out about him! And it was his brother's guard!

"What are you two… doing here?"

"Sire, I—"

"...I will handle this." Terry stepped forward, walking towards the Druddigon. "Damian, was it?"

"Uh, yes, your Highness!" Damian straightened himself, head raised as far as he could.

"My reasons for being here do not matter to you. But yours does to me." Terry said, trying to sound imposing. On the inside, he was apologizing repeatedly. Imposing his will on someone else was… awful. I am sorry. I am so, so sorry… I have a secret to keep.

"W-Well, your Highness, I wanted to train," he took a quick glance at Liz. "...Which, and this is me assuming, s-sir, is what you two are here for?"

"I said it does not matter." Terry said, snarling afterwards. "Listen, Damian, and listen well. I am only saying this once. Do not tell anyone about this. Not to my father, not to my brother, not to any of your friends."

With every sentence, Terry paused, getting closer to the Druddigon, until he raised his head to look at Damian.

"I-I understand, s-sir. Your Highness…" Damian gulped. It was an easy request, all things considered. Looking at the fierce eyes Terrence had, Damian knew he should never, ever consider betraying his words. "I-I will not tell anyone about this."

"Under no circumstances. If you do…" Terry stopped, both to prepare himself and to think of a fitting punishment. "Hmph, I think exile will fit you well."

"E-Exile?!" Now there was no chance he was going to tell anyone about it.

"Right. Now, carry on! Back to your room, or wherever it is that you live! Shoo, shoo!" Terry waved at him dismissively, and the Druddigon soon ran away.

Alone with Liz, Terry stopped to consider his actions. His stomach knotted in on itself, and he snarled. I hate this… I hate this so much… I feel… I want to apologize to him, but I cannot. This is for me. Am I being selfish? Probably, but it is for the best. Edgar will make a better king than me.

After he finished saying everything, Damian collapsed on his knees. He did… exactly the thing he promised not to do. And if this mission was successful, then Terrence would exile him.

"I see. My brother threatened you." Edgar looked towards the sea, frowning. "...I never expected him to do it. It hardly seems like him. All so I would never find out about his training."

The prince tapped the floor a few more times. "It is very unorthodox of him to train with a bodyguard. And now that I think about it, a lot of his decisions are… unorthodox."

He took a moment to breathe. "Damian, I promise you this. You will not be exiled. We will find my brother, go home, and you will not be punished. In fact, you will receive immense gratification."

Damian almost wanted to smile, but who knew how the prince would react if he did?

"T-Thank you, your Highness."

"Hmph. Do not thank me yet. We are not done."

Regardless, Edgar was happy with himself, smiling. They just needed to get through the storm and—

"Oi! What in Kyogre's name be ye plannin'?!"

Looking back, Edgar saw Vulcan talking with a Quaxwell, who was steering the ship's helm.

"I-I just said the prince wishes to go there! He is the one paying for this, and as such—"

"Nonsense! I ain't fixin' to risk me life just fer some runaway!"

"Damian, stay here." Edgar rolled his eyes, walking through the hall, towards the Quaxwell.

"Eh? Oh, it's the prince!" Quaxwell said, raising a brow. "Sorry, yer 'Ighness. I ain't ready to risk it all."

Edgar sniffed the air, wincing. "You smell like alcohol. Are you sure you are capable of steering this ship?"

"O' course! I am the best sailor in all o' Cydonia!"

"Well, perhaps you find yourself hesitant now, but…" Edgar smiled. A devious smile. "...What if I paid you double the amount? Instead of a thousand poké, I can give you two thousand. And we go through the storm."

"T-Two thousand?!" Quaxwell nearly fell from the shock alone. "...N-Nah! I ain't riskin' my life fer that amount!"

"I see. Very admirable, I have to admit." Edgar crossed his arms. "Very well, then. Four thousand."


"Four and a half."

Quaxwell took it into consideration and nodded. "Aight. I'll take y'all through the storm."

"See? It was easy." Edgar turned back, climbing down the stairs. "Come, Vulcan."

"O-Of course, your Highness." Vulcan took a look at the clouds—they were getting closer. Not that he was doubting the prince's decisions, but it was dangerous. At least the ship was big…

Edgar walked towards Damian, and then turned back. "I am hungry. One of you will make me a meal—I do not care which one."

Vulcan and Damian locked eyes.


"You do it." Damian moved his head away. "You know I am not good with cooking."

"Tch, fine." Vulcan glared.

"Stop slacking and follow me already!" Edgar shouted at them. He was already up the stairs, heading towards the kitchen.

Once they arrived, Edgar sat in one of the tables, the furthest from all the others.

Ah… I think it has been a while since Terrence and I shared a meal. It was always nice…

Their father was not a good cook—but then again, he didn't need to be. They had chefs for that exact reason.

Still, having them all together in the kitchen was nice. Even if our mother is no longer with us…

That was a little too sad to think about. Edgar just waited instead. Damian sat on a distant table, and the prince almost wanted to sit nearby. But… they were his guards, he was to sit alone. They should not, and would not join him.

It does feel nice to remember that. All the feasts we had… I liked them. All of them. Terrence left, despite that. Were we not enough for him?

Once again, he was considering the possibility that his brother left due to not being satisfied. It was making more sense the more he thought about it, as much as it hurt to do so.

Edgar thought that, once they arrived in the town, he would get his answers. And that was enough to relax him, even if only a little bit.

Still… I remember a lot of happy moments back at the castle. Did Terrence not notice them? He always seemed happy…

For once, the weather was good. Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect for anyone to relax. But not for Edgar.

That day, his father had invited them all for a special feast. And, to make it better, Edgar was allowed to bring someone with him—a Salandit friend of his.

"Come on now, Adelaide!" Edgar was walking through the halls. She was by his side, and the two guards behind them. "It is a tad unusual for my father to let you come, but… I love it!"

"Teheh. You are such a charming young man…" she giggled a bit, following him. Adelaide's claws were painted with a fine golden color, and she wore a necklace around her neck, with a diamond at the end.

"Ah, but you know I appreciate you. Your family has helped mine so many times, after all…"

Adelaide stopped to see one of the paintings. It had the king and his wife, an Aurorus. At the bottom, she could see the two princes standing together. They all looked happy.

"Hm, she looks gorgeous there…" Edgar looked at the painting as well. "Mother left us when we were young, but… I always heard how much she admired our father."

"It is my pleasure, your Highness."

Edgar's tail wagged as he crossed the large door to the dining room, though not before warning his guards to stay behind.

The dining room was very regal. A large and decorated red carpet covered the floor, held in place by several pieces of furniture. At the middle sat a large, U-shaped table. Multiple plates were set on it, along with the adequate silverware.

"Splendid…" Edgar whistled, checking the many chandeliers lightening the place up.

Much to his own surprise, Edgar saw his brother already sitting in his place.

"Ah, I see he is not late for once. Good, good." Edgar raised his head and walked to his seat—to the left of the king's. "Greetings, brother."

"Oh, hello, Edgar…" Terry glanced over at Adelaide, seeing her sit next to a Salazzle.

"I see you brought her this time."

Edgar only smiled in return. "Of course! She is my friend. You would know that if you had any."

"Hey, I do have friends!"

"...The Roselia does not count."

Why not?! Terry wanted to say that out loud, but he knew better. "...I suppose she does not."

Hopefully this feast wouldn't take too long to be over. Terry wanted it gone, because it was boring and full of pretentious nobles. He still smiled at anyone that looked at him. Doing it that many times before made his forced smile look natural.

The doors opened again. This time, multiple Kommo-o appeared out of it, clanging their scales in rhythm. All of them danced, moving left and right to announce someone was coming. But not just anyone.

…Father. Terry thought.

Justifiably, the doors were tall enough for someone of his caliber to walk through them. Announced with more clanging scales, a Tyrantrum entered the room.

He was large, his head had many yellow spikes, the feathers around his neck were larger, though he still wore a cape—a brown one. The king's scales weren't as red like his species', and instead, a little on the lighter side—a sign of his age. His large crown was adorned with a large, black diamond at the middle of it. The lighting in the room showed an engraving inside the diamond, but it was hard to make out details.

Accompanying him was a tall Duraludon, wearing a cape of his own, with a sash around his shoulder, all the way to his waist, decorated with multiple badges.

"Rejoice!" Duraludon said with a salute. The entire room was in complete silence. "For this is King Terrence Montclair XIII! He has graced you all with his presence today! May this feast be fruitful for all of us!"

The king looked at the room with his emerald eyes and a neutral expression. Though… it almost looked like a frown, even if he was trying to remain neutral.

"Greetings, my subjects." It was all he said as he moved towards his seat, a table larger than all the others, fitting for his size.

After he sat, the room erupted into claps and cheers. Even Terry was cheering.

So many pompous royals… they think they are better than everyone else… Terry clapped anyway.

"...And greetings to you two. I hope I did not take too long to arrive." King Terrence said to his children, though he didn't look at them.

"Worry not, father, I arrived not long ago!" Edgar said with a smile on his face. "In fact, my brother was here long before I was."

The king finally looked at Terry. "Is that so?"

"I-Indeed. I had time, so I came here before anyone else." Not a lie, for once. Terry gulped. At least the feast was starting soon. The sooner it did, the sooner it would end.

"Ah, I understand. It is good that you wish to start so early. I also asked the chefs to start cooking a while ago, which means…"

With a snap of his claws, the king gestured, or rather, commanded. In response, a door positioned at the right end of the room swung open with grandeur, unveiling a multitude of chefs and waiters, each bearing enormous trays laden with the food for the feast.

"Rejoice, my subjects! For today, we will feast and discuss important news for the kingdom…" he clapped his hands, and a chef walked towards his room, putting down a tray. It contained a rather large piece of meat, decorated with parsley and lettuce. Just sniffing it was enough for the king to get hungry.

Father eats a lot… Terry gulped. A waiter put a similar plate on the table, with more meat, but this one was seemingly made from Crawdaunt, judging from how it looked. He took a chunk and began to eat.

"Father, what are we here to discuss, exactly?" Edgar waited for his own food—a stew, which Edgar recognized to have a few bits of Lumineon in it.

"Important business. I would like to ask how the economy is doing. Are we exporting enough products? We have enough metals in the mine to export them…" The king said after munching on his meat.

The one that answered was a rather large Dusknoir, wearing a black fedora. "Your Highness, production has increased by fifty percent. The business is booming."

"Ah, splendid."

"How about the citizens—err, the common folk?" Terry almost let it slip, but he quickly corrected himself. "Are they satisfied with the current rule?"

"As usual, brother, you worry too much about them." Edgar had grabbed a soup and blew on his stew to cool it a little. "But I checked. Satisfaction seems to be the case."

"Good to know!" Terry said. He was happy that the citizens were enjoying the rule, because it meant less reasons for him to stay behind.

"How pleasant." The king raised his arm, holding an empty glass, and a waiter came to pour wine into it. He started sipping the drink. "Exquisite."

"Father." Edgar didn't look at the king, but called out to him all the same. "I am fifteen, Terrence is sixteen. When will we learn about important—and pardon my language, kingly matters?"

…Great. Terry held the urge to roll his eyes. His smile was still there, and it was starting to hurt keeping it up. "Indeed! I had a good time with my physics and math instructors, but I would love to learn more history…"

That wasn't a lie either. At least partially. History was a fun subject, and learning it helped prevent bad things from happening like in the past. Math, on the other hand? Annoying and time-consuming.

"Hm, I suppose I could have you two start learning politics…" he called for more meat, and the waiter brought it to the king. "But I can say it will not be any easier than what you are learning now."

"I do not want it to be." Edgar smiled. He continued to eat his stew, only stopping to take a sip of berry juice. "I may not be the next in line for the throne, but I wish to learn either way, in order to help my brother."

Why did he say it like that? Terry's heart sank. He ate his food in silence, not really in the mood to say anything. Maybe I should try to learn how to pilot a boat. Maybe that way I can leave this place.

"Good answer," Terrence said. But then he noticed the actual next king was quiet. He looked over at Terry. "What is your answer, son? Would you like me to add political classes for you as well?"

No. But that is not something I can tell him. Terry forced himself to smile once more. "Of course! I would love to!"

"Very well." The king turned his attention to the other royals, raising the glass. "Have you all heard it? My sons are getting ready to take their place… and I could not be prouder of them!"

Another round of applause came. Edgar raised his head, grinning widely, while Terry just kept smiling to the best of his abilities. As long as he kept the charade up, nobody would suspect a single thing. He would leave… it'd take some time, but he would leave. Sooner or later.

"Now… let us continue partying! I want to celebrate this development! And together with all of you, I can!"

King Terrence had a refill on his wine and raised the arm carrying it, causing some of the royals to do the same—those that were of drinking age, anyway.

Edgar winced, his cape billowing in the fierce gusts threatening to tear it from his grasp.

"Madness, I say! Utter madness!" The Tyrunt's voice strained against the howling winds as raindrops clung to his scales.

Despite the darkened sky, occasional flashes of thunder illuminated his surroundings. Not that it made things any better. Apart from the rain, the very sea was against him, waves crashing against the wooden ship with such intensity Edgar was barely able to stay up.

"Y-Your Highness, are you okay?!" Vulcan approached the prince, staying behind him in case he was thrown back by the wind, or by the waves.

Damian was nearby, on Edgar's right. "Your Highness…?"

"I-I am fine!" Edgar's pants said otherwise. His legs trembled, and he kept looking forward to where the ship was sailing. "H-How long until we reach the shore?!"

"Captain Quaxwell!" Vulcan said as loud as he could, which, considering the rain, wasn't very much.

Despite that, the bird heard him. "We ain't takin' long! A few more hours!"

"Great! I have to put up with this for hours!" Edgar winced again. "Vulcan, Damian, take me to my quarters! I will not stay here for another minute!"

As they prepared to make their move, a colossal wave surged against the ship, dwarfing the previous ones in power. Such was its force that the trio of dragons was sent tumbling to the deck.

"GAH!" Edgar coughed a bit, taking a deep breath. He was more soaked than ever, and though he tried getting up, his legs hurt. "You two are useless! I said to take me to my quarters!"

Vulcan coughed a bit of water, and slowly stood up, just in time to hear another thunder. This one hit very close to the ship, and the sound made his earholes ringing.

"G-Guh. Y-Your Highness, I am—"

"I do not care!"

"A-Alright, your Highness." Vulcan ignored the ringing and the pain to make his move, along with Damian. The latter was checking the corners of the ship for any potential attackers.

On their way to the inner quarters, they heard the Quaxwell steering the ship, slowly. "Lads, stay there! I be tryin' to control the ship, but it be gettin' 'ard!"

"I-I can help!" Vulcan blurted out. Anything to not deal with the prince any longer. "Your Highness, may I?"

"Fine! Just get us to that bloody town so I can get my brother back!"

And Edgar was soon in front of his room. Damian opened the door, about to enter it…

"No! You stay outside! Help them steer the ship for all I care! I will be left alone!"

"O-Of course, your Highness." Damian turned around. Was it better than dealing with him? Probably. Either way, he ran towards the deck.

Meanwhile, Edgar entered the room, panting and collapsing to his knees. Now that he was alone, he had the luxury to do that. Doing it in front of his subjects was… not worthy of a prince.

"H-Hah… hah… Terrence… I am coming for you… I will be very upset if you do not come back with us."

Surely Terrence would see the light and return. He had to. Edgar took off the cape, trying to dry it off. Through the windows, he heard more thunder.

"Why did he have to pick such an obnoxious place? I swear, brother, you are so unorthodox…"

Just a few more hours. A few more hours and he'd reach shore. Reach the shore, see his brother, convince him to return, and finally come back to his rightful place.

"I can wait… I can wait a little longer…"

He took a deep breath. Just a few more hours. Maybe he could sleep it off. Yes, sleep and wake up when everything was over.

A good idea, but in the middle of the storm? Unlikely. Edgar wanted to try it anyway.

He laid in the bed, closing his eyes. Picturing himself amidst a dark void, and every thunder just flashed inside the void. Edgar breathed in and out, in and out.

Father, I am bringing him back… I know it.

Slowly, his body started to relax. Nothing was bothering him anymore, certainly not the storm. Edgar began to whistle to himself to try and deafen all the thunder. Almost there. Almost there.

So close he could picture it: him and Terrence, returning home to a triumphant party. Apart from the punishment their father would likely give. But it was close… just a little longer… and he could sleep… sleep… and wake up later…

Just… sleep…

"Your Highness! Please wake up!"

Edgar squinted his eyes—even while they were closed, and slowly opened them up. Although blurry at first, he could make out the silhouette of a familiar Fraxure.

"Urgh… Vulcan?!" Whatever grogginess he had was broken and replaced by anger. "You are in my room, leave!"

"O-Of course, your Highness. I only entered to let you know… we just arrived."

Hearing it made the prince's eyes widen in response, and he jumped out of his bed. "We arrived?!"

"I-Indeed. Damian already picked up the trumpets, and we have your bags ready. We took the liberty of paying the sailor already, and he will wait for us for around three days."

Edgar adjusted his cape, clearing his throat. "Ah, I see. Well done, Vulcan, I will be sure to give you a promotion when we get back."

"T-Thank you, your Highness." Vulcan straightened his position. "Shall we go?"

"We shall, indeed." Edgar smiled. Finally, at his destination!

The two left the room, walking up to the deck. Captain Quaxwell was nowhere to be seen. Not that Edgar particularly cared about it, as long as he took them back.

Damian carried two bags in his back, though they weren't heavy. "Your Highness! We are ready for the mission. However, I must warn you: this town has no port."

"No port? Terrence picked the worst place to run off to." Edgar walked to the edge of the ship, and after seeing the sand nearby, winced. "...This place is awful. It is hardly befitting of one prince, let alone two!"

"I am sure he had his reasons, your Highness." Damian said, already behind the prince.

"Hmph, I suppose he did." Edgar wondered how to leave the boat, turning to Damian. "...I have one request. You will do it without a single complaint or comment, do you understand?"

"O-Of course."

"Jump, and then I will jump after you. You are to pick me in your arms, Damian."

It was easy enough. The Druddigon jumped, turned around and waited for Edgar to hop, picking him up mid-air. Then, he put the prince down.

"Well done. We are ready to see this… Thornwell town. Prepare the trumpets, please."

Now, more than ever, Edgar was bringing him back.
Chapter 18 - Knights of Cydonia


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 18 - Knights of Cydonia

Stay strong, my wings. Don't fail me now.

We can make it, we'll do it somehow.

Keep flying on through the day.

On my love!

For Terry, it was another regular day in his life. Or rather, new life. He woke up inside the team's headquarters, said good morning to Liz, and then left.

Perfect time to buy more comics. Or books! Terry wagged his tail. Although… I could always buy both.

Terry checked the coins in his hand. There was more than enough for buying them. One of the few things about being royalty that he actually liked; and in the future, he could buy his friends gifts.

Taking a look at the sky, he saw little to no clouds. "Another hot day, huh?"

Oh well, nothing he could do about it. Terry climbed down the hill, taking his time to sniff the air and appreciate every corner of the town. As simple as it was, he still found it exciting to be living there.

At least the weather here seems fine, and it isn't going crazy like that town we visited before…

Not long after, Terry stopped, back at ground level. His scales felt the heat of the sun in them. "...I could use some ice cream. There has to be a place selling it around here. Hm…"

He knew about the bakery Shiron always visited, but wasn't sure if they sold ice cream.

"Only one way to find out!"

As he sprinted through the town, a wide grin adorned Terry's face. However, before he reached his destination, he was pleasantly surprised by a familiar sight.

Strolling side by side were Shiron and Magnus, both holding an ice cream cone in their hands. Shiron's was yellow, with a few gummies splattered atop. Magnus', on the other hand, looked like it was chocolate-flavored.

"Good morning!" Terry waved at them with his free hand. He noticed Shiron wasn't wearing his trademark scarf. Maybe it was the weather.

"Huh?" Shiron was a little busy looking at the way Magnus ate his dessert to notice the prince nearby. At least, before Terry made himself known. "Oh! Hi, Terry!"

"Morning? It's already past noon!"

"...It is?" Terry blinked. How long did he sleep?

"Yeah, I got hungry after lunch, so I went to Magnus' place," Shiron pointed at his round friend. "He got me an ice cream, on the house."

"W-Well, you're a good friend, so…" Magnus replied with a stutter, smiling at the Marshtomp.

"Uh…" Shiron quickly turned to face Terry again. "So! Seems you're enjoying all the liberties now. Goin' out to buy more comics, I take it?"

"I want to, yes." Terry showed them the coins in his hand. "I wanted to eat some ice cream beforehand, though. It's way too hot!"

"Mhm, you're so right. I miss rain." Shiron muttered, biting on his ice cream. "You should totally check out the ones Magnus' dad is selling, they're great!"

Magnus' face turned red, and he only smiled in response.

"Maybe I will!" Terry said. "I was heading there, actually. Now I know I have to—"

A deafening noise interrupted them. It sounded like trumpets. Loud trumpets, coming from the beach. Terry froze after hearing it, a chill running up his spine, while his eyes widened.

The trumpet's sound was familiar, and its rhythm was definitely regal, stopping every few seconds before picking up again.

"Oh no… n-no, no, no!" Terry clutched the coins harder, looking around. "They can't be here!"

Shiron blinked, turning to where the sound was coming from. He had no idea what that was all about, but Terry didn't seem to like it.

"A-Are you okay, buddy?"

"..." Terry didn't put it into words, and his reaction was to look down at the ground. The sound kept echoing in his head, deafening every other sound.

Them. It was them. They were coming, and coming for him. Only him, the runaway prince.

"Terry, we're worried about you!" Magnus called out to him, hearing the trumpets getting louder. "What's going on?"

He could count on them. Count on all of them, they were his friends, after all. "That's my brother's trumpet. I'd recognize the sound anywhere. We all have one, and this means he's here…"

"Your brother?" Shiron didn't have any siblings, but judging from how Terry reacted, that guy had to be bad news.

Terry continued to look down, the trumpets echoing in his head. "They're likely here to take me back home. I can't go back…"

Someone wanting to escape from home, from somewhere that never treated them right. Shiron could relate to that, more than they knew

"We won't let them take you," he said, as firm as he could possibly be. "You're my friend, and my teammate. You belong with us, right?"

"R-Right." Terry raised his head. "I don't want to see them, but… m-maybe I can convince them to leave me alone."

The trumpets got louder—how close were they? Terry's legs almost gave up, trembling like they never had before. And Shiron saw that, knowing what his friend was going through.

"Terry… I think you should go. We don't know where they are, but they'll get here eventually." Shiron told him, pointing up the hill. "We won't tell them where our base is, so go!"

Magnus looked around for a moment, and turned to Terry. "I'll bring you ice cream! We'll handle it, don't worry!"

"I… I won't! I promise!" Terry immediately turned back and started to run, not looking back, not even once.

Finally, he had friends, and they cared for him. For his dreams, accepting his decision to be free from all that bound him. Something not even his family did.

I… I can count on them, can't I? More than my brother. I have friends! I finally… finally have friends!

And he continued to run, run like nothing else mattered. Like his life depended on it. As far as Terry was concerned, it did. Losing all of them was causing his stomach to twist into a nasty knot. But he had to keep going.

"Okay… Magnus?" Shiron watched the prince run away, and then glanced at his friend. "We'll be lying. If Terry's brother sees us, we're lying."

"I know! I don't like lying, but… I know it's for the best." Magnus finished his ice cream and gulped, waiting for the worst.

Once more, they heard the trumpets. However, this time they actually were accompanied by something. Or someone.

A Fraxure skillfully played the instrument, accompanied by a Druddigon standing beside him, playing another trumpet. In front of them, a Tyrunt took center stage, donning an oversized green cape that almost touched the ground.

Not once did the song stop, only increasing in volume as the prince made his way throughout the town. Wherever he went, some of the Pokémon inside stopped their activities to look at him, some for longer than the others.

Do they not see who is visiting this wretched place? How pathetic… Edgar eyed the place. He winced. And this is where my brother resides? Disgusting.

Finally, a crowd started to gather around him, coming from all sides of the town. Edgar smiled, finally seeing the praise he required. Of course, he didn't look at any of them. Nobody in the town deserved it.

Shiron was on the back of the crowd, along with Magnus, and the two exchanged a look.

"We're willing to lie for his sake, but what about the others here?"

"You have a point…" Magnus started thinking of what he could do to help, and snapped a finger. "I have a plan! Follow me!"

Thankfully, the crowd was chattering so loud that their voices got muffled, so Edgar had no idea what was happening. In fact, he was more interested in shutting them all up.

Without saying a word, he glanced at his bodyguards.

The Druddigon stepped forward, clearing his throat. Damian had a straight posture. "Rejoice!"

Next, it was the Fraxure's turn. Vulcan also cleared his throat. "For once in your lives, you are graced with his presence."

"Indeed! Rejoice, for Prince Edgar has traveled far and wide, all for a glorious purpose!"

Vulcan nodded, holding the trumpet with his two hands. "He is here to rescue someone, someone very important and dear to him."

A Machop nearby raised their hand. "Oh, is that the—"

"Excuse me!" Magnus walked through the crowd, holding Shiron's hand as tight as he could to not lose the Marshtomp, and eventually was face to face with the prince. "Ah, hello, your Highness! I'm a baker in this town, and I'd love to help you with your search! But before that, how about you visit my establishment?"

"Y-Yeah!" Shiron was focused on the conversation ahead, but still felt the handholding was nice. "He's the greatest baker ever!"

"And who would you two be?" Edgar finally looked at them, but only at a glance. "A baker and his boyfriend are hardly worth my time."

"I'm not—we're not—" Shiron looked at his hand, and then at Magnus. It seemed his friend did the same, and the two backed off from each other. "Ah, it's fine! Look, your Highness, you must be tired from the journey!"

Magnus clapped his hands together. "Yup! Come on now, I can bake whatever you want, on the house!"

One day he'd need to stop giving so many discounts, but it wasn't that day.

"I… I am a tad hungry…" Vulcan muttered. "Your Highness, perhaps we should consider it."

"...Hmph. Very well." Edgar glanced at the two again. "Lead me to this bakery of yours. I will try something there, but do not waste my time. It better be good."

Magnus, somehow, did it. Now to find a way to keep that up…

Running up that hill was getting easier, as Terry told himself. During that particular moment, it was like running away again. Except this time, he wasn't that far from the ones he was running from.

Terry stopped near the door, catching his breath. "Right… I'll need to explain what's happening to the others."

He opened the door, getting back inside and taking deep breaths. Right after closing the door, he was met with Liz waving a vine.

"Ah, hello, Terry. You returned."

Before he could reply, Terry felt the door opening again, but it was only Nick coming out of it.

"Yo!" Nick waved at the two. "I kinda overslept, but man, I'm ready for the day! What're we doing today?"

"Ah, yes, hello to both of you." Terry took a deep breath. Might as well tell them right away. "...My brother is here."

Liz's smile was shattered immediately. "What?! Prince Edgar is here?!"

"Unfortunately, he is…"

"Huh? Wait, who's Prince Edgar?" Nick looked at each of his friends for a few seconds. "...No, wait. Your brother, Terry?"

It was so hard to even talk about his sibling. Younger than him, but they were practically opposites. Terry had an open mouth, but no words came out. To think Terry had the courage to run away… and now his brother had come to take him.

"Part of me hoped they would let things stay the way they were. That they'd just forget about me and move on."

"Terrence…" Liz was the one to approach him first, raising his head with a vine. "Listen to me. I will follow you to the depths of the world if it is for your happiness. That includes facing them."

Meanwhile, Nick was unsure of what to say. Terry was his teammate, his friend. What could he do to help? When faced with such an overwhelming force—a royal from far away—what were his options?

Heroes help. I may be weak, but… I can do my best to help him. Like all of us on the team. Nick thought, and that helped him calm down a bit. "Terry! Have you seen him?"

"No! I'm not even sure how he found me…" Terry stuttered, trembling, and forcing himself to look down again. "And… and now he'll take me back to that place…"

Was it all coming back? The pressure, the expectations, the schedule? Doing the same thing over and over, all so he could ascend to the throne, despite how repulsive the thought was?

"...We will not let that happen." Liz said, firm. "Where is Shiron? He needs to hear about this."

"A-Actually, they said I should hide here, that they wouldn't let my brother find out where I am…" Terry muttered, almost in a whisper. "M-Magnus was there too. They're both helping me."

"I get it, I do…" Nick closed a fist. So the others were already doing something, but he wasn't. "...Terry, what do you want me to do? I'm not… very strong, but I want to help."

"I-I suppose… if I manage to stay hidden, my brother and his guards can think I'm not here and leave." Terry said. But it sounded wrong to do that. "I don't know… I don't want to see them…"

As much as he wanted to get away, Terry also missed his sibling. They weren't much alike, but they were family. A family that caused him to try and escape it. So, was it a real one?

"I see." Nick adjusted the goggles on his head. "Alright then, team! Here's the mission for today: stop them from taking Terry!"

Though Nick wasn't the official leader, Shiron wasn't there to give them an inspiring speech.

"Understood." Liz closed her eyes. When she was obsessed with herself, and with strength, Terry was there. She couldn't deny it—they were friends. And friends helped each other. "I must stay hidden as well. They will recognize me. That leaves Nick, Shiron and Magnus as the ones to act."

Nick crossed his arms. "Hm, I can figure something out. Maybe send 'em on a pointless chase. What'd you say, Terry?"

"A-As long as they don't get hurt…"

"I'll meet up with Shiron and see what we can do." Nick put his goggles on. "For now, Terry, Liz, stay here! I'll come back with information as soon as I can!"

"Right—wait!" Terry blurted out, louder. "He has two guards with him. One is a Fraxure, his name is Vulcan. The other is a Druddigon, named Damian."

"Gotcha. Like I said, I'll be back as soon as I can!" Nick ran out of the place.

Liz sighed, glancing at Terry. "I suppose… even a fool can be a king if fate aligns."

The bakery was closed that day. However, the inside was still clean, and every table was set. Magnus got inside first, then he was followed by the prince and his guards. Finally, Shiron entered last, closing the door behind him.

"One moment, I'll open the windows!" Magnus bowed, moving around the place to do just that.

"Hm, in terms of presentation, this place leaves much to be desired." Edgar tapped a foot on the ground. "Marshtomp! Where will I sit? I am already doing you a favor by staying in this place! Do not test me!"

"I-I have a name—" Shiron gulped. He looked for the closest table and walked towards it, getting the chairs ready for the three. "H-Here, your Highness!"

How can someone so mean be related to Terry? Shiron wondered, keeping it to himself.

"Hmph." Edgar sat, but didn't let his guards do it. He glanced around the place. Checking the walls—pink, with a few paintings of the various food items sold in the bakery.

"They're not eating?"

"Only after I." Edgar raised his head, in the most regal way he could. Shiron thought it was overreacting.

"Speaking of which, what will I eat? I have very particular tastes."

Of course you do… Shiron tried to smile, but even he knew it was fake. "Well, there's a lot of sweets. Cakes, tarts, muffins, pies…"

"So many things to try…" Edgar pouted.

Vulcan raised an arm to speak, and only started doing it after Edgar nodded in response. "Your Highness? Perhaps it would be wise to ask the Marshtomp. He clearly enjoys the food here."

"Ah, you do have a point." Edgar glanced at Shiron. "Marshtomp! What do you recommend? You are clearly close to the Quilladin."

"Me…?" Shiron gulped. Oh well, it was up to him. Gods, he hated making decisions. "Well, I love the berry pie he makes. Kinda reminds me of him, really! Sweet, but not too much. I can tell he puts a lot of effort into it, and—"

"Spare me of your romantic, buttered words. I will eat this pie." Edgar glared, and even finished his sentence with a snarl. "Quilladin! Make me the pie!"

"Huh…?" Magnus blinked. It felt… nice to be complimented like that.

T-They weren't romantic, were they? Shiron stepped back. "Well, I'm glad you chose that. It's pretty good."

"Oh, uh, right! One berry pie, coming right up!" Magnus saluted, walking into the kitchen. One day he'd have to teach Shiron how to bake as well. They could even bake together…

"I assume this will not take long." Edgar tapped a finger on his table. "I still need to search for my brother."

"Your Highness, do we know if that… Zeraora's information was correct?" Vulcan said, receiving a glare from the prince. "A-Apologies."

Zeraora—Zero told them about Terry? What else did he say?

It was as good of an opportunity as ever to find out more about it. Shiron forced himself to smile again. "Excuse me, what is a Zeraora?"

"I am not sure myself…" Edgar closed his eyes. "Father believed him. He mentioned my brother had companions of some kind, but did not say much else. Do you know about it, Marshtomp? Have you seen another Tyrunt here?"

Lie, lie for his sake. Shiron shook his head. He wasn't a good liar, but for Terry, Shiron tried. "I didn't, your Highness. You're the first one I've seen."

"Tch. Perhaps he left this town already." Edgar groaned. "I hope Terrence is alright… I need him back where he belongs."

Damian nodded. "We will find him, your Highness. I know we will."

"W-Well, if I can help in any way, just let me know." Shiron said. His heart was beating faster. As much as it helped to stall them, he didn't have a proper plan. Maybe talking with the others would help.

"Oh, I would rather be dead than need a peasant's help." Edgar rolled his eyes.

"Y-Your Highness, technically speaking, you have no authority here." Damian said, feeling his body start to tremble.

Edgar raised a brow, snarling before sighing. "As much as it pains me, you are correct."

No authority… Shiron repeated it in his head. If only that could be useful to them. But so far, he had no idea how it'd help Terry.

Shiron heard a faint noise coming from the door, and glanced around. On the other side, he saw Nick knocking four times. When their eyes met, the Riolu waved repeatedly, and then motioned for him to come out.

I wonder what that is. Shiron turned to the prince. "Errr, apologies, your Highness, but a friend is calling me, and I gotta go."

Edgar took a long and deep breath. He had no jurisdiction there, so ordering that Marshtomp around was out of the question. "Hmph, I still need to ask you more questions. Return soon."

"G-Got it."

Shiron quickly made his way out of the building.

And met with Nick again. The two locked eyes with each other once more, waiting for the other to speak up.

Nick was the one to talk first. "I know what's going on. Terry told me and Liz."

"Oh, that makes things easier!" Shiron breathed a sigh of relief. "We were trying to stall those three. I had to lie, which… I'm not particularly good at."

"Noted for the future," he crossed his arms. "Alright, Shiron. We gotta find a way to make 'em leave this town."

"That's easier said than done…" Shiron rubbed his arm with a hand. "Any plans? I'm not that big of a strategist."

Nick kept his arms crossed, and one of his ears twitched. For a moment, he swore there was someone nearby. But after Nick checked, he found nothing.

"Good question. If we could somehow prevent them from taking him, that'd be nice. But… I know we're up against a prince. We don't have that much influence."

"Yeah." Shiron looked down. He had to come up with some form of plan. "I… I wanna ask who runs this town, Nick."

"Here? That'd be Ivan, that Houndoom from the bank," he replied with a shrug. "Dunno how that'd be helpful, though."

"...He's the mayor?"

Did that world even have mayors? It had princes, so surely somewhere there had to be a mayor or too.

"You could say that." Nick raised a brow. Once more, he heard something. It was rustling? Either way, Nick didn't see what it was. "Why are you asking? Do you have any plan or something like that?"

"I'm working on it." Shiron muttered. "Also, the prince told me I shouldn't take too long talking to you. He needs me to answer some questions."

"Ah, that's always cool." Nick had to roll his eyes at that. He took a peek through the window, and managed to see the prince sitting, accompanied by the two guards Terry had mentioned before.

After that, he looked back at Shiron. "If they're anything like Liz, I doubt we can fight them."

"We don't have any reason to fight them." Shiron sounded a bit more serious. "I don't like it. I mean, I think I'm better at it, but even I know brute strength doesn't solve everything."

"You're right." Nick leaned against the bakery's wall. "So, what are we going to do?"

"For now… I have an idea, I might need to talk to mister Ivan. If he's not too busy."

"Hah! That's as likely as snow in this town."

Unbeknownst to them, there was someone watching. Just like Nick did a few seconds ago, Damian was peeking through the window, listening to their conversation.

Bloody hell… I had to duck repeatedly, and that Riolu almost caught me. But hey, I still heard a lot of their conversation. So they know the prince…

"I would appreciate it if you stopped spying on them, Damian." Edgar only glanced at his bodyguard, and the Druddigon quickly backed off from the window. "With that being said… what is happening?"

"Your Highness… I believe that Marshtomp knows your brother. He and the Riolu outside both do."

Edgar grit his teeth. "Do they, now? Well, well… I did not expect it."

"What do you want us to do, your Highness?" Vulcan asked.

"I assumed it was obvious. Get information out of them, through whatever means you judge necessary. Fight them, if you wish to. I will wait for my pie, and this Quilladin will answer me as well."

Vulcan cracked his knuckles, while Damian flashed a wicked grin. The two bust the door to the bakery open, stepping outside. Meanwhile, Edgar relaxed on his table, simply waiting.

"Wha—" Shiron was barely able to react before a particularly strong punch hit his face, sending him back.

"Shiron!" Nick turned to his friend, and his fur poofed up. He stepped back just in time to dodge a clawed attack from Vulcan.

"I heard everything you said." Damian faced the two with a piercing glare. "We want answers! Where is Prince Terrence?!"

"You two will face our justice!" Vulcan said, snarling afterwards.

"Ouch, ouch, that kinda hurt…" Shiron stood up, a bit dizzy, and tapped his face, right where the punch hit. It stung. "Ow… that thing hurt!"

"We're having a bigger problem here, Shiron!" Nick adjusted his goggles. "These guys are trying to fight us!"

"Like I said… I only want information!" Damian stepped on the ground, readying himself, and unleashing a mighty roar.

Does it really need to end in a fight?! Shiron looked over at himself. It had been so long since he fought, and those two were more trained than him. Could he win?

Probably not, but it was for Terry—for his friend. Before anything, though, Shiron saw the Fraxure jumping in his direction, gathering a strange and purple energy around his mouth.

One second later, and it was released; a powerful pulse was sent towards Shiron. He only had enough time to cross his arms in the shape of an "x", trying to contain the attack.

"T-This is nothing!"

It took Shiron all he had just to remain standing while the attack connected. At the same time, he noticed that Vulcan didn't move while sending the pulse.

"Nick, go!"


The Riolu rushed, dust picking up behind him as he ran. Then, with a jump, he aimed at Vulcan, both sets of claws in his hands shimmering with metal as he slashed.

Vulcan was taken aback by it, but only for a few seconds. In response, he roared, charging ahead as the wind picked up around his body, cloaking the dragon with a powerful gust. Aiming his tusks, he advanced through Nick, cutting a bit of his fur and causing the Riolu to scream in pain.

"Don't hurt him!" Shiron cried out for his friend.

"You should worry about yourself!" Damian was already closing in, fist crackling with electricity.

But that—it doesn't affect me, what is he doing?!

Shiron let the attack hit, and like expected, it did nothing, other than the physical contact with the dragon's spikes, which caused a bit of pain.

"I don't want to fight you! Can't we talk this out?!"

"Tch, it was over the moment you held our prince hostage!" Damian said, moving the claw that was already on Shiron's body. It was coated in the blackest of materials, like no light shone on it. And then, Damian slashed his claw upwards.

This time it was Shiron that screamed from the attack, falling to the ground. However, he didn't wake up, instead remaining there, coughing. There was no smell of blood, but instead, a massive ache on his stomach.

Nick stood up, rubbing a bit of sweat off his head. "Hah. Alright, you got me good! And—Shiron, get up! We need to win this one!"

"Just tell us about the prince! Where is he?!" Damian coated both of his fists in electricity. Shiron might not be affected, but that Riolu was. He roared once more, readying himself to punch.

"Not today!" Nick barked, and in an instant, multiple afterimages of him started to appear, surrounding the area.

Damian stopped on his tracks, checking every Riolu. "He is using Double Team! Vulcan!"

But Nick was already faster, using quick thinking to land a kick on Vulcan's face, sending him back before he could do any harm.

That left him vulnerable. Damian grabbed Nick with an arm and raised the Riolu as high in the air as he could. "Got him! Vulcan, finish the fight!"

Nick screamed and kicked around, but Vulcan was coming back. "S-Shiron, if you're gonna do something, do it now!"

I-I don't want to fight, but they're hurting Nick… and… and they'll hurt Terry.

With a clenched fist, Shiron focused as hard as he could. Fighting wasn't in his blood, not at all, but desperate times called for desperate manners. He had to do it.

He'll never be free if they take him back… I can't… I can't let his dream… I can't let his dream end like that! I need to protect it! With all I have!

Slowly, water began to coat the fist, moving around in a circular motion, like a drill, but without the sharp head. Shiron didn't even see his body moving, it did that all on its own. Before he realized, there was a rotating water coat surrounding his arm, and he was standing again.

"Huh? You still have it in you—"

"LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!" Shiron said nothing further, simply punching the Druddigon on the back with all he had. The spikes hit his body once more, and it caused a bit of blood to enter the water, but he kept going, roaring until Damian was forced to drop Nick and stumble back.

"T-Thanks!" Nick panted, sighing in relief, but Vulcan was still there. No, Damian was as well, they just managed to land a hit. Still, seeing Shiron like that, so… willing to fight, it was strange. To say the least.

"N-Nick… I'll handle him." Shiron pointed at Damian. Now the dragon was baring his fangs at him, dropping to all fours.

"Give us the prince!"

"H-He's… Terry is our friend. And you all are clearly not what he needs…" Shiron took a deep breath again. There was only a little bit of water in his hand. Just enough. He exhaled, letting out a cold wind onto his arm. Immediately, the water froze into chunks of ice.

"Nicely said!" Nick turned around and aimed at Vulcan. "We're… we'll be heroes! And heroes save their friends!"

More clones were created, aiming their claws to slash at Vulcan. He dodged a few of the attacks, but most of them phased through him—since they were just illusions.

But one hit his face, slashing through his scales and making a few of them fall to the ground. Vulcan stepped back.

Shiron charged ahead, along with Damian. The dragon was moving his tail, getting ready for a slap.

He was too slow. Shiron landed a powerful punch right on the top of Damian's face, screaming at the top of his lungs. The impact was nothing short of impressive, as Damian ended up falling down on the ground, coughing and panting. In particular, the ice was hurting his skin like acid, causing him to hiss.

Vulcan was still standing. But now he was outnumbered, and worse, one of them had ice moves.

…I do not get paid enough for this. Vulcan sighed, stepping back further. "J-Just what is the prince to you?!"

"He's… my friend." Shiron panted, aiming his ice-coated fist. "And that's all he ever needs to be."

"Yeah." Nick cracked his neck, readying the claws again. "We're not giving up on him!"

The brawl was about to continue. Vulcan knew that, to win, he'd have to give his all. And during the calm before the storm, he heard a few footsteps, quickly approaching them.

"Drop it! All of you!"

At once, the three Pokémon looked over where the sound came from, only to find a panting Terry walking over to them.

"S-Stop… I want you to stop fighting…"

"What're you doing over here?!" Shiron blurted out, but didn't move from his spot.

"I had a lot of time to think, and… I made a decision." Terry glanced at them with a glare.

He remembered it, his line of thought before deciding to check in on his friends. It happened half an hour before…

Terry walked in circles around the office, muttering something to himself. Time was going so slow it might as well be a Slowpoke. And all that without any information, not from Nick, not from Shiron, not from anyone.

His brother was still out there, searching for him. The thought made his heart race again.

"Please, try to relax. I know it must be hard, but…" Liz was holding a glass of water with her vines, offering it to Terry. He drank it in a matter of seconds. "...But it will do you no good to keep worrying."

"I know, I know, but I can't help myself, Liz! What if this doesn't work?! We don't even have a plan here!" Terry grabbed the glass a little bit tighter, causing a small crack to appear on it. Before he broke the thing, Terry put it on the table. "And what's worse, I… I want to see him. I want to see Edgar."

"...You wish to see him." Liz repeated it, walking towards Terry. It had been a while since she acted as the voice of reason, and now was better than never. "I… I recognize that you are happier here. Your family puts so many expectations on you, and here, you have none of that. Seeing them will only bring that back, and is that what you truly want?"

What he wanted. So many members of his family never asked that question, thinking they already knew what it was before Terry said anything. And most of the time, they were wrong. But there was Liz, surpassing his own expectations.

"I… I want to tackle this with a clear head. I need to see it for myself, what changed, and what remained the same. Then, I can make a decision. Does that make sense to you?"

Liz nodded in response. "Sometimes, you have to face your fears. And then, you become stronger through it."

"It's always about strength when it comes to you…" Terry deadpanned. But then, he stifled a laugh. "Hah… I can't deny it, I like that about you, Liz. I knew I wasn't wrong by choosing you. Not just as my bodyguard, but as my friend."

"W-Well, Terry, I am flattered you think like that," she looked away, covering her mouth with a rose. "I never had friends, and as such… you are important to me as well."

Terry clutched his cape. "I… I'm not naive. I know it's likely my brother hasn't changed one bit, but I still need to see for myself. At the same time… I don't want to leave this place. I hope we can reach a common ground."

"It might be hard. Would you like me to accompany you?"

He took a while to respond, but eventually, Terry shook his head. "No. It's something I need to see for myself. But thank you, Liz. I'll return soon."

At the very least, he hoped that was the case.

"What is all that ruckus about? I told them to get information…" Edgar hopped out of the chair, grumbling. His food hadn't arrived yet, which was annoying enough, but now his own subordinates were taking too long to finish the job.

Now he had to check what was happening. Edgar opened the door and left, just in time. Finally, after so long searching, he saw it, the one he was looking for; his brother was right in front of him.

Silence fell on the area as the two princes looked over at each other, words unable to leave their mouths. For Edgar, it marked the end of his search. His brother could return home, to where he belonged, to live the life he deserved and that was his birthright.

