Ember lived a peaceful life in Pidove's Nest as the town's engineer until a cryptic letter sends her in a search for her long last seen father. Ancient shadow forces, however, creep ever closer. Relying on her hopes, skills, and allies she makes along the way, she goes on a journey bigger than she could ever imagine.
About the Author and the Story
Hey there! I'm Kbludoh, a hobby writer and roleplayer who, alongside most of you who joined this server, has a passion for Pokémon and writing. For the past six years or so, I've taken a passion in Roleplaying and Table-Top RPGs such as D&D, and it has eventually grown into writing. After years of grinding in prose-centric RPs with a few close friends in closed settings (and writing a couple of short fics here and there), I was finally drawn into biting the bullet and writing my first long-format story. And thus, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Shadow Catalyst was born!
This story happens at an undisclosed time in the future after the events of all Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, in an adapted setting in a completely original continent. I know the terms "character development" and "focus on character interaction" are thrown a lot around, but I do believe they truly convey what I mean to explore in this story. I tend to me methodical in my approach to writing; exploring how characters truly feel, watching them converse and grow with each other, and not skip beats. Every scene is meant to have a purpose, and I do not shy away from giving a character a little bit of time before moving on with the plot.
Overall, if you like character-centric stories with an overarching adventurous plot, this will be a several-course meal for you!
EDIT: For those who have read the fanfic prior to March 1st, 2024; a prologue was added in order to better hash out the tone expected in the story. It does not change any of what has been written afterwards, but it may add a new perspective.
Some slight editing were made to Chapter 1 (Chapter 2 in AO3's count, "Pidove's Nest") with some smaller improvements to grammar and prose, as well as some minor modifications to better the dialogue flow in certain parts. They do not have any impact in any of the content; they are just quality-of-life changes.
EDIT 2: As of August 1st, 2024, the fic is being re-edited to better grammar, since it was picked for a public reading! Ye! It is not dead.
The noon’s oh-so-lovely sun towered over the the quaint town’s surrounding fields of meticulously lined trees. The repugnant vibrant blue dotted the green canopies like a part of the sky had decided to share its color with the reviling picturesque field; they were the Oran berries which gave ‘Oran Stead’ its name. The curled lips and ear-scratching laughter of the Pokémon in the main plaza made the farming town even more welcoming, accompanied by the reeking smell of freshly baked pastries.
The top-down view from the tallest building showed it all to the female Liepard clearly, way too clearly. The "coziness" of this place, the "happiness" of these Pokémon, the hundreds of lives devoid of worries. Her fur bristled and acid burned deep in her throat while she scanned the movement. These… These Pokémon were akin to disgusting hairless little Mareep who weren’t even aware Lycanroc existed and could devour them. They had no claw, no teeth, not even electricity, yet they waddled aimlessly as if no danger would ever befall them. This place reeked, its happiness was vile. It was nauseating being there, degrading to lower her mind to their pathetic level. Yet, to find him, she would have to think like these "townsfolk", to swim and dive in this sea of molasses.
She hissed. He had picked this place on purpose. He knew she would eventually be tasked to meet him. That damned smirk, feasting on watching her squirm among "them".
She straightened her posture and swallowed the bile back. Lingering would accomplish nothing but prolong her stay. Focus always made it manageable. Her sharp eyes did not spot him out in the open. There were several pies and cakes lined against the bakery’s open windows. She could stake it out — he adored to gorge in their filth — but that would take excruciatingly too long and stomaching through was not an option. Her gaze drifted towards a large group of Pokémon entering a building. The diner was a safe bet. Cheerful, boastful, repugnant. Exactly the kind of pen he would flop into.
Like clockwork, he was there, seated in one of the stools and having a spirited exchange with a Miltank server. She forced herself to relax and straightened her posture. The meeting would be quick, she would last. The cat slithered around the filled tables of the crowded eatery, building up elegance with each step despite the uproarious conversations of the patrons gnawing at her ears.
Once she reached the counter, one swift jump and she was sitting one stool away from him. His shared hearty laugh with the server was a Twineedle to her eardrums and the capsaicin smell from his half-eaten Tamato tart rammed against her nostrils. The bile knocked at the back of her throat. She shut her eyes and swallowed. Control. You got this.
