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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
A portal cut a fine slit into the thin air before gliding open, and out stepped a casually dressed Clovis. After the last one of these “games” he’d gotten himself involved in, he decided to be a little smarter about his outfit choice. He ditched the Louis Vibrava suit, instead opting for some black Dolce and Gabite joggers (with the matching sneakers, of course), and a plain grey V-neck. He’d torn the tag off of it long ago, but the material felt on par with some Ralph Lurantis shirts he had.

His upper lip curled over his teeth in utter disdain upon finding himself in a wooded clearing. He was happy that he’d dressed better for such a setting, but gods. Anywhere but the fucking woods. Nonetheless, his eyes immediately caught on some Pokemon that had gathered just before his arrival, and some he almost…recognized. He frowned, then turned back toward the portal and held his hand out.

“Coast is clear, Miss Cinq-Mars,” he called in Galarian, the Kalosian accent moderately thick on his tongue. No sooner had he spoke, a smaller, more feminine hand reached out of the portal and grabbed his, using it as leverage to pull herself out. As soon as her Fila-sneakered feet hit the grassy ground, the portal shut itself.

Odette, still holding Clovis’s hand, peered at her surroundings. She adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses as she knit her brows.

“Une forêt? Vraiment?” she asked.

Clovis cleared his throat. “Try Galarian here, Sweetness,” he said in a low voice. “I’ve found that a lot of the participants have never heard of the Kalosian language. Galarian seems to be the norm.”

She released her hold on his hand to adjust her white tracksuit jacket. “Oh,” she said. Her brows seemed to knit tighter as a thought occurred to her. “What the hell did you call me?”

Panic flashed in Clovis’s eyes. “I called you by your name, why?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Just curious,” she said cautiously. Whatever she’d heard, she decided to drop it. Clearly it wasn’t that important—judging by the dust of pink that sprinkled over her nose. Without another word, she reached into her jogger pocket and withdrew her Glock-17, which she started to examine.

“Alright. What’re the rules here, again?”

The panic that had formed in Clovis’s eyes before came back with a vengeance, and he shot his hands out to cover the barrel of the firearm before anybody had a chance to notice. “Why the fuck did you bring that?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“You said the last time you came to one of these it was a game of Mafia? I was just being cognizant,” she said in a deadpan tone. “One of us has to be paying attention.”

“Yes, I told you this wasn’t Mafia. If it was another one of those kill-or-be-killed games I wouldn’t have even considered bringing you because the last thing I need is you—“

He cut himself off from his ramble as his eyes met hers. Red spread over his cheeks, and he recoiled back, shoving his hands in his pockets. He exhaled sharply and turned away from her.

“Bottom line is, this game is meant to be harmless. Keep that thing in your pocket, alright?”

Odette pursed her lips, and she eyed him for a long, long time. She lowered her gaze to the ground as she carefully considered his words, before pocketing the gun once more.

“Alright. For now,” she said cautiously. Without any of her Pokemon with her, she had to have some way to keep herself on the defense, right?


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Kaz looked towards the new arrivals before excitedly turning to Lillie, "Are these humans too? I didn't realise how small they could get!" she said, pointing to the one with black fur on its head.

Kaz already knew the answer to her question, but she didn't want to admit that, so she asked anyway.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"Are these humans too? I didn't realise how small they could get!" she said, pointing to the one with black fur on its head.
Upon hearing the comment, her expression morphed into a glare. Some choice words formed in her throat, and she turned to Kaz to find…wait, what the fuck was that? She was expecting another person. Not…whatever this was. In fact, now that she was actually taking in the whole picture, she was finding that her and Clovis were the fucking minority here. Everyone else seemed to be a Pokemon of some sort. Some.

Her anger deflated as Clovis placed a hand on her shoulder, a smug grin on his lips. “Yeah. Took me by surprise too. Just play nice.”

She continued to stare at Kaz, before ultimately deciding Clovis was right. Play nice. He did say to expect some “surprises.” Now he understood what he meant.

