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Pokémon pokédex mini

  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10

pokédex mini​

dabbling in selections from a drabble collection

What's this?

Pretty simple: the goal here is to (eventually, maybe, idk) write one drabble for every single pokémon in the pokédex, all however-many-the-heck-there-are-right-now and counting. "Drabble" here is used in the literal sense of the term, meaning each story should be exactly 100 words, no more and no less. (With some hyphen/word-counter–related wiggle room, but shhhh.)

I first started this project... good lord, ten years ago? I'm trying not to think about it, ugh. In an ideal world I'd have been a lot further along by now, but life is what it is, y'know? My progress on this has slowed way down over the years and isn't likely to pick up speed, but I do still poke at it every now and then, and I figured I might as well share at least a few of the ones I enjoyed writing.

So, whenever I've finished some new ones or decide I want to toss in some older ones, I'll collect them into a batch of ten drabbles and make a new post here. There's no update schedule; it's just gonna happen whenever it happens. Easy enough, right? Check the threadmarks up top or the post index down below to see what's available so far!

What kinds of stories are these?

All kinds! There's no unifying theme; they're just whatever idea happens to strike at the time. They probably skew most heavily toward humorous pokémon POV in the trainerverse, but there are stories about humans (canon characters and otherwise), stories set in PMD-like worlds, stories that touch on other types of genre or setting or mood or whatever else I felt like experimenting with that day. Even stories with similar settings aren't necessarily happening in the same world with the same rules, so sometimes one story may contradict something that gets implied in another. It's best to treat them all as standalone unless otherwise stated, then. (Unless it was deliberately written as part of a set—I'll point it out if that's the case!)

If you've been working on this for years, where are the rest?

For now, I'm using this thread to showcase specifically the drabbles I feel like showcasing, rather than porting over literally everything I've done so far. There are several I'm not proud enough of to actively highlight, for one thing; and also trying to keep a forum thread organized in national dex order when I don't write these in order is... not really something I want to tangle with, heh. So I'm just sharing whichever ones I'm in the mood to share in no particular order.

If you'd like to read all of the pokédex mini drabbles I've ever published, you're welcome to do so on my personal website here. They're also organized in national pokédex order there. Just be aware that the quality will vary pretty wildly.

Feedback preferences

I'm not looking for heavy feedback/critique on these, for the most part. It's more just a general exercise in actually writing anything, as unreasonably difficult as that seems to be for me, and in experimenting with being more concise. Feel free to comment on whatever you like, of course! Just know that I can't guarantee I'll actually act on any suggestions for edits to existing stories. I do occasionally succumb to the desire to edit or rewrite some of these, but given how many I still have to get through, it makes much more sense to focus on moving forward!

The one thing I would very much appreciate knowing is whether you feel like you're missing a significant piece of context when you read a drabble. In the past I've had a tendency to base drabbles on, like, a single really obscure pokédex entry or piece of trivia, and as a result they're most likely not as easy to grasp as I'd like. I'm trying to avoid that going forward, but if you ever read one of these and come away from it "...I have no idea what on earth the point of that was," please do let me know!

Content warnings

None by default, as I keep most of these pretty tame. If an individual drabble warrants a content warning, I'll add it to the top of that drabble's post. As always, please do reach out and let me know if you feel anything needed a warning that I didn't think to give it—I'm more than happy to amend it.

All right, no more stalling. I hope you enjoy! :quag:

Post Index​

  1. Bulbasaur, Ninetales, Drifloon, Kommo-o, Cosmoem, Corviknight, Maushold, Charcadet, Tinkaton, Palafin
  2. Squirtle, Raticate, Dodrio, Muk, Unown, Poochyena, Glameow, Purugly, Cofagrigus, Mimikyu
  3. Kakuna, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Oddish, Bellsprout, Tentacool, Shellder, Marowak, Koffing, Magikarp
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Bulbasaur, Ninetales, Drifloon, Kommo-o, Cosmoem, Corviknight, Maushold, Charcadet, Tinkaton, Palafin
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Here we go! No particular order or theme to this batch. I just thought it'd be nice to begin at the beginning, show just a few of the older pieces I particularly like, and then some of my newest drabbles to wrap up, concluding with the three I wrote for the 2023 TR Anniversary's drabble bingo (and an extra that I was inspired to throw together at the same time).

