Chapter 4 – The Day She Left
The most common variety of demon is the falseforme, monsters who take the visage of normal pokémon and would be indistinguishable if not for two key identifying traits. The first is the recognisable mark or “brand” that appears somewhere on the falseforme’s body, which has also garnered them the unofficial moniker of “branded” in several demon hunting circles. Though it acts as definitive proof as to whether or not someone is dealing with a falseforme, simply looking out for their mark is far from a reliable means of identification as these marks are easily covered. The second is to look directly into a falseforme’s eyes. While this method bears risk as staring in a demon’s eyes for too long will make you susceptible to their temptations; the sharp-eyed will quickly notice the lack of a Hidden Power identifying ring (called a culus) within the iris. This is due to the fact that all demons lack a Hidden Power as no soul resides within their hollow bodies.
Falseformes act as harbingers of disaster, bringing death and destruction in any place they appear. This combined with their ability to blend in with their imitations of pokémon and their supernatural charisma makes them extremely dangerous and immediate dispatchment upon discovery necessary. Having slain many of these demons, I have been able to closely study them allowing me to share my insights on how to most effectively handle them should misfortune ever cause you to encounter one.
—The Book of Demons: Munna’s Introduction to Falseformes.

Oncoming days blurred beneath a heavy cloud of boredom that sat upon Bellatrix’s mind. She had settled into a dull and monotonous routine: Watch the (frankly crude) town below, tolerate another one of Indeedee’s “check ups” and then watch the town some more. Every so often, Bellatrix would attempt to break away from this cycle by studying the map. Yet the unfamiliar landmasses and garbled mess of a language that stained the parchment left only an intense fit of frustration, followed by a lingering hollowness. The map laid in a crumpled heap on the opposite side of the room – its once smooth surface marred by tears and creases – as Bellatrix sulked.
Her mind itched. She needed to do something, but nothing would come to her. Nothing except that horrid little thought that nettled at the edge of her mind for the fiftieth or so time. She could always just… leave this room. It would be a decisive end to this incessant little act that Bellatrix found herself pidgeyholed into…
The memory of that shadowy creature haunted her mind’s eye. It lurked just around the corner, waiting for its opportunity to pounce. Its phantom breath caressed the ruff of fur at the back of Bellatrix’s neck, causing it to stand on end, gleefully reminding her that she no longer had hair. Paranoia sapped away at her energy, leaving her shaking if she so much attempted to stand (it had absolutely nothing to do with her refusal to practice her new form of locomotion). The only thing standing between her and that shadow was the imprisoning safety of this tiny room.
Bellatrix shunted the idea back into the dark corner that it had arisen from. No. She couldn’t think of such things. Not only was she certain that that thing was still on the prowl, but she had to hold on to her remaining scraps of dignity, it was the only thing she had left. Bellatrix was astutely aware that it made her look nothing short of insane, but it was expected when dealing with such simple creatures. Yet, despite how willing she was to deal with such concessions, Bellatrix could not help but despise Indeedee. The way she stared at her, treating her like some kind of caged animal put on display, whispering about finding more forms of intensive mental care beneath her breath. Bellatrix cursed herself for expecting more.
A knock on the door halted Bellatrix’s extended train of thought in its tracks.
She rested her muzzle atop her forepaws and glared at the source of the knocking, expecting the day to be as torturous as the last. She braced but she couldn’t stop the string of swears that marched off her tongue once she saw Indeedee and her insufferable fake cheer enter the room. Spirits, spare her.
“Good morning, Zorua,” greeted the psychic-type. “How are you today? A little better, I hope?”
Bellatrix flinched. Basic respect was clearly a gargantuan task for these pokémon given that they couldn’t even call her by her name. And when she tried correcting this egregious error, she was brushed off like a child throwing a tantrum after their toy got taken away. ‘Cultural differences,’ they excused, like it applied to her! She wasn’t one of them and the very idea of being considered as such made her recoil.
