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Fourth Anniversary Drabble Bingo


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Finally, the writing is done! Knocked down enough for a bingo and am looking to knock down a few more!



Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
And that's bingo! Thanks so much for the prompts, Pano!!!


Johto trash.
Johto Region
  1. raichu
Illegal gambling ringRadio Tower ReduxPokemon poaching
Lake of RageHostage situationChasing the perp
Undercover investigationInterrogationPetty theft
Did all three prompts here! So bingo! It was so much fun, that I am gonna fill out the rest of them! >:D Writing about Lance and Silver is just awesome.


Emotional spelunker
Everywhere (but currently Michigan)
  1. dragonite
By the skin of my teeth: DONE!
I remember you had a Lance fic so: Johto and Kanto Gym Leader titles

"The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia""The Blessed User of Dragon Pokémon""The Poisonous Ninja Master"
"The Teacher of Winter's Harshness""The Steel-Clad Defense Girl""The Nature-Loving Princess"
"The Mystic Seer of the Future""His Roaring Fists Do the Talking""The Self-Proclaimed Strongest Trainer"


Altareon made by Bluwiikoon <3
  1. marowak-alola
  2. ho-oh

SelcouthVertigoSearch and Rescue
Safari ZoneInnocent BloodGood as Gold


WARNING: These drabbles contain MASSIVE SPOILERS for Danganronpa V3.

The friends he remembered, his parents, his uncle—none of them were there to greet him in the outside world, and his best detective work couldn’t unearth a single lead proving they existed. His only comfort was that the case which shattered his confidence hadn’t really happened.

What he felt and experienced during the killing game was real, but finding closure was another story. How could he hear Kaede’s piano or find Rantaro’s siblings when they weren’t real?

Not being able to realize the dreams of those who died was a crime in and of itself—one that could not be solved.
Shuichi lies alone on the grass, one arm outstretched toward the sky. The clouds part to offer him the moon, which remains hopelessly out of reach.

His fingers tremble as his late best friend’s voice rings in his ears.

The impossible is possible! All you gotta do is make it so!

Against all odds, Kaito fulfilled his dream of going to space. Against all odds, Shuichi survived long enough to unravel the killing game’s mysteries, escape, and find his footing in the outside world. And yet.

He covers his face to hide the sudden tears rolling down his cheekbones.

And yet—

Nothing, not even the power of fiction, can bring Kaito back.
Maki’s tired of Kaito and Shuichi’s pestering. But she’s even more tired of being a liar, so she recounts boring story after boring story for them.

Their vehement kindness surprises her. Why don’t they see her depravity? Does it matter if she unwillingly became an assassin? If she doesn’t enjoy killing? At the end of every day, her heart still beats while countless others’ never will again because of her.

It does matter, her friends argue. She matters.

…If they’re right, did I ever lie about my talent?

I may not like kids, but… I’d do anything for the orphanage.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
I completed my bingo card!! First column!


Here's the link with the first three prompts: https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/morsels-of-heartwarming-2023-drabble-bingo.1432/

Also, the summaries of the three entries:

1. When Creatures Became Pokémon [Skiddo, OC | K+ | Friendship | Kalos | 700+ words]

Humans and Pokémon aren't meant to interact, so a Skiddo finds herself in a tough spot when she finds a stranded human child.

2. A God's Duty [Arceus, Black Rayquaza | K | Friendship | Ransei | 1.700+ words]

After the battle of Ransei, Arceus and the Black Rayquaza discuss what it means to be gods and their relationships with mortals.

3. The Memories in the Rips [Silvally, Gladion | K+ | Friendship | Alola | 1.500 words]

Gladion doesn't want to change his attire and Silvally wants to know why.


Sloooowly writing...
  1. jfought-sword
  2. jfought-blue
  3. deerling-summer
  4. charmeleon
  5. vulpix
  6. monferno
  7. herdier-oscar
  8. swoobat-benigno
Codependency"...A Pokémon proposed to the others to always be ready to help humans..." - Sinnoh Region's MythologyLegendaries and Mortals
Hobbies TogetherLike Father, Like SonTogether Since Birth
CookingA Typical MorningMy Only Friend

Got a bingo, plus one extra! Drabbles can be found here!
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
Well, would you look at that. Actually did a thing!

Paldea, so hot right now.

