flying in the name of love
- Pronouns
- he/she/they
- Partners
“What kinds of trainers do you see yourselves becoming with these starters by your side? Where do you see yourself in the future? What new horizons do you see yourselves reaching?”

This is Pokémon Crossing: Fly Me to the Moon.
General Info:
Crossover between: Pokemon and Animal Crossing
Setting: Hoenn region (ORAS continuity)
Rating: T+ (mild language and violence, alcohol usage)
Can also be found on: and Ao3

This is Pokémon Crossing: Fly Me to the Moon.
General Info:
Crossover between: Pokemon and Animal Crossing
Setting: Hoenn region (ORAS continuity)
Rating: T+ (mild language and violence, alcohol usage)
Can also be found on: and Ao3
Welcome to the beautiful Hoenn region. With diverse environments ranging from blazing volcanos to tropical forests and oceans that spread for miles on end, there's plenty to explore depending on which path you take, both metaphorical and physical. Our journey starts in sleepy little Littleroot Town.
A town that can't be shaded any hue. This small town, unlike the rest of Hoenn, moves at its own pace, never changing to accommodate any growing population. Empty houses were scattered about, most of them sold for affordable rent. Animals move in and out at whichever pace they feel like here, but very few residents stay beyond three years. A large tree stood in the middle, with a brown and black shinto shrine in the middle. The golden bells rang in the calm wind. Red and white presents lined the shrine, with elaborate kanji placed on the tags.
This time of year, three mothers and their sons resided here, but not for long, of course. Only three animals call themselves permanent residents of Littleroot Town; a tanuki by the name of Tom Nook, and his assistants and nephews Timmy and Tommy.
Tom Nook rolled out of his bed with a thud. He checked the time on his green Rotom Phone— grr, already nine thirty am. What to do today...oh, right. He was supposed to give some of the local boys their starters today.
Oh, right. He didn't even meet them in person yet. He remembered the documents and emails that were sent to him via his assistants; a self assured optimist named Tank, an impulsive hothead by the name of Benedict, and an aloof snarker named Kidd. Unless he wanted to be cussed out again by that awfully rude neighbor of his (Marie, if he remembered right), he had to wake up, get the boys their starters and continue extensive research on local habitats.
“Mr. Nook! Mr. Nook!”
Two high pitched voices called out from behind the door. Oh, right. His lab assistants.
With a little teamwork, the two tiny tanukis opened the door. One of them held three Poke Balls while the other had a bag filled to the brim with healing items.
“Mr. Nook, we have the starters ready....starters ready!”
they chirped out, one following the other in perfect unison.
The larger tanuki stretched. He threw on his lab coat and waddled over to the stairs. Who cares if they see him in his pajamas, he thought as he put his yellow slippers on.
“Excellent job, you two” he reassured both his assistants.
“Yes yes, I just hope those boys will be here soon. I know these starters will be perfect for them”
Outside of the lab and near the shrine...
A trio of teenage boys argued outside. The first boy was an energetic rhino with pale blue skin, a bright white horn, strong thick eyebrows, and a ridiculous green undercut shaped like a leaf. He wore a short sleeved red and black jacket, a white crop top exposing one row of abs, loose black track pants, and green and white slip-on sneakers.
The second guy was a red chicken with a white heartlike face, long red and white tail brushing against the ground, menacing black eyebrows, grey scars on his cheeks, and shaggy red hair tied back in a messy ponytail. He wore a loose lilac and white hoodie, baggy grey and yellow joggers, and blue and purple sneakers.
The last boy was a lavender goat with medium brown hair in a stylish mod cut, a cropped brown tail, and tired dark eyes. He wore a classy black peacoat, light blue sleeveless shirt, silky white scarf tied in a bow, grey skinny jeans, and matching black knee-high boots with a blue button on the side.
The rhino yelled and shoved the other two out of his way
“I’m getting my starter first!”
He tried to open up the door but failed anyways. Maybe if he tried bashing the glass in with his horn….no, that’d be stupid. But he had to get his starter NOW!! He COULD throw his backpack through the window.... That'd be a great way to get banned from the lab though!
“Tank, y'all gotta calm down already” the bird scolded him. On his purple phone, he read several articles about the Hoenn Pokemon League. Champion Apollo, here we go.
“We’re all gettin' our starters anyways so what’s the rush?”
The goat sighed in annoyance. Some of his brown hair fell into his eyes. He brushed some dirt off his pretty black coat and checked Pokegram on his shiny white phone. Great. His former classmates online had the cutest starters ever- Pikachu, Eevee, Fennekin, hey was that a Dedenne?!
And here he was NOT getting any of those. It's only been two weeks but he already missed the Lumiose City scene. All the parties, the rambunctiousness, all traded away for a small town with nothing to do except stay on your phone all day. Not like he WAS invited to those parties anyways. He remembered arguing with his mom just hours before flying to Hoenn.
Everything about Lumiose International felt like another level of hell. The blinding lights, scratchy carpet, loud pop music, animals blabbing loudly on their phones about their monotone lives.
Kidd hollered as his mom dragged him by the arm.
"For crying out loud, mom! I'm fourteen! I don't need to go to Hoenn with you!"
The other goat rolled her eyes, while her short platinum hair fell in her eyes. Her long black dress swished against the carpeted floor.
She dragged her son to the terminal without any effort.
"Look, Kidd, I'd let you do whatever, but according to Kalosian laws, you're not legally an adult until you turn sixteen. And besides, Hoenn is such a nice region. Much less busy than Kalos. You didn't actually want to stay with your cheating father, do you? He never cared about you like I do.."
"But I want to stay here in Lumiose!"
Kidd argued back.
"Come on Mom! I'm going to hate being in Hoenn"
"How do YOU know that!"
The taller goat scoffed as she turned her nose up.
"Just give it a try, you might finally be able to make a friend for once in your sad and pathetic life."
"Sacre bleu....I don't NEED friends. Not after Aloe left me. And besides, you never let me have a Pokemon in Kalos!"
Kidd muttered under his breath.
"Quit whining and get over it already" his mom huffed as she pushed other animals out of the way. "You're making me look bad!"
His mother stopped at the terminal. A rabbit looked up.
"Two tickets for Marie and Kidd Chavignol?" he asked.
"Right here"
Marie pulled the tickets out and showed him.
"Alright, feel free to board" the rabbit pointed at the terminal gate.
Kidd groaned as he forced himself to get seated. Everything suffocated him like a snake eating its prey. His mom had the audacity to fly first-class while he was tossed away in the very back of the plane. Sitting alone was dreadful, and just when the flight couldn't get any worse, Marie got wasted on red wine and got in a fight with at least two flight attendants.
Lilycove International Airport, while well organized, was a chore and a half to get through.
“Yeah, I don’t see the big deal. It’s not like I’m getting something nice like an Eevee anyways,” Kidd sighed as he kicked a small pebble on the ground.
Benedict rolled his eyes. Really, turning up a free Pokémon?
Did Kidd really have to be so ungrateful?!
“Hey, Benedict, Kidd! You guys don't understand!” Tank barked back.
“I have to get my starter now or I'm never gonna get to work with Professor Nook!”
"What's the big deal with him anyways?"
Kidd asked him. Then again it's not like he wanted to talk to Nook anyways; he was just some guy that lived here. But anything was better than being cooped up all day at home.
Tank clapped his hooves, struck a pose and winked,
"Because I got chosen by Tom Nook himself! He wants me to catch as many Pokémon as possible as part of his research!"
Tom Nook walked up and unlocked the door. He noticed that Tank got knocked over by the door and fell on the ground like a Banette. He chuckled in amusement, remembering what a hothead he was in his youth.
“Why, hello hello!”
he cheerfully greeted the three boys. “Come on in, you three. Your starters are here, yes yes”
The boys followed the tanuki trio inside. The lab was cold and grey, unlike the warm welcoming scenery of Littleroot Town. Two smaller tanuki were busy filling in research on huge screens. The first tanuki looked up critical information on severe droughts near Stark Mountain, while the second tanuki researched on flash floods in Po Town. Three round orange Pokemon hovered around the room, buzzing happily as they chased each other.
“So, boys, tell me about yourselves” Tom Nook gently lifted up each Poké Ball one by one. He grabbed a fourth ball and spun it in his paws. Unlike the other balls, it was blue with black netting. The professor had a bright blue stone dangling from his labcoat. The stone had yellow and green stripes running through its core.
