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Aura Knight
Player type: Front Lines

Character name: Pana

Basic personality: Easily annoyed, and violent when easily annoyed. Also kind of a kleptomaniac. Friendly with who she knows or likes. Self conscious about her height, and will punch without warning if brought up.

Pokémon Species: Pancham

Starting build: Strike

Talents: Choose up to three from: Attack/Magic/Stamina

Weaknesses: Defense/Resistance

RP notes: Pana is easily annoyed, and can get punchy if annoyed. Tell me if you don't want that to happen.

DM control: Partial

Front Lines only:

Moves (Level 1, No egg or TM moves) : Leer, Tackle

Ability (No hidden abilities) : Iron Fist

Extra Move & Justification: Shadow Sneak. She has been trained in stealthier attacks by her adoptive parents, and has quite the knack for them for reasons that can be considered spoiler. She herself melts into the shadows and attacks at the best possible time.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
🌩️Manectric Koamaru Averon🌩️

"You don't need crazy powers to be a hero. The small responsibilities are just as important as the big stuff; and by working together, we can make the world a better place."​


Koa makes a new friend

Koa when he meets Brisa:

Also Koa and Brisa, at their training scene

Shadowed Koa

Brisa vs Shadow Koa

Koa @ Miracle Matters

Owen Unleashed:

Relevant scenes:

Rocky Friendship A friendly shade named Rocky introduces Koa to Destiny Village

A Spark of Light - Koa meets a strange Zeraora and makes a new friend

Reading Rainbow - Koa meets a strange Ninetales at the library, and strikes up an unexpected frienship over shared love of books and legendaries.

Up to Speed - Koa meets a strange Luxray and finds himself a new mentor. They bond quickly and Koa takes to training well.

A Legendary Arguement - Koa has a talk with Bahamut and discovers he doesn't care for the Necrozma's outlook

Koa & Shiron - Koa strikes up a conversation over lunch. It's kinda weird how every world is so similar but so different, huh?

New Home? - Koa moves into a new house with Dave, Brisa, and Owen. Owen discusses his unusual ability with his roommates.

Downside Up - Koa accompanies a few members of TS on a search for Sword Mew
Reverse World Core - Their search leads them to the very core of the reverse world

Fightin Words - Brisa teaches Koa about proper Blacklight. Things go Great! Koa is fine and nothing bad happens.(spoilers for Koa's story. A big one. Ask me if you want guidance to read without spoilers)

TS vs Worldcore

Koa & Icetales - In which Icetales checks up on Koa after the battle at the Worldcore, and they have an earnest discussion.

Echo's introduction

What Koa's been up to after the Worldcore

Koa vs the Haze - Koa confronts their mysterious enemy, the hazy entity they encountered at the Worldcore

Anyone home? - After an unnerving discussion with the Hazy entity known to be a spy, Koa returns home to seek advice from Brisa.

Light and Sound - Echo makes a new friend

Showdown at the Tree - The fateful fight at the tree ends in unexpectedly dire circumstances

Secrets Unveiled - After the disastrous encounter at the Tree of Life, the unintentional secret of Soda and his plan come to light...

I swear I'm not changing the topic what are you talking about? - Koa ends up discussing legendaries with Dave

Oh Deer... - Koa seeks out the strange entity that imitated Xerneas, to help the team out. Things don't go as expected...

Plant & Koa - Koa comes to an understanding with Cynthian

My Trainer - Brisa meets Echo, and they have a heart to heart about Koa

Apologies - Koa apologizes to Brisa for his perceived failure

Of Heroes and Screwups - Koa and Starr have a conversation. Everyone is Fine

An Apology / Spirits Edge - Koa accompanies Icetales on a turbulent visit to the spirit plane, in search of someone...

VS Maple

Of Monsters and Mon - Koa seeks out Starr after the Voidlands incident, to check on her. Everyone here is Fine, once again

The Monkey and the Bat - Echo accompanies Shade Rocky on a little excursion

Doggone it - Prestorm

Eterna Storm

Imperfection - Koa and Echo share a heartfelt moment together

Unleashed! - Koa shows off his new ability to Brisa

When the Moon hits your eye, thats a Sodaaa~ Team Spectrum faces their greatest challenge yet on the moon

Big Bitey - Koa runs into a Tyrunt that reminds him of home, and has some fun

You Remind Me of Someone - Koa meets Aria of the Miracle Matters and they have a friendly chat

Koraoraora - In which Koa and Kora share a scene and neither of us mispell their names even once

Kowen - Koa and Owen discuss power and desires and goals

Koa vs Giratina

A Miraculous Boss Fight - Koa barks loudly (and taunts Sage)

At the Beach - Koa spends some quality time with his best friend

A Shadow of what could have been - An encounter with Starr leads to a revealing discussion about shadows and pasts...