For Terry, the sight was nauseating. Remembering every lesson, every time his own feelings were suppressed for the greater good of the kingdom. Every time hurt more than before. Despite his attempts to face this with a clear mind, inside Terry was under a powerful storm.

"I'm sorry, but—Shiron, this is the opposite of what we were trying to do!" Nick blurted over to his friend, who shrugged in response.

"We were handling it! Terry just showed up—"

"His name is Terrence." Edgar broke the silence between him and his brother. He quickly glanced over at Shiron with a piercing glare. "And I believe you said I was the only Tyrunt you saw before. I suppose that was a lie. Was the pie another lie?"

"No! Magnus would never lie about food!" Shiron protested with a pout.

"Hmph." Next, Edgar looked at the unconscious Druddigon, and at Vulcan. "I see. Both of you have failed me. But it hardly matters, considering my brother is finally here. Now, we can leave this charade behind."

Shiron was about to protest, when his nostrils caught a really sweet smell, helped by the fact that the door was still open. It probably came from the kitchen.

"Charade? You are… you're mistaken." Terry frowned, taking a few steps towards his sibling. "Leave them alone. They're my friends!"

Edgar could only stare back. "What is this nonsense, brother? Has the time you spent with them altered the way you speak?!"

"Heh. Guess we're a great influence, aren't we?!" Nick crossed his arms. He wanted to stick out his tongue, but they were still dealing with a prince, albeit a grumpy one.

"Like I said… I'm friends with them." Terry kept walking, past Vulcan, past Nick, and past Shiron. "They're the ones that took me in and helped me when I needed them the most."

"Friends? You call these peasants… friends?" Edgar winced in disgust. "I expected better from you, brother."

"You expected nothing other than following everything that Father told us, no matter what I wanted."

The more Terry talked, the less sense he made to Edgar. "Wanted?! You and I are royals! What more could you want?!"

"...You'll never understand." Terry sighed, defeated. Or maybe not. Maybe all they needed was to talk it out for a little longer. "You must have many questions, brother."

"More than I can ask here. We should go back to the boat—"

"No. Here, you have no authority, no rule. I'll handle you my own way," he pointed at the bakery. "Come with me. I'll answer all your questions."

Again with the no authority thing. Shiron repeated it in his head. They had nothing, but Ivan did. And… and he had an idea. A way to figure this all out.

"T-Terry! Stay here! I have someone I need to talk to! Nick, can you handle them?!" Shiron glanced at the guards, and Vulcan snarled at him.

"Neither of them will attack Nick." Terry replied, walking inside the door. "But they will all come with me. Isn't that right, brother?"

"...Right." Edgar snarled again, but made no further attempts to stop his brother. He followed Terry instead. Vulcan grabbed Damian on his back and followed suit. The Druddigon would wake up shortly.

Nick trusted his friend to do… whatever he was planning on doing. "Good luck, Shiron! We'll get through this!"

At the end of the day, he didn't help much, not even with the fight. Nick was fine with it. He had to be. After waving Shiron another goodbye, Nick watched his friend run off into the distance.

Once the group entered the bakery again, they found Magnus with a large plate, full of cupcakes. They all had white frosting, and sprinkles on top.

"Hello! The pie is cooking, so I brought these as an appetizer, and—" he noticed the unconscious Druddigon. "I-Is he okay?!"

"He will be fine." Edgar sat on his table again. "So, brother… what is it? What is your problem?"

"Seriously, that's what you ask me?" Terry glared, picking the cupcake to eat it. "Thank you, Magnus, it's really good."

"Don't worry about it! I'll, err, go back to the kitchen now…" Magnus slowly walked away, not wanting to bother them any further.

Nick kept his distance from them, mostly watching Terry. To be honest, he wanted to know what would come of this. If things went south, he was there to help, even if it meant facing a prince.

"You talk to them like they are on your level." Edgar raised a brow. Biting on the cupcake made him stop to enjoy the sweet flavor, but he didn't show how much he liked it. "...A-Ahem, they are not. They will never be on our level. So why? Why treat them like that?"

And there it was, that attitude. Terry didn't miss it at all. Always arrogant, always judging them as being inherently superior to others, Edgar was like that all the time, and it was exhausting to hear it.

"Because we're the same, all of us." Terry said, already seeing his brother struggling to hold his laughter. "We are born, we live our lives, and we die. Royal or not, nothing changes that."

"...I beg your pardon?" Edgar no longer wanted to laugh. Instead, he was repeating his brother's words, trying to find any meaning behind them. "You are telling me that I, a prince, am worth just as much as a peasant like my guards?"

"Of course you are. We're all important."

Edgar slammed a fist against the table. "But our lives are superior! They have always been that way! It spans generations! Our grandfather's grandfather did this, and so did his grandfather!"

Nick moved a little, raising a fist, but Terry looked at him with pleading eyes, stopping the Riolu from doing anything brash.

"W-What happened…" Damian muttered, close to Vulcan. He was shushed, and the Druddigon looked over to where the table was. The princes! "They are back—"


"You were right about one thing, brother," Terry inhaled and let it out. "...I was living a charade. But not here. When I was still living in the kingdom, I lived a facade, masking my true feelings, because I knew nobody would be able to understand them."

"Understand them? I always understood you! What in the world are you talking about?!" Edgar shook his head. Denying everything was helpful. Or, no, he didn't deny, because he did understand his brother. He had to!

"...I never wanted to be king. Never. My dream is to see the world, to… find out myself. Find what my place is."

"T-There is no way! You are lying to me!" Edgar stuttered, picturing every conversation he ever had with Terry. Every sentence, every time they went to a party, to a feast, everything. How much had his brother hidden from him? "Why would you not want to be king?! The power, the leadership it entails! Why choose this instead?!"

And Terry didn't really have an answer for that. He followed his heart, and it led him to that town, along with Liz. For the last two months, he could picture no better place to live in. The thought of leaving tugged on his heart, pulling it apart.

The more he thought about it, the more Terry's eyes started to get teary. He didn't bother holding back the tears. "Because… I have a dream. I don't know what I want to do with my life, but I'll find it."

Edgar punched the table again, causing his guards to stand closer to him. "That is nonsense! You already have an end to your story! It was determined from the moment you were born!"

"I see." Terry looked at the sky, closing his eyes. So, it was just like he thought. Talking with his brother was going nowhere, and it never would, because they were simply too different from each other.

"...I'm sorry, Edgar." Terry stood up from the chair. "But I'm the one that decides how my story ends. Not you, not Father, not anyone. And I choose to stay here."

And to make that clearer, Terry started to walk away, towards the door. Just like long ago, Edgar watched it, but unlike last time, he didn't cry out his brother's name.

Instead, he ran after him, grabbing Terry's arm when they were both out of the bakery.

"You are being ridiculous! How can you abandon your family like that?!"

"I'm not abandoning you! I'm living my own life!" Terry snarled. He was getting so done with all that… it would be so easy to just shut up and explode.

"Your life is with us! Stop daydreaming and come back!" Edgar tugged on him harder.

…Terry had enough of that. He turned around, charging towards his brother and giving him a headbutt, right on the stomach. Edgar, who had never once fought in his life, took the brunt of the attack with a loud scream as he fell on the ground.

"Y-You hit me! You hit your own brother!" Edgar groaned, struggling to even stand after the attack. He winced in pain, only able to look at Terry.

Terry's heart was beating faster. Anxiety? Exhilaration? Both? He wasn't sure. "I did. Because… I'm done with this. Leave me alone, Edgar. I'm living here, with my friends, whether you like it or not."

"Oi!" Nick ran out of the bakery to meet his friend, and the two dragons were behind him. "What happened?!"

Only for a moment. Once they noticed Edgar on the ground, both went to his side to help out however they could.

"I… I got tired of listening to him." Terry panted, looking over at the sky. "Let's go to the headquarters."

Edgar was willing to protest, to explain why his brother should return, when a loud growl caught his attention. It came from deeper into the city, and no more than five seconds passed until he realized where it came from.

"T-That Marshtomp from before…"

"Huh?" Terry turned around, and just like his brother said, Shiron was coming, with a piece of paper in hand, and a Houndoom by his side.

"H-Hello, everyone! Uh, I mean, Nick and Terry. I'm back, mister Ivan actually talked to me… and I think we have a solution."

"Ah, hello." Ivan eyed Edgar, keeping quiet for a little while. "...You must be the prince I've heard so much about."

"Prince Edgar of the kingdom of Cydonia! And who are you supposed to be?!"

"The mayor of this town." Ivan glanced at Shiron. "And I was told you were trying to kidnap one of my citizens."

Edgar snarled in response. "Your citizen? What are you talking about?!"

"Since Terry is part of our team… he's a citizen here as well, with rights. Just like me." Shiron showed the paper. There was a long text, certainly full of technical jargon, but at the end, there was his signature. "And he can't leave, not unless this is discussed with the mayor. You hold no authority here!"

"I-I… I am a citizen?" Terry's jaw almost dropped when he heard those words. Though he hadn't realized yet, they were all he wanted to hear. This was his home! It was, it really was!

Terry started to tremble, his legs failing him until he fell on his knees, tears rolling down his face. This was really happening…

"You cannot be serious! This means nothing! It is just a piece of paper!" Edgar struggled to stand again, but he did, and began to run towards Shiron.

Ivan snarled at him, stopping the prince before anything happened. "A piece of paper that happened to be approved by me. So, Prince Edgar, it means a lot. Now, if you wish to complain about it, I would suggest going home and talking to your father. I will be more than happy to discuss this with him."

"I… I… I will let Father know about this!" Edgar began to cry, running off towards the beach. As expected, his guards went alongside him.

Terry cried too, but his tears were of joy. He could hardly move his body, trembling too much to do it. "S-Shiron… I can't thank you enough…"

"Hahah! You did a great job, buddy!" Nick patted the Marshtomp on his back, grinning. "We solved this! I'd say without violence, but we did fight those dragons…"

Ivan had a smile of his own. "It was not an issue at all. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go back. Please stop by if you need more help."

"Will do, mister Ivan!" Shiron saluted the Houndoom, waving as he left. "And Terry? No need to thank me! I'm just helping out a friend…"

"It's fine, I just… I feel so much lighter, I told him everything I wanted to. And… I'm also a bit sad. I wonder if he'll be okay."

Nick sat on the ground next to the prince. "This is a new beginning for you. We're here for you, for whatever you need. 'Cause that's what friends do."

"I know that, I know we're friends…" Terry sighed in relief. His breath was a lot lighter this time. "Well, Magnus was preparing some pie for us, and it might be ready now. How about we go grab some?"

"We can bring it to the HQ! Liz is waiting, and, uh, she doesn't eat, does she?"

"Not like us," Terry shrugged. "But it's the thought that counts. Let's go!"

Finally, a new life for him. During that moment, Terry felt it was more than enough.
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Chapter 19 - Shot In The Dark


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 19 - Shot In The Dark

I walk alone, it doesn't matter for how long.

I'll keep going, wherever these footprints will lead me .

I believe it's destiny.

It had been a few days since the hectic reunion Terry had with his brother. All things considered, it went well. He could rest, and relax in his new home. The whole team could.

But not Nick. Nick had other things in mind. It was already past midnight, maybe past three when he left his house. He had no plan on where to go, what to do… Nick just wanted to be left alone. Alone with his thoughts.

They were searching for someone that, as far as they knew, wasn't all that dangerous. Curiosity was filling Nick's mind, though, and he wanted to know more about him. About Zero. If these "Cracks" extended to the rest of the continent, it could mean trouble. And he didn't exactly feel like leaving things as they were. Which meant he had to train.

His walk led him all the way down to the beach. Ah. Y'know, this isn't a bad place to train…

Though… Nick didn't come with any equipment. What kind of training could he even do in that place?

Something with his endurance, resistance, stamina, all that. To start things off, Nick cracked his knuckles. Being a Riolu—and by proxy, a fighting-type Pokémon, he already had good stamina. But he could always improve on it.

So, he laid down, preparing for push-ups. Nick got on all fours, positioning his paws slightly wider than his shoulders. Said shoulders were kept slightly bent. He extended his legs, balancing himself on paws and toes, with his feet hip-width apart.

Alright, here we go…

The sand was a bit of a bother, but nothing that flat out stopped him from doing his exercise. Nick moved himself up and down, up and down, taking deep, controlled breaths with every push.

One, two, three…

Even if the night wasn't exactly hot, Nick was working out, and as such, he began to pant, and he panted loudly. But he continued, even grasping the ground harder than before.

At one point he forgot what number he was on. Nick kept going regardless, deciding that the best way to know when to stop was if his arms and legs gave out. Until that happened, he didn't plan on stopping.

Minutes had passed, and he was still doing it. Nick's arms were getting numb, as well as his legs. Despite that, his body was showing no signs of quitting. He had to keep going. To get stronger.

I can't call myself a hero if I don't help out! And… I think heroes train a lot too.

Eventually, though, exhaustion set in, and Nick's limbs trembled. Before long, he fell to the ground, face planted on the sand.

He quickly got up, standing, only to fall to his knees, coughing out sand for a good few seconds. "Ptew! Ptew! Gods, this thing leaves an awful taste in your mouth…"

Nick sat, letting himself rest for a little while. He decided that was enough push-ups for the time being. However, there was something else he wanted to try. A move.

...I'm not sure how good I'll be at using it, but I wanna try anyway. Nick looked over at his paw, opening and closing it. "Force Palm. I only pulled it off once, and it hurt a lot. But I think it'll be worth it."

What did he have to lose? Before Nick could think of an answer to his own question, he stood up again, ready to try it.

Okay… I remember Gramps tellin' me how to do it, he winced. ...As much as he could.

Nick remembered the first step was to have a clear mind. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to pull off the attack.

Another deep breath left him, and Nick held out his right arm, grabbing near his paw with his left arm. "Alright, let's do it…"

Force Palm. A move where one unleashed their inner power through the palm. Nick inhaled as much air as he could, trying to grasp at the energy within himself.

Like his partner told him before, it was easy if he pictured her beside him. Nick did exactly that, thinking of Audrey. Before long, crackles of energy formed on his paws, glowing a bright orange.

"Alright, alright… I have the energy. Or the start of it, now I just gotta hold down to it, and…"

More energy bubbled around his paw, coating it entirely. Nick thought it was neat. Now to release it.

"I think I'll do it near the ocean. Hopefully it won't attract anything."

Nick was ready to fire, aiming at the ocean in front of him. More crackles emerged, and he slowly began to release the energy. However, it quickly took an unexpected turn.

Before Nick could react, the crackles accelerated, building in intensity. His eyes widened in realization. Time slowed down as he processed what was about to happen. "It's gonna—"

Nick's voice was drowned out by a sudden explosion that resonated across the beach. The force of the blast sent Nick sprawling backward through the sand, before he screamed out in pain, his body bruised and beaten up by his own attack.


He left a hole in the sand, with him in the middle of it, watching as the sand poured down, covering most of his stomach. Nick groaned, body numb like with the push-ups, except much, much worse. Everything felt like it was on fire.

Slowly, the sounds of his screams and the explosion died out, leaving nothing but the waves of the ocean in their wake. Nick kept groaning, panting to try and to catch his breath.

With a bit of effort, he looked down at himself, seeing a few patches of burnt fur, a bit of blood, and a whole lot of pain. D-Damn it…

Anyone else would stop trying right then and there. Nick had other plans, though. He groaned, and in spite of the pain it invoked, stood up, rubbing off the sand.

Stupid sand… I hate how it sticks to my fur.

Nick coughed a bit, which caused him to wince. Still, he was ready for another attempt. He held his arms in the same position as before. Once again, he thought of Audrey. If she saw him overexert himself like this…

He quickly shook the thought off. "Can't think of that! I just gotta do this…"

Nick gathered the energy a little faster this time, and saw the same orange hue as before. Now… Nick had to control it. Which surely had to be easy, right? After all, he was trying again.

Wrong. Just like before, the energy bubbled out of his control, quickly covering his paws and part of his wrist. Nick groaned, bracing himself—

Another explosion rocked the beach, and again, Nick was in the center of it. More bits of his fur were burnt away by the impact, and he could feel his body getting numb, like some sort of paralysis.

"G-Gods…" Nick coughed a bit again. His body was… not ready to handle that. All of that. But… but he had to keep going. To become better. To be a hero.

With how loud Nick was getting, it would be a miracle if nobody showed up at the beach, even if it was late in the night. And unfortunately for him, such a miracle didn't happen.

Someone was coming, running down fast. Their breath was raspy, but they were fast. Nick didn't recognize them, because his body was too wounded to do so. However, once the mysterious stranger got close enough—once they were next to him, frantically screaming out his name, he finally realized who it was.


"Nick, Nick! W-What're you—what's going on?! Who hurt you?!"

Too loud. Nick's ears were ringing, trying to process what his friend was saying. Although, knowing Shiron, he had a pretty good idea of what it was.

"Training kinda hurt me. Well, not too much, I don't think." Nick said between coughs. "Don't worry about it."

Shiron blinked, and his disbelief was palpable. He was sweating as well. "What in the world are you going on about?! You're burnt and bleeding! This isn't right!"

"Like I said, all 'cause of the training." Nick tried standing up, but found it was hard—his stomach hurt too much when he tried. "...Ouch. Gods, these wounds are nasty…"

"I—" Shiron stood up, putting his hands on his cheeks, and began to walk around in circles. "O-Oh Gods! What do I do, what do I do?! I-I can't heal, I'm not a doctor, I—"

Realization hit him like an entire Snorlax was dropped on his head. "T-The hospital! Nick, hold on! I'm gonna take you there!"

"N-Nah, I'm good." Nick coughed. "W-Wait, how did you find me anyway?"

"...Saw you leave, you were taking too long, so I got worried and went out of the house. Then I heard the explosions."

Shiron didn't wait around for his friend to say anything else. He picked Nick up, putting him on his back. "I don't want to see you like this. We're going to the hospital."

"I swear I'm fine!" Nick snarled, but all that came out was another cough. "...Fine, fine. Take me there."

"Okay, so you're not acting like a total idiot now. Glad to know." Shiron sighed, walking away from the beach. He wasn't an expert on medicine, neither human nor Pokémon, but it was obvious his friend was hurt.

Shiron hoped it was just… not life-threatening. But Pokémon were tough, he had to be fine.

On the other hand, Nick was struggling to keep his eyes open. One blink later… and he passed out.

When Nick came back to his senses, a disoriented haze overtook him. The sterile scent of a hospital engulfed him. Great, so Shiron did bring him there.

His body felt heavy, each movement slightly halted by the presence of bandages that encased most of him. From his stomach to his legs, arms and especially his paws—those were shrouded in thicker bandages than the rest.

It didn't take long for Nick to realize he was probably getting confined to that place for the time being. So much for training…

Urgh… he tried to move, and obviously, the attempt didn't work. Not only were his wounds still fresh, Nick had a bunch of tourniquets preventing him from moving too much.

Trapped in the stillness of his bed, Nick was faced with his own thoughts regarding his training session. It was a complete and total failure, through and through. At least his life didn't seem to be in any danger.

A few seconds passed before the door to his room opened, and from it came a familiar Kirlia. Amelia carried a small needle in her hand, before walking closer to where he was.

"O-Oi, oi! I don't like that!"

Amelia realized he was awake , and just rolled her eyes in response.. "So, you don't like the pain of needles, but blowing yourself up with aura is fine?"

"Well, I wouldn't say it is, but—"

Before he could say anything else, Amelia injected the needle into him, pressing down to let the contents flow into him.

"Ahhh!" Nick groaned, screaming in the most high-pitched voice he had. "Ouch, ouch! That hurts!"

"Well, it won't for a little while. It's a good painkiller." Amelia said, before crossing her arms. "How are you feeling, Nick? Shiron was worried sick about you."

Right. He brought me here. Nick groaned a little. "Better now, I guess. And where's Shiron?"

Amelia turned to look at the door. "Left to call your girlfriend. It's still the middle of the night, but I think she'll come."

Nick had to gulp at the thought. "Oh, she's gonna kill me…"

"Hm, I wonder why." Amelia moved closer to check up on him. She touched his paws, or the bandages in his case. "Does it hurt?"

"U-Urgh…" he cringed in response. "A little, yeah."

"As expected." Amelia sighed. "Listen, Nick, I don't know what you were planning—"

"I was tryin' to learn how to use Force Palm."

"...I see," she moved to touch his stomach. Nick groaned, but not as loud as before. "And you had a little accident. It happens."

"It shouldn't." Nick admitted, looking over at the ceiling. He wondered how much he could confide in her. Well, she was his doctor. "...If I wasn't like this, then—"

"I'll stop you there." Once again, Amelia checked to see how much it hurt, touching his legs. Nick didn't react at all. "Alright, there is nothing wrong with you, in terms of your aura prowess. It might be a mental block."

Nick's ears twitched. "A mental block? Well, you're a psychic, can't you fix that?"

In response, Amelia shook her head. She stopped touching him, moving a little away. "No, I can't. I imagine only the great psychics could."

She took a second to breathe.

"But I'll say this: you being unable to control Force Palm and your difficulty in using your aura may be related. If you can solve one, you may make the other easier to deal with."

Nick looked at her like she just solved every problem in the world. He stood there, quiet, unable to say anything.

"...Is it that much of a shock?" Amelia raised a brow. "I thought you would've figured this out already."

"N-No, I mean…"

Damn it. She was looking at him with a big smirk. "Wipe that off your face. I noticed it!"

"Hm, somehow I doubt it." Amelia said, keeping the grin. She stopped smiling next. "Now, you'll need to stay here for around half a week. You're not in danger, but I'd still like to check."

Now, that was terrible. Nick had important things—like training and handling missions. "Any chance you can follow me around to check? I'm, uh, busy."

Amelia raised a brow again. "Excuse me?"

"I guess that's a no…" he sighed, looking at the ceiling again. "But anyway, thanks for patching me up."

"It is, quite literally, my job." Amelia turned around, facing the door. "I'll come back to check on you soon. Just… don't overdo it, Nick. You're not invincible."

That stung, even if he knew she had a point. Well, what to do now? Sleep. Yeah, sleep. He could use a nap.

Nick closed his eyes, letting himself fall into slumber.

It was a rough sleep. Nick kept waking up before sleeping again, and the process made him not get that much rest in the grand scheme of things.

Once the morning arrived, though, he was able to sleep for a lot longer, from six in the morning, all the way to ten. But eventually, Nick opened his eyes slowly, trying to get up.

His wounds were still there, and the pain forced him to lay down again. "H-Hah. This sucks…"

On the bright side, things were better. For starters, it only hurt if he moved too fast or too hard; Nick didn't want to find out how much it'd hurt if he did both.

He still wasn't planning on staying there for half a week. Nick took a look around, seeing a glassed window nearby. Maybe he could escape through there…

But more importantly, there was someone else in the room. A Zorua, laying on a chair next to him, sleeping peacefully.

"Oh, Audrey…" Nick said, almost whispering. I'm screwed, aren't I?

Not yet, since she wasn't awake. But soon, she would be. And Nick had that time to come up with the perfect excuse for being there.

Okay, hold on. I can say I was on a mission, which isn't the truth, but would male me look better. I got hurt in the middle of it, and Shiron carried me all the way here!

For a moment, Nick really thought that was a good idea. But that passed, and he was left with the realization that lying would be a terrible way of explaining his situation.

…Stupid consciousness.

He groaned, letting out a sigh, and waiting. Nick knew she could be a heavy sleeper, and he wasn't sure for how long she was there. Could be thirty minutes, could be an hour. Whatever. He had to wait.

Nick took that opportunity to think some more. Namely, how to get rid of his block. He really did want to learn that move, injuries or not.

Mom made it seem so easy…

A low yawn came from Audrey's mouth, and she rubbed her eyes.

"Hey." Nick said to her. "I'd go there and give you a kiss, but y'know, I kinda can't."

"Nicky!" Audrey sprang to her feet, standing on all fours, and a bright smile lit up her face. Her tail wagged like never before, and Audrey exerted enough self-control to not jump on his bed. "You're okay! Thank the Gods you're okay!"

However, her smile quickly turned into a scowl that could rival a thunderstorm. "You idiot! What were you thinking?!"

Her gaze became a piercing glare that threatened to pierce Nick like he was made of paper.

"Hey, hey!" Nick interjected, frantically blurting out. "I know I messed up! You don't gotta chew me out for it!"

Audrey snarled, fur standing on its end. "I stood here for hours waiting for you to wake up! Amelia said you were…"

Great. She was an expert at making Nick feel worse than before. Even if she was right in being upset. "...Sorry."

The Zorua was left teary-eyed for a little while, before she rubbed them away. "...You're not hurt now, are you? Moreso, I mean."

"Don't think so. The pain only comes if I move a lot." Nick admitted. "But I can move a little more than yesterday. Uh, it was yesterday, right? Haven't slept very well…"

"It was! Your friend knocked on my door in the middle of the night, telling me so many things…" she said, ears drooping. "You were practicing a move, from what I know."

"Force Palm." Nick said, the memories of his session coming back. In particular, how much the explosion hurt him. "...It didn't end well."

"Yeah, I noticed." Audrey sat on the chair, looking down. "You shouldn't be up that late. You need sleep… no wonder it didn't work."

He managed to shake his head at that sentence. "Nah. Amelia said it's likely I have a mental block."

Audrey's ears perked up. Oh, many things made sense now. "Ah! That… that actually explains a lot."

"...No idea how I'm gonna get through it, but I want to." Nick clenched a fist, and as a result, felt a small sting of pain. "Urgh… I don't wanna be here the whole week."

"Tough luck. You need to." Audrey looked at him with that glare again, and Nick felt his body tense up. "...It's important that you heal completely."

…I know I'm being stupid for wanting to train despite my injuries. I know she's right.

But his mind wasn't being exactly rational at that moment.

"I'm hungry." Nick said. He'd tap his stomach if he could. "Can you get something good? I'm not a big fan of hospital food."

Audrey hopped off the chair. "I'll see what I can do! And you're right, it tastes awful…"

She left him alone, which should be good. Nick sighed. Now, to plan on how to escape. He had to move in order to do that, and it was still a bit of a chore.

Maybe… I can wait until the evening, that way, I'll have better chances.

A good plan. Nick would just need to be stealthy, which wasn't really his forte. Still, it was worth a shot.

…Worst case scenario I get hurt and stay here for longer. I'm gonna do it anyway, I need to.

Which only left the boring part: wait. Nick tapped a finger on his bed, before moving his arm a bit. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as before, and he actually had more control over it.

As much as she annoys me, Amelia is one heck of a doctor. Or nurse, I'm not really sure. Nick flexed his fingers to test how better they were, and he could move normally.

Before he knew it, there was a knock on the door. "Audrey?"


The voice wasn't hers. Nick perked his ears up and recognized it was Liz. He saw the door open with his teammates rushing inside the hospital room.

Shiron, in particular, was trembling. He couldn't contain his smile, with tears under his eyes. "You're okay!"

"I would be a tad disappointed if he was on the verge of death." Liz added. "...Ah, apologies. It is nice to see you are feeling better."

"What is it with people on this team and overworking when it comes to training…?" Terry muttered, taking quick glances at both Nick and Liz. "But, uh, what she said. I'm glad you're okay, Nick."

Nick just blinked. Of course they were worried. Everyone on the team was. And… and he was planning on going behind their backs to do the same thing again.

It was almost enough for him to reconsider it. Almost. "I'm alright! Really, I think Amelia was overreacting. There's no way I need to spend almost four days here!"

"I'd say to trust the doctors…" Shiron rubbed his arm. "You were bleeding out, and they had to do a transfer. I dunno how bad it was, but—"

"I'm fine now, though." Nick said. He finally had the strength to cross his arms. "It's not some stupid explosion that's gonna kill me."

Terry pouted. "Listen, we're here because we're worried, Nick. We want you to recover."

"Mhm, Terry is correct." Liz said, walking closer to Nick's bed. "I will give you a bit of friendly advice, as someone that also tends to get obsessed: try your best to stop. You can rest and train later, when you are fully recovered."

Oh, great! Everyone was telling him the exact same thing. Nick knew they were right, and hearing it so much made him have second thoughts. Which… he assumed was the point of that conversation.

"I'll stay." Nick blurted out. Mostly to make his friends shut up, but part of him was hoping to rest. Especially because Audrey was there to pamper him. "I don't get it, though. I almost had it."

"Learning a new move can be challenging." Liz sat down. "But you have to keep trying anyway. Eventually, you will reach the goal you desire."

"I'm with her," Shiron said, tugging on his scarf. "I've been practicing a bit, and I'm improving. S-Slowly! Still have a long way to go, but I might not be dead weight in battles…"

Nick rolled his eyes. "I'll pretend you didn't call yourself that," he sighed. "Listen, I appreciate the concerns and all, but really, I'm alright."

"The doctor said it probably wouldn't leave any scars, so that's good…" Shiron added. He smiled brighter after saying it.

"Lovely." Nick closed his eyes. All things considered, having his friends worry that much was a good thing. Even if it was a little annoying. "Now, can I get some rest? Audrey's bringing me food, and I wanna spend some time with her."

"O-Oh, of course!" Shiron nodded right away, turning back. The others did a similar thing. "But… I'm gonna root for you to recover faster, Nick!"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks." He waved them off before immersing himself in his thoughts again.

Was that block really so strong he got hurt trying to break it? Nick was left wondering if it was even possible to do so.

…I'll do it. Even if it's impossible. I'll find a way. Even if it kills me. I'll break my block.

And a few minutes later, Audrey returned, along with Amelia; the latter of which carried a bowl with soup in it. Nick could smell all the spices and vegetables.

Soup was fine, but hospital soup? "Oh, thanks for bringin' it to me, Amy."

"Not a problem. Can you sit?"

"One sec!" Nick smiled, before he sat on the bed, much to his own surprise. "Oh, huh. I don't feel that much pain anymore."

"Good, good." Amelia put the bowl on his lap. "Now, would you prefer me to give it to you, or can you eat on your own?"

I was hoping Audrey would give it to me, but… it's kinda embarrassing now. Nick shook his head. "I got this, don't worry."

And she handed him a spoon. Nick looked over at them both before he started eating. As he thought, the soup was… awful. It tasted bland and the flavors didn't really mesh well together, doing little to satisfy his taste buds. Not just that, but it didn't really look nice, with most of the vegetables floating in a liquid that was almost transparent.

"In my defense, it was the best we had." Amelia said with a sigh. "...I don't eat here anymore, and for good reason. Luckily, it should give you all the nutrients you need."

"I'll have to cook ya something nice after this is done!" Audrey chirped. The smell of the soup was repulsive, and even though she wasn't the one eating it, it still affected her. "...For you too, Amy."

"Really? I appreciate it," she smiled in response. "Anyhow, Nick? If you were to describe your pain on a scale of zero to ten, how much would it be?"

Nick stopped his meal to think. "I think… I wanna say something around five. It's balanced, I'd say."

"I see." Amelia glanced at Audrey. "He must stay here a little longer. Can I trust you to give him his painkillers?"

Audrey nodded. "Of course! I'm responsible. Apparently, more than he is."


"He's quite stubborn, I have to admit." Amelia turned around. "I'll go get his meds, please watch over him. And, you know, stop him from doing anything stupid again."

"Aw man, thanks for the vote of confidence!" Nick said. He had more of the soup, but he was eating too fast—trying to get rid of it as quickly as he could. Gods, it was making him gag.

Audrey hopped onto the same chair she sat on before, looking at her partner. "I do hope you learned your lesson here."

"That I shouldn't push myself to my limits?" Nick rolled his eyes, laying down again, with the bowl on his stomach. "It's not like everyone was telling me how much that idea didn't work, and that I should stop, or relax, or rest, or—"

Audrey jumped on the bed, pushing the bowl next to the edge, but not enough for it to fall over. She looked him in the eye, face mere inches away from his. "Now, listen to me. I'm worried, they're worried, we all are. It's natural, right?"

"I feel like we're going in circles here." Nick closed his eyes, letting a long sigh out. "I… I have something to say, actually. It's important."

Audrey hopped back to the chair before sitting. "And what would that be?"

Oh boy. Nick wasn't ready to say it. "...Thinking about you didn't work. I wonder how deep my block is."

And in response, Audrey didn't say anything. She was processing what he said. However, the little doubt that she had was thrown aside. "I imagine it must be really deep. Do you have any idea what caused it?"

Nick… actually did. He just took his time getting it into words. "I… I'm not entirely sure, but maybe it's related to mom and dad. Since they died, I've been living with Gramps."

"Oh, right…" that made her look down for a little while. "S-Sorry. It's hard to talk about."

"If it's you, then I'm comfortable talking about them." Nick was looking at the ceiling, but he wasn't really focusing on that. His mind was elsewhere. "I guess… I always wanted to be the kind of man they'd be proud of. A hero, y'know? To live up to them."

And such a task was proving to be ridiculously hard. Nick's current predicament proved that.

"I dunno if I'll be able to reach their heights."

Audrey frowned. "You know you can do this. And you're not alone! This dream of yours isn't impossible!"

"Maybe. But it sure ain't easy." Nick sighed again. "Then again, nothing worthy ever is. I was just saying some of my thoughts out loud. At least, I know I can count on you for support."

"Always." Audrey smiled at him. "I'd kiss you, but… I don't wanna hurt you, even by accident."

"Heh. I'll just charge for the kisses when I'm better!" Nick stuck out his tongue, grinning as smug as he could. "I have a nice friend group, too. This is just a setback, in the end."

"...Right. You're not thinking of leaving in the middle of the night for more training, are you?"

Uh oh. Nick quickly shook his head. Maybe too quickly. "Nah! I'm gonna take a nap. I actually like being able to nap this often. Not something I can do unless I'm injured."

That was enough for Audrey to stop pestering him about it. However, Nick still had the same plans as before. He'd just need to be extra stealthy about it. What could possibly go wrong once he tried again?

The rest of the day went by as expected. So many friends visiting him, talking to him. Honestly, it was kinda cool. Nick slowly went through the day, waiting for the night.

Once evening arrived, there were only a few more hours until it was time for his plan.

Audrey finally jumped off the chair. "I'd love to stay longer with you, but the visiting time is up already."

"Really?" Nick whined. It was fun having her around for the whole day, even if he was on a hospital bed. "...Okay, then. I guess you're going home?"

She shook her head. "I'm gonna wait at the entrance. The chairs aren't that comfy, but it'll have to do."

Okay, that was a little depressing. Nick knew she deserved to sleep on a proper bed. "Are you sure?"

"Preeeetty sure, yeah."

He watched her leave the room. Cool, Nick was on his own. But it still wasn't time for him to act.

"Six PM. There's around four hours left… man, I wish time would fly by faster."

Over the next couple of hours, he was visited by Amelia in order to check his status, to administer another medicine, and even to talk for a bit. But really, Nick was mostly just using those visits to ask what time it was, so he could have a better control of the proper time to escape.

I'm not gonna escape for too long. Just enough to get a bit more practice, away from everyone. Nick thought, staring at the ceiling. It was getting boring, but he had little else to do in order to pass the time.

Eventually, however, Amelia visited him one last time. Just like before, Nick wanted to know what time it was.

"Only thirty minutes away from midnight." Amelia checked his wounds, and they certainly looked better. "Lucky you, Nick. You might not need to spend that many days here. I'd say two more, tops."

"Really? Oh, great! I don't wanna stay in this bed. Might drive me insane."

"I find that highly unlikely." Amelia sighed. "Well, then. You should get some sleep."

"Yeah, yeah…"

Like he was going to sleep. Nick waited for her to leave, and then a bunch. He started to count the seconds in his head, and kept that up for a while.

"Four hundred and eighty…" Nick groaned. "...That was boring too, but now I have an idea of where I am."

According to his counting, eight minutes had passed, putting him around a little under twenty until midnight.

Right, it was time for his plan. Nick first moved an arm close to his snout, biting off the bandages. Little by little, he took them off. The wounds had healed a bit, but he still felt pain. However, Nick could handle that level of pain.

He stood up on his bed, looking at the window. It had a small switch that could be moved up and down to open or close it. Nick walked towards it, pulling the switch up. Then, he slowly opened the window.

"...Conveniently, I should have just enough space to cross." Nick muttered. Luckily, he didn't make much noise. He groaned, going through the window to the other side.

And jumped on the ground, landing on his feet. It started to hurt, but he shrugged the pain off. Nick was finally… free.

Okay, where to? Can't stay out for too long, or they'll find me out.

Well, he didn't want to have sand in his wounds, but there was a bit of grass before the beach, so he could train there. It made sense.

…Alright, that settles it! I just gotta be quick and swift. I can do this… I can learn this move.

Nick took a deep breath and ran into the town. Only the moonlight was illuminating him. So far, every part of his plan was going smoothly.

But in his hospital room, someone entered. Audrey saw that he wasn't on his bed, and her eyes widened.


He was at the crossroad, between the beach and the village. The terrain was a downward hill, with a bunch of grass beneath his feet. Nick looked over at his paws, closing them before he let out a sigh.

"Ah… I don't think this is gonna be that hard. Just…"

Right off the bat, Nick had to be careful not to blow himself up again. He extended an arm forward, groaning a bit after seeing the damage. "...Okay, first I gotta deal with the block. I will be a hero. I gotta be…"

To help others, no matter who they were. That was his definition of a hero. Nick aspired to be like that, no matter how hard it proved to be. And the first step was getting that training session done with.

He sat on the grass, crossing his arms. In and out, in and out. Nick did breathing exercises, trying to calm down further.

"How do I control it? All that energy?"

Of course, there wasn't anyone there to answer Nick. Still, he could try to figure the answer out on his own. Behind him, up the road was Audrey, blending in with the darkness of the night so she wouldn't be seen.

I'm not gonna act now. I wanna see what he's doing first.

"Wait… I might've been putting too much energy. What if it was leaking out?" Nick nodded to himself. Okay, what he said made sense. Sort of. "...But then, there's the block issue."

He rubbed his head until a tuft of fur was left out. "Argh! This is so complicated! It's like I'm walking in circles!"

Nick decided to lay down and think a little more about it. "I'm not done learning this move, how am I gonna evolve? Becoming a Lucario… I want it. Of course I do. But that feels… I don't wanna say impossible, but…"

No, no. Most Pokémon could evolve. Unless they had a disease, but did that even exist? Nick shook his head; better to not think about it.

Cool, so he didn't have any answers at all. Great! Incredible, even! Nick groaned, putting his paws over his head. "I'm… I'm gonna do it. I have to—"

His paws were moved away from his face by two other paws, and Nick was left face to face with Audrey. She scowled at him, before backing away and sitting on the floor.

"..." Nick sighed. Great, things got better, because of course they did. "...Hey."

"You're an idiot."

Nick sat, rubbing the back of his head. "It certainly feels that way, doesn't it? Listen, I'm—"

"You're out because you wanted to train. Despite me, your doctor, and all your friends telling you otherwise." Audrey snarled, shaking her head left to right. "I'm not even mad. I'm just disappointed."

Ouch. But I kinda deserve it. Nick faced her with a frown. "I know, I know. I'm stupid, dumb, and all that. I just… I want to learn this. I want to grow. It's so hard, Audrey."

She almost wanted to forgive him, because his cute voice sounded like a genuine apology. But Audrey ignored it, walking closer. "I know. I know that, okay? But you can't just… throw yourself at every opportunity. You're already injured,hy not wait until you're healed, and then we can try again?"

Nick felt his stomach knotting over itself. "I… I don't know. I didn't think I was this impatient. I… I'm sorry, alright? I really am."

"I know, Nicky," she put a paw on his chin, smiling. "What's important is to learn from those mistakes. You messed up, but not too badly. I think we can still return without anyone noticing it."

"You think?"

"Yeah, but before anything…" Audrey moved in for a kiss. Out of nowhere, just a bit after she complained about his attitude.

The taste it left on his mouth was incredibly sweet, and Nick was left shocked by her sudden moves, but he didn't reject it. On the contrary, Nick returned the kiss, rubbing his paw on Audrey's head. And they remained that way for a little while.

Once they separated, Nick was feeling a whole lot better about the entire situation. If only he realized it sooner—no, everyone told him. Nick was just too stubborn to accept it.

"Mhm… I kinda wanna stay here," Nick muttered.

In response, Audrey stared at him like he just said the world's dumbest sentence, like two plus two being five. "Excuse me? I would rather not cuddle on the grass in the middle of the night."

"...You have a fair point." Nick stood up. "At least it hurts less now. Amelia said I should only stay for a couple of days."

Audrey's tail wagged. "Oh, that's wonderful! But we really should get going. I can't tell if they know you left or not."

Well then, Nick had no intention of them finding out. As such, he and Audrey walked back the way they came from.

Much to their own surprise, once both got back through the window, they found the room was empty. Nick let out a sigh of relief, but then quickly realized he still had something to do.

"Guard the window, Audrey. I, uh, gotta bandage myself. Or try to. Dunno how good it'll be, but…"

"I got your back!" Audrey opened the door and waited outside, ready to tell him if anything went wrong.

But on Nick's side, the task was proving to be very challenging. Bandaging his own wounds wasn't just painful, but he also had to figure out where everything went. He didn't quite remember where every tourniquet was put. Some were longer than the others, which made the whole thing confusing very fast.


Against all odds, Nick tried his best to put them on. After a few minutes, he was done, and…

The outcome was less than satisfactory. Several patches of his skin were still red, still hot to the touch. Aside from that, other areas were only partially covered. If any doctor were to examine him, they would realize what was going on right away.

"...I really am a moron." Nick laid down again. He heard the door opening, and was met with a quick sigh coming from the other side.

"Hmph. You're back." Amelia said, crossing her arms. "I knew you wouldn't be stupid enough to try that again."

Cool, someone else to disappoint. Nick closed his eyes and winced. "I was going to, but Audrey talked me out of it. I mean, she's good at it, at least."

Amelia approached him, carrying more bandages. "I'll have to replace those. You wouldn't want to get an infection, right?"


Okay, so maybe he didn't quite understand medicine. "Uh, alright."

The Kirlia approached further, removing the bandages Nick put back, and then put the new ones in their place. "I heard a noise here, and when I checked it, I saw your girlfriend jumping out of the window. Since you weren't there, I assumed she went after you."

"Good assumption." Nick replied, wincing again. "But I learned my lesson, for real this time. I'm not runnin' away anymore."

To that, Amelia raised a brow. "I'm unsure if I believe you or not. I might need to increase the security around here. Keep you on a tight leash."

Nick visibly blushed from hearing it. "O-Oi! I want none of that, okay?!"

"Hah. It's adorable, but I have no authority to do that." Amelia finished applying the tourniquets, and put her hands on her hips. "Anyway, this should be it. Like I said, you'll be able to leave in a couple of days."

"Okay! I'll be on my best behavior, and once this is over, I'll learn that move. It's a promise."

Amelia sighed, but then she smiled at him. "Good. If you and your friends want to be heroes, we can't have you walking around hurt the way you were. I'll help you in every way I can. That's my promise to you, and to the team."

"You're a good friend… oh, and also, I'm thirsty. Can you bring me some water?"

Amelia nodded. "Yes, I can. Don't move."

She left him alone for a while, until the door opened again, and this time both Amelia and Audrey entered the room. Audrey quickly ran to the same chair from before, sitting on it.

"I can stay in this room for a little longer, until you fall asleep!"

Amelia handed Nick the water, and watched him drink it quickly. "...That thirsty? Oh well. Like Audrey said, she can stay a little longer. Think of it as a gift, considering the time for visitors is long gone by now."

"I'm… not really sleepy, but I'm gonna do it, I guess." Nick gave the cup back to Amelia, and laid down again. "Also, this bed is a lot more comfy than I thought it'd be."

"All the beds were replaced recently. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about the food. It's still not really good." Amelia shivered at the end of her sentence. "I should get going. Audrey, I trust you won't stay longer than necessary."

Audrey nodded. "Aye, aye! I'm just gonna wait for him to sleep."

"Good to know…" Nick, despite insisting otherwise, was starting to feel himself getting tired. He struggled to keep his eyes open, let alone hold a conversation.

Honestly, maybe it was for the best. The longer he rested for, the better he'd feel once he was out of the hospital. And besides, he had good company. He took one last look at Audrey, giving her the biggest smile he could.

Slowly, his eyes closed. Nick stopped resisting the pull and finally… he fell asleep. Hopefully, his wounds would heal fast enough to leave soon.

A/N: Hey hey, everyone! As you can see, the song that opens this chapter is... different from the one before. That's cuz the old one ended, so I'm using a different one. If you can find out what it is, I dunno, I'd be surprised and happy. Without googling, lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Bug Catcher
United States of America
It’s me, Zero10! I’ve wanted to give my thoughts on this story for a while now, and what better chance than this?

Chapter 1 - Second Chances

This is set up in the typical starting fashion to a human summoned to the PMD world, with a very tragic twist. We’re treated from the get go as to who summoned the protag, Shiron, and why. Just the setup alone, with what’s heavily implied with Shion’s backstory from the beginning manages to pull no punches and set up the tone of the fic: a depressing start but one of hope that he can begin anew with a much happier life. One aspect I’m not sure if others have touched up on, but I do like the direct link between the mainline games, and the spinoffs by having the protag come straight from Hoenn instead of a vaguely real life based world.

Okay, next is Shiron waking up in the new world, freaking out and then being fished out (heh) by a Riolu and Quilladin. Of note is a cool lil worldbuilding angle with how humans are seen as a myth, and the common correlation between them and amnesiac pokemon.

As far as prose goes, its pretty simple, but that’s not a bad thing at all. Seeing the angle this story’s going for, I think it works with it. There were some grammar issues here and there, but they didn’t stop me from enjoying chapter 1. An intriguing enough start. Let’s move onto chapter 2!

Chapter 2 - Fish Out Of Water

I do like how we pick up with Shiron already having some doubts about his situation. Given his implied backstory, I figure self doubt will be a big inner conflict of his to get over. Another cool aspect is leaning into Shiron’s new body biology. Its a small detail, but him picking up on the rain due to his water type nature is cool and I’m a sucker for human protags adapting to a new body! We then get a view of the town. Not much for me to say here but its always good to get a feel of the setting.