“The same,” Bellatrix replied, tone curt, wanting to get it over with.
Her reply was met with a titter, one that could only be taken as judgemental.
“And your memories?” Indeedee asked with just a little too much optimism in her voice.
Just what game was she playing— Bellatrix shook her head. At the ensuing sigh of disappointment, she rolled her eyes. She wasn’t sure what Indeedee expected.
“Still?” A brief pause. “I see. That will make things harder, then,” the psychic muttered.
Bellatrix’s eyes narrowed, her head tilting. “And what do you mean by that?”
Indeedee massaged her temples. “It’s about trying to find who sent you here,” she began with a weak chuckle.
Bellatrix’s frown deepened. It was no laughing matter.
Indeedee continued in what was her best attempt at a gentle tone, “We were hoping you would remember to help us learn who did this to you, but your circumstances are quite… special. We’re very sorry, but we can’t even figure out a species, if you can believe that.”
Bellatrix could.
“But on the bright side,” Indeedee added hastily, taking note of Bellatrix’s expression and cutting her off before she could enunciate the first syllable of her thought. “You’ve been getting better! Quicker than any of us expected.” She glanced at the zorua, grimacing at her dishevelled state. “I’m sure you’ll be good as new once you cheer yourself up a little. It’s not good to hole yourself up to sulk, you know,” she chided.
Was that supposed to be good news? Even if it was, she didn’t believe it in the slightest nor was it worth humouring. Instead, Bellatrix found herself focusing on what Indeedee had been saying just before those useless delusions. Disregarding the fact that these psychics had tried to poke through her head again and were still incapable of finding anything useful, Bellatrix was desperate; she was willing to accept the tiniest kernel of new information. Even if it was insultingly obvious to her from the outset, confirmation that this was not the work of an ordinary pokémon was a start.
But something else bothered her. Why tell her this now of all times? It wasn’t beyond them to wait until they had more information before saying anything.
“And?” Bellatrix asked. “It shouldn’t have taken this long to tell me if there was no caveat.”
Indeedee looked uncomfortable and wrung her hands, confirming Bellatrix’s suspicions. “A couple things,” she said after a pregnant pause. “First is that the local guild has taken an interest in you, which means that you’ll need to remain in town for the time being. While I’m sure that you’re worried about your family, and I’m sure they’re just as worried about you, we can’t get a better idea of your situation without you here.”
Indeedee turned to stare out the window, debating how to impart the next bit of information.
“Second,” she said after a while, “is that, without pay, you won’t be able to stay here at the apothecary anymore.”
Bellatrix couldn’t stop the shaking nor her claws from digging into the floorboards. She managed to convince herself that it was out of frustration and not fear. So now pokémon had a concept of money? And she had only become aware of this the moment it could be used against her? Of course. Why would it be any other way? It was just another link in the long chain of humiliation and misfortune that Bellatrix was binded by.
Oh, but it couldn’t be so bad, this ‘guild’ – no doubt the same one that Kirlia worked for – was interested in her, like she was some kind of specimen to be studied. It felt unreal, bordering on comical, and Bellatrix couldn’t decide if she wanted to laugh or scream.
Bellatrix steadied her breaths after convincing herself that she could find a way out of this. She didn’t want to leave, she couldn’t. “And go where?” she asked, voice level. “You just said I was a special case and needed me nearby. Would that not be grounds for an exception?”
Indeedee folded her arms yet she was unable to look Bellatrix in the eye. “We’re not a charity,” she said through pursed lips. “You’re not the only special case out there and we only have so many rooms here and all of them need to be reserved for patients. It’s only fair.”
Bellatrix opened her mouth to protest. “But—”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to manage,” Indeedee interrupted before her gaze softened ever-so-slightly. “I know that this is scary and confusing for you but I’m sure you’ll be grateful once you grow up and understand where we’re coming from.”
