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If you could create your own evil team, what would it be?


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
I find this question will tell you a lot about a person, and it's just objectively fun to talk about! I'd love to hear about your silly evil guys. Lots of content creators have their own evil teams, things like "Team sky" or "Team bad guy", so I love asking people what theirs would be.

I have a few of my own evil team ideas, so here are some top threes:

one is "Team BugBuzz", an evil team that specializes in bug-type pokemon, and aspires to be on par with teams Aqua and Magma.

Another is "Team Bard", a team that specializes in music and sound based pokemon.

And lastly, "Team Clown." a team of jesters and japesters who joke and jumble around (Because they want to blow up the earth and replace it with their own silly world.)
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House of Two Midnights
This is indeed a fun topic! Sounds like you have some neat ideas for it, too. I'm curious about Team BugBuzz; if they want to be on par with Magma/Aqua, do they have ecological designs, too?

And I'm guessing Team Clown... would be big blacephalon fans? :P

I haven't thought a great deal about evil teams as such; for my stories I've always rolled with the canon ones if I want to include a nefarious organization. I can think of a couple that might be fun, though.

Maybe a gang that focuses on training dragon-type pokémon, or perhaps a specific species of dragon. Perhaps they have their base of operations near a place where dragons naturally congregate, and part of initiation is having to go out there alone and capture or befriend one of the dragons. The team leader would, of course, have a big old craggy dragon of their own--maybe a legendary, but definitely something scarier than the norm!

It also might be fun to play around with some sort of cybercrime group. They wouldn't necessarily ever meet up in person, so trying to track them down across the globe would be part of the challenge. They probably wouldn't be very battle-focused, either, and instead use pokémon like Porygon and rotom to cause problems with computers and other machines. Maybe an actively anti-technology group trying to return the world to a less automated past.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Honestly i like the idea of a bait and switch team...

So in this hypothetical region a team has foot hold in every town... that paradys establiahed teams and uses that areas common mon (with executives using middle tier mon with some training/tms/iving) they have thier own plot points and seeming agenda and openly take on challengers. Like the team rocket knock off (with the inverse colored backward r uniforma) they take over banks/shopping areas in set times of days... But never take anything... Think more public nuiscense amd disturbance levels of bad.

Theres a team aqua branch that has shark fins on thier head and calling themselves hydro and only half the "team" has water type because that town is ironically landlocked so all water types are comandeered from say... The local pet shop... And you can tell theyre about ready to stage something because the hydro grunt are clammering to rent out a magikarp or anything water type for saturday nights... Meeting... Yeah nothing illegal just need a water type apppreciation meeting....

And so on and so forth.

And normally the gym leaders deal with these clowns. Plowing through thier local "teams" and colloring the more rambunctious ones for the local jenny to scare straight... Except it was trainer season... All the gym leaders were bound to thier gyms 9 to 5most of the week... And so the up and coming trainers had to wrestle through the lot either before or after they took on a gym... Especially the team skull knock off the "knucklebones"... That kept comandeering the area around the campers/travelers public bathing/outhouse fascilities and were causing issues for everyone for the "evulz".

and once beat the "team" usually broke down for about a half week before "striking again".. Except knucklebones whose bug types bounced back stupid quick from mass fainting and thus they kept coming back again and again amd were a dayly menace

As for the why... Well when pinned down by bith a peeved 6badge wielding traveler (the pc) and a partner police officer who tags along with backuo to stop the kid from after "breaking into the enemy base" by themselves (its an empty wearhouse so empty the regions rat types have bailed) the psuedo galactic "executive" breaks.

Team Milkyway, sprocket, hydro, flambe, spark, lactose, ect were hired and supplied by corperation "such and so" to test the security and defenses of the towns mainstays and big hitters. Dont know where the random knucklebones/heads spawned from... They arent part of the thing but the rest were hired to cause disturbances... Test security measures... And there was contracts... It was agreed upon so they arent doing anything bad and most of the people were here for the paychecks...

And on deeper investigation milkyway higher up isnt wrong. The banks. Reseraunts. Pet store... All have the same security contract. Theres some dodgy fine print really deep in aout simulations...

Chagrinned the teams stop getting hastled and in turn stop hastling as much (except knucklebine who likes a challenge)... And all seems hunky dory except just as the protag is taking on the elite four the power goes out and things start going wrong in the pc syatem... Wild rabid mon are juat getting spit out. And the protags got to run around stopping that while some of the grunts from the psuedo teams are running aroubd raising havok with some suspiciously powerful probably purloined min from the other elite four challengers (protag character was slated to go first so thier mon luckily didnt get tapped).

