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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Surrounded with one breakdown after another, Jess decided the downsides of recording outweighed the upsides. He did not want to revisit this grim occasion later, let alone broadcast it to the world. He put away his phone.

And of course, right as it was out of his reach, mother flippin' Solgaleo jumped through a hoop with a mighty roar. Immediately he scrambled to retrieve his phone, but his talons shook so much and the phone seemed to evade his grasp --

The Solgaleo was now gone, but a Shaymin had appeared. Shaymin was still impressive! He managed to grab the phone and pull it out, but oh fuck, it slipped out of his claws and dropped onto the grass, he pounced on it, picked it up, started up the camera, aimed it --

And the Shaymin was gone.

"I am going to fucking scream," said Jess.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
It seemed the others were distracted at the moment. "Hey!" Hoopa called. They floated around the Ledian. Yes, he'd be a fun one. "Truth or Dare?"

{ @Virgil134 }


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Kichiro looked at Hoopa skeptically and crossed his arms. While he’d only told a few, if he had to pick something, his choice was obvious.

"I think since I had to embarrass myself, I get to ask a question," Odette said. She was still bright red in the face, and she didn't see it going away any time soon. Especially not with Clovis now leaning on her shoulder, like she was an arm rest for him. The jackass.

"It wasn't that embarrassing," Clovis snickered.

Ignoring him, she turned to Kichiro. "Here's an interesting one. Have you ever lied for a friend?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Lillie furrowed her brow. "I don't understand what all these questions about lying are for. Is that not normal?"

As she said it, she realized that if the answer was no then she was about to make herself look bad. She bit her lower lip. It would have been better just to learn by observation. What did she know about what was normal, after all?


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim

Kichiro looked at Odette in surprise, not having expected the question. The Ledian paused a moment as he thought things over. Had he ever lied for a friend? He probably had at some point in his life, but it's not like he could remember anything on the spot.

... Then again, there was that one time. Did he really consider Hess his friend though? He supposed he did... probably. Maybe.


"I mean, I guess I have..." Kichiro murmured.
Would Kichiro Lie for a Friend?


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Well, now Hoopa want to know what lie you told! It's no fun if you leave us hanging." Hoopa drifted forward, leaning their head into their hands. "Tell us!"


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen's ears stuck up, and he listened closely, curious about what this lie might be.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"I mean, I guess I have..." Kichiro murmured.
"Well, if I had to text him," she said, motioning her head toward Clovis, who was still leaning on her, "you've got to give a little more than that."


Pokémon Trainer
Lilly looks up at kircho.
"Y-eah. I... 'd l-like to k-know a l-little more t-than that.
O-only if y-your comfortable..."


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
"Hmph, well aren't you all a nosy bunch," Kichiro replied.

The Ledian shot the group an unimpressed look, only to relent with a quiet groan.

"But fine, I'll tell you. I'm a sailor for a living and my captain, Hess… well he's kind of an idiot,” he said, before muttering and shaking his head. “Stupid, incompetent, hardheaded klutz…”

Kichiro let out an exasperated sigh and continued on.

"He's a Bossgodora, or 'Aggron' as most of you would call it, and there have been several near-mutinies because of his antics. Hell I've even led some of them," the Ledian explained. "There was this one time where he got us to rai- visit an island the night before a holiday, despite nobody being in the mood for it. On the way back, he had the idea to 'take a shortcut' so we'd be home faster. Instead we got lost at sea, and spent almost two days just looking for land. After the first day it became pretty obvious we'd have to spend the holiday alone on the ship, and the crew wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. Eventually they got riled up to the point where they were ready to throw him overboard."

Kichiro fell silent and looked away for a moment, before speaking back up again.

"Sometimes I stop and wonder why I did it, but I stepped in and lied about the shortcut being my idea," he admitted. "The crew still wasn't exactly happy afterwards, but since I don't have a track record of repeatedly getting them into trouble, they ended up letting it slide, saving Hess' position as captain in the process."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Ohoho," Hoopa said. "That's a fun story! Hess must've been real thankful you did that, even Hoopa think they sound very stupid too!" They snickered to themselves, then scanned the crowd for someone who hadn't gone yet.

