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Gatekeepers Realm - Clink's World


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon

A pink and orange sky hung overhead, cheerfully bright. The grass beneath them glowed an almost neon green, and all around lay piles and piles and piles of keys, hundreds of thousands of them, too many to count.

Looking dazed, Clink floated into the air, anxiously scanning everyone assembled. Everyone had made it. They seemed to be shaking, barely composed. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry,” they stammered out.

They gazed mournfully in the direction of the now closed portal. “Xavian...”

Still in a daze, they turned back to the trainers. “We... we should be safe here, for now. This is... my home. My world...”

But they couldn’t stay here forever. All those other pokemon, those trainers, Xavian... They needed to get more help.

“I’m sorry for dragging you all here but it was all I could think of. This is... this is my fault. If I’d realized sooner or paid more attention... You don’t have to join me. But I’m going to get help and I’m going to rescue Xavian, and all those trainers who are hurt because of me.....”

Clink turned away and floated some distance away, perhaps seeking solitude.


What a strange world... All around seemed to be floating keyholes, leading to all kinds of other realms. For now at least though, it seemed the group was safe, and everyone alive and mostly unharmed. And it even seemed a certain Flygon chef had escaped as well. There was time to regroup, and perhaps to make a choice about where to go next...

For your optional viewing pleasure
View: https://youtu.be/24IYsS-TnyA


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Seb, Zack and Jack stumbled into Clink’s dimension. They looked around in awe. All the colors and decorations certainly gave the place life. It all looked like something out a pop-up fairytale book.

“Woah. How can this all exist?” Seb asked, taking off his glasses. “Is this even real?”

Zack fell on his back to the grassy ground, his unruly mane and tail feathers spread out. He was catching his breath after enduring that strong hit he received. “Oh dang. He packs a punch.”

Jack sat down next to him. “Well, they said that the King was absorbing everyone’s power. We must’ve taken too long to expose him, but it can’t be too late to stop him.”

“Yeah… We gotta have some hope.” The Mega-Pidgeot’s chest puffed up and down with every inhale and exhale. “We got Seb with us… We gotta count on him.”

“Yeah. I trust him. I’m glad you do as well, Zack.”

“Ah, Jack-o… Thanks for bein’ a good buddy.”

Seb went to lie down, resting his head on Zack’s belly. “Oh. Your body makes for a good pillow, Zack.”

The Mega-Pidgeot blushed. He was never one to get touchy, but he was willing to let his Trainer rest with him.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Seb noticed Wallace sulking nearby and gave him a wave. “Oh! Hi, mister Wallace! Is everything alright?”


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Oh dear.” Seb frowned. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were in a bad mood. But it’s okay to be not perfect.”

“Looks like Wallace didn’t take this as well as the others,” Jack muttered, grimacing.

“Poor guy,” Zack said, frowning as well.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Dude, please, chill,” Zack said in worry.

“Aren’t you already a good person?” Seb asked. “You’ve done everything to help us solve this mystery, even helping with the distraction plan.”


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
("Perhaps that's best, yes. But I'm free to speak, if it will help ease the tension of... what happened at the Dragon's Maw.")
“Ah, good, thanks,” Jack replied with a small smile. “We really need the relaxation.”

“So…” Zack looked around in thought. What would’ve been something good to talk about? Maybe… “Whaddya think of this place? Crazy, eh?”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
His head hurt like hell.

Wes opened his eyes with a groan and was immediately assaulted by a million vibrant colors that made his skull throb even more. Where…?

He must have briefly lost consciousness, thanks to the lovely introduction his head had made with the floor. It didn’t seem like he’d been out for very long, though, because everyone else looked equally dazed and confused. Some looked downright petrified.

Wes realized he was lying on his back…on grass? It felt pleasantly cool beneath him, but—gods, it was so damn bright. And were those…piles of keys everywhere? Damn, just how hard did he get hit?

He fumbled for his visor to shield his eyes from the nauseating colors, but it wasn’t strapped around his head anymore. must have been knocked off in all the chaos. Fantastic. At least Neo and Novo were still here; he lifted his head with a grimace to glance down and make sure the two Pokéballs were still securely attached to his belt.

He had a million questions, but even moving was making him feel a bit nauseous. Not to mention he probably had tons of glass shards in his hair. And hands. And face. He decided he could worry about questions…later. Sometime that wasn’t right now.

He distantly heard Clink talking rapidly in a high and panicked voice, and somehow, he actually understood some of the words. Above all, he caught the word “safe.”

Safe. That was good enough for now.

He dropped his head back to the grass and closed his eyes.


After the noise and chaos they'd left behind in the restaurant, the relative calm on the far side of the portal was almost eerie. A few people looked to be horizontal, out cold after that fucking wild battle, but most people didn't look hurt. The birds and Wallace even looked like they were having a chat.

Nate's brow furrowed. Okay, so maybe not a real casual-type chat, but still. The mood around here was a hell of a lot lighter than it had been a few seconds ago. He let out a huge breath of relief and flopped down on the ground. So far as he was concerned, the conscious people lying around had the right idea. He reached a hand up to pat Mightyena's side, but her fur slipped between his fingers. She was moving. Moving... with purpose? Where was she going? Nate followed her gaze to where the klefki had floated.

"Mightyena," he started, "don't--"

But she didn't listen to him, of course. Nate sighed and watched her trot determinedly after the klefki. He only hoped she'd leave off if the little steel-type made it clear that it really didn't want to talk.

