"We ain't goin' anywhere," she said, in a raspy whisper.
The clouds seemed to darkness and the wind picked up with a malevolent aura of warning. It seemed to surround Brisa only, like she could be lifted up and out of this realm with a single breeze. In the end, they were within the Blacklight's cleansed realm, but it was still its realm, and she could be ejected from this innermost sanctum if it so wished.
To Koa, he felt little; perhaps it appreciated the distance.
"Eternatus?" Best to keep things simple. "Or... is there something else you answer to?"
Bahamut, too, experienced no such rejection. Instead, it seemed like being addressed with a question was enough for it to give him its full attention.
"I... I don't know," it replied. After getting a little closer, Diyem spotted a few subtleties of the thing, the way its voice sounded, comparing it to Eien, that he could discern a few things.
"...He could have regressed," Diyem said, "or Giovanni had chased down a young Eternatus. One that was naive and went away from safe travels. There is no telling, now. And asking him how old he is... No. It won't do any good."
The thing curled up a little, then glanced at the tree, which looked the same: withered, faded.
“Be at ease. We are no seeking any strife,” he said, measuring his words to a soothing timber. “All we desire is to converse. This is all.”
To this, he loosened a little, but said nothing. Perhaps he didn't understand.
Ionys was more solid, but still that ghostly red-white color. His claws were digging into his fur like he was pensive, wanted to say something, but held back. Particularly after Brisa's words got that noticeable reaction. They had to tread lightly, or they could be kicked out of the realm instantly.
"Why are you... here?" he asked. "Don't... hurt me anymore..."