AN: Hello! Turns out, I can casually release a new chapter of my fics every now and then, after all! I'm pretty excited yet nervous to show off what this fic's first story arc is like to you all! I've plotted this arc out into completion and am currently plotting the second story arc while writing this one as we speak, and man oh man...things gets nuts towards the end of this arc. You'll see what I mean.
As for the nervous part, I should provide a warning right now for what's to come for this arc:
There will be transphobia involved, and I can't guaranteed not going heavy with the topic due to two certain characters in this arc later on. So I apologize in advance. If you want to skip out on the arc and wait until the second one arrives, then I can't blame you. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy on what's to come for this fic's story arc!
Chapter 2: Soarian Reaper.
Scarlet's Story: Acceptance of Oneself.
. . .
The grass shifts.
The river flows.
The plains thrive.
The sun rays douse upon Scarlet sitting on a lone hill, a bunch of trees lining in rows by the left—the river spiraling towards the large mountain on the right. She scans her camera around, stopping in place and—
A flash shines at the autumn grass ahead. A photo exits her camera, the woman snatching it. She gazes at the sun glancing down boulders and grasses along with the plains, contemplating at the picture. She shakes her head, tossing it aside.
"Not beautiful."
She snaps another photo, this time containing some rivers nearby. Glancing, she tosses it.
"No...That's not it, either."
The pale woman takes one photo after another, continuously taking them out and flinging them aside. She does it again, and again...and
again: Her clicks becoming ever so frantic, her throws ever so sudden.
"Tch." Scarlet clenches her camera. "I need something...
spectacular." Her head shakes, looking up. "Something that can, hmm,
manifest elegance." She eyes around the valley. "This valley…" Sighs. "It's fine, but not quite there yet." Points at the dirt on the boulders. "Those aren't cleaned." Points to the rivers with debris. "Those aren't clear." Points to the sun. "And that overshadows the grass already faulty state!"
Scarlet rubs her forehead, groaning—her eyes closing. "I really need a better picture. An angle that can
actually portray beauty." She looks to her side, blinking: Piles upon piles of rejected photos slump on top of each other. Scarlet sighs, raising her hands. Blue energies summon themselves before firing multiple times, ripping the photos to shreds. Scarlet then grabs a tiny piece.
Nothing but the soft winds are heard, her gaze fixating not only the piece, but the pieces themselves as well. Her lips purse, borderline counting the number of decaying sheets her camera conjured—what is it, one two...maybe 125 pieces total? She has no clue, nor understands why she even counts them to begin with. Finally, she grabs those pieces and heads over to a trash can besides the trees.
She throws them away. "Why did I even become a photographer?" She takes out a few photos from her skirt's pockets: Skimming over them. "No matter how many times I take a picture…" The photos range from a desert selfie to a wildlife forest's protection zone to even a city covered in snow pertaining some individuals consenting to the snapshot. "They'll always result to not being gorgeous. Glamorous." She pauses, staring at one photo.
With that photo lies another woman and a child smiling alongside a black and yellow bee: The pale lady resting a hand on the child while baggage cast beneath her eyes, she and the other two dawn in their white dress—black colors sprinkling within the middle of them. The Vespiquen's eyes are blue unlike any others, wearing a blue sun hat. The child herself has short hair, her smiles being soft.
Soft and…
Scarlet takes a long, hard look at the photo—hands rattling, tears climbing up her eyelids. Those liquids fall upon the singular photo, drenching in wet ruins. The pale woman grits her teeth, gnashing them together moments before she releases brief gasps: Her eyes struggling to keep those tears in prison.
The woman puts away the other photos, raising her hand at the trash can clutching the Vespiquen one. She's about to swing down before stopping, her shakes persisting, her hands spiraling. Scarlet shakes her head, bringing the photo to her chest.
" I doing?" She presses the image further, gnashing her teeth. The woman pauses, inhaling deep breaths before releasing them. Scarlet looks up, the sun shifting over to a dimly lit look. She slides the photo into her pocket. "The sun's about to set." She looks around. "Wondering where can I stay for the night..."