At least it seemed, for the moment, that they were safe. Nate took a slow look around the place Clink had dropped them off in. All the bright colors, the funky shapes... it was the kind of world you might imagine a kid would make. Nate glanced over at where Mightyena was now apparently trying to strike up a conversation with Clink and grimaced.

Lots of doors. Lots of keys. Kind of a theme going on around here. Where did all those doors go?

Home, perhaps? Or at least somewhere far away from the psycho golden bastard? Nate surveyed the many keyholes musingly, then the piles of keys. So was finding the right key all you had to do to get out of here?


Mightyena came up behind Clink, stopping a respectful distance away. "It's not your fault," she said softly. "You realize that, don't you?"



Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Odette Startled.PNG
Odette rolled to a stop next to Enora, her backpack clutched to her chest as she held on to that fetal position. However, when she realized just how silent everything had become, she finally picked her stinging head up. She had to blink some blood out of her right eye, but found that once she got used to the surrounding color, the place was somewhat easy to take in.

Colorful. Keyholes. Keys. There was a theme going on here. She didn't need Clink to confirm it to figure out what it was.

Though, it was nice to know that they were at least safe here...for now.

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"Odette, your head," Enora cooed. She'd taken in her surroundings a little quicker, and immediately went to work trying to dig through Odette's backpack for something to stop the bleed.

Odette Deadpan w Sweatdrop.PNG
"Oh, this?" Odette said, instinctively reaching her hand up to the fresh gash. As she pressed her sleeve to it, she winced through a sharp pain that shot through every curve of her skull.

Suppressing a grunt, she pressed her lips together and shook her head. "Head cuts bleed the most. I will live."

Enora Angry Frown.PNG
Enora wasn't listening. By the time Odette had finished her half-baked excuse, Enora had already fished out the cloth that had been used on the painting earlier, minding the prison bottle as to assure she didn't break it. It had survived all that commotion, so the last thing that needed to happen was to have it break now.

She took it up in her ribbons, and pressed it to Odette's head.

"Not the most sterile thing, but it'll do," she chuffed. "Do not resist, just let me get it to stop."

Odette Deadpan.PNG
She winced again as Enora applied the pressure. "Yeah, sure," she replied, her voice strained. "Not like I can tell you no. What about you, are you okay?"

Enora Thinking Frown.PNG
Enora shifted her grip on the cloth and sighed. "Odile took most of the hits. I'm unharmed." Truly, she had no business being when her trainer was sitting here bleeding, and her other partner was taking shards of glass shrapnel as they spoke.

Odette Smile.PNG
Odette sighed in relief. That made one of them, and she'd call that a win. "Thank gods," she said through an involuntary grin. "You are the best of us, 'Nora."

Enora Angry Frown.PNG
"Don't say that. You and Odile protected me. Us," she said. "And you showed remarkable restraint in there, and I am very proud of you for knowing to run."

Odette Deadpan.PNG
Suddenly, Odette found solace in staring at the grass. Well, more like where her Glock sat in the grass, right next to her leg. "Not like having Odile go nuts would be ideal right now. I can't exactly go to the infirmary or walk back to my room to get any blood loss treatment."

Silence passed between them for a moment. "And I've put you up against enough recklessness this trip."

Enora Angry Frown.PNG
Enora opened her mouth to speak. when a large shadow flew in overhead. It soared lower and lower to the ground, before landing behind her and Odette with a loud POMF and a light shake of the ground.

Odile, still in her dragon form, perked up her head to take a look at the other trainers. She'd made sure everyone got through before she retreated herself, but she wasn't in the mood to do a headcount right now. She needed--

"̶̺̺͕͇͆̄̿̿̆Ǫ̵̲͔̓̓͛ḓ̷̢̢̙͉͓̈́̎͂̇̑̏e̴̢̬̜̯̱̹̋͊͝ṫ̴͉̃̍̀̅̀ẗ̶̹́ē̵̳̓̋͠!̷̧̦̯̙̼̿̏͑̀̕͠ E̶̟̜̗͎̙̋͋͋͛̇͠ṇ̴͍͊o̷̖̹̍̀͆̄ṟ̷̌͂̐͋͆͐á̶̟!̸̧̢̙̞͖̲̌"̸̞̳̊̑͜ she gasped upon laying eyes on her bloodied trainer. She didn't hesitate to scramble over and protectively wrap her wings around Odette and Enora, as she hovered her enormous head over the two of them.

"̴E̸v̶e̵r̸y̸t̶h̴i̵n̸g̶ ̴i̸s̶ ̶c̴l̵e̶a̵r̵.̷ ̵I̸ ̶d̶o̶n̷'̴t̴ ̶k̴n̷o̴w̵ ̴w̸h̶a̶t̷ ̴t̵h̷e̵ ̵f̴u̴c̷k̶ ̵t̶h̸e̷ ̵o̷t̶h̷e̵r̴ ̸m̸y̸t̴h̷i̷c̴s̷ ̴a̵n̷d̶ ̸O̸r̵z̶o̷ ̶a̴r̸e̴ ̸d̴o̵i̶n̶g̸,̵ ̷b̶u̵t̷ ̷I̶ ̸c̶a̴n̷ ̶s̴a̸y̵ ̷t̷h̵a̸t̵ ̸e̴v̷e̸r̶y̴o̵n̷e̵ ̷w̴h̶o̸ ̸m̸a̷t̷t̸e̷r̶e̸d̷ ̵m̶a̵d̶e̸ ̵i̷t̶ ̸t̶h̴r̷o̵u̴g̴h̵.̶ ̵I̷'̶l̵l̴ ̷t̴a̶k̷e̴ ̴t̸h̶a̷n̴k̴s̴ ̶i̷n̶ ̴a̴ ̵r̶e̷p̵l̶a̶c̶e̷m̷e̶n̵t̷ ̴o̷f̷ ̴m̸y̵ ̷f̷u̷c̵k̸i̸n̴g̵ ̵c̶o̵m̶m̷u̴n̶i̸o̷n̶ ̸w̸a̶f̷e̸r̷s̴.̶"̵

Odette Neutral.PNG
Odette sighed in relief, seeing as how Odile still looked to be in decent spirits, and raised a hand to pat her gigantic snout. "I'll buy them wholesale for you when we get home."