“What kinds of trainers do you see yourselves becoming with these starters by your side? Where do you see yourself in the future? What new horizons do you see yourselves reaching?”
Kidd was trying to collect his thoughts.
How was he supposed to know this already?! This guy was so pushy, he thought. But at least a free Pokemon would help him stay away from Marie.
And then Tank yelled loudly, with confidence beaming in his eyes and voice.
“Professor Nook! I wanna catch as many Pokemon as possible! In the land! The seas! The skies! Heck, maybe see some legendaries! I know I can do it!"
Kidd rolled his eyes in annoyance. Such a showoff.
“And I'm thinkin' of takin' on Champion Apollo,” Benedict calmly explained to Tom Nook. "My pa's takin' on a tournament out in Galar right now, so I wanna be just like him!"
“Excellent goals, you two. And Kidd, don't stress too much. I'm sure you'll find your goal eventually. And I assure all of you that these starters will be of great help, yes yes”
Tom Nook was as chipper as ever, as he tossed each Poke Ball into the air.
The boys watched as each starter was released from their ball-- a purple and orange mudfish, an orange bird with a yellow beak, and a light green gecko with vivid yellow eyes.
The three starter Pokemon looked around curiously. The purple mudfish sparkled as it pawed at the ground. All three Pokemon chirped in excitement.
“Torchic, tor!”
The fluffy bird Pokemon cried out eagerly and ran right into Benedict’s arms!
“Looks like this guy chose me”
Benedict smiled a bit as he held the fluffy Fire-type close to him.
"Okay, y'all are just adorable!"
Tank took a good look at the remaining two starters.
Wasn't Mudkip supposed to be blue, he thought? Why is it purple?
He held his hoof out to the light green gecko Pokemon.
“Hey little buddy” he cooed to him. “How'd you like to be my friend?”
“Tree…...cko!” the grass-type scaled onto Tank’s arm and wrapped himself tightly around his upper arm.
“I knew he'd join me!” Tank laughed happily as Treecko clung to him.
“Welcome to the crew, Treecko!"
“I guess I’m stuck with the last one” Kidd sighed in disappointment. He looked down at the small purple and orange mudskipper Pokemon. “It’s no Eevee, but it’ll do for now…”
The water type chirped sadly and looked away, “Mudkip…”
“Well congratulations you three, take care of your new Pokemon” Tom Nook was still chipper as ever. He leaned down to Mudkip’s eye level. “And trust me Mudkip, I'm sure you and your trainer will grow closer by the day, yes yes”
The starters perked up and cried out their names.
“Oh, when do we get our stuff?” Tank excitedly asked. His tail wagged as he bounced on his tiptoes “Like Poke Balls, the berries, potions, oh and—“
“We’ll be right on that!....on that” the twins called back to the excitable trainer. They paused their research to gather up a brown parcel of necessities for each new trainer. The packages were filled with potions, empty Poke Balls, portable chargers for their Rotom Phones, and a list of numbers for any emergency. Tom Nook's number was highlighted in pink.
Benedict kneeled down to play with Torchic. He pulled a rubber ball out of his pocket and tossed it in the air. Torchic jumped up and headbutted the ball like he was playing volleyball. Torchic looked determined as he kept headbutting the ball.
Benedict could see his future now-- a powerful Blaziken by his side, taking on several opponents with fiery kicks that could melt even the sturdiest of steel beams.
Kidd sighed in disappointment. His classmates back home in Kalos got nice Pokemon as their starters and all he got was this plain fish thing. Oh well, at least he didn’t have to run out catching anything for a while. Maybe he could just trade Mudkip to someone later.
Tank scrolled through a navigation app on his phone. Wow, there’s at least five or six new Pokemon to meet on Route 101 alone! That could mean…..yes at least eighteen species alone for the dex! Treecko wagged his tail as he sat comfortably atop his trainer's shoulder.
“Here you go….go” the first tanuki twin handed each new trainer the brown parcels.
The second twin explained to them "Also we have these for your phones.....phones"
Everyone in the lab watched as each Rotom successfully entered the trio's phones with a small ding.
"These Rotom will help you with your journeys......journeys."
The boys each thanked the tanukis, put their packages in the bags and then headed out their way.
“Have fun, boys!” Tom Nook called out while they left the lab. He sat down in front of his computer and wrote an important email. The two tanuki leaned over Tom Nook's shoulder to watch him type with lightning speed.
"Dearest Sable,
I'm glad to announce that this month's starters have been safely trusted with their new trainers. I was particularly worried about that Mudkip-- her trainer didn't seem particularly interested in her, but I'm sure they'll grow closer on their journey. Anyways, can you contact the Swampert breeders in Route 117 to make sure both sire and dam are healthy? This is the third purple Mudkip I've recieved from the breeder this year alone, and I am curious on the cause of this. Let me know what they say, honey.
Your husband,
Professor Tom Nook"
The boys eagerly rushed into Route 101, zipping past a steep cliff. The grass nearly swallowed them whole as they tracked through the flora. Several small beige and brown raccoon Pokemon leaped through the grass, carefully avoiding each trainer like the plague.
"Aren't you two going to say bye to anyone before leaving?"
Kidd asked. That morning, he left a note on the table in red ink, cussing out Marie and telling her he never wanted to talk to her again.
"No way!"
Benedict brushed him off, "My ma's so busy playin' Eevee Crossings, that I could show up back home dressed as a girl and she wouldn't even care, let alone notice what Pokémon I get!"
"Yeah, and my dad can't move here yet!"
Tank joined in as he tore open the trainer starter kit. Brown papers flew into the air, falling back into his hooves. He pulled out at least three Poke Balls. "But I can still meet him in Fortree anyways!"
Kidd rolled his eyes at his two crazy neighbors. He did feel kinda bad for their family situations. Kidd knew all too well about dysfunction-- no friends to miss him, a cheating dad who wanted nothing to do with him, a horrible mom from the depths of the Distortion World. But at least they were nice neighbors-turned-travelling companions, even if both of them went with their impulses. He found them somewhat charming compared to the stuckup guys he knew back in Lumiose City.
“Help me!!!” a young voice cried out.
The boys ran to the commotion like an Arcanine using Extreme Speed.
A mangy black dog Pokemon snarled, baring pearly white fangs as it chased after a tiny pale green turtle. She ran around crying and screaming as the Pokemon kept terrorizing her.
The girl nearly tripped on her pink flower dress
Tank threw one of his Poke Balls at the unfamiliar Pokemon to no avail. It swatted the ball away with its tail then continued barking at the turtle.
“Aw come on!”
he hollered, making the enemy Pokemon bark louder.
“You have to battle it first” Kidd scoffed in disapproval.
He crossed his arms and held his chin up.
“Hey, Kidd! Just what do you know about battling?!”
Benedict yelled back.
“Just watch me. Torchic, use Ember, BUT don’t hurt the little girl!”
Torchic cheerfully chirped and spewed several small sparks of fire at the canine Pokemon. The little kappa ran behind a tree stump and crouched down behind it. Her little hands trembled as she grabbed onto the stump.
the dog Pokemon yelped as it got hit by the sparks. It shook the flames off but still winced from the damage it took.
“Ker-POW!” Tank hollered as he chucked the Poke Ball again. This time, the Pokemon didn’t fight back. It was enveloped in bright blue light and absorbed into the red and white ball. The Poke Ball rotated twice before stopping.
He checked his Rotom Dex. Sweet, it was a Poochyena!
"Poochyena: the Bite Pokemon. A dark-type. Poochyena are persistent Pokemon who will eat anything-- Berries, Chansey eggs, Tropius fruit, and the occasional Magikarp. Only Poochyena with the strongest and loudest howl will evolve into Mightyena"
"Poochyena can eat anything, huh?" Benedict commented as he looked over on Tank's phone.
“Well, congratulations,”
Kidd shook Tank’s hoof. “I have potions for him if you want--”
Tank nodded and plucked two potions out of Kidd's messenger bag. Kidd rolled his eyes as his friend helped himself with healing his new companion. At least Tank wasn't trying to steal any of the pastel buttons and charms attached to his bag.
" heal him"
Kidd's face stayed flat.
“T-thank yew fer saving me…” the kappa sniffled as she walked up to the trio.
Her tiny hands trembled as she held the hem of her dress.