A sign clinging to the tree catches the woman's attention: 'Path to Shinesek'.
"Ah. That'll do." Scarlet wastes zero time following down the path.
. . .
Somewhere within the valley forest's path lies a cloak wearing creature with blue eyes and in an ovoid shape, her right eye being a bit brighter than the other. The Snorunt huffs and pants, carrying plenty of leaves in her possession. She glances ahead, running with all her might.
"This should be enough for my parents' stew!" she says, her tone soft and docile. "Didn't expect the sun to set so soon! I better get home, quick!"
The Snorunt tilts her head, stopping. "...Am I hearing something or—"
The Pokémon eyes up, a simple Blipbug spiraling towards her. She jolts. "What the!?" The bug smacks against her face, a yelp ushering out of her—the leaves dropping. She moves side to side, her hands waving around. "AAH! GET OFF OF ME!" Her back bumps against the tree, a whimper escaping her.
"Gah!" Is all the Blipbug utters, clinging on for dear life.
Eventually the Snorunt flails the Blipbug off, the larva rolling around for a bit before stopping himself. He groans, caressing his head while scanning around.
"Argh. Where did tha' Penelope lass brought me to…?" the Blipbug, Coleo, says to himself.
The Snorunt whimpers, focusing on the fallen leaves. "Those were fresh for the stew, too…" She grimaces, mumbling while staring at the road. "I'm...not looking forward to what they'll do to me…"
"Hey! You!"
The Snorunt flinches, eyeing the smaller Pokémon.
"Where am I?!" Coleo looks left and right. "How far
am I, eve'!?"
The cloak-looking creature raises her round hands in defense. "Whoa whoa, relax. You're in the Sunny Valley's forest, nearing Shinesek."
The Blipbug grunts. "Blimmey: Tell me that is not far, is it?"
The Snorunt quirks her brow. "Far from what?"
"Me mateys." Coleo turns around to some bushes. "I don' know why I fell from the sky, but I hope me mateys are here!" He scrams. "They
got to be!"
The Snorunt tenses up. "H-Hey, wait!" She follows, pushing aside the bushes and leaves.
The two run off: Coleo crawling as fast as possible while the Snorunt rushing after him, whining when one branch hits her face. Shaking the temporary pain off, she continues—constantly yelling for the Pokémon to wait.
Once out of the array of bushes, Coleo bumps against something tall: Falling on his back. "Uff!"
The Snorunt escapes the bushes and comes to a halt, kneeling for the bug. "Are you alright!? You could've gotten yourself hurt, sir!"
"'Sir' is exactly what you are, right Silver?" an obnoxious, self-centered voice states—radiating 'mean girl' energy.
The Snorunt, Silver, stares down at the grass, beside Coleo, for what feels like
ages of months and years passing by before mumbling one following words, "Oh no..." She hopes deep within her soul it isn't who she thinks it is, and unfortunately her suspicion is proven correct once she takes a look at four individuals ahead: One woman, a Tsareena, Boltund, and an Unfezant.
The former has a red jacket with yellow rings on her fingers, wearing a yellow chained necklace along with a green and yellow shirt. Her hair is red and long, pairing alongside her light skin, blue pants and heels. The latter three has intriguing appearances of their own: The green majestic plant caresses her blue and red wristbands, the yellow ferocious canine unveiling her golden-imprinted sharp smirks, and the dark-gray smooth avian tilting her feathered-tip black fedora while beside the Tsareena—all wearing the same yellow chained necklace as the human.
The woman folds her arms, her and the others smirking down the Snorunt. "Helllooooo!" She cracks her neck. "We were getting bored of our sparfest: Glad you can revive our fun by being here,
The Tsareena stretches her arms. "Indeed."
Silver winces, leaning towards Coleo. "We need to leave. Now."
The Snorunt attempts to back out, but the four surround the two quickly: Silver muttering with regrets.
"D'aww, leaving so soon?" The woman cracks her fists. "
Mister, we're told about needing a handy punching bag to eliminate our boredom."