Enora Frown.PNG
"I will Heal Bell you shortly, Odile. I want to get this bleeding to stop."

To that, Odile chuffed loudly. "̶I̴'̶m̵ ̸f̸u̷c̷k̸i̷n̵g̵ ̷p̸e̸r̴f̴e̶c̶t̴,̵ ̶y̶o̵u̶ ̴j̵u̶s̴t̸ ̴w̸o̷r̵r̴y̷ ̷a̵b̸o̶u̵t̷ ̷h̴e̸r̸ ̸a̷n̷d̵ ̷y̴o̴u̵r̴s̶e̵l̶f̷.̸"̶ She thought for a second, her lip twitching at the light sting one specific piece of glass had caused somewhere in her left wing. "̷B̴u̵t̸.̷.̷.̸t̵h̶a̷n̶k̷s̴.̸"̶

She lowered her head to the grass, keeping her wings tucked in a loose, yet protective circle around her partners. Safe or not, she definitely wasn't going to let this form go to waste. Especially not now.

"̸W̸h̴a̶t̷ ̴n̸o̵w̵?̷"̴

The trio was quiet for a while. Odette went back and forth between staring at all of the keyholes and pondering an answer.

Odette Deadpan.PNG
"We find the key that will drop me in the middle of my apartment."

Enora Frown.PNG
"And your real answer?" Enora pressed, dabbing the cloth against her head.

Odette Neutral.PNG
Odette grunted in slight pain. But then she huffed loudly.

"We fight back. We have the bottle. If united, we'll have the manpower. We'll figure something out, so help me gods."

Her head throbbed again, and she took that as a sign that she needed to lie down. So that's what she did, closing her eyes for a moment as she relished in Enora's healing touch.

"I'll figure out a way to put a fucking bullet in Orzo's head if I have to."
Last edited:


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
The trainer and Weavile tumbled through the portal as the strange neon grass clung on their clothes and fur. As soon as they had stopped rolling, the two took several gasps of air as they stared at each other bug-eyed and recovering from shock.

Once they had both snapped out of their stupor, Violet frantically moved her hands around as her head darted in all directions. "What the...?! Where art we?! Why hath I been sent here?!"

She tucked in her leg and placed her hands on the ground as she motioned to get up. "I-I need to go back—I must return and—" She paused before she stood as she looked back her pokémon and realized the look she was being given.

It was an expression she knew well: the stare of pitied disappointment. It was one that she had thought she had become immune to — steeled against the years of seeing it from her mother for her less-than-favorable attitude to courtly order and the platitudes of nobility. She had even seen it in those from the present era whom had written off as a strange girl with a silly tongue due to her displacement. It was an expectation, and she had long regarded it with dismissal.

Despite this, when Hazel had given her that look, it punctured through that wall she had formed around herself and stung more than any blade or claw could. How she could have made her friend look at her like that? What had she done wrong?

Violet then realized whom the shove must have came from. "Why did you..." her voice faded as she continued looking into the Weavile's sympathetic eyes. After a few more seconds of cold silence, the girl let out a light gasp as she realized what she had done: in trying to atone for the abandoning her old companion... she nearly abandoned her new one.

The trainer's breathing hitched. She leaned in as she allowed Hazel to climb onto her lap and nestled the Weavile into her shaking, yet tightly wrapped arms. Silent tears fell as she whispered between sniffles, "I will not leave you, I promise," and, "Thou art truly my best friend..."

After a couple of minutes of letting her trainer hug out everything that she had gone through in the past few days, Hazel gave a pat on the girl's back before turning around to survey the situation. And what a sight it was.

There was way too much to take in: keys and doors everywhere, a pink sky with neon green grass, a mumbling champion next to one of the prettiest Pokémon around, a Mega Pidgeot out-of-battle, a massive towering Noivern matched only by the terrifying looking moss-dragon (Odile?!)... not to mention the battle of legends they had just escaped from! The scientist had been so overwhelmed that she felt her head spin as she collapsed into her trainer's loving arms.

Violet let out a chuckle at her friend's reaction as she took in her own account of the situation. True, there was much to process, but there was only one thing that had sat on her mind. "If Clink could hath performed this the entire time..." she began, before her volume increased to a confused shout, "...Then why in the gods' name did they not do this before?!"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
They tumbled out of the portal into a cheery, colorful landscape littered with keys and keyholes as far as the eye could see. What the hell? Some kind of Klefki pocket dimension?

May let go of Spirit and rose to her feet. The Ninetales stood up warily, looking around. Out of the chaos and into this.

“I’m sorry for dragging you all here but it was all I could think of. This is... this is my fault. If I’d realized sooner or paid more attention... You don’t have to join me. But I’m going to get help and I’m going to rescue Xavian, and all those trainers who are hurt because of me.....”
If I'd realized sooner or paid more attention.