Hearing the word “cake” made Shiron’s stomach grumble, to which he covered his belly and felt heat rise up on his face, silently glad he couldn’t blush.
I feel you buddy, cake is a divine food.
Shiron was able to see the clouds forming, the wind blowing on his scales and Nick’s fur. The chirping of birds, and how the sun was setting. Things that he never took the time to experience, and they were right in front of him.

“It’s… really beautiful.”

Yet, an aching pain in his chest stopped him from pursuing that thrill again. Shiron was taken back to when he had met Xerneas. She chose to make him reborn. And surely he wasn’t the first one, considering what Nick said before. Not that it mattered to him.

What did matter, however, was that others weren’t given this choice. Was he even the right one to be resurrected? There must have been others that would be doing amazing things in this world, but Shiron? Shiron was just a nobody.

...This guy’s trying to become my friend. He’s really nice, I’ll give him that. But… I’m worthless. Who’d want to be friends with me anyway? A Riolu? Nah. A Litwick or a Chikorita? No.

Truly worthless.

I guess I’ll try it anyway, just to prove me wrong. Not like I have any other choice.
Again, inner struggles with a troubled protag like this are always interesting to see, especially with how they come to terms with topics such as depression.

Shiron, on the other hand, visibly flinched. The Pangoro’s name was Rowan? As in, the same name as that professor from Sinnoh? It couldn’t be the same person, could it?
And another mainline reference, hehe.

Of course we meet several new characters, of note is a certain Zorua who I'm pretty sure is related to specific characters from an associated fic.. And at the end we get a stinger of another pair of seemingly notable characters. Of course, with that cliffhanger, the need to know will grow.

Another good chapter. I don't have much to say about the prose and writing I haven't said about ch 1, but I see a small improvement already.

I'll return for future chapters, for now have a good time!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Blitz review
Chapter 1

Ah the soothing sounds of water for tranquility. Unless you are a charmamder or hydrophobe. Then its pure nightmare fuel.

Well that tranquility went right out of the window.

Looks like typos hit.

Our human is totally cyan blue? Amd fading out no less. I suspect hes going places quite against his will.

Be not afraid... Snorts. Can a mon plagerize? Perhaps arceus should of lead with that line to avoid the screaming flailing? Wait this is was xerneas? Perhaps thats why the order was a bit flubbed? Less experience?

And our p.o.v has passed. Thats a doozy to choke down. Between that and probable greatness/destiny and poor shirons imposture syndom (or gen confidence issues) hes going to be in for a rough time.

I like that x's offering to let shirons memories(less so that sjiron had to request it first but still). Its more than arceus usually offers.

So unfortunatly being a water type does not naturally equip you with swimming skills. Still they got saved by anubis jr the mon. Excuse me his name is nick.

In which magnus adlibs cpr via belly flopping. Its a funny mental image for sure i suspect between drowning as a water type and tjis sjirons going to habe stories about today to last awhile.

Love the inversion of "i miss my home" so many mystery dungeon fics go. The unpacking of why he feels that way will be imteresting and something ro look forward to.

And another subversion "yeah amnesic humans drop in here all the time, psych". If shiron ever does confess its going to be really awkward to say the least. But hey we got a toen intro in the wings and hopefully things start looking up.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I decided to work my way through my hitlist of authors a bit tonight, and I figured that since this is the story that your major writing energies are going towards at the moment, that I’d drop in and see where things went from the first one.

Chapter 2

What a weird decision. Shiron, following two strangers. Not just that, but Pokémon. No, that wasn’t the weirdest part of this scenario. They talked like him, laughed like him. It would be just fine if not for the fact they were all Pokémon. Including him.

Something about the phrasing in underlined feels a bit weird to me. It might sound more natural as something like “Shiron couldn’t get it out of his head how weird it was for him to follow two strangers.” or something like that.

I’m not sure if I should feel shocked, happy or confused that I got to be reborn. Though, knowing myself… I probably don’t deserve this. Shiron stopped in his tracks, frowning as he looked at the two Pokémon with him. Why are they even helping me…?

How sure are you of that, Shiron? Since I’m pretty sure that you’re an amnesiac at the moment.

“I sense some second thoughts!” The Riolu said, turning back and tilting his head. “We’re here to help you. At least I am.”

Boy, this ‘mon’s such a big contrast from the vibes Lance gave off in early LoF. Though I gather that that was the point.

Magnus huffed and pouted, ignoring part of what Nick said. “I’m not a hero-wannabe like you. I’m fine with my job… and you too, considering how much time you spend there buying our stuff.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault you and your dad are great bakers!” Nick protested, touching his chest. “Shiron, once we get to Thornwell I’ll show you Magnum’s shop! You’re gonna love it! Well, if you have a sweet tooth…”


Oh, that name’s certainly familiar. Though is that supposed to be Magnus’ shop Nick is talking about there? Or is there another character in town whose name is separated from Magnus’ by a letter. Perhaps it’s just an artifact of me coming back to this story after a long while, but I do wonder if it might have made sense to remind the audience what Magnus’ species is.

The Marshtomp seemed to be in trance, not listening to the conversation around him. His gills were picking up… something. Seems like it was the breeze, though for the others, it wasn’t strong. But there was something else. A wave of vibrations reverberated around him.

What’s… goin’ on?

“Uh, Shiron? You okay in there?” Nick snapped his fingers, trying to get the water-type’s attention.

Yeah, I’ll take that that’s not something that normally happens for Marshtomp in this setting and is something akin to Dimensional Scream.

It was no use. Shiron was too enveloped in what his senses were telling him. Not just the vibrations, but the scent. It was incredibly faint, and were he not the species he was now, he doubted he’d sense it. An earthly scent was filling his nostrils, like dirt after… after rain.

“Rain!” Shiron said, snapping back to reality. “I-I can sense rain! It’s gonna rain soon!”

Well, scratch that about Dimensional Scream. That certainly feels very “Water-type” there.

“Well, that’s natural?” Magnus asked, a little confused. All Marshtomp had this ability, so why was Shiron so surprised? Was it his amnesia?

From Nick’s blank expression, Magnus thought his friend had a similar idea. However, the Riolu had something else in mind, but decided not to speak about it. For now.

“R-Right. Natural,” the former human smiled sheepishly. “It’s neat, I’ll have to admit.”

Nick: “... So why are you acting as if it’s not natural for you, then?”

In a way, they were right. Shiron wanted the rain to arrive soon, but even now he found it very soothing. Guess being a Pokémon is better than I thought. I’m loving this!

I’m… not sure if we really got a vibe of Shiron being happy for the rain to arrive or feeling pleased from it. It might’ve made sense to slip in a couple sentences here or there earlier playing up how he feels some sort of tingle or relaxing sensation or something like that after his gills act up.

“I’m just glad you’re alright,” Nick smiled as well. “Though you seem to be… shocked? Next you’re gonna say you didn’t know ‘tomps have incredible brute strength.”

Shiron: “... And if I did?” ^^;

We have what? Shiron’s eyes sparkled like those of an impressed child. Things just got even better! To think that I got here… I can’t believe it. It’s so… surreal.

Shiron: “Pinch me, I must be dreaming.” ^^
Nick: “Yeeeeeah, maybe you should lie down after we make it to Thornwell.” >_>;

“We’re almost there!” Magnus said, looking at the other two. “I’m sure you guys are tired, so I guess I’ll bake a cake for us~”

Hearing the word “cake” made Shiron’s stomach grumble, to which he covered his belly and felt heat rise up on his face, silently glad he couldn’t blush.

Wait, did Shiron discover that he couldn’t blush last chapter? I actually don’t remember if he did or not. I’m just going to assume that he did given that the last paragraph requires him to have realized that he couldn’t blush at sometime in the past.

At the sight of the village, Shiron’s opinion of the world changed a little. He expected something big, grandiose, with large buildings, cars, city halls and all the things he was familiar with back in Hoenn.

Instead, what he got was a fancy, yet small town. Most of the buildings had plain colors, varying from black to grey, and while the houses looked like modern, human ones, they were still smaller than he thought.

Huh, so they’re kinda like Animal Crossing villages, huh? Since “like human settlements, but with smaller buildings and no cars” sounds very AC in nature.

“It’s small, but it’s home!” Nick stated, puffing out his chest with pride. “We don’t even have policemon, ya know?”

“Police...mon?” Shiron blinked.


Place must be a high-trust society given that they’re able to just build these places without worrying about them getting leveled to the ground by marauding Outlaws in spite of having no local law enforcement.

Only now did it dawn that this place, this world had nothing like was so different from his own. No humans. No trainers. Nothing. No wonder they had different expressions, although he internally cringed at what he heard Nick say.

I’m not sure if it makes sense for Shiron to come to the conclusion that his new world is nothing like a human one given that he explicitly compared their houses to human ones. I suggested a rework that reflected that while still accounting that there are some resemblances to his old world.

I hope they don’t say “everymon” or something stupid like that, Shiron internally cringed.

Shots fired at all the ‘everymon’ using fics out there.

Well, if he was to live here for the rest of his life, he might as well learn the ropes. Shiron looked around again, inspecting the houses.

Where are we? Like, what’s this street called? And, uh… Nick? Where am I gonna live?”

[ ]

“Right, I’ll tell you this in a bit. As for where we are… this is Falink Street!” Said Nick, pointing around.

Wait, not Falinks? Just one Falink? Though this feels like a moment where some description of how Nick is reacting to Shiron would be called for. Part of me is wondering if there also should’ve been a bit more description of Thornwell’s features as a town prior to this to establish how similar (or not) it is to its appearance in LoF, but eh. I suppose that’s a bit more warranted once we get closer to wherever Shiron’s going to crash.

After introducing the street, the trio wandered beyond it, stopping at a large plaza. There, Shiron noticed that there were three other paths, with a water fountain right at the center.

“This is the heart of our village, Spirit Plaza!” Nick said, and Shiron soon realized why it was named that way; there were four main paths. One of them was where they came from, and ended on the beach.

Okay, yeah, this part feels like it might make sense to stop and throw in an extra sentence or two of description, since it’s a bit hard to visualize what Spirit Plaza looks like at the moment other than that it’s a plaza with a fountain in the center. Like there’s not even mention of if it’s crowded at the moment or not.

To top it off, he saw multiple buildings around that place, all themed after different things. His eye wandered to a black one that included a small line on the entrance to it.

“That’s our bank! We might need to visit it soon if you’re gonna live here.” Nick stated.

Different things such as…? Though I remember this place from LoF’s early chapters. Interesting to see that it was also around however far back in the past HD is set.

Shiron nodded and his focus went to another building. Noticing this, Magnus noticed as the Marshtomp’s attention drifted off and giggled.

“My dad’s place is around here…” Magnus complemented, taking a look around before pointing to a large bakery. [ ]

“Ooooooh!” Shiron’s eyes sparkled again, while his stomach rumbled once more. The building he looked at was so pretty!

With an infrastructure that looked like it was made of chocolate and a large sign that said “Hansen’s Bakery”, the only thing that crossed Shiron’s mind was how much he wanted to go inside and have a feast, to the point drool was dripping from his mouth.

I actually wonder if Shiron’s [riowolu] moment should come after the appearance of Hansen’s Bakery is described. Since his eyes sparkling and stomach growling feel like responses that would come after he puts two and two together about “this place must be full of yummy food. Like roughly the first half of the paragraph feels like it’d work better coming before his line, while the second half feels like it’s in the right place.

“Shiron, you alright?” Magnus asked, looking straight at him with a frown. “O-Oh dear. You must be really hungry! We should get you something!”

“Make that an order for two,” Nick patted his belly and chuckled. “I’m starving. Why don’t we go to your bakery and you can make us a cake?”

[ ]

“W-Wait,” the Marshtomp protested. “Yeah, I could use a snack. But we should also figure out what I’m gonna do from now on!”

Nick’s line felt like it needed a bit of a tweak to follow naturally in context, and it feels like we should see the gears turn in Shiron’s head a bit for getting him out of “drooling over sweets” mode and into “right, I’m supposed to live here” again.

Nick smiled, rubbing the fur on his head. This Marshtomp sure was curious. Of course, he didn’t blame Shiron for it. He was an amnesiac (and maybe something else, but he’d ask it when they were alone) after all.

I’m not really feeling the parenthetical aside there. It feels like something that would flow a lot more naturally coming after the amnesiac part, potentially in its own paragraph to reveal that Nick is suspecting that there’s more to Shiron than meets the eye but he’s not ready to poke at things just yet.

“Aight. I know a place you can live, it’s on another street. Just follow—”

“I’ll have a cake ready for you guys when you solve Shiron’s housing problem!” Magnus cooed, nodding at the two.

[ ] Part of Shiron wondered why they were so keen on helping him settle down in that town. But really, they were just kind. That’s what he thought as Nick pulled him away and onto another street.

I think that your sentence ordering for the last paragraph is a bit jumbled and it could use some sort of reaction from Nick or Shiron to Magnus’ offer. e.x. as a throwaway example:

Shiron blinked at Magnus before he felt Nick tug at him and pull him away off onto another street. Part of him wondered why they were so keen on helping him settle down in town.

He wasn’t really sure. Perhaps they were just kind.

Or something like that.

“Which street’s this one?” Shiron asked. His curiosity had only grown since he entered the village.

Nick and Shiron Now they were now on what appeared to be a hill, and only climbing up through a rocky path. He could see a single house on the top of the hill. It was big enough for… he assumed an Aggron was able to fit inside.

It’s a bit nitpicky, but IMO, it makes sense to explicitly remind the readers that Magnus is still in the bakery right now.

“Coalossal Hill!” Nick answered, snickering. “This is where I live, but there’s another hill [ ]. That one’s prettier.”

[ ]

“Does that mean there’s… uh, a volcano here?” Shiron gulped, looking at the ground, and then remembered he wasn’t an expert on geology, so checking for volcanic rocks was pointless.

Assuming that the other hill is where Nick intends for Shiron to live, he should probably explicitly point that out when he brings up ‘there’s another hill’. Also, it probably makes sense to show how the wheels are turning in Shiron’s head a bit to bring up this volcano angle since it comes a bit suddenly just in straight dialogue.

“Nope. I don’t know why we named it like this. Don’t worry about falling off. With that tummy you have, I bet you’ll just bounce.”

Can’t tell if PokéAni logic is in play here or if Nick’s just bantsing Shiron there. Since I wouldn’t have thought that would be possible based off the sorts of injuries that characters picked up in LoF.

Shiron didn’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not, so instead, he sighed. “And I’m supposed to stay at your place? If Assuming that’s where we’re going.”

Before Nick could reply, the two heard thunder coming from the distance. Shiron stopped to look at where he heard the noise, and sure enough, there were clouds over the horizon. His prediction sense that there would be coming rains had come to fruition.

“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Nick said, yawning. “Our world. I bet that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Your… world?”

Yeah, I figured that Nick would be getting at “you’re human, aren’t you?” from those earlier hints.

Nick raised a brow and for a moment, he smirked. “No? Our world. Y’know, mine and yours. And Magnus’. And everyone else, too.”

“O-Oh, right!”

Yeah, Nick knows. I can already tell.

Shiron was able to see the clouds forming, the wind blowing on his scales and Nick’s fur. The chirping of birds, and how the sun was setting. Things that he never took the time to experience, and they were right in front of him.

“It’s… really beautiful.”

Huh, I didn’t realize that there were generic animals in this setting… unless those are just feral birdmons, since there were definitely ferals in LoF.

Yet, an aching pain in his chest stopped him from pursuing that thrill again. Shiron’s mind flashed was taken back to when he had met Xerneas. She chose to make reincarnate him reborn. And surely he wasn’t the first one, considering what Nick said before. Not that it mattered to him.

What did matter, however, was that others weren’t given this choice. Was he even the right one to be resurrected? There must have been others that would be doing amazing things in this world, but Shiron? Shiron was just a nobody.

I mean, that’s literally the story of every isekaied PMD protagonist ever, Shiron. Don’t beat yourself up too hard about it.

...This guy’s trying to become my friend. He’s really nice, I’ll give him that. But… I’m worthless. Who’d want to be friends with me anyway? A Riolu? Nah. A Litwick or a Chikorita? No.

Truly worthless.

I guess I’ll try it anyway, just to prove me wrong. Not like I have any other choice.

Shiron… had some problems back when he was human, didn’t he? Since that’s certainly a really deficient sense of self-worth there. .-.

I do wonder if it should’ve been played up a bit more in his thought process earlier this chapter, e.x. if he keeps having “... why?” moments whenever Nick or Magnus were being friendly to him.

“What’re you thinking about?” Nick interrupted. When Shiron noticed his… friend staring, the Marshtomp gasped. Nick’s eyes had that same orange glow again, but this time it was more powerful.

“H-Huh? Are you trying to scan me?!” Shiron blinked, heat rising up again as he stuttered.

Oh, so Aura can allow for de facto telepathy in this setting. Or at least it can with sufficient practice that Nick has. Duly noted.

“Just wanted to get a hold on what you’re feeling…” Nick frowned, rubbing his arm. “S-Sorry. You were distracted, so I tried checking your aura. I couldn’t sense much, but still…”

[ ]

Empaths. Never thought I’d meet one, Shiron sighed. “It’s fine. We’re close to the top anyway, can we go? Turns out nearly drowning took a lot out of me, and I’m still hungry.”

Wait, just how much past memory does Shiron have at the moment? Since I admittedly did a bit of a double take at how he reflexively remembered what an ‘empath’ was.

Nick smiled sheepishly and continued his stroll, having Shiron behind him. From the little he had sensed, the canine was, at the very least, seemed to be glad he seemed to have found a friend, from the little he had sensed.

Some suggestions for a rephrasing of this paragraph here.

The Riolu’s house stood on top of a rocky hill. Shiron was visibly impressed, gasping out loud and staring at the place. The rock-solid building even had plants growing around it, the crops moving in sync with the wind. It looked sturdy enough to resist erosion.

So this world had some impressive things! Not like the technological marvel of human society, but good enough. Shiron then looked at Nick, smiling.

“Okay, are we going inside now?”

I… feel like we’re missing at least a sentence or two about the appearance of Nick’s house. Like I don’t even know what color it is or how many stories it has.

Nick nodded in reply. “I think my grandpa’s busy with one of his friends, but yeah. We’re going in.”

“Fair enough.”

They walked inside the house, and Nick stayed behind to close the door. Shiron then took a while to see what the house looked like, compared to what he was used to.

Sure enough, it was vastly different. No television to be seen, just a well-cleaned, dark green couch with a table in front of it. Though he assumed there were no electronics, Shiron managed to see a… lamp on the ceiling, but it looked odd. It was just a large sphere.

Luminous Orb lamp? Since that sure sounds like a Luminous Orb lamp.

Other than that, Shiron saw a hall that ended in what he thought was the kitchen.

“See anything unusual? Anything that jogged your memory? Because not remembering stuff kinda sucks.”

“Kinda,” what was with all those questions? [ ] Shiron ignored it for now. “I just never saw any house like this one before. It’s weird, y’know? I remember not seeing a house like yours, but I don’t remember what my house was like.”

I think that Shiron’s thought process about “what was with all those questions?” is missing some sort of short followup or expansion, even if I was drawing a couple blanks on what should go in there.

“So you had a house?”

“I think so?”

Nick playfully tapped his friend on the back. “C’mon, let’s go to the kitchen! I bet grandpa’s having beer, but you’ll probably be better off having water.”

Wait, so implying that Nick himself also drinks beer? Though I kinda wonder if Nick should’ve been a bit more explicit about why he thinks that Shiron should lay off the booze for now.

“If you say so…” Shiron touched his belly. I can’t believe I’m saying this—actually, I’m technically thinking and not saying, but whatever. I just hope this place has pizza. No point in getting transported to another world if I can’t have pizza.

inb4 there is no pizza in this world and Shiron introduces it after a brief freakout.

The two walked towards the kitchen, but on the way, Shiron looked at the walls, seeing various pictures. They were black and white, making him think that Nick’s grandfather was either old-fashioned or this world didn’t have colored photos.

“This is your family?” Shiron stopped to point at a particular picture that had Nick being held in the arms of a Lucario, with a Mawile on their side.

“...Yeah. They’re my parents.” The Riolu answered bluntly, hastening his steps.

… Wait, I just realized, but Nick specifically went to his grandfather’s house while he didn’t acknowledge his parents’ presence at all. Are they even alive right now?

“Oh,” he looked at the photo again. Nick was much younger and smaller, like a child, or a baby. Maybe a puppy, in his case. “What happened to them?”

Nick stopped, staring at Shiron with a blank expression, before moving on without replying. [ ]

...Great, you blew it, Shiron sighed. I’m an idiot.

I wonder if Shiron should have more internal commentary to himself about Nick’s reaction. Like does he suspect that Nick’s parents are probably dead? Is he not sure what just happened but taken aback by Nick’s reaction? A few different directions you could potentially take things there.

Nick thought about being the first one to arrive at the kitchen, but he decided against it at the last second. Instead, the two got there at the same time.

Shiron then eyed the place, still taking mental notes to compare. There was a metallic fridge, a table fit for six Pokémon, and two of the chairs were occupied by a large, hefty Pangoro that wore a beret, and a Houndoom that wore a fedora. The first of them chugged down an entire can of beer and soon looked at the duo.

Oh, so that’s Nick’s grandpa. Though I wonder if this is his dad or his mom’s side of the family.

“Hi, Nick,” the Pangoro said, now before focusing on Shiron. “Hm? And who’s that? A new friend?”

[ ]

“S-Sir! I’m Shiron. N-Nice meeting you,” the Marshtomp clicked his fingers, stuttering. “I’m new in town. Don’t really know my way arou—”

Another spot where IMO, showing the gears turn in Shiron’s head is probably called for.

“Okay, hold up. First, introductions! My grandpa’s the Pangoro. His name is Rowan,” Nick interrupted. “And the Houndoom is Ivan. He’s a friend of the family.”

“Greetings,” Ivan nodded. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, child.”

Huh, wasn’t expecting Ivan to not be blood related, but duly noted.

Shiron, on the other hand, visibly flinched. The Pangoro’s name was Rowan? As in, the same name as that professor from Sinnoh? It couldn’t be the same person, could it?


Though it’d be funny if Rowan deliberately had vibes like what the Sinnoh professor did.

Rowan raised a brow, noticing how the Marshtomp reacted just from hearing his name.

Hmph. Well, I never saw you before. Nick, you haven’t dragged him into your so-called dream, have you?”

[ ]

“It ain’t “so-called”! It is my dream, and no!” Nick protested, snarling, though he shook a little. “And I found him unconscious on the beach, he’s amnesiac!”

“Amnesiac?” Ivan asked, now looking at Shiron as well. “...Fascinating. We haven’t had one of those since you, Rowan!”

Would recommend explicitly showing off Nick’s reaction a bit more. Though huh, so Rowan himself might be human too, huh?

All the eyes were on him, and he didn’t know why. What was so special about an amnesiac? They didn’t even know he was a human! And Rowan… the way he looked at him was like he knew more than let on.

How sure are you about that, Shiron.

“That is interesting,” Rowan tapped the table, eyeing Shiron from top to bottom. “I’m assuming you want him to stay here, Nick?”

“Absolutely!” The canine replied, wagging his tail. “I couldn’t leave him there, y’know? Didn’t feel right.”

[ ]

“I’m not complaining about it. He can stay,” Rowan said. “But… what is your name, child? Or can I call you Marshtomp?”

[ ]

“W-Why would you call me by my species?” Shiron blinked, confused. “Actually, nevermind. It’s Shiron.”

[ ]

“An unusual name,” Ivan stated.

I think that there’s a lot of little body language cues here that are getting glossed over at the moment that could go a long way to setting the general mood of this exchange, e.x. if Shiron is getting a bit uneasy or uncomfortable from the way the conversation is going or something.

As they were chatting, Rowan scratched his furry chin. He surely needed to talk to that kid later. For the moment, it was best that he and Nick got along.

Actually, wait. Whose perspective is this narration written from? Like I gather that this is supposed to be omniscient perspective, but it feels like we’re jumping from one point of view to the next pretty frequently, and sometimes without much in the way of transition between moments.

“Hm, alright [ ]. Nick will show your room. Alright?”

A huge smile spread on Nick’s face, and his tail wagged faster. He just got a roommate!

Rowan should probably explicitly say something to the effect of “you can stay” here, since it’s not super clearly communicated.

“Oh, by the way, Pops! Magnus said he was getting a cake for us, so I’m gonna go with Shiron to get it!”

“As long as you don’t come home late, do as you please.”

“Will do!” Nick dragged Shiron out, while the Marshtomp laughed in joy.

“Pops” is a term that would be used for a father specifically. You probably want something more along the lines of “grandpa” there.

Before long, Nick and Shiron were back at the plaza, but now the water-type took his time to see what else was in store for him. The first part of this was noticing a Zorua sprinting towards them, but closer to Nick’s general direction. The second part was checking that said Zorua wore a tattered green scarf and was holding what appeared to be goggles in her teeth.

“Audrey, how’s my favorite fluffball doing?!” Nick waved at the fox, then pointed at Shiron. “This is my new friend, Shiron!”

Huh, another Zorua major character, huh? I wonder if she and Nick are related at all to Lance and Brian since… yeah. This is definitely a very familiar species combo.

“H-Heya.” Shiron waved back.

The fox slowed to a halt, stopping in front of Nick. She put down the goggles and raised a brow. “Huh. Didn’t think you’d forget our date just to get some guy with you!”

[ ]

“It’s not like that,” he deadpanned. “I rescued Shiron from drowning. Check this out: he said he’s amnesiac…”

Oh, well this certainly took an awkward turn in short order. ^^;

“Wait, really?” She looked at the Marshtomp and gasped. “Wow, so they still show up? Neat! But that’s not why I’m here…”

Shiron: “Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean ‘they still show up’?” .-.

Audrey pouted and stepped back, grabbing the goggles with her teeth again. Nick then rubbed his head and grunted.

“No need for that, can I have them now? I kinda need it for, y’know. Setting up my reputation as an adventurer.”

“Oh boy, should I or should I not give it to you?” She teased, giggling. “You might want to give me something in return~”

Nick: “Come on, Audrey. I need them for my appearance in the cover art.” >_>;
Audrey: “Well, maybe you should ask a bit nicer for them, huh?” >:V

Why do I feel like I’m the third wheel here? Shiron cleared his throat.

Because you kinda are the third wheel right now? :P

Nick understood and smiled sheepishly, his face blushing red. What to do?

“I kinda promised to show Shiron around, since he’s new here. You can understand that… right?”

Audrey pouted and looked away from Nick, huffing. “Fine, fine. I’ll give you your goggles, but I’ll make sure our date goes… hm, smoothly!”

Wait, so are they just going to get straight into that date right now, or…?

He picked the goggles up and smiled. They were black and adjustable, so anyone could wear them. Nick put them on right away and smiled.

“How do I look?”

“Mighty handsome,” Audrey replied, smiling and wagging her tail. [ ]

Yeah, I’m a third wheel alright. Shiron sighed. “Y’know what? Nick, go to your date. I kinda wanna explore this on my own.”

IMO, this works a bit better if you show Nick and Audrey having a cute little moment together while Shiron’s looking on or something.

“Wait, really?” Nick’s ears twitched.

“Don’t worry, I think I can handle myself now. Don’t wanna blow your chances with her, so… feel free.”

“Thanks, Shiron! You’re the best!”

Huh. Wasn’t expecting that one, though I guess Shiron’s tutorial of his surrounding world’s going to get a bit more self-guided for the immediate future.

Sure, sure I am…

Alone. He hadn’t been like that in a while. Shiron watched them walk away and sighed, heading to the bakery.

Aw. I mean, at least Magnus will be waiting for you with the cake? :<

Sure enough, the inside of the pastry shop was really pretty. The chairs were colorful, and the table looked like a biscuit, only not edible. As for the Pokémon inside, they were having fun, eating in silence, a few of them even giggled from the taste of the food.

Man, I wanna have some. I don’t… have any money. Of course I forgot about this. I’ll just use my charm instead!

Or. You could go and find Magnus since he explicitly said that he’d have a cake ready for you when you came back. ^^;

As Shiron made his way inside, he saw that the counter was adorned with a glass that showed some of the desserts, like cupcakes and brownies. Of course, the best part was Magnus putting down a cake on the counter, and soon, the Quilladin locked eyes with him, smiling.

“Heya, Shiron! You’re here already. Where’s Nick? Oh, and don’t worry about paying. It’s on the house!”

I kinda wonder if the “Where’s Nick?” line should come at the very end of Magnus’ exchange here.

Shiron: “Wait, really?!

Magnus: “Yes…? I could’ve sworn that I said as much like three scenes ago.”

“On a date.” Shiron walked to the counter and checked the cake out. Chocolate with a white frosting, and the smell was already sweet enough for his tummy to groan.

“Oh,” Magnus said. He forgot about it as well. “Hm, this cake is supposed to be for two, but you’re the only one here…”

“I can eat it by myself!”

Ah yes, Shiron’s going to be hard at work adding to his waistline right after reincarnating. >:V

[ ]

“B-By yourself?!” Magnus gasped. How hungry was this Marshtomp?

“Yeah, why not?”

“...Nothing,” Magnus’ heart skipped a beat, and he shook his head. “I was a little shocked, but sure. Just sit down. Can I get you a drink while we’re at it? We have pinap, leppa, oran, rawst, lum…”

Might be more lulzy to describe Magnus’ reaction a bit more. Though are those juices that Magnus is offering? It’s a bit unclear right now when “drink” could be substituted with “berry juice” or whatever type of drink is being offered.

“I’ll let the chef decide!” Shiron smiled. “I’m sure you know more than me. Amnesiac, after all.”

“P-Pinap it is!”

So that was settled already, cool. Shiron sat on one of the chairs and waited. He could handle this. For the moment, he allowed himself to ignore the brain gremlins that told him he wasn’t good enough. That, and his hunger was bigger more on his mind.

So how effective is food therapy for Shiron’s mood, anyways? Since he sure brushed aside those insecurities fast once sweets got into play.

Soon, Magnus put the cake on Shiron’s table, along with a fork and a knife. The former human mused about them having utensils as well, but found it neat.

“Thanks, Magnus! I’ll be sure to pay you back when I get some money.”

“I-I said it’s on the house, I’ll just… uh, do my thing. Hope you have a good meal!”

Agreeing with that, Shiron took a single bite of cake and felt his brain practically explode from how good it was.

Live look at Shiron right now:

...My time has come. I’m eating this thing and nobody can stop me!

His stomach groaned again, and Shiron showed off a creepy smile, licking his lips.

Yeah, he’s gonna regret pigging out like this, I can already tell. o<o

Thunder echoed. Wind howled. A small boat navigated through a never ending storm, somehow. The boat was resisting the ocean’s advances, but it was only a matter of time until its crew perished.

Well, that’s definitely different from life in Thornwell right now.

Or, that was what one of them thought. A Tyrunt ran in circles, the red, regal cape he wore flowing in the wind, alongside a necklace that moved as frantically as him.

“Sir,” said a Roselia, bowing to the fossil Pokémon. She wore a cape like the other Pokémon, but hers was purple and accompanied by a black hood. “I believe we are near a beach. We might be able to make it through.”

Oho, so there’s the Tyrunt and Roselia from the cover art.

The rock-type panted, stopping what he was doing. “Liz, I told you a million times, don’t call me ‘Sir! Terrence or Terry is fine!”

“B-But Sir—Terry.”

And we have names. Duly noted.

“What were you talking about? We’re near a beach?”

“I can try navigating to it, but it will be tough. The storm is relentless today.”

“Tell me about it,” Terry sighed, holding on to his cape. “Do it. I certainly will not die here! And neither will you!”

Wait, is there a crew beyond Liz on this ship? Since there wasn’t exactly anybody else mentioned at the moment. ^^;

“Yes, sir!” Liz steered the wheel towards a direction, and while Terry tried looking at where they were going, he only saw the waves splashing the boat.

Using her vines to grasp the wheel, Liz tried steering them in the right direction, but the storm was stronger. A huge wave swept through them, forcing Liz to let go of the wheel and grab Terry with her vines.

Whelp, this sailing expedition is going well™ right now. I’ll take the under on this boat making it past the end of this scene.

“Gah!” Terry gasped as the water struck him, coughing and panting. Just as it hit him, it stopped. While he was a little relieved, the storm showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Another wave struck the two, forcing knocking them both unconscious.

Wait, while they were still on the ship? Or were the two meant to be swept overboard? It’s a little unclear there.

Well, that was certainly a suspenseful ending there. I suppose it won’t be too long before Nick’s quiet life in Thornwell becomes a bit less quiet and predictable at this rate. I take it that we’re still in the part of the story where we’re getting introduced to characters and the surrounding world, but even with the slower pace, it still feels like we learned quite a bit. Like we got a better gauge on how Shiron ticks, an implication that he might not even be the only human-turned-Pokémon in Thornwell, and our first glimpse of half the banner art party at the very end. Lots of stuff here to keep the audience hooked and coming back for more. The call forwards to LoF don’t hurt either, and it adds a bit of a different dynamic coming into this story with knowledge of some of the places and characters that are present from the sequel story.

As for criticisms, there were a few bits and pieces of phrasing that I thought were a bit awkward throughout the chapter, and some places where I thought that there wasn’t enough description provided to get a feel either for the way places looked in-story or else how characters were ticking in terms of reactions or thought processes. Not as bad as what I remembered from my readthrough of Chapter 1, but it was enough to be noticeable.

But altogether, I think that things might start to be hitting their stride in this story @Navar . Even if I had a few quibbles here and there, there’s a genuine sense of charm in this story, and it’ll be interesting to see where things go. I’ll have to come back to this story again sometime, if hopefully a bit sooner than my last brush with it. ^^;

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, it took me a little while to finally get to this, but I’m here to pay forward some of that generosity you showed me as part of the recent Review Blitz before PMDiner’s Review Event fully passes by, which means picking right up with…

Chapter 3

Shiron had to admit the cake was way better than he thought, not that he had many of them back in Hoenn. Because of this, The sweet taste on his mouth was just so invigorating and he never wanted it to go away.

Huh. So Shiron’s from Hoenn, huh? I actually don’t remember if that was ever mentioned in the prior chapters, but it’s a neat little detail and I suppose it dovetails into his current form quite well.

Can’t believe it! If only they added more frosting, or chocolate bars! You can never have enough, heh. Maybe I’ll ask Magnus to do it add them next time.

I see we’re not going into the xenofiction biology angle in this story, since most nonhuman creatures IRL don’t mix well with the active compounds in chocolate.

Speaking of All the while, Magnus, the Quilladin was looked at Shiron, as the Quilladin was both impressed and a little scared that he was eating a cake meant for two or three mons without any issue. Even the other customers were staring, not that Shiron minded.

Huh. I didn’t remember any official fluff about Marshtomp being big eaters. I wonder if that’s Shiron having phantom cravings sized up for a human, since they are noticeably larger than Marshtomp in terms of body sizes when fully grown.

The grass-type went up beside Shiron and cleared his throat, now standing next to Shiron. “H-Hey, uh, Shiron? Might wanna slow down on the chewing there. It’s, well… kinda fast. You’re gonna get sick!”

Yeeeeeah, I can already tell that Shiron’s going to have some killer indigestion from this cake. Since… yeah, I’m not sure if I wouldn’t feel sick as a dog after inhaling a cake meant to serve two to three people.

“Hm?” Shiron gulped a large piece of the dessert and blinked. “Oh. I didn’t notice it, sorry… it’s just so good! I’ve never had chocolate cake before, so… got carried away.”

Huh. Not really sure what the story behind that one is, since you’d think that chocolate wouldn’t exactly be hard to come across in Hoenn short of Shiron having some sort of health condition as a human that prevented him from eating chocolate.

“You never had it?” He gasped, his furry face turning red. “N-No wonder you’re this impressed! But did you like it?”

That kind of question answered itself, Shiron mused. Still, he could say his full opinion on the course. The Marshtomp puffed his chest and smiled.

Well, I gotta give the chef my utmost congratulations! This meal is astonishingly good~! See, It ain’t too sweet that I feel sick, but it’s not too bitter for my taste. In other words, it’s amazing! I could get another one myself!”

I can’t tell whether this is meant to be a comedic thing where Shiron’s just a big eater character as part of his shtick, or if he’s going to wind up hating life in like 3 hours after this first cake and possible second one about to hit the table.

[ ]

“...But I don’t wanna abuse your kindness and ask for another free cake. I’ll just pay the next time I come here.”

Given that Shiron has two paragraphs of dialogue back to back, it probably makes sense to throw in some sort of description paragraph in between where he does a small action or something to show him getting flustered after realizing that he’s milking Magnus’ hospitality pretty hard already.

Magnus’ eyes sparkled in excitement and his tail began to wag, while the blush on his face grew. “Oh, thank you so much! I worked hard on this one!”

“I can see that,” Shiron said, pushing the plate away and slurping down the pinap juice. “Hm, this one is good too. Seems you love your job.”

“Yeah.” Magnus replied with a smile as he looked around the shop. “It’s the family business, but I like working here. It’s relaxing, and seeing all the clients enjoy the food… dunno, brings me joy!”

I take it that Magnus is a people person. Since there’s a certain personality that likes working in retail, while most others find it stressful to varying degrees. ^^;

I do wonder if there could’ve been a bit more scene-setting description thrown in somewhere in this exchange, though I was having trouble zeroing in on a concrete spot to suggest here

He then turned to face Shiron again. “Actually, what about you? I know you lost your memory, but what’re you planning to do?”

Shiron had no idea. Shiron He’d only stopped to think about it now, having been busy with other things, but what would he do? It’s not wasn’t like he could just live freely in Nick's house and eat sweets all the time. Even if he could, that’d surely drive them away from him, and being alone was the worst.

I smell some implications for what Shiron’s life as a human was like. Since that’s a very particular insecurity for Shiron to have there, and I’m not convinced that that just started up once he came here to this world.

“Do you have any idea?” Shiron decided to ask, hoping that Magnus would have any answer.

“Hmmm,” he pondered. “Depending on what skills you have, maybe you could work with me?”

[ ] At that, Shiron shook his head repeatedly.

N-No, no, no! I have, like, zero skills! I’m totally useless as a cook!”

Wait, does Shiron have any memories of him being useless as a cook? Or else even a dawning realization that he doesn’t have any idea of how to cook anything right now? Like I get that he got hit by the amnesia ray, but it might make sense to show his thought process before getting to “Magnus, this is a terrible idea” a bit more explicitly.

[ ]

“Too bad, then.” Magnus sighed. “Well, I can try and help, somewhat. Alright? Let me just finish the shift, and I’ll give you a hand!”

Another spot where it might make sense to show off a bit more body language or the like from Magnus in response. Though why am I getting the feeling that Shiron’s going to be tapped for janitorial duties at this rate? Since just saying, somebody’s got to keep a bakery of all places clean and tidy.

Meanwhile, Nick had gone to another hill. Unlike the one his house was located in, this one was greener, and there was a nice view of the ocean beyond the village.

Nick watched as the Zorua with him put down a white blanket and grabbed a basket with her mouth, offering it to him. He nodded and put it on top of the blanket, before opening it to reveal the content. Inside the basket were several berries, along with a few cupcakes.

Ah yes, it’s an evening date. I forgot a bit about Nick agreeing to this from Chapter 2, though I suppose that it’s time to see how his courtship skills are.

“Nothing to drink?” Audrey snickered, laying down and looking at the Riolu with a smile on her face.

He shrugged and sat next to her, grabbing a chocolate cupcake from inside the box. “Couldn’t get any this time. Pops’ too careful now.

Ah yes, underage drinking. Well, somebody was definitely more of a rebel back in the day than Lance. ^^;

“No worries. Can’t say I miss it.” Audrey chirped, right before Nick began patting her on her head, causing the fox to bark in excitement.

“Has the day been good?” Nick asked before looking at the large horizon in front of him.

There were dark storm clouds had gathered gathering just beyond it and he could see the storm approaching. Luckily, they should still have some time to go on with their date.

This sounds like a fantastic way to have your date get wrecked by the storm rolling in sooner than you expected it to, just saying, Nick. Though I suppose we already saw that you live life a bit on the edge, so I suppose it would only be natural that it would also extend to how you plan out your dates. ^^

“Very exhausting, but good!” She replied, giggling and munching on the cupcake Nick held. “Gotta wake up early, though. Seems I’ll have to take care of the shop myself. Sooo… if you need anything done, you should probably ask already!”

[ ]

“Hm. Nah, don’t think I need anything, you already made my goggles!”

Wait, does Audrey work at the bakery with Magnus, or does she work at a different shop? If the latter, it might make sense to explicitly bring up what shop she works at, since I actually don’t remember if the story ever mentioned it up to this point.

Audrey sat on her haunches and touched her chin in thought. “How about scarves or bands for your team? Have you got any members yet?”

Nick shrugged and sighed. “...No. Yes. Maybe, I dunno. I’m working on it. I’ve thought about recruiting one, but he might not accept it. I just met him, and he’s, uh… the amnesiac guy.”

Just saying, if you flipped the order of ‘No’ and ‘Yes’ there, you’d have a cute little nod to Malcolm in the Middle there. :V

[ ]

“Eh?” Audrey blinked, opening her mouth to gasp. “Sure you wanna recruit him?”

I personally feel that Audrey’s reaction works better pulled forward into a paragraph before she has her dialogue. Since it feels like one of those moments where one would react and then talk afterwards.

On second thought, Shiron was too new to be recruited. Still, he was the only choice Nick had. All he needed to do was figure out a way to convince him.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” he finally replied.

I’m… not really feeling Nick’s thought process here. Like I get that what’s there should ultimately be where he gets to in terms of a thought process, but it feels like we’re missing a few steps in going from “Er… maybe this isn’t a good idea” to “No, this can still work and is worth doing” since they’re very different sentiments from one another and seeing Nick going straight from one to the other with no rationalization process in between gave me a bit of whiplash.

“Good luck, then!” Audrey chirped. She took a look at the ocean like Nick. It was so peaceful, seeing the waves, the wind blowing on their fur… oh, she could stay there forever.

And cue the storm clouds coming right in and just dumping a cloudburst onto these two.

But Nick couldn’t. She saw in his eyes. Those bright, red eyes. There was hope in them. Audrey grabbed Nick’s paw tightly and laid her head on his arms, purring.

“Audrey,” Nick sighed, his ears drooping. “Be real with me on this one. You think I’ll really become a hero?”

I mean, I’m pretty sure that you’re fated by canon in LoF to wind up becoming one anyways. Though it’ll be interesting to see how starry-eyed Audrey is here.

[ ]

“I’m not a psychic or medium, so I have no clue what the future holds for us,” she laughed. Her blue eyes sparkled in happiness and bliss. “But answering your question… yeah, I think you will! You’ll be just like the Lucario of legend!”

“The Lucario of legend”, huh? Filing that one away, though I suppose that that’s one sign that there’s an analogue to ‘Lucario the Hero’ in this world as well. Which I suppose I can’t say with a straight face isn’t fitting for a PMD story. Wonder if we’ll hear more about this (or these) ‘Lucario of legend’ further on in the story.

Said sentence The remark did little to soothe his worries. Nick wasn’t like others of his kind. His aura senses barely worked, as Magnus so quickly reminded him. But if he still tried… and if what he thought about Shiron was true, then…

Well, that’s a big character detail to come out about Nick there. I wonder if that also carries over to his ability to wield Aura in battle. I do wonder if there should’ve been a bit more foreshadowing about this in earlier chapters, since while I wouldn’t have expected Shiron to be reflexively familiar with what a Riolu with stunted Aura sensitivity would be like or mannerisms that would be highly abnormal for a Riolu, it feels like something that Nick likely would be a bit self-conscious about and wind up hinting at it with little reactions here or there or something like that.

Just like mom, Nick remembered the picture in his house and felt his heart skipping a beat. I’ll become a good Lucario… I promise!

Oh, so Nick’s mother was also human, huh? Or at least I think that that’s the implication. I just hope that she turned out better than the other human-turned-Lucario that parented a Riolu child that I can think of reflexively from a PMD fanfic. :copyka:

At the bakery, most of the other clients had left, leaving only Shiron and Magnus, the latter of which decided to sit next to Shiron. To his shock, the Marshtomp was still going at it. It was like he had some vacuum in his belly.

I wonder if Shiron also used to be like this as a human, or if this is a quirk specific to him after being turned into a Marshtomp.

“By the way, Magnus,” Shiron sighed in relief, patting his belly. He managed to hold in a burp, not wanting to embarrass one of his only friends.

“By the way, Magnus. I’ve gotta say. You’re one hell of a caker. Is that even a word…?”

I would recommend keeping the entirety of Shiron’s dialogue after the description part of this paragraph here (and also to split it). Since something about the action he does feels like the sort of thing that in a cartoon or whatever would happen before the spoken line.

“No clue.

[ ]

Ahem, Shiron! Still trying to help you out here with those memories of yours, but do you have any hobbies? Anything you remember enjoying?”

Magnus’ line feels like it’s meant to have a pause somewhere in the middle, which probable makes sense to explicitly depict in a line of description in between or something like that.

Boy did these Pokémon enjoy asking him questions. Maybe he should just drop the charade and say he didn’t have any amnesia. Still, what did he enjoy doing?

… Right. I actually completely forgot about that detail about Shiron. Though that makes that two PMD stories that I’ve read where the protagonist is initially dishonest about the proper state of their memories to the world around them. ^^;

“Sleeping, eating… relaxing.”

[ ]

“You sound like a feral Skitty,” Magnus mused, covering his mouth.

I take it that Shiron was a bit of a shut-in as a human, since… yeah. That seems like a pretty limited range of hobbies there. ^^;

“...W-Well, I don’t really know what I like!” Shiron blurted out, feeling heat rise up.