Cry Thunder - Koa takes Brisa out to Amp Plains, and finally learns to let go (aka the single best scene ever)

Two Dogs talk Ethics. What are the odds? - Koa and Dave have a rousing discussion about ethics and the nature of redemption

Koa's Interview - Koa gets interviewed by Pansit!

AWOOO - AKA Koa and Ben are besties 4 life

Null and Void - The true final conclusion to Team Spectrum's adventure

Final Questions - Koa visits each of the legends, with some questions for some

First Drink, Last Goodbye - Brisa takes Koa on a special outing, and they share a final moment together

Farewell - Koa says his last goodbyes and final words to Rocky, Icetales, Dave and Bahamut


Tier 1Compressor - User can concentrate a multi-target attack into a single-target attack for full damage and half stamina.Weakener - Increase the effectiveness of stat debuffs by 50%Calm Spirit - Moves add 15% less corruptionDodgey - Start the battle at +2 innate evasionPersistent Element - Moves that are overall NVE or No Effect will instead deal neutral damage.
Tier 2Pure Words - Calling reduces corruption by 20 instead of 10.Devastator - Double debuff effect thresholds applied.Tranquil - Moves add 30% less corruption.Second Wind - If user's stamina is below 25%, double current stamina at the start of the turn.
Tier 3Pressurize - Moves used from Compressor deal 50% more damage. Cannot be combined with Spreader.Ruiner - The user can add up to 200 total of a debuff to any existing debuff effect in an action's raw base.Expanded Aura - User can know 5 mundane moves and 5 Blacklight moves.



Hyper Voice
Rising Voltage
Electric Terrain


Radiant Battlecry
Koa | 0 | 10 | Self | Status
Sound-based. The user gets +1 Charge and their mundane moves become electric-type for the turn.

Shadow Browbeat
Koa | 0 | 10 | Self and Target | Status
Sound-based. The user gets +2 Magic. Adds +50 to the target's Speed debuff.

Shining Echochamber
Koa | 0 | 20 | Self | Status
Permanently creates a Room effect around the user that behaves as a Helping Hand for sound-based moves, and reduces the damage of sound-based damage taken by 25%. While this Room is in effect, once per turn when a unit uses a sound-based move they may also Call a single target as a free action.

Umbral Outcry
Koa | 80 | 20 | Triple Target | Special
Sound-based. Adds 200 to lower the target's Resistance.

Brilliant Conduit
Koa | 0 | 40 | Self | Status
The user loses 50% max HP and spawns a targetable Radiant-type object called a Conduit, which has max 50% of the user’s HP, the user’s defensive stats at +1, and the ability Plus. The Conduit's aggro will be just higher than the user's. While the Conduit exists, once per turn, the user and allies in the same squad may displace up to 30 of both corruption types each between one another, provided the total amount of corruption does not change.

Void Thundercall
| Koa | Status | Triple Target
Sound-based. Targets lose -150 Speed. If the user calls as part of this action, that call can boost one of the target's stats by +3. If a Conduit exists, heal it by 25% and add +1 Protect to it.

Eternal Spirit:



*takes a deep breath* here we go...

Player type: Support / Front-lines? (I'll needs lots of help I'm sure. I'm more than willing to try frontlines with help)

Character name: Koamaru Averon (he tells his friends to call him Koa)

Basic personality: Koa is brash and headstrong, a little reckless, but good-natured. He's slow to truly open to people but will still be amiable. Once you earn his loyalty it runs very deep. He's pretty smart bookwise, but has an impulsive streak. He can be occasionally abrasive thanks to his pride and passion but he tries his best to be aware, to varying degrees of success.