May clenched her fists, swallowing the bad taste in her mouth. "Well, apparently Xavian didn't notice anything either, did he? Nobody noticed. Is Orzo that good of an actor or what?"

"We'll help," Spirit said. "Of course. Who else will you talk to?"


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Aggron Expression_SNARL.png
The transition to the other side of Clink's portal was instantaneous. Aggron kept all his momentum and skidded to an eventual stop, leaving deep gouges in the neon colored grass. He hunched low with one arm still tightly wrapped across Steven's midsection and snarled, ready to take on any foe that had followed or was waiting for them on the other side. But when all that greeted him was a warm breeze and fluttering clouds in a pink-hued sky, Aggron froze, momentarily confused, until a gentle pat on his arm caught his attention.

grimace_ill be fine.png
"Ah, I think we're safe," said Steven, slightly muffled from where he was pinned against his overprotective partner.

Aggron snorted in surprise and relinquished his hold, letting Steven get his feet back underneath himself. He gave an apologetic thump of his tail when Steven couldn't hide his wince well enough.

hehe whoops.png
"It's nothing," he reassured his partner as he pressed a hand against his side. "Just a bruise. You know I've had worse. Besides, it definitely would have been a lot worse if you hadn't done that."

Aggron rumbled something half-sarcastic, half-sincere, and Steven gave a quiet laugh, suddenly very aware of the post-adrenaline rush giddiness that made his legs feel like gelatin. He took a tentative step forward and finally got a look at their current surroundings.

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"Fascinating," was all Steven could muster, as the pair of them swept their gaze over the alien landscape. Unnaturally green grass, a permanent dawn-like sky, and mountains upon mountains of... were those keys? "Something tells me we're not on Kunolo Island anymore."

Though, the landscape wasn't totally empty. Trainers and their pokemon were scattered about the too-green meadow, and the reality of their situation came crashing back down. The floating sensation Steven had been feeling vanished and only left behind a jittery anxiousness and the hammering of his heart against his ribs. They weren't on Kunolo Island any more because they had to flee--

Odette! He turned to his left to see Enora tending to her wounds. Wes! He was flat on his back in the grass, blinking muzzily at the sky. Mitch, Violet, Laura, they were there as well. Jade, Seb, Wallace! Gods he was okay, well, as okay as he could be with Victoria curled protectively around him, but he was awake, and here and safe, and--

Steven went down the list in his head, the racing of his heart slowing with each name he saw. It seemed like every trainer from the Trousselin had made it.

But there was no room for relief as a small, tinkling voice spoke up over the murmurs and groans, and Steven realized with amazement that Clink was speaking. Speaking, and he could understand them.

“I’m sorry for dragging you all here but it was all I could think of. This is... this is my fault. If I’d realized sooner or paid more attention... You don’t have to join me. But I’m going to get help and I’m going to rescue Xavian, and all those trainers who are hurt because of me.....”
thinking face_angry.png
"Your fault?" Steven repeated, incredulous. "No, I don't think-- wait!"

Clink was already on the move, floating away from the group, and Steven frowned. Orzo had fooled all of them, and even if he hadn't, there wasn't much any of them could have done anyway. Not if that battle they'd just escaped was any indication. But it sounded like Clink had a plan of some kind, and after getting a glimpse into that portal of the trainers who had been taken, he would be damned if he didn't do everything in his power to get them back. Especially because it was his lie that sent them to the Maw, where everything went horribly, horribly wrong. If there was anyone to blame for what happened to Xavian...

Steven drew in a sharp breath, aware of how tightly he'd been clenching his fist. Aggron rumbled a low question, and Steven shook his head. No, there wasn't room for that kind of thinking. He needed to take some of his own advice he'd shared with Kimiko. What's done was done. Keep moving forward. He met Aggron's gaze and nodded, a determined look on his face. Aggron nodded back and followed Steven as he took off after Clink in a light jog.

They caught up to the little steel type just as Mitch's Mightyena padded up to Clink and gave a mournful whine. Aggron stopped at her side and looked down at her, then back at Clink. She was quiet, but he'd heard what she said.
"She's right, y'know." he chimed in before Clink could protest, fixing them with a steadfast glare. "You're not the maniac who's been disappearing people. Anything that bastard did he chose to do all on his own. That's not on you."

Aggron curled his tail around behind Mightyena in a show of solidarity. They weren't going to back down and let Clink bury themselves in misery. Not here, not now. Not with so much at stake. Mightyena might not be a steel type, but she sure as hell had the heart of one.

"Clink..." Steven began. "I'm sorry, too. About Xavian. About everyone." He'd watched as Xavian hurtled into that portal just the same. The wound of having your partner ripped away, the emptiness left in their absence, it still burned fresh in Steven's mind. It was something no person should have to endure.

But he'd seen Orzo's portal, he'd seen inside that portal. The missing trainers were there. His gaze fell to where Mightyena sat staring up at Clink. She and Mitch were here with them now. That alone was proof enough for him that the others could be rescued. Xavian could be rescued.

angry straight ahead.png
"Please, if there's anything we can do to help bring them back, tell us. You won't have to do this alone."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Mightyena came up behind Clink, stopping a respectful distance away. "It's not your fault," she said softly. "You realize that, don't you?"
"She's right, y'know." he chimed in before Clink could protest, fixing them with a steadfast glare. "You're not the maniac who's been disappearing people. Anything that bastard did he chose to do all on his own. That's not on you."
"Clink..." Steven began. "I'm sorry, too. About Xavian. About everyone." He'd watched as Xavian hurtled into that portal just the same. The wound of having your partner ripped away, the emptiness left in their absence, it still burned fresh in Steven's mind. It was something no person should have to endure.

