The beach was actually kind of nice these days. A bit more sun, which brightened up even the bare rocks along the coast. And it was warm enough now that the cold wind coming off the water felt more refreshing than cutting. Even the water itself didn't feel quite so freezing.
Nate ventured in almost up to his knees, not that that was very deep at all. He could even see himself swimming, if the salt wouldn't burn his gills like hell. Not something he'd had a lot of interest in as a human, but surprise, surprise, it was somehow calming for a water-type.
Rocky was also wading around in the water, exclaiming over how he could feel how cold it was now. Making it real obvious how he'd never been anything like a proper fire-type.
He looked peaceful enough, sloshing around, and Nate hadn't been paying much attention to him, when suddenly the infernape turned around. "Hey, look!"
There was a pokémon out running along the beach. Something big, and fast. Nate squinted. An... arcanine?
"That's one of the Miracle Matters, isn't it?" Rocky said. "Come on, let's go say hi!"