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Pokémon Paldea's Awakening


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Content Warnings: No blood, but to be semi-realistic, there will be extra features, like any number of pokemon in battle, no limit to moves, no limit to turns, and bathrooms. Yes, bathrooms. There will be semi-violence for battles, and pokemon death(or rather, just the fear).

Um, oky, this is my first story thing, so please do not emphasize all the fancy things I can't do. Unless you're telling how to do those things.
I expect this to be criticized. :( But whatever, this is a experiment...

Nothing is truly unstoppable, but it always comes back.

This is from Pokemon Scarlet & Violet- with one catch- the story is from a Pokemon's perspective, the legendary Ting-Lu(I chose him due to his being weaker), no less!

There will be other perspectives, but it'll be mainly Ting-Lu

I'll implement a contents of chapters later.

Maybe this will do:

Prologue(chapter 1) : down
Chapter 2 : https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/pandleas-awakening.1355/post-64117
Chapter 3 : https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/pandleas-awakening.1355/post-64124
Chapter 4 : https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/paldeas-awakening.1355/post-64136
Chapter 5 : https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/paldeas-awakening.1355/post-64179
Chapter 6 : https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/paldeas-awakening.1355/post-64189
Chapter 7 : https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/paldeas-awakening.1355/post-64195

Enough, time to get started! :)

Prologue(Chapter 1)

Arshaick gazed at the bridge, leading to socarrat trail.

Behind him, Koraidon rumbled impatiently.

To Koraidon, if you made a choice, you had to go through with it. He's right, we came this far. No backing down now.

He mounted, and took off, barely able to control his steed without falling off and having to do a unpleasant swim in the lake.

A green trinket came flying out of Arshaik's bag, and he reflexitly caught it. This of course meant he fell off. Into the lake.

Rewind! Sorry folks!

A few tries later, a dripping wet trainer and an irritated mount arrived on the shore.

He peered inside the cave he was headed to. There was a creepy glowing green shrine. Here we are, Ting-Lu.Ting-Lu. He placed the green shards into position(along with a great big offering into the bowl), and stood back.

The ground rumbled, and Koraidon looked around uneasily, not to mention his active pokemon like annilape.

The bowl moved. Before Arshaik could decide if that was real, the ground shook...and the legendary deer stood before him, eyes burning with madness.

Sorry for the shortness, the other chapters are longer.
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Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Chapter Two(counting prologue, now and forever.): Rituals Ruin You

Ting-Lu felt something scratching at the back of his rational mind.

Did he have any rational mind? What...at this point, his mind shut off and he hit the ground to reawaken it. Hold up. What was...ngh! What in the ancien-was it the ancient world?

He was confused.

Ever since he had this bowl on his head...thoughts of peyote and khatz plants severed this train of thought. Enough. Insane mind shutdown. Ritual completed. He went through that phase again.

Soon he was back to normal. There was a trainer in front of him, with a annilhape. He was clearly a figure of respect...

All thoughts were shaken when the annilhape attacked with a Rage Fist. How puny! How arrogant! I'll teach it! Anger spilled over him, and he dodged and retaliated with Earthquake, strengthened himself with a Iron Defense, and hit again with Ancient Power. The annilhape still stood, and was using Focus Energy.

It must be incredibly high-leveled.

Ting-Lu tried again with a Geomancy-enhanced Earthquake. The annilhape dodged and used a Power-up Punch, than a powerful crit Mach Punch.

Ting-Lu knew he was at a type-disadvantage. What could he-something primal awakened, and he crashed with Ruination, and the annilhape(who seemed to be at level 70+, now he thought about it) easily went down.

The trainer persisted, throwing a decoy Great Ball than called out two gholdengo. They were lower-leveled at least.

Than all his confidence vanished. One used a custom move which the trainer called "Steel Barrier". True to its name, the two pokemon became tank-like things he could not take down-unless he had time that is, which he was in a lack of.

He tried Ruination again, but only succeeded in KOing one, while bringing the other down to quarter health. It responded with Shadow Ball which he dodged. He was not able to escape another one though, and was brought to around 60% of his health.

Could he get lucky again with Ruination? He opted for just hitting the gholdengo with Earth Power, again and again. Slowly he wore it down. Sadly, it also got him messed up pretty too...