Clink stared at the ground, still dazed, not responding for several moments. They carried themselves with a dejected air, head low. "I just... If I'd realized sooner..."

They turned slowly to Mightyena and Aggron. "I can't believe I didn't see it util it was too late. I helped. I wanted to do this festival I asked the mythical pokemon to come. How is that not my fault?" Distress rang in their voice. "What kind of gatekeeper am I? How could I be so blind?"

They shook themselves, and turned away. Better to focus on justice, not on how they'd failed...

Violet let out a chuckle at her friend's reaction as she took in her own account of the situation. True, there was much to process, but there was only one thing that had sat on her mind. "If Clink could hath performed this the entire time..." she began, before her volume increased to a confused shout, "...Then why in the gods' name did they not do this before?!"
Clink shrank away more at Violet's exclamation. Everything was all wrong.... "I couldn't," they muttered. "Even opening that portal, enough to bring everyone here, took everything. Nad perhaps it is for the best I did not," they added, pure bitterness in their tone. "I surely would have brought Orzo too, like a fool."

May clenched her fists, swallowing the bad taste in her mouth. "Well, apparently Xavian didn't notice anything either, did he? Nobody noticed. Is Orzo that good of an actor or what?"

"We'll help," Spirit said. "Of course. Who else will you talk to?"
"Please, if there's anything we can do to help bring them back, tell us. You won't have to do this alone."
Clink seemed to ignore May's question, though shame still showed in their body language. They looked up, searching gazes of the assembled trainers. "Thank you," they said quietly. "The other mythicals may not be able to help us right now, but there's one who might be able to help. Darkrai. He can help us ward off the mind games Orzo-" their voice wavered when they spoke his name, "the King likes to play. We need Darkrai if we're going to face him."

Clink glanced across the group again, then jingled in alarm. "Oh I'm terribly sorry... some of you seem hurt. Please have some of the berries on the trees, they'll help. They don't do much outside my realm but here they should help speed up your healing."


Chef Flygon nodded and immediately began picking a decent sized pile of berries for everyone. Once he'd set them down, he turned back to Klefki. "I for one, want some vengeance. That despicable creature destroyed my restaurant!" He made a fist with a claw and slammed it into his other claw.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Clink glanced across the group again, then jingled in alarm. "Oh I'm terribly sorry... some of you seem hurt. Please have some of the berries on the trees, they'll help. They don't do much outside my realm but here they should help speed up your healing."
Jack stood up and went to grab one of the berries. He pecked it lightly, taking a small bite. He took his time tasting it and its juices for a few seconds before he gulped. “Hm. Delicious.” He grabbed another one and tossed it towards Zack. “Here. Heal up.”

The Mega-Pidgeot caught the berry in his wing and gave it a big bite, letting the juices do all the work. “Aah, that’s the ticket.”

“Feeling better, guys?” Seb asked, smiling at his birds. “Well, you look like you’re doing better now. I’m glad.” He looked at the sky, a determined glare in his eyes. “We gotta prepare for a counterattack, after all.”


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"I just... If I'd realized sooner..."

They turned slowly to Mightyena and Aggron. "I can't believe I didn't see it util it was too late. I helped. I wanted to do this festival I asked the mythical pokemon to come. How is that not my fault?" Distress rang in their voice. "What kind of gatekeeper am I? How could I be so blind?"
Odette Deadpan.PNG
Odette parted her eyes in order to look in the direction of the distraught Klefki. Really. she should go around to make sure her other friends were okay, but she had such a headache. Though, of course, that didn't stop her from pushing herself up so she could chime in.

"Nastier ghosts will stop at nothing to fuck with you. Doesn't matter who you are. Surely something like the Golden King would have no issue manipulating what you see and even possessing you if needed. Gatekeeper or not, I wouldn't feel bad."

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"Truly, don't be so hard on yourself, dear," Enora said softly. "You meant well."
"The other mythicals may not be able to help us right now, but there's one who might be able to help. Darkrai. He can help us ward off the mind games Orzo-" their voice wavered when they spoke his name, "the King likes to play. We need Darkrai if we're going to face him."
Odette Thinking.PNG
Darkrai, huh...she supposed she never thought too much about it, but it was a little odd that Cresselia had been around, yet the rumored Pitch-Black Pokemon was not.

"Alright. Where are they, then? Any reason they weren't on the island to begin with"

Clink glanced across the group again, then jingled in alarm. "Oh I'm terribly sorry... some of you seem hurt. Please have some of the berries on the trees, they'll help. They don't do much outside my realm but here they should help speed up your healing."
Enora Thinking Frown.PNG
Enora perked up at the mentioning of berries, and turned her head to peer at a nearby tree. It was a taller one, but she'd bet that Odile wouldn't have an issue accessing it. The less of her own energy she needed to use right now, the better.

"Odile, do you think you can shake down that tree over there?" she asked, using her free paw to point at it.

Odile lifted her head off the grass to follow Enora's gesture, her beady eyes zeroing in on the luscious foliage and ripe fruit. She licked her lips and pushed herself up to stand.