Bellatrix stood up and stormed towards the door, all her prior worries tossed aside. She just wanted to get out so she could get away from Indeedee.
“And where are you going now?” asked Indeedee, caught off-guard by this.
“Oh? I thought you wanted me to leave,” snapped Bellatrix. “I need some fresh air. Alone,” she added with a hiss before Indeedee could get any ideas about tagging along. “But I suppose that I will be at that hill if you really want to know.”
Indeedee opened her mouth, ready to say something, but looked away with an exasperated huff. There was nothing she could say to change Bellatrix’s mind. “Just… Be sure to be back before moonrise. As I said, we need to keep you close by so we’ve found someone – the aggron who brought you in – to look after you for the time being. He’ll be coming this evening.”
“Why can’t he pay then?” Bellatrix asked, her voice shrill with bafflement.
A flash of guilt. “After I called on the guild to help with your treatment, I promised that he wouldn’t have to,” Indeedee answered flatly. “He doesn’t have much poké left after the recent situation with the mines.”
“Compared to me, of course,” bit back Bellatrix with bitter sarcasm. Then, refusing to humour this conversation any further, Bellatrix stepped through the door without sparing Indeedee a glance.

Bellatrix shoved past the apothecary’s front door, pointedly ignoring the simultaneous looks of pity and disdain that came her way. She was someone to respect and she would never give any authority to anyone who dared to treat her like a child. With her head raised high, Bellatrix walked out onto the shabby path that this sham of a town considered to be its main street.
So she walked, and walked, and walked. Then, it began to dawn on her that she had very little idea where she was going.
This angered Bellatrix further. Who in their right mind would design a town like this? Even if Bellatrix hadn’t bothered to memorise the route, how hard was it to design something easily navigable? As she attempted to find and recall the narrow sidepath from the other day, Bellatrix found herself standing at the edge of a bustling market that had sprawled itself out across a large square and many alleys.
The cacophony of countless conversations overlapping filled the air. Pokémon of all shapes and sizes gathered around colourful wool mats, wooden stalls and canvas sails as shopkeepers counted copper coins and argued with the crowd in an effort to protect their wares. All sorts of miscellaneous items were proudly displayed; gaudy scarves, sparkling jewellery and precious stones, berries, seeds and several types of baubles – the use of which Bellatrix could not imagine for the life of her. As coin was traded and bartered, Bellatrix managed to catch a brief glimpse of a few pokémon that wore odd badges that glistened in the sunlight. Occasionally, they would step in to break up fights before they had the chance to start.
Through a combination of being almost overwhelmed by the density of the crowds and lack of interest, Bellatrix was left standing at the edge of the square. She ducked below and sidestepped any pokémon who came her way. One such manoeuvre left her near enough to get a glimpse of a stall that housed many shelves and drawers. A closer look revealed that they were all filled to the brim with a wide array of orbs; their many colours swirling into distinctive patterns beneath the shine of the late morning light (though a fair few sat dull and tarnished). Their shapes were just as varied, some were perfectly rounded, others more oblong, while the rest were irregular, with points jutting out in different directions.
Without meaning, Bellatrix’s sensitive ears began to pick up on the words that were being exchanged between shopkeeper and customer. Before she knew it, Bellatrix was listening in on the entire conversation.
“Come on now! You’re trying to tell me that you don’t even have one in storage?” grumbled the prospective gliscor .
“What could have clued you into that? Sure can’t be the ‘out of stock’ sign,” the shopkeeper, a golem, jeered. “Look, I’m always outta escape orbs by noon. They sell like rockcakes these days, if you want some, you best be coming here as soon as I restock. But I have plenty of other essentials in the meantime.”
Bellatrix watched the shopkeeper’s dull claw hover over a bright green orb, gold flecks swimming to form a thin ring just beneath the glassy surface.