The bird chirps. "A fair
gentleman shall always aid his companions!"
The dog grins. "Yeah,
guys should handle being a girl's punching bag, you know?"
The plant folds her arms. "Indeed. Any considerate
man will give a lady a hand in training."
Silver squints. "I'm not your friend. I'm not a
gentleman. Nor a
guy. Nor even a
man." Her glance shifts over to the red jacket lady. "Don't call me a
mister, Anne!"
The woman, Anne, grins behind her hand. "Why not?" She squats, poking Silver's cloak. "It's not like you can become a Froslass, anyways. You literally can't."
The Snorunt flinches. "Tch…"
Male Snorunts are incapable of evolving into one, last I've checked." Snickers. "Besides, you're weak. Weak as a twig during the winter."
The Boltund stomps. "A wind can casually blow him away with ease! That's how weak he is, hah!"
The Tsareena holds her partner's wing, giggling. "Raising magnificent points there, Paula."
The Unfezant tilts her fedora. "I have to agree with m'lady Marilyn here."
Marilyn giggles, moving her hand up and down. "Oh Diane, you and your flatters."
Coleo stares at the laughing group. "What the Barbaracle am I witnessin'?" His head shakes. "Ye lass need to stop."
Anne stands. "Oh quiet, bug man: We're just messing with Silver here." Her arms raise. "We're ruffling his fur, that's all!"
"Yeah!" Paula yaps.
"Shut it…" Silver persists with her quiet mumbles, Coleo glancing around with disapproval.
"Relax, buddy! Yeesh!" Anne giggles. "Being so serious over some jokes-that-so-happens-to-be-absolutely-true!" She smirks. "
It's no wonder Maceo broke up with a weirdo like you."
Silver widens her eyes, crafting a frost-filled breath and flings directly at the woman's heels. "SHUT UP!"
Anne yelps, backing away. "What the
HELL!?" The woman kicks Silver, punting her towards the tree after Paula moves out of the way.
"Gah!" The cloak Pokémon winces, sliding down. Paula, Marilyn, and Diane nod at each other before rushing over: Beating up the Snorunt.
The Boltund stomps, inflicting dark spots over Silver's cloak. Meanwhile the Tsareena and Unfezant whacks her nonstop, the former using her leg while the latter uses her wing.
"That'll teach you not to mess with our boss' heels!" Paula yells. "She works her ass off getting them cleaned!"
"GENUINELY!" Anne shouts.
"Such ungrateful weakling that doesn't know her place, hmph!" Marilyn exclaims, summoning her vine to whip Silver all over the place.
Anne walks over, shaking off her freezing foot while Coleo lowers his head. "Hey…" He tries getting the group's attention, but fails: The leader moving the three aside before encasing her fist in yellow aura. She glares.
"We were gonna play soft until you've done that crap." Anne picks the Snorunt up before punching her drastically against the same tree, a cough escaping her.
Coleo grits his teeth. "HEY! QUIT HURTIN' HER!"
The group ignores his request, continuing to punch and kick and swat the Snorunt like a chew toy. Many more dark spots cast around her, Silver whimpering along the way.
Coleo frowns, his setaes clenching. "I SAID
STOP!" He dashes forward, unsheathing his dagger and leaps up. He swipes at one of the bullies: Diane squawking as bits of her feather are torn from her back, a cut mark forming across. Small blood slides down, the bird squinting at the bug in rage.
dare you!?" The group stops their beating to eye Diane: The avian smacking the Blipbug away with ease. The Pokémon spirals around the air before crashing all over the grass, rolling.
"GRAH!" The larva collides against another tree, his dagger dropping, his gasp escaping. After falling flat on his face, Marilyn rushes to Diane's aid.
"Are you alright, darling!?" she asks, staring at the bleeding back.
The Unfezant waves her wing around. "It's nothing that could bring me to my lowest, my queen." Her glances strike at the knocked out Bug type. "My frustration lies in this weak, wretched gremlin thinking he could protect such a feeble delusional being before him. And dared to attack me?