Charcadet looks for their armorKilowattrel's cross-continental flightA chip off the 'ol Naclstack
The brave little PalafinDolliv beauty pageantScovillian has an argument with itself
A household for a MausholdRellor territorial disputeThe great Klawf migration

Posted here in this thread because it's about damn time I actually did something with all the other drabbles I've been working on. For convenience/not needing to sift through the other six unrelated drabbles, here they are directly:

"You'll love this place!" The realtor beamed at the Baxters. "Brand-new appliances, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors..."

"I do love vaulted ceilings," said Mrs. Baxter.

"I'm just glad we're leaving behind that gnawing in the walls," sighed Mx. Baxter.

"We'll take it!" they said.


"You'll love this place!" The pawmo beamed at the maushold. "No existing weaknesses in the walls, so it's a bit of a fixer-upper. But it's perfect for chewing your own custom renovations!"

"We do love a project," said one maus.

"I'm just glad it'll wear the kids' teeth down," sighed the other.

"We'll take it!" they said.

Charlos sat by the academy's armor displays, helmet flickering in thought. Mela was coming back to school. He'd missed her terribly, but...

The night-dark armor had whispered after Mela's visits, when she'd been grinning fiercely but her inner fire guttered low: Mela smiles, but they're hurting her. She wants to fight, and you can help her. Take me with you. We can hurt them first.

But now, she'd said, she wasn't gonna fight. Now she had to be brave. Mela didn't need angry, devouring fire. She needed warmth, steady and strong.

Charlos's helmet flared, and he touched the golden armor.

Palafin was the hero: when her teammates struggled, she'd soar out to crush the enemy beneath her fists. With her friends there to help her change, no foe was too fearsome.

Now, alone before the metal monster that'd lanced them all with lightning? Nowhere to change, no chance to win. No fists; just tiny, trembling fins. No soaring; just cowering behind her fallen friends. No hero; just... her.

The monster lurched foward, its sparking claws grasping for Cyclizar. Brave Cyclizar, who'd fought so hard without even changing...

Maybe she could, too.

Palafin kicked off and charged to meet the beast.

Thank you so much for the prompts, Pano! It was good to have some solid nudges to knock a little of the rust off.


A meadow in Hoenn, meditating
Went for prompts that could be interpreted as romantic or platonic (or queerplatonic)

Wish you were hereMaking mistakesYou learn something new every day
"I'm scared..."Cuddling"Let's take a walk..."
LaughterLittle quirksSick day

Platonic cuddles gang

Note that these entries aren’t actually Pokémon-related, haha, but rather involve original characters that I created as part of an as-of-yet unestablished universe. Said characters are a magical girl named Nadine and her friends. Each piece stands on their own without that knowledge, however. For convenience’s sake, I’ll just go ahead and post all of my entries right here!

“All of it!? The entire album!?”

“We told you, Tsuchiya-san; we’re looking to avoid the sophomore slump. I know you kids like to experiment and all, but we’re looking for something a bit more… safe, you know?”

She could barely look her bosses in the eyes, as they all bore straight into hers.

“But I-I… e-everything I did, I-I…”

“Is there a problem, Tsuchiya-san?”


Hell yeah, there’s a problem!


A certain tiny redhead just made her way into the room, shocking everyone.

“Hi, Kana-chan!” Natsu-chan greeted, as if they had just met in the middle of a classroom, not a boardroom. “I’m here to support you!”

“T-That’s, um, great, Natsu-chan, but—”

Kana-chan was ignored, just as Natsu-chan turned to the bosses.

“How dare you reject anything from Kana-chan!? Everything that she does is awesome! What do you old geezers know about good music anyway?”

“N-Natsu-chan…” Kana-chan couldn’t help but blush. The bosses, meanwhile, were speechless.

“She worked so hard on that album, you know! If you don’t let her release it, then I’ll… I’ll—”



She blinked, before swerving to her side. Natsu-chan was no longer there.


“U-Um, yes! I’ll do that. T-Thank you…”

She then took a hasty bow, before heading towards the exit without another word.

Prompt: “Wish you were here


She never thought she’d ever not want to hear Haruka’s voice.

Nadine, where are you!? Are you hurt!?

A slow, pained moan answered Haruka, one that she couldn’t hear. Not down here in this dark, miserable place, where Nadine ended up after fighting that… whatever it was…

Nadine, please answer me! Are you alright!?