[ ]

“That’s fine! You don’t need to know everything now…”

Except Shiron could remember something he liked. Was it embarrassing? No. Probably not. Now, how to say it without raising suspicions?

I mean, is it really suspicious if you play it off as “wait, wait, something’s coming to me right now”? Since just saying, Magnus does seem like the type who’d buy that explanation at face value. :P

“Wait,” Shiron stopped. He had to make this work. With a flair for the dramatic, he started tapping the sides of his cheeks repeatedly, as if thinking very hard. He had no idea if that would be convincing, but it was the best thing to do now.

...I think I got something. I like, hmm… singing? Y-Yeah! I like singing!”

[ ]

“Singing? Oh, that’s really cool! Can you try it? Do you remember any song?”


Boy, when I call ‘em, I sure can call ‘em. >:V

The heat grew stronger. “Wait, what? No! I-I mean, I can try, but… why? Just because I like singing doesn’t mean I can sing!”

“Just curious! Besides, you’re my friend, and I wanna know more about you.”


Shiron: “(... Argh! I should’ve just kept my big mouth shut!)”

Friend? Shiron got a friend! And without even trying all that much, which made it much better. His heart thumped with the news, and he smiled. Guess Nick and Magnus were his friends. Well, he oughta get to work.

Huh, guess I was a bit off on what Shiron’s reaction would be. Though wait, what is Shiron’s job right now anyways? Since I don’t think that it was mentioned that Magnus explicitly gave him one to do around the shop.

“...F-Fine, just don’t make fun of me, okay?”

Gosh this was anxiety-inducing. Maybe just a few lyrics and he was done. Yeah, that could do it.

...Don’t fail me now, trembling wings! You’re my hope, you’re my everything! We can fly if you believe… in… my… looooove!”

Oh, “oughta get to work” was directed at Shiron belting out his tunes. I wonder if the phrasing should’ve been a bit more explicitly song-related. Though time to already go and start looking around for a popcorn gif for this moment…

It turned out Shiron’s singing voice was awful, Magnus thought. Very out of rhythm, squeaky and the pitch shifted while he sang that verse. But it was adorable to see. And, despite how nervous Shiron looked, Magnus could see the Marshtomp was having fun, even smiling and wiggling his body a little.

[ ]

Was there a part of this scene that accidentally got dropped in editing? Since the ending note that it left off on feels very abrupt at the moment. Like there’s supposed to be some sort of inner thought or commentary by Magnus to himself or something like that but it just isn’t there.

“Why don’t you try it?” Audrey asked.

“I am trying!”

Nick stood up, extending his arm in the air. He closed his eyes and took a large breath, making his feelers twitch.

Nick: “Audrey, I thought that we already established that I’m not good at Aura like two scenes ago. Why on earth would anything suddenly change about that now?

The fox waddled in front of Nick and tilted her head. “Aight. You feel anything different? Can you sense me?”

“No and no.” Nick replied.

Nick: “Again, Audrey. Pokémon don’t dramatically change in the span of a scene cutting away!” >_>;

It was only half a lie. He could vaguely feel something. It was very faint, and it kept flicking out, no matter how much effort he was putting into it. The entire thing was annoying, but most of all, demotivating. Why couldn’t he do this one a simple thing like sensing someone right next to him?! Most, if not all, Riolu his age had mastered aura training, if not evolved already!

The “simple thing” part IMO should more clearly state what it is that Nick is trying and failing at, since the phrasing was a bit vague and roundabout at first.

Nick grunted in frustration, his fur standing on end. “Damn it! Why can’t I do it?!”

Unknowingly, Nick got on his knees, panting, and then he looked at his paws. There was an orange glow around them, but even so, it faded instantly. Nothing worked.

“Orange glow”, huh? That certainly doesn’t sound like a Force Palm there, even if I’m not sure what was going on there in that case.

Except, maybe, the hug that Audrey decided to give him. The fluffiness of his partner managed to calm him down a little, but he still whined like a sad puppy.

I mean, he kinda is literally a sad puppy right now. Just one going around on two legs. :P

“There, there… Nicky, you’ll get there eventually! I know it, I believe in you…”

[ ]

“I know. I know,” he sat down and frowned, patting the fox’s head. “...Wonder if mom had this much trouble.”

“You’re not her!” Audrey shook her head and pouted, playfully tapping Nick’s cheeks. “Listen. You’re Nick. You’re you. I know things’ll get better. Just gotta practice, y’know?”

I smell a central theme to this story, especially as a prequel to LoF that seems to be drawing deliberate parallels with some of the members of LoF’s cast. I suppose I’ll see whether or not that read winds up coming to pass down the road.

“Yeah, yeah.” Nick forced a smile as he looked in the sky, deciding to lie down on the blanket. He found the clouds above him to be pretty, even if they had no particular formation. “And you? Got any illusions to show me?”

[ ]

“I’m not really interested in doing them,” she chirped. “Besides, I’ve gotta get to work at the shop. Supplies don’t build themselves!”

Well, that was a short date there.

Audrey: “Also, those storm clouds are kinda rolling in right about now and… yeah. I’d prefer not to get stuck in them on my way to work right now.” ^^;

A Riolu with no affinity for aura and a Zorua that wanted nothing to do with illusions. Anyone could tell they were an unusual couple. And Nick enjoyed it exactly the way it was.

I… didn’t realize that Audrey’s “I’m not interested in doing them” wasn’t just about the immediate “now’s not a good time” sense. I wonder if it’d have made sense to hammer that home a bit harder by doing something like adding a “[...], never have been” to Audrey’s earlier line to emphasize that or something like that.

“Heh. You’re gonna build our scarves?” Nick asked. “‘Cause the team might be closer than ever before. If Shiron accepts the offer, ‘course.”

“Just say the word and I’ll do it right away!” Audrey blepped in response, snickering.

Oh hey, so she’s literally doing the
emote right now.

“I know you will,” Nick sighed in relief, cuddling alongside her again and letting their fur touch one another.

“I know you will,” he said.

All things considered, Nick was glad he had her to depend on. Audrey made a lot of things in his life much easier, more bearable. Or should I say bewearable? Heh. I’m an idiot. Damn, glad she didn’t catch me saying it. Wouldn’t hear the end of it.

He’s going to slip up and say that in earshot of her at some point, isn’t he? >:V

Stupid pun. Nick chuckled at it, though it was stupid of him to think about it. Much better than the alternative, however. And for now, he could relax and cuddle with Audrey, for as long as they needed.

Audrey: “Well, don’t get too used to it, since I kinda need to get to work and… yeah, there’s kinda a storm that’s about to come in in short order.” ^^;

After saying his goodbyes, Shiron left the bakery. He could properly gather his thoughts on the world now, or at least, those were his plans. [ ]

Right. So: humans are myths, for some reason there’s a lot of “amnesiacs”, and also, there’s someone named Rowan here?

If only the people back home knew about this place. It was nice of Xerneas to invite him here. Shiron wanted to know more about the place, for sure. See new things on this journey of his. [ ]

Wait a sec. If I’m a Marshtomp now, can I… can I use moves? Yo, that’d be sick! Maybe I should try it!

I think that you need a bit more transition going from your description paragraphs to Shiron’s inner thoughts, since his trains of thought here aren’t very related to the paragraphs immediately preceding them, which makes the flow feel a bit jarring.

Except he never learned what moves Marshtomp learned. Water Gun was obvious, as was Mud Shot. There was just one problem: he was really new at this.

New idea. Figure out what I’m doing here. Maybe I could find a job… for an eighteen-year-old, former human and with no qualifications.

His mind flashed back to a burned oven and the firefighters coming to his house. And a nasty grounding from his guardians.

Definitely no qualifications for cooking, at least.

Oh boy, so he wasn’t kidding about being a terrible cook.

Though yeah, at this rate, just ask Magnus if the bakery needs a janitor, Shiron. It’s a decent enough temp position and you’d be in a prime position to help yourself to all the unsellable leftovers at the end of the day.

Shiron stretched his arms for the first time since entering the world. They were definitely different than what he was used to, and having scales was noteworthy as well. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was a chance he’d shed later. Ew.

I mean, now that you’ve explicitly brought the topic up... yeah, my baseline expectation is that we’re going to see Shiron shed (parts of) his skin at some point in the future. Would’ve pegged Marshtomp as being a bit less reptilian, but eh. Your story, your rules on that front.

And now he wanted to check the village again. Shiron noticed it was probably the middle of the afternoon, and managed to see a few of the citizens, not that they bothered to talk with him.

With one exception; a Houndoom wearing the same fedora as the one on Nick’s house, making Shiron realize it was… he forgot the mutt’s name.

I wonder if that’s deliberate from Shiron’s end or not, since ‘mutt’ is usually specifically pejorative/insulting as a term for a dog. Though granted, for all I know, Shiron had terrible luck with Houndoom or dogmons in general as a human, so perhaps he’s pre-inclined to not have positive feelings about them.

“Hello, kid. Shiron, was it?”

Ivan. He was Ivan. Shiron nodded. “Yup, that’s lil ol’ me! Nice seeing you again, sir.”

“Please, there’s no need for that formality here,” he barked, swishing his tail. “Are you enjoying your time here? I can smell chocolate on your mouth.”

“H-Huh?” Shiron instinctively rubbed it away, thanking once again his inability to blush. “Oh, w-well…”

[ ]

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he smiled. “Say, since you’re staying here, you might want to check the bank whenever you can. I run it, and can open an account for you. Is that alright?”

Huh. Wouldn’t have expected a Houndoom to be a banker, though I suppose that would explain a thing or two about why the bank in this story and in LoF is heavy on the black exterior surfaces. Wonder if Ivan also runs the bank there in LoF too, or if he passed things on to the next generation by that time.

[ ]

“W-Whoa, okay…” Shiron replied, gulping as he felt his gills droop. “I-I’ll go. Uh, don’t remember much about myself, will that be a problem?”

Ivan shook his head. [ ]

Just between the two of us… Rowan might explain some of this to you, just ask.”

There’s a couple parts here that feel like they might be worth expanding on to show off the way this interaction “looks” a bit more through more description of body language or else internal thought process.

“Hm… sure.” Shiron bowed to him and waved as the mutt went on his way.

By this point, he was almost sure that this Rowan guy was the same person as the professor. Did Nick know?

Questions for later.

Wait, as in Professor Rowan from Sinnoh? He got isekaied to this world, too? .-.

With a sigh, Shiron looked up. The storm was getting near, and he heard thunder echoing. Maybe going back to Nick’s house was the best idea for now.

I mean, just saying, unless rain auto-Soaks in this setting, you should be fine with that lightning with your Ground-typing, Shiron.

Though that makes me wonder if we’re seeing something that’s set chronologically before the last scene of Chapter 2, since that chapter ended with us seeing Terry in the thick of a storm aboard a ship. [lucathink]

Nick stayed with Audrey until she fell asleep on his lap. He was basically stuck there, not even wanting to get up because it was very cozy. He eyed the storm clouds, before moving on to the ocean.

At first, he failed to see anything worthwhile. But then, amidst the large body of water, he saw something brown. A boat? It couldn’t be a boat. Yet, it looked like one, being dragged to the shore by the waves.

Oh, speak of the devil. I’m pretty sure that that’s Terry right there.

If that’s junk… then I don’t need to go there. B-But what if there’s someone inside…?

That thought crawled inside Nick’s head and he gulped, shivering. Oh no. There was no way someone would go on a boat trip with the rain, right? No. There was a chance, albeit a small one.

Wait, is it raining now? Or is that supposed to be forecasted rain? Since you’d think that Nick and Audrey wouldn’t enjoy just lying around and letting themselves get rained on.

“D-Damn it. Damn it! Audrey, wake up!” He said, shaking her away from him.

Audrey snapped her eyes open and yawned, looking around until she saw Nick. Then, she snarled. “Nick! What was that for?!”

“No time to explain! I think there’s someone on the beach again! C’mon!”

Audrey: “You couldn’t have just pawed at my shoulder or something about this instead of outright throwing me off of you?” >_>;

Before she knew it, Nick was dragging her by the face off of the hill and into the main plaza. The Riolu panted, not stopping even for a second, at least until he saw Shiron next to the bakery’s door.

Yeeeeeeeah, I think that Nick’s going to need to bring some nice gifts along for that next date with Audrey, since this sounds like a fantastic way to turn her into an ex-girlfriend, just saying. ^^;

“Hey, Shiron! Come with us! I think something’s up!”

[ ]

“E-Eh?” Not having time to properly react, he followed the two to the beach. What was that all about?

IMO, it probably makes sense to more explicitly describe Nick and Audrey heading off before Shiron’s mentioned following after them. In between Nick and Shiron’s lines feels like a decent place for it, especially since it also serves as an opportunity to transition followed perspective from Shiron’s to Nick’s.

As the three made their way to the beach, the wind began howling, and thunder reverberated. Raindrops fell on their heads, much to Audrey’s annoyance, as she kept thinking about how her fur would smell later.

Oh, so I see that “wet dog smell” is a thing in this setting too, huh? o<o

Nick, on the other hand, finally stopped, both to breathe and to search for the boat. “It’s gotta be here somewhere…”

[ ]

“What’s going on?” Shiron asked, panting and grunting in annoyance.

“Nick found someone on the beach. Again.” Audrey answered, sighing.

“Someone else?”

Wait, but you’d think that it’d be a bit hard to lose track of a boat since those aren’t exactly small. It might make sense to expand the bit in underlined out a bit to elaborate that Nick lost track of the boat on the way down due to it moving and not winding up where he expected it’d be or something like that.

“Focus,” Nick grunted, squinting his eyes as the rain grew thicker. The cold breeze made him shiver, but the canine still continued.

They finally arrived on the beach. It was empty, at least from Nick and Audrey’s viewpoints, and the sand was wet from the torrential rain, along with the waves that every so often tapped their feets.

“Can’t you track them by their scent? Or aura?” Shiron asked, gulping and covering his eyes from the rain.

Nick: “Waaaaaait a minute, how do you know about Aura when you’re an amnesiac right now?”

Shiron: “Uh… Magnus told me about it after I asked?”

“N-No!” Nick grunted, stopping in his tracks. “I’m useless in that regard. And if we don’t act quickly, they’ll … y’know. drown!

IMO, it makes sense for Nick to just come out and say whatever the ‘y’know’ is here, though I assume it’d be “the Pokémon will drown” given the setting and deteriorating weather.

[ ]

“W-What can we do?” The fox asked, drooping her ears.

[ ]

“Wait,” Nick looked at Shiron. “You can do it! I’ve heard Marshtomp have incredible underwater vision, or mud. I don’t know.”

[ ]

“M-Me?! But I’ve never done it!”

[ ]

“Shiron, you need to try!”

These parts feel like they’d benefit from taking some time to slow down and describe more of the reaction and internal thought process playing out at these different points, since I assume that it’s not meant to feel quite this rapid fire going from one character to the next.

He gulped. Could he do it? See if he could find the boat? Time was running out. They were counting on him. They trusted him.

I-I… I… I-I can do it… I-I need to do it!

Shiron lowered his arm and focused. The rain produced a fog that was making it hard for the others to see, but the moment he tried, it was as clear as a mirror. And the boat? The boat was there, so close to them.

“I-I found it! Follow me!”

Huh, so Water-types have some sort of ability to see through rainy environments / mists as a typing thing in this setting. Or at least I think that that’s the implication. Though I didn’t realize that there was supposed to be a fog that was making it hard to see where the boat was. It might have made sense to bring that up a bit earlier on, since it would make Nick’s trouble finding the boat a lot more reasonable.

Not just that. Shiron managed to see a Roselia crawling out of the vessel, carrying a Tyrunt in her vines. She raised her head to look at them before collapsing on the ground.

[ ]

Considering how this scene in general is following Shiron, Nick, and Audrey, I wonder if you’re cutting things a bit too early and should at least get to the part where Nick or Audrey instructs the others to hurry up and get Terry and his caretaker off the beach before the storm rolls in or something like that.

After putting the two knocked out mons on his back, Shiron followed Nick’s lead as they left the beach.

Shiron ran without putting much of an effort in holding the Tyrunt and Roselia, much to his surprise. [ ]

Where are we going?! We need to take care of them!”

“Of course we will! We’re going to the hospital!” Nick shouted, not looking back as he ran.

Wait, where is Audrey right now, anyway-?

Audrey nodded. She was sprinting too. “The doctor’s our friend! Kinda. Or at least his daughter is, so don’t worry!”

Oh, there she is. Though that portends well™ for how well Nick and Audrey get along with this doctor, I’m sure.

“I wasn’t!” Shiron lied. He was worried, and just didn’t want to tell them that.

On the bright side, they did the right thing by rescuing these two. Shiron thought that was the right thing, at least. And he somehow helped, which only made it better.

I mean, it’s probably the right thing given that Terry’s prominently featured on the cover art of this story, but…

Alright! Rescue… mission. It ain’t a mission, but if I treat it like that, then I guess it’ll make me calm down! Shiron sighed.

Nick eyed his Marshtomp friend for a moment and gulped. He’s probably worried too. We need to get there asap… we got this. We gotta… got this, he grunted. No time for jokes.

This is a bit of a habit of Nick’s in this story, isn’t it? o<o

What came next was a trio of Pokémon following They hurriedly followed after the streets, getting to reaching the plaza, before turning onto another street on their right. Shiron kept going along except he noticed Nick frantically looked around, almost like he wasn’t sure this was the proper place.

“It’s there, Nicky!” Audrey barked, her eyes locked on a large, white house. “Amy lives there, and her dad too, so c’mon!”

Oh, Nick was trying to use his Aura senses to help him out and flubbing again, huh? Or at least I think that that’s the implication there.

[ ]

“You alright, Shiron? We’re very close!”

“Carrying them is easy. I’m fine!”

Nick nodded and he approached the door, before knocking on it multiple times to really get the owner’s attention. It didn’t take long before the door opened, revealing a Kirlia wearing a purple ribbon on her head.

Oh hi, Amy. At first I was wondering if we were going to get a surprise with the doctor turning out to be a male Kirlia, but the ‘her’ kinda gave things away there.

Shiron, though, noticed that said Kirlia had a different coloration. A shiny?! Whoa… and she’s cute, too. Way out of my lea—Why am I thinking this? I’m human. Or… I was. Damn it brain, why are you so weird?!

That… feels like a detail that should’ve been brought up a lot sooner. Especially since you could’ve accomplished it very easily just by calling Amy a ‘blue Kirlia’ or something like that.

Thankfully, none of them noticed Shiron’s internal debate over whether or not he could have crushes on Pokémon. There were bigger things to talk about anyway, which the Kirlia seemed to pick up on. And speaking of these things…

“Nick, Audrey. Always a pleasure. And…” she eyed Shiron and the other two, before gasping. “Oh dear! Say no more, come inside! I’ll do my best to heal them!”

“Thanks, Amy.” Audrey replied, looking at her before charging inside. [ ]

“W-Whoa!” Amy dodged the fox and eyed Nick with wide eyes. “She’s very feisty, huh?”

Huh. So Amy and Audrey aren’t close with one another, huh? Since Amy more or less addressed Audrey as if she was a complete stranger.

“Tell me about it,” Nick shrugged. “Not the point now. Shiron, c’mon!”

… Oh. That dialogue was meant to be Shiron’s. Er… yeah. You probably want to explicitly note that in the story text, since at first I thought that Amy said that since the description in between the two parts of the dialogue were about her and Audrey without any real indication that someone else was speaking.

The Marshtomp merely nodded before joining his friends, mentally chuckling at the thought of having actual friends.

I’m not sure if I’m really feeling Shiron’s thought process here. Like I can buy that this would be a part of it, but you’d think that he’d still have more thoughts about Terry and his guardian that they just picked up off the beach, who are still slung over his and Nick’s backs at the moment pending medical treatment while they basically just faded out here.

By Per Amy’s orders, Shiron put the two mons down on different beds slowly and carefully, so they would not be hurt any more than they already were.

The room they were in had white walls and a couple of beds. The air inside smelled fresh, like a mint, along with several drawers. Shiron assumed these things were to bring comfort to any patients.

I kinda wonder if the ordering of this section should be flipped around, since it feel like the second paragraph is a bit more “general” in its description than the first, so it makes me wonder if it should be mentioned prior to the part where we start drilling down into more of what’s actually going on at the moment.

“Nick, and Audrey, get some orans from the fridge!” Amy said.

She watched
them walk away before she approached her patients. She eyed them with precision, and touched the Tyrunt’s arms, legs and tail. He had a purple cape and a golden necklace. Probably someone important. She saw a few bruises, but nothing too harsh.

I don’t think there’s… anything broken. This one’s a tough cookie.”

The bit about the purple cape and golden necklace feels like a detail that should’ve come up immediately upon introducing Terry in the chapter, since you’d think that they’d be a bit hard to miss for details from Shiron and Nick’s perspectives.

“Orans? But they’re not so good to heal… or are they?” Shiron asked.

[ ]

“What’re you talking about? Orans are incredible!” Amy rolled her eyes, before catching herself and staring at Shiron.

Wait, who are you? Never seen you before.”

“Uh, Shiron. I’m new in town,” he smiled sheepishly. She could probably kick my ass. Nice…?

This feels like a section where it probably make sense to take a moment to slow down and expand on a few parts, especially since there wasn’t really any moment that telegraphed the idea that Amy was perceptibly strong such that Shiron’s “she could probably kick my ass” feels like it follows.

“Too bad we’re meeting this way.” She smiled. “Don’t worry, I think these guys will be fine. I take it you’re on Nick’s team?”

[ ]

“T-Team? No. We just met.”

“Oh. I thought you were since you saved them. Nick has a bit of a hero complex.

Huh, so it’s not just Audrey pushing Nick to a hero. I’ll admit, that I didn’t really get that vibe coming from Nick, even if I suppose that it makes sense now.

Shiron rubbed the back of his head. He really just did rescue them, without even thinking about it. [ ] Well, there was nothing to think about why he’d done that...

“It was the right thing to do.”

IMO, it might make sense to expand Shiron’s thought process a bit more in this section to get to the part where he just goes “it was just right, that’s why I did it”.

“I know,” Amy smiled. She then looked at Shiron for a moment, before touching the Tyrunt’s body. “By the way, I’m Amelia, but my friends call me Amy. Nice meeting you.”

She’s too cute… Shiron stuttered. “T-The pleasure is mine!”

I smell a ship between these two in the wings, since boy is Shiron crushing hard right about now.

Amelia’s hands were grew enveloped in a pink glow, as were did her eyes. She soon began to inject energy into the Tyrunt. The glow transferred from her to him, and his bruises began to heal.

“Heal Pulse?” Shiron wondered. Could they use moves without a trainer’s help? How cool was that?!

Waaaaaaait, but if Shiron used to live in Hoenn, wouldn’t he have had plenty of experience seeing wild Pokémon use moves on their own without trainers?

“Yup.” Amelia smiled. “Now I’ll take care of the Roselia. Hm.”

She inspected the Roselia, and noticed the garment she wore. A black cape, a belt with some seeds on it, and what looked like the tip of some sort of weapon, like a blade.

“...Not my place to ask what they were doing here,” Amelia sighed, preparing another Heal Pulse.

Not sure if you want to just be leaving that on the person of a stranger there, Amelia, but you do you.

Though yeah, the bit about the Roselia’s garb feels like something that should’ve come up as soon as Nick and the others came across her on the beach since… yeah, you’d think it’d be hard to miss that.

As she did so, Nick arrived with two large, fluffy and white blankets. At his side, Audrey carried a bowl with various berries in her teeth.

That… sounds like it’d be murder on Audrey’s teeth, just saying. ^^;

“Alright, we got it! Did you do your thing?” Nick asked.

“Yes. Please leave me be. The living room is there!” The Kirlia pointed to an open door. “These two need space and to be left alone for a bit. I’ll take care of them.”

[ ] The other three nodded and walked out of the room. Amelia sighed as she watched them go.

It might make sense to emphasize the ‘why’ behind Amy shooing everyone out of the room here. Which from a healthcare perspective makes sense since “injured people need their rest”, but it’s not really communicated clearly at the moment.


Terry felt like he was hit by something very large and very dangerous. Once he opened his eyes, the Tyrunt realized he was nowhere near the boat, or the shore! He was on a bed, covered in a blanket, and the moment he tried standing up, a nasty headache prevented him from doing so.


Just saying, Terry. Given that your baseline expectation was that you’d wake up half-drowned in the remains of your boat, maybe don’t look a gift horse in the mouth rn.

“Hello. I’m Amelia.”

He managed to see a Kirlia standing next to him. She smiled, approaching him.

“How are you feeling?” Amelia asked.

[ ]

“Y-You took care of me?” Terry blinked. He clutched his blanket and looked away, tail wagging slowly. “I-I’m okay.”

It probably makes sense to show more of Terry’s thought process off at the moment, since I’m not really sure why he’s so surprised at the moment at how he was taken care of.

Though I feel that Terry’s “I’m okay” should come before his “You took care of me”, since it more directly answers the question that Amy gave him.

“Good,” she replied. “You’re lucky, it’s nothing too severe. You’ll only need to stay here for a day.”

While Amelia explained the situation, Terry looked around until he saw Liz in a similar position to him, albeit on a different bed. [ ]

“You rescued me and my friend?” Terry asked.

Another spot where it probably makes sense to expand on Terry’s thought process a bit more.

Amelia shook her head. “Not exactly. I just healed you, but the ones that brought you here are outside. Would you like me to invite them in?”

[ ]

“O-Okay,” he nodded, but soon gasped. “W-Wait, Liz isn’t gonna like—”


The Roselia woke up, gasping and panting. Her eyes were wide open as she looked at the surroundings, before her injuries forced her to lay down again. Even so, she mustered enough strength to look at Terry.

S-Sir Terrence. Pardon me… it appears we are in a peasant’s house.”

Ah yes, this is bound to make Amy happy to hear right now, I’m sure. /s

[ ]

“I’m sorry?” Amelia glared at the grass-type, scoffing. “This might not be the biggest hospital around here, but it’s still good enough!”

Liz ignored her, only locking eyes with the Tyrunt. “Sir. Would you like me to take care of this? I believe we can escape and find shelter if we move soon.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Amelia raised a brow, her eyes glowing with psychic energy. “Nobody’s leaving! You two are hurt.”

Waaaaaait, but what was there prior to this point that would make Liz think that they were being held against their will here and that they couldn’t just walk off as they pleased? Since ‘escape’ implies that Liz thinks that they’re in hostile hands right now.

“Nobody asked for your opinion,” Liz huffed, finally looked at Amy, huffing. “And you should show more respect. You are in the presence of the great Terrence, Prince of Cydonia, and his loyal bodyguard, Miss Elizabeth! You shall address us as—”

‘Cydonia’, huh? Well, now we know what Terry is officially the prince of. Duly noted.

[ ]

“Enough, Liz. I told you being king isn’t what I want,” Terry sighed. “And can you please show respect to the commonfolk? They saved us!”

[ ]

“Prince? Bodyguard?” Amelia tilted her head and soon facepalmed. “Look, I’m not interested in your status. I just did my job, healing you two.”

“We appreciate it!” Terry answered with a smile.

A couple more parts where it probably makes sense to take some time to describe character reactions or the like.

[ ]

“I do not.”

[ ]

“You do now. That’s an order, Liz.” Terry snarled.

Ditto here. Though I see that Terry can get a bit intimidating when he’s suitably annoyed given that he’s mentioned outright snarling at his bodyguard there.

Amelia ignored their antics and turned around. “I’ll get you two something to drink. Meanwhile… I think my friends want to ask you some questions.”

“Feel free to bring them in!” Terry replied, looking at Liz. [ ]

“Okay, can you at least try to be friendly? I wanna know more about the… uh, peeps that rescued me!”

[ ]

“That vocabulary is unfit for you, sir. I recommend using other terms. And they have not saved us. We could have done it without their help.”

A couple more spots where it makes sense to describe reactions a bit more. Since I get the feeling that there are meant to be specific reactions from Liz in particular here that kinda go missing and as such, it’s a bit hard to quantify that she’s giving off an unfriendly demeanor outside of Terry explicitly saying such from his dialogue.

The rock-type pouted. “I told you, it’s Terry! And please, show some gratitude!”

[ ]

“...Alright, sir Terry. I will do my best.”

It probably makes sense to have a brief moment showing Liz coming to terms with Terry’s demands or something like that, since what’s presently here feels a bit sudden and “incomplete” for some reason.

Shiron and Nick entered the room. [ ] They locked eyes with one another, before looking at the two patients.

“Heya,” Shiron waved. “You guys got hit pretty hard, huh? Glad you’re alright.”

“Nothing broken? Or any limbs missing?” Nick asked, only realizing the severity of his words after saying them. “O-Oh, hm. I know you’re not hurt anymore, sorry for that question…”

It probably makes sense to have Shiron and Nick size up Terry and Liz a bit more and react to them before speaking up, since it shows us as readers what their estimations of the two are.

“It’s okay. I get your concern,” Terry said. He quickly looked at himself; there were no bruises. “Thank you for saving us.”

“...” Liz said nothing, and simply crossed her arms.

Is she mute? Shiron tilted his head, somewhat confused by her silence. [ ]

“What exactly happened?” Nick asked. He looked around and found a chair, taking a seat. “That boat is wrecked, what were you doing exactly?”

It might just be me, but something here feels like we need more of a transition to focus the proverbial camera more on Nick before he starts speaking up here.

[ ]

“None of your business, Riolu.” Liz snarled, her voice piercing him like thorns.


[ ]

“...Fine,” she raised her head in a regal pose. “My name is Elizabeth, and the Tyrunt in your presence is the heir to the crown, prince Terrence. You two are peasants, so at the very least, should bow in his presence!”

Yeeeeeah, I can already see all the [mewtwofacepalm] moments that Liz brings on her employers in Cydonia with an attitude like that. Since she sounds like she’d be a nightmare to send on foreign missions.

Though the two spots marked in brackets are spots where it probably makes sense to expand on Terry and Liz’s reactions and body language towards Nick and Shiron a bit more.

Shiron’s heard that with wide eyes widened after the pair’s exchange. There were kings and queens in this world? Neat. Though, that raised the question of where they were from and why they left the kingdom. [ ]

Nick scoffed. “I ain’t bowin’ for anyone, lady,” Nick scoffed. “If it weren’t for us, you’d be at the bottom of the sea by now!”

[ ]

“Take it easy, Liz!” Terry frowned, slapping his tail on the bed. “...Look, I don’t want to talk about being a prince. I don’t want anything to do with it.”

[ ]

“Sir. They do not need to know what we are doing here.”

You know the drill here from prior spots that I’ve highlighted in similar fashion. Take a little bit to slow down and describe the characters’ reactions a bit more.

“Well, I should be the one to decide that!” He sighed, looking down at the blanket. “I’m sorry for her. Liz’s… uptight. She was raised this way. We’re here because I wanted to run away. The life of a prince isn’t what I want for me.”

… How on earth did Terry talk Liz into accompanying him with his brilliant runaway plan given that she’s deadset on him keeping all the trappings of being a prince? :copyka:

[ ]

“You don’t want it?” Shiron asked, looking directly at Terry. The Marshtomp’s eyes sparkled.

“Terrence believes we are all equal.” Elizabeth explained. “He wanted to forge his own path in the world, away from the pressure and responsibility that his heritage entitles.”

Terry smiled sheepishly. “I’ve heard this town was a dump. No offense.”

Nick: “Oi! It’s not a dump! It’s just a little humble, that’s all!”

“None taken,” Nick chuckled. “Can’t say I disagree.”

Whelp, wasn’t expecting that one. Though I wonder if we’ll get to see more about what makes Thornwell more “dump”-y in future chapters, since admittedly, up to this point I got more of a vibe that it was a backwater, but otherwise a nice place to be in.

Terry nodded, managing to smile. “That’s why we chose to come here all the way from Cydonia.”

[ ]

“You came all the way from there?!” Nick was left dumbstruck by what he said, and gulped. “All because of what you wanted to do with your life?”

I have no clue what Cydonia is, but judging from Nick’s reaction… must be something big. Shiron thought, scratching his chin.

Probably makes sense to describe more of Nick’s shock here more explicitly. Especially since Shiron makes reference to “Nick’s reaction”, but we don’t get to see a whole lot of it.

Liz glared at the duo. “I am orde—asking you to stop with the questions for now. Terrence and I are very exhausted. And we need to stay here for a while, at least.”

[ ]

“Oh, right.” Terry yawned. “Hm, normally I’d love to stay and chat, but she’s right.”

[ ]

“We’ll come here tomorrow, then!” Nick replied, turning around to exit. “C’mon, Shiron! We gotta go home, and I need to ask you something when we get there!”

With no other choice but to comply, Shiron left with him. [ ]

The first two bits in brackets here feel like parts that should be expanded a bit more with description, while the ending note feels like it’d work better with more commentary from Shiron about what on earth he just stumbled across or something like that.

As they walked towards the hill once more, Shiron remained in silence. At least he was getting some rest; the day had been very hectic after all. And Nick also wanted to ask him something.

Like all the times when he was asked to come and talk alone with his parents, Shiron got nervous. He wasn’t sweating, but his gills were drooping, as was his fin. He hadn’t done anything wrong, had he?

Don’t think so. Maybe I should just get along with it.

Wait, but what is making Shiron nervous right now that he might be in trouble? I wonder if we’re missing a step as to what’s giving him this present assumption, since you’d think that “oh, Nick wants to ask me a question” on its own wouldn’t move the needle unless if Shiron’s used to that leading to uncomfortable places or something like that.

“Hey, Shiron.” Nick stopped in his tracks, looking at him. The rain fell from above him, and he let the water touch his fur.

Oh shit, he wants to talk now? I’m screwed!


Yeah, it might make sense to communicate more about what Shiron expects Nick to want to talk about or something, since I’m admittedly not sure what about this is making him so hesitant or uncomfortable at the moment.

“You’re a stranger in a brave new world. You lost your memory, and don’t know anyone here. But… I think I can consider you a friend.”

[ ]

“T-Thanks, you too. You’re my friend.”

A little surprised that we’re not seeing more of Shiron displaying some sense of relief that he’s not in trouble or something like that right about now. Since he was really wound up earlier, and you’d think that this would help calm him down a bit.

“What Terrence said about the town is true. It’s a dump.” Nick added, chuckling.

“I mean… it’s not what I expected, but it still looks good?”

Nick raised one of his hands in the air and focused, his feelers twitching. His paw glowed with energy.

“I’m terrible at using aura unless I’m really focusing on it,” as if to prove his point, the glow dissipated. “But that’s not what I’m here to talk about.”


“Then what is it? You’re kinda stretching things out.”

[ ]

“Considering all that happened today, I’ve decided… I’m going to make my own team of heroes. Heroes that try to save others and go on adventures.”

Thus the title of this fic, I see. Though I wonder how heavy or not things will get later on given that I’ve heard that LoF winds up going places later on in its run.

Nick approached Shiron, smiling even more. “I guess what I mean is… Shiron, will you join my team?”

[ ]


Whelp, so much for Shiron needing to worry about finding a job. Looks like he had one just dropped into his lap right here.

Alright, it took a little while longer than I’d hoped to make it to the end of this chapter, but I suppose it’s about time that I gathered my thoughts:

The characterization was the main highlight for me in this story, with all of the characters that this chapter deals with both being pretty fun to see play out and feeling pretty distinct from each other. Especially Terry and Liz. You did a pretty good job at selling the sense that the pair hailed from a radically different world from Nick, Shiron, and Audrey, and it’s got me looking forward to what their dynamic will be when the two wind up inevitably colliding with their more “commoner” counterparts around them. I also thought that things were moving along plot along nicely. I actually wasn’t fully expecting Terry and Liz to wind up already showing up to Thornwell, so that was a nice surprise, and ending on a note of Shiron being offered to join Nick’s team also holds the promise of getting right into adventure in pretty short order.

That said, I also had a number of criticisms about this chapter, which I thought had a lot of room for further polish, as I’m sure that you gathered from above. There’s some awkward phrasing here and there. I’m aware that English is not your L1 language, so I’m not sure how helpful it’d be of me to suggest doing an aloud readthrough on your own, but I do think that having someone do it at some point to try and ferret out some iffier phrasings would help smooth out a lot of issues I spotted while reading. You also had a bit of a recurring trend of abrupt scene endings. I’m not fully sure why that is, but it was something that I noticed happen on a recurring basis in this chapter.

The big structural issue that I saw was that you need more description in general. There are a number of parts where it feels like certain actions or reactions are assumed but not clearly depicted for readers. I also noticed that you had a tendency to hold back some bigger details until weirdly late in the story. As a general rule of thumb, descriptions tend to work better when they’re frontloaded such that you don’t have to describe them later on. But fortunately, for the most part, these tweaks would be additive fixes assuming that you didn’t just opt to leave things as they are and keep pressing forward.

Sorry if the review was a bit more critical than what you’re used to @Navar , but even if I thought that things were a bit unpolished, I did like this story. I suppose that’s a sign for me to get back to helping you iron out those earlier chapters of LoF sometime soon, since even if I had my share of quibbles here and there, there’s a genuine charm to this story that makes me curious how you reflect it in your other writings.
Chapter 20 - Same Old Story


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 20 - Same Old Story

An endless road, but I know that you're strong and bold

Somewhere out there waiting for me with a smile that shines like gold

There you will

Nick took some time to himself. In particular, about private matters that meant he couldn't bring his friends over. Not that he was willingly isolating himself from his friends, no. This was about his family, and about a trip to a place only he should be going to. Despite knowing this, Nick still found his breath to be heavy when confronted by…

"Hey mom, hey dad."

Before him stood two graves made of solid stone, mirroring the countless others in the town's graveyard. Nick looked towards the sky, where ominous clouds cast shadows over the scene. He even felt a few drops of rain falling down on him.

"...Hah. Of course it rains when I'm here," the Riolu muttered under his breath, his words faint. "...Whatever."

Numerous thoughts swirled within him, onesNick found hard to express . He rubbed one of his arms, right where his band was located, a heavy sigh escaping his throat. Saying the right words had always been a struggle, especially when it came to them—his parents.

Harvey and Mia. Those were the names inscribed on the tombstones. Nick looked at them again, mustering the courage to speak. However, when he opened his mouth, all that came out was a faint whisper.

"...I miss you two."

What was a good place to start talking with them? Nick looked up again, hearing thunder and more raindrops. Oh, of course! He could start with the old fashioned icebreaker. "...Y'know, mom, dad, it's been really hot in here for days. Seems that's finally over."

Of course, there was no response. Nick wasn't talking to himself, though. He knew his parents were there, watching over him in spirit.

"Things have been… I think they've been alright," he said with another sigh. He had just started talking, yet his heart had gotten heavier than ever. "I finally made it! I created a team! Now, you won't believe this, but it's all thanks to—"

Before he could continue, Nick looked around to check something. Like he thought, he was the only one around in the graveyard.

"...Anyway, it's thanks to a human. I found one! He was drowning, and I saved him."

It was nice to have friends. Nick's thoughts wandered to them again, before he focused on someone else.

"Oh! Audrey and I are fine, too. She kinda gave me a hard time, all 'cause I was tryin' too hard to learn Force Palm." Remembering that little incident made him flinch, fur fuzzing up while his tail perked. "...Urgh. I still don't know how to use it, but I'll get the hang of it eventually!"

Those words were as much of a reassurance to him as they were to his parents. Nick put on a smile, realizing he could keep talking about her.

"Oh, Audrey's the best! She made me these goggles, which… I don't go out into deserts, but they look nice on me! I just had to ask her once, and she built them! Maybe I should ask her to teach me this kinda stuff."

What else could he say? "Oh, oh! She stood by my side when I was in the hospital. I realize now that I was bein' stupid with the training. I'll do better now."

By this point the storm had started, with rain pouring down over the town. Nick's fur was becoming soaked from the rain, but he stayed there. He still wanted to tell them a few more things.

"We formed a team. Me, my human friend, and two royals. Well, one's a royal and the other's his bodyguard." Nick shrugged. "But you get the point, don't you?"

Nothing. Nick chuckled. "Fine, fine. I guess it's not that impressive, not when you two are great heroes. I'm just… trying to live up to that. I want to be a hero too. Just… just like you."

He took a deep breath, feeling every bit of rain that was falling on him. It wasn't annoying or anything. "We also met this strange Pokémon. His name's Zero, and he's… I dunno, honestly. I don't think he's a bad guy or anything, but I wanna learn more."

Nick crossed his arms, trying to show off how serious he sounded. "There's more to him. We saw these Crack thingies. I'm not sure how they work, other than they seem to appear near leylines. I think something's brewing, and I wanna know about it."

Surprisingly, Nick was relaxed after saying all that. He took a deep breath, feeling the smell of rain. "Hah. That was nice, wasn't it? Gramps left for work a while ago. I'm a little worried, but I think he's alright."

Thunder echoed in the distance, loud enough to deafen footsteps. Nick didn't even realize someone was around until lightning struck and he was able to see a shadow reflected in the grave. He glanced to see a familiar-looking Pangoro.

"Gramps! You're back!"

"I am." Rowan looked down, both at Nick and at the tombstones. "I didn't find you in the house, so I figured this was the next best place. It's that day of the year, isn't it?"

Nick frowned, his ears drooping. "...It is. I was just done talking to them."

"I see." Rowan sighed. "I need a few minutes myself. Then, we'll go home."

"Ah, I guess… I guess that's okay." Nick rubbed an arm, turning around to walk off.

After he passed by Rowan, the Pangoro cleared his throat, getting Nick's attention.

"Once we get back… I have something to tell you, it's about your parents. And their colleague."

Nick's heart sank from hearing it, but he didn't say anything. It wasn't the time for that.

Once they got back home, Nick immediately shook the water off his fur. Secondly, he took a peek in the living room.


"He left." Rowan closed the door behind him. "I think he's in that Quilladin's house, that baker friend of yours. What's his name…"

"He's in Magnus' house? Wow, I didn't think they were at that base already…" Nick muttered, managing a faint chuckle.

"...Don't gossip about your friend." Rowan rolled his eyes, before passing by Nick. "Come on, I'll make you dinner. What would you like?"

Just then, Nick's stomach grumbled. "I… I think I might like your mac and cheese. Simple, but good."

The Pangoro sighed, guiding his grandson into the kitchen. Rowan began rummaging through drawers, gathering materials, while Nick settled down into a chair.

"It's something important, right? Serious, too." Nick's voice trembled slightly, while his ears drooped in anticipation. Conversations like this with his grandpa usually meant he'd messed up somehow.

But, this time, it seemed different, considering it involved his parents. So Nick was more curious than nervous about it.

"Yes, something so important and serious that we're discussing it over a bowl of mac and cheese, of all things," Rowan replied with a hint of a grumble, like he was being sarcastic.

Or at least, Nick thought. Sometimes it was hard to read him. No, most of the time. Nick really didn't get what his grandpa meant during so many of their conversations…

Rowan set about preparing the food, separating a pot and filling it with water, letting it boil over. His movements were a tad methodical, while his exterior seemed to be focused on the task at hand. On the inside, however, he was mulling it over how to approach Nick about this chat.

"C'mon, the suspense is killing me!" Nick suddenly blurted out, knowing it was loud enough for Rowan to hear.

"...Sorry, kid." Rowan sighed, watching the water before he sat down. "I suppose we can talk about it while the water boils."

"What's this about? I mean, my parents…" Nick looked at the table. He wasn't stupid or anything; there were some theories in his mind about what it could mean.

Maybe they were alive, just in hiding. Maybe Nick was adopted, or… or something else. He didn't really have any more ideas.

"I was away because I wanted to check on their colleague, because…" Rowan sighed. "Nick, I'm going to be very blunt with you, alright? You do remember their teammate Fawkes, right?"

Nick had an idea now, one that he didn't really like. "Sneasler Fawkes… I remember a little about him. That mom gave him a second chance, despite him being involved with awful Pokémon before."

"That's him. Mia was… always a kind soul. We both know that. Which is why—"

No, no, the idea in Nick's mind was growing stronger. "...You said it was an accident, that Fawkes barely escaped with his life."

"And he did," Rowan closed his eyes, arms crossed. "I think you understand what it is now, right?"

Nick bit a lip so hard it was drawing blood. "He killed them?! Their own teammate!"

Though the Pangoro didn't reply, his somber expression confirmed what Nick said. And Nick stopped, looking down. All his life, he thought they were part of a freak accident, but—

"I know what you're wondering…" Rowan opened his eyes again, glancing to the side to check the water. "You were young. I didn't know if you could handle it."

Nick let that sink in for a moment. There was a part of him that wanted to complain about this, because he did get a life-altering secret thrown at him. But… Rowan wasn't stupid. All things considered, Nick should've suspected it earlier. He just… didn't."

"...I'm not dumb. I know that you had your reasons. I'm just upset I didn't figure it out earlier." Nick closed a fist. But despite getting an answer, he still had another question. "Then, where is he?"

"Arrested, far away from you." Rowan said… only for him to look somber again. "At least, he was. I got a tip that he broke free, so I traveled to the prison to check it, and—"

"He's escaped?!" Nick practically jumped out of the chair, looking at his grandpa with widened eyes. "What do you mean he's out?! That—that monster! We gotta fix this!"

"I'm afraid he might be coming back for revenge, Nicholas," Rowan said, and as always, Nick thought the tone was… very harsh. "Which is why we'll be extra careful, alright? I know that you want revenge, but—"

"He killed my parents! How could I not want revenge?!" Nick snarled, claws popping out of his fingers. However, they retracted. "...But fine, I get it. We can't rush into things. Do you know where he is now?"

"I'm not sure, but I've heard rumors he was making his way here. A lot of letters describing his journey. Last I heard, he was in Bright Dawn. Not so far away…" Rowan stood up, moving to the stove. "Relax, if he's here, I'll handle him myself."