“Gotta small discount on health orbs today, and –” he moved to open a nearby drawer “– if you choose to pair that with something like a silence or petrify orb, you’ll be unstoppable in any Mystery Dungeon. Or, you could pick out…”
Golem continued to list names for each orb, their use and effect lost on Bellatrix. Part of her wondered if this was all some kind of elaborate scam given that it all sounded ridiculous to her. Next they’d be trying to sell ‘magic wands’ and ‘enchanted scarves’.
“Alright, alright,” conceded the gliscor. “I’ll take the deal and try to find some escape orbs in another town. Say, got any weather changing orbs? I’ll be travelling west with my partner since we have a fair few errands near the desert region and she isn’t too good with sandstorms.”
“Few rainy orbs should do the trick. They’ll keep you cool in that heat and will give you an advantage over the local wildlings.”
“How much for four?”
“A gold and two silvers. Adding the health and petrify orbs on top of that will bring the price up to three golds.”
“Two golds, six silvers.”
“Make it seven silvers and we got a deal,” Golem said, pushing forward four blue teardrop-shaped orbs. His gaze flicked to where Bellatrix was standing, a pensive frown pulling at the corners of his mouth, but the zorua was quick to dive out of the way and into the rolling crowd.
Within seconds, Bellatrix regretted this choice. Elbows pushed and tails jostled her in all directions through a sea of pokémon, her presence ignored until a rhydon all but trampled her in their haste. She gave her a wide-eyed stare, then averted her gaze with a curse as they pressed past her. Bellatrix responded in kind with a harsh glare. Mannerless curs, she thought, ready to give the rhydon a piece of her mind. But then, through the gap the rhydon left in the crowd, she saw a rough-hewn stairway, no doubt leading to some vantage point.
She glimpsed the bustling square she’d left behind during her ascent and was left puzzled. A large but crude cyclopean statue covered in hex nuts (for whatever reason?) stood proud above the crowds. The misshapen metal that formed its body glimmered in the sunlight and distorted the reflections that formed upon its surface. It was hideous. Bellatrix’s puzzlement turned to contempt the moment she realised that this pitiful attempt at craftsmanship was yet more evidence of the vulgar mockery towards civilisation that marred this place. Pointing her nose up with a scoff Bellatrix continued up the staircase, not stopping until she reached the top.
At the zenith of the staircase, a sprawl of narrow pathways woven between the gaps left by tightly packed buildings greeted Bellatrix. The stuffy air was quiet, filled with only the distant ambiance of the marketplace. Not wanting to go back the way she came, Bellatrix picked a path to follow and hoped that it would lead her somewhere. She paid no heed to her surroundings, save for any deadends.
The street went on and on. The tolerable warmth of the summer morning shifted into a stifling heat. Before Bellatrix knew it, she was panting and her pace had slowed to a crawl. Regret at her shortsighted decision to leave the apothecary began to overwhelm her thoughts, so much so that Bellatrix failed to register the rumble of approaching footsteps until it was too late.
“Now what do we have here?” asked a nasally voice.
“A lost pup, methinks,” replied a second, more raspy, voice
Bellatrix whipped around, her fur standing on end and her lips pulling back into a snarl. She was greeted by the sight of a diggersby and thievul looking down at her with an unsettling glint in their eyes.
The diggersby clapped and rubbed the ends of his ears together. “Ahhh…” he hummed after a brief appraisal. “So this is that ‘curse’ the town’s been talking about these days? This lil’ thing!?”
Thievul stepped back, his demeanour switching the moment he heard the word ‘curse’. “Maybe we should leave it then,” he muttered beneath his breath. “Never seen a curse in the flesh before, but I know better than to bring the Stranger to my doorstep.”
This grand display of intellect morphed Bellatrix’s fear into indignation. She glared at the two. “You should,” she snapped. While she had no clue as to what they were talking about, she would be remiss to not take advantage of their backwards superstitions. “Or I will make you regret it.”