She sighed. Deeply. “It’s a hormone thing,” she groused. “I swear to gods, I’m 22.”

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Kaz nodded. "Sometimes, I get strange daydreams or nightmares, and these types of headaches come whenever I think about them too much. The psychics in my village can fix them for some time, so ma and da always take me to see them when they notice them happening, but they always come back after a few weeks." Kaz's voice lowered to a whisper, "I don't like seeing the psychics. They always hurt the most."
Lillie had heard of the Nulls needing brain surgery... but she'd been under the impression that the problem had been fixed. The Nulls supposedly hadn't had any such problems since the control masks went on, but perhaps things were different for Kaz.

She wished she had a way to talk to Violet without Kaz overhearing. She was sure that what they had been talking about had happened to Violet, but it seemed inappropriate to say as much in front of Kaz...

[intro post, snipped because it's really long]
Two more humans arrived. Lillie was grateful for their presense, being so decidedly outnumbered by non-humans was really awkward.

Je suis Kalosienne," Lillie volunteered. "Je ne parlé pas Galarian."

However, once they started, their 'Galarish' sounded entirely like Alolan to her. It had been what she'd been hearing from the other species, too. "Vous ne parlez pas Alolen? What language does this sound like to you?"
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Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
She continued to stare at Kaz, before ultimately deciding Clovis was right. Play nice. He did say to expect some “surprises.” Now he understood what he meant.

She sighed. Deeply. “It’s a hormone thing,” she groused. “I swear to gods, I’m 22.”

Kaz tilted her head. Even though she was lying down, she was at eye-level with the small human and said human was staring at her. "Was it something I said? I didn't mean to offend you, a lot of things are pretty small to me, now that I think about it." This was getting awkward, she needed a new topic. "Where'd you two come from? And what does 'Kalosian' mean?"


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Violet breathed a sigh of relief as it seemed Kaz had calmed down. "It's quite alright," she muttered, looking away while placing a hand to the back of her head. "Mayhap we got off on the wrong foot; let's discuss something else." Violet's gaze naturally drifted to Lillie as she said this; while she wanted answers, she couldn't just ask after that happened...

Seeing the newcomers arrive, Violet decided to try to a more "proper" introduction for a better impression. "Good tidings to you all, Antares and human company," she said, giving a practiced bow better fitting of a noble, "Mine name is Violet, it is nice to be meeting you." Her smile twitched as she did so; she hated to admit how this stuffy act drilled into her over the years seemed like the right approach. She much preferred a more dramatic, personal, and possibly explosive entrance, but she needed to make sure she didn't step on any more toes before the game.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"I feel like I'm being talked about and yet no one is addressing me," Vegeta growled, gritting her teeth

"You feel that a lot," Lil Goku said, yawning once more. "Pretty sure it's a complex."

Vegeta stood up beside Goku's log, grinning. "Superiority, obviously." Goku simply snickered and turned away. "Wh- the hell does that mean?!" Vegeta yipped. Goku pretended to snore. "Hey, Goku! Wake up you jerk and answer me!"

It seemed they'd be busy for a while.
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
"...A game does sound exciting!" said the voice filtering through another portal. "And I very much appreciate the invitation! I'm just surprised that you didn't invite the Princesses! I'm sure you know how Princess Springblossom in particular adores games, after all. Why, during the last Rhododendron Jubilee, he won 'Pin the "Kick Me" Sign on the Zarude' twenty-seven times!"

The cheerful voice's conversation partner couldn't be made out, but they must've said something in response. "Hm... well, if you're sure I won't be missed—I was in the middle of assisting Minister of Foxgloves Webs-between-Willows with the new layout for the Summer Succulent House—then I'd be honored to enjoy a wonderful new game and teach it to the Princesses! Oh, and just in time for the quarter-annual Calyx Cotillion, too! They'll be overjoyed to add another pastime to their repertoire, I'm certain of it!"