So yeah... Oops abiut those psuedo teams beibg psuedo a few members werent... And its a mad house because some of the psuedos are real hard core larpers... Others oportunitiests... And others actually part of a stndicate thats trying to stealthily get thier foot hild onto real power...

And thats if for notes/ideas inmy hwad.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
I came up with one called Team Spectre, that's basically out to free the soul from the body. It's a little bit Galactic inspired but goes in a different direction. Essentially they see the soul as the truest expression of someone's self, and the body holds it back what with things like brain chemistry and physical limitations.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
I came up with one called Team Spectre, that's basically out to free the soul from the body. It's a little bit Galactic inspired but goes in a different direction. Essentially they see the soul as the truest expression of someone's self, and the body holds it back what with things like brain chemistry and physical limitations.
So... I'm going on a bramch here... But do they mainly use ghost types?

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
They tend to yeah.
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
I've always had in the back of my mind a thing like Team Chaos and Team Order, sort of like Aqua/Magma. (Actual names pending but this is what they'd represent)

For a fan region with a fan legendary based on a cobra snake representing Chaos, and its opposite, a mongoose legendary representing Order. The two are said to be locked in eternal combat.

The two teams represent two extremist opposing ideals of how the world should be run and operated.

Naturally Team Chaos believes in a unstructured anarchist everyone for themselves sort of lifestyle. (it's amusingly hypocritical considering they're a semi organized team but whatever). Their team would also reflect this in how they operate, simply seeking to disrupt any form of order and organization and wanting the world to return to simple chaos. Maybe epic speeches about the "beauty of chaos".

Team Order of course believes that peace and safety and a good world is only made through (oppressive) super awesome and strict military order. Rigid structure and no room for anything else, all that matters is adherence to order. Everything down to the last meal should be structured and ordered.

Each evil team seeks to capture their respective legendary and destroy the other. Disrupt the balance and then enact their own ideals.

(in theory as well, each game would have a slightly different setting because in each game the respective teams have had some subtle influences on the world in terms of npc attitude and architecture. Nothing massive but also enough to spice things up)


Lion Apologist
The Goof Realm
And I'm guessing Team Clown... would be big blacephalon fans? :P
Yeahhhhhhhhh. I used to have a whole idea for a shorter fic about a woman who gets trapped in ultraspace, goes crazy, sees blacephalon, and promptly starts Team clown. Maybe I'll write it sometime in the future, but it never had enough substance in my mind to constitute a full story.


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Yeahhhhhhhhh. I used to have a whole idea for a shorter fic about a woman who gets trapped in ultraspace, goes crazy, sees blacephalon, and promptly starts Team clown. Maybe I'll write it sometime in the future, but it never had enough substance in my mind to constitute a full story.
Could you imagine the horror if theyd encountered a conkeldurr? A Clown construction worker enemy team.. I cant think of a team name but buff clowns using tools... Itd make pennywise proud.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Well, I don't have an actual name yet, but I've been working on a concept for an antagonistic team, potentially featured in the revival of my main work.

This criminal organization is based on Colombian and Mexican cartels, namely the Medellin Cartel and the events of the Mexican drug war, and it's set to be extremely prominent in my Latin American-based region: Mestella.

However, since my works don't go above T in terms of rating, this organization will instead be involved in "safer" crimes: smuggling of Pokémon, black market of rare and over-hunted Pokémon's parts (like Gabite's scales used in traditional medicine), rare minerals and power stones, and even illegal chemicals to boost a Pokémon's battle performance. For example, the chemical R (the substance used in Detective Pikachu, extracted from Berserk Gene and which can turn Pokémon violent).

In terms of dangerousness and power, they might probably be similar to Team Rocket -- widespread and not as much on the spotlight as other criminal organizations, which pull off grandiose stunts and end up busted as a result. This is what makes this cartel-like team so dangerous and harder to track down and eradicate.


I have an evil team that I'll put in my fanfic lore, haven't chosen the right name yet, Team Model (As I call it, is just a place holder for now)
They specialize in finding Pokémon gijinkas, reeducating them to do their bidding, as well as other criminal acts I've yet to determine.

They have their gijinkas they've reeducated/brainwashed as their own army, and they terrorize other gijinkas, and their friends at times...(Don't worry, I'll try to keep them to a T rating level.)
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