"̵I̵i̴i̶i̵i̵i̴i̶i̵i̵i̵i̵i̸i̵ ̸t̶h̸i̷n̸k̵ ̶I̶ ̸c̸a̷n̵ ̷m̵a̷n̵a̶g̴e̴ ̵t̶h̷a̵t̶.̶"̵

She trudged over to the tree and stared at it for a while, as if trying to figure out the best way to knock the berries down. Truthfully, at the size she was at, she'd have no problem just uprooting the damn thing. But Clink probably wouldn't appreciate that.

So, she raised a wing and simply smacked it. Once. Twice. Three times. Berries hurdled to the ground, more and more falling with each subsequent smack. It was only after the third one that she realized she was being a tad loud--and Clink still might not appreciate the fact she was beating on one of their trees.

"̷S̷o̶r̶r̶r̶y̷y̴y̷y̴y̴y̶y̵y̸y̷,̵"̶ she said through clenched teeth, before sheepishly scooping up the berries into her wing and prancing back over to Odette and Enora, where she let the hundreds of them fall.

Odette Sus.PNG
Odette watched the berry avalanche before her with a blank expression. "A little overkill, don't you think?"

"̵O̵v̸e̴r̸k̸i̴l̶l̴?̶ ̷N̸o̶ ̷s̶u̷c̸h̵ ̷t̴h̵i̵n̷g̵,̵"̷ Odile snickered, flinging the last twenty or so berries she kept in her wing into her mouth.

Enora Thinking Frown.PNG
"Plenty to share," Enora said thoughtfully. She momentarily released her ribbon's hold on the cloth against Odette's head to fetch one of the fruits, which she brought back over and handed to her trainer.

"I suppose I'd eat the whole thing. It might be good to put something in your stomach either way."

Odette Neutral.PNG
Odette took it without much protest, and didn't wait too long to take a bite out of it. Tart, yet sour, but not to the point where she felt it burning away at her lips and tongue. As she chewed, she felt the throbbing in her cut lighten up.

"Mm, definitely works," she said after swallowing. She broke off another piece and handed it to Enora. But, she didn't need to bother. The Sylveon was already snacking on her own.

Chef Flygon nodded and immediately began picking a decent sized pile of berries for everyone. Once he'd set them down, he turned back to Klefki. "I for one, want some vengeance. That despicable creature destroyed my restaurant!" He made a fist with a claw and slammed it into his other claw.
Odile raised her wings in agreement.

"̸̯̤̖̝̙̫̏͑F̷̡̢̦̮̘͔̈́̕͝Ų̴̡͍̗̠̮͓͗͐Ĉ̵͍̮̘͇͉K̵̩̖̥͍̖̿̀̈͊̑̚ ̵͕̦̜̮͉̒̽̾͘Y̸͈͈̎͂͐̉̈́̒͊ͅͅȨ̴͍͙̜̒A̴͍͛̄̔̍̈́̓̈́H̸̨͓̖̜̻͚̪͑̀̂̆̔͝!̴̛͉̦͎͛͋̉́̀̾͜ ̸͚͖͋̄̈́͂̎S̶̝̹̲̫͉͍̥̿͊́̓̈́T̵̩̱̮̫̞̯̅̇̒͘ͅÍ̶̧̝̝̝̤̥͛̈́Ç̶̺͎͕̦̙̀̈́̃̉K̶̙̘͐̍͝ ̸̧̩̳̪̳̦̏̎͗̂̽͑Į̴̮̜͔̞́T̴̛͚͖̑̉̆͝ ̸̗̜̰͙̰̬̒T̷̡͎̠̰͊̈́͒͘ͅO̸̥̓͋͊̓͘͝ ̴̝̓͛̌̾̽̀̕T̸̨̥̬͈͉̯̆̍̑̕H̵̛̥̿͐̈́͝͠É̶̪͍̮̌ ̷̩̱̣̖͈̍̈́͐̍ͅḐ̷̯͖͇̘̯̎̀̕Ô̴̢̧̯̦͘Ũ̶̡͙̩͇̋̓́C̷̝̜̱͓͇̊̏͜H̴̪̙͖̦̜̩͊̔̏̇̉̚̕ͅE̷̳͇̞̤̘̳͗̋B̸̛̻̯͙̐͛̈́̍̅Ả̶̳̮̝͇̙̦̀̒͝G̶̱̰̏̉̈́̕S̸̼͙̅̋͛!̸̺̩̫̔̃͑͆ ̷̢̛̤̤͎̣̬͕̈́̈̿V̶̡͚͚̗̔̀̚̕E̷̟̫̦͔̅N̵̼̮͕͚̥͌̈̋́G̷̛̳͈̣̪̃̆̀̽̈́E̶̡̲͇̊͗́̂͘͜͝ͅA̶͎̖̩̅̌̓̅͌͝Ņ̶̠͚͇̮̣͌͑́͛͊͌C̷͌ͅE̷̢̹̱̞̹̓́!̷͇̲̤̯̀̓ ̶̛͓̠̘̪̯̅ͅA̴͍͠N̵̥̘͗̋̾À̶̺̓̽͐̓̎̔R̸͈̮̰͓̊͒̿͘C̸̬̓́̑̈H̵̳͇̝̃͐Ÿ̷͉̪͇̞̤̜́̈̓̃͐͠!̶̛͉̣̲̃͗͑̄̆ ̴̥̰͈̼͚̑̉̌̈́͜͝B̵͚̭͒̏͛̿͝͝L̴͓̙͚͍̟̾Ǒ̴̼̠̈́̊̀͌Ŏ̶̘͇̈́͋̎̚D̴̹̈́͐̓̓͑͋B̶̨̡͙͔̜̘̄̊͗̈́̕͝A̴̛̟̓̔T̸̢͙̘̹̮̻͕̽͂̅H̵̡̥̹̤̊̀̈́̅̎͠!̸̼̖̊͐"̸̺͔̪́̃̔͑͌͛̑ͅ

Odette Deadpan.PNG
"Grudge, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but not right now."