Emerald-green vines, laden with colorful, heady-scented flowers, curled briefly around the golden ring as the newest addition walked—skipped?—through. Some of those gathered might recognize him as a skiddo, though perhaps rather more... floral than they were used to. Fragrant white blooms dotted his grassy pelt and hung from the vines that curled around his horns. As the ring-portal shrank behind him, he took a deep breath, longer perhaps than ought to have been possible, and beamed as he enjoyed the clearing's fresh, earthy scent.

"Hello, hello, hello, and a sun-dappled blossoming to you all!" said the skiddo, his eyes sparkling bright as his smile. "I am Steplively, Minister of Chrysanthemums for the Grand Gardens of Sylfleur, and I am delighted to make all of your respective acquaintances!" He bent his right foreleg and bowed deeply, his horns nearly brushing the ground. "I understand that this 'game' is to begin soon. Please, if you require anything before we begin the festivities, do not hesitate to ask!"


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Neo trotted through the portal with a spring in his step. He wasn’t sure what to make of the puffy little ghost that had appeared or of the things she’d told him, but the word “game” had stood out. She’d also promised him that he’d be back in no time at all, which was the most important part. After all, what would Wes and Novo do without him?

Nothing fun, that was for sure.

He jumped upon his first step into the new world. The ground was…soft! Spongy! Cold, even! And there was so much green.

Neo had never seen a forest before—at least, not in person. Once, Wes had showed him a picture from a book, his eyes bright with excitement, talking eagerly about how one day they were going to live in such a place. Neo hadn’t understood much—but it seemed to make Wes happy, and that was all that mattered.

He wished Wes could see this, could be with him now. It had been a long, long time since Neo had seen his eyes shine like that.

He gave himself a shake and trotted forward, relishing in the…the everything. The air felt so light, the ground was springy and pleasant, the grass and leaves smelled fresh and crisp. Even the sun was different here; instead of beating down on his coat with merciless heat, it merely caressed him, as if welcoming him with gentle pets like Wes often did.

He heard voices up ahead—right! The puffy ghost had said there would be others here. He picked up the pace, tail held high. Friends! Games! This was going to be fun!


Pokémon Trainer
After a long night of dreaming nothing but unpleasant dreams, Lilly awakens in the small corner she fell asleep in.

"Uh, what were you all up to..." She said.


  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
Realizing she was being watched, she quickly tried to save face pretend she was adjusting the cape and used an arm to make it flap in the wind. "It's nothing of the sort," she said as a sly grin crept onto her muzzle, "I simply have much to think about; a concept I'm afraid your friend may not understand."

Unsure of what to make of that statement, Violet instead tried a different approach, "Perchance, were there any stories that may have involved a storm?" She pointed up to the sky for emphasis, "With swirling clouds and a crimson energy sparking about?"
Swirling clouds of crimson... Memories start tugging on the fringes of Hana's mind. No. Eternatus. The Darkest Day consuming their world. Leon. No!

The sound of a portal opening. Sound. There was no sound when the sky broke. Sound.

And also... she recognised that accent. That was the unique coloration that growing up in circhester painted your galarian in. Hana searched for the source of the sound. A small woman, a bit older than her, clinging on the arm of two million pound wrapped around the figure of a man. Holy shit, that was a lot of money. At least his ensemble looked halfway good together, she couldn't say the same about Leon, but still... that was one way to flex. She quickly checked her own outfit mentally. It was horribly outdated, but at least it fit. Ok.

The sound of another portal snapped her back into reality again. A relaxed Espeon trotted out, staring at his surroundings in awe. The thought of an eeveelution actually being relaxed amused her more than she dared to admit. No, Eevee would stay in her ball for now. There were a lot of things to unpack and pulling her out of fights was not one she wanted to bother with.

No, better inspect those newcomer humans. If they were from Galar, maybe they had some valuable information. With determined steps, she closed the distance between her and the couple.

