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Fourth Anniversary Drabble Bingo


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
I'm a little torn about what bingo theme to go with, I'm feeling in the mood for something along the lines of friends, families, and romantic pairs having a good time and fucking around with each other. But I also think I'm down for some blood type world-building and might want something a little more sinister and occult-y. Whatever vibes the most with you!


Emotional spelunker
Everywhere (but currently Michigan)
  1. dragonite
Oh this is a fun idea. Hmm. You know, I was gonna give a prompt but considering this is my first one, I'll just say anything. :veelove: Thank you!


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Well! I might as well give this a shot. :3

Gimme the most fluffy, heartwarming, WAFFy prompts you can give. It can be anything — game, anime, manga, whatever. Only restriction is Pokémon-related. :3

Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
Hmmm I'm actually unsure if I'm feeling good creative enough for this but still want to try because it looks fun.
So!!! Uuuuh bingo card, how about leadership / ruling as a prompt?


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Might I request a card about PMD Adventure Squad? Been doing a lot of worldbuilding for it lately.
It was fun learning about a new game to come up with these prompts!

Team Light's dubious missionA volcano village paradiseTeam Stormy's trip to the meadow
A seaside beach townCookies for everyone!A forested garden hideaway
Team Blazing's newest memberTeamwork stack attack!Slowking's day off

Hmm, this seems fun! I would love a crime related theme bingo card. Would love to get some plot bunnies involving Lance and Silver investigating/fighting crime. As a little side project for fun.
Some crime-y prompts for the Dynamic Duo!

Illegal gambling ringRadio Tower ReduxPokemon poaching
Lake of RageHostage situationChasing the perp
Undercover investigationInterrogationPetty theft

I'd like to request a bingo please, I'm indecisive at the moment but maybe a couple prompts about legendary or mythical pokemon, or unusual environments/weather? Or just go ham on whatever tickles your fancy, I kind of want to be surprised! Many thanks in advance
Some unusual environments for some mysterious pokemon, perhaps??

Jungle cenoteFog on the moorsSunny day rainstorm
ThundersnowHeat mirageUnderground river
Total solar eclipseAurora borealisMeteor shower

I'm a little torn about what bingo theme to go with, I'm feeling in the mood for something along the lines of friends, families, and romantic pairs having a good time and fucking around with each other. But I also think I'm down for some blood type world-building and might want something a little more sinister and occult-y. Whatever vibes the most with you!
Family and friends always deserve to have a good time!

Board game nightLazy summer dayTrip to the amusement park
Ordering at the drive thruRainy day cuddlesPrank war
Nerf gun fightWinter holiday festivitiesCandlelit dinner


A meadow in Hoenn, meditating
Well, here’s something that I think I can jump into here! I’ll go ahead request a card, with my preferred theme being:
Friendship and/or(?) Romance (not necessarily in that order, haha). Probably more so the former than the latter, honestly, but I can certainly be adventurous and try both!


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
i am signing up for this against my better judgement... changing track from the last couple years, could i request a card based on unusual perspectives? thanks so much to the volunteers filling out the cards!


All shall be well
  1. arceus-beta
  2. arceus
  3. arceus-shiny
Hi hi, I'm looking for something specific this year, something that would work for the Tao Trio with some broken family flavors.


House of Two Midnights
Here's my first batch. As you can see, Torchic and Pano are also helping out with cards this year. Huge thanks to both of them!