CW: Drifloon's includes references to grief after a loved one's death.

0001 Bulbasaur​

Route 1 sure had a lot of wild pokémon territory for Junie to cross with nothing but a brand-new bulbasaur.

"Ready?" she asked. "You know what we've gotta do with tall grass, right?"

Bulbasaur edged toward the grass, then took a bite.

Junie laughed. "That's... an option. But we've also gotta get in there and look for more partners!"

Bulbasaur cheered around his mouthful of grass. Junie smiled nervously. She wasn't entirely sure what to do after finding a pokémon herself.

Still, Junie squared her shoulders and charged into the grass. Bulbasaur followed. Whatever came next, they'd figure out together.

0038 Ninetales​

Always take care of your tails, child, for they are your greatest gift. Take care of your tails and they will take care of you. The first fuels the fire that burns inside you. Keep the second soft and clean and you'll know your mate's true love. Three brings luck and four reveals secrets. Five lets you speak to any creature; six lets you enchant them. Seven gives you long life, and eight, when curled just so, long happiness.

And should anyone ever hurt you, child, your ninth tail will take care of you—and take care of them, too.

0425 Drifloon​

The family huddles around the grave. Drifloon listens behind a stone angel. They tell funny stories, sad ones, sweet ones. The children smile and sniffle, holding balloon strings tight.

They let go of their balloons. The family walks away.

Pop! One balloon snags a tree branch.

Pop! A spearow blunders into one beak-first.

Whoosh! A gust blows the last toward the angel's broken wing—

Drifloon grabs it. He floats away from the points and snares, then sends it on its way again in the open sky.

Drifloon doesn't know what's up that high. He hopes the balloon will see it.

0784 Kommo-o​

Kommo-o hears the intruder before she sees them, so they hear her bell-song first as well. She drums her tail against the ground, each note ringing sharp through stone and air. The warning-song of a warrior whose fists strike true as each tone.

She lopes out and looks... down?... at a tiny yellow ball. The chingling, unafraid, trills out, clarion and sweet: not the discordant clatter-clash of dragon challenge-song, but...

Curious, Kommo-o tolls again, the chingling's tune a matching melody. The chingling smiles; so does she. They ring a little bell-song as they head in together—not battle-song, but friend-song.

0790 Cosmoem​

The little star sleeps, motionless and silent, the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon it. Its tiny galaxies twist and tumble as it dreams of the song of rising. Will the little points that burn within brighten, shining so fiercely that the sky turns dazzling blue? Will the spinning clouds inside spread out like a dark and fluttering cloak, so it might slip softly through the night? To call to the sun, or to dance with the moon? It dreams and dreams and can't decide, the future melody too faint to guess.

The little star sleeps, and waits, and dreams.

0823 Corviknight​

Britomart's record shines as spotless as her armor: all routes flown swiftly, all fares ferried safely. But today, that knave Galehault chases as she flies. "Galehault is no thief!" he rasps. "Withdraw your accusation, or we shall joust at sixty wingstrokes!"

Britomart has no time for curry-swindling blackguards. Chivalrous taxis keep their schedules. But he crows "Liar! Coward!" as they soar over Hammerlocke, and that, sir, shall not stand.

She wings back sixty strokes and levels her beak at Galehault, heedless of her cabbie's pleas or the fares cheering in her carriage.

Britomart's honor shines as spotless as her armor.

0925 Maushold​

"You'll love this place!" The realtor beamed at the Baxters. "Brand-new appliances, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors..."

"I do love vaulted ceilings," said Mrs. Baxter.

"I'm just glad we're leaving behind that gnawing in the walls," sighed Mx. Baxter.

"We'll take it!" they said.


"You'll love this place!" The pawmo beamed at the maushold. "No existing weaknesses in the walls, so it's a bit of a fixer-upper. But it's perfect for chewing your own custom renovations!"

"We do love a project," said one maus.

"I'm just glad it'll wear the kids' teeth down," sighed the other.

