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One-Shot Contest: Myths and Legends


golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi
I'd personally be a little puzzled on having an extension for a month-long contest entry, and I also personally scheduled my writing process around that timeline and put some things aside to accommodate for it...

But if an extension happens, I won't complain. I just won't really be able to take advantage of it.
(not much to contribute here except that requests for extensions are almost always inevitable, independent of contest duration/requirements lol)

The Walrein

Vicinal Dragging for the Truth
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
An extension might be useful for me, although I confess I don't have any excuse for needing the extra time other than that I procrastinated.


the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2
I'm ambivalent! Pretty fine with where I am, though obviously extra time can always be used for polishing. I did find that having a hard deadline was useful motivation to get me writing.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Also ambivalent. I decided to not go with the story I had been writing and am instead using an idea I started putting down a while ago (but never posted anywhere). Most of my real-life responsibilities have been canceled so now I have a lot more time, so I think I can get it done in a week. An extension won't be bad, though, and I can use the extra time.


I'd personally be a little puzzled on having an extension for a month-long contest entry, and I also personally scheduled my writing process around that timeline and put some things aside to accommodate for it...

But if an extension happens, I won't complain. I just won't really be able to take advantage of it.
I hear you. I don't really like to do extensions because it can be unfair to people who worked hard to make the original deadline. But as this is the board's first contest, I'd really like as many people to be able to participate as possible, and considering all the... everything... that's been going on in the past couple weeks in particular, I feel like it's understandable that people may have been kind of distracted from their entries recently.

So! It sounds like there are a fair number of people who feel they would benefit from having a bit more time, so I'm going to extend the contest entry deadline to March 31, 2020 at midnight UTC. The first post (and countdown link!) have been updated accordingly. Good luck to everyone working on an entry, and I hope the extra time helps a few people out!


*Crazy Absol Noises*
Behind a laptop, most likely with tea
  1. mawile
Oh whew! I came to check what time on Saturday the deadline was, as I've entered crunch-time to get my entry finished, and now I've seen that extension... the pressure is off! XD Thank you! (Although the fire under my tail made me get a LOT written yesterday and today! So I'm definitely back on track!)


We've got just slightly under twenty-four hours left to go until the submission window closes, so keep that in mind if you're wrapping things up! We've had several submissions already, but there's plenty of room for more!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
And done! I was able to take advantage of the extra time after all and went through a second round of beta reading. Hopefully it pays off. Until then, I've given my submission to Negrek, but let me know if I'm supposed to give it out elsewhere.


Nope, all submissions should be sent to me! I just sent the latest batch off to the judges. Expecting to see at least a couple more come in before the deadline, but one way or another it's looking like we'll have a decent number of entries!


*Crazy Absol Noises*
Behind a laptop, most likely with tea
  1. mawile
Unfortunately I won't be submitting as I've gone well over 10k and can't cut it down enough. The bits I'll be removing will be posted with the story to the forum anyway, and even then I'll still be over 10k. It feels like I'll be majorly butchering key elements =( and there doesn't seem to be much point handing in a half-finished piece. At the end of the day, this contest prompted me to write this piece, so I'm happy to have written something for it =D so I'll be sharing it in the near future!

Ivy Towers

I'm excited to be taking part in this contest. Thanks to the extension, I was able to revise my work into a much better story. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of the contest and being able to read everyone else's entries when the judging has completed.


@DeliriousAbsol Too bad you won't be able to enter, but I'm glad you had fun writing the story nonetheless! I look forward to seeing how it turned out.

@Ivy Towers I'm glad the extension was helpful! Thanks for your entry.

And to everyone else... Time's up! Submissions are now closed. All in all we're looking at fifteen entries for this contest!

The judges will now get to reading, reviewing, and choosing their favorite stories. I expect this to take around two months; as we get closer to that deadline, I'll post updates on how progress is coming along. If you entered, also keep an eye out from another message from me; I'll be doing some mini interviews to get material for a feature post on all the entries we received.

Please not that I've replied to everyone who sent something in. If you sent an entry but did not hear back from me, I did not receive your entry. If that's you, try sending again (ideally through a different method of contact than you used last time) and we can work something out. Otherwise, thanks to everybody who wrote a story for this contest. I hope you had a good time putting together your entry, and good luck in the judging!

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Thanks so much for organizing this, Negrek, and to Dragonfree, Umbra, Chibi Pika and OldschoolJohto for being judges! These things are so much fun and we really appreciate your hard work :)

@DeliriousAbsol Aw I'm sorry you didn't make it in :( I enjoy reading your works, and I look forward to doing so when you post it! ^_^

Wow, fifteen entries! Can I ask who all entered? I'm just curious as to who all joined ^_^;


local liminal entity
The Casca Region
  1. aromatisse
huh 15 exactly. This has been pretty fun so far, even with the stress I put on myself by waiting a bit ("I have my concepts to choose from and there's time I'll be fine" they say until it's time to move on from lazily researching and thinking in their head about the fic)

And also ooo @ Absol, hype for your story


@Starlight Aurate Since the entries were anonymized (to a loose degree), I'd rather not give the author list away to maybe make it a little harder for the judges to guess who wrote what. Of course, some people have stated that they entered or have described what they'd be writing anyhow, which is totally fine! For some people who haven't disclosed that they'd be entering or what they'd be writing, I figure I'll let them remain anonymous until the results are revealed.

(Or maybe until the entrant feature, depending on how I decide that that's going to go down. But hopefully by the time that comes out the judges will have formed their initial opinions on most of the stories anyway.)


*Crazy Absol Noises*
Behind a laptop, most likely with tea
  1. mawile
Ooh fifteen entries! That's fantastic =D I'll keep an eye open for when they drop in due time!

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
@Starlight Aurate Since the entries were anonymized (to a loose degree), I'd rather not give the author list away to maybe make it a little harder for the judges to guess who wrote what. Of course, some people have stated that they entered or have described what they'd be writing anyhow, which is totally fine! For some people who haven't disclosed that they'd be entering or what they'd be writing, I figure I'll let them remain anonymous until the results are revealed.
No worries at all! I vaguely remember there being discussion one time about the authors being anonymized to prevent bias in judging, and I can respect their decision to stay that way. Thanks!

For whatever reason, I didn't realize before that only the top three are placing. Will there still be reviews for each entrant? Or only who place in the top 3?


Everyone who enters will still receive reviews from all the judges. The only thing different from a traditional Serebii contest is that the judges will only rank their top three choices, rather than ranking every entry.


Hi all! Giving you a quick update on the status of the contest judging. At this point one judge has finished evaluating all the entries, one has one story left, and the other two are both over halfway done. I'd say we're still on track to make our goal of releasing results at the beginning of June.

Also, I recently sent out interview questions to all entrants that will be used in a feature on the contest entries. If you're interested in participating in that and didn't receive a message from me, please let me know so I can send them over! Generally I sent you a message through whatever medium you used to send your entry: e-mail for most people, or forum PM or Discord DM.
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