Flygon connoisseur
- Pronouns
- She/her
- Partners
After stepping through Hoopa's ring, you arrive in a wooded clearing. Vibrant green trees sway in the breeze, colorful berry trees peek from within the woods and in the distance, a glistening waterfall cascades over a cliff's edge. The area, by all means, looks like a pleasant spot for an afternoon of fun and games...
It seems others are arriving as well! What sorts of folks will you meet?
[[Players:It seems others are arriving as well! What sorts of folks will you meet?
- Gen [Male Human turned Oshawott] - IfBench
- Lance [Male Lucario] - Navarchu
- Bartholomew "Blitz" [Male Manectric] - Navarchu
- Neo [Male Espeon] - HelloYellow
- Kaz [Male
Type: NullPonyta] - Inkedust - Lillie Mohn [Female Human] - Shiny Phantump
- Violet [Formerly female human turned Sneasel] - MintyMimix
- Hanako "Hana" [Female Human] - Bluesidra
- Kichiro [Male Ledian] - Virgil134
- Jess(LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE PLS) [Male Pidgeot] - Canisaries
- Odette [Female Human] - Sinderella
- Clovis [Male Human] - Sinderella
- Nicolette "Nikki" [Female Toxicitry] - Ambyssin
- Antares [Male Garchomp] - Abrapunk
- Lilly [Female Dewott/Wartortle Hybrid] - Silver Phoenix
- Lil Goku [Female Riolu] - Fusion
- Vegeta - Fusion
- Steplively [Male Skiddo] - Phoenixsong
I'll allow about 1 RL day of 'getting to know one another phase', which can be construed in-universe as an hour or two. Feel free to have your character enter at any time, Hoopa is just dumping people here as they go! Your characters have not been explicitly informed what game they would be playing, only that it would be a game, and they won't get hurt (physically, kehehehe).
Hoopa (me) will show up to inform them at some point.
The Game
The game will be Truth or Dare!
Here is a link to a site that has some more info, and some good questions if you're stumped!
Most of you, if not all, already know how this is played, but I'll give a quick overview anyway.
Players decide on who goes first, and then the player character has to choose - Truth or Dare! If they pick truth, someone gets to ask them any question, and they must answer truthfully. They might be able to obfuscate or tell partial truths, but Hoopa will know if they're a liar, and Hoopa doesn't like liars! If they choose Dare, they are given something to try and do, either something hard or embarrassing or the like. If they can't do it.... well, social humiliation I guess, kek.
(As mentioned in the sign up, keep anything reasonably PG-13, and be respectful of asking other players to RP something sexual/romantic they aren't comfortable with. Ask ooc permission first if you want to try something you think might be funny! If you're familiar with TR discord rules, then you already have a good idea.)
Here is a link to a site that has some more info, and some good questions if you're stumped!

The game rules: How to play Truth or Dare?
Truth or Dare is the #1 party game with your friends or crush. Check the game rules and see 700+ funny truths and crazy dares!

Most of you, if not all, already know how this is played, but I'll give a quick overview anyway.
Players decide on who goes first, and then the player character has to choose - Truth or Dare! If they pick truth, someone gets to ask them any question, and they must answer truthfully. They might be able to obfuscate or tell partial truths, but Hoopa will know if they're a liar, and Hoopa doesn't like liars! If they choose Dare, they are given something to try and do, either something hard or embarrassing or the like. If they can't do it.... well, social humiliation I guess, kek.
(As mentioned in the sign up, keep anything reasonably PG-13, and be respectful of asking other players to RP something sexual/romantic they aren't comfortable with. Ask ooc permission first if you want to try something you think might be funny! If you're familiar with TR discord rules, then you already have a good idea.)
The landscape:
Your characters will find themselves in a clearing in the woods. The weather is comfortable, slightly breezy, and moderately temperate. There's a pool of water nearby, fed by a a nice sized waterfall. One might even be able to scale the cliff... Or brave the waters, though they seem cold. There's berry trees and bushes around, filled with all kinds of ripe berries. To any characters familiar with berries, you'll notice plenty of basic ones - Oran, Sitrus, Leppa, Pecha and so on.
There's also some very strong flavored berries - ultra sour, spicy, bitter and dry berries. Ones that'll burn your mouth off, make your lips pucker, or suck the moisture right out of you! If anyone is brave or crazy enough to try those....Or daring enough.
Have fun!
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