"We'll take it!" they said.

0935 Charcadet​

Charlos sat by the academy's armor displays, helmet flickering in thought. Mela was coming back to school. He'd missed her terribly, but...

The night-dark armor had whispered after Mela's visits, when she'd been grinning fiercely but her inner fire guttered low: Mela smiles, but they're hurting her. She wants to fight, and you can help her. Take me with you. We can hurt them first.

But now, she'd said, she wasn't gonna fight. Now she had to be brave. Mela didn't need angry, devouring fire. She needed warmth, steady and strong.

Charlos's helmet flared, and he touched the golden armor.

0959 Tinkaton​

The master tinkaton critiqued each student's hammer. "Corviknight pauldrons are classic, but dull... no, revavroom exhausts won't make it go faster... I hope that red is bisharp, not scizor; too easy to melt!"

She scowled as the youngest struggled. "Copperajah? Rampant rust, girl, of course it's too heavy. Sensible smiths use bronzong for density without impossible weight!" She handed the student her own hammer as an example.

The younger tinkaton nodded. "Wow, much better balanced than mine."

"Now do you understand which steel-types you should harvest from?"

"Yes," said the student. She grinned and swung the hammer at her master.

0964 Palafin​

Palafin was the hero: when her teammates struggled, she'd soar out to crush the enemy beneath her fists. With her friends there to help her change, no foe was too fearsome.

Now, alone before the metal monster that'd lanced them all with lightning? Nowhere to change, no chance to win. No fists; just tiny, trembling fins. No soaring; just cowering behind her fallen friends. No hero; just... her.

The monster lurched foward, its sparking claws grasping for Cyclizar. Brave Cyclizar, who'd fought so hard without even changing...

Maybe she could, too.

Palafin kicked off and charged to meet the beast.
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Squirtle, Raticate, Dodrio, Muk, Unown, Poochyena, Glameow, Purugly, Cofagrigus, Mimikyu
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Been a bit since I updated this... don't have any new ones at the moment, just more selections from the full set, but heck, maybe the recent drabble convos in the Discord will inspire me to knock a little more rust off. In the meantime, hope you enjoy!

Glameow and Purugly's stories are technically a pair, but can be enjoyed alone if you only feel like reading one.

0007 Squirtle​

Madeleine and her friends were still arguing about which starter was most useful when they reached the lab.

"Nothing beats swimming around with a squirtle," Madeleine insisted.

"Squirtle's got water whenever you're thirsty, too," said Bella.

Derek pulled a face. "You can't drink pokémon water!"

"That's sure not why I'm choosing squirtle," Madeleine agreed.

Now, Madeline, her family, and her new squirtle sat at the sushi restaurant, celebrating the start of her journey.

"What's this green stuff?" Madeleine asked, scooping some into her mouth. "Avocado?"

It was not avocado.

Madeleine grabbed for Squirtle and hoped desperately that Derek was wrong.

0020 Raticate​

"The dining area looks clean." The health inspector made a note on her clipboard. The malasada shop's owner smiled, confident her restaurant would pass muster.

"Watch how close those trash cans are to the tables, though." The inspector scribbled again as they moved into the kitchen. "They're pushing the minimum required distance of— what is that?"

Over by a bin, a raticate lifted its shaggy black head from a box of malasadas, jam dribbling from its mouth. It belched and licked its lips.

The inspector scribbled furiously. "Why is that trash can so close to where you sample those malasadas?"

0085 Dodrio​

"Ready for battle, everyone? Let's open with a hearty tri attack!"

"But what if it tries to burn him? I don't think he can be burned..."

"I hate when they can't be burned! Let's teach this unburnable jerk a lesson!"

"Okay, yeah! Brave bird would be good for that!"

"I don't wanna get hurt... can't we hide with double team instead?"

"Hiding sucks! I say we thrash 'im!"

"All that thrashing around is confusing..."

"Fine, you big baby. We'll just whale on him while he's holding still!"

"Yeah, that's a good plan! What if we froze him with tri attack?"