Odile slowly lowered her wings. "̴S̵o̵r̷r̷y̵y̴y̷y̸y̷y̵y̸.̴ ̷S̵t̴i̷l̷l̸,̷ ̷w̴e̶ ̷h̶a̸v̵e̸ ̴a̵ ̷g̴u̸n̵.̵ ̸A̴n̶d̴ ̵t̶h̷e̷ ̸b̴o̴t̷t̷l̸e̵.̴ ̴A̶n̴d̸ ̷I̸ ̸h̵a̵v̵e̴ ̶n̶o̷ ̵q̸u̴a̷l̷m̵s̵ ̸s̶n̴a̵c̶k̶i̸n̷g̶ ̷o̵n̸ ̵a̴ ̸H̵o̵o̵p̵a̵.̸"̶ She let her words hang, before realizing that there was another Hoopa present, and sent a sideways glance toward it. "̶N̸o̶t̸ ̴y̷o̷u̸,̸ ̶o̸f̷ ̵c̶o̶u̸r̸s̴e̷.̵"̶

Odette Thinking.PNG
Odette finished her current bite before she responded. "Not sure what a gun's going to do in the state this Golden Fuck is in right now. If we can weaken him? Sure, I'll take the shot and see what happens."

She'd never taken a shot at a ghost type before. She wondered how well that would end...

But, at the mention of the bottle, her hand dove into her backpack, and she pulled it out by the neck. After examining it for any signs of damage, she looked back over at Clink.

"Can this be useful in any way, or am I just lugging around useless glass right now? Your key opened the box this was in. What gives?”
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel managed to stick her landing. Her crest and tail changed from black to red, and after a moment of focusing, a cloud of steam rose of her. She was, if still raggedy-looking, at least now dry.

The same could not be said of Gladion, who was soggy, frustrated, and had crash-landed curled on his side. His hair, as wet and collapsed as the rest of him, draped over his eyes.

Gladion? I am hoping you are not hurt?”

He sat up and groaned to himself. He was uninjured save for some bruises, but he was sore nonetheless. He shoved some long clumps of hair out from in front of his eyes, feeling acutely aware that he probably looked like a-

-an drenched Altraia. Nothing else. There wasn’t time for shitty thoughts, and either way, chances were nobody was even looking at him, much less caring.

He shoved his hair back, burying it down the neck of his hoodie. Nothing to worry about. Other people probably had worse than bruised asses and egos. He reached-

He didn’t have his bag. He hadn’t brought it to Odette’s room. So he had no medical supplies. Not even his own meds. He grimaced.

Hey,” he called out, “Do we have any idea how long we’re going to be stuck here?”

Hazel stepped closer to him.

You are hearing me, correct? You do not seem hurt but I am wanting to be sure.

He drew her into a hug. She was still warm from the way she’d dried herself off earlier

“Sorry. I’m fine. Just got lost in thought.”

You are worrying. Please do not be, I will be making sure we are okay. I know you are wanting to be doing the same but you are not needing to be become stressed to do so.


  1. sableye
Instead of hitting the ground, Kimiko was caught in a blue aura upon emerging on the other side of Clink's portal, stopping her before she landed flat on her face; Olivia set her down gently on the brightly-colored grass. Kimiko quickly scrambled out of the way, as Odile was likely right behind her and she wasn't really in the mood to be squashed right now. A stray burst of dragonfire erupted from the portal, scorching the ground where she had just been. It was something of a miracle - or just a testament to Odile's strength - that no one seemed to have been seriously hurt by any other stray attacks from the portal.

It wasn't until Odile appeared and the portal closed that Kimiko took a deep breath. Lucy's quick thinking had saved her and Olivia from a nasty attack, but it had chilled her to the bone. Like everyone else, she'd been thoroughly soaked by the fire suppression system, and now she was coated in a thin layer of frost. All she could really do at the moment was wrap her arms around herself and shiver.

Thankfully, wherever Clink had brought them was relatively warm and comfortable, despite the tense atmosphere. The surroundings were calm and peaceful, but the trainers and pokemon dotting the landscape were anything but, despite their immediate appearance upon quick glance. Many of them had simply flopped down on their backs, but a few weren't having as much success processing what had just happened, what they'd all just survived. Wallace looked like a nervous wreck. Odile was still in dragon form, hunched protectively around Odette and Enora. Zack was even maintaining his mega evolution - further proof that she'd underestimated him in their battle, but impressive nonetheless.

The adrenaline rush began to wear off, only highlightling how cold she was. A stinging on her arms drew her attention and she looked downwards to see Olivia licking at her bloody cuts.

"I'm fine," she said gently, trying to wave her espeon away. Olivia wouldn't relent, however, until she added, "Stop that, it stings."

While Olivia instead flopped down next to her and set her head on her human's lap, Kimiko did a head count. As best she could recall, everyone who had been in the Dragon's Maw had made it here, too; Wes was lacking his partners, but he wasn't freaking out about it, so maybe he'd just recalled them. Then it occurred to her... everyone here was on the same ship. Even once they'd started to suspect Orzo, no one, as far as she knew, bothered to inform Victor, or Amara, or anyone from the other boat, and obvious there had been no time to do so once their suspicions were confirmed. There were still several trainers back on the island; the Salamence trainer, the Houndoom trainer, the Swampert trainer... all of them left to Orzo's mercy. Their group was safe here, sure... but Orzo still had plenty of Friendship Fuel at his disposal.