Diggersby responded with a hearty guffaw, though it was more like a malformed combination between a bark and a cough. “Will you now? What would your parents say about their pup showing bad manners?” He glanced at apprehensive Thievul, annoyed by his superstitions, and smacked him hard on the back.
“Don’t give me that,” Diggersby hissed, “it’s not like we’re keeping her. I just wanna appreciate those markings of hers, gives her quite the exotic look others would enjoy, wouldn’t you say?”
Thievul winced but nodded with reluctant vigour after a moment. “Oh— Right, right!” Bellatrix watched the gears turn in his head; his enthusiasm and cruel grin returned the more he thought. “Been a long time since I’ve held a bag full of good coin,” he added with a whisper.
Diggersby’s ear flicked. “And,” he continued, “I’d bet good poké that the dupes in this town won’t be missing her. In fact, they’ll be thanking us for helping them out. I could—”
Bellatrix was disgusted. An intrusive part of her mind told her to fight but she knew that such an endeavour would end badly for her. So, she took it upon herself to turn tail and run, pushing through her fatigue, as the pair of lowlifes were distracted by their vague plans. Diggersby didn’t look very fast while Thievul seemed hesitant enough to buy her more time. She had already turned the corner when she heard their outraged cries.
“You IMBECILE!” shouted Diggersby. “She’s getting away!”
“Then go after her!” Thievul snapped back. “I’m not the one who wants to mess with curses!”
“It’s just a damn zorua, you—” Diggersby cut himself off with a growl. “I don’t have time for this! If you don’t have the stomach, then go to that market and make a damn fuss so the little bitch doesn’t run too far. Tell ‘em anything! Maybe those lousy guildies will buy something about a theft, I don’t know! But they’re bound to do a better job than you ever could.”
Bellatrix’s heart leapt out of her chest at the crack of Diggersby’s knuckles, followed by his heavy footfalls. She had no idea where she was going, she’d just have to make random turns and hope that Diggersby would take the wrong ones. No point in blending into any crowd, she was the talk of the town. Apparently. Of course she was. Nothing could work in her favour, could it? Where could she run? What would she do once she got away? Was this her life now? Constant running, even in her dreams?
Her strides felt heavy beneath the constant barrage of questions.
Perhaps she would be given the chance to explain herself? Bellatrix snorted at the thought. Hope was threatening her again. Like she expected anyone in this backwater to be reasonable.
The next thing that occupied Bellatrix’s mind was a wooden surface and a jolt of pain in her nose. It seemed that, while she was busy distracted by her thoughts, Bellatrix had slammed face-first into a stack of crates.
There was no time to reel from the impact as the deafening sound of wood and stone pavement crashing together left Bellatrix cold. She had just given up her position and, with no visible turns ahead, it would be easy to cut off and ambush her. Running back the way she came was even less of an option. That meant that the only feasible direction she could continue in was…
Wary, Bellatrix eyed the crates and the closest roof.
Shouts in the distance gave Bellatrix no time to think. She clambered onto the crates, her claws catching on the rough wood grain. Soon, her panicked scrambles had begun to dislodge the shingles and straw that comprised the roof that rested below her paws. It took a moment for her to realise but once she did Bellatrix took a deep breath, reorienting herself from this brief lapse of hysteria.
She looked down and frowned. Not high enough. She would need to go further for a better vantage point and hiding spot from below.
When an adequate enough spot was found, Bellatrix looked back towards the marketplace. Just as she feared, the impenetrable sea of pokémon had filtered and spread out across the town; no doubt looking for her. Bellatrix grumbled. She couldn’t stay up on the roof all day.
Just then, a breeze jostled Bellatrix’s mane into her face. Naturally, she was irritated by this. She wanted respite from the running and the heat, not another annoyance. But then, she found herself coming to a realisation: she was a zorua now. She hated to acknowledge that fact, but zorua were capable of disguising themselves with illusions, were they not?