And he loooves legendaries. Extremely passionate about them, and in his world wanted to catch one. (May or may not drool over seeing them)

Pokémon Species: (gonna b human turned pokemon) Manectric

Starting build: Shield

Talents: HP, Stamina

Weakness: Resistance, Attack

(If someone has ideas for how I should change this, feel free to tell me! I picked this because Koa is a physically fit kid so I figured his HP/stamina would be good.)

RP notes: Koa is the type of person who might lash out/punch someone if necessary. He once punched a kid in the face for insulting his pokemon. He's *not* unhinged though. He just has a temper. If you're mean, he's not above using force to protect someone else/stand up for a friend. So... he *might* take a swing at your character. Feel free to swing back though >:}

I don't have any restrictions otherwise.

DM control: Full, I guess? I often work weekends so this might work better if I am unable to manifest for a post during bossfight :/

[So my dumb brain is not good at comprehending mechanic stuff very well so please forgive me, I'll no doubt need help and guidance and support. I'll try my best to learn what I can and keep up! Thank you for your patience,, heh.
Also can someone give me a crash course on BL plot pls? I understand the gist since I've been following a bit but I can't read the entirety.
I do understand that it follows Diyem (the DM lol) who is Dark Matter and brought many characters from across the proverbial multiverse to fight a corrupting force known as Blacklight?]

Front Lines only: (Please feel free to advise and such!)

(Level 1/starting moves only, no egg or TM moves): Tackle, Thunder Wave

Ability (No hidden abilities): Lightning Rod(?)

Extra Move & Justification: If its permitted, I would like to give him Aura Sphere. This would mostly be due to him receiving some martial arts training as a human and having a bit of knowledge about the mysteries of how aura links people and pokemon in his world.
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Player type: Front Lines

(Support and Front Lines)

Character name: Aqua

Basic personality: Aqua is very shy at first, but loves to interact with pokemon he knows well. She also loves food. Anything she considers food she'll eat.

Pokémon Species: Primarina

Starting build: Hex

Talents: Stamina / HP

Weaknesses:. Attack / Resistance

RP notes: Shes a very shy pokemon but she'll talk if she has to. I'm open to anything rp related!

DM control: Partial

Front Lines only:

Moves (Level 1, No egg or TM moves) : Disarming Voice, Sparkling Aria, Shadow Ball (Extra Move)

Ability (No hidden abilities) : Torrent

Extra Move & Justification: Shadow Ball, Aqua loves ghost type pokemon and has a lot of them as friends. A mimikyu taught her how to use it.


Professional Procrastinator
Player type: Support

Character name:

Pokémon Species: Totodile

Hometown: Twistfoot Town, Gray Orient, Dimension QT-091

Basic personality: A ball of positivity for the most part, sometimes naive, enamored with the world around him, and tends to act out of self-interest. He will stick with friends like glue, though should the going get rough with any unfamiliars, he'll usually ditch them. Often reminisces about the past. Cannot and will not go into caves (for now).

Starting build: Strike

Talents: Big Stamina/Attack/Resistance

Weaknesses: Magic/Big Defense

RP notes: I'm decently versatile when it comes to RP, and I'm willing to do some fucked-up shit, though I'm reluctant at lovey stuff. I've never partaken in a campaign like this before, so I'm not sure how much I have to worry about this. Given my setting, don't be surprised if he asks dumb questions.

DM control: Full

Moves: Scratch, Leer
Ability: Torrent

Extra Move: Crunch
Justification: Before his untimely death in his world, Dill was taught in the ways of techniques by his sister Sinni. One such technique he learned was a simple one passed down from his parents, simply channeling energy to the teeth and giving it some extra shock. Crunch was one of a few techniques he was able to get down before the eruption of Mount Twist.
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Junior Trainer
Player type: Support.

Character name: Miles

Basic personality: He is really shy in front of stranger and can be difficult to talk to at time.

He wanted to make more friend but lack the communication skill needed to be able have a meaningful conversation due to certain circumstances back in his home. Because of that, Miles became a lot more quiet, since if he doesn't know what to say, it's better of if he just doesn't say a thing right? That's the kinds of thought that tend to stick in his mind but he still try his best to keep going.

Despite it all, Miles still care deeply for the one living with him and are willing to do anything to help them. Anything.