“What can I get for ya, ma’am?”
The Miltank was staring at her, baring her teeth with an overwhelming friendliness.
“You can get my feline friend one of your irresistible Tamato tarts, Bessie. I am positive she will absolutely love it.” He said, punctuating with a chef’s kiss. “You can put it in my tab along anything else she orders.”
“You’re too kind!” Bessie said, chuckling. “Anything to drink?”
He raised a hand. "You can also get her that tongue-cutting lemon—"
“Water.” The Liepard cut him. “Ice cold.”
“Alright! An ice cold water and a Tamato tart. I’ll be right back!” The Miltank nodded and left.
The Liepard shivered, her stomach was a storm. It took a few deep breaths to recompose. The Liepard's eyes locked with his. He was cross-legged, lackadaisical, an idle smirk mindlessly directed at her. He was lavishing in her plight. Her tail thrashed, her claws dug into the wooden stool. He knew exactly what he was doing. The nerve.
"There you go."
The ice-filled glass bowl and the spicy tart plate thudding on the counter snapped her back to the oppressively joyous room. The server winked and left with a trail to the other tables. Her stomach wrenched again.
“I am pleased to have your visit, Ga—”
“Don’t.” The Liepard interrupted, then shoved her snout in the water and lapped as her life depended on it.
“As charming as ever.” He chuckled. “Good to know you missed me. I missed you too.”
She glared back and his smirk widened. She pulled her snout, the water trickling down her neck and chest.
“I didn't. You didn’t.”
“True,” he conceded, shrugging. "But pleasantries are a part of the world. Or so I heard."
She wiped the water off her fur and craned her spine upright to its feline grace. That didn't deserve an answer. Her gaze drifted to the tart towing its way to his mouth. The soggy pastry disintegrated at the clumsy bite, the filling overflowing down to his hand and plate. He flicked his fingers, plopping the remnants as he reached for a napkin dispenser. He wiped his hands and the sides of his beak whilst slowly chewing way more than he should have clearly taken. His smirk tossed at her aversion had her squinting her eyes. Once again underestimating how low he could get. Regardless, she wasn't there to watch his table manners. And the sooner she was done with this business, the sooner she could leave this sickening place.
“We lost ‘it’,” she said.
His smirk widened as he spoke with his beak full. “Don’t we lose ‘it’ every couple of months?”
Her tail thrashed once more. Of course he wouldn't take this seriously. When had he ever? “Permanently, this time.”
He chuckled. The chuckle turned to a giggle, then escalated to full blown laughter, cackle, and wheeze. The eyes turning at them had her freeze. Too much attention. After a full minute It winded down to contrived giggles and he wiped the tears with a few unused napkins. She waited for the chatter to resume.
“What is so funny?” She said.
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing. But the thought of years and years down the drain like that. I don’t know about you, but it’s… It’s hilarious.” He bursted into laughter again. “H-how did you manage to—Actually, don’t tell me. It’s not important anyways. It was a wild Swanna chase from the beginning.”
Her eyes narrowed, her teeth gritted, her gaze homed to his neck. She was forced tolerate his attitude towards her, but towards the Moonless’s plans... A sharp bolt of electricity and a claw would end him quickly.
“You could try. The whole diner would love to see you fail at that.” He stared right at her eyes, an unsettling calm grin plastered on his face.
The taunt strained her already razor-thin patience. Her grip cracked the stool beneath her. No one should ever get away with this level of disrespect. He was so very lucky the Moonless needed him. She turned her head and huffed. This idiot wasn’t worth the aftermath’s hassle anyways.
“A status update was requested.” She moved on.
“Boring,” he said, leaning against the counter. “The experiment was a success, within the expected range of results. I’ll be staying here for a bit longer though. I want to… enjoy the results of my labor, if I may.”
At least it wasn't a wasted trip. “Don’t overstay. As soon as word spreads, they will be swarming this place.”
“Oh, so you do care." His tone drooled honey. "I can handle them just fine.”