0089 Muk​

The Breezy Acres subdivision was renowned for its residents' fabulous gardens. Every lawn was an explosion of fragrance and color, roses and hydrangeas and lilies and a dozen things far more exotic. Not Marlow's lawn, though. Marlow could barely pronounce 'heuchera', let alone keep one alive.

It didn't help that the neighbors had perfect pokémon for tending to gardens, either. A florges over here, a roserade over there, a meganium down the street... His pokémon couldn't help his garden look better than the others'.

...Or could she?

"Hey, Muk... what say we take tonight's stroll right by the neighbors' yards?"

0201 Unown​

Alonso found something different every time he ventured into the Ruins of Alph. Hidden passageways, crumbling carvings... on last week's excursion he'd even fallen down a hole and discovered a new room full of sliding puzzles. The F-shaped unown he'd landed on hadn't been too thrilled, but he'd had a field day.

He'd found a new inscription this afternoon. Alonso ran his hand along the letters, absentmindedly brushing hieroglyph and flattened unown alike as he read. "Their eyes... see the secret... don't land on me again you fu— hey!"

Alonso glared at the inscription. The letter "F" glared right back.

0261 Poochyena​

"They're deceptively difficult to see when they lurk in the shadows, you know," said Professor Birch. "Compact bodies with muscles tensed like coiled springs... watching you through narrowed, hungry eyes... waiting for you to turn around so they can leap for your unprotected neck with a blood-curdling howl... it's a terrifying experience, son, right out of a man's most primal nightmares, and I think it'd be best if we didn't upset your mother by telling her about it."

"You mean you don't want me to tell Mom that the new neighbor had to save you from a poochyena," Brendan sighed.

0431 Glameow​

Glameow snarled, hissed, twisted and spat, but try as he might he could not escape the woolly embrace of the dreaded kitty sweater. It wasn't even cold out, dammit, and here his trainer was forcing him into this straitjacket of pink fluff and polka dots and garish giggling buneary. Right before a battle, even! He could just see the snover across the field mocking him with its gaze. How embarrassing

The snover's ice beam hit him dead on and frost covered his chest, only the laughing buneary saving his body from the harsh, biting chill.

Glameow loved his kitty sweater.

0432 Purugly​

All in all, Purugly thought, the evolution had worked out well. He'd put on a few extra pounds, true, but he wasn't the fattest purugly he knew, and best of all he no longer fit into that ghastly pink kitty sweater. Without the extra weight and the restrictive sweater he could really move, dancing around the abomasnow's ice beams with practiced ease.

The abomasnow changed tack, stopped trying to aim at its slippery target and covered the field with a vicious blizzard, sweeping Purugly off his feet and all but burying him in the snow.

Purugly missed his kitty sweater.

0563 Cofagrigus​

Margrave leaned against a sarcophagus, dusted off a golden necklace and admired the way it shone beneath his flashlight. Treasure was the only real reason to explore the Relic Castle. Those museum eggheads didn't understand that—they'd cordoned the place off for "preservation" and "documentation"—so after their director took an unfortunate fatal tumble down the stairs Margrave had simply smiled and let himself in.

Four spectral arms, barely visible in the necklace's reflection, snaked out of the sarcophagus and wrapped around Margrave's throat. The director's voice whispered to him as the lid slammed shut.

"We haven't finished documenting that."

0778 Mimikyu​

Mimikyu sneered as he rifled through the dumpster. The others could copy those played-out pikachu all they liked. Couldn't those simpletons see that no one cared about those twitchy little rats anymore?

What the kids really loved these days was charizard! Massive, majestic, warm, powerful, super cool... if he could just find a charizard disguise, he'd be adored more than any mimikyu or pikachu ever was!

That was the plan, anyway. Seven dumpsters and he hadn't seen any old toys or so much as an orange sheet. Just trashbags, trashbags, trashbags...

...What the kids really loved these days was trubbish!
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Oh man, I've kind of wanted to do a drabble-dex idea (or something similar) myself. So I'm pretty excited to check this out!