ME, of all people!" Diane throws her wings up. "THE
Marilyn nuzzles the Unfezant. "There there, love. At least he didn't hurt me: Think of it that way."
"Hah!" Diane bows to the Tsareena, holding her hand. "Most certainly! If he did, then I would've done far worse than a mere smack of my wing." She kisses the plant's hand, ushering a giggle from her.
"Oh my darling, Diane…"
The Unfezant smirks. "Oh my precious, Marilyn…"
Paula glares at the couple while Anne's hand glows yellow. "Get a room, you two." Is all the Boltund says, cringing.
Anne snickers. "Nah, their royal acts is funny and cute. Keep at it." The Tsareena and Unfezant laugh, the Sorcerous pressing her hand on the latter's back—healing her.
Diane lifts her chin. "It is the utmost pleasure that you've found our love to be 'funny and cute'." Diane tilts her fedora at Marilyn. "M'lady here is always worth the roses and flowers of my—" her brows raise repeatedly. "
Flirtatious harmonious."
Marilyn blushes, caressing her cheek. "Oho, you're spoiling me rotten today, doll! I can only take so much gentleness from you!"
"It's what any gentlewoman shall do, madam." Diane winks, triggering a giggle from the plant.
"UGH!" Paula stomps, pointing her tail at the Snorunt. "Can we go back to roughing up this bozo? You two's lovebombs are
killing me, like actually."
Anne laughs. "Oh right. I almost forgot about him."
The group turns their attention to Silver: The Snorunt wincing at the sight of Coleo remaining still on the ground—albeit breathing, at least. Still, it's enough for her to frown at the bullies. She grunts, the effort alone leading her injuries to surface.
"Just...leave me alone."
Anne's fist encases itself in yellow aura again. "Should've thought about that before attacking us, snowcone." She raises her fist before—
The Sorcerous flinches. "Eh?"
The Intellicates flinch as well, Paula's tail swaying. "What's that?"
Everyone looks to their side: Blue energy spiraling around this witch hat wearing woman, a mystical blue scythe clenching in her possession. Scarlet descends to the group via her Soarian Reaper, blue aura-filled wings spreading behind her with every fiber of holiness. Despite the elegant lowering, her grim expression speaks the opposite.
Silver stares ahead at the dark clothing woman: Mouth ajar, her hands resting on the grass with near stillness. "Whoa…" Her face brightens with faint red, focusing on the exquisite sparkles, astonishing wings, and the stern look of magnificence. The only thing Silver can think of on the spot is:
She's beautiful...
"What a despicable sight." Is all Scarlet comments.
Marilyn flinches. "Who might you be?"
The Sorcerous swings her translucent scythe in place. "A mere traveler not liking the view ahead."
Paula snarls, slamming her foot down. "This has nothing to do with you! Scram!"
"Yeah, edgelord witch wannabe." Anne's fists radiate further in yellow energy. "Bounce off or beat on."
"Beat o…" Scarlet squints before shaking her head. "I'm not questioning that." She slams the end of her scythe towards the ground. "I'll have to disagree about this having nothing to do with me: The sight of mistreatment is inexcusable. Putrid." Her fist clasps. "
"Okay and?" Anne bluntly states.
Scarlet slowly takes her attention to Anne, her beam charging. "It makes you four
not beautiful. Dare I say…" Frowns. "
The four gasp: Diane's wing pressing her chest, Paula's snarls thriving loudly, and Anne and Marilyn cover their mouths in pure flabbergast. Silver laughs behind her round hands, smirking at her bullies.
"Talk about being punched down with no breaks." She winces. "Ouch!"
Anne grips her fists: Trembling and quaking alongside her legs, the woman feeling as though steam is jetting out of her ears. She grinds her teeth, closing her eyes briefly before—
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, BITCH!" Anne points at Scarlet. "Mess her up, Shinefits!"
"Say. Less." The three simply say, rushing after the witch hat woman.
Scarlet jumps back, the three hitting the spot she once was. She looks at Anne jumping forward, thrusting her fists. The woman shifts side to side, Anne swinging once more before Scarlet backflips and kicks her away. The two slide across the ground, Anne spitting out saliva beside—rubbing her chin.