Than he was caught.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Chapter 3 : Friends and fellows

"Hello, Ting-Lu. I'm sorry I had to capture you, but you are one of the Treasures. You were the hardest to get to, so I figured you would be fine."

What's he talking about? He didn't know and didn't care. When was it?

"...you are in modern Pandlea. I hope you are feeling well."

Ting-Lu snorted. If his cursed stone body could talk, he would be saying sarcastic things forever.

"I understand that you are not in the best mood ever. I would feel the same."

Great. I got myself caught by a mocking, formal, apparently former-butler guy. Aren't I lucky? To be fair, the trainer(who called himself Arshaick) did accomplish a lot of great things. Still...

"However, I believe we will have many great adventures together. Here, meet my pokemon."

The two gholdengo(Coin & Wealth respectively), the annilhape(Berserk), a tadbulb(Plasma), and a forretress(Fort) popped out of their pokeballs.

Plasma instantly jumped at Ting-Lu, snuggling him. Coin greeted the stone deer a lot more civilized, while Fort simply bowed. Berserk and Wealth, who had suffered injuries during the fight with Ting-Lu hung back, wearily.

Well, at least my fellows are friendly.

After the quick introduction, they all set off again. Than, Ting-Lu realized one last pokemon he did not interact with yet.

The Koraidon in question carried Arshaik much faster than Plasma or Fort could follow, so Logi recalled them. Ting-Lu caught up and Koraidon looked back. The two legendaries formed a bond there. Than he wondered why the sky was turning dark. Was it night? Ting-Lu tingled with excitement. Most rituals happened at night...in the past. Still, night also had something in its mind...

Like ghosts. Like this time.

A dreepy floated near them, but Berserk swatted it away. More of them were coming though.

"Run!" Ting-Lu needed no further instruction. He was off in a blast.
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Abscission Ascendant
Hey, Forestoak! It's great to see you posting some fic here; I'm excited to check it out! It's also really cool to see a story from Ting-Lu's perspective. It's rare enough to see legendary POVs as it is, and the Treasures of Ruin are a particularly interesting bunch of legendaries, imo.

I'm especially intrigued by the fact that your Ting-Lu mentions the bowl on his head in such a way that it sounds like it hasn't always been there. From the pokédex I thought that Ting-Lu the pokémon had grown out of the bowl itself, but here it sounds as though he used to be someone different before the bowl was added... and possibly drove him mad, or at least left him very confused? He doesn't quite seem like the "fear poured into an ancient ritual vessel"--nothing particularly fear-y at all--so I'm curious to see what his story turns out to be, and what kind of pokémon he really is. And also Pandlea? I'm not clear on whether that's an alternate version of Paldea, which could explain some of the differences here, or if you did indeed mean "Paldea."

I'm also curious to see what Arshaik has in mind for Ting-Lu. Is he supposed to be just another member of the team? From the title of the fic it sounds like there's something greater going on here, whether Arshaik's aware of it right now or not! For the moment Ting-Lu is pretty much just going along with what's happening to him, seeming a little dazed, but I wonder if he's going to develop more of his own motives and desires that may be different from his trainer.

It did seem a little odd to me to have Ting-Lu do things like speculate on the annihilape's level or reference "HP" as a construct. My impression is that he's been asleep since ancient times... these concepts feel a bit video game-y and not something I would have expected a pokémon from thousands of years ago to be familiar with! Rather than observing he'd brought an opponent down to "quarter health," for example, it would feel more natural to me for him to notice something about the way the pokémon's behaving that suggests it's low on health. Breathing heavily, bleeding a lot, whatever that is!

At times there were some technical errors in the prose that made this a bit hard to read. You use "than" instead of "then," for example--"than" is used in comparisons ("more red than white"), while "then" is used to indicate something about time or sequence ("I got up, then made breakfast). "Annihilape" is how you spell that pokémon name. Little things like that just make for a more rocky reading experience. If you can do another pass at proofreading to catch some of those, it might help, or you could seek someone like a beta reader to get another set of eyes on your work!

In any case, this is an intriguing story where I'm not totally sure what to expect. I'm curious to see where it will go, and I hope you have fun writing it. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Oh! Oops, both the "annilhape"s and "Pandlea" were typos. I corrected it. Thank you!

As for the "no-fear" thing, Ting-Lu went insane, the part where he thinks that the ritual complete(strange, due to his insanity) is actually him trying to reassure himself.