“It's no problem, kiddo”
Tank grinned as he arched down to her height. “In fact, we’ll take you home! Where do you live?”
“O- I….” the little girl sniffled and stammered. “Owd...owdawe…”
“Oldale Town? I think that's up ahead” Kidd noted.
“You can follow us if you want, I guess”
Benedict patted Torchic on the head before hugging his starter, “Good job, little guy!”
"Torchic, tor!"
Torchic squealed as he brushed his head feathers against his trainer's hood.
Tank effortlessly scooped up the young child. He had one arm supporting her legs and the other arm wrapped around her abdomen.
“Not to sound like your mom, but you really shouldn't run around without a Pokemon by your side”
“I-“ the kappa sniffled as she grabbed onto his jacket collar. “I know…”
The trio and their starters made their way towards the next town up.
A wooden sign read Oldale Town.
Where things start scarce. Oldale Town was bigger than Littleroot, but not by much. Several houses were built here, all of them occupied by animals who couldn't afford to live in Slateport or Petalburg City. Sure, Oldale had both a Poke Mart and a Pokemon Center, but most towns had one of those. A small garden was built in the middle. Two small blue and white Pokemon perched in the garden.
The new trainers looked around the town for a Pokemon Center— aha! The orange building near the left half!
They rushed inside towards the center. The place was VERY comforting-- the nice scent of flowers, light colored orange and yellow decore, several couches to relax on, and a counter near the back.
“Welcome to the Pokemon Center!” the animal behind the counter greeted the travelers. She was a pretty yellow dog wearing her blond fur in a high bun. She wore a pink and white nurse's uniform with a little hat on top, and ‘Nurse Shizue’ neatly written on a tag attached to her chest.
“Would you like your Pokemon healed today?”
"I sure do!"
Benedict picked up his Torchic and handed him and the ball to the nurse.
“Tank, if I was y'all, I'd get that Poochyena healed too”
he pointed out to his friend.
Nurse Shizue cheerfully smiled as she had Torchic safely return to his ball. She carried the ball over towards a bright red healing machine. A cheerful tune echoed from the machine as the Pokemon got healed from its battle.
“He’ll be fine!” Tank called back with a cheeky grin. He was still carrying that little girl
“Trust me! And besides, I’m more worried about this girl!”
Benedict shrugged. "Just try not to kidnap her!"
"I won't" Tank snorted in laughter. "I'm too young to have a criminal record!"
“Here you go!” Nurse Shizue happily handed the Poke Ball back to Benedict.
“We hope to see you again!”
“Thanks y'all” Benedict nodded. He walked back to his group with the ball in his hand.
“So, any word on where we’re s'pposed to take her back to?”
Kidd shook his head. “I don’t know anything about Oldale Town. Okay, well except, that we're in it. I'm not that stupid, non?”
“I know!”
Tank had a brilliant idea. “We could just knock on everyone’s door until they answer”
“Yeah, great idea. It’s not like the town will find us incredibly annoyin' after this incident”
Benedict snarked.
"Aw, but think about it!" Tank argued back. "Trying to get a little girl home is less annoying than selling overpriced essential oils, leggings that rip in two tears or gross protein shakes with weird names like-"
“Tank, we GET IT already!” Kidd interrupted him and rolled his eyes.
“.....Fine. Let’s get on with it already”
Mudkip sighed as she ran outside the Pokemon Center. The mud fish Pokemon chirped excitedly at one of the doors. She jumped up and down while wagging her tail.
The door slowly creaked open. The animal in front of her was a taller chartreuse green kappa with pretty brown hair in a side ponytail and a floral yellow dress. She had two Pokemon standing next to her-- a brown and yellow blue-eyed mouse Pokemon floating on its tail, and a round pink Pokemon with an egg pouch on its stomach.
"Oh, why hello cutie pie!" the kappa kneeled down to Mudkip's height.
She gently smiled at the smaller Pokemon
"Are you lost?"
"Mud-" the mudskipper shook her head. She got on her back legs and waved her upper legs around
"Mudkip, mud mud mud mud, kip, kip!"
"Your trainer and his friends found a girl on Route 101?"
The kappa asked the water type with a worried frown.
"Mud mud mud, mudKIP!"
"And the girl said she lives here in Oldale?"
Mudkip closed her eyes and smiled
"Mudkip, mud!"
"May I meet with your trainer?"
Mudkip got back on all four legs as she ran over to the Pokemon Center. The door automatically opened.
“Mommy!” the little kappa cried out. She wriggled her way out of Tank’s arms and ran over to her mother. The tiny kappa clinged to her mother's leg like a Remoraid attaching itself to a Mantine.
“Aww, Leila. Did you run off without one of my Pokemon again?”
The bigger kappa worried as she brushed some dirt off her daughter’s cheek.
Leila quietly shook her head. Her small brown pigtails bounced as she nodded along
“Y-yes.." she sniffled as she tightly held her mother's leg. "A- a poochy….it- it chased me...and they- they saved me…”
“Who? Who saved you?” her mother asked.
Leila pointed over at the three boys and their starters.
"Aww..." The kappa mother smiled happily.
“Thank you three so much. Why, I’m not so sure exactly how to thank you…Well I have a few of these”
She pulled some unused Poke Balls from her brown satchel and handed each trainer a small pile. Tank neatly put his share of balls away while Benedict crammed them into the bottom of his backpack. Kidd opened another compartment in his messenger bag and tucked the gift away.
“Your Pokemon are great but it’s always nice to have more, isn't it? Well, we’ll see you later”
She sang an old Alolan folk song to herself as she headed back home with her daughter clinging to her torso.
"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
Once in a lullaby, oh"
“So. Where do we go now?”
Kidd asked his friends.
Tank pulled up a map on his Rotom Phone
“Well there’s Route 102 to the left. Hey, look, some new Pokemon for me to catch!”
Benedict leaned over in front of Kidd as he swiped his wing on the screen
“And a gym in the next city! Huh, it looks like a Normal type one...”
“Yeah, I guess we’ll go to Route 102”
Kidd sighed.
The trio left Oldale Town and headed towards Route 102. The route trailed much longer than Route 101 did. There were several other animals walking around with their own Pokemon. Some Pokemon frolicked and played in the grass while others rolled around in dirt or splashed in a small pond. Most of the trainers were minding their business, either playing with their Pokemon or taking care of them.
Tank eagerly leapt into the tall grass, with his Treecko right on his head.
“Come on, buddy, let’s get you some more friends!”
He chased after some rustling sounds. Tank saw a bushy beige and brown tail pop out of the nearby grass. Hey, a new friend! He lept into the grass and chased the new Pokemon into a corner.
Tank chucked a Poke Ball at the unsuspecting Pokemon, easily capturing it without a fight.
"Zigzagoon has been added to your Pokedex"
Yes! Tank thought to himself in excitement.
Treecko bounced up and down, his tail wagging as he pointed to nearby a small pond. He followed his lead and crouched down in the grass as he saw a blue and yellow Pokemon skate across the water. He threw a new Poke Ball at the blue Pokemon and caught that one just like his Zigzagoon.
"Surskit has been added to your Pokedex"
Treecko ran off to follow a small brown acorn Pokemon and a flat blue and green Pokemon. Tank tossed both balls onto Treecko's tail and watched as the Poke balls ricocheted onto both Pokemon. Seedot tried to run away but tripped before being captured, while Lotad didn't put up any fight.
"Seedot and Lotad have been registered to your Pokedex"
Tank picked up every Poke Ball and put them into his backpack. Treecko crawled back up onto his shoulder and chirped loudly. Both trainer and Pokemon saw a small red and white worm Pokemon inch closer to them. The rhino held both hooves out to the worm and watched as it crawled safely onto him.
"You wanna join your friends too?"
he sweetly asked the new Pokemon.
"Wurm, wurm!!~"
"Well, alright" Tank let the bug crawl onto his left arm while he dug into his bag for yet another Poke Ball. He grabbed the ball and held it out near the bug. He watched as it was absorbed into the ball.
"Wurmple has been registered to your Pokedex"
The ball disappeared in front of him!
Just then, his phone began to buzz. Tank picked up the call, not caring about who or what was calling him.
"Hello?" he asked the other animal on line.
"Oh, hello hello, Tank!" Tom Nook happily greeted him.