-The Bulbasaur drabble is cute! It does a great job of capturing the nervousness and inexperience of a new trainer just starting out. Given that it's the first pokemon in the dex, and logically will be the first drabble people read in this project, selecting this subject to start makes a lot of sense.
-I looove the concept of each of a Ninetales tails having a different meaning to them, and I love that this drabble is told from the perspective of one.
-I also really love the mental image of this big, strong Kommo-o getting all worked up for battle and acting all threatening and then just. Chingling. Took a very adorable turn.
-Drifloons entry felt very melancholic.
-the cosmoem drabble felt almost... Atmospheric. Idyllic, maybe. Im not fully sure how to describe it. But it really does suit a pokemon that is ultimately just resting and waiting.
-the mental image of a corviknight cab getting so sick of her heckler that she just stops in the middle of her job to fight them is so good. Also, I really like that the drabble suggests that corviknight have their own culture to some degree separate from just instinct, unknown to humans. (Which, to be fair, makes a lot of sense.)
-For maushold, again with the pokemon culture. I love the juxtaposition between the human desires and the maushold. (And I like to believe it's the same house lol)
-We. Stan. A good boy. Charlos. That's all that needs to be said on the matter. Very cute.
-Tinkaton has more pokemon culture. And I love the idea of seasoned tinkatons working out the best pokemon to hunt/harvest from to create the best weapons.
-Set one ends on a strong note! I like the palafin entry, but I'm struggling to find something specific to say about it. So I'll move on to the next set instead.

-Not much to say about Squirtle but I got a giggle out of it.
-if I understood the Raticate entry correctly, it was a bait and switch. You expect the inspector to get upset about the rat in the kitchen but actually the complaint is about the trash cans. It got a giggle out of me.
-Meanwhile, while the dodrio argues with itself, it's opponent has slunk away. Not interested in dealing with that mess.
-All I have to say about muk is... Oh no.
-Can we get some F's in the chat for Alonso. He's gonna need them.
-Love this little interaction in the poochyenna entry. And I love how ferocious Birch makes them sound. (To be fair, small dogs can do plenty of damage if they're ferocious enough lol.)
-The glameow and purugly entries are SO. GOOD. They really capture the vibe of cat. The "I hate this I hate this oh wait this is fine actually" and the opposite reaction. Reminds me of videos of cats at like. The groomers or vet. It took you forever to wrangle that kitty into the carrier, but once you get to the vet, they don't want to come out. And they're happy to go back in.
-Cofagrigus is delightfully creepy. It raises questions: did the director survive? Did he actually kill him and now his ghost is haunting him? Or was he never alive to begin with? Really makes you think.
-I am always here for mimimyu disguise variants. And a bit of levity is nice after that last entry.

Alright, that looks to be all of them! I had a lot of fun with these! I don't really have anything in the way of concept to provide, so I'll just leave off here. Thanks for sharing!

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Hello hello! I saw this receive recommendations on Discord, so I thought it'd be a good piece to check out! I also don't think I"ve read anything of yours yet, and I love looking at new peoples' work :)

Firstly, I just want to say that I am IMPRESSED that you managed to kee each drabble to the true definition of a drabble at EXACTLY 100 words. That's amazing!

Okay, the Bulbasaur one was so CUTE. From the fact that Bulbasaur thinks he's supposed to eat the grass, and June knowing that she and Bulbasaur will figure out Pokemon capture and training together--it's adorable!

I like how the Ninetales one is written in second person--and ends with such an ominous note! It struck me as threatening the first time, but it's also encouraging, that Ninetales will be able to fight back against anyone who fights her.

The Drifloon one is really sweet. I find pieces mourning the loss of a loved one to have a bittersweetness about them, and Drifloon catching the last of the family's balloons and sending it to the sky was such a heartwarming image for a somber scene.

And Komm-o making music together with Chingling! How fitting that two bell Pokemon chime together. For a warrior like Komm-o to be calmed by Chingling's musicality and to go along with it was really adorable.

Love the imagery of the Cosmoem one! You have a beautiful way of painting images in the mind's eye.

Okay, there's a place I know of called Britomart, and that was the only thing I could think of when reading the Corviknight entry :mewlulz:

Seeing the parallel between the humans and the Mausold looking for a new home was funny--it reminds me of a Tom and Jerry cartoon!