@Torchic W. Pip

BondsShared HolidaysFledging
Family DinnerArt for the FridgeSwimming Lessons
It Takes a VillageSibling ScufflesNesting


Self-SacrificeCapturedOn the Edge
Bump in the NightBedside VigilInsomnia
Shared NightmaresPainful HopeToo Late

@Spiteful Murkrow

Scale and FangGyaradosOutrage
Dragon's DenProud LineageScraggy


Seaside HollowElder'sStoriesChien-Pao
Galarian MoltresNothing Lasts ForeverWishing Stone
The Light that Burns the SkySoul DewRuins of Remembrance


Four Legs Good, Two Legs BadApex BuildFavorite Sandwich
Two WorldsCaught in the MiddleShaky Balance
Foreign SensationParadox PerspectiveIron Serpent


SelcouthVertigoSearch and Rescue
Safari ZoneInnocent BloodGood as Gold


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Hello! I like to request for some wholesome slice of life themes, please.
  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10
The smart money's decidedly on me not having the time/energy to actually write anything even drabble-length and just scrambling to get in reviews that I also barely have time/energy for instead, but eh, no one ever accused me of being good at gambling.

Not sure exactly which of these I want to do, so I'll let you pick: either Ancient Egypt, or nine different Generation 9 pokémon doing whatever (not including wooper/tauros or the DLCmon; anything that has a known Gen 9 national pokédex number from 906–1010, basically). I would prefer not to combine the two prompt lists since they're intended to help me get a move on with two entirely different projects, so just pick whichever option you think you'd have more fun coming up with prompts for! Thank you!

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
ok because I have absolute brainrot about the ending of SV can I get some prompts about Sada, Turo, and
their AIs? ....especially their AIs?


the stars
  1. altaria
if possible, could i request torchic to give me one? he knows my stuff best.. but i'd like some prompts for some (wallace) mikuri + lucia (+ eunsong (winona)) times? not really picky, but i want to explore their dynamic more especially in preparation for my current fic!

RJR Basimilus

Arceus is nice I suppose...
the Lovely Planet
  1. arceus-fighting
  2. lurantis
  3. arceus-poison
  4. haxorus
All done for me!
Thanks again to everyone for hosting and logistics!


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Hello! I like to request for some wholesome slice of life themes, please.
This is giving me the warm fuzzies!

Surprise birthday partyPicnic lunchA walk in the woods
Sleeping inMaking a meal togetherMovie night
Berry pickingSomebody's got a splinterBlanket fort/treehouse

The smart money's decidedly on me not having the time/energy to actually write anything even drabble-length and just scrambling to get in reviews that I also barely have time/energy for instead, but eh, no one ever accused me of being good at gambling.

Not sure exactly which of these I want to do, so I'll let you pick: either Ancient Egypt, or nine different Generation 9 pokémon doing whatever (not including wooper/tauros or the DLCmon; anything that has a known Gen 9 national pokédex number from 906–1010, basically). I would prefer not to combine the two prompt lists since they're intended to help me get a move on with two entirely different projects, so just pick whichever option you think you'd have more fun coming up with prompts for! Thank you!
Paldea, so hot right now.

Charcadet looks for their armorKilowattrel's cross-continental flightA chip off the 'ol Naclstack
The brave little PalafinDolliv beauty pageantScovillian has an argument with itself
A household for a MausholdRellor territorial disputeThe great Klawf migration

ok because I have absolute brainrot about the ending of SV can I get some prompts about Sada, Turo, and
their AIs? ....especially their AIs?
I'm just going to spoiler the whole table juuuuust in case...

The second meMemories in memoryWhat is left behind
Temptation of the unknownDescent into obsessionCrystal paradise, crystal prison
Accessing file folder -> human emotions -> parental loveThe spouse that leftDoes a hug from a robot feel warm?


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
welp, doing this year’s drabble bingo is probably the kick in the face I need to finish last year’s bingo :mewlulz:

no real preference for theming, besides that I ask that anything relating to the mainline canon (items, trainers, events, etc.) not be included, please!

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
I'm just going to spoiler the whole table juuuuust in case...

The second meMemories in memoryWhat is left behind
Temptation of the unknownDescent into obsessionCrystal paradise, crystal prison
Accessing file folder -> human emotions -> parental loveThe spouse that leftDoes a hug from a robot feel warm?
Did one for
"what is left behind"
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