"That hurts, asshole! Humph!" The woman dashes forward without a second thought—her gang following suit. Scarlet twirls her scythe with one hand, casting an orb with another. Paula leaps towards her while encased in electricity, snarling. Scarlet jumps aside and blasts Paula back, blocking Diane and Marilyn's jabs. The latter encases her leg in green energy and twirls for a Trop Kick, Scarlet noticing the plant's girlfriend flapping back and flinging her Air Cutters.
The woman ducks the Trop Kick, pushing Marilyn towards the light blue cutters before her scythe blocks Anne's Ravage Storm. Marilyn yelps, falling to the ground. Diane gasps and swoops down to rescue the Tsareena, their Boltund friend running past them.
"My queen! I'm so
very SORRY!" Diane says, concerns painting her.
Marilyn dusts herself, embracing Diane's warmth. "No need to worry, my darling. I can shrug off some mere Air Cutters just fine."
The Unfezant wipes her forehead. "Thank the heavens. If anything bad happens to you, then I shall—"
"SAVE YOUR LOVEY DOVEY TALKS FOR LATER: WE GOT THIS EDGY CLOWN TO DEAL WITH!" Paula yells, shrouding her body in pink energy and jumps towards Scarlet.
Marilyn nods. "Fair enough." Dark leaves shroud around the plant as she stands. "Let's teach this fallible debacle a lesson!"
Diane's wing shines light blue. "With pleasure, madam."
The duo dashes: Flinging their Magical Leaf and Air Cutter retrospectively. The other bullies spot this and leap beside, Scarlet gasping before firing her Mystical Projectile. After a brief smoke formed, the couple leaps out—bringing their kicks forward. Scarlet jumps over them, soaring with her wings. She then flinches at Paula unhinging her dark jaws, prepping a Crunch. Scarlet frowns and blocks the attack with her scythe, a strong wind blowing against the forest area.
Silver eyes up the woman, her mouth agaping.
She' very cool… A faint blush paints her once more, the Snorunt touching her cheeks.
Huh. Am I getting warm? She then grunts at her movement, huffing.
Ngh. Right...the injuries. Her attention turns towards Coleo, a gasp escaping her.
I need to see if he's okay! She crawls over.
Scarlet swings her Soarian Reaper, blasting the Boltund towards the ground. Paula spirals around before clawing to a halt, growling. "It'll take more than just a scythe to beat me!" Grins. "Now
this is more fun than some dumb sparring! Let's see what else you got!" She rushes forward with her Wild Charge while Scarlet recently fires away Anne, floating down before Marilyn and Diane dash after her.
The woman sighs. "I'm ending this." Scarlet ducks and weaves the attacks: Jumping backwards blasting Paula and Diane with her Mystical Projectiles before clashing her scythe against Anne's fist, the woman Ravage Storming her jabs all over. Scarlet then kicks her away, flying backwards. Anne slides on the ground, stopping before rushing forward.
Once Scarlet lands, Marilyn tries jumping forward with Trop Kick, but the Sorceorus twirls around—roundhouse kicking the Intellicate away. Looking towards her left, she hops aside Anne's fist and pushes the woman hard towards Marilyn, colliding the two.
"GAH!" they both yelp, rolling around. Paula jumps over them, opening her maw for another Crunch.
Scarlet half glances at the dog, stepping beside the attack. She then snatches Paula's tail.
"ARFF!?" The Boltund yaps, her skin shivering.
Scarlet looks up, Diane swooping down at full force while encased in light blue energy—Sky Attack.
"Unhand thou friend, this instance!" she screams.
Scarlet blinks.
The woman spins, Paula yelping and whining. She tosses the yellow canine towards the avian, the two colliding before speeding off towards the air—twirling and swirling. Their ball structure then curves towards the other Shinefits.
Anne and Marilyn is about to get up until their friends collapsed on them, groans ushering: Dirt and bruises litter all over.