Nick didn't exactly find that to be comforting, no matter how much Rowan painted it as such. But… it was better than nothing. Plus, eating would make him feel better… probably.

He could handle these kinds of news. Nick was mature enough for that. At least, he thought he was. I can't… I can't really show him how I'm really affected by this. Gotta… I gotta try to keep calm. As long as Gramps is around.

Despite it being the middle of the night, Audrey still had to take care of the shop. Considering most of her clients were tourists, it was rare for someone to show up at this time. But still, her family insisted she should be there. Because of course they did! As annoying as it was, at least she was getting paid for it.

Which was why she found it strange when the bell on top of the door rang, and even more when she jumped off the counter to greet the client. A Sneasler, soaked up due to the rain, rubbing his nose with a finger before sneezing.

"Uh, welcome!" Audrey did her best to greet him, raising her head to meet his. "It's a little late, whatcha doin' here? I mean, apart from… not getting wet."

"S-Sorry, It's a storm outside, I didn't want to stay there for much longer…" he forced a smile, rubbing his arm. "I don't suppose you could give me shelter until it stops?"

"Well, this ain't a charity, but…" Audrey puffed up her chest. "Sure! It's the right thing to do, and all that jazz."

"Thank you, miss…"

"Audrey," she replied, jumping on the counter again. "This store has many accessories for explorers, rescuers, detectives and all the like. Feel free to look, since you're already here."

She had just noticed the bag on Sneasler's back, a smirk creeping up on her face. "I mean, I'm assuming you're one of that bunch."

"Maybe, maybe not…" he smiled in return. "I'd just like some water, if that's okay."

"Some water…? Well, I guess you're officially my most boring customer." Audrey rolled her eyes, looking at the back door. "I'll grab some, stay here."

The Sneasler crossed his eyes, seeing her leave, before grinning and taking a look at his claws. All of them were dripping with poison, and with just a single, precise strike… he could knock her out.

How lucky was I that someone managed to bail me out? Heheheh.

This was easy. Fawkes cracked his knuckles, checking out his surroundings. He'd need to hide before attacking her.

Need the element of surprise… and measure the amount of poison…

Fawkes cracked his neck next, looking up. Right, the ceiling! He could hang there for enough time to strike her. His grin grew wider, and he quickly jumped, using his claws to fixate himself in there.

Can't risk her casting any funny illusions on me either.

The next step was, well, wait for her. It took a while, but the door eventually opened, and out of it came Audrey, biting into the cup while she walked to the middle of the room.

As expected, the Zorua was confused. "What the…? Where is he? Did he leave in the middle of a storm?!"

Audrey ran towards the exit, dropping the cup in the process. She got on her hind legs, lifting herself to peek through the window. There was just a lot of rain.

"Did… did he leave—"

Something fell on the top of her head. Something that smelled nasty and that rolled down towards her nose. It was vile and toxic, she found out. Audrey groaned, looking up.

But there was nothing around. Unbeknownst to her, Fawkes had already dropped, kneeling behind her and raising one of his claws, coating it with poison. As much as he could reasonably inject without endangering her life.


Unfortunately, Audrey was too late. Fawkes sunk his claws into her back, and she screamed the second it hit her, opening her mouth to gasp. With such an intense dosage, she felt her body go numb and limp, forcing her to fall.

"Yo." Fawkes stood up again, stretching his arms. "Don't worry about it, it's just making you drowsy. Nothing personal, kid, but I gotta deal with that boyfriend of yours."

"W-Who are you?!" Audrey screamed, but even that was taking a good effort.

"Hm, Fawkes. Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill ya," he shrugged. "...Not unless your boyfriend pisses me off. But anyway, I gotta deal with the others, so be a good girl and follow me…"

He picked her up, holding Audrey in an arm. She cried out, trying to move. Despite this, her body failed him, the poison inside already doing its job. Fawkes just ignored her—it wasn't like she could escape his grip.

Nick had finished his bowl, staring at what remained of the cheese. He could still hear a lot of thunder outside, making one of his ears perk up. In reality he was trying to figure out if there were any strange noises, like, say, a Sneasler he wanted to deal with.

"You're worried about him." Rowan said. He knew he was stating the obvious, but with Nick, it was usually what worked.

"...Yeah, of course I am. Do you think he knows a lot about us? I mean, me and my friends."

"You're not exactly a popular figure, but knowing him, he probably did some research on you already." Rowan raised a brow. "...We should check on them."

Nick barely let Rowan finish talking before he stood up. "Oh, I thought you'd never say that! Rain or not, I don't wanna risk anything!"

"You're smarter than your dad." Rowan had a small chuckle forming over his mouth. "Did I ever tell you the list I gave him when Mia introduced me to him?"

"Gramps, you scare me sometimes." Nick blinked. Well, that wasn't exactly the kind of information he wanted to know. Whatever. "So, we go out to search for him? I can't exactly use my nose when it's raining, and… too many Pokémon for me to sense their aura."

"This isn't that big of a town. If we need to find him, we'll find him." Rowan almost sounded reassuring, which made Nick feel more confident about this. "...I'm not letting him have his way with you. Not on my watch."

"Noted." Nick turned around, leaving with his grandpa.

It was all fine when they left the house—even if they did hear a thunderclap that was louder than the others. However, that same noise was able to mask Fawkes when he dropped from the ceiling, already seeing they were far away from the entrance to notice him.

Well, I almost wanted to surprise them, but I'm supposed to look inside.

Easy enough for him. Plus, all Fawkes needed to do was check if there really was a human living in that house. He grumbled, opening the door and letting himself in.

"Alright… that Zorua is in a safe spot, neutralized too. Just need to see if I can find any evidence…" Fawkes rolled his eyes. "A human! That stuff from legends! Did they seriously expect me to fall for that crap?"

Granted, they did pay him. Fawkes almost didn't like that—being an explorer and reduced to a common mercenary, all because of those two. Oh, his teeth dripped with poison while he thought about them.

Fawkes eventually climbed the stairs, being met with multiple doors. There was no point in checking out Rowan's room, so he went for Nick's instead.

"...What a mess. Teenagers…" he muttered, inspecting the bed. Nothing out of the ordinary, and neither was the mattress on the floor. It did smell like the sea, for some reason.

Oh, right, the mattress on the floor. Considering there was a bed already, it told him someone else used that room.

"...Right, there's supposedly a Marshtomp living here." Fawkes knew that this particular kind of Pokémon didn't usually live there, so that was… a point for the human theory, even if it still sounded like a stretch. "But how am I supposed to find human evidence?! I don't know what they look like, damn it!"

It felt like a waste of time, because no matter how much Fawkes messed around with the drawers, the closet and… everything else in the room, he didn't find any evidence of humans. Just teenagers having a messy room.

Eventually, he stopped in front of a picture, sitting on top of a desk. Fawkes looked at it, his eyes going wide. As it turned out, it was a picture of his former colleagues and teammates, Mia and Harvey. An Obstagoon and a Lucario, hugging, while the Lucario held a baby Riolu in her arms.

"Heh. Guess I got the short end of the stick, right, Mia, Harvey?"

Compared to them, Fawkes' life had been nothing but a mess. He screwed up so many chances that, the last time, he ended up killing them. And that was something he could never take back.

It felt like both were looking at him, something that Fawkes snarled at.

"Don't look at me like that. I had no choice! It was that or they killed me!"

Nothing. He snarled, before punching the photo, sending it crashing against the wall and shattering the glass inside. Fawkes sighed, looking at himself.

"...This is pointless. I might as well confront that damn mutt directly about humans. And to do that… I need to set the stage."

That involved grabbing a few more of those pesky teenagers.

Terry was staying inside during the storm. Not only did he not want to soak his cloak, he also had quite a few books to read, so there was little reason for him to leave.

Naturally, Liz remained there with him, watching the windows. "Hm, I was not expecting a storm today."

"Maybe it got so hot that it ended up raining?" Terry sipped a cup of tea. If there was anything he managed to learn back home, it was how to brew proper tea.

"...I see." Liz moved out of the window, but before she did, she managed to see a shadow in the distance, near a tree. It disappeared just as quickly. "Terry, there is someone here."

"Wait, are you sure, or—"

"I am fairly sure!" Liz moved towards the door, frowning. "I saw a shadow, and it disappeared. Someone is watching us."

"That isn't…" he put the book down, grumbling. Liz could be paranoid sometimes, but with how serious she sounded, Terry thought best to trust her. "Fine! Did you get a good look?!"

"Not with a storm this big!" Liz glanced at the windows, trying to predict where their mysterious assailant would appear from.

The windows were a good option, and just as she thought about them, both sets shattered, a five-pointed projectile flying through both. As a result, the howling winds from outside entered, along with a few drops of rain.

"Agh! Terry!"

"I know, I know!" The prince snarled, baring his fangs.

He was too slow. A blur moved past him, striking the Tyrunt with a singular claw that was infected with poison, and soon enough Terry felt it enter his system, falling down.

On the other hand, Liz was quick enough to sprout vines in order to restrain Terry's attacker. It was… a Sneasler?

"Terry!" Liz cried out before she brought her attention over to the assailant. "You! You poisoned him!"

"Tch, I did something stupid and ruined my element of surprise—"

The vines surrounding him grew tighter, which made Fawkes wince. "Take it easy! He's not dying, he's just gonna be quiet for a little while! Lighten up, this is supposed to be fun! At least, it is for me!"

"Me?! Take it easy?! You clearly do not know me!" Liz wanted to choke him then and there, but even she knew better. She had to get information first.

"Urgh…" Terry tried to move, but as he found out, his body was in no condition for that. "H-How much poison was that…?"

"Enough." Fawkes winked at him, looking back at Liz. "Look, I just need you two, I don't have any problems with you, but I gotta get that mutt's attention somehow."

"Mutt…?" Liz blinked. "You mean Nick?!"

"Not that dumb, huh?"

"S-Shut up!" Terry hissed, putting as much effort as he could to stand, despite how drowsy he felt. He immediately fell back down, groaning. "I don't know who you are, but my friends are out of question!"

"I—I'm sorry, you think you and her are controlling this situation?!" He grinned, flashing his claws and slashing at the vines covering his body, cutting through them like they were made of paper. Then, Fawkes looked at Liz again. "Well, I think it'd be boring if none of you showed any kind of resistance… so, by all means, do try it!"

"You know poison will not work on me." Liz rolled her eyes, retreating some of the vines. "I have not had the time to practice this maneuver yet."

Her vines began to shift, turning pointed and sharp; like blades. Liz jumped, trying to hit her opponent with the swords. However, Fawkes was more agile than he seemed to be, dodging her attacks again and again.

"Bravo, bravo! You're a feisty little girl! You're trying to beat me, but that's not really working, is it?!"

Wind gathered in one of Fawkes' claws, and he quickly swung it while Liz was trying to attack—it struck her, and the cut was enough to send her back…

Only for Liz to sink her vines on the ground, preventing her from moving back further.

"I am not a frail girl." The Roselia held her head up as she stood her ground. "You would be wise not to test me."

"True! But then again, I'm not the smartest guy around." Fawkes used this moment to grab something in his bag. "I know I can't poison you."

Liz lowered her head, then raised it, pulling the vines so she would be propelled forwards, her own flowers coated in poison. Even if it wouldn't be effective, she had to try.

This time, the attack hit. Or rather, Fawkes let her hit him, brushing the poison off as a simple tickle—the impact, on the other hand, was a tad rough, making him groan.

Despite this, he was still standing. "Well, well, well… I may not be smart, but you made the wrong decision here."

Liz looked down just in time to see Fawkes launching a seed in her stomach—a Stun Seed, which burst open and released its contents down on her, forcing her to fall down.

"Well, that was easier than I thought." Fawkes clapped his hands together, showing a toothy grin. "Now, now, where do I take you… oh, I know where!"

Two down, two more to go.

"We aren't finding anything."

Nick was in the middle of the town with his grandpa, and the two were looking around. "Did he live here or anything?"

"For most of his life, yes. At least, as far as I know." Rowan grumbled. "I think I see what you mean. You think he knows where to hide."

"Pretty sure he does, yeah." Nick crossed his arms. Where could they even look? "I… I think I wanna warn the others. Check on Shiron and Audrey. Can you—"

"I'll look at your base. We'll meet here once we're done, alright?"

Nick nodded. "Aye! Gramps, please…"

"...You be careful too, Nick."

"I guess he's not that good with words," Nick sighed, glancing around. The bakery was close by, he just needed to… get there.

And once he arrived, Nick knocked on the door so many times that his paws were left aching. It took a little while, but he heard someone coming over.

Magnus opened the door. "I'm sorry, we're closed—oh, Nick! It's a little late, don't you think?"

"Uh… I guess, but that's not really the point right now! Where's Shiron?! We kinda have an urgent mission—"

"Here, here!" Shiron hurried to the door, standing next to Magnus. "What's wrong, man?"

All through the day, Nick was taking things easy. Even with the news about Fawkes, about what he did… he tried not to show any kind of reaction to it. Not in front of his grandpa, anyway.

But it was hard to keep all that bottled up. Nick's legs were trembling, and he was gasping for air, clutching his chest. Even his vision was blurry, only barely able to make out the shapes of his friends.

"I… I need…" Nick groaned, trying to force the words out. "N-Need, need…"

Shiron glanced at Magnus, who moved out of the way. "Need my help, right?"

"Murderer… is getting here, might be here already…"

"...Oh. Oh, that's—" Shiron bit his lip. "Yeah, let's go! What are friends for?!"

"I dunno what this is about, but…" Magnus sighed. "Good luck, you two."

"Right, yeah. Thanks, Magnus!" Shiron clutched his scarf, focusing all his attention on Nick, even as the Quilladin closed his door. "So, first, let's take a deep breath, alright?"

Nick nodded, trying to relax. In and out, like Shiron said. His senses slowly returned, but his voice was still a bit faint. "Gramps said… my parents didn't die in an accident."

"Really?" Shiron blinked. He didn't even know about that, but… well, it wasn't the time to start asking questions. "Alright, so what's the plan? What do we need to do?"

"He might be here already, so… I wanted to check on you. You and Audrey. Gramps is handling the HQ."

"Well, sounds like I'm accounted for, at least." Shiron frowned. Was… being there for Nick enough? He never had that many friends to really know if this was good for him or not.

"You are, yeah. Now I wanna see if Audrey is still there." Nick put his goggles on, showing his fangs off. "I don't have a good feeling about this, but I'd rather confirm it with a friend that I can trust."

He trusts me?! Shiron nodded, rubbing the back of his head. "Uh, okay then! Let's go!"

But Nick was already running, meaning Shiron had to keep up with his friend. They ran through the rain, until Nick stopped in front of the building.

Already, he could tell something was wrong, since the door was open. "She… Audrey always locks it when leaving! She wouldn't just forget about it!"

"I-I… I get it." Shiron gulped. He stepped forward, taking a peek inside. "Nick, I—"


No response, and Nick entered the building after his friend. Of all the times he wished his instincts were wrong, this was by far the worst. He thought something was wrong, but… but she wasn't there. Nobody was there.

"D-Damn it." Nick fell to his knees, clenching both of his fists. As much as he tried to hold them back, his tears just kept rolling out of his eyes. "Damn it, damn it! I didn't ask for this! I didn't—he's going to pay!"

"H-Hey, Nick…" Shiron figured out that this was above his area of expertise, but even so, he couldn't let his friend handle it alone. "We're gonna find her, alright? It's not all lost yet. I… I'm here for you."

"Find her…" he groaned. Was it that easy to calm down, to focus on the task at hand? Nick didn't know. He didn't want to know.

In fact, figuring out what to do would be impossible… if Shiron wasn't around to help him. Nick didn't exactly know why he was still crying, but Shiron being next to him made that such an easy task that he appreciated it, even if he didn't quite get what he was feeling.

"Look, I've… I've had my fair share of breakdowns." Shiron muttered. At the very least, empathizing with Nick felt like it'd help him out. "And they pass. They might not look like they'll pass, but they all do in the end."

"...We're gonna have a talk about this in the future." Nick inhaled, then let out a long sigh, slowly standing up. It all happened so fast Nick wasn't even sure how he was keeping it together. "You're right. We will find her."

…I can't believe I was actually able to help him. How?! Shiron sighed in relief after his friend. "Alright, what's the plan, then?"

"For starters, meet with Gramps again. But I should probably check what this place has—" Nick sniffed the air, and immediately was struck with a particularly pungent smell coming from the ground. "Ew!"


"Some kinda poison, smells disgusting." Nick groaned, kneeling to take a better look at the ground. Part of the wood was covered in a purple substance, which was giving off that scent. "Right, Gramps said he was a Sneasler. Makes sense, since I think they're part poison-type."

What is a Sneasler? Shiron blinked, keeping the thought to himself. He'd never come across one, but the name made it sound like some kind of Sneasel. "Right."

"Wait, there's more than a few drops here!"

Paying attention to them, Nick almost thought they looked like a trail. It made him curious, and just in case, he traced over, leading him to the counter, where he saw a note. Or, at least, a piece of paper. Considering it also smelled like poison, he made a hunch it was related to Fawkes.

"Let me read this thing…" Nick picked it up, deciding to read it out loud. "'Hey, mutt. If you're the one reading this, congrats! I'm Fawkes, not that you remember me. Some guys bailed me out, and I really don't like leaving loose ends, so unfortunately, I gotta take care of you. But not now. I'm probably waiting at your home, so we can at least meet.'"

"..." the mutt, as Fawkes put it, crushed the paper with his paws, throwing it in the ground. "We're solving this, right?"

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know much about your parents, or about this Fawkes guy, but… I'm here to offer my support."

Nick put his goggles on the top of his head again, sighing. "Mom and dad were kinda like us. Heroes, saving others, helping out. Fawkes was their teammate. Mom wanted to take him in, since he had a rough upbringing, met some bad 'mons here and there…"

"Really?" A frown. "I didn't know your family was that… complicated."

"You don't have the faintest idea." Nick looked down at the note, snarling. "I was too young to know, but Gramps told me there were more than a few incidents where he broke their trust. Eventually…"

"He betrayed them," Shiron blurted out, because he figured that was the gist of it.

"You got it. I thought it was an accident, but… in hindsight, I was stupid. I thought that… there was no way he'd betray them. Maybe believing in him was a dumb call to make. Maybe—"

Out of nowhere, Shiron had enveloped his friend in a hug. A strong one, but not too tight. Nick could leave it if he wanted.

"Hey. I don't think so! Believing in others is great. If you hadn't… I probably would've drowned in the sea."

"I…" Nick was stunned by the hug at first, but he quickly returned the gesture. "...I see your point, but I dunno, somehow I doubt Marshtomp can drown."

"To be fair, I used to be a human." Shiron chuckled, pulling apart from his friend. "Anyway, meeting with your grandpa, right? Where is he?"

"Said he'd be at our HQ, but then he'd meet me in the middle of the city, so… let's go."

More rain, though Shiron didn't really seem to mind it. He found it ironic that it was raining now of all times, considering the entire situation with Nick. As they both walked towards the center, he couldn't help but notice how quiet his friend was acting.

Usually, Nick would be speaking the whole way, but it wasn't happening. Shiron frowned at that, hoping Nick could handle it if things got worse. In any case, Shiron was there to help, however he could.

It didn't take long before they managed to see Rowan standing alone, crossing his arms. The Pangoro looked over at them in the distance, waiting with an unreadable expression.

"Gramps…" Nick muttered as he got closer. "You didn't find them, did you?"

"...No." Rowan said, sighing. He raised a paw to show a wet paper he was holding. "Just this, a note from Fawkes."

"M-Mister Rowan, we found another note in the store. It didn't tell us much, just that—"

"Said Fawkes might be in our house, and that he wants to tie loose ends." Nick then pointed at himself. "I guess that means me."

"Like I said, I'm not letting it happen to you." Rowan huffed, clenching the paper in his paws. "...Your friends weren't there, and I assume Audrey wasn't in the office either?"

"No, s-sir." Shiron replied and clutched his scarf. How useful would he be in this situation? He really didn't want to fight, but if it meant helping Nick…

"I suppose our best move is to go back home, we'll see if he's there…"

"And if he's not?" Shiron raised an arm. He felt asking it was important.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Nick tried to reassure both his friend and himself.

"Good answer," the Pangoro had already started walking. "We need to hurry."

"That's obvious, Gramps!" Nick tapped a foot on the ground, grumbling as he began to follow.

Meanwhile, Shiron was the one keeping quiet. There wasn't much he could do to help in that situation, so he felt keeping quiet was by far the best option he had. Though… he had a bad feeling about this. About the whole situation, like there was more to it than he thought.

Honestly, he just hoped that all of them could handle it.

As they approached the house, Nick put his goggles back on, seeing that the door was open already. Rowan saw this too, moving ahead of his grandson, as well as Shiron.

"I'll go in first."

"But Gramps—"

"I'm going first and that's final." Rowan glared at him, moving through the open door into the house.

For a while, they didn't hear anything coming from inside. Nick flicked his ears, trying to detect any sound he could, despite the constant drops making it harder on him.

"How long should we wait until we check how things are in there?" Shiron asked, but… he had a feeling the answer was to not wait and, instead, jump right in.

It therefore didn't surprise him when Nick didn't respond, rushing off into the house. Sighing, Shiron followed him. Once they entered, they found that Rowan was standing still, looking at the couch. And there, sitting on the couch… was Fawkes.

"Ah, good. I was gettin' tired of waiting for all of you. I mean, minus the Marshtomp."

"R-Rude!" Shiron blurted out without thinking, then grabbed his scarf again.

"Gramps, did he do anything to you…?" Nick raised his head to look at Rowan, expecting anything from him.

"...No." Rowan snarled, but he kept his gaze at Fawkes, not budging an inch. "We were just talking."

"Correction: he wanted to pummel me into the ground, but I gently reminded this old loaf that I'm the only one that knows where the rest of your friends are." Fawkes shrugged, chuckling.

"The rest of—" Nick snarled, his fur suddenly standing on end, while his tail perked up. "You took them! You took Audrey!"

Fawkes just rolled his eyes in response. "Hey, I'm kinda the bad guy here, what did you expect me to do? Have a nice tea party with them?"

"Y-You…" the Riolu took a single step forward, snarling so much he sounded like a feral of his kind.

"Nick, don't! You're doing what he wants you to do!" Rowan pleaded, but it was too late.

With a roar, Nick jumped towards Fawkes, his claws glistening like metal as he tried to slash his opponent. However, the attack was blocked… by Fawkes' own claws.

"Tsc, tsc, tsc. How can you expect to be a hero if this upsets you so much? You gotta be cool, hard-boiled." Fawkes raised a leg, kicking Nick. Considering their difference in height, the kick was enough to hit Nick's whole body, sending him up, then crashing down. "Maybe you're just a scared little boy, going way over his head!"

"W-Wait, Nick!" Shiron pleaded for his friend, trembling. This was… wrong, all kinds of wrong. And he wanted to do something about it.

However, Rowan was the first to make any kind of move, one fist igniting in flames, the other crackling with electricity. Fawkes barely had enough reaction time to dodge one of them. The other attack, though, hit his stomach perfectly, and he screamed out, being thrown straight through the wall, puncturing a hole into it.

"Don't badmouth my grandson." Rowan cracked his knuckles, arms crossed, before he glanced at Shiron. "Kid, take care of him. I'll handle this murderer."

Nick coughed a bit, before he slowly stood up, rubbing some sweat off his face. "That was nothing, Gramps! Plus, it's three against one!"

"Ow, ow… I knew you'd pack one hell of a punch…" Fawkes fell down, groaning and removing a bit of rubble still on his fur. "I'm not here to fight. I mean, I'd love to, but really, I think you're having the wrong read of this situation."

"You're a killer! What kind of read am I supposed to have?!" Nick clenched a fist, and he was very close to drawing blood on his own palm from exerting too much force.

"For starters, figuring out where your friends are." Fawkes licked his lips, grinning. "Because… well, I don't know if they'll be able to stay there for very long, paralyzed and all."

Nick could feel his heart sinking from those words alone. He… didn't want to think what that meant, but if he didn't get that information out of Fawkes…

"You hid them." Rowan huffed again. "Not many places to do that in this town, don't you think?"

So far, Shiron had kept quiet. He was holding back the urge to plant his fist on Fawkes' head, no matter how much he wanted to do that. But… he could at least say something.

"...You're despicable." Shiron said. "And we're not letting you get away with it."

"I can escape whenever I want, y'know? What's stopping me from doing that now?"

Nick snarled again, holding his arm with a paw, aiming at Fawkes. Orange aura had started to gather around his palm. "S-Say that again! I'll take you out here and now!"

"Nah. Higher-ups bailed me out, and now I have a mission. I don't need you alive, Nicholas." He chuckled. "I just need to find the human. That's it. Higher-ups want it."

"Higher-ups?" Rowan raised a brow. "And who would that be? Care to share?"

"Try to take that out of my mouth~" Fawkes showed off his claws again, rushing towards Nick.

This was going to be easy, nice and clean. He'd just need to hit the Riolu and—

Something stopped him. Someone stopped him. Shiron had grabbed the claws, even if they were dripping with poison. Neither Nick nor Rowan even saw him move from his spot.

"You're not hurting my friend." Shiron glanced back. He began to squeeze the claws, ignoring the burning Fawkes' poison was bringing him. "Who are your superiors?!"

"T-Tch, ow, ow, ow! Fine! I'll tell ya!" Fawkes hissed, eyes widening. The pain he felt was bearable, for the most part. "I dunno! A foundation, I think! Told me they were the Anthropos Foundation. Hell if I know who they are!"

Rowan stopped once he heard the name, mental gears grinding.

The name made Shiron's heart skip a beat, because it sounded so… familiar. But there was no time for that. "Nick, this is your chance, do it!"

"Wait, what are you—" Fawkes yelped as Shiron threw him back, towards Nick.

Nick was just as surprised, but he wasn't about to waste this opportunity, trying to aim a Force Palm now that Fawkes was right in front of him. The energy moved through his body, through his arm, all the way to his palm. And then…

…Like before, it blew up on his face. Nick screamed out, falling on the floor, while Fawkes only grinned, landing on his feet. Rowan was on his side, swinging his arm to punch the Sneasler.

What he ended up hitting was something else, a sphere that cracked with his fist, unleashing a blinding light that knocked him back, as well as forcing the others to close their eyes.

When the light was gone… so was Fawkes. Shiron grunted, trying to find his bearing. Unfortunately, the poison kicked in, and he ended up falling to his knees.

"Wait, where is he—" Nick cringed, looking around. "N-No, no! Where's Fawkes?!"

"He used a Luminous Orb…" Rowan rubbed his eyes and groaned. "We lost track of him."

"...Damn it." Nick moved his paws to his head, rubbing that area repeatedly. "What are we supposed to do now?!"

Shiron stopped to think. Even while his hand burnt, he thought. What did Fawkes want? A human… which made things easier, because they happened to have that already.

"He wants a human…" Shiron looked at himself. "And we have one, me!"

Nick's ears flicked. "What?! Are you suggesting using yourself as bait?!"

"You're my friend. Of course I'd do it for you," Shiron said, as he winced at the poison's burn.. "Plus, I'm interested in those bosses of his. That name sounded familiar…"

Rowan closed his eyes. "There isn't just one human here. I… I used to be one."

"Wait, wha—" Nick blinked, pinching his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming or anything. "You're human?! Well, a former human, but still!"

"We'll discuss it later." Rowan added. "There's more important things at stake."

"…He already knew I'm human, right?" Shiron sighed in response.

"It was obvious." Rowan simply shrugged. "In any case, that name was familiar to me as well. Anthropos… is a word intrinsically related to humans. We'll figure that out later."

"Mom and dad—" Shiron shook his head; that wasn't the word he'd use for them both. "...The couple that adopted me made me take classes on ancient languages. I don't remember the name of it, but it's very old. Dead, too. Nobody uses that language anymore. But the name… I recognize it."

"...This sucks." Nick grumbled, crossing his arms. He didn't really get what that name meant, or why those two were making such a big deal out of it.

They simply didn't have the time to wonder about that. Nick himself didn't want to risk their lives, but… what other choice did they have?

A/N: Sorry for the... long-ass delay! I had a shitton of stuff going on in my life that stopped me from writing more of this story. Luckily, I should be able to return to my current pace. In any case, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I also hope I didn't get rusty in all those months, lol.
Chapter 21 - Scion


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 21 - Scion

Be The One Be The One All right!
I don't wanna give it up, fighting for tomorrow
Be The Light Be The Light All right!
Love is strong and it'll always find a way

Rowan worked on putting things back where they were supposed to be after Fawkes left. Adjusting paintings, moving the couch to the center of the room, all that. It didn't take him very long, nor did he need to put in a lot of effort.

"As soon as I'm done here, we'll be leaving. We just need to figure out where he is." Rowan glanced at them. "For the record, I'd advise you two to be careful when we confront him. I don't want to state the obvious, but he uses poison."

"Oh, then this was… kind of a bad idea." Shiron groaned, while Nick put a pink plaster around his arm, right where the Marshtomp touched Fawkes' poison. It smelled a little sweet.

"You're lucky, but you're also crazy. There's ways to fight him without getting poisoned." Nick muttered to his friend, rubbing the rest of the pecha berry paste. "Don't think you'll need to head to the hospital, though."

Shiron sighed, looking to the other side. "...I just didn't like the way he was talking to you. It felt demeaning. And trust me, I know how that feels."

"Uh, thanks?" Nick wasn't sure how to respond, so he tried to change the subject. "Anyway, about you humans. We need to come up with a plan. I don't like to use you or Gramps as bait, but…"

"I've been here for longer." Rowan turned around, arms crossed. "If anyone should be bait, it should be me. That way, we can keep Shiron's secret for a while longer."

Nick sighed, backing off from Shiron to think. I need to know what Fawkes' goal is. Revenge seems right, but… I'm not sure if that's all there is to it. Is there something more? Something for that organization he mentioned? Anthropos?

Obviously, there was also the issue of where the others were taken. Nick assumed it had to be somewhere relevant, but… where?

"This town isn't too big, so I can't see him hiding them in a lot of places—"

"...What?" Shiron blinked. "Nick, you started talking out of nowhere. I'm not following your line of thought."

"He does that sometimes," Rowan admitted, shrugging his arms. "In any case, he's right. Fawkes doesn't have a lot of places to hide. It's likely he'd be staying somewhere meaningful to us."

Nick didn't see how that would help. As far as he knew, they were still starting that investigation. Now, if only there were some smart detectives to help…

"...Well, this house is relevant to me and to you, Gramps. To my parents, too. I think we should start searching around here."

"Once again, you're right, Nick." Rowan pointed at the couch. Specifically, towards a few patches of fur stuck to it. Dark gray fur. "This couch has a lot of fur, since Nick and I both have it."

He paused to look at the other two again. "Now, assuming that Nick did his chores properly and cleaned the couch—"

Nick's fur stood up. "Hey!"

"...As I was saying, if this couch was clean, then this fur can only belong to him."

During that conversation, Shiron realized something that might help them out. He was talking to a Pangoro, but also to a Riolu—a Pokémon similar to the likes of Rockruff and Growlithe, although bipedal. And blue.

"Wait, wait! Nick, can't you use your nose to sniff his scent?! We have his fur!"

"...What?" Nick shook his head. "My sense of smell ain't that great. And considering all the rain, it wouldn't be of much use either."

"...Oh." Shiron felt his face heat up and clutched the scarf to calm down. "S-Sorry. I thought it'd help! I didn't mean to screw up! W-Well, we might still be able to find them—"

"Ahem. Shiron, calm down." Rowan cleared his throat, tracing his arm from the couch to the floor, ending on the stairs. More patches of fur could be seen, extending all the way to the second floor of the house. "We may not be able to track him through scent, but we know where he went."

"Our room!" Shiron blurted out, following the trail of the fur. "But… if that's the case, can't we just follow the fur outside?"

Nick shook his head. "The water might've flushed it out. But anyway, I think we should check our room, just in case."

"You two do that," Rowan added, kneeling to check the couch once more. "I'll try to find more clues. And Nick?"

A groan left the Riolu's mouth as he nodded. "Yes, Gramps. I'm not going to be reckless. I promise you."

Meanwhile, Shiron was already climbing up the stairs, motioning for Nick to follow him.

It didn't take long before they reached the second floor, and then, their room. However, when Nick tried to open the door, it only opened partially.

"Something's blocking it," he grunted, struggling to open the door.

Shiron just shrugged. "I can see that. Hold on."

He approached the door, pushing it with his two hands. Shiron grunted a bit, but the door opened right away, and whatever was holding it fell down with a loud thud.

What they saw inside was a mess. Nick blinked, rubbing his eyes to confirm he wasn't the one that made that. Their beds were broken; splinters of wood spread everywhere. The table was holding back the door, but now it had fallen. His chair was broken too, and the closet was on the floor as well.


Nick let out a sigh that went for a good few seconds. "I don't think Gramps is gonna ground me for this."

"He probably made this a mess so we'd have a hard time finding any clues." Shiron pointed out. "...Or he has anger issues."

"Honestly, I wouldn't doubt he had a hissy fit. I think it suits him." Nick grumbled, grabbing some of the splinters. He turned back towards the door, throwing the wood out of his room. "I doubt this is gonna help us, so…"

"R-Right." Shiron sighed. He lifted the bed, looking underneath it, but all he found were empty soda cans. "Nick, you really need to be more organized."

"I was gonna! But this isn't the time to complain about my habits!" Nick opened the drawers, checking each one, but they just had books. "Tch, I don't think there's anything here."

"Well, when you're that messy, it's hard to find something—"

"Not the time, Shiron!" Nick protested, moving to the closet. "Help me pull this thing up, we're gonna need it."

"I… I'm not the brawns of this team, am I? I mean, I can help, but…" Despite his words, Shiron held the closet with his hands, helping Nick pull it up.

Nick remembered that closet. Or the stories his mom told him about it. "Apparently, this was made by Gramps. And by my dad. Mom said they worked together to build it."

"Huh? That's… cool, I guess." Shiron continued pulling it up.

Once it reached the point where the doors were visible, they slowly began to open.

"H-Hold on, I don't want anything spilling out!"

Shiron put more force into it, trying to lift it as soon as possible. However, the doors opened, spilling out some bags, scarves, hats, but also…

A framed painting. It fell, and the two heard the sound of glass shattering coming from it. Nick's eyes widened, and he pulled the closet again, finally lifting it up.

He didn't waste any time before grabbing the painting in his paws, kneeling in the process. Shiron looked at his friend, seeing that Nick's paws were trembling as he held the painting.

"Nick…? What's wrong?"

"I thought… I thought this was ruined. It's a painting of my parents. We, uh, didn't have money to afford a full picture, so I… we got this painted." Nick sighed in relief, standing up. The tremors in his paws slowed down, until they stopped. "I couldn't let that happen."

…It must be nice, having parents that love you. But I'm not holding that against him. Shiron rubbed one of his arms. "I-I see. I understand you."

Shiron thought about something to ask, but once again, it felt like he was intruding. "Uh… Nick, would you like to talk about your parents? I'd love to hear about them."

"Maybe some other time—"

Nick stopped himself. At the corner of the painting, near the frame, he saw a piece of paper, or at least, the edge of it. White paper, which meant it didn't belong to the painting.

"Something's… here," he took a closer look, grabbing the paper and pulling it out. "A note?"

"What's written onit?"

It took a while for Nick to say anything. Mostly because he was reading, but the contents of the paper were… strange.

"It's… it's a riddle, listen." Nick cleared his throat. "'I have a name that's not mine, and no one cares about me in their prime.'"

Nick stopped to wince, sniffing the paper. Thankfully not enough to be poisoned, but the scent was obvious. "...And this thing smells awful. Fawkes wrote it."

"Is… is this guy joking? What's wrong with him?!" Shiron put both hands in his head, groaning. "Does he get a kick out of seeing us struggle or what?!"

To Shiron's surprise, Nick was actually smiling. "Nah. I mean, maybe he does, but this is an opportunity. We have a fighting chance!"

"...That's surprisingly thoughtful of him. Unless he's playing with us."

Which would fit with what little Shiron knew about Fawkes. Whatever, they had a clue. Although… "Hm, this doesn't seem like a full riddle, what if there's more to it?"

Nick sighed again, putting the painting on his bed. "Yeah, I was just thinking about that. Can't be the whole thing. Fawkes might be sending us to a wild Ducklett chase."

"I thought so, but it's our only shot. We should try it." Shiron grumbled. He wanted to believe that Fawkes was playing fair, but…

"NICK, SHIRON! Come here to the living room!"

Nick's ears twitched. "Gramps is calling us."

"Noted!" Shiron nodded, leaving the room with his friend.

Rowan was holding a sheet of paper in one of his paws, and once Nick saw that, he lifted his arm to show his own paper. At a first glance, they seemed to be identical.

"I see you've found something there."

Nick gulped. "Uh, yes, the room is kinda messy. But in my defense, Fawkes did it!"

"...We'll get there when we get there, Nick." Rowan rolled his eyes. "In any case, this paper doesn't say much. It's a riddle."

"Ours is a riddle too." Shiron added, rubbing his hand on his forehead. "Maybe they're halves? It'd be nice if they were halves."

"Hm… I'll tell you mine." Rowan looked at the paper with a big frown. "People cry at my sight and lie by me all day and night."

"Huh, well, using mine and yours, the complete sentence seems to be…" Nick prepared to speak. "I have a name that's not mine and no one cares about me in their prime. People cry at my sight and lie by me all day and night."

That still didn't tell them much. Shiron didn't figure it out… nor did he have any idea. And from how the others looked puzzled, he figured they didn't know about it either. Either it was a very difficult thing to figure out, or Shiron was just stupid.

He was inclined to believe the second option. "...I don't get it."

"A name that isn't yours…" Nick rubbed the back of his head. "I wonder if it's something about their team? Nobody names their team after themselves, right? And evildoers sure cry when you mention a powerful group's name!"

Shiron thought that made perfect sense, and his eyes sparkled. "You're right! This must be it! A team! But… what does it have to do with you? I don't see how it's relevant."

For a moment, Nick stopped, thinking. Then, he smirked, seemingly having figured it out. "Dude, hold on! We're a team, right? You, me, Liz and Terry! That means he's in our HQ! Don't you agree?"

"Oooooh! You're totally right! Now we just need to come up with a good plan and—"

"You're wrong." Rowan interrupted them, holding his piece of paper. He started to crush it, making the whole thing crumble. "It's not a team. I know what the answer is, and I know where he is, too."

Nick raised a brow at that. "And what's the answer, Gramps?"

"...A name that doesn't belong to you. People are scared of you, and someone lays in you day and night."

There was another pause as Rowan let them sink the information in their heads. A wall of silence stood between the three. Nick processed the information, and with that, he realized what the truth really was.

Until Nick decided to break the silence. "It's a tombstone."

His voice was faint. Nick clenched his fists, gritting his teeth. "He's at the graveyard! I… I can't believe it! It was right in front of us! Why didn't I think of it before?!"

Shiron gulped. Of course, of course it'd be somewhere creepy like that! But that still left their actual plan. How to fight against Fawkes, when he could incapacitate them easily?

"I'll… I'll grab as much pecha as I can find in the town." Shiron blurted out. "You two go there, since Fawkes is lookin' for a human and all…"

"Sounds good to me." Nick put his goggles on, snarling. "Gramps! We're saving all of 'em, right?!"

"I'd much rather fight him myself, but… yes, I do intend to help you save them, so try not to worry."

Not worrying was going to be hard for Nick, given how he acted. However, Rowan was right, which meant Nick would have to try his best to remain relaxed.

Nick looked at his paws. If only he could get the hang of that stupid move, then he'd have a better chance in combat. Every single time he tried, it blew up in his face, literally. As such, Nick decided not to count on that attack, and instead try everything else.

"Well, if that's the case… I'll go ahead." Shiron turned around to face the door, walking that way.

But he returned right away. "Uh, sorry, mister Rowan. I don't wanna see you exposing yourself for me, but…"

"Kid, I've been through worse. I'll be fine. We'll all be fine, alright? Now, go!"

With a gulp, Shiron nodded before walking out of the house. Nick watched his friend leave before glancing at his grandfather.

"We have a pretty good shot at this, don't we?"

"I'd say so, but still, we must be careful, Nick. You don't know what kind of tricks Fawkes has in store for us."

Rowan walked through the road that led to the graveyard along with Nick, huffing. It was still raining, though not as much as before. Naturally, Nick used the journey there as an excuse to think.

Because… Nick didn't know what to do when facing Fawkes. His heart skipped a beat.

I… I'm not a killer. I don't want to do anything like that. Not to Fawkes, not to anyone.

Looking down at his claws made Nick wince. He could kill Fawkes if he tried. There were many ways to do that. And Nick thought that whatever legal consequences he'd face would be easy to handle.

It's not right for me to be an executioner, but I can't let him not suffer any consequences for what he did. Even if he didn't kill them directly, he was responsible.

"You're awfully quiet, Nick."

Nick raised his head as high as he could just to meet his grandpa's gaze. Usually, he'd see a stern gaze, but it wasn't like that. He almost looked… sad. A frown, heavy eyes, ears twitching.

"I'm just thinking. It's normal to think, right?"

"When faced with this situation, I'd say so," the Pangoro replied, moving his head to face forward. "Would you care to tell me what those thoughts are?"

Nick stopped, his body shaking. "I… I wanna know what we're gonna do with him."

And after hearing that, Rowan also stopped his strol, looking down at Nick's eyes. Like himself, the Riolu was frowning, and his tail had drooped fully.

"...You're wondering if we should kill him."

That hit Nick right in the heart, and he groaned. "Yes, and I hate it! I don't want to—but he's… he's responsible! What should we do?! We can't just let him go!"

"...I know what you're feeling, Nick, but we don't have that right. We'll detain him, and once that's settled, he'll be taken to prison."

Nick flinched. Yes, yes, it made sense to send Fawkes to a prison. Kind of. "He got out once. What's stopping him from leaving again?"

"I have some contacts, Nick. I'm sending him to Silvergate."

"...Wha—" Nick gulped. He heard that name before… somewhere. "Isn't that the continent's maximum security prison? And it actually exists?! I thought that was just a myth!"

"A lot of myths have some kind of basis in reality." Rowan nodded, turning around again. "Did that make it easy for you?"

"Well, yeah, I guess…" Nick was unsure of it, to be honest. But it was better than his other options, so he took it.

With that in mind they continued the trek over the road, seeing the entrance to the graveyard; brick walls surrounding the area, with a lychgate in the middle, through which a few tombstones were visible. But not Fawkes.

"He's here. He has to be here!" Nick snarled, his tail suddenly perking up.

"Maybe, maybe not. We're here to check, and if he is here, we'll detain him."

Nick took a deep breath. There was a way of detecting if Fawkes was there or not: his aura sensing. It wouldn't be easy, considering how bad he was at sensing, but… but Audrey was in danger! He had to try.

So he closed his eyes, focusing only on his own breath. Nick couldn't see anything, but he thought about Audrey. About all their times together, on what they accomplished, and all that.

At the same time, he also thought about his friends. Liz, Terry, Shiron, Magnus, Amelia. All of them were important, and all helped him in some way.

Still nothing.

He let out a deep breath, then took another one in. Nick could do this! He could! Audrey believed in him, and so did all of his friends, as well as his grandpa.


…This wasn't working, was it? Nick tried to focus again on Audrey, to find the one that took her. He had to find him! Find all of them! A grunt left him, and he calmed down once again.


Why is this so hard?! It comes so easy to everyone of my kind! Why can't I… why can't I do this?!

Frustrated, Nick tried one final time. He could feel the grass beneath his feet, the raindrops falling over his head, the sounds of the trees' leaves rustling behind him…

Something. A faint signature. He could see it, even with his eyes closed. It looked like an amorphous blob, moving in all directions. And surrounding that blob were three others, though they didn't move nearly as much.

"...They're here. They're all here, Gramps!" Nick opened his eyes, gasping for air and shivering. "W-We gotta save Audrey! S-Save them! All of them!"

Rowan only nodded. "And we will."

Once they entered the cemetery, nothing unusual happened. Nick walked through a bunch of tombstones, following the carved path in the middle so he wouldn't disturb any of them.

It didn't take Nick and Rowan very long until they managed to see a familiar-looking Sneasler in the distance, with crossed arms. Fawkes, in return, glanced at them with a smirk as they approached.

Nick saw something different, though. This time, Fawkes was wearing a tattered red cloak. He didn't stop to get any details about Fawkes before, but now that he paid attention, Nick saw a few scars around the Sneasler, and a bang that covered one of his eyes. There were also a few patches that looked like burnt fur.

"Yo! You guys sure took your sweet time findin' out I was here! I was startin' to get bored! And, well, I don't seem to have much company to pass the time. I haven't unearthed them yet." Fawkes stopped to chuckle at his own joke, before moving his cloak. "Oh, and since I'm here meetin' the son of my teammates… I thought it'd be nice to wear my cloak. As you can see, it had better days."

"That is a lousy attempt at humor, Fawkes." Rowan raised a brow, before sighing. "I know this won't mean anything to you, but let the hostages go. I'd rather not involve them in this."

"Hostages?" Fawkes tilted his head. "I dunno anything about hostages, geezer!"

To that, Nick growled. "Cut the crap, Fawkes! I sensed you, but I also sensed my friends! Where'd you keep them?!"

"Ah… I almost forgot about that dreaded sense of yours, though I heard it ain't as good as mommy's, is it?" Fawkes then pointed at both his right and his left. "Your friends are somewhere around here. I made sure to keep their tombstones nice and safe."

While Fawkes was talking, Nick paid attention to what the Sneasler was wearing. Namely, a backpack. He took a deep breath, preparing himself to jump.

Fawkes shook his head once he realized what Nick planned. "As well as using a nullify looplet to make sure they can't escape… though I can't say they're exactly healthy, poison ain't fun, or so I heard."

"One of them is immune." Rowan pointed out, referring to Liz. "I take it you took different measures."