Somewhere behind her, she heard Clink started explaining, blaming themselves for their situation (and given how many talking pokemon she'd seen so far on this trip, suddenly being able to hear Clink's voice didn't even register to her as unusual). What was it she'd said to Steven back at the lounge? She'd be annoyed if Xavian turned out to be a better actor than she was? Well, she forgot to include Orzo in that, because she certainly wasn't happy about this turn of events. It sounded like May, Steven, and some other pokemon were already trying to calm Clink down anyway, so she left it alone.

A whole new worry crept up on her when Lucy hovered back into view, depositing a sizable pile of berries in front of her teammates. Kimiko simply stared at her for a moment, struggling to process this new development. "Lucy, how... what are you doing here?" was all she could choke out.

The froslass fixed her with a flat stare and crossed her arms. Her wailing reply was toned down in volume, but her meaning was clear. Protecting you, obviously.

"So that... presence in our room that Olivia's been picking up? That's been you this whole time?"

Lucy Gray bobbed in the air, her equivalent of an affirmative.

Kimiko wasn't sure how to respond to that. She hadn't really known Lucy Gray that long, but she'd gotten in the habit of saving her life. "Thanks," she managed to say. As she spoke, she realized her long hair was trailing wildly around her in the grass, and she began to run her fingers through it; she probably looked like a frozen cavewoman. Best to put it back up. "I guess I should be glad that - ow!"

She pulled her hand away quickly to find a new bleeding cut on her palm, a shard of glass sticking out of it. Apparently, her arms weren't the only injuries she'd gotten. She really was lucky none of those got into her face or eyes when she'd fallen...

While she set about attempting to find and remove any further glass shards, Lucy dropped a berry in her lap, the meaning clear. She supposed it couldn't hurt; it felt like years since she'd had breakfast with Mitch that morning. Almost immediately, the stinging in her arms dulled. They weren't even on the island anymore, and still there existed miracle cures here... why didn't they have anything like this back in her world?

Again Kimiko was distracted as a few others declared their intent to strike back at Orzo; even Olivia trilled in response, wanting to get in on the fight herself. So, they had to find Darkrai, did they? More importantly, Odette had a good point about Clink's key. The klefki had to have known about Orzo's prison bottle, right? Maybe Clink could tell them how to use it against their foe...


Whatever Mightyena and the klefki might be talking about over there, at least it didn't look like it was going to turn into a fight or nothing. Clink didn't sound any better, really, when it spoke up next, but it didn't sound worse. What it actually said, though... Darkrai? The one he'd seen crossed off the list on Xavian's computer. There had to be some kind of story there. Nate wondered--

Wait. He wondered how the fuck he was hearing anything the klefki was saying in the first fucking place. Nate glanced around nervously, looking for any sign that other people were finding this weird. Odette was already getting into the nitty gritty about Darkrai and the prison bottle, but she could talk to pokémon anyway, right? Was anyone else hearing this?

And if he could understand Clink, did that mean... but no, Wallace's milotic was going on in her usual melodic voice, which made exactly as much sense to Nate as usual, which was zero. The far-off rumble of Steven's aggron didn't sound any more like words than usual. It was just Clink, then. Nate tried to ignore his disappointment and went over to grab a fat orange berry from the pile the flygon chef had gathered. He wasn't hurt, but who knew how long they'd be here? No use going hungry.

The berry turned out to be pretty good, too. Sweet but kind of spicy somehow, too. Nate grabbed a few more for good measure.

Still munching idly on the berry, Nate wandered over to a pile of keys and ran his fingers over its surface, keys clinking and shifting beneath them. All kinds of keys. Big old black ones, like for big iron gates or like that, others as tiny as the one that had opened up the prison bottle's box, only about as big as a fingernail. Some twisty and magical-looking, most ordinary. Rusty old things and bright gleaming new. Were they all collected from other worlds, or were they made up, part of the world itself? Was this like some kind of huge wardrobe for Clink, like it would grab some of its fancy keys if it was going to some fancy dinner with the rich guy or some shit?

Nate listened to the Darkrai conversation with half an ear, looking down at the keys in front of him without really taking them in. What the hell were they going to do now? Just how the hell were they going to get out of this one?


Mightyena turned at the sound of approaching footsteps, but was hardly surprised to see that it was Steven and Aggron approaching. The big steel-type's tread was somewhat distinctive. She acknowledged them with a couple thumps of her tail and a nod at Aggron, but then her gaze went back to Clink.

"You feel what you feel," she said. Certainly she knew what it felt like to have failed someone you loved. And even if someone else told you it wasn't your fault... Well, sometimes it just was, no matter what anyone said. "But I still believe in you. And I don't blame you for anything. We wouldn't have found the other hoopa without you, and we all would have gotten taken just now if you hadn't been there for us. So... thank you. And please don't give up hope. We'll get your trainer back, all of us together."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Gen was curled up in a patch of grass, whimpering.

He'd almost died. He was right next to the Golden King, and his life was in extreme danger.

The shards of glass sticking out of him did little to ease his worries.

Coleane frowned as she plucked the glass out of her partner, wincing with each yelp he made.

She failed. She was no hero.
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