She narrowed her eyes. His cockiness and flippantness would be the end of them one day. She jumped down the stool, saying without looking. “Whenever you’re done, you’re needed down South. Don’t take long. We’re waiting.”
“Wait,” he said, reaching a hand, “you haven’t touched your Tamato tart.”
“We can’t taste anything. Why would I willingly burn my mouth?”
“Why was your water ice cold then?” He retorted, that cocky smirk returning to his face.
Her tail thrashed again. No, his attitude wouldn’t be the end of them. She would be the end of him. Just wait for his inevitable misstep.
“Keep it,” The dark cat said and turned towards the exit. "Shove it down your throat and choke on it for all I care."
“Hot,” he said, then stuffed the tart whole into his mouth. "Your loss."
She left the building, and each step towards its nearest alley became clumsier. The smell, the smiles, all their overwhelming happiness. She had overstayed way too much. She clambered up to a roof and a wave of pain wrecked her from inside out, reviling, twisting, raking her insides. Fighting her trembling body, she darted from roof to roof until she reached the edge of town. Their laughter, the sight of them. She stumbled through the fields. Out of there, faster. She leaned against a tree and partially-digested berries painted the ground. She heaved, wide-eyed, her body twitching. She spared a final glance at that grotesque sight of beauty and peace, and more escaped her throat. This place was wrong, horrifically wrong, disgustingly wrong. Their... everything. It was unnatural, freakish, abhorrent, revolting, repulsive. Her body, her core rejected it. It was a pulsing tumor, bared in front of her.
She lumbered forward, her bulging eyes glowing a sickly deep purple. It was only a matter of time before it was all corrected. Its resurface was near. It had nearly succeeded twice. The Moonless would secure its success the third.
Ember lived a peaceful life in Pidove's Nest as the town's engineer until a cryptic letter sends her in a search for her long last seen father. Ancient shadow forces, however, creep ever closer. Relying on her hopes, skills, and allies she makes along the way, she goes on a journey bigger than she could ever imagine.
About the Author and the Story
Hey there! I'm Kbludoh, a hobby writer and roleplayer who, alongside most of you who joined this server, has a passion for Pokémon and writing. For the past six years or so, I've taken a passion in Roleplaying and Table-Top RPGs such as D&D, and it has eventually grown into writing. After years of grinding in prose-centric RPs with a few close friends in closed settings (and writing a couple of short fics here and there), I was finally drawn into biting the bullet and writing my first long-format story. And thus, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Shadow Catalyst was born!
This story happens at an undisclosed time in the future after the events of all Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, in an adapted setting in a completely original continent. I know the terms "character development" and "focus on character interaction" are thrown a lot around, but I do believe they truly convey what I mean to explore in this story. I tend to me methodical in my approach to writing; exploring how characters truly feel, watching them converse and grow with each other, and not skip beats. Every scene is meant to have a purpose, and I do not shy away from giving a character a little bit of time before moving on with the plot.
Overall, if you like character-centric stories with an overarching adventurous plot, this will be a several-course meal for you!
To be on the safer side, I will be posting this as T-rated. There will be instances of violence, blood, death and other dark themes.
This story does not contain a target number of chapters, but it is good to know it will be long!
Each chapter is meant to be on the shorter side, with a target varying of 1.5k to 5k words in length.
This story will be posted and updated on other sites, such as FF.NET, AO3 and other places that I end up finding. The username should be the same: Kbludoh. If you find me anywhere, don't be afraid of saying hi!
This story does not contain a target number of chapters, but it is good to know it will be long!
Each chapter is meant to be on the shorter side, with a target varying of 1.5k to 5k words in length.
This story will be posted and updated on other sites, such as FF.NET, AO3 and other places that I end up finding. The username should be the same: Kbludoh. If you find me anywhere, don't be afraid of saying hi!
EDIT: For those who have read the fanfic prior to March 1st, 2024; a prologue was added in order to better hash out the tone expected in the story. It does not change any of what has been written afterwards, but it may add a new perspective.
Some slight editing were made to Chapter 1 (Chapter 2 in AO3's count, "Pidove's Nest") with some smaller improvements to grammar and prose, as well as some minor modifications to better the dialogue flow in certain parts. They do not have any impact in any of the content; they are just quality-of-life changes.