"Hi, my name is Hana," she addressed the small woman directly. "If I'm not mistaken you've spent some time in Circhester."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
As the topic moved away from that of former humans, Gen's trembling slowed, and he looked back up and glanced around. Some new people had arrived. Two other humans, a Skiddo, a Garchomp, and an Espeon.

He took a deep breath, then waddled towards them. "U-um, hi. M-my name's Gen. Uh, n-nice to meet y-you."
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Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Lance had noticed a few more had arrived. The Lucario waved at them. "Hello."

Blitz tried doing the same, but his quadrupedal body didn't allow it. Instead, he just barked. "Hi!"


Pokémon Trainer
Seeing Gen and Lance waving, Lilly decided to do so as well. She looked at everybody and just gave a sheepish hand wave, before going back to her corner.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
It just goes on and on and on...

So many words...

So many syllables...

Half of them can't be real words, I swear to god...

...E-Even when he stopped talking, I can still hear his voice just going...

"For the love of god, make it stop..." Vegeta's head was spinning just trying to listen to this guy. He was making Violet sound like a humble mute by comparison! There was no actual way that anybody spoke like that on purpose. The Mudkip had tried to force herself to stop listening and tune everything out, but it didn't work. She even buried her head in the dirt.

Lil Goku, meanwhile, looked like she just woke up. She gave the newcomers a brief wave, glanced at Vegeta doing her best ostrich impression, and laid back down to rest some more.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"Truth or dare, the name kinda tells it all. A group of participants go around asking each other, one at a time, truth or dare. Whoever is asked gets to pick one of the options, and they get either a challenge or question from whoever asked them."

"A challenge, you say? Sounds wonderful." He paused briefly. "Many thanks for the information!"

He walked away and mused over this.

Hmph. I could have figured that out myself. Didn't need to ask, damn it.

Whatever. I'll conquer any challenge that I come across. I must, for what sort of hero would I be if I were to fail?

Good tidings to you all, Antares and human company," she said, giving a practiced bow better fitting of a noble, "Mine name is Violet, it is nice to be meeting you."

He glanced over to the Sneasel. "No need for such formality." A small snicker. "In my experience, only those who have ill will present themselves like that. But surely you're not a villain?"

He hoped this Sneasel was a villain! Perhaps now he could show his amazing heroic abilities to the gathered crowd, which--

...By Reshiram's hellfire, there were quite a few more than he remembered there being.


Pokémon Trainer
Still unsure of her purpose here, Lilly moved from the corner to the center of the area, thinking that it'd do no good to just keep hiding from everything.

Somewhat ironically, Lilly just plopped herself down in the center, not saying anything at all.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
"Watch out, comin' through!"

A pidgeot with a pouch strapped onto his body dove down from above, landing right beside the mixed group of mon and humans as the portal behind him closed. With nimble toes, he dug his smartphone out from his pouch, checked his reflection off the dark screen and stroked his crest with the tip of his wing. Good enough. His gaze swept across the crowd to check who he'd be dealing with. A bunch of smart mon, as he'd seen before, a couple of humans and -- oh gods, what the hell?

Two participants among the group stuck out like sore alulae. One looked like a mishmash of a dewott and a wartortle, and another looked like a mishmash of several mon Jess had never even seen wearing a strange wooden helmet on their head. He made an effort not to stare, though, and made no remarks - that would be a very fast way to make the others dislike him, and he needed their cooperation.

Jess hopped closer with one foot, the other occupied by the phone, and spoke up. "You guys mind being recorded? I wanna make a vid on this when I get back, and some footage would be great. People aren't gonna believe this unless I give them some evidence, you know."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen's eyes widened, and he gripped onto his reunion cape. If this was being recorded, and his secret slipped, then...

"P-please don't r-record me," he asked, looking towards the Pidgeot.


Pokémon Trainer
"Y-Yeah. P-Please no r-recording. Please. It makes me... just uncomfortable. Really." Said Lilly.
She debated moving back to the corner, but decided against it.
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