"Stunning her was fun, I gotta admit." Fawkes shrugged. "...That bein' said, I wanted to see a human, but all I have is a geezer and a teenager. Ain't exactly what I was hoping for."

Nick looked up at his grandpa, and Rowan returned the look, before facing Fawkes again. "You've found him. I'm a human."

"...You're a human, old man?" Fawkes blinked, not sure if he believed it. "Tch, ya gotta be kiddin' me! That dumbass organization wanted one, and I even went to the trouble of settin' up this kidnapping attempt…"

"I'm not interested in that organization, if that's what you mean." Rowan growled. A glance below revealed to him that there was… something on the floor that shimmered slightly, in a purple color, next to Fawkes' claws. Wait, is that what I think it is?

"...Hah. I admit, that wasn't what I had in mind." Fawkes grumbled, kicking a pebble on the ground. "Well, ain't that fun, mutt? Your family is special, but you? You're nothing. Just a scared little mutt, trying desperately to find meaning in his own life."

"S-Shut up!"

"Nick, calm down! He's trying to get into your head!" Rowan alerted, moving forward. He wanted to check what those purple things Fawkes held were, but the rain and the low visibility in the night weren't helping. He had an idea of what they were, because if his memory was correct, Fawkes' species could learn that kind of move.

"Yeah, because that's the only way he's ever gonna do something, ain't it?" Fawkes pointed at Nick with his other arm, grinning. "If you were truly a hero, you'd have stopped me from kidnapping your girlfriend."

Hearing that made Nick's blood boil, and his veins bulged, visible under his fur.

"And… I mean, who knows? You detected a buncha auras, but who's to say one of them is from her? Maybe I killed her and hid the body somewhere~"

That… was all that Nick could take. He roared, branding his claws as they shimmered like metal. His movement was quick, and this time he was actually going to hit Fawkes.

If it weren't for Rowan shoving him out of the way and rushing in Nick's place, before yelping in pain as the objects he saw before made contact with his stomach, sinking in. Spikes, but not any normal kind. Purple spikes, filled with poison.

As it seeped deep in his body, Rowan fell to his knees, groaning. He started to sweat, barely able to keep his eyes open. Meanwhile, Nick grumbled, standing up and finally realizing what happened.


Fawkes whistled, backing off from the two. So far, the first step of his plan was done. "Wow, you're really worthless, huh? All it took was a little teasin' for you to try and hit me. That geezer is wounded because of you."

"S-Shut up!" Nick rushed to his grandpa's side, but then he received a cutting attack on his back, courtesy of Fawkes.

"G-Graah!" Nick fell back down, feeling both the stinging pain of the claws, as well as a bit of poison entering his bloodstream.

"Sheesh, this was almost too easy, y'know?!" Fawkes cracked his knuckles, grinning. "You weren't prepared at all!"

"You would be wise not to underestimate me…" Rowan grunted, standing up. Despite the poison running through his veins, he wasn't prepared to give up just yet. He grabbed all the spikes and tossed them aside, then closed a fist, ice coating it.

"What the hell?! That was enough poison to—"

Rowan didn't wait for Fawkes to finish his sentence before slamming his fist on the Sneasler's face, causing his opponent to grunt as Rowan shoved him down on the floor.

"G-Gramps!" Nick panted, his body shivering from the poison. What was worse was that his vision got blurry and… weird. He saw tombstones broken, everything was foggy, and, and—

"Y-You big, dumb oaf!" Fawkes was down, but he could still strike. Poison emerged from his fur, quickly solidifying into spikes similar to the ones he used before and since Rowan was right on top of him, there was no dodging the attack.

He launched them at his opponent, and Rowan received each one, stumbling and falling on his back. Fawkes, on the other hand, was able to stand normally.

"Damn it. This was supposed to be an easy mission! What the hell is their problem?!"

"G-Gramps!" Nick shouted, barely able to discern what was going on. He did understand that Rowan got attacked.

Nick tried his best to stay up, even though his balance was off and his senses confused. His vision in particular was going through a hard time. He took a few steps forward, trying to approach what he perceived to be Fawkes.

If I can just hold on a little longer, Shiron will get here with the pechas.

Just a little while. Nick panted, trying to aim his claws at Fawkes again, the figure of his opponent wobbling around without any true shape. He swung his arms, but in the end, Nick didn't hit anything.

"Pathetic mutt," Fawkes scoffed, baring his teeth to the Riolu. Just to make himself feel better, he kicked Nick down, forcing him to the ground.

Once his head hit the cold, hard floor, Nick groaned again. Things were getting weird. He was staring at the sky, seeing the clouds and some raindrops. But at the center of it all, the clouds seemed to change their shape, turning into something familiar for him.

"M-Mom, dad…" Nick reached out an arm, trying to grab the clouds.

For a moment, he did, but as he touched them, the image of his parents disappeared, and the clouds turned dark, while the drops became a blood-red color.

"D-Don't leave me here! I'm trying, I'm trying so hard! I want to be a hero! A hero worth your time! P-Please, I can do this!"

Nobody replied, not Fawkes, not his grandpa, no one there. Nick didn't even hear anything anymore, every sound turning silent. Not even his own cries were audible to him.

Yet, he continued to reach his arm out, hoping to grasp someone, a helping hand. Nick needed it… but it got worse. Despite the fact his arm was raised, he couldn't move it. His body didn't listen.

Feeling that, Nick let out a scream, the loudest he could possibly muster. Yet again, no sound came. He was alone, alone in that nightmare. What should he do? What could he do?

"I bet you're not even hearin' me, mutt." Fawkes said, looking at a kneeling Nick. "Your screams are gettin' a bit old, I gotta say. But… I guess it's better than you tryin' to kill me."

"S-Stop this…" Rowan muttered, managing to muster the strength to speak. "Why are you dragging him into this?! What did he ever do to you?!"

"His parents did!" Fawkes snarled, kicking Nick down again and seeing him roll. "And they're dead! So I can't even get my satisfaction!"

"So you're taking it out on a child?!"

"You took… all that poison, and you're not hallucinating." Fawkes blinked, then sighed. "I have to admit, it takes a lotta willpower to pull it off. I'm impressed with ya, old man."

Nick panted again, trying to resist the urge to vomit. He could make out that he was near another tombstone, faintly. Looking at it wasn't helping, but Nick felt the hard stone hitting his head.

"I-I'm sorry… I… I don't know what to do… I failed…"

He couldn't figure out how to go back to normal. The poison wouldn't kill him—Nick knew that much, but those hallucinations felt real. Too real for his taste.

"N-Nick! If you're hearing me, fight it! You can stand up! You can face him!"

"You're one annoying old man, ain't ya?" Fawkes rolled his eyes, turning around, leaping towards Nick, and grabbing him by his neck. "Well, I got the human sedated here, and the object of my rage right in front of me. I think I know what I gotta do now."

"H-Hah… h-hah…" Nick groaned, feeling that arm around his neck. It meant Fawkes was close, even if he couldn't see him. Close enough for an attack, maybe?

It would be a dumb, dangerous idea to pull it off, but they were close. Nick inhaled, breathing in as much air as he could—which wasn't much, considering the hold on his neck. Still, Nick had to try.

Focusing energy from his body to his arm, then to his paw. A few crackles of orange aura appeared between his fingers. Energy built up, coating all of his paw in that same glow. Nick closed his eyes.

He let go of the energy and just like his other attempts with using that move, it blew up on him. Except that this time, Fawkes was caught inthe explosion, and both were blown away in different directions. Nick eventually fell down again, screaming loudly.

But he did it. He was freed from Fawkes' grasp, even if his senses were still weird. Nick didn't know if he could fight in that condition, however, what he did know was that giving up wasn't something he could do.

S-Shiron should be here at any second… I can't see him, so I'm hoping he won't be drawing attention to himself!

"Fuck, that was a nasty blow…" Fawkes stood up, a bit charred from the attack, but not too injured. "Didn't think ya had any more tricks up your sleeve!"

Nick panted. With his senses in such a funk, he resorted to his aura prowess. Closing his eyes, Nick tried to pick up anyone around. This time, it was a bit easier, and he detected almost the same number of auras.

Almost, because there was one more, away from him. Shiron? Is that him?

"Not gonna say anything? Just gonna close your eyes? You really are a failure." Fawkes brandished his claws again, getting ready to attack.

At the same time, Nick sensed the distant aura was approaching, though it stopped every now and again.

"That poison's got ya real good, hasn't it?" Fawkes put his hands on his hips, grinning. "But alas, this is it!"

Nick noticed Fawkes was approaching him—and fast. Luckily, so was the other aura. And even better, the Sneasler didn't notice it either, distracted with his opponent.

At that moment, Shiron hit him. His fist was coated in a spinning cloak of water as he rammed it against Fawkes' stomach, going as deep as he could. In response, Fawkes screamed, before being launched all the way to the back of the graveyard.

"H-Hah. I-I'm sorry I'm late! I—"

"We don't have time for this, Shiron!" Rowan blurted out, still down. "Did you get the berries or not?!"

"S-Sorry, they were almost out of stock! I could only find one, and there's two of you, so I'll just split it in half!"

Rowan's eyes widened, and he groaned. "...The effect won't be strong. Give them all to Nick. I'm counting on you to finish this fight."

"A-Are you two… talking? I can't hear you that well. It's weird..." Nick was surprised by someone—presumably Shiron—shoving something in his mouth.

As soon as the sweet taste hit him, Nick chewed the berry, swallowing it down. "O-Okay, never do that again!"

"S-Sorry, Nick!"

His vision returned, and Nick saw his friend in front of him, confirming his suspicions. The rest of his senses were still returning, but he could see someone approaching from the other side.

"It's fine, I'll just… rest when this is done. Speaking of which, he's coming back."

"Noted!" Shiron clenched both of his fists. "But now what?!"

"Well, that was fuckin' lovely!" Fawkes groaned, rubbing a hand over his stomach, against the wet fur. "I knew I shouldn't have wasted all this time, yet here we are. Man, I'm dumb."

"I need you… I need you to distract him." Nick panted. His vision was still a little blurry, all things considered. But his aura senses were still good. "I'm gonna rescue the others."

"What're you two yappin' about?" Fawkes growled, ready to attack.

But so was Shiron. He touched the ground with a hand, mud gathering around his fist, before launching it like a projectile towards Fawkes. The Sneasler dodged—barely—by ducking under the attack.

Nick ran away during the commotion, which Fawkes noticed. "That damn mutt… I didn't think he'd pull somethin' like this."

He sped up, rushing towards Nick to hit him with a slash. In response, Nick's claws shimmered again, and he clashed against Fawkes'. The two grunted, before Fawkes pulled back.

"Never said I'd let ya save 'em." Fawkes flicked his hand, looking at them both. "And who's this Marshtomp? Last I checked, there wasn't any of 'em here."

"A friend." Shiron closed both of his fists showing them off to make himself look more… capable. "N-Now! I don't wanna fight you, but—"

"You talk like you've got a fightin' chance." Fawkes shrugged, before pointing a claw at Shiron. Beneath his fur, a few more purple spikes appeared, secreted by him. "Now, if you ain't important, I'll just knock ya out right here and now!"

Shiron braced himself, seeing the spikes fired at him. Using the same strategy as before, he grabbed the ground, turning the dirt into mud, before launching the projectiles towards the spikes, neutralizing them.

However, that left him open for an attack. Fawkes closed his hand, leaving one claw exposed, using it to puncture through Shiron right in his stomach, making him scream out, feeling the poison entering his body.

"I–I'm not… I'm not here to fight! J-Just let my friends go!"

"Useless!" Fawkes pulled his arm back, before preparing to puncture Shiron again.

Before he was hit by an attack. It felt like a wave of some sort, rushing through his fur and making Fawkes almost lose his balance.

"Oi!" A light blue wind had formed around Nick's paw, before it dissipated.

"A vacuum… how charming—"

Fawkes saw Nick. And Nick. And Nick again. A bunch of Riolu had encircled him, all carrying that same wind. If he didn't know any better, he'd be scared. Fawkes knew better, though.

"They're just afterimages," he scoffed. "Only one of them is real , and there's an easy way of figuring that out."

Shiron knew he could attack, and he probably should attack. But… Fawkes had turned his back on him, and attacking someone on the back was rude. Even if that someone was a criminal.

Why? Why isn't he paying attention to me? Is he really only focusing on Nick?!

Nick—all of him— aimed the vacuum towards Fawkes. "Well, yeah! But one of my attacks is real! Can you figure out which one it is?!"

And Nick… I lost count of how many afterimages there are. Is he planning on attacking me along with Fawkes? Unless…

Unless none of the attacks were real, and that was just a distraction. Fawkes didn't seem to notice that, but Shiron did.

He gathered water from the rain to coat it in the same "armor" as he did before. Cowardly or not, Shiron was given a chance to strike, and surely Nick was planning something.

"Well, here's how I'll figure it out!" Fawkes produced more spikes—way more than he needed.

Shiron couldn't allow it; he had to attack! With a roar, he punched Fawkes on the back, using all he had to land a strong hit, water armor spinning like a drill around his arm.


The impact hit, making Fawkes squirm, then scream as he was launched face-first on the ground, coughing a bit. Meanwhile, Shiron recoiled, wincing in pain and stepping back.

"M-My arm…" A look at it revealed that there was more poison, though thankfully it didn't enter him.

"Ow, ow, that was annoying…" Fawkes grunted, standing up and catching his breath. "My back hurts, and I'm not even old!"

All of the afterimages had disappeared… Nick included—the real one. Noticing that, Fawkes turned around to look at Shiron.

"Hah, I have to give it to ya, kid. Ya tricked me!" Fawkes licked his lips, baring his fangs at Shiron. "Actually, you and the mutt did. He's probably off to save his friends and girlfriend."

"Yeah?! Well, I'm not letting you stop him!" Shiron shook his arm to let a bit of the poison fall. "I may not defeat you, but I can stall you!"

"Ya have guts, I have to admit." Fawkes shrugged. "But guts alone ain't gonna cut it."

He pointed a claw at Shiron. "So, fine! Ya got my attention! Stall me, kid!"

Nick stopped to track them again. He spent almost five minutes trying to get his senses to work, and once that was done, he saw the auras nearby. Not clearly enough to distinguish them, but oh well.

He first stopped at the tombstone on his right. Nick peeked at it; there was no name, no year of birth or death. And the dirt next to it looked like it had been messed with.

"I dunno which one of you guys is around, but I—"


All he heard was a muffled scream from underneath the soil. Nick sighed, making his claws shimmer before he started digging. Not as effective as he'd like, but it'd have to do.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

As Nick continued digging and removing the dirt, he could make out faint details about the coffin. Black and cheap, not sturdy at all.

"Alright, I'm gonna cut it with my claws, okay? Please try not to move!"


With a sigh, Nick sunk his claws deep in the wood, lowering his paw and opening a bigger hole on the coffin, until he could pull it apart with both paws.

Inside of it was Liz, barely moving. She locked eyes with Nick, and hers were widened as they could get.

"You took far too long!"

"C-Can you move?!" Nick asked, glancing at her and at the bracelet wrapped around her arm. "Did he—"

"Yes, my abilities and moves are nullified! Otherwise I would have broken out already!"

"...Y'know, I'm considering letting you stay there." Nick rolled his eyes before grabbing Liz by her flower, pulling her up.

As expected of someone that spent too much time underground, Liz almost stumbled and lost her balance. Nick grabbed her other flower, keeping her steady.

"I have a lot of questions," Liz finally said. "...However, I am well aware this is not the time to ask them."

"Definitely not. The others are around here! Terry and Audrey… I need to find them."

"Naturally." Liz looked around. "I assume you have a way of finding them?"

"Third tombstone on your right, fourth on my left." Nick nodded. "...We'll divide and conquer."

"Hmph.A sound strategy."

The two went their separate ways. Just like before, Nick clawed his way through the dirt and through the coffin, preparing to open it. He heard a scream inside, which made him go through this slowly.

Before he saw an eye, the dirt around him moved, starting to go inside the coffin.

"H-Hold on!"

Nick reached his arm as fast as he could, getting inside the dirt—and the coffin. He felt someone grab his paw, before he recognized that soft fur brushing against his own.


Determined to get her out, Nick pulled as hard as he could, using both arms to make it easier on him.

Just like he thought, it was Audrey, who was so heavy that, once he pulled her out, made him fall along with her.

"G-Gah! S-Sorry, I didn't—"

"N-Nick…" Audrey raised her head to look at him, panting. "I… I almost didn't make it, but I knew… I knew you'd come and save me…"

"Of course I would!"

Not letting Audrey say anything else, Nick wrapped his arms around her body, hugging her as tight as he could. His own shivered, trembling.

How close was Nick to losing her? Nick's mind raced with the gravity of the situation. Despite how much her embrace calmed him down, the reality was that she was almost buried alive. The mental image of Audrey trapped, gasping for air made him squirm.

Even if she was safe in his arms, shaking the sense of helplessness was proving to be hard for Nick. All because of Fawkes. Nick and Audrey were targeted because of him, and the realization weighed down onthe Riolu.

At the same time, Nick could now hear her breaths on his stomach, along with his own. He felt her soft fur against his, and the look in her eyes made him stop panicking so much.

"I think… I'm still a little hurt. My body's still numb. That poison was… so strong…" Audrey muttered, hugging Nick closely. "T-Thank you for saving me."

"I'm going to stop him." Nick kissed the top of her head. "But I don't want to risk you getting hurt again. I want you to go with Liz to the—"


She moved her paws to touch his face. "I'm fine, I'll be there for you. I might not be able to fight much, but I'll help you morally."

"...Thanks, Audrey." Nick kissed her head again, standing up.

Just in time to see Liz helping Terry up. "Nick, I… I wish to take Terry to the hospital. Can you handle this on your own?"

"S-Sorry, Nick! I can hardly stand. I… I didn't know that poison would be this… vile."

Something's wrong, yeah. I didn't hear about such a debilitating poison… To that, Nick shook his head. "Nah, I'm not alone."

…It sounded a lot cooler in his head, but whatever. He saved her. Nick saved her, his friends, and now he was going to defeat Fawkes, somehow. Would they be proud of him? His parents.

Maybe not, when he couldn't even get the hang of that stupid move. The energy always flowed out. Nick got upset when Fawkes demonstrated an immense prowess at using his poison, able to make the energy flow…

Like the rain flowed from the sky. His eyes widened.

"I'm with you until the end of the line." Audrey elected to stay in his arms. At least, it felt comfortable.

Nick didn't reply to that. He seemed distant, looking up at the sky. No doubt, his mind was full. Audrey opened her mouth to say, but the words failed her.

"...Heh. I think I figured it out."

"What?" Audrey's ears twitched, and she tilted her head. "...Figured what out?"

"I'll let you know on the way there!"

Nick grinned; he had a job to do.

Shiron grabbed Fawkes' arm before he could puncture him again, using two of his hands to do so.

"G-Grah, you imbecile! Let me go!" Fawkes tried to pull his arm back, but as he found out, Shiron had a much tighter grip than he let on. The more he tried to move, the more it hurt.

"You told me to stall you… and that's exactly what I intend on doing!" Shiron grasped him tighter, before swinging both arms to toss Fawkes as far away from him as he could.

It made him roll on the ground scraping his fur against it, until the point where Fawkes sunk all his claws on the dirt to stop himself from falling further.

However, Shiron himself wasn't doing all that good. More poison got to his arms, and he was hurting, trying to move them. He stood next to Rowan, both to protect him, and to ask a few questions.

"M-Mister Rowan, is this poison lethal?!"

"I'm… I'm not sure, but I also didn't think it would make me this numb. My senses…" Rowan groaned. Something wasn't right with it. "I'm sure he wasn't that toxic before…"

"I don't like it either, but I need to keep it together, at least until Nick arrives." Shiron swung his arms again, and a few more drops of the poison fell. "I'm starting to feel numb…"

It took him a bit of effort to move them, which said something. Still, Shiron didn't intend on giving up. Not that easily, anyway.

"Hah… I'm startin' to think you're stronger than you look." Fawkes got down on all fours, cracking his neck. "Maybe I gotta take this more seriously."

The Sneasler was about to pounce, when he heard something. On his side, Nick came walking, holding Audrey in his arms.

"Ah… I'm impressed ya found her."

Not one to pass up the opportunity, Fawkes pounced on them, ready to cut through their flesh with his claws. Unfortunately, when he hit them, the two simply dissipated into the air.

"...Another afterimage?!"

"I'm tired of you." The real Nick was now close to Shiron, still holding Audrey. He gently put her down next to Rowan, before glancing at his friend. "Thanks for holding him back."

"Nick! I know you got this! Whatever you figured out, do it! I believe in you!" Audrey screamed at the top of her lungs… which did make her cough, but the message was delivered.

"Hah! I just need to poison all of you, then I'll be free to take that geezer of a human to those guys…" Fawkes stood somewhere between two legs and four, preparing his stance.

Pointed spikes coated all of his claws, and he grinned like a maniac, before he broke into a sprint, leaving a dusty trail behind him.

"Uh, Nick… he's coming after us. Niiiick!"

Nick had a grin on his face. "I'm sending him right back to you, and then, you do the same!"


Before Shiron had any more time to reply, he saw Nick rushing, also leaving a trail of dust behind him.

His claws shimmered, and he clashed against Fawkes… using only one of his paws. The other one had light blue wind circling it, and he aimed at Fawkes' ribs.

"What in the world are you doing?!"

"Finishing you off!"

Nick fired the vacuum at him, and Fawkes ended up being tossed towards Shiron.

"O-Oh, that's what he meant—" Shiron closed a fist, wrapping water around it again. "H-Here it comes, Nick!"

Once more, Audrey shouted. "You got this, flow the energy! Let it flow without any resistance!"

Shiron slammed his fist into Fawkes, making the Sneasler scream as he was launched towards Nick. He turned his body around, sinking both claws to slow down until he stopped, right in front of that damn mutt.

It was exactly what Nick wanted out of the situation. He put a palm forward, letting out a deep breath. Orange energy circled his arm, moving from it to the end of his paw.

"What are you planning now?!" Fawkes snarled. "I'm not goin' to lose! There's too much at stake here!"

Once again he ran, brandishing his claws. He was closing in on Nick, who remained calm. More energy flowed, right as Fawkes made contact with him, trying to cut him with his claws.

"...I'm done with you."

Nick released the energy, thrusting his palm forward, right on Fawkes' stomach. Unlike his previous attempts, this time, there was no explosion, no knockback. His palm forced the energy out, and it landed right on Fawkes.


The Sneasler screamed as he felt the power of Nick's Force Palm. That energy ran through his entire body, spreading from across his stomach, through all of his nerves. It felt like electricity—paralyzing him from inside out.

And then he fell on the ground, facing the sky. Fawkes found himself unable to move, unable to escape… completely paralyzed.

Nick grunted, falling to his knees and smelling something burning. A glance at his paw revealed that it was just that; his own body was burning from the attack.

But… it was over. He won, just like he wanted. "...I need… I need to bring them all to the hospital."

"You're in luck, buddy. I can carry mister Rowan, you… handle Fawkes." Shiron panted, sighing in relief and walking towards Rowan, helping him up.

"I'm… I should be fine, walking." Audrey nodded. She was tired—exhausted, but it'd have to do.

"R-Right, yeah, yeah. I'll do that." Nick rubbed his forehead.

"Hah… I gotta admit, ya got me good, mutt," Fawkes said. Once again he tried to move, but whatever paralysis he suffered, it was strong. "Well, guess I'll be back to prison."

"Silvergate. You're going there," Nick said with a shrug, grabbing Fawkes by his feet.

Hearing that name made Fawkes' heart skip a beat, and he immediately tried to move. "S-Silvergate? Wait, wait, I don't deserve that shit! Ya hear what they do to prisoners there?! I'd be better off dead!"

"Whatever you say, bud. It's just a rumor." Nick punched him in the head, and Fawkes stopped; knocked out cold.

Audrey waited for Nick to start walking before she followed him, keeping close enough to nuzzle his legs. "I knew you had it in you… I never doubted you, not for one second!"

"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." Nick agreed, glancing back. "Took me long enough to get that figured out. I mean, I'm still burning, but I can actually use that attack."

"Mhm!" Audrey chirped as they walked out of the graveyard, towards the hospital.

Once they passed the gate, Nick glanced back another time, sighing. Mom, dad, thanks. I couldn't have done it without you.

It had been a couple of days since that incident, and Nick still had to organize his room. Yes, everything broken had been replaced, but it was still a bit of a mess.

Even Audrey wasn't too interested in it, sitting as she watched him lift a closet up, all by himself.

"Y'know, this wasn't my idea of a date. Especially considering I got poisoned."

"Well, Gramps told me to clean up, so that's what I'm doing." Nick backed off, panting. His right paw was bandaged to help with the burns, but it didn't hurt that much.

"I'm… I'm sorry I didn't save you earlier." Nick looked at her and his ears lowered. "I should've been—"

"Drop it, Nick!" Audrey strolled towards him, standing up on her hind legs and using the two frontal paws to touch his cheeks. "You did the best you could, and honestly, it was great. I'm a bit bummed I couldn't do more, but it's fine. We're all fine."

"I-I guess… I guess I am a bit better now. Just need to practice this move so I won't, you know, blow up. Again." Nick forced a smile that almost looked genuine. "But now I'm wondering… who exactly broke Fawkes out of prison?"

Audrey tilted her head, sitting on all fours again. "He didn't answer your grandpa?"

"Not a single thing, I'm afraid." Nick let out a long sigh. "...Well, it's all in the past now, I guess. We should just enjoy things."

"I guess you're right. Which means you should finish organizing this room! I wanna go out and drink berry juice!" Audrey stuck her tongue out to tease him. "Oooor, maybe I should go get some and drink it while you have to work~"

Nick felt his heart sting from that alone, groaning. "Why, you're so evil sometimes…"

"Well, I am a Zorua!"

"Heh, that you are." Nick moved next to the door, grabbing a hammer and some nails. "I decided to put the painting on the wall, right on top of my bed. That makes it feel like they're watching me. If that makes sense."

"Hmmm, you have a point. Now why don't you do that… and I'll grab the juice, but for both of us."

Nick's ears twitched. "Oh, I'd love that! You might just make me excited to work on this!"

Relax. Nick should relax. The past few days had been hectic for him, but… things should be fine. They still had work to do regarding those Cracks, investigating Zero, and all that. At least, Nick felt better about it.

Though… a part of him wondered what would happen to Fawkes, if what he said about the prison was true, and how he got stronger—according to his grandpa, anyway.

"Maybe I shouldn't be thinking too hard about it…"

Rowan was scheduled to see Fawkes being transported out of the town, and he wasn't about to miss it. In front of him, the Sneasler was cuffed with a nullifying looplet, and chained on his legs. There was also a carriage nearby, with a Quagsire and a Perrserker as the guards, and a Rapidash as the driver.

"I hope the time you spend there will make you reflect on what you did."

"Tch, shut up, geezer. You and that friend of yours," Fawkes hissed, glancing back.

At first, Rowan didn't understand, but a look to his side revealed a Houndoom sitting next to him.

"Ivan… I have to thank you for arranging this transport."

The Houndoom barked in response. "It was hardly a problem. And besides, I had to see for myself if this was the Pokémon responsible."

"Hmph! Screw all of you!" Fawkes snarled, before being pushed forward by one of the guards, who led him to the carriage. "I'll find a way outta the cell! Just wait!"

Rowan didn't even bother seeing him off, turning his back with Ivan. The Sneasler's fruitless struggle wasn't worth paying any attention to.

As for Fawkes, he entered the carriage—against his own will, of course—and the vehicle started to travel.

For a long while, all Fawkes could do was stare out the carriage window, looking at the passing trees while the Rapidash followed at a reasonable pace.

Those guys are gonna kill me. If not the ones that hired me, those at Silvergate will… I'm so dead.

At some point, the carriage suddenly halted, and Fawkes almost fell out of the seat. However, the guard next to him stopped that.

"W-What is this?!"

"Someone wishes to see you," was all the Perrserker said, opening the door and walking out of the way.

Fawkes felt his body freezing up in place as he watched who walked in. Or rather, slithered in. An Arbok had entered the inside, before sitting in the seat opposite of Fawkes, looking at him. He wore glasses, which he had to adjust with his tail.

"Y-You! You're from—"

"Yes, I'm well aware of my organization. You know, I was really hoping you'd find another human for us… the human agent Zero talked so much about. I wanted to see them." The Arbok hissed, baring his fangs at him. "What a shame. We even empowered you with the Crack,yet you proved unreliable."

"O-Oh, c'mon! I was just goin' to a prison! I'm sure I'll be in a terrible spot there, so ya don't need to kill me or anything!"

To that, the Arbok laughed, shaking his head. "Ah, that is where you're wrong. I own that prison, and I'm sure I can extract more potential out of you once we reach it. Or would you rather die?"

A drop of sweat fell from Fawkes' head. "There ain't no way I wanna die!"

Arbok then got out of the chair, getting dangerously close to Fawkes. "My superiors want a soldier, mister Fawkes. You can choose to back off from this deal, however… I'm not sure that would be in your best interests."

There was no option for him. Fawkes gulped, looking down. If he got stronger through this deal, then it'd be worth it.

"I-I'm in."

Suddenly, Arbok smiled. It came off as terrifying due to how large his fangs were. "Ah, how delightful! You made the right decision, mister Fawkes. If you'll excuse me, I must go back to the base. This carriage will take you there."

He didn't know what was in store for him, but Fawkes… almost felt excited to find out.
Fawkes drawn by Weebawoof
Chapter 22 - That Blue Sky


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 22 - That Blue Sky

Reaching out your hand, just take it closer to your heart

Never lose the fire, and hold on to what you believe

Be The One Be The Light

Message from my heart, I'll send it to you

A/N: It's minor, but I feel like I should probably add a small disclaimer that there is a bit of internalized homophobia in this chapter. It's quick, but it's there.

At last, Shiron could rest. He needed it, especially after everything that happened over the past month. From Liz's mission, to Terry getting a visit from his family, and even Nick confronting that Sneasler—which did almost kill them all. Honestly, Shiron wondered if something like that would happen to him.

That was, until he remembered he was alone. Not literally, of course, but all the people that could meet him were back in the human world. For all intents and purposes, he should be fine.

Well, at least the day was shaping up to be fine. Shiron left the house to go for a walk, stretching both of his arms and feeling the wind on his body, making his scarf swish.

Hm… I've got no clue what to do today. I don't wanna go all the way up the hill to check on them…

…For a moment he missed having a phone, but then Shiron remembered his parents never gave him one in the first place.

Though, I could pass by Magnus' bakery and buy something for them. Yeah, totally.

Was he making excuses just to visit that Quilladin? Shiron shook his head; it couldn't be that. He was just hungry. Yeah, that had to be it. Maybe. Surely, it had to be hunger.

I shouldn't be thinking about it too much. Just drop by, get some donuts, then go to the hill. Yeah, that's the plan.

Nonetheless, Shiron couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat at the thought. And he remained there, in front of Nick's house, thinking for a moment.

Never in his life did Shiron think he'd be this… happy. Surrounded by people that actually cared about him, that wanted to be with him. Before this, all of this, he assumed it would be impossible. But time and time again, life seemed to prove him wrong.


Shiron sighed, tugging on his scarf as he started to walk. Indeed, the town he lived in was peaceful, and he could see many of the Pokémon going about their daily lives while he strolled.


With a smile on his face, Shiron increased his pace, running over the town. He made sure to wave and chat with everyone on his way. Even if they weren't his friends, the citizens were part of his new life, and he wanted them to know that.

The familiar sight of his favorite bakery made Shiron stop and catch his breath. Even so, his heart was beating fast—a lot faster than he thought. Shiron opened the door, a bright smile on his face.

"Hi, Magnus! I'm here to—"

Except there was no sight of the Quilladin. There were some customers, sure, but Magnus himself was nowhere to be seen. In his place, a Sandslash was handling the counter, raising a brow after seeing Shiron being so brash.

"Ya good, kid?"

Shiron's body shivered, and his face slowly began to turn red. "...Oh, sorry, sir."

"Please, you come here so often I might as well let ya call me by my name. It's Oscar."

"Well, in that case, sorry, mister Oscar." Shiron rubbed an arm. "I just wanted to get some donuts. Wanna bring 'em to my friends."

"Really?" Oscar left the counter, grabbing a tray full of brownies and heading to a table, putting it down there to a Cyclizar and Archen. "There you go, enjoy!"

He turned to Shiron, adjusting his apron. "From where I stand, it just looks like you were hopin' to see my son."

"Er, I, umm..." Shiron gulped, and if anything that made him look more suspicious. He didn't want to say anything, but if he stayed silent, things would get worse.

It was then that another Pokémon entered, opening a door behind the counter. A Chesnaught with a ponytail and a Sandshrew in her arms; Magnus' mother and little brother.

"Darling, don't give him too much trouble. He helped us save Modi."

As if on cue, the Sandshrew giggled, grabbing hold of his mother's arm. "Guguuh!"

"Helga… I didn't mean to. But he does have an increasingly long tab." Oscar raised a brow again, glancing at Shiron. "You are payin' eventually, right?"

"T-Totally, mister Oscar, miss Helga." Shiron gulped again. He wasn't even sure why talking to them was making him this nervous. "I don't wanna overstep my boundaries."

Helga looked at Oscar with a glare that made him almost paralyzed, before returning to Shiron. "Magnus went to the hill, you can grab as many donuts as you'd like, dear."

…It ended up better than he wanted, but Shiron didn't want to stay there for much longer, so he just grabbed the donuts, watching Oscar shove them on a bag.

"Now, go on. I took extra care of 'em." Oscar handed the bag to Shiron. "And… take care of Magnus, alright?"

"I-I will, sir." Shiron nodded, rushing out of the bakery.

Oscar sighed. "...I didn't come off as too intimidating, did I?"

To that, Helga rolled her eyes. "I told you to hammer it down a bit."

But in the end, it was nice to meet someone that made Magnus happy.

It didn't take long for Shiron to reach the top of the hill. And as he climbed, he could hear grunts and… vines? Some kind of fight was brewing, and while he knew not to be worried, Shiron couldn't be rational all the time.

After walking a little more, he saw Magnus on the ground, gasping for air, while Liz pointed a few grass blades at her opponent. She realized someone was getting close, and then looked at Shiron. So did Magnus.

"Ah, uh, hi Shiron!" Magnus waved an arm. He was a little wounded, with some cuts and bruises. "We were training! I'm kinda hurt, but it's nothing serious!"

"I would hardly call this session training. It almost looked like you regressed." Liz retreated the blades and crossed her arms. "Although I have to admit it helped me practice this attack."

"...You sure you're okay?" Shiron helped him get up, pulling Magnus. "Ah, I brought donuts! Met your mom and dad, too."

"Really? And dad didn't give you a hard time?" Magnus saw Shiron nod and sighed in relief. "Phew… I love him, but he can be a handful sometimes."

"Ahem." Liz blurted out loud enough to get Magnus' attention.

Magnus flinched. "Oops, sorry! Thanks for the spar, Liz! I think I'm a little stronger…"

"You are welcome. In other news, Daichi said he will pass by later today. Or at least, that was what his letter indicated. It appears he has interesting news." Liz said, sprouting vines again. "In the meantime, I will be practicing."

"N-Noted," Shiron moved out of her way and towards the entrance to their quarters, as did Magnus.

Though, before they entered, Magnus had an idea, sitting down to watch Liz.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"Nothing! I just wanna watch her. Might give me some inspiration for my training." Magnus patted the ground next to him. "C'mon! We can talk here."

"Uh…" Shiron looked in the distance, voice rising. "Liiiz?"

"I will be fine with the chatter, just try not to speak too loudly!" Liz zigzagged around, whipping her vines in the air.

"And… do you want donuts?"

"No. Terry does not like them either."

Shiron had no option but to accept the offer and sat next to Magnus. His heart skipped a beat again, but he wasn't as nervous as before. He kept the bag on his lap, shoving his hand inside and grabbing a donut with chocolate frosting.

"I know I asked it already, but it all went well, right?" Magnus asked, keeping his eyes on Liz. She was graceful, he could tell. "Cuz dad is a bit protective over me. And over Modi."

"Yeah, it's alright." Shiron bit into the donut, and the flavor exploded inside his mouth, again. No matter how many times he tried those sweets, they always managed to knock it out of the park.

He was curious, though, about what Magnus said. And they were there to chat. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean? Your dad was always protective?"

"Ah, yeah, you don't remember yours…" Magnus frowned for a bit. He couldn't empathize with that particular aspect of Shiron, but he could at least try to share his experience. Maybe that'd help.

I wonder if I could ever tell him everything. About me, my family, me being human… Shiron paid close attention, staring directly at Magnus.

For some reason, just looking at him made Shiron better. And once his friend's mouth opened, he was ready to listen to whatever Magnus had to say.

"I guess it started when I was born?" Magnus caught himself and cringed. "No, wait, that's a terrible way to speak. Errr, dad said I was a miracle. The doctors weren't sure I'd make it…"

Shiron frowned at that, gills drooping. Imagining Magnus weak and frail was torture. "I'm sorry, I didn't know…"

"...Shiron, you asked me to talk about this. I wouldn't if it was too much." Magnus stifled a laugh, before moving on. He grabbed one of the donuts to eat. "Anyway, I made it. I was told mom cried a lot. Dad too, but in the end, I survived! Ever since, they kept an eye on me."

He paused and looked down. "It's fine most of the time, but other times it can be hard. Things got better as I grew, but they have their moments."

If they were protective over Magnus, Shiron could understand their distraught when their other child was taken. "Is that why they don't seem to mind that I eat there and don't pay? Your dad mentioned a tab."

"Yeah. Mom said she'd give you a lifetime of sweets for saving Modi. Dad… liked that idea, but not as much as she did. Maybe he was playing with you? It's hard to tell."

Shiron wanted to learn more about him, and the opportunity did present itself. "He didn't seem all that aggressive."

"He's not! Well, I don't think he is." Magnus shrugged. He wondered about something, and decided to pursue it. "Y'know, do you really not remember anything? Not one bit? I wanna know more about you too."

"M-Me?! I… I remember some stuff. Came to me in my dreams." Shiron gulped, trying to hide his embarrassment with a lie.

"Mhm, cool."

Gods, I'm so awkward. Magnus gulped. Being there was making him tremble slightly, and only through a lot of willpower did he manage to calm down. He didn't know why being around Shiron made him feel that way, just that it did. And that he wanted to hear his voice for longer…

Why is it so soothing? Magnus thought to himself, trying to shake that off. "Well, would you like to tell me about it?"

"Ah, okay. It's not really fun or anything, I mean, I didn't grow up with bakers… I don't think so, anyway." Shiron grabbed a donut, but didn't eat it just yet.

What could he tell Magnus? What part of his childhood could he talk about? It had to be a relatively normal part, otherwise he'd risk alienating Magnus from his life. That made Shiron wince.

"...I'm adopted, I think. I remember getting picked at an orphanage by a couple."

There, that was normal. Shiron thought it was something nice when it happened, and as long as he didn't mention everything that came after that, he'd be fine. He finally took a bite out of the donut he held.

"Oh, well, a lotta Pokémon adopt, it's alright." Magnus smiled. "I can't say I know what it's like, duh, but I think I understand. Just because it's not by blood doesn't mean it's bad, y'know?"


Magnus' tail began to wag. "My turn, my turn! Ask me something!"

"Huh, I had no clue we were playing a game, but that's alright. Hm…"

Well, if this continued, Shiron thought playing truth or dare could be an option. However, he kept that thought to himself for the moment.

"Did you ever get an annoying customer?"

There was zero time wasted before Magnus replied. "Dude, a lot. They think they're entitled, and that I should cater to their every whim! I mean, sure, they pay, but sometimes it's not worth the money. I've even been called names a couple of times!"

"...Ouch. I hope I don't come off as entitled, I mean—"

"Nah, you're fun to be around!" Right away, Magnus shook his head. "Plus, I get someone to try out all my new recipes!"

Again, Shiron was receiving a compliment. Him, of all people. How in the world did he end up in that situation? A good situation, yes, but even so, he almost couldn't believe it was actually happening to him.

Yet, Magnus was affirming that. It didn't feel like a lie, despite Shiron's reservations. Maybe it was the truth, and it even made him get distracted, trying to come up with an alternative.

In fact, he got so distracted that, when finishing his donut, Shiron didn't notice some of the frosting was left on his cheeks. "T-Thanks, I—"

"Shiron, hold on for a sec."

Magnus turned around to look at him, seemingly in the eyes. Shiron himself almost gasped, because the Quilladin came closer to him; almost too close. Their faces were practically touching; Shiron couldn't look away from him, not even bothering to try.

He squinted his eyes, still looking at Shiron. "Yeah, I noticed it. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't."

W-What?! What's he talking about?! It couldn't—it couldn't be that, could it?!

"Look, I'll handle it for you, alright?" Magnus moved a hand, and it too was going forto reach Shiron's face.

"O-Oh, sure, yeah, do that."

Once again, Magnus put himself closer, and his arm finally reached Shiron, on the cheek.

O-Oh Gods. Shiron's heart was beating faster than it ever had in his life, and he almost fainted.

Before Magnus rubbed his finger over Shiron's cheek to remove the frosting stain on it. "Theeeere we go! Seriously, with how much you eat, I'm surprised you left a part of it."


Shiron sighed. Somehow, he wasn't surprised that it didn't end up like he wanted. Even so, it was a little disappointing. Maybe… maybe he misread the signs.

I thought he had a crush on me. I… I was very hopeful about that. I… I have a crush on him too, but this…

Then Magnus backed off. Unbeknownst to Shiron, the Quilladin also had his heart racing, but for a slightly different reason.

I can't believe it. I… I got so close to Shiron! It's that why I'm racing like this?! I-I… I think I have a crush on him?! I…

Neither of them was willing to discuss what just happened, for their own reasons. That did leave them in silence, with that only being interrupted by the swings coming from Liz.

"So, uh, Shiron?"

An answer, finally. "What's up?"

"If I asked you to come have dinner with me and my parents, would you?"

Shiron nearly choked on another donut, and because of it he didn't reply, he just nodded.

Maybe there was a chance for him after all. If he didn't mess it up like he did with everything else in his life.

Just then he heard something rolling on the ground, climbing up the hill. A few seconds later, Shiron saw that Golem again.

"Ah, you're here. That's nice, I guess." Shiron sighed, standing up. He didn't want to talk about mission and heroic stuff. He just wanted to be next to Magnus, even if the Quilladin's softness made him uneasy.

"You could at least try to be more receptive to me, y'know." Daichi uncurled his body, before rolling his eyes. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Shiron and Magnus quickly glanced at each other, before shaking their heads. It was impressive how synchronized both were doing it.

"We were just talking. Nothing wrong with that. I–I mean!" Shiron nodded next, gulping and putting on a smile.

"Uh… yeah, just talking, haha." Magnus rubbed the back of his head. He wasn't sure where the embarrassment came from. For all he knew, he was simply chatting with a friend and getting to know him better.

"Well, that's nice and all, but I got business with him." Daichi pointed at Shiron.

Behind him, Liz walked, ready to discuss things. Her training was cut short, which was unfortunate. However, she wasn't going to let it drag her down.

"Indeed, we require more information. I am… curious about what you have for us."

Shiron watched them all enter the house, except for Magnus, who approached him with a smile.

"Well, I gotta go back. I promised mom I'd look after Modi today. But this was fun!" Magnus' tail wagged again. "See you later!"

"S-See you later." Shiron waved. He waited until Magnus was out of view before sighing in relief.

Somehow, their chat didn't end with Magnus hating his guts, which Shiron was thankful for. He looked up at the sky. Almost clear, with little clouds. Things were fine. He could rest.

Or not. Those meetings were far from rest, and Shiron knew that quite well. Either way, he entered the base, sitting in his chair. Already the others were there, with Nick seemingly discussing a comic with Terry. Daichi was taking a peek, too.

"Ahem. You three should focus on the task at hand." Liz proudly proclaimed, pouting and with her flowers on her hips.

"R-Right, sorry, Liz." Nick pouted in response, sitting in his chair.

"...You're no fun sometimes, you know that?" Terry rolled his eyes before putting the comic on a drawer. "And just when it was getting really good…"

Shiron didn't know what to say in that situation; he mostly didn't want to interrupt or annoy anyone. Daichi, however, was the one to start things off.

He did so by clearing his throat. "Y'know, it's one thing to be in a deserted city. It's a different thing to be in one right before disaster strikes, isn't it?"

"...Ah, yes, that Pokémon. Zero." Liz said. She tried to remain calm, but there was venom in her voice—it was also louder than normal. Even she realized it, and quickly muffled herself. "My apologies. I let my emotions get the better of me again."

"Apologies accepted." Daichi added. "So I did my own investigation. There's been reports of a Pokémon matching Zero's descriptions in a lot of towns, all before they're facing disaster. The same kind you all experienced."

Terry winced. He didn't want to remember that town covered in sand and with constant storms, yet the memories flashed in his mind. "Yeah… I don't see the point. He could be trying to prevent them. It's best not to make accusations without evidence."

"B-But if that was the case, there would be some exceptions." Shiron spoke up, causing everyone in the room to look at him. He tried to keep calm. "...W-What I mean is that, if he was trying to prevent those storms, some of the places he visited wouldn't be hit. Did that happen?"

"Yo, he makes a good point!" Nick was next, looking at Daichi. "Did he manage to save any?"

Daichi sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately, he didn't. He seems to keep moving around the place, not bothering to stay long enough for anyone to really know him."

"Hm…" Shiron looked at the table. Were they right in pursuing this?

Zero could be a good guy, and they were letting their emotions cloud their judgment. In any case, Shiron wanted to know more about those Cracks, and Zero happened to be the best person to talk about it.

"What is your point?" Liz raised her voice. "I—we need to find him. Are you saying that is simply not possible?"