Loved how the Charcadet one explores heroism--sometimes, being heroic isn't about fighting battles. It's also about being there for people who need you.

Tinkaton's hammer is made of Bronzong?!? Is that Bronzong remains, or actual, living, sentient Bronzong? And I like her student's response! :mewlulz:

And another display of bravery from Palafin! It's a beautiful example of classic heroism: charging headfirst into a challenge when you're terrified and heavily outmatched, but not giving up anyway.

This was a wonderful collection! As I said, you have a beautiful writing style: you paint very clear scenes with just a few words, and you can make really evocative images. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pieces with us!


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Oh my gosh these are all a riot. I love them so much, I got a good chuckle out of at least half of them! Whenever you end up writing more, I’ll be eagerly waiting. These are just too good! 😂

I love just how fitting they are to the individual mon, too. Bulbasaur, a classic starter, is with his trainer taking their first steps on the journey together; Ninetails is mystical and vaguely threatening; Palafin’s is all about finding the courage to fight for her friends when the chips are down; Corviknight is all about defending one’s honor. 😂 They’re fantastic and it made my night to read these.

"Ready?" she asked. "You know what we've gotta do with tall grass, right?"

Bulbasaur edged toward the grass, then took a bite.
Ahahaha oh my gosh I’m already in love. This is the most Bulbasaur thing ever. Precious.

Still, Junie squared her shoulders and charged into the grass. Bulbasaur followed. Whatever came next, they'd figure out together.
YES AAAH 💛 this was, what, four paragraphs? And I’d already die for these two??

And should anyone ever hurt you, child, your ninth tail will take care of you—and take care of them, too.
Ohoho yes I love it. Ninetails lore has always been fascinating to me—a regular mon and an ordinary fire type, but with such mystical lore (and a banger moveset to match it) along with very protective “do not mess with me or my loved ones” vibes. I love that each tail brings something different.

Drifloon grabs it. He floats away from the points and snares, then sends it on its way again in the open sky.

Drifloon doesn't know what's up that high. He hopes the balloon will see it.
Aw. 💛 So much Drifloon content is eerie or downright horrifying thanks to the dex entries, so it was refreshing to see something so wholesome and sweet. I’m forever rejecting the canon dex entries and adopting this one as my headcanon instead.

She lopes out and looks... down?... at a tiny yellow ball. The chingling, unafraid, trills out, clarion and sweet: not the discordant clatter-clash of dragon challenge-song, but...

Curious, Kommo-o tolls again, the chingling's tune a matching melody. The chingling smiles; so does she. They ring a little bell-song as they head in together—not battle-song, but friend-song.
OmGgggg this is TOO CUTE, STOP 😭 friend-song!! I’d read a whole one-shot about these two starting a band with other wild mon, haha.

Britomart's record shines as spotless as her armor: all routes flown swiftly, all fares ferried safely. But today, that knave Galehault chases as she flies. "Galehault is no thief!" he rasps. "Withdraw your accusation, or we shall joust at sixty wingstrokes!"
Ahahaha oh my gosh I ADORE the way they speak, like actual classic knights. Even better is the fact that her passengers are cheering for her 😂 how exactly is she gonna fight this guy while ferrying people, though? Idk but I’m sure she’ll manage. I have faith in Britomart!

Charlos sat by the academy's armor displays, helmet flickering in thought. Mela was coming back to school. He'd missed her terribly, but...
CHARLOS! Love that you included this little guy. Oh, and this one hurt a little. The implication that Mela smiled brightly through all her pain; the fact that he and other campus pokemon were good friends with her and they wanted to enact justice on her behalf; the fact that Charlos ultimately respects her wishes and does not fight. It’s very sweet.

She scowled as the youngest struggled. "Copperajah? Rampant rust, girl, of course it's too heavy.
Oh my gosh “rampant rust” is a BRILLIANT exclamation concept for Tinkaton, I’m a massive fan of that. Also a big fan of the idea that there are classes for building the most optimal hammer, ha!

"Now do you understand which steel-types you should harvest from?"