Pokémon Species: Shinx

Starting build: Hex/Shield

Talents: Choose up to three from: Stamina / Resistance

Weaknesses: HP, Defense, and Magic

RP notes: There might be times where my schedule gonna cause trouble and if so I'm sorry in advance. I'm also not that good at role play and may be hard to get along. My character can take most topic weirdly well though so I'm not worried about that

DM control: Full
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Happy eevee
Player type: Support 1

Character name: Kindle

Basic personality: Cherrful, tends to act childish whenever the situation avails but will switch as soon as it stops doing so. You will never get him to shut up once he starts talking so beware.

Pokémon Species: Alolan Vulpix

Starting build: Hex

Talents: Stamina (2) / Magic (1)

Weaknesses: Attack (2) / Defense (1)

RP notes:

-Pretty much all scenes within logical margins, your characters are always free to suggest scenarios, how mine reacts that will depend on the current factors. If anything in particular pokes me too hard I'll make a mention ooc.

-I would prefer to keep at bay unplanned PvP encounters, as in the way of a character randomly attacking mine, if talked beforehand in ooc it can be done.

DM control: Full. in order to keep dialogue on brand will update here to include samples later on.

Front Lines only:

Moves: Powder Snow / Tail Whip

Ability (No hidden abilities): Snow Cloak

Extra Move & Justification: Agility: Kindle is someone that always tries to grab on more activities than he should, and ends up also trying to be everywhere at the same time. Rather than teaching him to regulate his schedule, this only ended up in him seeking the help of a certain someone to learn how to move and think faster, and thus, he kept on being in over his head, but faster.
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minVP ADC atomic step action potential
blue-green spinning rock
  1. minior
[info] (Apologies up front if anything is wrong; no apologies for excess info. :smile: )

Player type: Ethereal

(Support and Front Lines) - I guess the following info is unncessary? Oh well. Adding in.

Character name: generalised (for manifolds) fundamental theorem of calculus
They usually goes by GFTCM, GMFTC, or "General Stokes"

Basic personality: Energetic! Often thinking about several things at once. Not keen on being helpful unless they feel there's great justification. Easily gets lost.

Pokémon Species: magnemite

Starting build: (Even if you're Front Lines, do this just in case it gets crowded) Hex / strike / boon / heal / shield

Talents: HP / Stamina / Attack / Magic / Defense / Resistance
Weaknesses: HP / Stamina / Attack / Magic / Defense / Resistance

RP notes: [Probably won't come into play much?]

DM control: Full / Partial / None

Front Lines only: [N/A]

Moves (Level 1/starting moves only, no egg or TM moves): Thundershock, Tackle
Ability (No hidden abilities): Magnet Pull
Extra Move & Justification: Electric Terrain. GFTCM may not have high peak power output, but has decent influence over ambient EM field field conditions.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Player type: Front Lines (always. he would never be so cowardly as to fight from the back)

Character name: Ashura Satoshi Ketchum, AKA Red

Basic personality: Like Ash from pokémon but he's older, and also smarter, and trained to learn how to master aura, and he was betrayed by his friends, so he exiled himself and it made him dark and brooding, and also he dated all the girls that were in love with him and it made him have really good people skills, and he went to the PMD world and became a riolu and saved the world and so he already knows how to be a pokémon. But aside from that he's exactly like Ash from pokémon.

Pokémon Species: Mega Lucario (he learned how to stay mega-evolved during his time in the PMD world)

Talents: Ashura trained for years to master aura and so he's talented in all the stats

Weaknesses: Ashura overcame all his flaws by training really hard so he doesn't have any weaknesses

RP notes: please put content warnings on anything that implies Ashura isn't a good character or that I'm a bad writer

DM control: yes, I should control the DM

Front Lines only:

Moves: Aura Sphere, Detect, Life Dew

Ability: Adaptability bc he's a mega lucario but if it's allowed he should have Mega Launcher to represent his training with aura

Extra Move & Justification: Water Shuriken. He learned it from his greninja when they performed battle bond in the PMD world by channelling aura.

i can't wait to roleplay with you all!!!!
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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Player type: Ethereal

Character name: It has no name but its species

Basic personality: None but a broken, shattered mind

Pokémon Species: Eternatas, Eternamax Form

Starting build: All and nothing, simulatenously

Talents: HP, Defense, Special Defense

Weaknesses: Zacian and Zamazenta

RP notes: The end is nigh

DM control: It cannot be controlled

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Player Type: Front Lines

Character Name: Sheddie

Basic Personality: Murderhobo

Species: Shedinja

Talents: +Atk +Mag +Stm

Weaknesses: -Def -Res -HP

RP Notes: Cutscenes are boring just let me kill things already

DM Control: no

The Important Parts:

Ability: Wonder Guard

Phantom Force
Shadow Sneak

Bonus Move & Justification:
Endeavour: Sheddie endeavours to be very good at killing things. No powergaming intended.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Player Type: Wall Climber.