"I'm just calling to let you know that your Wurmple's been safely transferred to the Storage System, yes yes! You can check on your Pokemon on every PC in a Pokemon Center, yes yes"
Tank sighed in relief. Well, that's something to take care of when he reaches Petalburg City's Pokemon Center.
Meanwhile, Benedict kept his eyes peeled for anyone just as eager to battle. Torchic eagerly chirped and bounced up and down as he saw a wide eyed trainer across from them.
"Who is it?"
Torchic jumped out of the grass and ran to another trainer. The other trainer was a dark blue penguin with huge black eyes and wearing bright red flannel over a black workers' jumpsuit. He was tending to a peculiar looking flat blue and green Pokemon.
Kidd cautiously tiptoed through the grass with Mudkip by his side. Easy does it…Hopefully his outfit won't get ruined by all this grass.
“Hey! Hey you!” The penguin called out so loud that several bird Pokemon flew from the trees.
“Yeah, you with the Torchic. I want to battle!”
And then Kidd tripped and fell on his face
"Best day of my life" he muttered to himself.
Sweet, a challenge!
Benedict grinned as he ran towards the other trainer.
“Howdy!” he eagerly introduced himself. "I'm Benedict, an' I'm from Castelia City.
Y'all wanna battle or what?"
“Ah, a Unova man” the penguin shook his wing. “The name’s Roald. I’m from Rustboro myself, and I’ve been looking for someone to battle on this route”
“Hey, same here Roald!”
Benedict chuckled a little. “So, just one on one?”
“Yeah, that'd be fair for both of us. I have other Pokemon on me, but you look like a beginner trainer”
Roald crossed his arms. He pointed out in the air with his flipper. “Come on, Lotad!”
The flat blue lilypad Pokemon chirped as it stood on its nubby back legs.
“Let’s go, Torchic!” Benedict yelled and pointed in the air. “Give it your best Scratch!”
Torchic cried out as he used his claws against the grass-type Pokemon.
Lotad flinched as its body took a scratch to the face.
“Hey, you're not so bad for a beginner!” Roald called out. “Lotad, Astonish!”
The grass-type Pokemon chirped as it quickly tackled the fire-type in a purple aura. Torchic winced slightly from the damage it took, but shook it off with its feathers.
“Don’t give up yet, Torchic!”
Benedict encouraged him. “Ember!”
Torchic cried out as it unleashed Ember on the Lotad. The blue flat Pokemon cried out as it was knocked out from the power.
“Aww” Roald groaned in disappointment as he called his Lotad back to its ball.
“Well, congratulations Benedict”
“Thanks y'all," Benedict said as he shook his wing.
“That was a fun battle for both of us”
Torchic happily chirped and nuzzled his trainer's pant leg.
Tank and Kidd sprinted towards him, both of them panting in exhaustion.
“Look how many Pokémon I got!”
Tank hollered as he eagerly showed off the dex app on his phone. “I caught almost every single species on this route, like Professor Nook asked me to!"
Benedict looked over at Roald,
“Oh, these are my friends by the way.”
“Hey! I’m Tank Pepper! I’m from Littleroot Town but I used to live in Fortree!” Tank explained as he bounced on his feet. The tips of his sneakers squeaked against the dirt “And I just became a researcher for Professor Nook!”
“And I’m Kidd, I guess. I’m from Lumiose City” Kidd shrugged as he tried to introduce himself, trying his best to sound somewhat interested. Why did Benedict have to introduce him as a friend though?
“I’m....just along for the journey.”
“Nice to meet both of you” Roald smiled as he waved hello.
“Hey, by the way, there’s a gym in the next city.”
“Really? Thanks yall!”
Benedict’s eyes shone in eagerness. “Come on guys, I gotta get my badges!”
He ran off without waiting for his friends, and then he tripped on a small green and white Pokemon.
“.....That was so stupid of him,” Kidd whispered to Tank.
"Hey, be nice!" Tank scolded him. "You don't have to snark at everyone around you!"
“Oh! Oh my Arceus I am so sorry y'all.”
Benedict frantically apologized to the new Pokemon.
The small Pokemon looked up and chirped
“Oh! Y'all wanna battle us?”
Benedict asked the wild Pokemon. “Well, let’s see what my Torchic thinks”
Torchic chirped eagerly before standing in front of Benedict. Oh, he was more than ready!
“Alright! Let’s go, Torchic! Use Scratch!”
He commanded his starter.
Torchic readied his claws then leaped in the air before swiping his claws at the wild Ralts' torso.
Ralts easily dodged the attack, landing on top of a small boulder. Its pink horns glowed indigo purple as it moved its shadow underneath the ground to attack. Torchic winced as the shadow slapped him across the face.
Huh, now that was quite the strange attack. But it made the duo want to fight harder! Benedict stepped backwards and pointed ahead,
“Torchic! Ember!”
Torchic screamed as he shot a blanket of small orange flames from his beak.
Ralts jumped in the air, but winced as the fire enveloped him whole, leaving small flickers around his wrists.
Benedict undid his ponytail as he struck a pose. “Now! Finish it off with Scratch!”
Torchic flashed a confident grin as he leaped onto the boulder, twirling in his spot as he scratched Ralts yet again.
The fae Pokemon collapsed on its knees, panting from the impact of its opponent's last attack. Its chest stung slightly, but for some strange reason, it wanted to join the two of them.
Benedict put two fingers in his beak and whistled. "Come on Torchic, that's enough!"
"Chic?" Torchic tilted his head. "Torchic, tor!" He chirped before running back to his trainer, leaping into his arms and nuzzling against the soft white hoodie.
Ralts crossed its arms and looked up at the duo, their happiness resonating with itself.
Perhaps that happiness could spread to it too?
Benedict kneeled down to let Torchic run around on the ground, while he looked over at Ralts. Huh, wouldn't most Pokemon just run away after defeat in battle? Unless-- hey yeah, maybe Ralts wanted to travel too!
"Hey, Ralts is it?" he asked the wild Pokemon.
"How'd y'all like to join me an' Torchic? I think y'all'd make a mighty fine member of my team”
Ralts thought to himself for a minute. Other trainers lobbed Poke Balls at his head like he was some sort of target, while Benedict and Torchic actually gave him a real battle. Perhaps traveling with these two would allow him more in life than running in fear from pesky trainers. No, wait, it already did!
He folded his arms together and nodded.
Benedict grinned as he pulled out a Poke Ball, gently holding the item out to Ralts' eye level. The psychic type Pokemon touched the button with his left hand, completely still as the red light enveloped him whole. The Poke Ball rocked in its spot, before stopping with a small ding.
Tank and Kidd ran up to their acquaintance.
"Hey, what'd you catch?"
Tank asked as he looked at the Poke Ball in his friend's wings.
"Oh not much, just a Ralts!" Benedict explained as he showed off the Poke Ball.
"A Ralts?!" Tank complained as he furiously stomped one of his feet. Dirt clouds blew up in the air as he held his hooves together and begged. "Professor Nook JUST asked me to catch one so he can study its evolutions! Can you trade it to me? Pleaaaaaaaase!!!"
"Hmmm...." Benedict thought to himself as he looked down at his Poke Ball. Tank was nice, sure, but this was his own Pokemon he caught fair and square!
"No way! Just catch one yourself"
"Yeah, it's not that hard to smack wild Pokemon with a Poke Ball"
Kidd snarked as he rolled his eyes, while Mudkip rolled around in the dirt. Treecko and Torchic ran over to join her, laughing as they tossed pebbles to each other.
"Oh, shut up Kidd!"
Tank shouted back. "At least we caught more than one. Oh wait, are these ones not cuuuuute enough for you?!"
Kidd scoffed
"It's not that! It's just that I'm not ready to catch another one yet! I can't even handle Mudkip right now!"
Mudkip sighed and frowned a bit.
She prodded at the dirt and flicked away at some pebbles.
"What is it gonna take for him to like me?!" she thought.
"Yeah, come on you two, y'all can argue during my first gym match"
Benedict pointed across from them. "Petalburg City is right this way!"
"Now, wait just a second. How DO you know that's Petalburg City?"
Kidd pointed out.
Tank facepalmed and pointed at the obvious brown sign in front of the trio. "Because the sign there literally says Petalburg City!" he lashed out. "I swear you're as blind as a Zubat"
"Oh SHUT UP, Tank!"
Kidd crossed his arms and lashed out. "At least I didn't beg for another Pokémon like some sort of freeloader!"
Tank ranted. "Hey, you're one to talk!"