EDIT 2: As of August 1st, 2024, the fic is being re-edited to better grammar, since it was picked for a public reading! Ye! It is not dead.
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The noon’s oh-so-lovely sun towered over the the quaint town’s surrounding fields of meticulously lined trees. The repugnant vibrant blue dotted the green canopies like a part of the sky had decided to share its color with the reviling picturesque field; they were the Oran berries which gave ‘Oran Stead’ its name. The curled lips and ear-scratching laughter of the Pokémon in the main plaza made the farming town even more welcoming, accompanied by the reeking smell of freshly baked pastries.
The top-down view from the tallest building showed it all to the female Liepard clearly, way too clearly. The "coziness" of this place, the "happiness" of these Pokémon, the hundreds of lives devoid of worries. Her fur bristled and acid burned deep in her throat while she scanned the movement. These… These Pokémon were akin to disgusting hairless little Mareep who weren’t even aware Lycanroc existed and could devour them. They had no claw, no teeth, not even electricity, yet they waddled aimlessly as if no danger would ever befall them. This place reeked, its happiness was vile. It was nauseating being there, degrading to lower her mind to their pathetic level. Yet, to find him, she would have to think like these "townsfolk", to swim and dive in this sea of molasses.
She hissed. He had picked this place on purpose. He knew she would eventually be tasked to meet him. That damned smirk, feasting on watching her squirm among "them".
She straightened her posture and swallowed the bile back. Lingering would accomplish nothing but prolong her stay. Focus always made it manageable. Her sharp eyes did not spot him out in the open. There were several pies and cakes lined against the bakery’s open windows. She could stake it out — he adored to gorge in their filth — but that would take excruciatingly too long and stomaching through was not an option. Her gaze drifted towards a large group of Pokémon entering a building. The diner was a safe bet. Cheerful, boastful, repugnant. Exactly the kind of pen he would flop into.
Like clockwork, he was there, seated in one of the stools and having a spirited exchange with a Miltank server. She forced herself to relax and straightened her posture. The meeting would be quick, she would last. The cat slithered around the filled tables of the crowded eatery, building up elegance with each step despite the uproarious conversations of the patrons gnawing at her ears.
Once she reached the counter, one swift jump and she was sitting one stool away from him. His shared hearty laugh with the server was a Twineedle to her eardrums and the capsaicin smell from his half-eaten Tamato tart rammed against her nostrils. The bile knocked at the back of her throat. She shut her eyes and swallowed. Control. You got this.
“What can I get for ya, ma’am?”
The Miltank was staring at her, baring her teeth with an overwhelming friendliness.
“You can get my feline friend one of your irresistible Tamato tarts, Bessie. I am positive she will absolutely love it.” He said, punctuating with a chef’s kiss. “You can put it in my tab along anything else she orders.”
“You’re too kind!” Bessie said, chuckling. “Anything to drink?”
He raised a hand. "You can also get her that tongue-cutting lemon—"
“Water.” The Liepard cut him. “Ice cold.”
“Alright! An ice cold water and a Tamato tart. I’ll be right back!” The Miltank nodded and left.
The Liepard shivered, her stomach was a storm. It took a few deep breaths to recompose. The Liepard's eyes locked with his. He was cross-legged, lackadaisical, an idle smirk mindlessly directed at her. He was lavishing in her plight. Her tail thrashed, her claws dug into the wooden stool. He knew exactly what he was doing. The nerve.
"There you go."
The ice-filled glass bowl and the spicy tart plate thudding on the counter snapped her back to the oppressively joyous room. The server winked and left with a trail to the other tables. Her stomach wrenched again.
“I am pleased to have your visit, Ga—”
“Don’t.” The Liepard interrupted, then shoved her snout in the water and lapped as her life depended on it.
“As charming as ever.” He chuckled. “Good to know you missed me. I missed you too.”
She glared back and his smirk widened. She pulled her snout, the water trickling down her neck and chest.
“I didn't. You didn’t.”
“True,” he conceded, shrugging. "But pleasantries are a part of the world. Or so I heard."