"Yes," said the student. She grinned and swung the hammer at her master.
Ahahaha she’s got the right spirit, all right

Derek pulled a face. "You can't drink pokémon water!"
Yeah I dunno, I’m with Derek on this one. That just feels wrong. 😂 although, what was the green stuff she ate? I am not a sushi expert so I was a little lost on that one.

Over by a bin, a raticate lifted its shaggy black head from a box of malasadas, jam dribbling from its mouth. It belched and licked its lips.

The inspector scribbled furiously. "Why is that trash can so close to where you sample those malasadas?"
Ahahaha love the subversion of expectations. It’s not “you have a rat(icate) in your kitchen!”, it’s “your taste tester is entirely too close to the garbage bins, good sir!”

"Hey, Muk... what say we take tonight's stroll right by the neighbors' yards?"

listen, I suck at gardening and keeping plants alive, so I respect the skill required to make one flourish. You leave those poor people’s gardens alone!

The F-shaped unown he'd landed on hadn't been too thrilled, but he'd had a field day.
I snorted out loud at this omg. The image of a disgruntled Unown is bringing me so much joy.

He'd found a new inscription this afternoon. Alonso ran his hand along the letters, absentmindedly brushing hieroglyph and flattened unown alike as he read. "Their eyes... see the secret... don't land on me again you fu— hey!"

Alonso glared at the inscription. The letter "F" glared right back.
Ahahahaha I was so not prepared for that 😂 I am dead. Deceased. You should have at least apologized, Alonso! Smh my head.

"You mean you don't want me to tell Mom that the new neighbor had to save you from a poochyena," Brendan sighed.
I knew exactly where this was headed as soon as I saw Birch’s name and I was not disappointed, lol.

That was the plan, anyway. Seven dumpsters and he hadn't seen any old toys or so much as an orange sheet. Just trashbags, trashbags, trashbags...

...What the kids really loved these days was trubbish!
Hahaha aw. Somebody take in this spunky little guy so he can make ALL the snazzy outfits for himself!
Kakuna, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Oddish, Bellsprout, Tentacool, Shellder, Marowak, Koffing, Magikarp
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Here again with a new batch! All Kanto pokémon this time, I guess? Most of these are older pieces that I still like, but three of them (Kakuna, Bellsprout and Tentacool) were my contributions to the Gen 1 PokéPod Project Anthology! (They all stand alone, of course, as per usual.) Those three also have narrated versions available on Archive of Our Own, which I've provided links to. The podficcers, Rambling_Company and ShakespeareStoleMyURL, did a fun job with them, so I hope you give them a listen as well!

0014 Kakuna​

(listen to ShakespeareStoleMyURL's reading here!)

Being a weedle is constant motion. Always scouring the trees, hungering for more leaves, and more. Always scattering at the suspicion of rushing air (the pidgey are just as hungry as you).

Being a beedrill is constant motion. Always patrolling. Always carrying kakuna to nesting branches. Always leading your sisters on a gathering dance (for nectar, or fruits, or pidgey).

Kakuna watches her humming colony. She cannot move, isn't hungry. No more scouring or scattering; can't yet carry or patrol. She dangles from her branch, watches the dance, sways with the breeze, admires the trees.

Being a kakuna is... nice.

0025 Pikachu​

Corey was surprisingly relaxed as he strolled up to Professor Oak's laboratory three solid hours late for the starter distribution. So the usual starters were taken already—so what? The trainers who reached the lab late and got saddled with the backup always ended up champions. He was pretty sure he preferred pikachu to charmander anyway.

Professor Oak frowned when he opened the door. "You should've been here three hours ago."

Corey winked. "That's okay, Professor—I'll take the pikachu I know you've got in the back."

Oak winked back. "You should've been here two and a half hours ago."

0039 Jigglypuff​

Jigglypuff bounced back and forth. Her first gallery showing and a famous critic was already leaning in to analyze her artwork. Finally! Someone who could appreciate her creative talents without falling asleep in the process! She should've gotten out of the music game years ago.

The critic straightened up and cleared his throat. Jigglypuff beamed.

"...Dull," he said. "Meaningless and uninspired. I defy anyone to stay awake while trying to derive enjoyment from these simplistic scrawlings."