Kidd gasped from the audacity.
"Excuse me? How am I in any way a freeloader?!"
"Well, let's see," Tank pointed out as he started walking on the trail. "You're only coming with us because you wanted to get away from your stupid mom!"
The boys ran down the dirt trail and into the city limits. While Benedict skipped in glee from catching a new Pokémon, Kidd and Tank continued arguing over Arceus knows what.
What awaits their journey in Petalburg City? Potential rivals? Upcoming battles? A threat to the world around them?
A town that can't be shaded any hue. This small town, unlike the rest of Hoenn, moves at its own pace, never changing to accommodate any growing population. Empty houses were scattered about, most of them sold for affordable rent. Animals move in and out at whichever pace they feel like here, but very few residents stay beyond three years. A large tree stood in the middle, with a brown and black shinto shrine in the middle. The golden bells rang in the calm wind. Red and white presents lined the shrine, with elaborate kanji placed on the tags.
This time of year, three mothers and their sons resided here, but not for long, of course. Only three animals call themselves permanent residents of Littleroot Town; a tanuki by the name of Tom Nook, and his assistants and nephews Timmy and Tommy.
Tom Nook rolled out of his bed with a thud. He checked the time on his green Rotom Phone— grr, already nine thirty am. What to do today...oh, right. He was supposed to give some of the local boys their starters today.
Oh, right. He didn't even meet them in person yet. He remembered the documents and emails that were sent to him via his assistants; a self assured optimist named Tank, an impulsive hothead by the name of Benedict, and an aloof snarker named Kidd. Unless he wanted to be cussed out again by that awfully rude neighbor of his (Marie, if he remembered right), he had to wake up, get the boys their starters and continue extensive research on local habitats.
“Mr. Nook! Mr. Nook!”
Two high pitched voices called out from behind the door. Oh, right. His lab assistants.
With a little teamwork, the two tiny tanukis opened the door. One of them held three Poke Balls while the other had a bag filled to the brim with healing items.
“Mr. Nook, we have the starters ready....starters ready!”
they chirped out, one following the other in perfect unison.
The larger tanuki stretched. He threw on his lab coat and waddled over to the stairs. Who cares if they see him in his pajamas, he thought as he put his yellow slippers on.
“Excellent job, you two” he reassured both his assistants.
“Yes yes, I just hope those boys will be here soon. I know these starters will be perfect for them”
Outside of the lab and near the shrine...
A trio of teenage boys argued outside. The first boy was an energetic rhino with pale blue skin, a bright white horn, strong thick eyebrows, and a ridiculous green undercut shaped like a leaf. He wore a short sleeved red and black jacket, a white crop top exposing one row of abs, loose black track pants, and green and white slip-on sneakers.
The second guy was a red chicken with a white heartlike face, long red and white tail brushing against the ground, menacing black eyebrows, grey scars on his cheeks, and shaggy red hair tied back in a messy ponytail. He wore a loose lilac and white hoodie, baggy grey and yellow joggers, and blue and purple sneakers.
The last boy was a lavender goat with medium brown hair in a stylish mod cut, a cropped brown tail, and tired dark eyes. He wore a classy black peacoat, light blue sleeveless shirt, silky white scarf tied in a bow, grey skinny jeans, and matching black knee-high boots with a blue button on the side.
The rhino yelled and shoved the other two out of his way
“I’m getting my starter first!”
He tried to open up the door but failed anyways. Maybe if he tried bashing the glass in with his horn….no, that’d be stupid. But he had to get his starter NOW!! He COULD throw his backpack through the window.... That'd be a great way to get banned from the lab though!
“Tank, y'all gotta calm down already” the bird scolded him. On his purple phone, he read several articles about the Hoenn Pokemon League. Champion Apollo, here we go.
“We’re all gettin' our starters anyways so what’s the rush?”
The goat sighed in annoyance. Some of his brown hair fell into his eyes. He brushed some dirt off his pretty black coat and checked Pokegram on his shiny white phone. Great. His former classmates online had the cutest starters ever- Pikachu, Eevee, Fennekin, hey was that a Dedenne?!
And here he was NOT getting any of those. It's only been two weeks but he already missed the Lumiose City scene. All the parties, the rambunctiousness, all traded away for a small town with nothing to do except stay on your phone all day. Not like he WAS invited to those parties anyways. He remembered arguing with his mom just hours before flying to Hoenn.
Everything about Lumiose International felt like another level of hell. The blinding lights, scratchy carpet, loud pop music, animals blabbing loudly on their phones about their monotone lives.
Kidd hollered as his mom dragged him by the arm.
"For crying out loud, mom! I'm fourteen! I don't need to go to Hoenn with you!"
The other goat rolled her eyes, while her short platinum hair fell in her eyes. Her long black dress swished against the carpeted floor.
She dragged her son to the terminal without any effort.
"Look, Kidd, I'd let you do whatever, but according to Kalosian laws, you're not legally an adult until you turn sixteen. And besides, Hoenn is such a nice region. Much less busy than Kalos. You didn't actually want to stay with your cheating father, do you? He never cared about you like I do.."
"But I want to stay here in Lumiose!"
Kidd argued back.
"Come on Mom! I'm going to hate being in Hoenn"
"How do YOU know that!"
The taller goat scoffed as she turned her nose up.
"Just give it a try, you might finally be able to make a friend for once in your sad and pathetic life."
"Sacre bleu....I don't NEED friends. Not after Aloe left me. And besides, you never let me have a Pokemon in Kalos!"
Kidd muttered under his breath.
"Quit whining and get over it already" his mom huffed as she pushed other animals out of the way. "You're making me look bad!"
His mother stopped at the terminal. A rabbit looked up.
"Two tickets for Marie and Kidd Chavignol?" he asked.
"Right here"
Marie pulled the tickets out and showed him.
"Alright, feel free to board" the rabbit pointed at the terminal gate.
Kidd groaned as he forced himself to get seated. Everything suffocated him like a snake eating its prey. His mom had the audacity to fly first-class while he was tossed away in the very back of the plane. Sitting alone was dreadful, and just when the flight couldn't get any worse, Marie got wasted on red wine and got in a fight with at least two flight attendants.
Lilycove International Airport, while well organized, was a chore and a half to get through.
“Yeah, I don’t see the big deal. It’s not like I’m getting something nice like an Eevee anyways,” Kidd sighed as he kicked a small pebble on the ground.
Benedict rolled his eyes. Really, turning up a free Pokémon?
Did Kidd really have to be so ungrateful?!
“Hey, Benedict, Kidd! You guys don't understand!” Tank barked back.
“I have to get my starter now or I'm never gonna get to work with Professor Nook!”
"What's the big deal with him anyways?"
Kidd asked him. Then again it's not like he wanted to talk to Nook anyways; he was just some guy that lived here. But anything was better than being cooped up all day at home.
Tank clapped his hooves, struck a pose and winked,
"Because I got chosen by Tom Nook himself! He wants me to catch as many Pokémon as possible as part of his research!"
Tom Nook walked up and unlocked the door. He noticed that Tank got knocked over by the door and fell on the ground like a Banette. He chuckled in amusement, remembering what a hothead he was in his youth.
“Why, hello hello!”
he cheerfully greeted the three boys. “Come on in, you three. Your starters are here, yes yes”
The boys followed the tanuki trio inside. The lab was cold and grey, unlike the warm welcoming scenery of Littleroot Town. Two smaller tanuki were busy filling in research on huge screens. The first tanuki looked up critical information on severe droughts near Stark Mountain, while the second tanuki researched on flash floods in Po Town. Three round orange Pokemon hovered around the room, buzzing happily as they chased each other.
“So, boys, tell me about yourselves” Tom Nook gently lifted up each Poké Ball one by one. He grabbed a fourth ball and spun it in his paws. Unlike the other balls, it was blue with black netting. The professor had a bright blue stone dangling from his labcoat. The stone had yellow and green stripes running through its core.
“What kinds of trainers do you see yourselves becoming with these starters by your side? Where do you see yourself in the future? What new horizons do you see yourselves reaching?”
Kidd was trying to collect his thoughts.
How was he supposed to know this already?! This guy was so pushy, he thought. But at least a free Pokemon would help him stay away from Marie.
And then Tank yelled loudly, with confidence beaming in his eyes and voice.