As for the pokedex, I found it depressing, and I didn't want the mc to be lacking in a very important virtue, so I decided to say that he in fact, is a reincarnated pokemon. Thank you for asking the question.

I also questioned whether or not I should give Ting-Lu a sense on the HP(Level, status conditions, and such), but finally realized, that Ting-Lu might've not been asleep, because in the game, it just swaggers up, fully ready.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Chapter 4 : Spreading darkness

A gengar laughed eerily, startling Ting-Lu.

Suddenly, the graveyard shift of the DJs started. Clearly, their pay was really, really high, because they weren't gonna quit even with this mass attack.

A skeledirge roared, fire shooting out of its mouth as it crooned. A flittle levitated for extra effect. A zoroark cast a illusion, sweeping a blinding beam of light into the sky. Ghost pokemon fled. A brambleghast caught on fire and that added to the light show.

Coin threw poke into the "tips" jar.

Arshaik gaped as the singers single-handedly warded off the powerful ghosts. Ting-Lu now understood why there was a graveyard shift. In the ancient times, there certainly weren't. Enemies were simply defeated.

Suddenly things went dark. Very dark.


Ting-Lu choked on dark smog. What was going on?! A voice spoke out.

"Hello. I am..."

"You're immoral!" This was a cop's business-like voice speaking out.

"Or am I? This smoke is legal, and I'm not doing anything wrong. Sorry, we're not doing anything wrong."

The smoke dissipated slightly, and true to the voice, there were moving dark shapes around who he guessed was the speaker.

"Enough!" Now it was a more feminine voice speaking.

A girl wearing sleek clothes stepped out, holding a pokeball in her hand. Behind her, was a Miraidon. She sent out a toedscruel.

"Oh? You challenge me?"

"Not just her, us too!" Arshaik called.

"Yeah!"Two voices said in unison. Two other trainers, boy and girl called. Miraidon was behind the boy while Koraidon stood behing the girl.

Four lights flashed and four grimmsnarl faced each trainer. "Slither Wing!" "Sandy Shocks!" "Ting-Lu!"

Ting-Lu used ruination, but ugly 1# dodged, and hit with a mach punch, then used Nasty Plot. An Earth Power brought it down to earth however, and a Ancient Power pushed it back. The sandy shocks paralyzed them with Thunder Wave. The Slither Wing and toedscruel had fainted however.

They'd have to end this quickly. Ting-Lu slammed them with Earthquake, KOing three. A ruination finished the last one off.

The voice boomed out again.

"Ting-Lu, huh? We should've gotten Chien-Pao out, huh?"

Chien-Pao. The reason why he was like this. The memory flashed, when he was just a Sawsbuck, then captured. Then sacrificed to become this. All because of that war-loving cat.

Anger took over and he charged at the center of the darkness...

But they were gone.

Still, the amount of anger was unfathomable to everybody else. Well, maybe not to Chi-Yu. Maybe he should pay a visit. He'd ask Arshaik.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Chapter 5 : The Paradox Hunt

[narrator's view]

Ting-Lu wasn't so happy about the Sandy Shocks mocking him.

The morning began with just normal stuff, like eating breakfast, shopping, exploring the cliffs...but later, Logi(the other boy) had noticed that everyone had exactly seven paradox pokemon, so he proposed a hunt. Ting-Lu was not amused when the paradox pokemon were annoying, and annoyingly common, at the rate they were going, this was just a contest on who could catch ten pokemon.

"Ten!" Arshaik cheered, "I win! Well, second place."

They had caught the Sandy Shock during the recollection.

Berserk did this weird(and deadly) happy dance of punching things randomly.

So they had to spend the next few hours repairing the place and being in the hospital.

Little did they know that there would be a paradox hunt posted at the time they had finished.

"What's going on?" asked Metallon(the girl who challenged the voice in the darkness first), to which nobody answered. They were too busy trying not to be trampled.

"There's a paradox outbreak! We have to catch them so they don't uh...are you guys from Team Paradox?" A passing trainer explained.

There were about 70 members in Team Paradox, and they all had at least one paradox pokemon to transport them, so they were pretty well known.

"If you are, great! This must be right up your alley!"

That was a cliche.