Almost everyone had but... "You!" Hoopa cried, probably louder than necessary, pointing at the grumpy looking Toxicitry. Truth or Dare?"

[ @Ambyssin }


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Nikki had fallen asleep out of boredom when her name was called. She cracked an eye open and yawned.

"Dare me to go back to sleep. This is the best part of the drug trip that isn't the munchies."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Nikki had fallen asleep out of boredom when her name was called. She cracked an eye open and yawned.

"Dare me to go back to sleep. This is the best part of the drug trip that isn't the munchies."
"If you don't choose, Hoopa will choose for you," they said in a sing song voice, smirking.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"That was me saying dare." Nikki still lay on her back. She yawned again. "I thought psychics were supposed to be smart."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Hmph! Fine!" That what they got for being nice they supposed. "Hoopa dares you to...." she eyed the Toxicitry for a long moment. They were known for music, right? "Make up a rap! Just to be nice, Hoopa says you can rap about anything." They grinned smugly, quite proud of their dare.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Nikki sat up, eyebrow raised. "You gonna give me a guitar through one of those stupid portals or what?"
Nikki's Rap


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Hoopa crossed their arms. "Now who's the not-smart one?" they jeered playfully. "Toxicitry are supposed to be able to play music naturally!" They pointed triumphantly at the strange musical like organs on Nikki's chest.

Maybe Nikki just wasn't good enough to play like that though. "Hoopa guess they will help." A ring portal opened above Nikki and a guitar dropped in her lap suddenly. From the other side of the portal, a brief cry of shock was heard before it closed again. "It better be a good rap!" Hoopa declared.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Hmph! Fine!" That what they got for being nice they supposed. "Hoopa dares you to...." she eyed the Toxicitry for a long moment. They were known for music, right? "Make up a rap! Just to be nice, Hoopa says you can rap about anything." They grinned smugly, quite proud of their dare.
Odette scoffed. “Oh, that’s rich,” she said. “I got the embarrassing ‘text your crush’ but they get to do a rap? I call bullshit.”

Clovis had started playing with one of her braids. Her head was so fogged up, she’d yet to notice. He still wore a cheeky smirk on his face as he twirled her hair around his finger. “It’s just tough luck that you got stuck here with your crush,” he said, earning him a glare. He returned it with a raised brow. “Come on, I reciprocate. You’re good. Everything’s fine.”

“It should have been you, you’re the older one,” she growled. However, her voice wavered, far too much for it to be anything menacing.

“You’re not even a rapper,” Clovis said.

“Maybe so, but I at least learned how to do it,” she quipped. “The other thing, not so fucking much…”


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"Ha! Rich." Of course Nikki could play from her organs. But there were only so many sounds those chest gills could make. The guitar and her lightning... that left plenty of room for possibilities! She took its amp cord and stuck it straight into her electric mohawk. Nikki strummed a G cord. Perfectly in tune. Wonderful. Then, while pointing at Hoopa, she began to play, but what came out from the guitar was nothing like how the instrument was meant to sound...

"Never heard your name and that's no shock.
Cuz you don't exist where I'm from, dumb fuck.
Most of you don't and I don't really care.
You want a childish rap? Tough shit! It's my dare!"

Nikki turned on Odette, continuing to pluck away at the guitar strings.

"Whining 'bout a kid's game? Gee that's sad.
What ya gonna do? Run home and cry to your dad?
You say that you can rap? Fine, I'll take it as fact.
But you learn it from the streets, not some prep school tract."

She spun toward the Kichiro guy next.

"If your boss is a dunce, why listen to him?
Far as I can tell it makes you just as dim.
Screw his dumb ass. Stage a mutiny.
Or are you scared of what it might be like to live free?"

Nikki turned back to Hoopa.

"So how did I do? Did I give you your yucks?
Nah, let's face it. My diss tracks don't suck.
Then this must be where I call it quits.
Remember, you gave me this dare, so you can't throw no fits."

The toxtricity spun the guitar so it rested against her mohawk. "Hmph. This is where I'd drop a mic if I had one. Oh well." She lazily shrugged.
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