Terry cast a glance at Liz, noticing her choice of words. He didn't want to believe she was still trying to fight Zero. She noticed his look and then stopped herself, shifting to a more calm expression.

"That'd suck, wouldn't it?" Daichi took his time to look at everyone present in the room. Mostly for the dramatic effect as he let silence fill the area. "...For that, I actually have good news and bad news. Which one do you guys wanna hear first?"

"I have a feeling they're both gonna be bad. Just varying levels of bad." Shiron pointed out with a sigh. "...That being said, say the good one first."

Nick looked at his friend and then at Daichi. "What he said."

Once again, Daichi took his time to reply, though the others ended up glaring at him as the seconds passed—except Shiron, who kept quiet, as always.

"Well, the good news is that I know where he is now. Why? 'Cause in my investigation, he actually talked to me!" Daichi, if he had a chest, would be trying to puff it. Instead he just put on a grin. "I visited the fallout of that town Liz, Terry and Onyx went to. Ain't pretty. Surprise, surprise, he was there."

Liz would be popping a vein if she had one. She tried to calm herself down instead. "I see, and what did he say? I assume that's the bad news."

"Yeah. Like, what's his goal? What's he planning? We got a lot of questions, man!" Nick raised an arm to exclaim.

The only one else to say anything was Terry. "...I want him to answer all of those questions."

But Shiron didn't reply. He was simply… observing. His stomach was twisting around itself with anxiety.

"A week from now." Daichi started, clearing his throat. "A week from now you are to meet him at an abandoned town. According to him, he'll be there to answer everything."

Stupid. That was incredibly stupid. Shiron didn't believe it one bit; Zero kept mentioning he worked for someone, so it stood to reason to assume this was a trap. And yet… they could finally ask him things.

"Well, that's a golden opportunity for us," Nick spoke up, nodding. "We can find out the truth!"

A sigh left Terry. "He could be leading us to our deaths. But… I've been thinking. Is this really worth it? What's our goal here?"

Daichi glanced at everyone again, sighing afterwards. "I can't answer that. Honestly, I'm not sure I'll be going. But whether you guys do it or not… I'm not deciding it for you."

That caused the room to be silent. Shiron hadn't realized that, for the past two months, pretty much all he did was chase after that guy. And, well, help his friends. But mostly, the only mission he had was related to Zero.

"I… I wanna know. I wanna know more about the world. This world I'm in, with a beautiful blue sky." Shiron perked up, almost leaving his chair. "I… I think I wanna do this. Those Cracks, who Zero works for… I wanna learn."

"Well said, buddy." Nick's tail wagged for a few seconds. "I mean, I need to do this! I'm gonna be a hero, and a hero investigates!"

With their opinions voiced, that left Terry and Liz. Naturally, Liz already had her answer. "If… I am allowed to make my own decisions, then I will pursue this."

"There's a big world out there. I don't wanna be in just one place." Terry nodded. "I'm in."

"Dang, I wasn't expecting you all to accept the offer." Daichi chuckled and clapped his hands, to the best of his ability. "Alright, I'm gonna grab the map he gave me back at my place. Dismissed, guys!"

The second Daichi walked out of the door, Shiron put his head on the table, sighing in relief.

"I-I don't know about you guys, but these things take a lot out of me…"

"Noted." Liz stifled the urge to chuckle. "In any case, I suppose we should spend the week preparing for this… meeting."

Nick bit his lip, tapping a foot on the ground. "I'm not going to dismiss the possibility of a trap. We're training too."

"Well, that's obvious." Terry grabbed his comic again. "But after I finish reading. What about you, Shiron?"

"I…" Shiron gulped. Oh boy, he still had to meet with Magnus. "I got invited for dinner, but that's not until later, so—"

Nick jumped out of the chair, grinning and whooshing next to Shiron. "Hold on, hold on! You got invited to dinner?! Who invited you?!"


"If nobody invited you, then you are contradicting yourself." Liz rolled her eyes.

"Or you're embarrassed and lying to us." Terry grinned, looking as smug as possible. "I'm betting on the second option."

"...S-S-Someone invited me!" Shiron nodded. Perhaps one too many times. "B-B-But it's private! It's just dinner!"

Nick just blinked. "...It's Magnus, isn't it?"

"Ack!" Shiron's face went bright red.

"Oh yeah, I'm surprised they didn't go out before." Terry snickered. It was all in good fun, of course.

"...Ah, congratulations." Liz nodded and went back to her chair.

"Y-Yeah? It's him." Shiron tugged on his scarf. This was one of the times he wanted to hide in a hole.

Nick tapped Shiron on the back, grinning wider. "Well, congrats, buddy! You got a date! We're going home right away to get you ready for it!"

"W-What?!" Shiron made sure to speak the next sentence in the most quiet tone he could muster. "...I have a date."

Never in his life did Shiron think he'd ever say those exact words.

Obviously, Nick was in a hurry to get home, dragging Shiron by the hand and running as fast as he could. The poor Marshtomp was dizzy, having second thoughts about the whole thing.

"W-W-Wait! It's not a date! He just asked me to have dinner with him and his family!"

"Buddy, I know him for longer than you. This is a date." Nick stopped in front of the house, sticking his tongue out for Shiron. "And I'm here to act as your wingmon!"

"My wingmon," Shiron repeated, glaring at his friend. It… couldn't be that bad to try. "What am I even supposed to do? Assuming this is a date, I mean. Hypothetically."

Nick continued to grin. He was too excited about this. "Dude, trust me. I'm gonna get you the greatest stuff to wear! You're gonna look incredible to him!"

"Uh… s-sure." Shiron gulped. This was more nerve-inducing than he realized. They both entered the house, passing by Rowan—who was watching the TV—and then climbed up the stairs.

Once inside, Nick made sure to lock the door. They wouldn't be leaving until Shiron was made pretty. He turned around to the Marshtomp, clasping his paws together.

"Alright! Let's see what I can do for you!"

Shiron tugged on his scarf again, before sitting on his mattress. "Uh… I just wanna say it's not a date."

Sure, thinking about Magnus made his heart start beating faster, and he had occasional dreams about the two hanging out. But surely, that didn't mean they were going on a date. An actual, romantic date. That was simply impossible!

"Again, I know him. And honestly, what's wrong with it being a date? I thought you liked guys and girls." Nick moved to the closet, opening it to pick something that would complement Shiron.

"I-I mean, yeah, but like…"

How could he even explain it? "I had crushes before, but… I didn't act on them."

Nick continued to look at each of the accessories, landing on a hat. "Hm, if I cut a hole in it for your fin, it might work. Also, you never dated anyone?"

"N-No. I had crushes on a lot of guys." Shiron took a deep breath. "I mean, sometimes mom and dad would let me out when we went to buy stuff and some of the guys I saw along the way looked cute… I remember some of dad's friends visiting and bringing their kids. That kind of stuff."

"Just the guys?" Nick glanced at him, finding it odd. "Like, no crushes on girls?"

"...No? I mean, I like guys, yes. But I have to like girls, too. I have to, even though I never had a crush on any of them."

"..." Nick stopped what he was doing, walking towards Shiron and sitting in front of him. "Run that by me again."

"I… I have to like girls. I can't just… be only into guys." Shiron said. To him, this was the most natural thought possible.

"I see." Nick crossed his arms and raised a brow. "So, even though you clearly never had any kind of attraction towards girls, you still feel as if you need to be into them?"


Nick frowned, his ears drooping. This was a first, if he was going to be honest. "People can be gay, Shiron. You don't need to force yourself to be attracted to a girl. You can just… like guys. Me? I like girls, and I can't even fathom the thought of forcing myself to like guys. That's what's wrong."


He repeated everything Nick said in his mind, and everything… made sense. It did and didn't at the same time, because if this was true, then everything he believed his whole life had been a lie. Shiron could like only guys.

But… it was hard to digest. Shiron didn't want to think about it, at least not during that moment. "Even if that's the case, and let's say I hypothetically like Magnus, what if he doesn't return my feelings?"

"Look, I've had my fair share of crushes. Some worked out, some didn't." Nick rubbed the back of his head, forcing a smile. "But the thing is that, at the end of the day, it's a risk you have to take."

"That wasn't the answer I was hoping for."

"I know." Nick stood up and sighed. "Well, I might've gotten too excited about this. My best friend, on a date with my other friend… I kinda got carried away."

"Y-You're fine. I'd still appreciate your help, if you're willing to help me."

Nick smiled. He was going to do his best in this scenario. If it came to only him, Shiron would leave Magnus' house with a boyfriend.

On Magnus' end, he was getting ready as well. Putting on a bowtie over his chest, combing the fur on his head until he had a bit of a tuft of fur. As far as he was concerned, it looked nice and clean.

His mind, on the other hand, was a bit messy. Magnus could listen to his heart beating with every brush of the comb, not to mention his fingers and arms were shaky. All of it because someone was coming over for dinner.

But not just anyone. Shiron. His friend. As he brushed his fur some more, Magnus continued to think about that Marshtomp. His mind drifted off to Shiron smiling, standing close. He brought a warmth that Magnus never experienced in his life.

Needless to say, he was only thinking about Shiron. Magnus stopped to look at the mirror.

I'm fine. I'm fine. I think. I hope I'm fine. Oh, he's not going to be that judgmental, right? He never is…

Maybe this was anxiety. Maybe the thought of inviting Shiron for something so private was making him scared. However, Magnus didn't intend on canceling. Certainly not when he was getting ready.

I need to look pretty, too. Magnus gulped. But… I don't even know if he likes me back. What if I'm wrong?

Someone like Nick would say to try it anyway, that he had to take the risk. Magnus sighed, taking another look. He kneeled slightly to open a cabinet, picking up a bottle of perfume.

Do I put it on? It might be too sweet for him. Or…

This was getting embarrassing. Magnus sprinkled some of it in his hands, before rubbing his body over with the perfume. And with that, Magnus thought he was done.

Then he heard a knock on the door.

"Uh, come on in!"

After the door was opened, Magnus saw his dad, who spent a good few seconds looking at him.

"You're dressin' fancy today, son. Any reason why?"

"Well, a friend is coming over. The least I gotta do is look nice." Magnus tried to defend himself, but his father knew better.

"Of course. You always put on your best perfume when a friend comes over. I didn't know you two were such… good friends."

"D-Dad!" Magnus' face turned red.

"Heh, just kiddin'! He'll be treated very well, so don't worry about anything, son. Let's go to the dining room."

"Right, sorry." Magnus sighed in relief. This was just dinner. So why did it feel more important than that?

It might be. Shiron was giving out signs he was interested. Or at least Magnus thought that was the case. He could be wrong, of course, but for the moment he was betting on the odd chance that he was right.

"For the record, he seems nice."

"He really is! I could listen to his voice for hours!"

"Well, you have our full support, whether it works out or not. Obviously me and your mom are hoping it does." Oscar glanced back at Magnus before sitting on the edge of the table.

Said table was already set, with a bunch of plates, candles, and napkins, all carefully organized. There were two chairs on each side, and one in each corner.

"T-Thanks. I hope it does, too." Magnus sat on one of the side chairs, noticing how comfortable it was; more so than usual. "And what's for dinner? Errr, Shiron eats a lot."

"...I can see why he likes you, cookin' for him and all," Oscar observed, a wry smile on his face.

"It's not just that! I think. I'm… I'm not sure if he feels anything yet." Magnus admitted, even if the signs were there. "...On that note, dad? Don't mention anything. I don't want him to feel pressured. We're just having a normal dinner."

"Heh, don't worry. He'll have a good time, I'll make sure of it—"

It was then that they heard someone knocking on their doorstep. Magnus' heart sank for a moment, and he quickly jumped out of the chair, gulping. "I'll go get him!"

"Atta boy."

With his heart getting increasingly faster, Magnus thought the trek to the door felt longer than usual. Still, he made it through, standing in front of the door.

"W-Who is it?"

The answer made Magnus shiver.

"Hey Magnus, it's me, Shiron! I'm right on time!"

Right on time. Right. On. Time. Magnus took a deep breath, slapping both of his cheeks, managing to calm down.

"Noted! Come on in!"

To be more polite, Magnus opened the door. He did so slowly, making sure to only look once it was fully open. And there he was, Shiron, on the other side.


He wore a shorter scarf than usual, with a more pink tone. Shiron also had a beret over his head that was a little raised due to his fin, and two black, fingerless gloves over his hands.

"W-Welcome!" Magnus waved. He realized something in the air smelled nice, tracing the source to Shiron. Some kind of perfume, maybe? Just like he did.

The Quilladin waited for Shiron to reply, which only took a few seconds. However, to Magnus, those seconds were an eternity. All he could do was stare into Shiron's eyes. That Marshtomp was stunning. Stunning, and then some.

Shiron smiled, and Magnus could feel his soul leaving his body as he watched on, warmth filling his body like never before. Through the sheer force of willpower, Magnus managed to keep himself from shivering.

However, his thoughts ran wild. Going on a trip to the beach, visiting a big city, or even traveling by boat! In all those scenarios, Magnus had Shiron by his side.

"I… I hope you have a good time today, Shiron." Magnus said, smiling even more. "It might've been out of nowhere, but really, it's just me being grateful. We're friends, right?"

"Yeah, friends!" Shiron nodded in return. It did sting a bit, but he wasn't sure what to expect. Keep your expectations low, Shiron. Then you won't get disappointed.

Magnus moved out of the way so Shiron could enter, and then closed the door behind them. He sighed in relief, looking at the Marshtomp.

"We're only having sweet stuff for dessert. Mom's cooking dinner today… but I'm not sure what it is."

"No worries, I'm sure I'll like anything! You know me, after all." Shiron smiled again. So far, things were going well. Granted, all they did was talk. But still, talking was fun.

He walked a bit through their living room, before entering the dining area. And wow, Shiron had to take a few seconds to check how organized everything was. It reminded him of home a little bit.

"Heya, kiddo." Oscar waved, sitting on his chair. "Dinner's going to be served soon, so why don'tcha relax and sit down?"

Shiron sniffed the air and could tell something was being seasoned in the kitchen, though he couldn't figure out what exactly it was.

"O-Of course, sir. Thank you for accepting me here." Shiron bowed. If there was anything he learned with his parents, politeness was it.

"It was my idea." Magnus pointed out, before he sat. "Dad's right, though. We can wait for the food here!"

They're so nice to me… I'm not sure what to think. Shiron nodded, sitting next to Magnus. His heart skipped a beat, but that was probably fine.

"Well, I guess we can talk a bit before, right?" Oscar raised a cup of glass. There was a bubbling golden liquid inside of it, which Shiron assumed to be some kind of alcoholic beverage. "So, what'd you and Magnus do, exactly? I know you two climb that hill a lot."

"...We investigate. Honestly, we might as well be detectives at this point. It's not that exciting." Shiron answered with a sigh. "Magnus only went with us for one mission, though."

"I'd rather not fight unless I really have to!" Magnus said. "Plus, baking is my passion."

"You get me, man." Shiron managed a snicker.

To think he was in a house, with a loving family, and with a friend. Shiron couldn't help but chuckle. The life he now lived was… wonderful. Still, part of him was expecting a "catch". Something bad that would take away all the happiness he felt. The fact it didn't happen yet was also concerning for him.

But he tried to ignore the thought. His paranoia was simply being more annoying than usual.

"I'm glad you two are friends. Magnus talks a lot about you, y'know." Oscar said with a grin.

Naturally, Magnus put his hands on the table, face turning red. "D-Dad!"

"I-It's okay. I talk about you to Nick all the time." Shiron didn't, but he lied because it'd make Magnus feel better. Though he did want to talk more about him with other people.

"Huh? Okay, that's… thanks." Magnus sat down again, still flustered. Was this another sign, or was he overthinking again?

Shiron quickly thought of another subject to talk about. "Oh, and I've made some progress with my training! Icy Wind is easier to use."

"Well, I think it's cool!" Magnus said. For a moment, he was pretty happy with himself. But then he started to cringe; it was a really dumb joke.

"H-hahahahah!" Shiron burst out into laughter, much to the other's surprise, and it took him a good minute before he calmed down. His stomach still hurt even when he stopped laughing. "M-Man, that was good!"

"If you think that's good, just wait until the food arrives! Heh, get it? They rhyme!" Magnus snickered in response. At last, he found someone that appreciated puns.

"How cute." Oscar had to snicker as well, before a scent caught his attention. "Speaking of food, I think it's done. I'll go grab it, you two just wait here."

He left for the kitchen. Meanwhile, Shiron simply… waited. With Magnus next to him, time was faster than normal; he took that as a sign he was enjoying things.

And once the doors opened again, Shiron caught the sight of a Chesnaught holding a large tray in her arms. From what little he could see, it looked like a pie, smelling of meat and spices.

Next to Helga was Oscar, carrying a bottle made of glass with juice inside, along with ice cubes. Shiron smelled Oran, and that made him even more excited.

"Sorry that I took so long. I wanted to make sure the cooking was up to par." Helga put the tray down, smiling at her guest. "But please, make yourself at home."

"Thanks, mom!" Magnus nodded, grabbing a handful of pie. "Oooh man, you're lucky! Mom's meat pie is the best in the whole town!"

"Is that so? I'm looking forward to it, then." Shiron didn't want his usual, comically large slice, so he took a smaller one. "Thanks for the opportunity, miss…"

"Oh, please, call me Helga," she sat on the opposite table from Oscar, grabbing her own slice, while her husband poured juice into cups for them all to drink.

Magnus began to eat in silence, savoring every bite. He already knew how it tasted, so there was no need to talk about it. However, he did want to hear what Shiron had to say.

And Shiron was practically exploding. The flavor stayed with him even after swallowing the food. Of course, he had to enjoy it, so he ate slowly, only stopping to take sips from his juice.

Once he finished his serving, he smiled more. "W-Wow, you weren't kidding, this is great!"

"I'm glad you think so!" Magnus grinned in response. "See, mom? I knew this was the right thing to do!"

"Bwahahahah!" Oscar chuckled to himself. "I see we have another heavy eater in our house. But no worries! We're prepared for it."

Still surprised at how gentle they are. Guess I… I can let my guard down a bit.

Shiron thought, but then something new came up in his mind. This was a nice situation, sure, but… did he really deserve it? Magnus was a ray of sunshine, and Shiron… wasn't that. A depressed mess that didn't even want to consider the possibility of being gay. Could someone like him truly be deserving of love?

"I'm… I'm really glad you're here, Shiron. It's been a while since we had any visitors." Magnus said, grabbing another slice. "We should do it more often!"

Helga couldn't agree more. "Yes, of course. Just let us know beforehand, so we can prepare. And before you ask, yes, sleepovers are fine."

"As long as you're prepared for the possibility of waking up in the middle of the night. Modi isn't the heaviest sleeper," Oscar added. He kept his smile. "Still, we're really glad to have you here!"

Those warm words… they confused him. Shiron looked down at his plate, unsure of what to think, what to do. The way they looked at him was overwhelming, despite him knowing it was also a gentle look.

My heart… I feel like it's gonna burst. I… I don't deserve this…

If he deserved it, he'd have gotten this love and care from his parents. Shiron once again tried to shake the thought of, but it kept coming back. No, he was worthless. No, useless. His body ached with wounds healed long ago.

Everything was overwhelming. The voices, the smells, the sights… Shiron couldn't handle it. And maybe he shouldn't. Maybe this was too much, maybe his second chance… never should've come.

"Hey. Hey. Listen to me."

Shiron felt someone grabbing his hand, and though his first instinct was to pull back, he didn't. Instead, he glanced to the side and saw that it was Magnus.

"You spaced out. I thought you were having a panic attack…"

"S-Sorry. It's just… my first time having dinner like this. I'm not used to it."

Oscar shook his head. "You're sayin' it right. The first time. I wouldn't mind doin' this more often."

"Me neither. Now please, try to relax, alright, Shiron?" Helga's words were more soothing than Shiron thought, and he did appreciate them.

Perhaps… it wouldn't hurt to let his guard down, just this once. After all, he was close to someone he liked. No, that he loved. Shiron, though, decided not to tell Magnus. He wasn't sure his feelings were reciprocated, and this wasn't the ideal situation to confess.

Magnus pulled his hand away. "Well, how about we eat some more, and then we can go watch a movie? We can even make popcorn!"

"W-With caramel." Shiron resisted the urge to drool, since he didn't want to make a fool of himself. Well, things were fine, again.

Even though he had an important mission a week later. Shiron allowed himself to relax a little. Maybe those thoughts wouldn't leave him, but… Magnus' presence alleviated them.

"Thanks, Magnus. I'd love to watch a movie with you, anytime. But first… I wanna finish dinner."

Things were fine, indeed.
Chapter 23 - Endless Life


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 23 - Endless Life

There's nothing more important than the life you hold

Just remember you've gotta go and keep on moving forward so you

Make the most of everyday

It had been a nice dinner so far. Shiron ate the main course, and then the dessert. Like always, Magnus' family knew how to make an amazing dessert, and if it wasn't for the fact he was respectful, he'd ask for another slice of the cake.

"So, he ordered the food, but then tried ta leave without payin'! The audacity!" Oscar huffed, crossing his arms. "I forced 'im ta work for me."

"I-I see. Good thing we struck a deal, haha…" Shiron gulped. For now, everyone was being nice to him, but he knew just how fast situations like this could change. In the blink of an eye…

"Everyone has their fair share of bad clients." Magnus added, groaning as he remembered some of his own customers. "You're not one of them, though, Shiron. It's nice cooking for you."

Well, that was enough to make Shiron blush, though he tried to cover it up by pushing his scarf upwards, only to remember he didn't bring it in the first place. On the bright side, they didn't mention the blush.

"T-Thanks. I, uh, I appreciate it."

Why, though? Why? Why were they all saying those… those good things about him? Shiron couldn't fight as well as his teammates. He didn't know much about the world, he was… just there, and they were complimenting him. Magnus was complimenting him.

While he thought it felt good, Shiron was unable to shake off the feeling that, somehow, this was fake. That they were all lying to him, only standing him because of the whole "he rescued their child/Magnus' brother" thing.

It tugged on his heart, like it was twisting itself into a knot, and Shiron suddenly didn't even feel like eating anymore. He… he had to leave. Go away, back to Nick's place, maybe cry himself to sleep like he did a thousand times back home.

Oscar tapped a claw on the table. "Y'know, if you'd like, we could use another employee. You and Magnus would be working preeeetty close."

"Does he even know how to cook?" Helga tilted her head. "It's not like I don't want him there, but it'd help if Shiron knew that."

"I-I can teach him!" Magnus blurted out, almost jumping off his chair. "And while we wait for him to learn, he can be a waiter. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Shiron, who had been just listening to this whole thing, felt like his jaw was going to drop. Out of the blue he was tossed into a job interview—though it didn't really look like an interview.

"I-I guess… I guess I'd like that. I'm sure I can learn to cook."

He didn't. Shiron was an idiot that couldn't learn or pick up any skills, no matter how much he tried. Oh well, he could try… for Magnus.

"Well, that settles it!" Magnus smiled, and his tail began to wag. "Heh, you'll start soon!"

"Hm… I don't think we should have him be there all the time. He's learning, after all." Oscar nodded. "Tomorrow, maybe? If you're free. Show up anytime you'd like. We don't want you to feel pressured or anything."

"I should be." Shiron gulped. He was free. I just hope I don't mess this up, like usual.

"Good! Now we can finish eating, eh?" Oscar smiled brightly. He could tell he made his son happy, which at the end of the day, was what all parents wanted.

Shiron's stomach growled in response, and he blushed again—harder. But he was hungry, and considering how good of a chef they all were, it was no wonder how excited he was to finish it.

He ate. He ate a lot. Not wanting to be rude in someone else's house, Shiron ate whatever they threw at him. It helped that most of the food was delicious.

"...I think hiring him was the right move after all," Magnus muttered.

It was then that something strange happened. As Magnus watched Shiron eat, his thoughts drifted elsewhere. He pictured them both already evolved, in that very same house. Shiron was bulky, with a few scars, older as well.

Magnus was making food for him, kissing him on the cheeks and waiting to see what Shiron thought of it. Naturally, Shiron ate the pie—it was a pie—without taking any effort.

"Mmm… what's the spices you guys use? Garlic? I smell garlic." Shiron munched on a piece of bread, sniffing to confirm it was garlic.

"We made garlic bread." Magnus snapped back to reality, his face slightly red. "...Do you like it?"

"Love it." Shiron nodded, stopping to breathe and patting his stomach. Being a Pokémon was really nice; if he was still a human, he'd probably be in poor health from how much he ate.

"Ah, thanks!" Magnus' tail wagged again.

The rest of the night went smoothly, though Shiron's mind still came back to those nasty thoughts from before every now and again. He tried his best to shake them off.

Shiron returned to Nick's house, just in time to get some sleep. All the food made him tired, sleepy, and in need of rest. So much so that, despite Nick's protests and questions, Shiron simply entered the room and jumped in the bed immediately, knocking himself out.

Once he woke up, Shiron discovered two things: one, he overslept, because the sun decided to shine its rays directly on his face. Two, there was some chatter going on outside the room.

"Dang it… I ate too much yesterday." Shiron rubbed his eyes, groaning. He still had the bowtie and everything, so before leaving the room, he made sure to get properly dressed.

After putting on his scarf, Shiron climbed down the stairs. He wasn't particularly hungry, so maybe skipping breakfast wouldn't be a terrible idea. Just this one time.

He finally reached the living room, seeing both Rowan and Ivan. The latter of which looked at him and nodded, sitting on a chair.

"Ah, good morning, Shiron." The Houndoom said. "I've heard you barely said anything once you got back."

"U-Uh, sorry, mister Rowan, I was stuffed and sleepy. Just wanted some rest—"

Rowan shook his head. "Don't worry, kid. You're fine, but Nick got worried for a second there."

"...Where is he?"

"Date with Audrey. Missed on it due to the Fawkes business." Rowan replied, turning back to face Ivan. "And my friend here actually wanted to speak with you."

"M-Me?!" Shiron blinked. What did someone like him want with, well, Shiron?

"It's been over a month. You can change your team name now," Ivan replied, sighing. "...Apologies for that. Sometimes the Porygon can be a bit literal."

"Oh yeah, that." Shiron sighed. It had been some time and he ended up forgetting all about it. "...I don't really have any ideas."

"A shame." Ivan hopped down the chair. "Are you sure about that? It couldn't hurt to think about it. Perhaps a walk will help?"


Shiron sighed again. Not a bad idea, all things considered. He could stretch his legs, at least. "Okay, mister, but I gotta get to a job interview later."

"Ah! Good for you. I won't take too much of your time." Ivan began to walk towards the door, motioning for Shiron to follow.

"O-Okay! See you later, mister Rowan!"

It didn't take long for the two to leave the house. And for once, the weather looked fine. A bit cloudy, with Shiron's gills twitching slightly, which told him it'd rain sometime later.

"Tell me, what do you think of this town?" Ivan said after the two had walked a bit. "It's been a while since you arrived, after all."

"I… I never stopped to think about it before." Shiron inhaled, feeling the breeze hitting his body. "But… I guess it's nice. The people around treat me well, I have friends, I have—"

He was going to talk about Magnus, but… no. No.

"...I have people I care about."

Ivan nodded. "Good answer, kiddo. And if someone were to threaten them?"


What was it with the hard questions?

"...I don't like to fight people, but my friends are important. I'd have to fight."

"Another good answer." Ivan smiled on the corner of his snout. "I'm saying this because it might help you decide on a name."

"Oh! For a moment there, I thought you were being cryptic for no reason, haha…" Shiron rubbed the back of his head. It made things better.

Kind of. He still didn't know what kind of name. "Hope? No, that's too basic. Justice? Nah, I don't like it…"

"Take your time. You don't need to decide now." Ivan sighed. It was amusing to see that kid trying to come up with something, even if those efforts didn't bear any fruit.

"It's complicated. I'm not that good with names." Shiron crossed his arms. Plus, he had other things in mind. Mostly a cute Quilladin. Who he still thought was faking any kind of affection.

…He had to be right? But Magnus invited him to his house, they had dinner—a date, according to Nick! It'd be too much effort for someone faking affections.

Ivan realized Shiron stopped walking and speaking, standing in the open without doing anything. "Hm, you do seem a bit… distracted. Is something on your mind?"

"M-Me?! I mean, the name thing. It's hard!"

"...When you live for as long as I have, you pick up when others are lying," Ivan stated, before shaking his head. "But if you're not comfortable with telling me what it is, that's fine too."

"Uh… okay, yeah, I wasn't comfortable, sorry." Shiron gulped. This time he finally tugged his scarf upwards.

Back to the theme of the name, then. Which… didn't develop, as far as Shiron was concerned. He still didn't know what to call it, though something heroic was definitely on his mind.

"...Nothing. I don't need to decide now, do I?"

"Not right away, no," Ivan confirmed with a nod. "In that case, would you mind if I ask what this job interview is about, then?"

On the bright side, this was an easier thing to answer. Minus his crush on Magnus, of course. Shiron pulled down the scarf.

"Magnus invited me to work with him. Something about teaching me how to cook."

"...Hm." Ivan blinked, not expecting that to be the answer. He smiled afterwards. "That is nice of him. Do you have any idea how to cook?"

Shiron shook his head. "None, I'm afraid. I kinda want to, though. It seems fun, but…"


Dang it, Shiron walked right into another hard question. However, this time he actually wanted to answer. Ivan was an old man, surely he had some wisdom to impart.

"I dunno, feels like I'll never be able to do it." Shiron rubbed his arm, and his hands hurt, like… like those times he intentionally wounded them, when he was human. "He's already had a headstart, and even if I do learn how to cook, I'll never be able to reach his level! He's gonna be working with… with someone bad, at least when compared to him."

Ivan let Shiron say everything, not wanting to interrupt anything.

"And… and when he realizes that, then he'll finally cut me off from his life!" Shiron shouted a bit louder than usual, his breath turning raspy. It felt like he had a lump on his throat, with something wanting to come out. "He doesn't deserve that. He needs… he needs someone better."

"I beg your pardon?" Ivan realized something about what Shiron said, and this time he was going to point that out. "Needs someone better? Why is that?"

"N-Nothing! I just… I just don't want to disappoint him." Shiron gulped. All the effort to keep that part of himself away… for nothing. "He's a friend, and I don't wanna lose that."

"I suppose that makes sense. But Shiron," Ivan moved closer to him, then pointed at his chest. "It's up to you. Don't compare yourself to someone with far more experience. You grow at your own pace, and that is a beautiful thing. Don't forget that."

"...You expect me to change my whole outlook with one sentence?" Shiron grunted. If he had any semblance of a good mood, it was shattered. "I… I try to ignore this, most of the time. It's how I live my life. But sometimes, it gets too much to bear."

"I was not expecting you to change anything, but rather, take the first step." Ivan backed off, sitting on all fours. "If not for yourself, at least, for your friend."

To that, Shiron couldn't give any concrete answers. Maybe he wanted to be challenged like that. And with that in mind…

"You're good at this," he muttered, flustered again and with his face red. "I'll try to, anyway."

"Good! Now, I apologize if I made you nervous. I… I was trying to help." Ivan whined in the same way a puppy Growlithe would do when messing up.

"...Thanks, mister Ivan. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but it helped a bit."

"Don't worry, you're welcome to talk to me anytime." Ivan smiled, turning around. "And if you get your name idea, pop by the bank. I'll handle everything."

Now, he had to actually go and meet Magnus again, for the job interview. At least, Shiron assumed there'd be an interview. It would be highly unprofessional if there wasn't anything.

Also, he was going to be a waiter, which involved talking to others… something that Shiron wasn't the best at—though he wasn't the best at anything. Maybe at being depressed.

"...Ouch, even I didn't like that thought." Shiron slapped his own cheeks to calm down and inhaled as much air as he could.

Letting all of it out, Shiron continued his walk, heading to the bakery he spent most of his days in. Honestly, maybe he had a chance. A small, slim chance that Magnus was both interested in guys and in him. Even so, Shiron decided not to hope too much.

…Lower my expectations. That way if something bad happens I won't be disappointed.

Another thing he spent his entire life doing, though even he knew it wasn't a very good habit. But… taking the first step in bettering himself was doable. He thought it was doable. It had to be, right?

Before he knew it, he reached the bakery's door, which made his heart skip a beat. Still, Shiron knew this was where he needed to be, and as such, he opened the door.

As usual, the bakery was brimming with life. There wasn't a single table without Pokémon inside, talking to each other , and ordering food. Shiron understood now why he was asked to help; he assumed this was too much for Magnus's family to handle.

Which did make accepting the offer a little better. Shiron gulped, moving past the customers all the way to the reception, where he saw Magnus scribbling on a notebook, still talking to some Pokémon to take their orders.

He didn't even notice Shiron at first. The Marshtomp himself had to poke him on the arm just to get Magnus' attention.

"H-Huh? Oh, hi, Shiron! As you can see, we're a bit short staffed!" Magnus rubbed the back of his head. "Could you come behind the counter and help me out? I'm just about done taking their orders."

Shiron nodded, moving past some other customers while excusing himself. He made it through unscathed, but a bit nervous. After all, this was his first proper job.

"Okay, so… I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do?"

"Heh, don't worry, it's pretty simple! Well, first, I'm gonna give you an apron! You're not a chef, but it's just for show."

Plus it'd make Shiron look even cuter—something Magnus kept to himself.

"I'm gonna take the orders, and you're gonna hand them to the customers. Well, not just hand them you gotta see what they want too. Basically, you're gonna be a waiter. Sounds good?"

Shiron once again found Magnus' voice to be very soothing, and honestly he was going to say yes anyway, but the way Magnus said it sold it to him.

"Yeah. Uh, I think I can do that, yeah." Shiron was nervous, a little bit. Namely because he didn't want to mess up in front of Magnus. But given the kind of awful person he was… messing up was almost a guarantee.

He tried to shake the thought off, then happily put on the apron Magnus gave to him, choosing to put his scarf on the counter.

"Hm… I like it. How do I look?"

Magnus could swear his heart went all over the place from the sight alone, and this time, his entire focus was on hiding away how flustered seeing Shiron that way made him. Thanks to that, he didn't blush.

His speech, on the other hand, didn't get so lucky. "A-Ah! Ah, well, you look… I think… I think you look nice. Y-Yeah!"

Shiron really didn't believe him, and once again thought that was just… being nice. People were nice to each other, right? So Magnus was doing just that. Nothing more, nothing less.

It hurt a bit to think that way, though Shiron put on a smile anyway. "Alright, so I'll… I'll do it. It can't be hard…"

He hoped it wasn't hard. With that in mind, Shiron left the counter, gulping and holding more than a few menus in his hands; some new customers had arrived, which meant he had to do waiter things.

The first was a rather chubby Buneary—whoever they were, they probably liked food just as much as Shiron did—dressed in a blue shirt and cape. Accompanying said Buneary was a Furret.


Handling that one was fine, and not nearly as nerve-wrecking as Shiron assumed it'd be. They just ordered a few cookies and tea. Next up were… four. A fluffy Riolu, a Bidoof, a Pancham and… a Hakamo-o. The dragon was already eating a full pie, but they ordered seconds anyway.

Finally, he met a lone Vulpix. She seemed rather young—a child, maybe? And she ordered a milkshake. Shiron had to hold back his own hunger when hearing a milkshake order.

Well, things had gone smoothly so far, with Shiron taking them all back to Magnus.

"Quite a busy day, huh?" Shiron sighed in relief, rubbing his forehead.

"...All things considered, it's not that much, to be honest." Magnus blinked. At least Shiron was doing fine, from the looks of it. "Though you're not quite done yet. We'll have a lunch break, though, so get ready for that!"

On cue, Shiron's stomach growled, and he quietly scooted away, back into the job. Still a few customers to talk to, and, aaaand…

The first one he set his sights on was, to put it bluntly, a practical joke. Nick. Nick and Audrey. Nick with a menu in his paws and the smuggest of looks on his face, to the point he was showing off his teeth.

"Dang, Shiron, you got a date and a job with your crush? That's really lucky."

Shiron inhaled. A lot. And then let it out. "Hello, may I take your orders?"

"Wow," Audrey began to snicker. "We didn't plan on coming here, but now I'm glad we did! We can cheer you up!"

"P-Please don't. I'm just trying to do my job."

Nick smirked again, sticking his tongue out in a blep. "That so? Well then! I think we can help with that."

"Your orders. Please. Pretty please?" Shiron asked, trying to get them to just… say what they wanted to eat.

"I dunnoooo, man, what do we want?" Nick smirked again, looking at Audrey and expecting her answer.

"Maybe a fancy wine, some garlic bread… in the middle of the night, with the moon overlooking us." Audrey snickered again. She wasn't describing her and Nick, no.

Shiron realized they were talking about him. Him and Magnus. "...If you keep this up I'm just gonna skip to the next table."

And to that, Nick pouted. "You're no fun, man. We'd like a meatloaf."

"Meatloaf." Shiron blinked. They had that? Neat. "Fine, I'll tell Magnus your order. Anything else?"

"Yeah, tell him you have a crush on him." Nick made kissing noises, and Shiron quickly left the table before he got even more embarrassed.

Still, they had a point. It wasn't a particularly good point, but one nonetheless. Shiron could just blurt it out, and the worst that Magnus could do… was say no.

Except that wasn't the worst thing that could happen. The worst thing that Magnus could do to Shiron was cut him out. Hate him, make Shiron feel miserable or… or be disgusted if Shiron told him his true feelings.

That particular aspect played on his mind repeatedly. Magnus looking at him with pure disgust. Saying things like: "ew, no" to his face. He had a crush, but saying anything came with the caveat of Magnus not sharing those feelings.

And so, Shiron was conflicted. But… but he showed interest. Multiple times, even!

This… this has to be my anxiety talking. R-Right, I mean, I'm being unreasonable. I think he might be interested.

But what if he wasn't? The question alone made Shiron doubt himself. Despite all the evidence of the contrary, he simply… didn't want to believe it could be true. That hurt him, too.

And once again, his heart began to race. Shiron tried to ignore that, simply moving from table to table and putting on a smile as he got each and every order before bringing them to Magnus. In the middle of it, he even went and served the food at a few tables. While it all happened, he still couldn't shake his anxiety off.

Really, who could he talk to about this? Nobody. Shiron had nobody to talk to. Maybe Nick, maybe even Ivan. Or maybe nobody, because then he'd just be bothering them all.

He handled a few more orders before Magnus called him over, whistling and waving at him. So… it had to mean they were having lunch next, right?

His stomach certainly seemed to think so, wth it growling again. Shiron led the customers out, closing the door behind him and breathing a sigh of relief.

"S-So! How did I do?" Shiron turned around to look at Magnus, forcing himself to smile.

"Honestly? A lot better than I thought!" Magnus took off his own apron, putting it on top of a table. "We'll have lunch break, and then reopen the bakery in the afternoon. You don't need to stay for the shift, though."

"I don't…?"

On one hand, Shiron was relieved, not wanting to feel any more anxiety than usual. On the other… he wanted to spend more time with Magnus. That should have made the decision easier, but it really, really didn't.

Especially because his heart was still racing. Shiron assumed that, by having lunch, he'd calm down. He was counting on it, actually.

"Yeah, just let us know beforehand. I think you're doing a good job so far!"

Why? Why did every compliment hit him like a knife? And Shiron knew that… because he knew what a knife felt like in his skin. He knew too well. A cold flame that burnt his nerves, throbbing and giving him an intense discomfort.

And the worst part? Shiron knew this wasn't normal. He knew he shouldn't be feeling so damn anxious over a compliment. It shouldn't make him react the way he did. But it happened, completely outside of his control.

Sometimes… Shiron wished he was normal. A normal human, doing whatever his parents wanted him to do. No freedom, maybe, but at least, he wouldn't be nearly as much of a mess.

At the same time, however, thinking about Magnus… helped. About them together, working there, talking, doing all sorts of things. That was soothing, with Shiron holding on to the thought, picturing him and Magnus holding hands. There was no pain, no anxiety. Just the two of them, together.

So, for once, Shiron let himself enjoy the moment. "Y-You really think so? It wasn't as hectic as I thought, even though I know it happens more often than not."

"Eh, you get used to it." Magnus shrugged.

The back door opened, and from it Oscar appeared, clearing his throat. "Boys? Lunch is ready, you can come in."

A moment to rest, it seemed. Shiron took a deep breath and followed Magnus.

As it turned out, Shiron decided not to go on the next shift. His excuse was that he had to train, since the team did receive an invitation for something later down the line.

That was—mostly—an excuse to get away. Shiron at least got dessert out of it: a particularly tasty milkshake. For better or for worse, Shiron was free to do… whatever he wanted to do with his day.

The main problem was that he didn't know what that was. He stood in front of the bakery, sipping his milkshake and looking at the cloudy sky.

Funny how my mind is just like that. Well, funny in a self-deprecating way, which is my favorite kind of humor! Hah…

Sometimes he wished he could open his brain and remove all the bad thoughts from it. Maybe a psychic could help… or make him a vegetable afterwards. Shiron winced at the thought.

Maybe… training's gonna help.

Well, that was a dumb idea. He never enjoyed fighting, even if it was necessary. Shiron groaned, but hey, what was the worst that could happen?

At least, Shiron wanted to train alone. He went all the way to the beach, taking controlled, deep breaths. Alone, from the looks of it.

First, he wanted to test his main attack. Shiron concentrated, thinking of himself as a water current, closing his eyes. Before he knew it, water appeared from the air, slowly encircling his arm. After that was finished, the water reshaped itself, forming what appeared to be a drill.

"H-Heheh." Shiron couldn't help but laugh; it was a bit ticklish.

What to train with? Liquidation was already in place, he just had to… use it.

You're so stupid. An idiot, a moron. You can't even train properly! I just wanna—GRAAAAH!

Shiron exhaled, before raising his water-coated arm and ramming the ground with it. Right away, the water exploded away from his hand, and the impact sent grains of sand all around the place, creating a small hole, though it was quickly covered by more sand. Shiron didn't even realize what he just did until a few seconds had passed, and even so, his heart was still racing.

"H-Hah." Shiron panted, sitting down. He looked at his arms, seeing both of them were trembling. Not in a bad way, though.

That was kinda relaxing. Punching my problems away, huh? Maybe…

His heart skipped a beat, while Shiron thought of something… stupid. Very stupid, and he knew it. But… but…

He focused again, creating another water drill. Once more, Shiron punched the ground beneath him. However, he did so harder than before, and as a result, the hole he made was also bigger.

"Idiot! Worthless!"

After the water left his arm, Shiron continued punching for a while, until he calmed down. Again. At least somewhat. His heart was still beating way too fast, but Shiron felt better.

"H-Hah. Wait, this… this feels great!"

More. There was no questioning it; Shiron had to do it again. And again. And again. He kept doing it, he kept punching the sand over and over again. Until he lost count.

"Unlovable! Dumb! Piece of crap!"

No end in sight. Shiron closed his eyes, his throat swelling while tears began to form, and his strength only increased. Each punch hit harder than the one before, but still, he didn't stop.

"Nobody in their right mind would ever want you! Your real parents didn't, your adopted ones didn't! You're nothing!"

He screamed, screamed at the top of his lungs. Shiron punched again and again, not satisfied until he finally let everything that was pent up out. He couldn't even feel his arms anymore.

"H-He's never… he's never gonna… love you back."

Shiron raised both arms this time, ramming them both at the exact same time. A few meters in front of him, a burst of energy left the ground, the earth itself splitting open—though it wasn't a particularly big hole.


Was that… how strong Shiron was? He didn't even believe it. Instead, Shiron punched the ground again. He was running out of things to call himself.

"Piece of shit! Scum of the earth!"

Again with the punches. Again with the names. Shiron was doing it all… weaker, though. He was spending most of his energy on this.

"H-Hah. You don't deserve anything. You're…" Shiron finally stopped.

He didn't know for how long he was punching for, but it sure felt like forever. His arms hurt, too. Aching, throbbing. He couldn't even cry, with his eyes extremely dry, and his heart?

Still beating. Because he was granted a second life, for some ungodly reason. Shiron never did understand Xerneas. When there were so many better people to resurrect. Nick's parents, for one. Yeah, that was the obvious choice.

He was still alive. And maybe… maybe that was the mistake he made. Living.

It'd be… so easy to do it again. So. Damn. Easy.

But he didn't. Shiron didn't try it, he didn't move, he didn't do anything. Why? Why were things different this time around? What made everything… worth it?

At that moment, Shiron realized that it wasn't just one, but multiple things. Pokémon that loved him, that looked out for him. Friends, one of which he began developing feelings for.

That's what made him stop. Stop and take a step back, thinking again. About himself. About… everything. And it all came back to Magnus. Shiron blinked, looking at himself, arms and hands still shaky.

"I… I have something to tell him. N-No, I have to tell him!"

Although Shiron didn't reevaluate his entire life—and the bad thoughts were still there, he now had something to share with a friend. If anyone would be willing to hear him, it'd be Magnus.

Thankfully nobody seemed to notice his outburst on the beach—which made it the best place if he needed to do it again. Knowing Shiron, he was likely going to do that.

But for now, his main focus was on Magnus. He was probably still on the afternoon shift if anything…

Still, Shiron opened the door to his bakery, seeing it was more or less the same as it was before. Except this time around he was greeted by a different set of friends.

"Hi, Shiron!" Terry waved from a table. "We got curious on why you spend so long here, so—"

"You got curious and dragged me along," Liz interrupted him with a glare. However, her stern tone briefly abated. "...For the most part."

"Uh, it's a job I got, but I'm not working right now, so, have fun?"

"We will!" Terry snickered, whispering to Liz. "Do you want to increase your bet?"

"Hmph, maybe. I still think he will not make any advances."


Shiron had long since moved past them, and didn't hear… whatever they were scheming. He tried to calm down while he headed for the counter, where Magnus was. Just like always.