Bellatrix clenched her jaw. Even if it was for the sake of her survival, to lower herself into becoming reliant on an inhuman trait repulsed her. A part of her screamed to forget about it and push onward. Whatever that diggersby had in mind for her wouldn’t be any worse than this, right?
She couldn’t decide.
Instinct clawed and grappled with her. She mustn’t. She was better than this. There were other ways to survive, other ways to escape. She just needed to—
Something within, worn down by either the heat or exhaustion from running, relented. She needed to do this, even if she would lie awake at night and loathe herself for it. Assuming she would make it to “tonight”, of course.
Bellatrix dug her claws into the roof and focused. Hide. She just needed to be invisible.
Her fur rippled with an ominous, spine chilling power that Bellatrix immediately clung onto – weak as it was. If she could just draw it out for longer, then she wouldn’t have to care about this crippling blow to her dignity for now. She shuddered in both elation and relief at the sensation that she had done it but such the feeling was brief as her grip on the odd power abruptly loosened, leaving her panting with fatigue.
Nothing happened.
The world grew hazy and Bellatrix heaved with the overpowering need to laugh, cry and scream at the same time. She did not care about the approaching voices of the townsfolk, as far as she was aware, they were lightyears away – white noise – in the face of Bellatrix’s own judgement.
Pathetic. She was pathetic. She had given up her own humanity so easily and for what? Making herself easier to catch?
Numb to the world around her and unaware of her own actions, Bellatrix began to crawl across the roofs of the town, making her way to what she perceived to be the town’s outskirts.
Several minutes passed. Packed buildings dispersed into a tall field of grass, forcing Bellatrix to return to the ground. The sight of the hill she had spent all this time searching for snapped her out of her trance.
Ears alert, Bellatrix pushed through the grass, grateful for the cover it provided. Once she arrived at the base of the hill, she glanced back – double checking her peripheries – and subconsciously relaxed when she noticed that the shadow was absent. Even though it hadn’t appeared again since that nightmare, it was good to make sure. Despite needing to leave the cover of grass, Bellatrix climbed up the hill to take in the sights. The view was comforting, the one piece of normalcy she could cling to in this terrible, backwards world. For just a few minutes, Bellatrix could let all her worries slip away.
In the midst of her newfound peace and quiet, Bellatrix allowed herself to consider her next course of action. For the time being, she was stuck in this place as a zorua with no clear way back home and right now, a pair of shady pokémon with less-than-savoury plans had managed to convince all the local ingrates that she was a thief. She could face them if she so desired; talking down a group of simple-minded pokémon, even a large one, was not a very intimidating prospect.
The problem was that Bellatrix didn’t desire to do so at all.
It was more headache than it was worth for a multitude of reasons, the most pertinent being that she had garnered some kind of negative reputation for being a ‘curse’. That alone was enough to convince Bellatrix that it would be far easier to wait for it to blow over. Besides, why would she want to waste time with a mob who couldn’t recognise a shady individual to save their lives?
But then what? Go through whatever plans Indeedee had in store for her and wander through life as a pokémon? She shuddered at the thought but she had already shown her capacity for weakness, hadn’t she? Why not go all the way? Why shouldn’t she pretend that she was never human to begin with and take her treatment as both a child and pariah with a smile?
Frustrated, Bellatrix growled. No. She couldn’t think like that. She just needed to ensure that nothing like this would ever happen again, that’s all. Even if she had little idea on how to make her way around on her own when she couldn’t even read, she knew that she would somehow find a way.
She had to.
Oncoming voices cut any further planning and reflection short. Bellatrix gasped when she saw a group of ten or so pokémon approach the very hill she stood upon.
“By the Moon, why can’t we keep searchin’ in the town?” complained one.
“‘Cause everyone else is already there ya nitwit!” snapped another. “Ever heard of bein’ preemptive?”
“What he means is that, with everyone lookin’, the only way the little thief has to go is out,” clarified a third.