Character Name: Slip knot.

Basic Personality: Can climb anything.

Species: The type that climb things a lot.

Talents: Climbing.

Weaknesses: Flat plain environments.

Rp notes: Just might climb out of a conversation if bored.

DM Control: Only if you have a ladder.

Ability: Sticky palms.

Moves: Self Destruct.

Extra Move Justification: Head explodes five minutes after movie introduction. Is not making a comeback in the new suicide squad movie.


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Player type: Front Lines

Character name: Edge McEdgerson

Basic personality: He likes to cut things, and his edge is so strong, it cuts even through the air. WIth a tragic and sad past, Edge is a brooding mon.

Pokémon Species: Bisharp

Starting build: Strike

Talents: HP, Attack, Magic

Weaknesses: Defense, Resistance, Stamina

RP notes: Will not interact with anyone, as he prefers to brood

DM control: Life already controls him well enough, so full control

Front Lines only:

Moves: Scratch

Ability (No hidden abilities): Defiant

Extra Move & Justification: Night Slash, because he is edgy, and Night Slash is a dark and dank move.
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Player type: Front lines

Character name: Egg

Basic personality: is literally an egg

Pokémon Species: 🥚

Starting build: shield

Talents: delicious with salsa

Weaknesses: Defense

RP notes:

DM control: yes

Front Lines only:

Moves: Stuggle

Ability: hard boiled

Extra Move & Justification: Rollout


Bug Catcher
BLC 1 Character name: Lucius

Species: Lopunny

Personality: Melancholic, puts a lot of weight on his shoulders and has a terrible time dealing with it. Tends to isolate himself when he runs into a problem or makes a mistake. He tries not to be down too often despite that, though he doesn't always succeed. Still, he has a kind heart and considers himself to be a protector of his allies, a shield to keep them safe. When he is at peace, he is loyal and supportive. He acts as the team leader and main strategist for his team back in his home world.

Background: Comes from a poor mining village. Was raised believing that his parents were biological, but recently learned that they adopted him to replace their actual son. His parents still supported him despite the lie, and he had a few friends growing up. Is currently on an adventure to stop humans from using the moon to blow up the planet.


Mommy's Little Helper
they/them, she/her
Hihi hope you guys enjoy this round~

Character name: Ben, 'Awoo,' Biscuit. Just call him Ben.

Pokémon Species: Arcanine

Things to know: As a veteran on things Blacklight related, Ben has overcome several trials in his own time. He started as a Growlithe who was not used to the power-creeping madness others took to in stride. Can you blame him? His world is normal. He's learnt to just deal with it overtime, and his desire to be a hero helped him grow into who he is now, thanks to the help of several Miracle Matters. He decided to help out because he knows what it's like to struggle with Blacklight and adapting to the madness that's called Cibus.

This usually happy boy wears his heart on his fur, though tends to put up a guard around some of the more personal things.

Also things to know:

This guy was killed by Aria once.

Not fond of the Zoroark line for some reason.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
Normal Amb Silv.png
Character name: Nero
Personality: Generally cheerful. Somewhat aloof. Wants to help and be your friend, even though most folks on the Cibus he knew found him annoying.
Background: From a planet similar to Cibus. An alchemical amalgamation created to kill the gods after their failure to do anything meaningful against Dark Matter. He was infused with hundreds of spirits to cultivate the RKS System, but this caused him to kill his creators and be sealed away with a painful control mask fastened to him. He was found well over a millennium later by explorers of the Horizon Continent and taken back to their guild. He joined Team Radiance and, despite initial struggles, broke the mask and gained control over his powers. He and his new friends went through a grueling fight against a vengeful human looking to rewrite time to escape back to the human world and a violently unstable necrozma seeking the destruction of all worlds. The end result was the indirect achievement of his creator's original goal of erasing gods, by means of his friend and team leader stripping all the legends of their powers and turning them mortal.