"Hm? Oh, Shiron, you're back!" Magnus stopped scribbling once he saw the familiar Marshtomp. "...I'd ask if you wanna take the shift, but we kinda started already, so I'm afraid you can't."

"Not the reason, actually. I, uh, could I have a few minutes of your time?" Shiron rubbed the back of his head, trying to hide how flustered he was. And failing, of course. The blush was visible. On the other hand, he managed to hide his anxiety for the most part—his body twitched slightly.

"You mean like, me taking a break?" Magnus' heart also skipped a beat after hearing what Shiron said. Could this be it? Out of the blue?

"Yeah, about right. I know today's hectic and all, so you don't need to go with me." Shiron mostly said that so he could see if Magnus was going to reject the idea. "...But I wanna talk to you about something."

O-Oh Gods, he's gonna— Magnus immediately smiled. "U-Uh, sure! I just… I just gotta tell my parents about it, see if they can cover for me."

"Right, I'll… I'll go ahead and wait at the door, okay?"

Magnus nodded, hurrying to the inside. Meanwhile, Shiron turned around, passing by a giggling Terry, while Liz winced, seemingly defeated. He ignored them, not really understanding what the fuss was about, before leaving.

And then he waited in the front door. Shiron wasn't exactly calm, and the whole two minutes that he stood there felt like two hours before Magnus showed up beside him.

"Took a little bit of convincing, but they let me go!"

"...Wow." Shiron inhaled again, before letting it out. "Okay, so, walk with me for a bit, alright? We're going to the beach."

"The beach…? I mean, sure." Not what Magnus expected, for sure. But if it involved Shiron, he'd go anywhere.

On Shiron's end, he sort of wanted to hold Magnus' hand while they walked, but decided not to. This chat was going to be… something.

"Well, then, lead the way!" Magnus snickered, walking alongside Shiron.

For the duration of that trek, Shiron actually managed to calm down his anxiety further. Like he thought, just standing by Magnus' side was enough to help with his… stuff.

Maybe not once they were done with the chat, though. And that made him a bit nervous. However, Shiron pressed on with the idea anyway.

And he was back on that beach again, with Magnus. With his crush. Shiron tried not to think too much about that, instead leading him on to the middle, right where he had his… breakdown of sorts.

"Hm, something feels different. The sand kinda feels deeper…" Magnus pointed out, stepping on the ground. "Ah, but it happens sometimes, I guess."

"Yeah, do you wanna, like, sit down? 'Cause I think it might be better." Shiron received a nod, and the two sat.

"Hah, not as comfortable, but… well, it could be worse, I guess." Magnus stretched his arms, feeling the wind on his fur. "What'd you want to talk about anyway?"

"Okay, where do I start with this…"

Shiron inhaled again, to the point his stomach bloated a bit. Then, he slowly let it all out, measuring his next few words. He had to trust Magnus, and besides… he already told Nick before.

"I am… I was a human."

No more words were said after that, because Shiron wanted Magnus to listen and tell him what he thought of the situation.

As for Magnus, he… heard it. His mind processed it, and he spent a good few seconds just repeating Shiron's words inside. Human. Used to be a human. That sounded crazy, because weren't humans some myth? Sure, Nick believed in them, but…

"You're telling me the truth?"

Shiron nodded, looking at the crashing waves against the sand. "I… I died. I died as a human, and then I was reborn here, as a Pokémon. I woke up inside the ocean, and Nick rescued me."

"H-Huh?!" Magnus, again, repeated everything to himself. Shiron wouldn't lie to him like that, right? Except he did. He never said anything about being a human; he said he had amnesia!

"I was born in the city of Lilycove. It's… it's a place full of humans. I know it doesn't make much sense, but I remember it all."

He paused, but Magnus didn't say anything else.

"I… I remember it, and I don't want that. I don't want to be a human, and I'm not. I used to be, but now?" Shiron said a little louder this time, trying to get his friend's attention. "S-Say something, Magnus!"

Magnus had many things on his mind. If Shiron was a human—if he was telling him the truth, then… Magnus could accept that. He even accepted that Shiron didn't want anything to do with being a human.

It was hard to find out his own emotions. So Magnus focused on a single question. "...Why hide it?"

"I… I thought if I said something, you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. Nick and his grandpa figured it out on their own, but I haven't told anyone else."

Just the three of them? In a way, it was like Magnus was special.

"I… I see. You called me to tell me that." Magnus couldn't hide the disappointment in his tone. On one hand, he knew more about Shiron. On the other… he expected something else.

"Not… just that." Shiron rubbed one of his arms. "I'm not… I'm not exactly the best person in the world. My parents made sure of that. And while… I can't—I won't tell you about them, there's something that I haven't told anyone here."

Magnus' eyes widened, and he looked at Shiron. Like always, glancing at him made Magnus almost lose his jaw, such was the intensity. And now, curiosity.

"Look, I… I regret doing it, before I go into details. But sometimes, I feel very close… to doing it again. I know I have to stop, I know I have to get help, and I will, which is why… I wanna tell you about it."

That sounded ominous. Magnus gulped, suddenly unsure, with his tail lowering itself a bit.

"It's… I wanna point out it's related to why I died. It wasn't an accident or anything. I wasn't killed, either."

Magnus tried to narrow it down. No accident, not killed…if neither were the answer, what was it?

And Shiron breathed in again, with his heart almost jumping out of his chest with how rapidly it beated inside of him.

Then…he let the words out.

He described everything in grand detail, from waking up, to having a particularly bad fight with his parents, and all the steps of his plan.

His plan…to finally end it all…

"I was tired. So, so very tired. Every day…" Shiron trembled again, moving his hand to touch his chest, right where his heart was. It hurt. "Every day was the same. I had to wake up, study, but I… I could hardly leave my room. If I didn't understand or didn't manage to learn a subject properly…"

Shiron gulped, looking at his arms. He remembered the stinging pain, even if nothing was happening at that moment. "They hurt me, Magnus. Beat me up and everything."

"W-Wha?! Your own parents?!" Magnus wanted to reach out for a hug, but Shiron pulled him away.

"L-Let me finish. It got really bad." Shiron had to pause to collect his thoughts, and he was struggling to not burst into tears. "T-They… they… my parents had a cellar, outside the house. Sometimes they'd lock me up there for the whole night. No food, no water, nothing. In the dark."

"I-I'm… what?!" Magnus didn't even know how to react or what to say when it came to that. The only thing he could do was listen.

"And… I got tired of that. I got tired, because no matter how much I tried, I was never enough for them…" Shiron began to laugh at the absurdity of it all, touching both of his cheeks with his hands. "Y-You must think I'm so stupid. Like, I should've tried harder!"

Magnus shook his head at that. "...I'm sorry, but no. You're not the wrong one here. They were for abusing you like this."

"I… I…" Shiron gulped. This was the last part of the story, and the hardest one to talk about. "I couldn't stand it anymore. I was at my limit. And one fateful day, they left on a business trip. I was alone. I could… I could do it."

"...You could do it?" Magnus stopped to think. Reading between the lines, trying to understand what Shiron wanted to say before he even said it.

"So, I left the house, making sure nobody followed me. There was a river—well, Lilycove is right next to the ocean… actually, most of Hoenn is. I went…"

Shiron stopped again, trying to calm down enough to talk about it. "I went there, to the ocean. H-Hah…"

And suddenly Magnus realized it all fell into place. The words he used, the fact he died, that it wasn't on outside forces…

He understood it. Shiron didn't need to say anymore. His heart almost shattered into pieces from listening, while his eyes widened like saucers. His body shivered, trembled, and against all odds, he did something.

He hugged Shiron. Not a weak hug, no. Magnus gave Shiron the tightest hug he could muster, not letting go, not saying anything. This opened the floodgates for Shiron, and he cried the most he had ever cried before, letting every single tear in his body out. No matter how much he trembled, no matter how much it hurt, Magnus was there. And he wouldn't let go.

Neither of them knew how long they hugged for. Maybe it didn't matter. Shiron certainly thought so, continuing the hug for as much as he could, crying until the tears stopped forming.

But slowly, he began to relax. Magnus was still there, still hugging. Shiron only wanted that. The affection, the care… it was heaven for him. He closed his eyes, breathing slowly to relax further.

"You can stay… you can stay here for as long as you need. Don't worry about anything, okay? I'm here, Shiron. I'm here for you."

Shiron wasn't even able to say anything, his cries overshadowing everything else he tried to do. But… but it felt nice to be vulnerable next to Magnus. He didn't solve all of his problems, but Shiron knew it was a start, at least.

"I'm… I'm sorry you had to live like that. I just hope that now, you have a better life. And if I can help you in any way… I will."

"O-Okay…" Shiron managed to mutter, sniffling and hugging Magnus tighter. "Just stay here. I… I wanna stay here with you for a while."

"Is that so? Well, I can do that." Magnus rubbed his hand on Shiron's back, trying to comfort him.

It worked. Shiron closed his eyes again, letting Magnus handle everything. And with that, his anxiety disappeared, replaced by an affection towards Magnus that Shiron knew to be stronger.

"Wherever we are, I want to help you," Magnus said, still tapping Shiron on the back. "Because… you're important to me."

"...You're important to me too."

Shiron wanted to talk about his feelings again, about… loving Magnus, but this wasn't the time. Maybe… maybe some other time, he could tell him everything. But right now all he wanted was to stay and relax with him on the beach.

"Good, because I want to treat you to some more food," Magnus said. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Shiron's stomach growled again, but he didn't get flustered because of it. Instead, he managed a faint laugh. Magnus always managed to make him feel better. He was just… great.

"Hey, if you remember everything about being human, can you tell me if the appetite remained the same? Dunno any other Marshtomps as hungry as you."

"H-Heheh. Unfortunately for you, it showed up when I got reborn. Don't ask me how the process works, though, because I have noooo idea!" Shiron finally pulled away from the hug, sighing in relief. "But I don't regret it. I… I don't even consider myself a human anymore."

"Hm, it's weird, though. Do you remember how it was like? To change?"

Shiron considered it for a moment, tapping his chin. "Honestly? It's kind of a blur. Like, imagine body parts start growing, like you're full of energy, then… you're a Pokémon. It's really weird. I don't know anything specific."

"Hmmm, no, I get it. Evolving was kinda like that." Magnus sighed in relief as well. Things got better, at last. "Well, you're gonna have to tell me more about humans. Before today, I didn't even think they were real, let alone… like you."

"Like me?"

Magnus meant handsome, but he kept it to himself. "Kindhearted and gentle. That's how I'd describe you. Though… you really gotta work on hiding things from your friends. I get why, but…"

"S-Sorry, it was… something I kept bottled up." Shiron winced. He failed to talk about punching the sand, but that would just have to come later. Much later. "But yes, I can tell you about humans, later. I'd rather do it when there's only you and me."

"I… I get that." Magnus stood up, offering a hand for Shiron to grab, so he could also get up. "C'mon. I gotta go back to my shift… and you gotta eat. Drink, too, with how much you cried."

Shiron happily took Magnus' hand and got up. "Can I get another milkshake if that's the case?"

"I feel like you're gonna get really fat if we keep this up. Heh." Magnus turned around. "But really, I'm here for you, I'm your friend."

"I never had any friends before becoming a Pokémon," he admitted with a wince. "...Now I have a bunch. And I gotta say thanks."

"Don't mention it, man."

Magnus didn't let go of Shiron's hand, and instead pulled him in, walking ahead to leave the beach. Although surprised at first, Shiron didn't resist. Why would he, when he liked the idea?

He didn't say everything; in fact he only scratched the surface. But… with time, he could. Magnus deserved to know more, when the time was right for that.
Chapter 24 - I Think We're Alone Now


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Chapter 24 - I Think We're Alone Now

The strength you've built, the kindness that you've learned to grow

All together makes your soul a better, brighter light, I know

There you will

Damn it.

Shiron knew better than to try and win a fight against his mentor. Granted, they hadn't talked in a while, mostly because Shiron got busy with a bunch of other things, but still, he assumed that it wouldn't have been such a beatdown.

Which, considering that he was on the ground, panting and with a few chunks of ice all over his stomach, was a complete and total beatdown.

"You are being sloppy," the Samurott said, sitting and sheathing his scalchops. "It's as if you want to get hurt."

"I-I'm sure… I'm sure it's nothing. I might just be, y'know, bad at this."

Ronan closed his eyes, muttering… something. Shiron didn't hear it. And frankly, after getting beaten up he didn't feel like listening to it. Instead, he decided to sit.

"But it's not that bad, right?"

"You're better at using Liquidation now, yes." Ronan rubbed his beard. "Perhaps you'd like another go? It is only through trial and error that you may succeed."


Another go at this training. How could it go wrong? Shiron closed his eyes, trying to come up with an excuse to refuse Ronan's offer. He didn't find any.

Oh well, at least fighting was one way of handling his emotions and letting everything out. Shiron got up, adjusting his scarf and looking back at Ronan.

"Fine… I'll try again." Shiron rubbed his arm. Trial and error. His whole life had been that—mostly the error part.

The Samurott stepped back, putting some distance between him and Shiron. He did so for roughly fifteen seconds, and then stopped.

"You're free to make the first move. There is something I would like to show you."

Shiron took a deep breath. He wondered how the others were doing. They were supposed to meet Zero soon, and figure out what this whole "Crack" business was all about.

…Was it the right move? It'd help him be a hero, at least. Plus, Shiron liked mysteries. "I'm going first…"

Another deep breath. Water gathered around his left arm, quickly shaping into a drill. Though not a particularly pointy one, even if the water was spinning around at a high speed.

He ran, raising the water-coated arm and then jumping, lowering his arm as he aimed for Ronan's head. If it connected… it'd be great.

Which meant that, of course, it didn't. Ronan moved his body back only slightly, to the point Shiron was still in front of him, but the Samurott managed to defend against the attack, before he could even punch properly. A sudden defense.

In fact, he not only defended, but also struck back. With a swift movement, Ronan managed to grab his scalchops, coating them in pure dark-type energy. Shiron only had enough time to blink before a barrage of slashes hit his body, and he fell again.

"G-Guh!" Shiron coughed. The strikes stung, like a thousand knives on his body. Somehow, his scarf remained untouched, but the rest of him didn't.

"Like I said, sloppy." Ronan sheathed his blades again, before offering a hand to Shiron, who quickly took it, though he didn't stand just yet. "You're not particularly fast. And you're a close-range fighter. You're better when you're right next to your opponent."

He was close to Ronan now. Surely, that had to be an opportunity, right? Shiron still had one of his hands on the ground, and he could do something.

Grabbing a handful of mud from the ground, Shiron fashioned it into a ball and then launched it straight into his teacher's eyes, momentarily managing to blind him.

"L-Like this?!"

"Urk!" Ronan worked on removing the excess mud from his eyes, grinning as he did so. "Like this, yes. You learn fast."

"...Thank you." Shiron's heart skipped a beat. This… this was nice to hear.

But he had no time to waste. Shiron ran again, closing his fists. He tackled Ronan with them, hitting his stomach a few times. Each time, he put more strength into it, and the Samurott received the strikes, grunting more. Despite this, he stood his ground, not moving all that much.

It didn't take long before he grabbed Shiron's hands to stop him from attacking again, right as the mud fell from his head. "Tackle… I find it a simple move, and while it works with your physical strength, there are more refined options for you."

"Uh, s-sorry, I got excited." Shiron gulped. This was a little embarrassing, but he chose to focus on Ronan's words. "A more refined option? Or options."

"Indeed," he smiled in response. "I may be part Dark, but I still have a few other kinds of attacks at my disposal. Today, I will teach you Brick Break."

A fighting-type move. Shiron remembered it, but he wasn't aware his species could learn it. Good thing they could, then. It was better than a simple tackle, anyway.

"When do we start?"

Rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. Ronan had picked them over from outside the town, so now Shiron was looking at a bunch of them, blinking. Was he supposed to lift them? Throw them?

"Uh…. I don't get it. What am I supposed to do with this?"

Ronan finished putting another rock, then clapped his hands together to get rid of the dust left in them. "Hm? It's rather simple. We're going to break each and every rock. That should give you the basics for this move."

"...I see."

Somehow, that made sense. At least it was better than staying up all night studying history. Not that there was anything wrong with history; Shiron just didn't want to be forced to learn it.

But he was going on a tangent again. "So, uh, how do I do this? Do I just… punch the rock?"

"It can work, but I'm trying to teach you precision." Ronan raised an arm, letting his fist close. "Gather your strength, move your arm down, and—"

He punched the rock in front of him. Shiron watched in awe as the boulder split into two halves, falling to the ground next to Ronan. That was power.

"W-Wow. I… I thought this was gonna be it, but s-seeing it?!" Shiron's eyes sparkled. That was so cool! He just had to do it himself!

"I don't particularly enjoy this move, but I suppose it would do nicely for someone like you." Ronan pointed at another rock. "Care to try it yourself?"

…And all of a sudden the enthusiasm left Shiron's body. He was going to try this, yes, but… well, he was certain it'd end up in failure. Just like everything else he tried.

Plus, what did "gather your strength" even mean? Why did old people have to be so cryptic about things?

Shiron sighed, having walked over to one of the boulders. It looked a little intimidating—no, very intimidating. What if he failed? It'd be the end of that training, and…

…I need to stop assuming the worst. Even if I fail, it won't be the end of the world. I-I think.

Raising an arm, Shiron took a deep breath. It was just him and the rock, the rock and him. He just had to… punch it. Punch it with all the strength he had.

What if I fail?

He couldn't think of that. Shiron lowered his arm at full speed.

It's not going to break.

The thoughts returned, but Shiron tried his best to ignore them.

I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail, I'm going to—

Shiron hit the rock, punching a hole through it. It didn't burst… at first, but a few seconds later, a bunch of chunks of rock fell to the sides. Somehow, someway… Shiron did it.

"H-Huh?! I… I did it?!" Shiron blinked, then rubbed his eyes. This couldn't be happening; he didn't believe it! "I-I actually did it! I broke the rock!"

And it didn't even hurt! His hand was fine, totally fine! Shiron's whole body trembled, filled with disbelief that he even managed to do such a thing. It had to be a dream! But it wasn't!

"You got the basics."

Snapping back to reality, Shiron glanced at the Samurott. "W-Wait, what?"

"I said you understood the basics." Ronan pointed at the rock that he destroyed. There were only two halves when compared to Shiron's boulder, which had been broken apart into many more pieces. "There's a lack of refinement here. You use too much energy, when only a small amount of it is necessary."


So it wasn't a complete failure, but Shiron didn't figure it out entirely. Right, that… made sense, even if he didn't like it. But still, things ended up better than he thought, which was an improvement.

"But that's a good thing." Ronan raised his head, smirking slightly. "Now you know the basics, which means we can improve from here on. It might even help with your emotions."

His emotions…? Of course, handling them better would be nice. Shiron sighed, hearing his stomach growl.

"...Oh no! M-My job!" Shiron slapped his cheeks, groaning. "S-Sorry, mister Ronan! I got a job a few days ago, and I've been doing good, but I kinda forgot to go, given all the training and—"

Ronan shook his head left and right. "You're fine. Go do your job, then return after it's done. We'll continue from there."

How could he be this understanding? Shiron didn't pry any further, only adjusting his scarf so it'd look nice. He didn't feel the wounds from those slashes anymore, so going to the bakery should be fine.

On the bright side, he learned a new move! Or the beginnings of it, at least. Shiron left in a hurry, ignoring his stomach.

Once he actually got there, Shiron found the place was oddly… calm. There weren't that many customers, which was great, considering he was (probably) late to his shift.

"A-Ah. I really, really need to calm down…"

Understatement of the century, from the looks of it. Shiron quietly closed the door behind him, already looking at the counter to see Magnus glancing back at him.

"Little late today, huh?" Magnus grinned. He didn't seem mad, at least. "Well, lucky for you, we don't seem to have many clients, so relax, man."

Gosh, why was he so adorable? Shiron felt all his anxiety disappear just from listening to that voice. It was so soothing. He walked to the counter, ready to speak more to him.

"So! Whatcha been doin'?" Magnus peeked a little out of the counter, grinning. "You look a little less… chunky."

"I-I do?!" Shiron glanced down at his stomach. There was a bit of a gut there, but upwards his muscles were a little more defined.

…Wait, was Magnus checking him out? Even if that wasn't the case, Shiron's face turned red.

"Just joking!" Magnus smiled again. "Since today's not that crowded, what do you say I try to teach you how to bake a pie?"

Just hearing that was enough to make Shiron's stomach growl again.

"I'd like that."

Magnus quickly hopped out of the counter, then opened the door behind him, waving for Shiron to come along.

"Don't keep me waiting long! We'll be having a fun time!"

And again, Shiron's heart beated faster than before. As usual whenever Magnus was around. But cooking? Actual cooking? He never tried it before.

Better late than never, I guess…

Shiron walked through the open door, closing it behind him. As he thought, the kitchen was fairly big. Wooden walls, cabinets, tables full of utensils… bowls and everything. Boxes of ingredients, and he smelled cinnamon. Sunlight entered through the wide, open windows, only making the smell more intense.

And, more importantly than all of that, Magnus was there with him. To teach… cooking and baking.

"First things first!" Magnus handed Shiron an apron. "Wear this, so you won't get that scarf full of flour."

"Uh-huh." Shiron turned around, taking off his scarf and putting it on a chair he found. Then, he put on the apron, fitting nicely in his body. "Huh! It's not that bad, I kinda like it."

Magnus looked, trying not to seem like he was staring disrespectfully. "Uh, yeah, it looks good on you."

"T-Thanks!" Shiron gulped. Awkward? A little. But it was worth it. "So, we're making pie?"

"Yup! Since this is your first time, can you handle me the ingredients while I bake?"

It sounded simple enough, so obviously Shiron was interested in that. "R-Right, can do."

Even so, he was a little nervous… but there was no way out of it now.

Magnus led him to the middle of the room, where a large wooden table was set, along with a few bowls. "Okay! We're making rawst berry pie today. Can you tell me what the ingredients are?"

"U-Uh…" Shiron stuttered. Damn it, this was supposed to be simple! "Rawst berries, for starters. Then… water and sugar?"

"Cornstarch and the pie crust as well." Magnus nodded. "I've prepared the crust before, so this shouldn't be too difficult."

He pointed at a stove nearby, where Shiron saw a saucepan. "That's where we cook the berries, right?"

"Ding ding ding! One point for you!" Magnus nodded again, moving there. "Now, hand me the berries!"

Shiron had already seen a bowl full of those delicious berries, so he grabbed it and handed it to Magnus… though not before picking one or two berries to eat by himself.

"I saw that! Heh, it happens!" Magnus put the berries on the pan, and then looked at Shiron. "...I forgot to ask you for the sugar."

"My bad, then." He rubbed the back of his head before grabbing the box of sugar.

Magnus carefully set down and turned the stove on, stirring gently. "The secret is to not use too much strength, y'know?"

Like mister Ronan said… Shiron thought. Who knew cooking would help with that? "Oh, and stir constantly too, right?"

"You managed to get another point, man!"

Okay, so it wasn't difficult at all! At least, based on what Shiron was seeing. Granted, his mind was half-focused on the smell of berries being cooked, plus the sugar…

Magnus continued to stir, glancing at Shiron every now and again. "Look, the strokes are gentle and constant, see?"

"Smells good too!" Shiron felt his mouth start to water by this point, but he managed to keep it together. "You do it every day? Don't you get tired?"

"Nah, it's fun. Plus, it's not like I only make this," he winked. "I think I'll take over from here. That sound good to you?"

"Uh, yeah, sure!" Shiron glanced down at his stomach; it wasn't growling yet. So he left the kitchen and went to sit down at a table.

He happily tapped his fingers on the table, sniffing the air to get that lovely berry scent. For as long as Shiron remained there, he could forget each and every worry he ever had.

No confrontation, no anxiety, no fear. Nothing. He was happy there. Truly and completely… happy. Shiron sighed, grasping at his scarf.

Part of his mind was asking that dreadful question about deserving this. He ignored it as hard as he could.

"Magnus? You hear me from here?"

It took a while before Shiron heard an answer.

"Oops, sorry! I was distracted stirring, but yeah, I can hear you just fine!"

"Ah, cool." Shiron smiled again. "You wanna hear some stories from me as a human?"

Most of them were bad ones, Shiron admitted to himself. But there were a few that he could share. Those that didn't involve him getting hurt, at least.

"Oh, sure! It's gonna take me a little more to finish here, so go on!"

Shiron asked himself where he could start. But there really wasn't a good place, was there?

"Sometimes, I could see rain from my room. I looked through the window and saw the dark skies, thunder, and of course, the drops." Shiron said. As he spoke, he looked through the door at the town, seeing no signs of rain there.

"Was it a tropical city or what? I don't know much about it… or at all." Magnus still stirred, but then he turned off the stove.

"...I think so. Maybe." Shiron shrugged. "Those rainy days… I remember wanting them to be over. There were times I wondered if they'd ever stop."


Magnus started stuffing the crust with the berry cream, listening on as Shiron continued the story.

"That's when I realized something, Magnus." Shiron tried to frown, but instead, he actually smiled. "No matter how long the rain lasts, there's always a blue sky waiting. Even as it rains, the sky is behind it, waiting to come back."

In response, Magnus stopped preparing the food. He took in the words, hearing them ringing inside his head. "Is… is that so?"

"What I mean is that I think I finally have that sky I longed for."

The words were meant for Shiron. He said it to make himself feel better, to cope with every bad feeling. But at the same time, there was truth to it. He agreed with the idea, or he wanted to.

"I'm… I'm glad you did." Magnus continued, putting the rest of the crust on top of the pie. He sighed in relief, rubbing his forehead. "We're all here for you, y'know. Nick, Audrey, Terry, Liz…we're your friends. Not just me."

"I know, I know, but you're…" Shiron stopped himself, only managing to whisper the last two parts of his sentence.

Different. You're different.

Shiron said nothing further, and then he saw Magnus come into the room, carrying the pie. The smell almost took him out of it, though Shiron managed to remain conscious. He really, really had to eat it.

"Here we go! For one hungry Marshtomp~" Magnus put the pie on the table, and then quickly glanced at the door he came from. "...I'm gonna get you your plate."

"W-Wait!" Shiron suddenly shouted, which did its job getting Magnus' attention. "...I want to share it with you."

To that, the Quilladin blinked. "Huh? But I made it for you—"

"It's best if it's shared."

Blinking again, Magnus felt his face start to heat and then promptly went back inside, returning with two plates. He quietly sat on the chair next to Shiron, setting down the plates.

"I, uh, wanna say thanks. It's not often I get to eat what I cook for the bakery." Magnus gulped, grabbing a fork. "Only when there's leftovers, and since you came into town that happened less and less."

"...I'm not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment." Shiron chuckled to himself. "But I wanted to be nice. Plus, sharing food with a friend is good, isn't it?"

"Y-Yeah, yeah, it is." Magnus too a chunk with his fork and munched on it. Unlike Shiron, he was already so used to his cooking that it didn't affect him nearly as much. "Hm, a little too much sugar."

Shiron raised a brow, then did like Magnus and took a chunk to eat. "I dunno what you're talking about, this tastes just fine!"

"Uh, it's called baker's tongue. You don't have it."

…I want yours. I mean what? Shiron blinked. Stupid, dumb brain.

"Anyway, how's your day been so far?" Magnus ate a little more. Still too sugary for his taste, but at least Shiron was enjoying it.

Before he replied, Shiron ate another bite. "My day was, well, fine. I was training a little earlier, trying to learn Brick Break. And, Magnus? It's weird."

"Weird… how?" He tilted his head. "Don't humans learn this kinda stuff?"

Huh. Of course that'd be something a Pokémon thought a human did. Of course.

"We don't." Shiron had to clarify that. "As far as I'm aware, we humans are kinda… fragile. I know I was."

Too fragile for his own taste, given he died before.

"...Oh, I see." Magnus stopped to consider. Humans weren't on his list of things to think about before, but they sure were now. "And… do you still consider yourself one?"

What an intriguing question that Magnus made. Shiron had thought of it a few times, and during other times he ignored the question.

But his life now… his life was good. Friends, a job, a home. Actual people that cared for him. And most importantly of all, Magnus.

Magnus. It all seemed to come back to him. He was always there, landing his hand. Shiron's heart beat faster as he thought of the Quilladin—even if he was right there. At last, Shiron had an answer.

"No. I'm… I'm happy here. I'm not a human. I'm a Marshtomp now, and I want it to stay that way."

It wasn't… only that. There was more to it, more things he wanted. Shiron wanted Magnus. He recognized that now. This feeling, this emotion… it was love.

Love. Such a funny word. One that Shiron never expected to use in his life. Yet it was there on his mind. However, he couldn't say it. Not in front of Magnus.

Because, even though he knew his feelings, Shiron didn't know if Magnus reciprocated. Maybe he did, and the signs certainly pointed to that conclusion. Shiron didn't believe that, though. His brain made sure to plant doubts.

So he couldn't say the words. He just… couldn't.

Meanwhile, Magnus watched in silence. Hearing the answer felt… relieving. It meant he really could handle his emotions towards Shiron now. His heart was racing with the thought of spending more time together.

This was… a crush. It was definitely a crush. He hadn't had one of those in a while. Ever after evolving, for that matter. Magnus didn't have anyone, but now… now he had someone that liked being around him. It was nice.

All he did was stare at Shiron while the Marshtomp talked. It was all he wanted to do. Magnus slowly started to smile.

"Well, I'm glad you're here. You're a nice guy."

"I… I hope so." Shiron looked down, mostly to see how much pie was left, but also because of embarrassment.

"I mean it, man. You're fun to be around." Magnus smiled again, and this time it was brighter. "You'll get the hang of that move. I just know it."

"Heh, thanks." Shiron continued to eat. If things stayed that way forever, he wouldn't be sad at all. Not one bit. With Magnus there, even if they didn't get together…he liked this life.

Of course, Magnus still had to help out. However he could. "I don't know much about fighting moves, but you can ask Mom if you'd like?"

Shiron tilted his head at that. "I thought she was a cook?"

And in response, Magnus simply shrugged. "I mean, she thought too. Dunno the extent of it, but Dad said she was very good at it."

"Huh, that's cool."

There was so much to this world… Shiron wanted to know more about it. No, he would learn more about the world. It was his home now, after all. And together with his friends, he felt as if he could do anything. Especially with Magnus around.

"By the way…" Magnus looked straight at his friend, meeting eye to eye. "I'm going with you. If you're gonna fight this Zero guy, I wanna be there to support you."

"H-Huh?! But he's… strong and stuff! I don't wanna lead you to danger!"

Magnus pouted, backing off slightly. "I can't in good conscience let you go there on your own, even with the team."

Shiron stood there, speechless. He didn't even know how dangerous the mission was. He was under the assumption of it not being too dangerous. He hoped for it.

"...Promise one thing. Just one thing, Magnus. Promise me it and I'll be fine with you going."

"Of course! What is it?"

Silence filled the room. Shiron himself closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, before opening them again. He looked serious, or at least he had a frown that Magnus hadn't really seen before.

"Promise me you won't die."


It was a simple request, all things considered. Just not die on a possibly dangerous mission. Magnus was more impressed that Shiron asked that. He also enjoyed the thought of Shiron liking him so much he worried.

"I… I'm not gonna die, alright?" Magnus finally replied, reaching out a hand.

And, to both of their shock, Shiron touched the hand with his own, holding onto it as tightly as he could. He really didn't want to let go. Why would he ever let go? This was… real. It was real and it happened. He trusted Magnus to keep his promise.

Having handled that as best as Shiron thought he could, he left the bakery, taking in the fresh air of Thornwell while looking at the bright sky ahead.

He was supposed to train some more, but Shiron didn't really feel like doing it. At the same time, going to their HQ wasn't exactly something he wanted to do either. So… where should he go? What should he do?

Maybe just walking would give him some kind of answer. So he began by going to the center of the town, taking some time to wave at any Pokémon that looked at him, even flashing a smile at them.

It's always so peaceful around here…unlike home.

Really, Shiron had to admit things in this world were better. He was just reaffirming that line of thought. He had to, every once in a while.

Oh well. Shiron continued on, checking the houses, the people, everyone he could. And little by little, he felt… something. Something tugging at his heart, a desire he didn't recognize before.

But he was able to put it into words. It happened to be the desire to protect others. To protect this town, this world he now lived in. The better way to do that was to… learn to fight. Or to fight well, in Shiron's case.

He finally got the courage to continue his training, rushing on to Ronan's house. Running there also happened to be a good way of exercising and burning those calories he got by eating that pie, amongst other things.

Once he arrived there again, Shiron saw the same boulders from before, but Ronan was nowhere to be seen. Naturally, Shiron knocked on the door, and it didn't take long before he answered.

"Ah! I see you're back. Are you ready for another round?"

He probably wasn't, but… Shiron thought it was better than nothing. He walked towards one of the boulders, staring at it. "So… I gotta break it without using more strength than I need, right?"

"Yes, yes, but before that, I want to see the limits of it."

Shiron tried to read between the lines and figure out what it meant, but the answer came up fast. Namely, that Ronan had put three boulders together, one on top of the other.

"I need you to lift them. I would like to see if you can."

"Uh, okay?" It didn't sound all that bad. Shiron went to the rocks, grabbing the one closest to the ground and…

Lifting them up. It didn't take any effort at all, and he didn't even sweat. "Like this?"

"Impressive…" Ronan rubbed his beard, thinking. "May I add another?"

"I'd rather not, but you're the mentor here, so… sure."

Not too long after, Ronan had put another rock on the top of the pile. And like before, Shiron was able to lift them. However, this time it took him a little more effort. Not too much, though, he still didn't sweat.

"Four still isn't cutting it… interesting."

"I-I take it you wanna add a fifth?" Shiron gulped. This wasn't what he expected, and to be honest he didn't understand why.

"...Hm, perhaps next time."

Shiron carefully set the pile of rocks down, sighing in relief. Not that he was tired from the lifting, he just didn't want to do it anymore.

"Well, I want you to try controlling your strength now." Ronan pointed to the third rock, the one right in the middle. "You're going to try Brick Break again, but focus only on this rock. You must not destroy the others, only this one."

"Ah, an exercise in focus." Shiron did so many of them back with his parents. "R-Right, I'll… I'll try, at least."

He looked at the rock, staring at it. Shiron took a deep breath, attempting to narrow his focus.

"Focus, Shiron. It's only you here." Ronan said, and then he grew quiet.

Shiron was still staring. He focused only on the rock, ignoring everything else.

Imagine there isn't anyone around.

He couldn't even hear anything. The beating of his heart was the only sound.

The only sound. He was alone there, focusing, thinking, planning. Shiron closed a fist, letting his breath out.

Here… we… go.

Finally, his fists were enveloped with power. Strength, energy. There was a faint red glow to them, and they might have even hardened a little.

Shiron punched the rock in the middle, concentrating entirely on it and ignoring all others. He closed his eyes while doing it, praying that it worked.

But then he heard the crumbling, and opened his eyes. All the boulders had fallen, but the main one—the one he focused on—hadn't been destroyed, at least until he took a better look.

The rock rolled on the floor, showing the other side of it had been blown to bits, but not the front, where Shiron actually hit.


Disappointment settled in, with Shiron frowning and even hunching slightly. "I thought… I thought I had it. I'm sorry, m-mister."

"Nobody said you were going to get it right after two times. Let's try again, shall we?" Ronan kneeled to look at the rock Shiron punched. "...With that being said, I think you're at a good start. Keep going and you'll get it."

"Do you really think so?"

Ronan nodded. "It's a matter of trial and error."

Of course it is.

Shiron stretched his arms. Well, he happened to have a lot of energy to try again. But why couldn't he learn to do it the first time around? Why did Shiron have to fail to learn? If he was better, he would've just learnt it already.

"I'll remove this rock and put another one in its place, alright?" Ronan grabbed the punched rock, easily lifting it. "And I want you to do the same thing."

"Hm, I get it." Shiron looked at his hands. Stronger, apparently, but not enough to pass this stupid test.

…Well, not stupid, but it was a bit frustrating to have to try again. Shiron sighed, closing a fist.

Ronan finally put the next rock, reforming the four-rock pile. Shiron gulped, walking close to it.

"Do you have any tips?"

"You're not punching properly." Ronan said, walking behind Shiron. "Put your lead foot forward, and the arm on its side should be extended. I need you to jab straight ahead."

Shiron blinked. It… was an idea. And hey, if it worked, he'd be able to leave sooner than expected!

He stared at the rock, letting his left arm extended, and his left foot forward. A jab… a jab. Shiron could do a jab.

"Remember to bring back your hand quickly."

And he punched, jabbing at the rock with all the strength he had. Shiron unleashed the attack, feeling the power coming through his feet and then climbing up his legs, his shoulder, and finally, through his arm.

The result was that Shiron saw the rock launched forward, falling on the other side of the garden, and the rocks above fell down, connecting to their place perfectly.

"...D-Did I do good?!" Shiron had to know. He was hoping for a positive answer, and assuming a negative one.

"Hmmm, better than before, I'd say! This time I think you used too much strength."

Another mistake. Of course he made a mistake again. It was all he ever did—

Shiron shook his head. Having those thoughts now wouldn't be doing him any favors. "Okay, so not use too much or too little strength… that's gonna be complicated."

"True, but you have the basics of it already, so from here onwards it's an easy journey." Ronan went to fetch the second rock, seeing it had been split into less pieces than before, but still too much. "Hmm, like I said, you have the basics."

"Better than nothing, right?" Shiron clutched his scarf. The basics… he could at least try to use this attack.

"Oh, it's quite good! You just need practice, and that's what I'm here for." Ronan tapped his chin. "...With that in mind, I think we did enough for today. You should rest."

"Uh-huh. No complaints here, I wanna lay down and just… chill for a while." Shiron sighed in relief. Training was fine and all, but he couldn't spend the entire day doing it. Well, he could, but that was a bad idea. He'd be left exhausted.

"By all means, you're free to do that. Come back tomorrow and we'll try again."

The next morning, then. "Fair enough."

Shiron stretched his arms, hearing a few things pop. Well, it should be fine for the most part. He was ready to leave, waving goodbye to the Samurott.

Now… where to? Shiron assumed the others would be up the hill, so he made his way there. Nothing like seeing his friends after training. And there was a nice breeze going on in the town, which he enjoyed as well.

Learning a new move would have to happen later. It was time to rest. Or try to.

Going up the hill, Shiron saw that it was… normal. Liz was outside, sitting down and…meditating? She looked like she was meditating. Shiron, naturally, didn't feel like interrupting her.

He entered the HQ, finding Nick and Terry having another round of reading comics, to which he quietly waited for them to notice his presence. They didn't say anything, nor did they even move much, if at all.

…They're that fixated on the comics? Sheesh.

Shiron did want to talk to them, so he cleared his throat to get their attention. Still nothing, and Shiron did it again. Nothing. On the third time, Terry finally managed to look at him.

"Oh, sorry Shiron! We were distracted—" Terry saw Nick still reading, and quietly poked him on the arm.

"What?" Nick looked at the door, blinking. "S-Sorry, Shiron!"

"I could've been waiting here for hours, y'know?" Shiron rolled his eyes.

"Your stomach would've stopped working long before." Terry chuckled, putting down the comic. "How was training?"

Nick quietly tapped his foot on the ground. "Yo, I was supposed to ask that!"

Well, it was nice to see his friends were handling things. Shiron chuckled, removing his hand from the scarf. "Brick Break's weird. And apparently I use too much power when trying it."

"Oh yeah, that's right. Don't overdo it." Nick winced. It wasn't the same attack, but he remembered well how Force Palm blew up on his face. "And I say this being, y'know, me. I try too hard sometimes. It doesn't work."

Shiron wanted to say something about that, but he kept it to himself. Better that way. "I also shared some pie with Magnus—"

"Dude, you really gotta kiss him soon." Nick put his hands on his hips, grinning. "We all made a bet on when that's happening."

"...Excuse me?"

"He's joking," Terry replied with a glare directed at Nick. "But really, you gotta make your move. I noticed, and I'm not even interested in romance!"

Shiron felt that familiar heat on his face again. "I, uh, I dunno, I don't even know his type! I don't know if he's into guys!"

That made the room fall silent for a few seconds, and then Nick shook his head left to right, chuckling as he did so. "Oh, he is. Pretty sure he's only into them. Wanna know his type?"

"Nick, what?!" Shiron practically shouted, moving the scarf up so it'd cover the bottom of his face. "W-Why didn't you tell me?!"

"You never asked, dude."

"Sweet Reshiram, you two are funny." Terry managed to hold on a laugh. "I think everyone can tell you and Magnus like each other, Shiron. Try it! The worst he can say is no!"

No. No no no no. That wasn't the worst possibility, and Shiron knew it. The worst possibility was that Magnus would cut any and all ties, leaving Shiron's life behind. He didn't want to lose on a friend because of some potential crush.

Messing up friendships was his thing, after all. Shiron ignored that line of thought to the best of his abilities.

"I… I might. I dunno, do you think I have a chance?"

Nick approached the Marshtomp, touching his shoulders with his hands. "Buddy, if there's anyone here that has a chance, it's you. I'm telling you this as Magnus' friend: you gotta try it."

Even if the words felt nice, Shiron didn't know whether or not to believe them.

"...Why are you so supportive, man?"

Nick just shrugged. "You're my friend. Friends help each other, no? Plus, when I get married and stuff, you'll be my best man."

"H-Huh?!" Shiron gasped. That was so out of nowhere he didn't know what to say about it.

"Oh, that took a turn, huh?" Terry was, admittedly, also lost. He had nothing to say about any of it, so he just quietly stepped away, into his corner of the room.

"Heh, don't worry about it for now! This is about you, buddy!" Nick leaned closer to Shiron's face. "You go there and ask him out! You got this!"

Reassuring words, but Shiron was still confused. Oh well, it couldn't hurt to try… but when they were free.

"...I'll do it once we return from the mission. I'll, uh, ask him out and all that."

"Good! I'd rather you did it now, but it's your life." Nick shrugged, moving away from his friend. "Speaking of that, we'll go in a few days. That should give us enough time to prepare."

"Sounds about right." Shiron pulled down the scarf. "And Nick? Thanks for the support. You're a good friend."

Nick gave him a thumbs up and a smile in response. "You got this, man."

For once, Shiron was actually looking forward to it. If he could do it… it'd be pretty nice.

The rest of the day had been uneventful. Shiron joined his friends at reading the comics, and then he went on his way, going on another stroll around the town.

But wow, what a day it had been. He was going to tell Magnus his feelings… sometime. When they both had the time to process it. And when Shiron could prepare for the eventual rejection he was going to go through.

So, during that moment… Shiron happened to be alone. Alone with his thoughts, which happened to be the worst kind of alone he could be. Mostly because his thoughts had the tendency to turn out bad.

Not today, though. Shiron was… fine today. All things considered, he had some nice things going for him. But really, the mission… he didn't know what to think of it.

Why were they doing it in the first place? To find out more. That was good motivation, sure. But he didn't dream of confronting what he thought was a dangerous Pokémon.

Shiron didn't even think he had a dream in the first place. Having a dream was painful, making his heart throb. Yet, all his friends seemed to have that kind of aspiration. Of wanting more with life.

It couldn't be that bad to have a dream, then. Surely, it was nice to have one. Shiron tried to think of what he wanted, crossing his arms as he continued the walk.

Nothing. Not a thought in his mind. Maybe dreaming just wasn't for him. Shiron sighed, thinking again. All he wanted was to ask Magnus if he wanted to be his boyfriend, and hoped that would actually turn out decent, if not well.

He wouldn't call it a dream, though. Shiron sighed. In times like these, he'd usually curl up like a baby and cry himself to sleep. That hardly seemed like an option in present times.

So he had to deal with it, for better or for worse. Probably worse.

Things are always so complicated…

Oh boy, he suddenly had the urge to drink something. He was old enough for it, so it could happen. Shiron blinked, thinking about whether or not he should do it. Drowning in alcohol was… something. Probably bad. Definitely bad.

The other option was to drown in food. That, on the other hand, was much more his style. Shiron rubbed a hand over his belly, before deciding against that as well.

Not eating. Not drinking. If he was trapped it'd be just like the old times back home. But it wasn't. No, Shiron was free. Free to be himself, to love whoever he wanted to love.

Magnus. It was Magnus he loved. Shiron remembered the promise again, about Magnus not dying. What Shiron didn't tell his friend was that he made another promise, all on his own.

Growing stronger. Shiron was determined to grow stronger so he could protect his friend. His… crush. The one he loved. As cheesy as it sounded, Shiron could finally believe in it.

He looked up, seeing that sky he always dreamt of. Clouds formed over a familiar shape, the shape that made his face turn red. The shape of his love.

"...Man, I'm weird."

Shiron chuckled to himself. He was being cheesy again, for sure. But this was fine. He liked being cheesy.

"Phew…" Shiron continued his walk, looking at every place, every corner of the town. He wanted to protect them, too. Every single Pokémon around.

Because he realized something that day. Shiron knew that life was precious. Too precious to be wasted—not that he wasted his. At least, he didn't think so.

For a while, Shiron felt happy. Truly happy. He didn't have any anxious or bad thoughts while doing this little bit of self-reflection. No, not at all. He sighed in relief, deciding to go back to the bakery.

Now… he wasn't going to tell Magnus his feelings. Not now. He was just there for the company, and maybe to help his friend out during work. After all, he knew they liked spending time together.

As obvious as it was, Shiron had to remind himself of it quite a lot, considering his anxiety kept telling him it wasn't true. He just continued to walk.

Still no dreams. Nothing. He didn't consider that desire to protect a dream. Shiron just assumed it was a motivation for him. Things were fine. He was happy.

He told himself that, over and over again. Because if Shiron kept repeating the words, then maybe he'd believe in them fully at some point. Even if his current self didn't, maybe in the future things would change.

Little by little, his confidence would grow. His anxiety would disappear, then everything would be okay. Shiron was going to be okay.

At least… he hoped so.
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