“Hear, hear.”
Bellatrix pinned herself to the ground in an attempt to crawl back to the cover of grass. Was five minutes to herself too much to ask? Something nudged at her to call upon her illusionary abilities again which she staunchly refused. Never again. She was exhausted enough as is, she wouldn’t—
A humiliating yip! escaped Bellatrix’s throat as something grabbed her by the nape of her neck. She tried in vain to wriggle free from the pokémon’s – a coalossal – iron grip.
“Got ‘er!” he called. “Looks like someone was tryna be sneaky.”
“Great work! We should call for the Guild now, aye?”
“Won’t be necessary,” said Diggersby’s voice, which filled Bellatrix with spiteful anger. “It was my stuff she took.”
Coalossal rumbled, growing unsure. “Do correct me, but looking at ‘er more, this ragged lil thing doesn’t look all that capable of stealing from anyone and getting away with it. I don’t see any satchel either.”
“I am not a ‘ragged lil thing’,” Bellatrix snapped, glaring daggers at him and anyone else nearby. “And I am not a thief either, but I suppose refraining from jumping on any accusation you hear is too much for you imbeciles. Now, if you would be so kind as to put me down.”
“Feisty one, ain’t she?” interjected Diggersby. “Too bad that you all know that zorua and zoroark are deceitful little louses, especially the cursed ones. Every word outta that yap is probably a lie. I think she buried that satchel somewhere around here so she could play innocent once she got caught.”
“Do I look as if I had been spending all this time digging up dirt?” countered Bellatrix, stunned.
“Hidden in the grass then!” retorted Diggersby. “Tryna get clever with me, huh?”
“Yet here you are, failing to keep a consistent narrative,” sneered Bellatrix, baring her fangs. “If I was truly guilty, then why not call this ‘guild’ unless you are afraid of being caught yourself, hm?”
The gathering of pokémon began to look conflicted as Bellatrix and Diggersby argued.
Seeing this, Diggersby’s expression contorted with unfiltered rage. “See?! See?!” he bellowed, pointing an accusing finger at Bellatrix. “Can’t ya see what the little curse is doing?” He spat out the words and allowed them to linger, knowing how they would instil fear. “She’s filling ya with doubts to worm her way into your hearts so she can control and manipulate you!”
At this, the crowd’s expressions grew grave as they began to mutter amongst each other. Bellatrix looked on in horror. They were proving themselves to be far denser than she thought when she needed them to have a modicum of common sense now.
Bellatrix looked at Diggersby with hatred. “You— You dodged the—”
“Shut it! I ain’t hearin’ no more of your lies,” growled Diggersby. He turned to address the crowd “As for you lot! Get lookin’ for my stolen goods, you’ll know ‘em when you see it!”
More murmurings followed then, an agreement. It seemed that they cared more about getting away from the argument than who was and wasn’t lying.
Bellatrix was unceremoniously dropped before Diggersby who wasted no time grabbing her with one of his ears before she had the chance to react.
“Well, did you have fun with this little game?” hissed with venom, eyes wide. “I humoured you this time because of the small fortune you’re worth, but try this again and, well… Let’s just say I won’t be afraid of damaging my wares as long as I still make a profit at the end of the day.”
Bellatrix felt Diggersby’s grip tighten as he began lumbering away from both the hill and the town. By the time the other pokémon realised they were tricked, the pair would have been long gone.
Yet Bellatrix refused to remain still, biting and clawing at Diggersby. His grip remained unrelenting. It was only when the very last of her energy had been sapped when she stopped.
In a final show of defiance, Bellatrix spat at him. “You spineless bastard. Is this all you do in your spare time?”
She received a cruel laugh in reply. “I’m sure you’ll learn your place because you wanna know something?”
Diggersby lifted Bellatrix to look her in the eye.
“That’s just how the world works, girl. Don’t go blaming me for knowing my way around it.”