U U U​

Ting-Lu previously didn't know what a Tera Slither Wing looked like, as with most of the other pokemon, but now he knew just how powerful they were. A ruination wasn't enough to take it down, no, three ruinations were used. The volcarona-like bug-tera type thing smashed down Berserk, Logi's cetitan(Freeze), Metallon's Fidough(Pastry), and dealt heavy damage with deadly speeds.

Luckily, there weren't any other tera pokemon..right?

Ting-Lu was extremely excited to finally get some well-earned sleep.

Unfortunately, the pokecenter was closed so they had to do some late-night shopping.

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Upon falling asleep however...


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Chapter 6 : The Treasures All Cursed

In Ting-Lu's dream, he was in a black empty void.

"H-he-ll-o" a ancient voice, clearly underused spoke out.

Somebody purred.

Ting-Lu spun around and saw Chien-Pao.

His stony throat did not say anything, but his eyes spoke for him. THey were burning with rage, that would make Chi-Yu proud.

Speaking of which, Chi-Yu was here.

A crackling sound confirmed this, and he saw the fiery goldfish-beads also staring at him.

All the Treasures of Ruin were here, Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu and Chi-Yu.

"Wh-a-at is wrong-g with yo-u?!"
Wo-Chien rounded on Chien-Pao.

Ting-Lu agreed. What was Chien-Pao up to?

"Why, making my way in the world, you know I cannot change who I am."

Ting-Lu snorted and glared, knowing full well that Chien-Pao didn't have a full deck.

Chi-Yu flared agerily, and the silent challenge hung in the air.

"Yes, through war, I am war, am I not?"

"Wa-r-r i-s not-t cha-aos!" Wo-Chien screamed.

"No, but it will lead to war!" Chien-Pao refused to back down.

Ting-Lu formed a earthly surface and wrote,

'We are the Treasures of Ruin, if we follow the old ways, we will fall again.'

Chien-Pao could not respond.

Suddenly, a dark cloud formed around them, screeching, and was none of their doing.

"R-u-un!" Wo-Chien rushed trying to escape.

"I created you! How dare you betray-" the dark cloud's words were cut short as four Ruinations slammed into it, and ending it forever.

Chi-Yu's flames spelled out 'Now, where were we?'

Chien-Pao was already gone however.

"U-gh!" Wo-Chien followed, as did the rest.


Cosmic leech
  1. clodsire-custom
  2. groudon
Chapter 7 : Vespertine troubles.

Ting-Lu felt like something slammed into him.

The world was dark as night.

What?!This isn't the work of...

"Calm down, it's just a solar eclipse." Arshaick's voice comforted Ting-Lu and the other pokemon and they waited for the eclipse to pass. It didn't though, instead of lasting a few minutes, it lasted a dozen slow dragging minutes. Then that all-too familiar voice of the boss of those smoke-bombing people sounded out.

"Oh? Our Snatch Balls from Orre aren't working? Or just not on this legendary?"

"Orre?" Arshaick looked a little pale-and not just because his house was literally broken into.

"I know you're trying to alert the rest of Team Paradox. I won't let that happen."

A gyro ball slammed into the wall, and a boomburst sounded, clearly causing quite a lot of damage.

"I kinda don't need to with this volume." A second gyro ball, aimed at Arshaick flew, but Ting-Lu stepped in front of it and with a Earth Power, flung pokemon into the air.

"Come on, let's go!" Arshaick recalled his pokemon, including Ting-Lu. But his troubles weren't over yet.

U U U​
A circle of stonejourners stood in the plain, dancing. Over here, you needed a special pass to get into-and you had to work for it. Arshaick was sure that "Team Stealth", the name Chien-Pao had learned, and relayed under interrogation had said, could not get in.

Ting-Lu felt some movement underground though...and he had a bad feeling.

The bad feeling was confirmed when smoke bombs erupted into the circle.

And this time, Chien-Pao was here for a fight.

Ting-Lu waited for the feline pokemon show itself before launching an ancient power at Chien-Pao, who dodged and crit with a slash. Ting-Lu, unfazed simply rammed Chien-Pao with a giga impact and fired a ruination which clashed another ruination. Clearly, the match was a tie, but Ting-Lu persisted with more attacks, and even slid in a stealth rocks move. Finally, a lucky critical rock blast won the battle.

Ting-Lu collapsed with exhaustion.

Team Stealth sneakily invaded the other areas of the plain, and the rangers were unable to stop them.

They had a long battle ahead of them.
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