“Professor Nook! I wanna catch as many Pokemon as possible! In the land! The seas! The skies! Heck, maybe see some legendaries! I know I can do it!"
Kidd rolled his eyes in annoyance. Such a showoff.
“And I'm thinkin' of takin' on Champion Apollo,” Benedict calmly explained to Tom Nook. "My pa's takin' on a tournament out in Galar right now, so I wanna be just like him!"
“Excellent goals, you two. And Kidd, don't stress too much. I'm sure you'll find your goal eventually. And I assure all of you that these starters will be of great help, yes yes”
Tom Nook was as chipper as ever, as he tossed each Poke Ball into the air.
The boys watched as each starter was released from their ball-- a purple and orange mudfish, an orange bird with a yellow beak, and a light green gecko with vivid yellow eyes.
The three starter Pokemon looked around curiously. The purple mudfish sparkled as it pawed at the ground. All three Pokemon chirped in excitement.
“Torchic, tor!”
The fluffy bird Pokemon cried out eagerly and ran right into Benedict’s arms!
“Looks like this guy chose me”
Benedict smiled a bit as he held the fluffy Fire-type close to him.
"Okay, y'all are just adorable!"
Tank took a good look at the remaining two starters.
Wasn't Mudkip supposed to be blue, he thought? Why is it purple?
He held his hoof out to the light green gecko Pokemon.
“Hey little buddy” he cooed to him. “How'd you like to be my friend?”
“Tree…...cko!” the grass-type scaled onto Tank’s arm and wrapped himself tightly around his upper arm.
“I knew he'd join me!” Tank laughed happily as Treecko clung to him.
“Welcome to the crew, Treecko!"
“I guess I’m stuck with the last one” Kidd sighed in disappointment. He looked down at the small purple and orange mudskipper Pokemon. “It’s no Eevee, but it’ll do for now…”
The water type chirped sadly and looked away, “Mudkip…”
“Well congratulations you three, take care of your new Pokemon” Tom Nook was still chipper as ever. He leaned down to Mudkip’s eye level. “And trust me Mudkip, I'm sure you and your trainer will grow closer by the day, yes yes”
The starters perked up and cried out their names.
“Oh, when do we get our stuff?” Tank excitedly asked. His tail wagged as he bounced on his tiptoes “Like Poke Balls, the berries, potions, oh and—“
“We’ll be right on that!....on that” the twins called back to the excitable trainer. They paused their research to gather up a brown parcel of necessities for each new trainer. The packages were filled with potions, empty Poke Balls, portable chargers for their Rotom Phones, and a list of numbers for any emergency. Tom Nook's number was highlighted in pink.
Benedict kneeled down to play with Torchic. He pulled a rubber ball out of his pocket and tossed it in the air. Torchic jumped up and headbutted the ball like he was playing volleyball. Torchic looked determined as he kept headbutting the ball.
Benedict could see his future now-- a powerful Blaziken by his side, taking on several opponents with fiery kicks that could melt even the sturdiest of steel beams.
Kidd sighed in disappointment. His classmates back home in Kalos got nice Pokemon as their starters and all he got was this plain fish thing. Oh well, at least he didn’t have to run out catching anything for a while. Maybe he could just trade Mudkip to someone later.
Tank scrolled through a navigation app on his phone. Wow, there’s at least five or six new Pokemon to meet on Route 101 alone! That could mean…..yes at least eighteen species alone for the dex! Treecko wagged his tail as he sat comfortably atop his trainer's shoulder.
“Here you go….go” the first tanuki twin handed each new trainer the brown parcels.
The second twin explained to them "Also we have these for your phones.....phones"
Everyone in the lab watched as each Rotom successfully entered the trio's phones with a small ding.
"These Rotom will help you with your journeys......journeys."
The boys each thanked the tanukis, put their packages in the bags and then headed out their way.
“Have fun, boys!” Tom Nook called out while they left the lab. He sat down in front of his computer and wrote an important email. The two tanuki leaned over Tom Nook's shoulder to watch him type with lightning speed.
"Dearest Sable,
I'm glad to announce that this month's starters have been safely trusted with their new trainers. I was particularly worried about that Mudkip-- her trainer didn't seem particularly interested in her, but I'm sure they'll grow closer on their journey. Anyways, can you contact the Swampert breeders in Route 117 to make sure both sire and dam are healthy? This is the third purple Mudkip I've recieved from the breeder this year alone, and I am curious on the cause of this. Let me know what they say, honey.
Your husband,
Professor Tom Nook"
The boys eagerly rushed into Route 101, zipping past a steep cliff. The grass nearly swallowed them whole as they tracked through the flora. Several small beige and brown raccoon Pokemon leaped through the grass, carefully avoiding each trainer like the plague.
"Aren't you two going to say bye to anyone before leaving?"
Kidd asked. That morning, he left a note on the table in red ink, cussing out Marie and telling her he never wanted to talk to her again.
"No way!"
Benedict brushed him off, "My ma's so busy playin' Eevee Crossings, that I could show up back home dressed as a girl and she wouldn't even care, let alone notice what Pokémon I get!"
"Yeah, and my dad can't move here yet!"
Tank joined in as he tore open the trainer starter kit. Brown papers flew into the air, falling back into his hooves. He pulled out at least three Poke Balls. "But I can still meet him in Fortree anyways!"
Kidd rolled his eyes at his two crazy neighbors. He did feel kinda bad for their family situations. Kidd knew all too well about dysfunction-- no friends to miss him, a cheating dad who wanted nothing to do with him, a horrible mom from the depths of the Distortion World. But at least they were nice neighbors-turned-travelling companions, even if both of them went with their impulses. He found them somewhat charming compared to the stuckup guys he knew back in Lumiose City.
“Help me!!!” a young voice cried out.
The boys ran to the commotion like an Arcanine using Extreme Speed.
A mangy black dog Pokemon snarled, baring pearly white fangs as it chased after a tiny pale green turtle. She ran around crying and screaming as the Pokemon kept terrorizing her.
The girl nearly tripped on her pink flower dress
Tank threw one of his Poke Balls at the unfamiliar Pokemon to no avail. It swatted the ball away with its tail then continued barking at the turtle.
“Aw come on!”
he hollered, making the enemy Pokemon bark louder.
“You have to battle it first” Kidd scoffed in disapproval.
He crossed his arms and held his chin up.
“Hey, Kidd! Just what do you know about battling?!”
Benedict yelled back.
“Just watch me. Torchic, use Ember, BUT don’t hurt the little girl!”
Torchic cheerfully chirped and spewed several small sparks of fire at the canine Pokemon. The little kappa ran behind a tree stump and crouched down behind it. Her little hands trembled as she grabbed onto the stump.
the dog Pokemon yelped as it got hit by the sparks. It shook the flames off but still winced from the damage it took.
“Ker-POW!” Tank hollered as he chucked the Poke Ball again. This time, the Pokemon didn’t fight back. It was enveloped in bright blue light and absorbed into the red and white ball. The Poke Ball rotated twice before stopping.
He checked his Rotom Dex. Sweet, it was a Poochyena!
"Poochyena: the Bite Pokemon. A dark-type. Poochyena are persistent Pokemon who will eat anything-- Berries, Chansey eggs, Tropius fruit, and the occasional Magikarp. Only Poochyena with the strongest and loudest howl will evolve into Mightyena"
"Poochyena can eat anything, huh?" Benedict commented as he looked over on Tank's phone.
“Well, congratulations,”
Kidd shook Tank’s hoof. “I have potions for him if you want--”
Tank nodded and plucked two potions out of Kidd's messenger bag. Kidd rolled his eyes as his friend helped himself with healing his new companion. At least Tank wasn't trying to steal any of the pastel buttons and charms attached to his bag.
" heal him"
Kidd's face stayed flat.
“T-thank yew fer saving me…” the kappa sniffled as she walked up to the trio.
Her tiny hands trembled as she held the hem of her dress.
“It's no problem, kiddo”
Tank grinned as he arched down to her height. “In fact, we’ll take you home! Where do you live?”
“O- I….” the little girl sniffled and stammered. “Owd...owdawe…”
“Oldale Town? I think that's up ahead” Kidd noted.
“You can follow us if you want, I guess”
Benedict patted Torchic on the head before hugging his starter, “Good job, little guy!”
"Torchic, tor!"
Torchic squealed as he brushed his head feathers against his trainer's hood.
Tank effortlessly scooped up the young child. He had one arm supporting her legs and the other arm wrapped around her abdomen.