She wiped the water off her fur and craned her spine upright to its feline grace. That didn't deserve an answer. Her gaze drifted to the tart towing its way to his mouth. The soggy pastry disintegrated at the clumsy bite, the filling overflowing down to his hand and plate. He flicked his fingers, plopping the remnants as he reached for a napkin dispenser. He wiped his hands and the sides of his beak whilst slowly chewing way more than he should have clearly taken. His smirk tossed at her aversion had her squinting her eyes. Once again underestimating how low he could get. Regardless, she wasn't there to watch his table manners. And the sooner she was done with this business, the sooner she could leave this sickening place.
“We lost ‘it’,” she said.
His smirk widened as he spoke with his beak full. “Don’t we lose ‘it’ every couple of months?”
Her tail thrashed once more. Of course he wouldn't take this seriously. When had he ever? “Permanently, this time.”
He chuckled. The chuckle turned to a giggle, then escalated to full blown laughter, cackle, and wheeze. The eyes turning at them had her freeze. Too much attention. After a full minute It winded down to contrived giggles and he wiped the tears with a few unused napkins. She waited for the chatter to resume.
“What is so funny?” She said.
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing. But the thought of years and years down the drain like that. I don’t know about you, but it’s… It’s hilarious.” He bursted into laughter again. “H-how did you manage to—Actually, don’t tell me. It’s not important anyways. It was a wild Swanna chase from the beginning.”
Her eyes narrowed, her teeth gritted, her gaze homed to his neck. She was forced tolerate his attitude towards her, but towards the Moonless’s plans... A sharp bolt of electricity and a claw would end him quickly.
“You could try. The whole diner would love to see you fail at that.” He stared right at her eyes, an unsettling calm grin plastered on his face.
The taunt strained her already razor-thin patience. Her grip cracked the stool beneath her. No one should ever get away with this level of disrespect. He was so very lucky the Moonless needed him. She turned her head and huffed. This idiot wasn’t worth the aftermath’s hassle anyways.
“A status update was requested.” She moved on.
“Boring,” he said, leaning against the counter. “The experiment was a success, within the expected range of results. I’ll be staying here for a bit longer though. I want to… enjoy the results of my labor, if I may.”
At least it wasn't a wasted trip. “Don’t overstay. As soon as word spreads, they will be swarming this place.”
“Oh, so you do care." His tone drooled honey. "I can handle them just fine.”
She narrowed her eyes. His cockiness and flippantness would be the end of them one day. She jumped down the stool, saying without looking. “Whenever you’re done, you’re needed down South. Don’t take long. We’re waiting.”
“Wait,” he said, reaching a hand, “you haven’t touched your Tamato tart.”
“We can’t taste anything. Why would I willingly burn my mouth?”
“Why was your water ice cold then?” He retorted, that cocky smirk returning to his face.
Her tail thrashed again. No, his attitude wouldn’t be the end of them. She would be the end of him. Just wait for his inevitable misstep.
“Keep it,” The dark cat said and turned towards the exit. "Shove it down your throat and choke on it for all I care."
“Hot,” he said, then stuffed the tart whole into his mouth. "Your loss."
She left the building, and each step towards its nearest alley became clumsier. The smell, the smiles, all their overwhelming happiness. She had overstayed way too much. She clambered up to a roof and a wave of pain wrecked her from inside out, reviling, twisting, raking her insides. Fighting her trembling body, she darted from roof to roof until she reached the edge of town. Their laughter, the sight of them. She stumbled through the fields. Out of there, faster. She leaned against a tree and partially-digested berries painted the ground. She heaved, wide-eyed, her body twitching. She spared a final glance at that grotesque sight of beauty and peace, and more escaped her throat. This place was wrong, horrifically wrong, disgustingly wrong. Their... everything. It was unnatural, freakish, abhorrent, revolting, repulsive. Her body, her core rejected it. It was a pulsing tumor, bared in front of her.
She lumbered forward, her bulging eyes glowing a sickly deep purple. It was only a matter of time before it was all corrected. Its resurface was near. It had nearly succeeded twice. The Moonless would secure its success the third.
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