Due to all the spirits he's infused with, Nero often talks to himself or acts in unusual manners, forgetting the backup body his Diyem made has no extra souls and is not as durable as what he's used to.
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Junior Trainer
Character name : Danithan Pisică , goes by Danithan or Dani

Species : Emolga

Age : Despite not fully being sure, Danithan knows he is either 21 or 22 years old

About him : Danithan is quite a bit of a mess. He is prone to falling into his vices of alcoholism and using incenses, but he has been getting better as of late. He is prone to disliking royalty, due to running afoul and nearly being killed by a king he once looked up to back home. He doesn't look too fondly on his past, as before being put into a guild, he was a thief and surprising enough before even that, a soldier.

Personality : Tact is a word not known to Danithan. He can be described as daft and a bit of a fool, but he does care for those who bond with him. Despite being a bit emotional and in the moment, he can have ideas that work for spur of the moment decisions. He finds Riolu and alola vulpix mons to be protected, as they are still child like mons.

The accent that he has is scottish, but feels just the slightest bit off.

He fancies males, as females don't really do anything for him. He is not the type to press his affection, but he will tell you if he likes you or not.

Other things to note :
He is hiding key details about his past, in part to pain and not wanting to remember it. He will be willing to tell and even show a secret or two if he grows close enough to someone.

Danithan is partial to seafood and especially loves fish ... despite being an emolga.

Pisică is a shadow of Danithan's past. Although it may be rude, it does speak the truth. Whether or not the truth has been twisted to torment Danithan once more is another matter. As of late, and after the events of black light 1, it has "laid back" in tormenting the Emolga. prodding the shadow may give insight into why.

Do not call Danithan a pawn if you value your life.

Pisică does not bother with an accent, and his voice is what Danithan's voice would sound like if he dropped it, albeit shadowy.


I do not catch bugs
Character name: Mergo (1/14 names collected)

Species: Gallade. Or Gardevoir, depending on the day.

Age: 19 cycles, or about 23 years.

Personality: A young prince who takes the weight of the world onto his shoulders, and as a veteran of the first campaign, the weight of two. He has an icy charm that captivates as many people as it shuts out. He's distant, shrewd, and he doesn't like to reveal any of the cards in his hand if he doesn't have to, and will take any opportunity to not be vulnerable.

Yet for as cold as he is, he cares for the world, and will do whatever he thinks is right to ensure that people can rest safely at night, even if he can't. He willingly sacrifices his own well-being, physical and emotional, to carry burdens he thinks only he should have to endure. Asking for help had been a foreign concept to him for the longest time, and even now is a strange thing that he seldom acknowledges.

Commonly called a tsundere in round 1. I... cannot refute this.

Other things of note: In his original world he grew to be a Gallade, here he became a Gardevoir. This is a bit of a sore spot, even though he's owned it by now.

Though it's rare for him to show affection for others, when he does, it's with a stone face and grand, extraordinary gestures or personal gifts. A gift is worthless unless it's something to remember.

Somehow he's more trustworthy than most politicians?

Canonically the best dancer from round 1. Not up for debate.


gib bludoge pls
Character name : Aria

Species : Lucario

Age : 25 years old

Sparknotes bio : A senior explorer hailing from Treasure Town. One of the heroes that dealt with the Time Gear crisis of her world, but never got the chance to leave that period of her life behind. She was blessed with an abnormal amount of strength since childhood, that grew to new extremes after she met Mike, a former human and her current partner.

In public, she's friendly and patient with a bit of a playful streak, but can be no-nonsense if a situation calls for it. Tries to be someone her allies can rely on, and to that end, maintains a constant air of confidence regardless of what they're up against. In quieter moments, she checks up on everyone to make sure they're doing well, with no attention directed towards herself.

In private, she's much of the same. But around those who can see past it, she drops the act and lets her fatigue show... while still focusing her attention on the people around her.

Her experience dealing with the stress of world-threatening events lent itself well to the Blacklight crisis, manifesting as a skillset focused on keeping everyone ⁠— including herself ⁠— sane, even in the heat of battle.

Extra quote that you're free to infer anything from :
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