“Not to sound like your mom, but you really shouldn't run around without a Pokemon by your side”
“I-“ the kappa sniffled as she grabbed onto his jacket collar. “I know…”
The trio and their starters made their way towards the next town up.
A wooden sign read Oldale Town.
Where things start scarce. Oldale Town was bigger than Littleroot, but not by much. Several houses were built here, all of them occupied by animals who couldn't afford to live in Slateport or Petalburg City. Sure, Oldale had both a Poke Mart and a Pokemon Center, but most towns had one of those. A small garden was built in the middle. Two small blue and white Pokemon perched in the garden.
The new trainers looked around the town for a Pokemon Center— aha! The orange building near the left half!
They rushed inside towards the center. The place was VERY comforting-- the nice scent of flowers, light colored orange and yellow decore, several couches to relax on, and a counter near the back.
“Welcome to the Pokemon Center!” the animal behind the counter greeted the travelers. She was a pretty yellow dog wearing her blond fur in a high bun. She wore a pink and white nurse's uniform with a little hat on top, and ‘Nurse Shizue’ neatly written on a tag attached to her chest.
“Would you like your Pokemon healed today?”
"I sure do!"
Benedict picked up his Torchic and handed him and the ball to the nurse.
“Tank, if I was y'all, I'd get that Poochyena healed too”
he pointed out to his friend.
Nurse Shizue cheerfully smiled as she had Torchic safely return to his ball. She carried the ball over towards a bright red healing machine. A cheerful tune echoed from the machine as the Pokemon got healed from its battle.
“He’ll be fine!” Tank called back with a cheeky grin. He was still carrying that little girl
“Trust me! And besides, I’m more worried about this girl!”
Benedict shrugged. "Just try not to kidnap her!"
"I won't" Tank snorted in laughter. "I'm too young to have a criminal record!"
“Here you go!” Nurse Shizue happily handed the Poke Ball back to Benedict.
“We hope to see you again!”
“Thanks y'all” Benedict nodded. He walked back to his group with the ball in his hand.
“So, any word on where we’re s'pposed to take her back to?”
Kidd shook his head. “I don’t know anything about Oldale Town. Okay, well except, that we're in it. I'm not that stupid, non?”
“I know!”
Tank had a brilliant idea. “We could just knock on everyone’s door until they answer”
“Yeah, great idea. It’s not like the town will find us incredibly annoyin' after this incident”
Benedict snarked.
"Aw, but think about it!" Tank argued back. "Trying to get a little girl home is less annoying than selling overpriced essential oils, leggings that rip in two tears or gross protein shakes with weird names like-"
“Tank, we GET IT already!” Kidd interrupted him and rolled his eyes.
“.....Fine. Let’s get on with it already”
Mudkip sighed as she ran outside the Pokemon Center. The mud fish Pokemon chirped excitedly at one of the doors. She jumped up and down while wagging her tail.
The door slowly creaked open. The animal in front of her was a taller chartreuse green kappa with pretty brown hair in a side ponytail and a floral yellow dress. She had two Pokemon standing next to her-- a brown and yellow blue-eyed mouse Pokemon floating on its tail, and a round pink Pokemon with an egg pouch on its stomach.
"Oh, why hello cutie pie!" the kappa kneeled down to Mudkip's height.
She gently smiled at the smaller Pokemon
"Are you lost?"
"Mud-" the mudskipper shook her head. She got on her back legs and waved her upper legs around
"Mudkip, mud mud mud mud, kip, kip!"
"Your trainer and his friends found a girl on Route 101?"
The kappa asked the water type with a worried frown.
"Mud mud mud, mudKIP!"
"And the girl said she lives here in Oldale?"
Mudkip closed her eyes and smiled
"Mudkip, mud!"
"May I meet with your trainer?"
Mudkip got back on all four legs as she ran over to the Pokemon Center. The door automatically opened.
“Mommy!” the little kappa cried out. She wriggled her way out of Tank’s arms and ran over to her mother. The tiny kappa clinged to her mother's leg like a Remoraid attaching itself to a Mantine.
“Aww, Leila. Did you run off without one of my Pokemon again?”
The bigger kappa worried as she brushed some dirt off her daughter’s cheek.
Leila quietly shook her head. Her small brown pigtails bounced as she nodded along
“Y-yes.." she sniffled as she tightly held her mother's leg. "A- a poochy….it- it chased me...and they- they saved me…”
“Who? Who saved you?” her mother asked.
Leila pointed over at the three boys and their starters.
"Aww..." The kappa mother smiled happily.
“Thank you three so much. Why, I’m not so sure exactly how to thank you…Well I have a few of these”
She pulled some unused Poke Balls from her brown satchel and handed each trainer a small pile. Tank neatly put his share of balls away while Benedict crammed them into the bottom of his backpack. Kidd opened another compartment in his messenger bag and tucked the gift away.
“Your Pokemon are great but it’s always nice to have more, isn't it? Well, we’ll see you later”
She sang an old Alolan folk song to herself as she headed back home with her daughter clinging to her torso.
"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
Once in a lullaby, oh"
“So. Where do we go now?”
Kidd asked his friends.
Tank pulled up a map on his Rotom Phone
“Well there’s Route 102 to the left. Hey, look, some new Pokemon for me to catch!”
Benedict leaned over in front of Kidd as he swiped his wing on the screen
“And a gym in the next city! Huh, it looks like a Normal type one...”
“Yeah, I guess we’ll go to Route 102”
Kidd sighed.
The trio left Oldale Town and headed towards Route 102. The route trailed much longer than Route 101 did. There were several other animals walking around with their own Pokemon. Some Pokemon frolicked and played in the grass while others rolled around in dirt or splashed in a small pond. Most of the trainers were minding their business, either playing with their Pokemon or taking care of them.
Tank eagerly leapt into the tall grass, with his Treecko right on his head.
“Come on, buddy, let’s get you some more friends!”
He chased after some rustling sounds. Tank saw a bushy beige and brown tail pop out of the nearby grass. Hey, a new friend! He lept into the grass and chased the new Pokemon into a corner.
Tank chucked a Poke Ball at the unsuspecting Pokemon, easily capturing it without a fight.
"Zigzagoon has been added to your Pokedex"
Yes! Tank thought to himself in excitement.
Treecko bounced up and down, his tail wagging as he pointed to nearby a small pond. He followed his lead and crouched down in the grass as he saw a blue and yellow Pokemon skate across the water. He threw a new Poke Ball at the blue Pokemon and caught that one just like his Zigzagoon.
"Surskit has been added to your Pokedex"
Treecko ran off to follow a small brown acorn Pokemon and a flat blue and green Pokemon. Tank tossed both balls onto Treecko's tail and watched as the Poke balls ricocheted onto both Pokemon. Seedot tried to run away but tripped before being captured, while Lotad didn't put up any fight.
"Seedot and Lotad have been registered to your Pokedex"
Tank picked up every Poke Ball and put them into his backpack. Treecko crawled back up onto his shoulder and chirped loudly. Both trainer and Pokemon saw a small red and white worm Pokemon inch closer to them. The rhino held both hooves out to the worm and watched as it crawled safely onto him.
"You wanna join your friends too?"
he sweetly asked the new Pokemon.
"Wurm, wurm!!~"
"Well, alright" Tank let the bug crawl onto his left arm while he dug into his bag for yet another Poke Ball. He grabbed the ball and held it out near the bug. He watched as it was absorbed into the ball.
"Wurmple has been registered to your Pokedex"
The ball disappeared in front of him!
Just then, his phone began to buzz. Tank picked up the call, not caring about who or what was calling him.
"Hello?" he asked the other animal on line.
"Oh, hello hello, Tank!" Tom Nook happily greeted him.
"I'm just calling to let you know that your Wurmple's been safely transferred to the Storage System, yes yes! You can check on your Pokemon on every PC in a Pokemon Center, yes yes"
Tank sighed in relief. Well, that's something to take care of when he reaches Petalburg City's Pokemon Center.
Meanwhile, Benedict kept his eyes peeled for anyone just as eager to battle. Torchic eagerly chirped and bounced up and down as he saw a wide eyed trainer across from them.
"Who is it?"
Torchic jumped out of the grass and ran to another trainer. The other trainer was a dark blue penguin with huge black eyes and wearing bright red flannel over a black workers' jumpsuit. He was tending to a peculiar looking flat blue and green Pokemon.