Jigglypuff uncapped her marker and rounded on him. Maybe he'd find her work more "inspired" if she went back to her old favorite canvas.

0043 Oddish​

Frances's garden was moving. Not emotionally—it was pretty, but nothing special, not yet—but physically moving, shifting places when she wasn't looking. She'd check in the morning and this tulip and that petunia had tipped over or popped out of the soil. Bright green leaves appeared where none had been the day before. She definitely hadn't planted those, but whenever she came out ready to weed them they'd be clear on the other end of the flower bed—or gone entirely. Until the next night, anyway.

It was baffling. These magical moving weeds were more than a little oddish.

0069 Bellsprout​

(listen to Rambling_Company's reading here!)

Bellsprout fumed as the red-haired boy stomped downstairs. He'd battled honorably, strove to bend with the onslaught like Sprout Tower's swaying pillar, but that upstart broke him even so.

Fine. He'd train harder. Get stronger. No disrespectful child would shame Sprout Tower again—

"He'll learn, one day," sighed Elder Li, kneeling by his teakettle. "Come, friend! Train tomorrow. Tonight, sit a while with me." He patted Bellsprout's flowerpot.

Bellsprout clambered in, exhausted, as Li poured a helping into the soil. His roots sipped the tea, leaves curling contentedly.

"Part of bending," Li smiled, "is knowing when to take a break."

0072 Tentacool​

(listen to ShakespeareStoleMyURL's reading here!)

The brochure said the island's staryu sparkled exquisitely at night. "Mesmerizing scarlet stars! Must-see!" It'd skipped how there were so many tentacool on the way, Maia and Dewgong were practically surfing through jellyfish. If these jerks didn't move, they'd miss everything. (Or visit the ER, if she got jabbed again. Freakin' tentacool.)

One waved at Maia—she flinched, expecting a sting—then behind itself. Night was falling. Too late. But the sunset painted the water molten gold, and illuminated countless tentacool gems. A sea of shining, fiery rubies drifted serenely all around them.

Maybe they weren't missing out after all.

0090 Shellder​

He pulled his catch aboard, ignoring the blue fins circling his boat, and grinned when the shellder noticed the king's rock perched atop his head. Soon he'd be as smart as a slowking—the bivalve pokémon would be drooling string theory, the meaning of life and the answers to tomorrow's test right into his brain.

The shellder clamped down far harder than he'd anticipated, the pain and sudden weight startling him right into the water. He struggled and splashed, and as the waiting sharpedo closed in he had his brightest thought of the day:

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

0105 Marowak​

"I want to be just like you," she says, smiling.

"Do you?"

"You're strong and wise and a good mama. When I grow up I want to be a good mama, too."

I look down at her, admire the smooth face and the wide, cheerful eyes that haven't yet known tears. How much longer before that face disappears forever beneath my mask, I wonder? How much longer before she smiles down at her own daughter, as sweet, as beautiful, as terrible to lose?

"My dear," I say, "if you never become a good mama that will be fine by me."

0109 Koffing​

Putting Koffing in the concert had seemed like an awesome idea at the time. One of Roxie's favorite pokémon, the star of her latest hit single, center stage for all the world to see. Roxie had even taught her how to spew clouds of gas to the rhythm of the music and the pulsing lights, which was about as badass as it got.

So there they were—Roxie thrashing her guitar, Koffing blasting jets of smog into the air like fireworks. The crowd went nuts! Up until the orchestra section passed out, that is.

Koffing wasn't allowed at concerts anymore.

0129 Magikarp​

"I want my money back!" Darlene thrust the magikarp back toward the salesman. "This is useless!"

"It's a fine magikarp!" he protested. "You were perfectly eager to buy it before!"

"Yeah! I wanted to evolve it!"

"Okay, so evolve it!"

Darlene scowled. "It only knows splash! How do I train that? How could you sell a pokémon that can't even battle?"

The man shrugged. "Sorry, kid, no refunds. You wanna be a good trainer, you gotta learn to improvise!"

Darlene swung the magikarp and sent the salesman crumpling to the floor. "I wonder if that's worth any experience," she grumbled.
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