The gaping, bleeding wound on the left side of her torso accentuated the point.

Stupid thing. Some magical girl I am…


Haruka’s voice was quiet now, but no less clear to Nadine. It almost made her sound louder…

N-Nadine… p-please don’t be…

Nadine was unsure if it was Haruka’s cries or her own that she could hear clearer now. She couldn’t take much more of this…

What the hell is wrong with me!?

Raising a hand to wipe away her tears, she then came across a certain dark, long line on the side of her arm, long since scarred. And then she remembered…

There; good as new! Doesn’t that feel so much better?

It was her own cries that she heard clearer now, no doubt.

It does. I’m so sorry, Haruka…

Nadine then closed her eyes and took a deep breath.


Prompt: “Making mistakes

Step 8. To solidify the strength of your relationships, call your friends by their first name.

The book slammed shut between Kumatani-san’s fingers, revealing its title: How to Succeed at Friendships.

“Finally, the good part!” she said with a grin. “Aren’t you excited, Haruka-san?”

The sullen look on Haruka-san’s face very quickly answered that question for her.

“Still nervous, huh? C’mon, we’ve gotten halfway through the book already! You’ve got this!”

“I got lucky…” Haruka-san said to the floor, rather than Kumatani-san next to her. “And you were always there, so…”

“Nah, that was all you!” Kumatani-san smiled back at her. “And remember Advice Column #30,” — she quickly shuffled to said column in the book — “If someone can’t accept you at their worst, then they probably won’t appreciate you at your best.

“I know that, but… I-I’m just afraid they’ll think that I’m this really cool girl when I’m really just a shy, awkward loser who can’t even talk to people without—”



“I never, ever want to hear you say that again!” came Kumatani-san’s sharp reply. “You are not a loser!”

“B-But I—”

“Promise me!”

Haruka-san seemed almost struck silent by it all, before she finally found the words to speak.

“OK, N-Natsumi… o-oh no, I meant Kumatani-san! I-I’m sor—”


She felt Kumatani-san’s hand touch hers; a light, gentle touch.

“We’ve been real buddies all along, right? Just Natsumi. Or Natsu-chan! Please.”

Another pause… and then a smile, ever-so-slight.

“Thank you… Natsumi.”

And in response, an even bigger smile from Natsumi.

“Go out there and kill it… Haruka-chan.”

Prompt: “You learn something new every day
Note: This piece was inspired by Episode 4 of Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure, where one of the main characters reads a similar book with similar advice.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
There's still time left to join these, right? Hmmm I have three prompts I'm equally torn between: Hoenn, Johnto, or Evil Teams. Whichever one is easiest to make a bingo card out of!

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Catch me collapsing on the floor, but I got my bingo:

That's my downwards diagonal, Gengar-Zangoose/Seviper-Azurill

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
All power corruptsPassing downNew leader
More than one leaderLet the people leadPower reveals
Choosing a leaderA lesson taught, a lesson learnedDifferent types of leaders

I've just published mine (right-hand column bingo) in this thread.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Aight, here we go! Got my bingo in!

The UnderLullabyPhoenix
Snag MachinesNight in the DesertHyperthermia
Gateon PortSandstormDust

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck

Sky PillarAbandoned ShipMeteor Falls
Sealed AwayTrick HouseHideout on the Coast of Lilycove
TraitorWhen Teams ClashDesert Ruins


House of Two Midnights
Wow, loads of bingos to announce this post! Since I last updated, we've had more than fifteen new winners, including Spiteful Murkrow, Seren, ShiniGojira, MintyMimix, FauxFox, Sinderella, Inkedust, Railgun, Sastrei, seatherny, Cresselia92, JFought, Torchic W. Pip, InfiniteBakuphoon, Shiny Phantump, Phoenixsong, Venia Silente, HelloYellow17, lisianthus, and Starlight Aurate!

All in all we had twenty-nine bingos this year, which is absolutely astounding! Fantastic work, everyone! You can head on over to the main anniversary thread to claim your companion.

Of course, you're welcome to keep working on your prompts for as long as you like and post that you've filled them here once you do so. You just won't be able to get a companion for them. Thanks for playing, everybody, and an additional heartfelt thanks to Torchic and Pano for helping with the prompts!
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