Kidd cautiously tiptoed through the grass with Mudkip by his side. Easy does it…Hopefully his outfit won't get ruined by all this grass.
“Hey! Hey you!” The penguin called out so loud that several bird Pokemon flew from the trees.
“Yeah, you with the Torchic. I want to battle!”
And then Kidd tripped and fell on his face
"Best day of my life" he muttered to himself.
Sweet, a challenge!
Benedict grinned as he ran towards the other trainer.
“Howdy!” he eagerly introduced himself. "I'm Benedict, an' I'm from Castelia City.
Y'all wanna battle or what?"
“Ah, a Unova man” the penguin shook his wing. “The name’s Roald. I’m from Rustboro myself, and I’ve been looking for someone to battle on this route”
“Hey, same here Roald!”
Benedict chuckled a little. “So, just one on one?”
“Yeah, that'd be fair for both of us. I have other Pokemon on me, but you look like a beginner trainer”
Roald crossed his arms. He pointed out in the air with his flipper. “Come on, Lotad!”
The flat blue lilypad Pokemon chirped as it stood on its nubby back legs.
“Let’s go, Torchic!” Benedict yelled and pointed in the air. “Give it your best Scratch!”
Torchic cried out as he used his claws against the grass-type Pokemon.
Lotad flinched as its body took a scratch to the face.
“Hey, you're not so bad for a beginner!” Roald called out. “Lotad, Astonish!”
The grass-type Pokemon chirped as it quickly tackled the fire-type in a purple aura. Torchic winced slightly from the damage it took, but shook it off with its feathers.
“Don’t give up yet, Torchic!”
Benedict encouraged him. “Ember!”
Torchic cried out as it unleashed Ember on the Lotad. The blue flat Pokemon cried out as it was knocked out from the power.
“Aww” Roald groaned in disappointment as he called his Lotad back to its ball.
“Well, congratulations Benedict”
“Thanks y'all," Benedict said as he shook his wing.
“That was a fun battle for both of us”
Torchic happily chirped and nuzzled his trainer's pant leg.
Tank and Kidd sprinted towards him, both of them panting in exhaustion.
“Look how many Pokémon I got!”
Tank hollered as he eagerly showed off the dex app on his phone. “I caught almost every single species on this route, like Professor Nook asked me to!"
Benedict looked over at Roald,
“Oh, these are my friends by the way.”
“Hey! I’m Tank Pepper! I’m from Littleroot Town but I used to live in Fortree!” Tank explained as he bounced on his feet. The tips of his sneakers squeaked against the dirt “And I just became a researcher for Professor Nook!”
“And I’m Kidd, I guess. I’m from Lumiose City” Kidd shrugged as he tried to introduce himself, trying his best to sound somewhat interested. Why did Benedict have to introduce him as a friend though?
“I’m....just along for the journey.”
“Nice to meet both of you” Roald smiled as he waved hello.
“Hey, by the way, there’s a gym in the next city.”
“Really? Thanks yall!”
Benedict’s eyes shone in eagerness. “Come on guys, I gotta get my badges!”
He ran off without waiting for his friends, and then he tripped on a small green and white Pokemon.
“.....That was so stupid of him,” Kidd whispered to Tank.
"Hey, be nice!" Tank scolded him. "You don't have to snark at everyone around you!"
“Oh! Oh my Arceus I am so sorry y'all.”
Benedict frantically apologized to the new Pokemon.
The small Pokemon looked up and chirped
“Oh! Y'all wanna battle us?”
Benedict asked the wild Pokemon. “Well, let’s see what my Torchic thinks”
Torchic chirped eagerly before standing in front of Benedict. Oh, he was more than ready!
“Alright! Let’s go, Torchic! Use Scratch!”
He commanded his starter.
Torchic readied his claws then leaped in the air before swiping his claws at the wild Ralts' torso.
Ralts easily dodged the attack, landing on top of a small boulder. Its pink horns glowed indigo purple as it moved its shadow underneath the ground to attack. Torchic winced as the shadow slapped him across the face.
Huh, now that was quite the strange attack. But it made the duo want to fight harder! Benedict stepped backwards and pointed ahead,
“Torchic! Ember!”
Torchic screamed as he shot a blanket of small orange flames from his beak.
Ralts jumped in the air, but winced as the fire enveloped him whole, leaving small flickers around his wrists.
Benedict undid his ponytail as he struck a pose. “Now! Finish it off with Scratch!”
Torchic flashed a confident grin as he leaped onto the boulder, twirling in his spot as he scratched Ralts yet again.
The fae Pokemon collapsed on its knees, panting from the impact of its opponent's last attack. Its chest stung slightly, but for some strange reason, it wanted to join the two of them.
Benedict put two fingers in his beak and whistled. "Come on Torchic, that's enough!"
"Chic?" Torchic tilted his head. "Torchic, tor!" He chirped before running back to his trainer, leaping into his arms and nuzzling against the soft white hoodie.
Ralts crossed its arms and looked up at the duo, their happiness resonating with itself.
Perhaps that happiness could spread to it too?
Benedict kneeled down to let Torchic run around on the ground, while he looked over at Ralts. Huh, wouldn't most Pokemon just run away after defeat in battle? Unless-- hey yeah, maybe Ralts wanted to travel too!
"Hey, Ralts is it?" he asked the wild Pokemon.
"How'd y'all like to join me an' Torchic? I think y'all'd make a mighty fine member of my team”
Ralts thought to himself for a minute. Other trainers lobbed Poke Balls at his head like he was some sort of target, while Benedict and Torchic actually gave him a real battle. Perhaps traveling with these two would allow him more in life than running in fear from pesky trainers. No, wait, it already did!
He folded his arms together and nodded.
Benedict grinned as he pulled out a Poke Ball, gently holding the item out to Ralts' eye level. The psychic type Pokemon touched the button with his left hand, completely still as the red light enveloped him whole. The Poke Ball rocked in its spot, before stopping with a small ding.
Tank and Kidd ran up to their acquaintance.
"Hey, what'd you catch?"
Tank asked as he looked at the Poke Ball in his friend's wings.
"Oh not much, just a Ralts!" Benedict explained as he showed off the Poke Ball.
"A Ralts?!" Tank complained as he furiously stomped one of his feet. Dirt clouds blew up in the air as he held his hooves together and begged. "Professor Nook JUST asked me to catch one so he can study its evolutions! Can you trade it to me? Pleaaaaaaaase!!!"
"Hmmm...." Benedict thought to himself as he looked down at his Poke Ball. Tank was nice, sure, but this was his own Pokemon he caught fair and square!
"No way! Just catch one yourself"
"Yeah, it's not that hard to smack wild Pokemon with a Poke Ball"
Kidd snarked as he rolled his eyes, while Mudkip rolled around in the dirt. Treecko and Torchic ran over to join her, laughing as they tossed pebbles to each other.
"Oh, shut up Kidd!"
Tank shouted back. "At least we caught more than one. Oh wait, are these ones not cuuuuute enough for you?!"
Kidd scoffed
"It's not that! It's just that I'm not ready to catch another one yet! I can't even handle Mudkip right now!"
Mudkip sighed and frowned a bit.
She prodded at the dirt and flicked away at some pebbles.
"What is it gonna take for him to like me?!" she thought.
"Yeah, come on you two, y'all can argue during my first gym match"
Benedict pointed across from them. "Petalburg City is right this way!"
"Now, wait just a second. How DO you know that's Petalburg City?"
Kidd pointed out.
Tank facepalmed and pointed at the obvious brown sign in front of the trio. "Because the sign there literally says Petalburg City!" he lashed out. "I swear you're as blind as a Zubat"
"Oh SHUT UP, Tank!"
Kidd crossed his arms and lashed out. "At least I didn't beg for another Pokémon like some sort of freeloader!"
Tank ranted. "Hey, you're one to talk!"
Kidd gasped from the audacity.
"Excuse me? How am I in any way a freeloader?!"
"Well, let's see," Tank pointed out as he started walking on the trail. "You're only coming with us because you wanted to get away from your stupid mom!"
The boys ran down the dirt trail and into the city limits. While Benedict skipped in glee from catching a new Pokémon, Kidd and Tank continued arguing over Arceus knows what.
What awaits their journey in Petalburg City? Potential rivals? Upcoming battles? A threat to the world around them?
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