"Ugh…" Anne flinches, coughing. "What just…"
"How…?" Is all Marilyn can asks, glaring at her hands.
Diane pants. "This opponent is no joking matter, it seems!"
Paula growls. "No kidding: Didn't expect her ass to put a
dent on us!"
A mere shadow casts over the four, everyone eyeing up. Scarlet stands firmly, one hand gripping the scythe, the other resting on the woman's hip. She stares, radiating auras of immense judgement—her hands clenching the scythe, her face frowning within the darkest of nights. Her lips still, the woman hardly moving a muscle. The bullies feel chills down their bodies.
"Tch!" Anne and the rest of her gang immediately gets up, all grunting from the injuries they received before running off to the main road. "I'M REPORTING THIS TO THE SHINESEK'S AUTHORITTYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Is all the woman shouts, her gang no longer in Scarlet's sight.
The magic user stares off for what feels like eons, a brief wind blows against her and the two victims. Silver stares at her, the wind blowing smoothly against the woman's black hair—waving and flowing, her blue eyes fixating into the majestic serene. The Snorunt blushes.
"...Ah." She rests her hand on her hip once her Primary Magic Move fades, her head shaking. "So much for finding a home there."
Silver perks up, lifting a hand before wincing. "Not necessarily."
Scarlet looks at the two, heading over to kneel. Her hands encase in blue auras. "I'll patch those nasty wounds."
Silver raises a hand. "Wait." Scarlet pauses, staring at the Pokémon in confusion. "Keep them there. I, ngh, need them for proof on those four attacking us first." The Snorunt takes her attention to Coleo, grabbing him. "This'll also help with your innocence, too."
Scarlet contemplates for a bit, her energy fading. "Valid point." As she stands, she stares at the Snorunt limping towards where the main path is at: Huffs and grunts and occasional stops tend to spark its way within her. Scarlet lifts a finger. "Are you certain you can stand?"
Silver nods. "Absolutely—" she falls, groaning in pain. She shivers, being mindful of Coleo upon falling towards her side. "...Not, actually. Haha."
"Hmm." The pale skin woman crotches, sliding her arms beneath the two and carrying them: Silver on the right, Coleo on the left. "I'll aid you, then."
Silver winces a bit before noticing how close she is to Scarlet, a mere blush painting her. "Th-Thanks…" She fidgets with her hands together, looking off. After a brief silence, with nothing but footsteps on the grass along with the pushes of bushes, the Snorunt opens her maw. "Silver."
Scarlet quirks her brow, stopping briefly. "Hmm?"
"M-My name, I mean!" Her head shakes. "Apologies for not clarifying."
"Ah. No worries." The woman nods. "Scarlet Bellerose's mine."
"Scarlet, I see...A cool name that matches an awesome fight you've done earlier!" Silver perks up before wincing.
"Careful not to strain yourself."
Silver sighs. "Right, haha." Smiles. "You were awesome though, genuinely! Thank you for the help."
Scarlet takes her gaze to the sky. "Seeing someone being left into a bloody pulp is worse than carving a wood out with a toothbrush."
Silver's eyes shrink, staring into poker facehood. "What."
The woman stares down. "In other words, you're welcome: It felt unjust letting that play out upon seeing it."
"I see." Silver hums, her hand pressing beneath her chin (or thereof). "How do you like...learn to fight that way?"
Scarlet shrugs. "I've learned it from my mo—" she pauses. "My mo…" Her eyes widen, her lips shaking.
Silver tilts her head. "Your mo?"
The witch hat woman stares off. "
Nothing." Her attention turns to the unconscious Blipbug. "Who might he be?"
Silver is phased.
That was...weird. She looks to Coleo after the sudden topic shift. "I honestly don't know who he is either. Found him falling on my face out of nowhere, he ended up panicking about being far from his friends, he ran off and bumped into the Shinefits, and the rest is history."
"How peculiar." Is all Scarlet says.
"Yeah." The three reach the main grassy path towards the town again, the sunset being close to gone. "We'll find out who he is in Shinesek, I suppose."
And without further talks, the trios continues on the road.